int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { argv0 = argv[0]; check_config_file("STDOUT"); printf("Configuration seems OK\n"); return 0; }
static void check_config_files(void) { krb5_context context; krb5_error_code ret; int i; ret = krb5_init_context(&context); if (ret) errx(1, "krb5_init_context %d", ret); test[0].res = list0; test[1].res = list1; test[2].res = list2; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test)/sizeof(*test); i++) { check_config_file(context, test[i].fl, test[i].res, 0); check_config_file(context, test[i].fl, test[i].res, 1); } krb5_free_context(context); }
int init_module(__in__ SEGD_API_INFO_PTR config_info_ptr) { int error_code = APP_SUCCESS; memset(__config_file_path, 0x0, sizeof(__config_file_path)); StrCpy(__config_file_path, config_info_ptr->config_path_); error_code = check_config_file(__config_file_path); if(error_code == APP_FAULT){ __last_error_code = get_last_error(); output_log(IDS_STRING5017, __last_error_code); __last_error_code = IDS_STRING5017; return error_code = APP_FAULT; } if(config_info_ptr->listen_port_ == 0x0){ output_log(__last_error_code = IDS_STRING5018); error_code = APP_FAULT; } else{ __listen_port = config_info_ptr->listen_port_;} return error_code; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ FILE *fd; job_registry_entry *en; time_t now; time_t purge_time=0; time_t last_consistency_check=0; char *pidfile=NULL; char *final_string=NULL; char *cp=NULL; char *tpath; char *tspooldir; char *first_duplicate=NULL; struct pollfd *remupd_pollset = NULL; int remupd_nfds; int version=0; int first=TRUE; int tmptim; int finstr_len=0; int loop_interval=DEFAULT_LOOP_INTERVAL; int fsq_ret=0; int c; pthread_t RecUpdNetThd; int confirm_time=0; static int help; static int short_help; bact.njobs = 0; = NULL; while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, &help, 1}, {"usage", no_argument, &short_help, 1}, {"nodaemon", no_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"prefix", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "vop:",long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1){ break; } switch (c) { case 0: if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0){ break; } case 'v': version=1; break; case 'o': nodmn=1; break; case 'p': break; case '?': break; default: abort (); } } if(help){ usage(); } if(short_help){ short_usage(); } argv0 = argv[0]; signal(SIGHUP,sighup); if(version) { printf("%s Version: %s\n",progname,VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Checking configuration */ check_config_file("UPDATER"); cha = config_read(NULL); if (cha == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading config: "); perror(""); return -1; } ret = config_get("bupdater_child_poll_timeout",cha); if (ret != NULL){ tmptim=atoi(ret->value); if (tmptim > 0) bfunctions_poll_timeout = tmptim*1000; } ret = config_get("bupdater_debug_level",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debug=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_debug_logfile",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debuglogname=strdup(ret->value); if(debuglogname == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for debuglogname in main: %r"); } } if(debug <=0){ debug=0; } if(debuglogname){ if((debuglogfile = fopen(debuglogname, "a+"))==0){ debug = 0; } }else{ debug = 0; } ret = config_get("pbs_binpath",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key pbs_binpath not found\n",argv0); } else { pbs_binpath=strdup(ret->value); if(pbs_binpath == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for pbs_binpath in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("pbs_spoolpath",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key pbs_spoolpath not found\n",argv0); } else { pbs_spoolpath=strdup(ret->value); if(pbs_spoolpath == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for pbs_spoolpath in main: %r"); } tpath=make_message("%s/server_logs",pbs_spoolpath); if (opendir(tpath)==NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: dir %s does not exist or is not readable. Trying now pbs commands\n",argv0,tpath); tspooldir=GetPBSSpoolPath(pbs_binpath); free(tpath); tpath=make_message("%s/server_logs",tspooldir); free(tspooldir); if (opendir(tpath)==NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "dir %s does not exist or is not readable (using pbs commands)",tpath); sysfatal("dir %s does not exist or is not readable (using pbs commands): %r",tpath); } } free(tpath); } ret = config_get("job_registry",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry not found\n",argv0); sysfatal("job_registry not defined. Exiting"); } else { registry_file=strdup(ret->value); if(registry_file == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for registry_file in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("purge_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key purge_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,purge_interval); } else { purge_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("finalstate_query_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key finalstate_query_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,finalstate_query_interval); } else { finalstate_query_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("alldone_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key alldone_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,alldone_interval); } else { alldone_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("tracejob_logs_to_read",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key tracejob_logs_to_read not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,tracejob_logs_to_read); } else { tracejob_logs_to_read=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_loop_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bupdater_loop_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,loop_interval); } else { loop_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_consistency_check_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bupdater_consistency_check_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,bupdater_consistency_check_interval); } else { bupdater_consistency_check_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_pidfile",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bupdater_pidfile not found\n",argv0); } else { pidfile=strdup(ret->value); if(pidfile == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for pidfile in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("pbs_batch_caching_enabled",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key pbs_batch_caching_enabled not found using default\n",argv0,pbs_batch_caching_enabled); } else { pbs_batch_caching_enabled=strdup(ret->value); if(pbs_batch_caching_enabled == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for pbs_batch_caching_enabled in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("batch_command_caching_filter",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key batch_command_caching_filter not found using default\n",argv0,batch_command_caching_filter); } else { batch_command_caching_filter=strdup(ret->value); if(batch_command_caching_filter == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for batch_command_caching_filter in main: %r"); } } batch_command=(strcmp(pbs_batch_caching_enabled,"yes")==0?make_message("%s ",batch_command_caching_filter):make_message("")); ret = config_get("job_registry_use_mmap",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry_use_mmap not found. Default is NO\n",argv0); } else { do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry_use_mmap is set to %s\n",argv0,ret->value); } ret = config_get("tracejob_max_output",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key tracejob_max_output not found using default\n",argv0,tracejob_max_output); } else { tracejob_max_output==atoi(ret->value); } remupd_conf = config_get("job_registry_add_remote",cha); if (remupd_conf == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry_add_remote not found\n",argv0); }else{ if (job_registry_updater_setup_receiver(remupd_conf->values,remupd_conf->n_values,&remupd_head) < 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot set network receiver(s) up for remote update\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot set network receiver(s) up for remote update \n",argv0); } if (remupd_head == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot find values for network endpoints in configuration file (attribute 'job_registry_add_remote').\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot find values for network endpoints in configuration file (attribute 'job_registry_add_remote').\n", argv0); } if ((remupd_nfds = job_registry_updater_get_pollfd(remupd_head, &remupd_pollset)) < 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot setup poll set for receiving data.\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot setup poll set for receiving data.\n", argv0); } if (remupd_pollset == NULL || remupd_nfds == 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: No poll set available for receiving data.\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: No poll set available for receiving data.\n",argv0); } } if( !nodmn ) daemonize(); if( pidfile ){ writepid(pidfile); free(pidfile); } rha=job_registry_init(registry_file, BY_BATCH_ID); if (rha == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error initialising job registry %s\n",argv0,registry_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error initialising job registry %s :",argv0,registry_file); perror(""); } if (remupd_conf != NULL){ pthread_create(&RecUpdNetThd, NULL, (void *(*)(void *))ReceiveUpdateFromNetwork, (void *)NULL); if (job_registry_updater_setup_sender(remupd_conf->values,remupd_conf->n_values,0,&remupd_head_send) < 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot set network sender(s) up for remote update\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot set network sender(s) up for remote update \n",argv0); } if (remupd_head_send == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot find values for network endpoints in configuration file (attribute 'job_registry_add_remote').\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot find values for network endpoints in configuration file (attribute 'job_registry_add_remote').