Пример #1
void initBucket_nw(Bucket *bucket, unsigned long seed, int symblen,
                   unsigned int k, unsigned int w, unsigned int s, double lt_delta,
                   double lt_c, double eps, unsigned int N, DegDistr code, unsigned int nw, unsigned int Ns) {

    unsigned int i;

    bucket->matrix.seed = seed;
    bucket->symbLen = symblen;
    bucket->matrix.codetype = code;

    bucket->matrix.conf.k = k;
    bucket->matrix.conf.w = w;
    bucket->matrix.conf.s = s;
    bucket->matrix.conf.N = N;
    bucket->matrix.conf.delta = lt_delta;
    bucket->matrix.conf.c = lt_c;
    bucket->matrix.conf.epsShok = eps;

    if (bucket->matrix.symbols != NULL) {

        for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
            if (bucket->matrix.symbols[i].header != NULL)


    bucket->matrix.symbols = (Symbol *) chk_calloc(N, sizeof(Symbol));

    if (bucket->matrix.cumulative != NULL)
    bucket->matrix.cumulative = (double *) chk_calloc(w, sizeof(double));

    switch (code) {
    case Luby:
    case Shokrollahi:
        print_error("ERROR: currently only p2p and streaming applications can be used.\n");

    if (nw == 0)
        create_headers_nw(&bucket->matrix, nw, Ns);

Пример #2
int addBucketFLY(LTdecoderFLY* decoder) {

    int nameNewBucket = 0;
    Node *current = decoder->bucketFLYList;	// Set the current pointer to the first bucket (if any)
    Node *ptr= NULL;

    if (decoder->bucketFLYList == NULL) {	// If there are no buckets
        ptr = addNode(NULL);
        decoder->bucketFLYList = ptr;
    } else {
        // find the last bucket
        while (current->next != NULL) {
            current = current->next;
        // The new bucket name will have the name of the previous one +1
        nameNewBucket = ((BucketFLY *)current->data)->nameBucket +1;
        // Create a new node
        ptr = addNode(current);
        // Add the new node to the bucketFLYList
        current->next = ptr;

    // Allocate a new bucket and initialize its parameters
    ptr->data = (void *) chk_calloc(1, sizeof(BucketFLY));
    ((BucketFLY *)ptr->data)->nameBucket = nameNewBucket;
    ((BucketFLY *)ptr->data)->symbols = NULL;
    ((BucketFLY *)ptr->data)->cumulative = NULL;
    ((BucketFLY *)ptr->data)->genSymbs = 0;

    return nameNewBucket;
Пример #3
unsigned int receiveEncodedSymbFLY(LTdecoderFLY *decoder, Symbol* encodedSymbols,
                                   unsigned int numberEncodedSymbols) {

    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int count = 0;
    Node *ptr= NULL;

    if (decoder == NULL) {
        print_error("(libLT_C:LTdecoderFLY.c:receiveEncodedSymbFLY) ERROR - Decoder pointer not correctly passed.\n");
        return 0;

    if ((encodedSymbols == NULL)||(numberEncodedSymbols == 0))
        return 0;

    for (i = 0; i < numberEncodedSymbols; i++) {

        Symbol* currSymb = &(encodedSymbols[i]);

        // Create Node
        if (decoder->RXsymbList == NULL) {
            ptr = addNode(NULL);
            decoder->RXsymbList = ptr;
        } else {
            ptr = addNode(decoder->lastRXsymbol);
            decoder->lastRXsymbol->next = ptr;
        decoder->lastRXsymbol = ptr;

        // Alloc a new symbol in the decoder
        ptr->data = (Symbol *) chk_calloc(1, sizeof(Symbol));
        Symbol *newSymbol = (Symbol *)ptr->data;

        // Deg
        newSymbol->deg = currSymb->deg;

        // Symb Len
        newSymbol->symbLen = currSymb->symbLen;

