Пример #1
static inline void filter(float *x, float *y)
	static float px=0, py=0;
	static float dx=0, dy=0;
Пример #2
//' Generate Autoregressive Order P - Moving Average Order Q (ARMA(P,Q)) Model
//' Generate an ARMA(P,Q) process with supplied vector of Autoregressive Coefficients (\eqn{\phi}), Moving Average Coefficients (\eqn{\theta}), and \eqn{\sigma^2}.
//' @param N       An \code{integer} for signal length.
//' @param ar      A \code{vec} that contains the AR coefficients.
//' @param ma      A \code{vec} that contains the MA coefficients.
//' @param sigma2  A \code{double} that contains process variance.
//' @param n_start An \code{unsigned int} that indicates the amount of observations to be used for the burn in period. 
//' @return A \code{vec} that contains the generated observations.
//' @details 
//' The innovations are generated from a normal distribution.
//' The \eqn{\sigma^2} parameter is indeed a variance parameter. 
//' This differs from R's use of the standard deviation, \eqn{\sigma}.
//' For AR(1), MA(1), and ARMA(1,1) please use their functions if speed is important.
//' @backref src/gen_process.cpp
//' @backref src/gen_process.h
//' @keywords internal
//' @examples
//' gen_arma(10, c(.3,.5), c(.1), 1, 0)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec gen_arma(const unsigned int N,
                   const arma::vec& ar, const arma::vec& ma,
                   const double sigma2 = 1.5, 
                   unsigned int n_start = 0){
  // P = AR1 coefs, Q = MA coefs
  unsigned int p = ar.n_elem, q = ma.n_elem;

  // Need to append 1 to vectors.
  arma::vec one = arma::ones<arma::vec>(1);
  // What is the minimum root?
  double min_root = 1;
  // SD
  double sd = sqrt(sigma2);
  // Innovation save
  arma::vec innov(N);
  // Start Innovation
  arma::vec start_innov;
  // Store data
  arma::vec x;
  // Loop counter
  unsigned int i;
  // AR terms present? 
  if(p != 0){
    // Obtain the smallest root of the AR coefs.
    min_root = minroot(arma::conv_to<arma::cx_vec>::from(
                                      arma::join_cols(one, -ar)
    // Check to see if the smallest root is not invertible (e.g. in unit circle)
    if(min_root <= 1){
      throw std::runtime_error("Supplied model's AR component is NOT invertible!");
  // Determine starting values
  if(n_start == 0){
    n_start = p + q + ( p > 0 ? ceil(6/log(min_root)) : 0 );
  if(n_start < p + q){
    throw std::runtime_error("burn-in 'n.start' must be as long as 'ar + ma'");
  // Generate Innovations
  for(i = 0; i < N; i++){
    innov(i) = R::rnorm(0,sd);
  // Generate Starting Innovations
  start_innov = arma::vec(n_start);
  for(i = 0; i < n_start; i++){
    start_innov(i) = R::rnorm(0,sd);
  // Combine
  x = join_cols(start_innov, innov);
  // Handle the MA part of ARMA
  if(q > 0){
    // Apply a convolution filter 
    // data, filter, sides, circular
    x = cfilter(x, join_cols(one,ma), 1, false);
    x.rows(0, q-1).fill(0);
  // Handle the AR part of ARMA
  if(p > 0){
    // Apply recursive filter
    // data, filter, init value 
    // see comment in rfilter docs for init values (different than normal R)
    x = rfilter(x, ar, arma::zeros<arma::vec>(p));
  // Remove starting innovations
  if(n_start > 0){
    // need -1 for C++ oob error 
    x = x.rows(n_start, x.n_elem - 1);
  return x;
Пример #3
constexpr cpu_t newer(cpu_t x) { return static_cast<cpu_t>(static_cast<int>(x) + 1); }

#ifdef CMT_ARCH_X86
constexpr auto cpu_list = cvals_t<cpu_t, cpu_t::avx512, cpu_t::avx2, cpu_t::avx1, cpu_t::sse41, cpu_t::ssse3,
                                  cpu_t::sse3, cpu_t::sse2>();
constexpr auto cpu_list = cvals<cpu_t, cpu_t::neon>;
} // namespace internal

template <cpu_t cpu>
using cpuval_t = cval_t<cpu_t, cpu>;
template <cpu_t cpu>
constexpr auto cpuval = cpuval_t<cpu>{};

constexpr auto cpu_all = cfilter(internal::cpu_list, internal::cpu_list >= cpuval_t<cpu_t::native>());

/// @brief Returns name of the cpu instruction set
CMT_UNUSED static const char* cpu_name(cpu_t set)
#ifdef CMT_ARCH_X86
    static const char* names[] = { "common", "sse2", "sse3", "ssse3", "sse41",
                                   "sse42",  "avx1", "avx2", "avx512" };
    static const char* names[] = { "common", "neon", "neon64" };
    if (set >= cpu_t::lowest && set <= cpu_t::highest)
        return names[static_cast<size_t>(set)];
    return "-";