\n", argv0); } } config_free(cha); for(;;){ /* Purge old entries from registry */ now=time(0); if(now - purge_time > 86400){ if(job_registry_purge(registry_file, now-purge_interval,0)<0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error purging job registry %s\n",argv0,registry_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error purging job registry %s :",argv0,registry_file); perror(""); }else{ purge_time=time(0); } } now=time(0); if(now - last_consistency_check > bupdater_consistency_check_interval){ if(job_registry_check_index_key_uniqueness(rha,&first_duplicate)==JOB_REGISTRY_FAIL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Found job registry duplicate entry. The first one is:%s\n",argv0,first_duplicate); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Found job registry duplicate entry. The first one is:%s",argv0,first_duplicate); }else{ last_consistency_check=time(0); } } IntStateQuery(); fd = job_registry_open(rha, "r"); if (fd == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error opening job registry %s\n",argv0,registry_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error opening job registry %s :",argv0,registry_file); perror(""); sleep(loop_interval); continue; } if (job_registry_rdlock(rha, fd) < 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error read locking job registry %s\n",argv0,registry_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error read locking job registry %s :",argv0,registry_file); perror(""); sleep(loop_interval); continue; } job_registry_firstrec(rha,fd); fseek(fd,0L,SEEK_SET); first=TRUE; while ((en = job_registry_get_next(rha, fd)) != NULL){ if((bupdater_lookup_active_jobs(&bact, en->batch_id) != BUPDATER_ACTIVE_JOBS_SUCCESS) && en->status!=REMOVED && en->status!=COMPLETED){ confirm_time=atoi(en->updater_info); if(confirm_time==0){ confirm_time=en->mdate; } /* Assign Status=4 and ExitStatus=999 to all entries that after alldone_interval are still not in a final state(3 or 4)*/ if(now-confirm_time>alldone_interval){ AssignFinalState(en->batch_id); free(en); continue; } if((now-confirm_time>finalstate_query_interval) && (now > next_finalstatequery)){ if((final_string=realloc(final_string,finstr_len + strlen(en->batch_id) + 2)) == 0){ sysfatal("can't malloc final_string: %r"); } else { if (finstr_len == 0) final_string[0] = '\000'; } strcat(final_string,en->batch_id); strcat(final_string,":"); finstr_len=strlen(final_string); runfinal=TRUE; } } free(en); } if(runfinal){ if (final_string[finstr_len-1] == ':' && (cp = strrchr (final_string, ':')) != NULL){ *cp = '\0'; } if(fsq_ret != 0){ fsq_ret=FinalStateQuery(final_string,tracejob_logs_to_read); }else{ fsq_ret=FinalStateQuery(final_string,1); } runfinal=FALSE; } if (final_string != NULL){ free(final_string); final_string = NULL; finstr_len = 0; } fclose(fd); sleep(loop_interval); } job_registry_destroy(rha); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int set = 1; int status; int version = 0; int list_c; char ainfo_port_string[16]; struct addrinfo ai_req, *ai_ans, *cur_ans; int address_found; int new_connection_fd; pthread_t PollThd; config_handle *cha; config_entry *ret; char *pidfile=NULL; int nocheck=0; int c; static int help; static int short_help; int loop_interval=DEFAULT_LOOP_INTERVAL; while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, &help, 1}, {"usage", no_argument, &short_help, 1}, {"nocheck", no_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"nodaemon", no_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"prefix", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "vnop:",long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1){ break; } switch (c) { case 0: if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0){ break; } case 'v': version=1; break; case 'n': nocheck=1; break; case 'o': nodmn=1; break; case 'p': break; case '?': break; default: abort (); } } if(help){ usage(); } if(short_help){ short_usage(); } argv0 = argv[0]; /*Ignore sigpipe*/ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP,sighup); if(version) { printf("%s Version: %s\n",progname,VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Checking configuration */ if(!nocheck){ check_config_file("NOTIFIER"); } /* Reading configuration */ cha = config_read(NULL); if (cha == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading config: "); perror(""); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } config_setenv(NULL); ret = config_get("bnotifier_debug_level",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debug=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bnotifier_debug_logfile",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debuglogname=strdup(ret->value); if(debuglogname == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for debuglogname in main: %r"); } } if(debug <=0){ debug=0; } if(debuglogname){ if((debuglogfile = fopen(debuglogname, "a+"))==0){ debug = 0; } }else{ debug = 0; } ret = config_get("job_registry",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry not found\n",argv0); sysfatal("job_registry not defined. Exiting"); } else { registry_file=strdup(ret->value); if(registry_file == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for registry_file in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("async_notification_port",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key async_notification_port not found\n",argv0); } else { async_notif_port =atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bnotifier_loop_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bnotifier_loop_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,loop_interval); } else { loop_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bnotifier_pidfile",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bnotifier_pidfile not found\n",argv0); } else { pidfile=strdup(ret->value); if(pidfile == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for pidfile in main: %r"); } } remupd_conf = config_get("job_registry_add_remote",cha); if (remupd_conf == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry_add_remote not found\n",argv0); } /* create listening socket for Cream */ if ( !async_notif_port ) { sysfatal("Invalid port supplied for Cream: %r"); } ai_req.