        // Header
        newSymbol->header =
            (unsigned int *) chk_malloc(newSymbol->deg, sizeof(unsigned int));
               newSymbol->deg*sizeof(unsigned int));

        // Info
        newSymbol->info =
            (char *) chk_malloc(currSymb->symbLen, sizeof(char));

        // Update the number of received symbols
    return count;
Пример #4
void initBucketFLY(BucketFLY *bucket, unsigned long seed, int symblen,
                   unsigned int w, unsigned int s, double lt_delta,
                   double lt_c, double epsShok, DegDistr code) {

    bucket->seed = seed;
    bucket->symbLen = symblen;
    bucket->w = w;
    bucket->s = s;
    bucket->lt_delta = lt_delta;
    bucket->lt_c = lt_c;
    bucket->epsShok = epsShok;
    bucket->code = code;

    initRandom(&bucket->buckRan, seed);

    unsigned int i;
    if (bucket->symbols != NULL) {
        for (i=0; i<bucket->genSymbs; i++) {
            if (bucket->symbols[i].header != NULL)
        bucket->symbols = NULL;

    bucket->genSymbs = 0;

    if (bucket->cumulative != NULL) {
        bucket->cumulative = NULL;
    bucket->cumulative = (double *) chk_calloc(w, sizeof(double));

    switch (code) {
    case Luby:
        RSDcumulative(bucket->cumulative, w, s, lt_delta, lt_c);
    case Shokrollahi:
        SHOKcumulative(bucket->cumulative, w, s, epsShok);
        print_error("ERROR: currently only LT and Raptor codes are implemented.\n");

#ifdef DEBUGdecoderPrintBucketRandomSeed
    printf("Bucket[%d] - Seed: %lu\n", bucket->nameBucket, bucket->seed);

Пример #5
void deserializeSymbolList(char* tlvData, Symbol** pEncodedSymbolList, unsigned int* N) {

    if (tlvData == NULL) {
        print_error("Sorry, impossible to de-serialize the data buffer containing the symbol list because the buffer is empty!\n");
        return 0;

    Symbol* encodedSymbols = NULL;
    unsigned long long pos = 0;

    // ====== Read Header ======

    unsigned short headerLen;
    char version;
    unsigned long long dataLen;

    readSerializedBasicHeader(tlvData, &headerLen, &version, N, &dataLen, &pos);
    if (headerLen +2 > pos) {
        // TODO
        readSerializedHeaderExtensions(tlvData, &pos);

    // ====== Read symbols ======

    // Allocate an array of Symbol structures
    encodedSymbols = (Symbol*) chk_calloc(*N, sizeof(Symbol));

    // De-serialize one symbol at the time
    unsigned int numSymb = 0;
    for (numSymb = 0; numSymb < *N; numSymb++) {

        if (pos < (2+headerLen)+dataLen)
            pos = deserializeSymbol(tlvData, pos, &(encodedSymbols[numSymb]));
        else {
            print_error("tlv2symbolList: It seems that the TLV-like data buffer in not coherent. "
                        "The current position (%lu) has exceeded the expected maximum value (%lu)."
                        "\nNumber of de-serialized symbols: %d", pos, (2+headerLen)+dataLen, numSymb);

    // Make pEncodedSymbolList to point to the beginning of the generated data.
    *pEncodedSymbolList = NULL;
    *pEncodedSymbolList = encodedSymbols;

Пример #6
int addAndInitBucketFLY(LTdecoderFLY* decoder, unsigned long seed, int symblen,
                        unsigned int w, unsigned int s,
                        double lt_delta, double lt_c, double epsShok, DegDistr code) {

    int nameNewBucket = 0;
    Node *current = decoder->bucketFLYList;	// Set the current pointer to the first bucket (if any)
    Node *ptr= NULL;

    if (decoder->bucketFLYList == NULL) {	// If there are no buckets
        ptr = addNode(NULL);
        decoder->bucketFLYList = ptr;
    } else {
        // find the last bucket
        while (current->next != NULL) {
            current = current->next;
        // The new bucket name will have the name of the previous one +1
        nameNewBucket = ((BucketFLY *)current->data)->nameBucket +1;
        // Create a new node
        ptr = addNode(current);
        // Add the new node to the bucketFLYList
        current->next = ptr;

