Пример #1
 * \fn msiSendMail(msParam_t* xtoAddr, msParam_t* xsubjectLine, msParam_t* xbody, ruleExecInfo_t *rei)
 * \brief Sends email
 * \module core
 * \since pre-2.1
 * \author  Arcot Rajasekar
 * \date    2008-05
 * \note   This microservice sends e-mail using the mail command in the unix system. No attachments are supported. The sender of the e-mail is the unix user-id running the irodsServer.
 * \usage See clients/icommands/test/rules3.0/
 * \param[in] xtoAddr - a msParam of type STR_MS_T which is an address of the receiver.
 * \param[in] xsubjectLine - a msParam of type STR_MS_T which is a subject of the message.
 * \param[in] xbody - a msParam of type STR_MS_T which is a body of the message.
 * \param[in,out] rei - The RuleExecInfo structure that is automatically
 *    handled by the rule engine. The user does not include rei as a
 *    parameter in the rule invocation.
 * \DolVarDependence none
 * \DolVarModified none
 * \iCatAttrDependence none
 * \iCatAttrModified none
 * \sideeffect An e-mail sent to the specified recipient.
 * \return integer
 * \retval 0 on success
 * \pre none
 * \post none
 * \sa none
int msiSendMail( msParam_t* xtoAddr, msParam_t* xsubjectLine, msParam_t* xbody, ruleExecInfo_t* ) {
    char *mailStr  = 0;
    char fName[100];
    char *t1 = 0, *t2  = 0;
    FILE *fd = 0;
    char *toAddr = 0;
    char *subjectLine = 0;
    char *body = 0;
    int status = 0;

    toAddr = ( char * ) xtoAddr->inOutStruct;
    subjectLine = ( char * ) xsubjectLine->inOutStruct;
    body = ( char * ) xbody->inOutStruct;

    status = checkStringForEmailAddress( toAddr );
    if ( status ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "checkStringForEmailAddress failed for [%s]", toAddr );
        return status;
    status = checkStringForSystem( subjectLine );
    if ( status ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "checkStringForSystem failed for [%s]", subjectLine );
        return status;

    if ( reTestFlag > 0 ) {
        if ( reTestFlag == COMMAND_TEST_1 ) {
            fprintf( stdout, "  Sending Email\n     To:%s\n     Subject:%s\n     Body:%s\n",
                     toAddr, subjectLine, body );
        else if ( reTestFlag == HTML_TEST_1 ) {
            fprintf( stdout, "Sending Email\n<UL>\n" );
            fprintf( stdout, "<LI>To: %s\n", toAddr );
            fprintf( stdout, "<LI>subjectLine: %s\n", subjectLine );
            fprintf( stdout, "<LI>Body: %s\n", body );
            fprintf( stdout, "</UL>\n" );
        else if ( reTestFlag == LOG_TEST_1 )
            rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "   Calling msiSendMail To:%s Subject %s\n",
                     toAddr, subjectLine );
        if ( reLoopBackFlag > 0 ) {
            return 0;
    sprintf( fName, "mailFile%d.ml", getpid() );
    fd = fopen( fName, "w" );
    if ( fd == NULL ) {
        return FILE_CREATE_ERROR;
    t1 = body;
#ifdef solaris_platform
    if ( subjectLine != NULL && strlen( subjectLine ) > 0 ) {
        fprintf( fd, "Subject:%s\n\n", subjectLine );
    while ( t1 != NULL ) {
        if ( ( t2 = strstr( t1, "\\n" ) ) != NULL ) {
            *t2 = '\0';
        fprintf( fd, "%s\n", t1 );
        if ( t2 != NULL ) {
            *t2 = '\\';
            t1 = t2 + 2;
        else {
            t1 = NULL;
    fclose( fd );
    mailStr = ( char* )malloc( strlen( toAddr ) + strlen( subjectLine ) + 100 );
    if ( mailStr == NULL ) {
        return SYS_MALLOC_ERR;

#ifdef solaris_platform
    sprintf( mailStr, "cat %s| mail  '%s'", fName, toAddr );
#else /* tested for linux - not sure how other platforms operate for subject */
    if ( subjectLine != NULL && strlen( subjectLine ) > 0 ) {
        sprintf( mailStr, "cat %s| mail -s '%s'  '%s'", fName, subjectLine, toAddr );
    else {
        sprintf( mailStr, "cat %s| mail  '%s'", fName, toAddr );
    int ret = 0;
    ret = system( mailStr );
    if ( ret ) {
        irods::log( ERROR( ret, "mailStr command returned non-zero status" ) );
    sprintf( mailStr, "rm %s", fName );
    ret = system( mailStr );
    if ( ret ) {
        irods::log( ERROR( ret, "mailStr command returned non-zero status" ) );
    free( mailStr );
    return 0;
Пример #2
void UnixSendEmail( char *toAddr, char *subjectLine, char *msgBody ) {
    char fileName[1024];
    char mailStr[100];
    FILE *fd;
    int t;
    char *t1, *t2;

    if ( ( toAddr == NULL ) || ( strlen( toAddr ) == 0 ) ) {

    srand( time( 0 ) );
    t = rand() % 281;
    sprintf( fileName, "/tmp/rodstmpmail%d.txt", t );

    fd = fopen( fileName, "w" );
    if ( fd == NULL ) {

#ifdef solaris_platform
    if ( ( subjectLine != NULL ) && ( strlen( subjectLine ) > 0 ) ) {
        fprintf( fd, "Subject:%s\n\n", subjectLine );

    t1 = msgBody;
    while ( t1 != NULL ) {
        if ( ( t2 = strstr( t1, "\\n" ) ) != NULL ) {
            *t2 = '\0';
        fprintf( fd, "%s\n", t1 );
        if ( t2 != NULL ) {
            *t2 = '\\';
            t1 = t2 + 2;
        else {
            t1 = NULL;
    fclose( fd );

#ifdef solaris_platform
    sprintf( mailStr, "cat %s| mail  %s", fileName, toAddr );
#else /* tested for linux - not sure how other platforms operate for subject */
    if ( ( subjectLine != NULL ) && ( strlen( subjectLine ) > 0 ) ) {
        if ( checkStringForSystem( fileName ) ) {
        if ( checkStringForSystem( subjectLine ) ) {
        if ( checkStringForEmailAddress( toAddr ) ) {
        sprintf( mailStr, "cat %s| mail -s '%s'  %s", fileName,
                 subjectLine, toAddr );
    else {
        if ( checkStringForSystem( fileName ) ) {
        if ( checkStringForEmailAddress( toAddr ) ) {
        sprintf( mailStr, "cat %s| mail  %s", fileName, toAddr );
    int ret = 0;
    ret = system( mailStr );
    if ( ret ) {
        irods::log( ERROR( ret, "mailStr command returned a non-zero value." ) );
    sprintf( mailStr, "rm %s", fileName );
    ret = system( mailStr );
    if ( ret ) {
        irods::log( ERROR( ret, "mailStr command returned a non-zero value." ) );