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; ai_req.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; ai_req.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; ai_req.ai_protocol = 0; /* Any stream protocol is OK */ sprintf(ainfo_port_string,"%5d",async_notif_port); if (getaddrinfo(NULL, ainfo_port_string, &ai_req, &ai_ans) != 0) { sysfatal("Error getting address of passive SOCK_STREAM socket: %r"); } address_found = 0; for (cur_ans = ai_ans; cur_ans != NULL; cur_ans = cur_ans->ai_next) { if ((list_c = socket(cur_ans->ai_family, cur_ans->ai_socktype, cur_ans->ai_protocol)) == -1) { continue; } if(setsockopt(list_c, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &set, sizeof(set)) < 0) { close(list_c); syserror("setsockopt() failed: %r"); } if (bind(list_c,cur_ans->ai_addr, cur_ans->ai_addrlen) == 0) { address_found = 1; break; } close(list_c); } freeaddrinfo(ai_ans); if ( address_found == 0 ) { sysfatal("Error creating and binding socket: %r"); } if ( listen(list_c, LISTENQ) < 0 ) { sysfatal("Error calling listen() in main: %r"); } if( !nodmn ) daemonize(); if( pidfile ){ writepid(pidfile); free(pidfile); } config_free(cha); pthread_create(&PollThd, NULL, (void *(*)(void *))PollDB, (void *)NULL); for ( ;; ) { /* FIXME: exit condition??? */ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "Listening for new connection\n"); if ( (new_connection_fd = accept(list_c, NULL, NULL) ) < 0 ) { do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "Fatal Error:Error calling accept() on list_c\n"); sysfatal("Error calling accept(): %r"); } if (add_cream_connection(new_connection_fd) != 0) { do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "connection table full: unable to add the new connection\n"); close(new_connection_fd); } } pthread_join(PollThd, (void **)&status); pthread_exit(NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ FILE *fd; job_registry_entry *en; time_t now; time_t purge_time=0; char constraint[JOBID_MAX_LEN+1]; char constraint2[5]; char *query=NULL; char *queryStates=NULL; char *query_err=NULL; char *pidfile=NULL; char string_now[11]; char *tpath; int version=0; int tmptim; int finstr_len=0; int loop_interval=DEFAULT_LOOP_INTERVAL; int fsq_ret=0; int c; int confirm_time=0; static int help; static int short_help; while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, &help, 1}, {"usage", no_argument, &short_help, 1}, {"nodaemon", no_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "vo",long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1){ break; } switch (c) { case 0: if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0){ break; } case 'v': version=1; break; case 'o': nodmn=1; break; case '?': break; default: abort (); } } //check if another instance is running char **ptr; char out[3]; fgets(out, sizeof(out),popen("ps -d | grep -c BUpdaterSGE","r")); strtoken(out,'\n',&ptr); if (strcmp(ptr[0],"1")!=0){ fprintf(stderr,"There is another instance of BUpdaterSGE running.\nExiting ...\n"); return -1; } freetoken(&ptr,1); if(help){ usage(); } if(short_help){ short_usage(); } argv0 = argv[0]; signal(SIGHUP,sighup); if(version) { printf("%s Version: %s\n",progname,VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Checking configuration */ check_config_file("UPDATER"); cha = config_read(NULL); if (cha == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading config: "); perror(""); return -1; } config_setenv(NULL); ret = config_get("bupdater_child_poll_timeout",cha); if (ret != NULL){ tmptim=atoi(ret->value); if (tmptim > 0) bfunctions_poll_timeout = tmptim*1000; } ret = config_get("bupdater_debug_level",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debug=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_debug_logfile",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debuglogname=strdup(ret->value); if(debuglogname == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for debuglogname in main: %r"); } } if(debug <=0){ debug=0; } if(debuglogname){ if((debuglogfile = fopen(debuglogname, "a+"))==0){ debug = 0; } }else{ debug = 0; } ret = config_get("debug_level",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debug=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("debug_logfile",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debuglogname=strdup(ret->value); if(debuglogname == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for debuglogname in main: %r"); } } if(debug <=0){ debug=0; } if(debuglogname){ if((debuglogfile = fopen(debuglogname, "a+"))==0){ debug = 0; } }else{ debug = 0; } ret = config_get("sge_binpath",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key sge_binpath not found\n",argv0); } else { sge_binpath=strdup(ret->value); if(sge_binpath == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for sge_binpath in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("sge_rootpath",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key sge_rootpath not found\n",argv0); } else { sge_rootpath=strdup(ret->value); if(sge_rootpath == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for sge_rootpath in main: %r"); } tpath=make_message("%s",sge_rootpath); if (opendir(tpath)==NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: dir %s does not exist or is not readable\n",argv0,tpath); sysfatal("dir %s does not exist or is not readable: %r",tpath); } free(tpath); } ret = config_get("sge_cellname",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key sge_cellname not found\n",argv0); } else { sge_cellname=strdup(ret->value); if(sge_cellname == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for sge_cellname in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("sge_rootpath",cha); if (ret == NULL){ if(debug){ fprintf(debuglogfile, "%s: key sge_rootpath not found\n",argv0); fflush(debuglogfile); } } else { sge_rootpath=strdup(ret->value); if(sge_rootpath == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for sge_rootpath in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("sge_cellname",cha); if (ret == NULL){ if(debug){ fprintf(debuglogfile, "%s: key sge_cellname not found\n",argv0); fflush(debuglogfile); } } else { sge_cellname=strdup(ret->value); if(sge_cellname == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for sge_cellname in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("job_registry",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry not found\n",argv0); sysfatal("job_registry not defined. Exiting"); } else { reg_file=strdup(ret->value); if(reg_file == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for reg_file in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("purge_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key purge_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,purge_interval); } else { purge_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("finalstate_query_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key finalstate_query_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,finalstate_query_interval); } else { finalstate_query_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("alldone_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key alldone_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,alldone_interval); } else { alldone_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_loop_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bupdater_loop_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,loop_interval); } else { loop_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_pidfile",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bupdater_pidfile not found\n",argv0); } else { pidfile=strdup(ret->value); if(pidfile == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for pidfile in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("job_registry_use_mmap",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry_use_mmap not found. Default is NO\n",argv0); } else { do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry_use_mmap is set to %s\n",argv0,ret->value); } if( !nodmn ) daemonize(); if( pidfile ){ writepid(pidfile); free(pidfile); } config_free(cha); rha=job_registry_init(reg_file, BY_BATCH_ID); if (rha == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error initialising job registry %s\n",argv0,reg_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error initialising job registry %s :",argv0,reg_file); perror(""); } for(;;){ /* Purge old entries from registry */ now=time(0); if(now - purge_time > 86400){ if(job_registry_purge(reg_file, now-purge_interval,0)<0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error purging job registry %s\n",argv0,reg_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error purging job registry %s :",argv0,reg_file); perror(""); }else{ purge_time=time(0); } } //IntStateQuery(); fd = job_registry_open(rha, "r"); if (fd == NULL) { do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error opening job registry %s\n",argv0,reg_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error opening job registry %s :",argv0,reg_file); perror(""); sleep(loop_interval); } if (job_registry_rdlock(rha, fd) < 0) { do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error read locking job registry %s\n",argv0,reg_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error read locking job registry %s :",argv0,reg_file); perror(""); sleep(loop_interval); } job_registry_firstrec(rha,fd); fseek(fd,0L,SEEK_SET); if((query=calloc(STR_CHARS*2,1)) == 0){ sysfatal("can't malloc query %r"); } if((queryStates=calloc(STR_CHARS*2,1)) == 0){ sysfatal("can't malloc query %r"); } query[0]=' '; queryStates[0]=' '; while ((en = job_registry_get_next(rha, fd)) != NULL) { if(((now - en->mdate) > finalstate_query_interval) && en->status!=3 && en->status!=4) { /* create the constraint that will be used in condor_history command in FinalStateQuery*/ snprintf(constraint, sizeof(constraint), " %s",en->batch_id); if (en->status==0) snprintf(constraint2, sizeof(constraint2), " u"); if (en->status==1) snprintf(constraint2, sizeof(constraint2), " q"); if (en->status==2) snprintf(constraint2, sizeof(constraint2), " r"); if (en->status==5) snprintf(constraint2, sizeof(constraint2), " h"); query=realloc(query,strlen(query)+strlen(constraint)+1); queryStates=realloc(queryStates,strlen(queryStates)+strlen(constraint2)+1); strcat(query,constraint); strcat(queryStates,constraint2); runfinal=TRUE; } /* Assign Status=4 and ExitStatus=-1 to all entries that after alldone_interval are still not in a final state(3 or 4) */ if((now - en->mdate > alldone_interval) && en->status!