    // Allocate a new bucket and initialize its parameters
    ptr->data = (void *) chk_calloc(1, sizeof(BucketFLY));
    ((BucketFLY *)ptr->data)->nameBucket = nameNewBucket;
    ((BucketFLY *)ptr->data)->symbols = NULL;
    ((BucketFLY *)ptr->data)->cumulative = NULL;
    ((BucketFLY *)ptr->data)->genSymbs = 0;

    initBucketFLY((BucketFLY *) ptr->data, seed, symblen,
                  w, s, lt_delta, lt_c, epsShok, code);

    return nameNewBucket;
Пример #7
void LTencodeFLY_toFile(LTencoderFLY *encoder,
                        unsigned int N,
                        unsigned int l,
                        char *sourceInfo,
                        unsigned long info_firstSymbolId,
                        char *outfile ) {
    // Allocate the space to store the encoded symbols
    Symbol* encodedSymbols = (Symbol*) chk_calloc(N, sizeof(Symbol));

    // Encode the source symbols
    LTencodeSymbolFLY(encoder, l, sourceInfo, info_firstSymbolId, N, encodedSymbols);

    // Serialize symbols
    char* serializedBuff = NULL;
    unsigned long serializedBuffLen = 0;
    serializedBuffLen = serializeSymbolList_explicit_append(encodedSymbols, N, &serializedBuff);

    // Delete the symbol list
    unsigned int i;
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
        Symbol* currSymb = &(encodedSymbols[i]);
        if (currSymb->info != NULL)
        if (currSymb->header != NULL)

    if (writeFile(outfile, serializedBuff, serializedBuffLen) != serializedBuffLen) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Encoded Information NOT written correctly.\n");

    // Free buffer
Пример #8
void createHeadersFly(BucketFLY *bucket,
                      unsigned int newHeadersToGenerate,	// Number of symbols to be retrieved
                      unsigned int offset) {

    double sel;
    unsigned int genDeg;
    unsigned int i, j;

    unsigned int w = bucket->w;
    double *cumulative = bucket->cumulative;

    if (newHeadersToGenerate<1)

    if ((bucket->genSymbs == 0)&&(bucket->symbols == NULL))
        bucket->symbols = (Symbol *) chk_calloc(newHeadersToGenerate, sizeof(Symbol));
    else {
        bucket->symbols = (Symbol *) chk_realloc(bucket->symbols,
                          bucket->genSymbs + newHeadersToGenerate,
        for (i=0; i<newHeadersToGenerate; i++) {
            bucket->symbols[bucket->genSymbs+i].info = NULL;
            bucket->symbols[bucket->genSymbs+i].header = NULL;
            bucket->symbols[bucket->genSymbs+i].deg = 0;
            bucket->symbols[bucket->genSymbs+i].symbLen = bucket->symbLen;
    unsigned int *selectedSymbols = NULL;
    selectedSymbols = (unsigned int*) chk_malloc(w, sizeof(unsigned int));

    for (i=0; i<newHeadersToGenerate; i++) {
        // Create header (the symbols are chosen between 0 and w)
        //  therefore shifting is needed.
        genDeg = degree(cumulative, w, real(&bucket->buckRan));
        if (genDeg > w)
            genDeg = w;
        if (genDeg == w) {
            chooseAllInWindowCore(w, offset, selectedSymbols, genDeg);
        } else {
            for (j=0; j<genDeg; j++) {
                sel	= real(&bucket->buckRan);
                selectedSymbols[j]	= rand2windowCore(w, offset, sel);

                if (verifySelectedSymbol(selectedSymbols, j) == False) {
                    j--;		// Doesn't repeat encoding symbols
//			sort(selectedSymbols, 0, genDeg-1);	// Sort the chosen encoding symbols' list

