mutils_error _mhash_gen_key_hex(void *keyword, mutils_word32 key_size, mutils_word8 *password, mutils_word32 plen) { mutils_word8 *chain = password; mutils_word8 *pkeyword = keyword; mutils_word8 tmp[3]; mutils_word32 i; mutils_bzero(keyword, key_size); /* The chain should have 2*n characters */ if (plen % 2 != 0 || plen > key_size*2) return(-MUTILS_INVALID_SIZE); if (check_hex(chain, plen) == MUTILS_FALSE) return(-MUTILS_INVALID_FORMAT); mutils_bzero( keyword, key_size); for (i = 0; i < plen; i += 2) { mutils_memcpy(tmp, &chain[i], 2); tmp[2] = '\0'; pkeyword[i / 2] = mutils_strtol(tmp, (mutils_word8 **) NULL, 16); } return(MUTILS_OK); }
static void readBlobAsChar(test_info *t, int step, int wide) { SQLRETURN rc = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO; char buf[8192]; SQLLEN len, total = 0, len2; int i = 0; int check; int bufsize; SQLSMALLINT type = SQL_C_CHAR; unsigned int char_len = 1; if (wide) { char_len = sizeof(SQLWCHAR); type = SQL_C_WCHAR; } if (step%2) bufsize = sizeof(buf) - char_len; else bufsize = sizeof(buf); printf(">> readBlobAsChar field %d\n", t->num); while (rc == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { i++; rc = CHKGetData(t->num, type, (SQLPOINTER) buf, (SQLINTEGER) bufsize, &len, "SINo"); if (rc == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO && len == SQL_NO_TOTAL) { len = bufsize - char_len; rc = SQL_SUCCESS; } if (rc == SQL_NO_DATA || len <= 0) break; rc = CHKGetData(t->num, type, (SQLPOINTER) buf, 0, &len2, "SINo"); if (rc == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO && len2 != SQL_NO_TOTAL) len = len - len2; #if 0 if (len > (SQLLEN) (bufsize - char_len)) len = (SQLLEN) (bufsize - char_len); len -= len % (2u * char_len); #endif printf(">> step %d: %d bytes readed\n", i, (int) len); if (wide) { len /= sizeof(SQLWCHAR); odbc_from_sqlwchar((char *) buf, (SQLWCHAR *) buf, len + 1); } check = check_hex(buf, len, 2*t->gen1 + total, t->gen2); if (!check) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong buffer content\n"); dump(stderr, " buf ", buf, len); failed = 1; } total += len; } printf(">> total bytes read = %d \n", (int) total); if (total != 20000) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong buffer length, expected 20000\n"); failed = 1; } }
int main() { long int check; char var1[] = "123t"; char var2[] = "1Ae4"; check = check_hex(var1); if( check == -1 ) printf("\"%s\" is not hexadecimal digit.\n", var1); else printf("\"%s\" is hexadecimal digit, and value is %ld.\n", var1, check); check = check_hex(var2); if( check == -1 ) printf("\"%s\" is not hexadecimal digit.\n", var2); else printf("\"%s\" is hexadecimal digit, and value is %ld.\n", var2, check); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *sql_db = NULL; sqlite3* db; char *username = NULL; struct user user; enum manage_action action = MANAGE_ACTION_HELP; int opt; char privid[OTP_PRIVID_HEX_LEN]; unsigned char *privid_bin; int temp, ret; struct otp_data* data; char digest_name[DIGEST_NAME_MAX_SIZE]; char *ctemp; while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:lg:r:a:c")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'h': usage(0); break; case 's': sql_db = optarg; break; case 'l': if (action != MANAGE_ACTION_HELP) { usage(1); } action = MANAGE_ACTION_LIST; break; case 'g': if (action != MANAGE_ACTION_HELP) { usage(1); } action = MANAGE_ACTION_GET; username = optarg; break; case 'r': if (action != MANAGE_ACTION_HELP) { usage(1); } action = MANAGE_ACTION_DELETE; username = optarg; break; case 'a': if (action != MANAGE_ACTION_HELP) { usage(1); } action = MANAGE_ACTION_ADD; username = optarg; break; case 'c': if (action != MANAGE_ACTION_HELP) { usage(1); } action = MANAGE_ACTION_CREATE; break; default: usage(0); } } if(argc > optind) { usage(1); } if (action == MANAGE_ACTION_HELP) { usage(0); } if (sql_db == NULL) { usage(2); } if (forget_real_credentials() != 0) { printf("Unable to fix uid/gid\n"); return -EPERM; } db = init(sql_db); if (db == NULL) { printf("Unable to open the database\n"); return 1; } switch(action) { case MANAGE_ACTION_HELP: /* Already done */ break; case MANAGE_ACTION_LIST: list_users(db); sql_close(db); return 0; case MANAGE_ACTION_CREATE: create_database(db); return 0; case MANAGE_ACTION_GET: case MANAGE_ACTION_ADD: case MANAGE_ACTION_DELETE: /* Later */ break; } if (username == NULL) { usage(3); } if (verify_user(username, strlen(username), &user) != 0) { printf("Unauthorized char in the username"); return OTP_ERR; } switch(action) { case MANAGE_ACTION_HELP: case MANAGE_ACTION_LIST: case MANAGE_ACTION_CREATE: /* Already done */ break; case MANAGE_ACTION_GET: data = get_otp_data(db, &user); if (data == NULL) { printf("No such user\n"); break; } printf("User '%.*s':\n", (unsigned int) user.len,; printf("Public ID : %.*s\n", (int) OTP_PUB_ID_HEX_LEN, data->pubid); printf("Private Key: %.*s\n", (int) OTP_KEY_HEX_LEN, data->key); printf("Private ID digest: %s\n", data->digest_name); printf("Private ID hash: %s\n", data->privid_hash); free(data); break; case MANAGE_ACTION_DELETE: for (temp = 0; temp < MAX_RETRIES; ++temp) { ret = try_start_transaction(db); switch (ret) { case OTP_SQL_ERR: printf("SQL error during the transaction initialisation"); goto free_db; case OTP_SQL_MAY_RETRY: break; case OTP_SQL_OK: ret = try_delete_credentials(db, &user); switch (ret) { case OTP_SQL_ERR: printf("SQL error while trying to remove user"); goto free_db; case OTP_SQL_MAY_RETRY: break; case OTP_SQL_OK: ret = try_end_transaction(db); switch (ret) { case OTP_SQL_MAY_RETRY: break; case OTP_SQL_ERR: printf("SQL error when trying to commit the transaction"); goto free_db; case OTP_SQL_OK: sql_close(db); return 0; } } } } printf("Unable to remove user (Database busy)\n"); break; case MANAGE_ACTION_ADD: data = calloc(sizeof(struct otp_data), 1ul); if (data == NULL) { printf("Malloc error\n"); goto free_db; } if (read_input_word(data->pubid, OTP_PUB_ID_HEX_LEN, "Public ID")) { goto free_data; } if (check_modhex(data->pubid, OTP_PUB_ID_HEX_LEN) != 0) { printf("Non hex character in input, please retry\n"); goto free_data; } if (read_input_word(data->key, OTP_KEY_HEX_LEN, "AES key")) { goto free_data; } if (check_hex(data->key, (int) OTP_KEY_HEX_LEN) != 0) { printf("Non hex character in input, please retry\n"); goto free_data; } if (read_input_word(privid, OTP_PRIVID_HEX_LEN, "Private ID")) { goto free_data; } if (check_hex(privid, (int) OTP_PRIVID_HEX_LEN) != 0) { printf("Non hex character in input, please