static void msg1_execute(void) { msg_t msg; /* * Testing the whole messages loop. */ threads[0] = chThdCreateStatic(wa[0], WA_SIZE, chThdGetPriority() + 1, thread, chThdSelf()); chMsgRelease(msg = chMsgWait()); test_emit_token(msg); chMsgRelease(msg = chMsgWait()); test_emit_token(msg); chMsgRelease(msg = chMsgWait()); test_emit_token(msg); test_assert_sequence(1, "ABC"); /* * Testing message fetch using chMsgGet(). * Note, the following is valid because the sender has higher priority than * the receiver. */ msg = chMsgGet(); test_assert(1, msg != 0, "no message"); chMsgRelease(0); test_assert(2, msg == 'D', "wrong message"); /* * Must not have pending messages. */ msg = chMsgGet(); test_assert(3, msg == 0, "unknown message"); }
static void test_006_001_execute(void) { thread_t *tp; msg_t msg; /* [6.1.1] Starting the messenger thread.*/ test_set_step(1); { threads[0] = chThdCreateStatic(wa[0], WA_SIZE, chThdGetPriorityX() + 1, msg_thread1, chThdGetSelfX()); } /* [6.1.2] Waiting for four messages then testing the receive order.*/ test_set_step(2); { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tp = chMsgWait(); msg = chMsgGet(tp); chMsgRelease(tp, msg); test_emit_token(msg); } test_wait_threads(); test_assert_sequence("ABCD", "invalid sequence"); } }
THD_FUNCTION( sd_logger, p ) { (void) p; struct sdlog_stru * plog; FIL file; UINT nb; BYTE mode; chRegSetThreadName( "sd_logger" ); while( true ) { thread_t * tp = chMsgWait(); plog = (struct sdlog_stru *) chMsgGet( tp ); DEBUG_PRINT( "Write to file %s\r\n%s\r\n", plog->file, plog->line ); mode = FA_WRITE | ( plog->append ? FA_OPEN_ALWAYS : FA_CREATE_ALWAYS ); if( f_open( & file, plog->file, mode ) == FR_OK ) { if( plog->append ) f_lseek( & file, f_size( & file )); f_write( & file, plog->line, strlen( plog->line ), (UINT *) & nb ); f_close( & file ); } chMsgRelease( tp, MSG_OK ); } }
static msg_t thread1(void *p) { msg_t msg; (void)p; do { chMsgRelease(msg = chMsgWait()); } while (msg); return 0; }
/* * Console print server done using synchronous messages. This makes the access * to the C printf() thread safe and the print operation atomic among threads. * In this example the message is the zero termitated string itself. */ static msg_t console_thread(void *arg) { (void)arg; while (!chThdShouldTerminate()) { puts((char *)chMsgWait()); fflush(stdout); chMsgRelease(RDY_OK); } return 0; }
/* * Console print server done using synchronous messages. This makes the access * to the C printf() thread safe and the print operation atomic among threads. * In this example the message is the zero terminated string itself. */ static THD_FUNCTION(console_thread, arg) { (void)arg; while (!chThdShouldTerminateX()) { thread_t *tp = chMsgWait(); puts((char *)chMsgGet(tp)); fflush(stdout); chMsgRelease(tp, MSG_OK); } }
/* * Console print server done using synchronous messages. This makes the access * to the C printf() thread safe and the print operation atomic among threads. * In this example the message is the zero terminated string itself. */ static msg_t console_thread(void *arg) { (void)arg; while (!chThdShouldTerminateX()) { thread_t *tp = chMsgWait(); puts((char *)chMsgGet(tp)); fflush(stdout); chMsgRelease(tp, MSG_OK); } return 0; }
static msg_t thread1(void *p) { Thread *tp; msg_t msg; (void)p; do { tp = chMsgWait(); msg = chMsgGet(tp); chMsgRelease(tp, msg); } while (msg); return 0; }