#ifdef DEBUGdecoderPrintHeaders
        int deb_index;
        printf("BUCKET[%d] - symb[%d]\t: deg=%3d\t -> ",
               bucket->nameBucket, bucket->genSymbs, genDeg);
        for (deb_index=0; deb_index<genDeg; deb_index++)
            printf("%3d ", selectedSymbols[deb_index]);

        bucket->symbols[bucket->genSymbs].header =
            (unsigned int *) chk_malloc(genDeg, sizeof(unsigned int *));

               genDeg*sizeof(unsigned int));
        bucket->symbols[bucket->genSymbs].deg = genDeg;
        bucket->symbols[bucket->genSymbs].symbLen = bucket->symbLen;


#ifdef DEBUGdecoderPrintHeaders

    selectedSymbols = NULL;
Пример #9
// Processes the received symbols
Tbool processReceivedFLY(LTdecoderFLY* decoder) {
    Tbool one_decoded = False;
    unsigned int currDeg = 0;
    unsigned int realDeg = 0;
    unsigned int check = 0;
    Node *nextNode= NULL;
    int symbLen = 0;
    unsigned int k = decoder->k;

    // Start from the first received symbol (if exists)
    Node *current = NULL;
    current = decoder->RXsymbList;

    // All the symbols in the decode MUST have the same length!!
    if (current->data != NULL)
        symbLen = ((Symbol *)decoder->RXsymbList->data)->symbLen;
    else if (decoder->bucketFLYList != NULL)
        symbLen = ((BucketFLY *)decoder->bucketFLYList->data)->symbLen;
    if (symbLen==0) {
        print_error("ERROR: processReceivedFLY. The symbol length cannot be defined.\n");

    // If the decoded buffer has not been allocated yet, allocate it
    if (decoder->decoded == NULL) {
        decoder->decoded = (char *) chk_malloc(k*symbLen, sizeof(char));
    // If the decodingStatus buffer has not been allocated yet, allocate it
    if (decoder->decodingStatus == NULL) {
        decoder->decodingStatus = (char *) chk_calloc(k*symbLen, sizeof(char));

    while (current != NULL) {

        nextNode = current->next;

        if (current->data == NULL) {
            print_error("ERROR: process_received - current data empty.\n");

        Symbol *currSymb = (Symbol *) current->data;

        // Get the degree of the current encoded symbol
        currDeg = currSymb->deg;
        if ((currDeg<1)&&(currDeg>k)) {	// It should never happen!!
            print_error("ERROR: process_received - out of bounds degree found.\n");
            rmSymbol(&(decoder->RXsymbList), current);

#ifdef DEBUGPrintReceivedSymbolHeaders
        unsigned int debIndex;
        printf("Decoding Header: Deg = %d \t Check Symbs =", currDeg);
        for (debIndex = 0; debIndex < currDeg; debIndex++)
            printf(" %d", currSymb->header[debIndex]);

        if (currDeg == 1) { // If this symbol has degree 1 then directly decode it
            check = currSymb->header[0];

            // Check that the encoded information exists
            if (currSymb->info == NULL) {
                print_error("ERROR: symbol info not allocated!\n");
            // Check that the header exists
            if (currSymb->header == NULL) {
                print_error("ERROR: symbol header not allocated!\n");
            // Check that the symbol in the header is within the k input symbols
            if (check >= k) {
                print_error("ERROR: decoded symbol header out of buffer.\n");

            // Check if the symbol in the header has not being decoded yet.
            if (isSymbolDecoded(decoder->decodingStatus, check*symbLen, symbLen) == False) {

                // Copy the information in the decoded information array
                // Set the bytes in the decoding status array to 0x01 to indicate that the symbols is decoded.
                one_decoded = True;