=3 && en->status!=4 && !runfinal) { time_t now; now=time(0); snprintf(string_now,sizeof(string_now),"%d",now); AssignState(en->batch_id,"4" ,"-1","\0","\0",string_now); } free(en); } if(runfinal){ if((query_err=calloc((int)strlen(query),1)) == 0) sysfatal("can't malloc query_err %r"); FinalStateQuery(query,queryStates,query_err); free(query_err); } free(query); free(queryStates); fclose(fd); if (runfinal){ runfinal=FALSE; } sleep (loop_interval); } //for job_registry_destroy(rha); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ FILE *fd; job_registry_entry *en; time_t now; time_t purge_time=0; time_t last_consistency_check=0; char *pidfile=NULL; char *first_duplicate=NULL; struct pollfd *remupd_pollset = NULL; int remupd_nfds; int version=0; int first=TRUE; int tmptim; time_t finalquery_start_date; int loop_interval=DEFAULT_LOOP_INTERVAL; int rc; int c; pthread_t RecUpdNetThd; int confirm_time=0; static int help; static int short_help; bact.njobs = 0; = NULL; while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, &help, 1}, {"usage", no_argument, &short_help, 1}, {"nodaemon", no_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"prefix", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "vop:",long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1){ break; } switch (c) { case 0: if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0){ break; } case 'v': version=1; break; case 'o': nodmn=1; break; case 'p': break; case '?': break; default: abort (); } } if(help){ usage(); } if(short_help){ short_usage(); } argv0 = argv[0]; signal(SIGHUP,sighup); if(version) { printf("%s Version: %s\n",progname,VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Checking configuration */ check_config_file("UPDATER"); cha = config_read(NULL); if (cha == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading config: "); perror(""); return -1; } config_setenv(NULL); ret = config_get("bupdater_child_poll_timeout",cha); if (ret != NULL){ tmptim=atoi(ret->value); if (tmptim > 0) bfunctions_poll_timeout = tmptim*1000; } ret = config_get("bupdater_debug_level",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debug=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_debug_logfile",cha); if (ret != NULL){ debuglogname=strdup(ret->value); if(debuglogname == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for debuglogname in main: %r"); } } if(debug <=0){ debug=0; } if(debuglogname){ if((debuglogfile = fopen(debuglogname, "a+"))==0){ debug = 0; } } else { debug = 0; } ret = config_get("slurm_binpath",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key slurm_binpath not found\n",argv0); } else { slurm_binpath=strdup(ret->value); if(slurm_binpath == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for slurm_binpath in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("job_registry",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry not found\n",argv0); sysfatal("job_registry not defined. Exiting"); } else { registry_file=strdup(ret->value); if(registry_file == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for registry_file in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("purge_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key purge_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,purge_interval); } else { purge_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("finalstate_query_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key finalstate_query_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,finalstate_query_interval); } else { finalstate_query_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("alldone_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key alldone_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,alldone_interval); } else { alldone_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_consistency_check_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bupdater_consistency_check_interval not found using the default:%d\n",argv0,bupdater_consistency_check_interval); } else { bupdater_consistency_check_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("bupdater_pidfile",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bupdater_pidfile not found\n",argv0); } else { pidfile=strdup(ret->value); if(pidfile == NULL){ sysfatal("strdup failed for pidfile in main: %r"); } } ret = config_get("bupdater_loop_interval",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key bupdater_loop_interval not found - using the default:%d\n",argv0,loop_interval); } else { loop_interval=atoi(ret->value); } ret = config_get("job_registry_use_mmap",cha); if (ret == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry_use_mmap not found. Default is NO\n",argv0); } else { do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry_use_mmap is set to %s\n",argv0,ret->value); } remupd_conf = config_get("job_registry_add_remote",cha); if (remupd_conf == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: key job_registry_add_remote not found\n",argv0); }else{ if (job_registry_updater_setup_receiver(remupd_conf->values,remupd_conf->n_values,&remupd_head) < 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot set network receiver(s) up for remote update\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot set network receiver(s) up for remote update \n",argv0); } if (remupd_head == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot find values for network endpoints in configuration file (attribute 'job_registry_add_remote').