static void msg1_execute(void) { thread_t *tp; msg_t msg; /* * Testing the whole messages loop. */ threads[0] = chThdCreateStatic(wa[0], WA_SIZE, chThdGetPriorityX() + 1, thread, chThdGetSelfX()); tp = chMsgWait(); msg = chMsgGet(tp); chMsgRelease(tp, msg); test_emit_token(msg); tp = chMsgWait(); msg = chMsgGet(tp); chMsgRelease(tp, msg); test_emit_token(msg); tp = chMsgWait(); msg = chMsgGet(tp); chMsgRelease(tp, msg); test_emit_token(msg); test_assert_sequence(1, "ABC"); }
static THD_FUNCTION(Thread1, arg) { (void)arg; chRegSetThreadName("blinker"); while (true) { /* Waiting for a queued message then retrieving it.*/ thread_t *tp = chMsgWait(); msg_t msg = chMsgGet(tp); /* Processing the message.*/ if(msg == (msg_t)"ON") palSetPad(GPIOA, GPIOA_LED_GREEN); else if (msg == (msg_t)"OFF") palClearPad(GPIOA, GPIOA_LED_GREEN); /* Sending back an acknowledge.*/ chMsgRelease(tp, MSG_OK); } }
ThreadReference BaseThread::waitMessage(void) { ThreadReference tr(chMsgWait()); return tr; }
Thread *BaseThread::WaitMessage(void) { return chMsgWait(); }
static msg_t ThreadFatFSWorker(void *arg) { (void)arg; Thread* p; chRegSetThreadName("fatfsWorker"); while (!chThdShouldTerminate()) { /* Wait for msg with work to do. */ p = chMsgWait(); struct wrapper_msg_base* msg = (struct wrapper_msg_base*) chMsgGet(p); msg->result = FR_INVALID_PARAMETER; switch(msg->action) { case eTERMINATE: { break; } #if HAS_MOUNT case eFMOUNT: { const struct wrapper_msg_vBYTEpFATFS* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_vBYTEpFATFS*) msg; msg->result = f_mount(exmsg->byte, exmsg->fatfsp); break; } #endif /* HAS_MOUNT */ #if HAS_OPEN case eFOPEN: { const struct wrapper_msg_pFILpTCHARvBYTE* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pFILpTCHARvBYTE*) msg; msg->result = f_open(exmsg->filep, exmsg->string, exmsg->byte); break; } #endif /* HAS_OPEN */ #if HAS_READ case eFREAD: { const struct wrapper_msg_pFILpVOIDvUINTpUINT* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pFILpVOIDvUINTpUINT*) msg; msg->result = f_read(exmsg->filep, exmsg->voidp, exmsg->uint, exmsg->uintp); break; } #endif /* HAS_READ */ #if HAS_WRITE case eFWRITE: { const struct wrapper_msg_pFILpVOIDvUINTpUINT* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pFILpVOIDvUINTpUINT*) msg; msg->result = f_write(exmsg->filep, exmsg->voidp, exmsg->uint, exmsg->uintp); break; } #endif /* HAD_WRITE */ #if HAS_SYNC case eFSYNC: { const struct wrapper_msg_pFIL* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pFIL*) msg; msg->result = f_sync(exmsg->filep); break; } #endif /* HAS_SYNC */ #if HAS_CHDRIVE case eFCHDRIVE: { const struct wrapper_msg_vBYTE* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_vBYTE*) msg; msg->result = f_chdrive(exmsg->byte); break; } #endif #if HAS_CHDIR case eFCHDIR: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHAR* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHAR*) msg; msg->result = f_chdir(exmsg->string); break; } #endif /* HAS_CHDIR */ #if HAS_GETCWD case eFGETCWD: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARvUINT* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARvUINT*) msg; msg->result = f_getcwd(exmsg->string, exmsg->uint); break; } #endif #if HAS_LSEEK case eFLSEEK: { const struct wrapper_msg_pFILvDWORD* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pFILvDWORD*) msg; msg->result = f_lseek(exmsg->filep, exmsg->dword); break; } #endif /* HAS_LSEEK */ #if HAS_CLOSE case eFCLOSE: { const struct wrapper_msg_pFIL* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pFIL*) msg; msg->result = f_close(exmsg->filep); break; } #endif /* HAS_CLOSE */ #if HAS_OPENDIR case eFOPENDIR: { const struct wrapper_msg_pDIRpTCHAR* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pDIRpTCHAR*) msg; msg->result = f_opendir(exmsg->dirp, exmsg->string); break; } #endif /* HAD_OPENDIR */ #if HAS_READDIR case eFREADDIR: { const struct wrapper_msg_pDIRpFILINFO* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pDIRpFILINFO*) msg; msg->result = f_readdir(exmsg->dirp, exmsg->filinfop); break; } #endif /* HAS_READDIR */ #if HAS_STAT case eFSTAT: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpFILINFO* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpFILINFO*) msg; msg->result = f_stat(exmsg->string, exmsg->filinfop); break; } #endif /* HAS_STAT */ #if HAS_GETFREE case eFGETFREE: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpDWORDppFATFS* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpDWORDppFATFS*) msg; msg->result = f_getfree(exmsg->string, exmsg->dwordp, exmsg->fatfspp); break; } #endif /* HAS_GETFREE */ #if HAS_TRUNCATE case eFTRUNCATE: { const struct wrapper_msg_pFIL* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pFIL*) msg; msg->result = f_truncate(exmsg->filep); break; } #endif /* HAS_TRUNCATE */ #if HAS_UNLINK case eFUNLINK: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHAR* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHAR*) msg; msg->result = f_unlink(exmsg->string); break; } #endif /* HAS_UNLINK */ #if HAS_MKDIR case eFMKDIR: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHAR* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHAR*) msg; msg->result = f_mkdir(exmsg->string); break; } #endif /* HAS_MKDIR */ #if HAS_CHMOD case eFCHMOD: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARvBYTEvBYTE* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARvBYTEvBYTE*) msg; msg->result = f_chmod(exmsg->string, exmsg->byte1, exmsg->byte2); break; } #endif /* HAS_CHMOD */ #if HAS_UTIME case eFUTIME: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpFILINFO* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpFILINFO*) msg; msg->result = f_utime(exmsg->string, exmsg->filinfop); break; } #endif /* HAD_UTIME */ #if HAS_RENAME case eFRENAME: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpTCHAR* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpTCHAR*) msg; msg->result = f_rename(exmsg->string1, exmsg->string2); break; } #endif /* HAS_RENAME */ #if HAS_MKFS case eFMKFS: { const struct wrapper_msg_vBYTEvBYTEvUINT* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_vBYTEvBYTEvUINT*) msg; msg->result = f_mkfs(exmsg->byte1, exmsg->byte2, exmsg->uint); break; } #endif /* HAS_MKFS */ #if HAS_FDISK case eFFDISK: { const struct wrapper_msg_vBYTEpDWORDpVOID* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_vBYTEpDWORDpVOID*) msg; msg->result = f_fdisk(exmsg->byte, exmsg->dwordp, exmsg->voidp); break; } #endif /* HAS_FDISK */ #if HAS_GETS case eFGETS: { struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARvINTpFILpTCHAR* exmsg = \ (struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARvINTpFILpTCHAR*) msg; exmsg->string2 = f_gets(exmsg->string, exmsg->n, exmsg->filep); break; } #endif /* HAS_GETS */ #if HAS_PUTC case eFPUTC: { const struct wrapper_msg_vTCHARpFIL* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_vTCHARpFIL*) msg; msg->result = f_putc(exmsg->tchar, exmsg->filep); break; } #endif /* HAS_PUTC */ #if HAS_PUTS case eFPUTS: { const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpFIL* exmsg = \ (const struct wrapper_msg_pTCHARpFIL*) msg; msg->result = f_puts(exmsg->string, exmsg->filep); break; } #endif /* HAS_PUTS */ } /* Done, release msg again. */ chMsgRelease(p, 0); } return 0; }