#ifdef DEBUGprintReleasedSymbol
            printReleasedSymbol(check, k);

            rmSymbol(&(decoder->RXsymbList), current);

        } else {
            // Compute the real degree of the symbol
            realDeg = computeRealDegree(currSymb,
                                        symbLen, currDeg, k);
            switch (realDeg) {
            case 0:
                rmSymbol(&(decoder->RXsymbList), current);
            case 1:
                check = reduceDegree(&currSymb,
                                     decoder->decoded, decoder->decodingStatus, currDeg, symbLen, realDeg,

                if (currSymb->info == NULL) {
                    print_error("ERROR: symbol info not allocated!\n");

                if (check>=k) {
                    print_error("ERROR: decoded symbol out of buffer.\n");

                if (decoder->decodingStatus[check*symbLen] == 0x00) {
                    one_decoded = True;
                rmSymbol(&(decoder->RXsymbList), current);

#ifdef DEBUGprintReleasedSymbol
                printReleasedSymbol(check, k);

        current = nextNode;
    // Update lastRXsymbol (necessary for adding new received symbols)
    current = decoder->RXsymbList;
    while (current != NULL) {
        if (current->next == NULL) {
            decoder->lastRXsymbol = current;
        current = current->next;
    return one_decoded;
Пример #10
   Function to read a multi-sequence file
int read_multiseq(char *filename, Tmultiseq *mseqdata)
  FILE *fp = NULL;
  int r;
  char *ptr, cdeb, c;
  size_t file_sz, i, k, m;

  /* Obtain the size of the file*/
  file_sz = get_filesize(filename);

  /* Read open the file */
  if ((fp = fopen(filename ,"r")) == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not open FASTA file %s", filename);

  /* Allocate memory */
  mseqdata->data = (char *)chk_calloc(file_sz + 1, sizeof(char));

  /* Read the whole file */
  ptr = mseqdata->data;
  mseqdata->nb = 0;
  mseqdata->len = 0;
  cdeb = c = '\0';
  while (file_sz > 0)
    r = fgetc(fp);
    /* stop reading if end-of-file */
    if (r == EOF)
      *ptr = '\0';

    if (c == '\n' || c == '\0')
      cdeb = (char)r;

    c = (char)r;
    /* raise char-flag when start-of-sequence-name and
       increment the sequence number counter */
    if (c == '>')
      ++ mseqdata->nb;
      if (ptr != mseqdata->data)
        *ptr = '\0';
        ++ mseqdata->len;
        ++ ptr;
        -- file_sz;

    /* replace 'end of line' by 'end of string' for the sequence name */
    if (c == '\n' && cdeb == '>')
      c = '\0';

    /* store the char if not 'end of line' */
    if (c != '\n')
      *ptr = c;
      ++ mseqdata->len;
      ++ ptr;
      -- file_sz;

  /* close the file */

  /* allocate memory for the multiseq table */
  mseqdata->tab = (struct _tmb_ *)chk_calloc(mseqdata->nb,
                                             sizeof(struct _tmb_));

  /* assign to the table element pointer their values */
  k = i = 0;
  while (i < mseqdata->len)
    switch (mseqdata->data[i]) {
      case '>':
        mseqdata->tab[k].name = &(mseqdata->data[i + 1]);
      case '\0':
        mseqdata->tab[k].seq = &(mseqdata->data[i + 1]);
        m = i + 1;
        while (mseqdata->data[m] != '\0') { ++ m;};
        mseqdata->tab[k].size = m - (i + 1);
        i = m;
        ++ k;
    ++ i;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #11
unsigned int LTencodeSymbolFLY_buffer(LTencoderFLY *encoder, int symbLen,
                                      char* info, unsigned long info_firstSymbolId,
                                      Symbol* encodedSymbols, unsigned int N,
                                      unsigned long window_firstSymbolId) {
    unsigned int genDeg = 0;
    unsigned int *selectedSymbols = NULL;
    unsigned int ii, jj, j, kk;
    double sel;

    unsigned int w = encoder->currConfig->config->w;
    double *cumulative = encoder->currConfig->cumulative;
    unsigned int IDfirstSymbol = encoder->currConfig->genSymbols;