retry\n"); goto free_data; } privid_bin = hex2bin(privid, OTP_PRIVID_HEX_LEN); if (privid_bin == NULL) { printf("Malloc error (bis)\n"); goto free_data; } printf("Please Specify a valid digest algorithm [%s]\n", DEFAULT_DIGEST); memset(digest_name, 0, (size_t) DIGEST_NAME_MAX_SIZE); ctemp = fgets(digest_name, DIGEST_NAME_MAX_SIZE, stdin); if (ctemp == NULL) { printf("Unable to read input\n"); goto free_data; } if (digest_name[DIGEST_NAME_MAX_SIZE - 1] != 0 && digest_name[DIGEST_NAME_MAX_SIZE - 1] != '\n') { printf("Digest algorithm name too long, please retry\n"); goto free_data; } if (digest_name[0] == '\n') { data->digest_name = strdup(DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { ctemp = memchr(digest_name, '\n', (size_t) DIGEST_NAME_MAX_SIZE); if (ctemp != NULL) { *ctemp = '\0'; } data->digest_name = digest_name; } ctemp = (char*)compute_hash(data->digest_name, (char*)privid_bin, OTP_PRIVID_BIN_LEN); if (ctemp == NULL) { goto free_data; } data->privid_hash = bin2hex(ctemp, strlen(ctemp)); if (data->privid_hash == NULL) { goto free_data; } printf("New user :\n"); printf("Name: '%.*s':\n", (unsigned int) user.len,; printf("Public ID : %.*s\n", (int) OTP_PUB_ID_HEX_LEN, data->pubid); printf("Private Key: %.*s\n", (int) OTP_KEY_HEX_LEN, data->key); printf("Private ID: %.*s\n", (int) OTP_PRIVID_HEX_LEN, privid); printf("Private ID digest: %s\n", data->digest_name); printf("Private ID hash: %s\n", data->privid_hash); printf("Press enter to create this new user\n"); if (getc(stdin) != '\n') { goto free_data; } for (temp = 0; temp < MAX_RETRIES; ++temp) { ret = try_start_transaction(db); switch (ret) { case OTP_SQL_ERR: printf("SQL error during the transaction initialisation"); goto free_data; case OTP_SQL_MAY_RETRY: break; case OTP_SQL_OK: ret = try_create_credentials(db, data, &user); switch (ret) { case OTP_SQL_ERR: printf("SQL error while trying to add the user"); goto free_data; case OTP_SQL_MAY_RETRY: break; case OTP_SQL_OK: ret = try_end_transaction(db); switch (ret) { case OTP_SQL_MAY_RETRY: break; case OTP_SQL_ERR: printf("SQL error when trying to commit the transaction"); goto free_data; case OTP_SQL_OK: goto free_data; } } } } printf("Unable to create user (Database busy)\n"); break; } goto free_db; free_data: free_otp_data(data); free_db: sql_close(db); return 0; }
char *uwsgi_upload_progress_create(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req, int *fd) { const char *x_progress_id = "X-Progress-ID="; char *xpi_ptr = (char *) x_progress_id; uint16_t i; char *upload_progress_filename = NULL; if (wsgi_req->uri_len <= 51) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < wsgi_req->uri_len; i++) { if (wsgi_req->uri[i] == xpi_ptr[0]) { if (xpi_ptr[0] == '=') { if (wsgi_req->uri + i + 36 <= wsgi_req->uri + wsgi_req->uri_len) { upload_progress_filename = wsgi_req->uri + i + 1; } break; } xpi_ptr++; } else { xpi_ptr = (char *) x_progress_id; } } // now check for valid uuid (from spec available at if (!upload_progress_filename) return NULL; uwsgi_log("upload progress uuid = %.