\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot find values for network endpoints in configuration file (attribute 'job_registry_add_remote').\n", argv0); } if ((remupd_nfds = job_registry_updater_get_pollfd(remupd_head, &remupd_pollset)) < 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot setup poll set for receiving data.\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot setup poll set for receiving data.\n", argv0); } if (remupd_pollset == NULL || remupd_nfds == 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: No poll set available for receiving data.\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: No poll set available for receiving data.\n",argv0); } } if( !nodmn ) daemonize(); if( pidfile ){ writepid(pidfile); free(pidfile); } rha=job_registry_init(registry_file, BY_BATCH_ID); if (rha == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error initialising job registry %s\n",argv0,registry_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error initialising job registry %s :",argv0,registry_file); perror(""); } if (remupd_conf != NULL){ pthread_create(&RecUpdNetThd, NULL, (void *(*)(void *))ReceiveUpdateFromNetwork, (void *)NULL); if (job_registry_updater_setup_sender(remupd_conf->values,remupd_conf->n_values,0,&remupd_head_send) < 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot set network sender(s) up for remote update\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot set network sender(s) up for remote update \n",argv0); } if (remupd_head_send == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Cannot find values for network endpoints in configuration file (attribute 'job_registry_add_remote').\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot find values for network endpoints in configuration file (attribute 'job_registry_add_remote').\n", argv0); } } config_free(cha); for(;;){ /* Purge old entries from registry */ now=time(0); if(now - purge_time > 86400){ if((rc=job_registry_purge(registry_file, now-purge_interval,0))<0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error purging job registry %s:%d\n",argv0,registry_file,rc); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error purging job registry %s :",argv0,registry_file); perror(""); } purge_time=time(0); } now=time(0); if(now - last_consistency_check > bupdater_consistency_check_interval){ if(job_registry_check_index_key_uniqueness(rha,&first_duplicate)==JOB_REGISTRY_FAIL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Found job registry duplicate entry. The first one is:%s.\nJobid should be removed or registry directory should be removed.\n",argv0,first_duplicate); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Found job registry duplicate entry. The first one is:%s.\nJobid should be removed or registry directory should be removed.",argv0,first_duplicate); } last_consistency_check=time(0); } IntStateQuery(); fd = job_registry_open(rha, "r"); if (fd == NULL){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error opening job registry %s\n",argv0,registry_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error opening job registry %s :",argv0,registry_file); perror(""); sleep(loop_interval); continue; } if (job_registry_rdlock(rha, fd) < 0){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 1, "%s: Error read locking job registry %s\n",argv0,registry_file); fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error read locking job registry %s :",argv0,registry_file); perror(""); sleep(loop_interval); continue; } job_registry_firstrec(rha,fd); fseek(fd,0L,SEEK_SET); first=TRUE; finalquery_start_date = time(0); while ((en = job_registry_get_next(rha, fd)) != NULL){ if((bupdater_lookup_active_jobs(&bact,en->batch_id) != BUPDATER_ACTIVE_JOBS_SUCCESS) && en->status!=REMOVED && en->status!=COMPLETED){ do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 3, "%s: bupdater_lookup_active_jobs returned: %d for jobid: %s\n",argv0,bupdater_lookup_active_jobs(&bact,en->batch_id),en->batch_id); confirm_time=atoi(en->updater_info); if(confirm_time==0){ confirm_time=en->mdate; } /* Assign Status=4 and ExitStatus=999 to all entries that after alldone_interval are still not in a final state(3 or 4)*/ if(now-confirm_time>alldone_interval){ AssignFinalState(en->batch_id); free(en); continue; } if(en->status==IDLE && strlen(en->updater_info)>0){ if (en->mdate < finalquery_start_date){ finalquery_start_date=en->mdate; } do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 2, "%s: FinalStateQuery needed for jobid=%s with status=%d\n",argv0,en->batch_id,en->status); runfinal=TRUE; }else if((now-confirm_time>finalstate_query_interval) && (now > next_finalstatequery)){ if (en->mdate < finalquery_start_date){ finalquery_start_date=en->mdate; } do_log(debuglogfile, debug, 2, "%s: FinalStateQuery needed for jobid=%s with status=%d\n",argv0,en->batch_id,en->status); runfinal=TRUE; } } free(en); } if(runfinal_oldlogs){ FinalStateQuery(0,1); runfinal_oldlogs=FALSE; runfinal=FALSE; }else if(runfinal){ FinalStateQuery(finalquery_start_date,1); runfinal=FALSE; } fclose(fd); sleep(loop_interval); } job_registry_destroy(rha); return 0; }