    // The output must be already allocated
    if ((symbLen < 1)||(info == NULL)||(encodedSymbols == NULL)) {
        print_error("ERROR - encoding process - no encoded information generated.\n");
        if (symbLen < 1)
            print_error("                           symbLen = %d\n.", symbLen);
        if (info == NULL)
            print_error("                           info vector not allocated.\n");
        if (encodedSymbols == NULL)
            print_error("                           encoded symbol list not allocated.\n");

    // Allocate the vector for the selected symbols
    selectedSymbols = (unsigned int*) chk_calloc(w, sizeof(unsigned int));

    for (ii=0; ii<N; ii++) {

        Symbol* currSymb = &(encodedSymbols[ii]);

        genDeg = degree(cumulative, w, real(&(encoder->currConfig)->randomGenerator));
        if (genDeg > w)
            genDeg = w;

        if (genDeg == w) {
            chooseAllInWindowCore(w, window_firstSymbolId, selectedSymbols, genDeg);

        } else {
            for (jj=0; jj<genDeg; jj++) {
                sel	= real(&(encoder->currConfig)->randomGenerator);
                selectedSymbols[jj]	= rand2windowCore(w, window_firstSymbolId, sel);

                if (verifySelectedSymbol(selectedSymbols, jj) == False) {
                    jj--;		// Doesn't repeat encoding symbols
            // This encoder can sort the selected symbols if the following line is uncommented.
            //sort(selectedSymbols, 0, genDeg-1);	// Sort the chosen encoding symbols' list

        // Allocate memory for the header
        currSymb->header = (unsigned int*) chk_malloc(genDeg, sizeof(unsigned int));

        // Allocate memory for the encoded information
        currSymb->info = (char*) chk_malloc(symbLen, sizeof(char));

        // Saves the degree in the symbol's header
        currSymb->deg = genDeg;

        // Saves the symbol length in the symbol's header
        currSymb->symbLen = symbLen;

        // Assign the id to the new symbol
        currSymb->id = encoder->currConfig->genSymbols+1;

        // Copy the Info of the first input symbol indicated in the header
        memcpy(currSymb->header, selectedSymbols, genDeg*sizeof(unsigned int));

#ifdef DEBUGencoderPrintHeaders
        int deb_index;
        printf("ENCODER - symb[%d]\t: deg=%3d\t -> ", (int) encoder->currConfig->genSymbols, genDeg);
        for (deb_index=0; deb_index<genDeg; deb_index++)
            printf("%3d ", selectedSymbols[deb_index]);

        // Saves the selected source symbols' ID in the current Symbol
        memcpy(currSymb->info, &info[(selectedSymbols[0]-info_firstSymbolId)*symbLen], symbLen*sizeof(char));

        // EX-OR the other symbols of the header
        if (encoder->xorType != NO) {
            for (j=1; j<genDeg; j++) {
                // EX-OR COMPUTATION
                calcXOR(&info[(selectedSymbols[j]-info_firstSymbolId)*symbLen], currSymb->info, symbLen, encoder->xorType);
        } else {
            for (j=1; j<genDeg; j++) {
                // EX-OR COMPUTATION
                for (kk=0; kk<symbLen; kk++) {
                    currSymb->info[kk] ^= info[(selectedSymbols[j]-info_firstSymbolId)*symbLen + kk];

        // Increase the number of generated symbols

#ifdef DEBUGencoderPrintHeaders

    // free and initialize the tmp symbol
    selectedSymbols = NULL;

    return IDfirstSymbol;
Пример #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc != 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR passing arguments!\n "
                "The first argument is the input file, the second is the decoded file.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    char* infile = argv[1];
    char* outfile = argv[2];

    printf("---Encoding file %s\n", infile);
    printf("---Recovered Info in file %s\n", outfile);