*s\n", 36, upload_progress_filename); if (!check_hex(upload_progress_filename, 8)) return NULL; if (upload_progress_filename[8] != '-') return NULL; if (!check_hex(upload_progress_filename + 9, 4)) return NULL; if (upload_progress_filename[13] != '-') return NULL; if (!check_hex(upload_progress_filename + 14, 4)) return NULL; if (upload_progress_filename[18] != '-') return NULL; if (!check_hex(upload_progress_filename + 19, 4)) return NULL; if (upload_progress_filename[23] != '-') return NULL; if (!check_hex(upload_progress_filename + 24, 12)) return NULL; upload_progress_filename = uwsgi_concat4n(uwsgi.upload_progress, strlen(uwsgi.upload_progress), "/", 1, upload_progress_filename, 36, ".js", 3); // here we use O_EXCL to avoid eventual application bug in uuid generation/using *fd = open(upload_progress_filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP); if (*fd < 0) { uwsgi_error_open(upload_progress_filename); free(upload_progress_filename); return NULL; } return upload_progress_filename; }
ret_t cherokee_handler_secdownload_new (cherokee_handler_t **hdl, void *cnt, cherokee_module_props_t *props) { int re; ret_t ret; char *p; cuint_t path_len; time_t time_url; char *time_s; cherokee_buffer_t md5 = CHEROKEE_BUF_INIT; cherokee_connection_t *conn = CONN(cnt); TRACE(ENTRIES, "Analyzing request '%s'\n", conn->request.buf); /* Sanity check */ if (conn->request.len <= 1 + 32 + 2) { TRACE(ENTRIES, "Malformed URL. Too short: len=%d.\n", conn->request.len); conn->error_code = http_not_found; return ret_error; } if (conn->request.buf[0] != '/') { TRACE(ENTRIES, "Malformed URL: %s\n", "Not slash (1)"); conn->error_code = http_not_found; return ret_error; } p = conn->request.buf + 1; if (check_hex (p, 32)) { TRACE(ENTRIES, "Malformed URL: %s\n", "No MD5"); conn->error_code = http_not_found; return ret_error; } p += 32; if (*p != '/') { TRACE(ENTRIES, "Malformed URL: %s\n", "Not slash (2)"); conn->error_code = http_not_found; return ret_error; } p += 1; time_s = p; if (check_hex (p, 8)) { TRACE(ENTRIES, "Malformed URL: %s\n", "No MD5 (2)"); conn->error_code = http_not_found; return ret_error; } p += 8; /* Check the time */ time_url = get_time (time_s); if ((cherokee_bogonow_now - time_url) > (int)PROP_SECDOWN(props)->timeout) { TRACE(ENTRIES, "Time out: %d (now=%d)\n", time_url, cherokee_bogonow_now); conn->error_code = http_gone; return ret_error; } /* Check the MD5 * [secret][path][hex(time)] */ path_len = (conn->request.buf + conn->request.len) - p; cherokee_buffer_add_buffer (&md5, &PROP_SECDOWN(props)->secret); cherokee_buffer_add (&md5, p, path_len); cherokee_buffer_add (&md5, time_s, 8); cherokee_buffer_encode_md5_digest (&md5); re = strncasecmp (md5.buf, &conn->request.buf[1], 32); if (re != 0) { TRACE(ENTRIES, "MD5 (%s) didn't match\n", md5.buf); cherokee_buffer_mrproper(&md5); conn->error_code = http_access_denied; return ret_error; } cherokee_buffer_mrproper (&md5); /* At this point the request has been validated */ if (cherokee_buffer_is_empty (&conn->request_original)) { cherokee_buffer_add_buffer (&conn->request_original, &conn->request); cherokee_buffer_add_buffer (&conn->query_string_original, &conn->query_string); } cherokee_buffer_clean (&conn->request); cherokee_buffer_add (&conn->request, p, path_len); /* Instance the File handler */ ret = cherokee_handler_file_new (hdl, cnt, MODULE_PROPS(PROP_SECDOWN(props)->props_file)); if (ret != ret_ok) return ret_ok; return ret_ok; }