    // Create the input source
    ulong infilelen = 0;

    sourceInfo = readFile(infile, &infilelen);
    if (sourceInfo == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR source file not correctly read.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Simple initialization */
    l = 1;
    k = infilelen/l;
    w = k/128;
    s = w/2;
    c = 0.4;
    delta = 0.5;
    seed = 663;

    N = (1.0+RED_EPS)*k;

    Ns = (k - w)/s + 1;
    nw = (1.0+RED_EPS)*s;

    printf("number of input symbols = %d\n", k);
    printf("number of encoding windows = %d\n", Ns);
    printf("number of encoded symbols per window = %d\n", nw);


    // Allocate the encoder data structure
    encoder = mallocEncoderFLY(seed);
    // Init the encoder data structure
    setEncoderFLY_LT(encoder, w, s, delta, c);

    // Allocate the decoder data structure
    decoder = mallocDecoderFLY(N);

    uint i;
    Symbol* encodedSymbols;
    for (i = 0; i < Ns; i++) {

        // === ENCODING ===

        // Allocate the space to store the encoded symbols
        encodedSymbols = (Symbol*) chk_calloc(nw, sizeof(Symbol));

        // Consider the source symbols of the current window to generate nw encoded symbols
        LTencodeSymbolFLY(encoder, l, sourceInfo, s*i, nw, encodedSymbols);

        printf("Encoding window %d completed (Number encoded symbols: %u).\n", i, getNumEncodedSymbols(encoder));

        // === DECODING ===

        // Receive the encoded symbols
        receiveEncodedSymbFLY(decoder, encodedSymbols, nw);

        printf("Decoding the received information (up to the %d-th window).\tDecoded: %d\n", i, getNumDecoded(decoder));

        // Decode the symbols

        // Free the allocated encodedSymbols
        freeSymbList(encodedSymbols, nw);

     * RESULTS

    // See new decoded symbols

    // Count all decoded symbols
    printf("TOT received symbols: %d\n", getNumReceived(decoder));
    printf("TOT decoded symbols: %d\n", getNumDecoded(decoder));

    char *decodedInfo = getDecodedInformation(decoder);

    // Write the decoded information on a file
    if (writeFile(outfile, decodedInfo, k*l) == k*l)
        printf("Output written correctly.\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Output NOT written correctly.\n");

     * FREES

    // Finally, free the memory


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #13
unsigned int serializeSymbol(Symbol* encodedSymbol, char version, char** pTlvData) {
    unsigned int totLen = 0;
    unsigned int valueLen = 0;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    char* tlvData = NULL;

    Tbool explicit = (Tbool)(version & 0x01);

    if (encodedSymbol->info == NULL) {
        print_error("serializeSymbol: The symbol does not contain encoded information!");
        return 0;
    if (encodedSymbol->deg == 0) {
        print_error("serializeSymbol: The symbol does not contain degree information!");
        return 0;
    if (encodedSymbol->header == NULL) {
        print_error("serializeSymbol: The symbol does not contain information about the IDs of the generator symbols!");
        return 0;

    // The length does not count the first two bytes, i.e. TLV_SYMBOL and the value of the total length of the serialized symbol.
    valueLen = 1 +                                           // TLV_DATA__INFO
               4 +                                           // TLV_DATA__INFO length
               encodedSymbol->symbLen;                       // number of bytes of information

    if (explicit == True) {
        valueLen += 1 +                                      // TLV_DATA__ENCODING_SYMBS
                    4 +                                      // TLV_DATA__ENCODING_SYMBS length
                    encodedSymbol->deg*sizeof(unsigned int); // number of bytes representing all the generators

    totLen = 1 + // TLV_DATA__SYMBOL
             4 + // TLV_DATA__SYMBOL length

    // Allocate the char array
    tlvData = (char*) chk_calloc(totLen, sizeof(char));

    // Write the data
    tlvData[i] = TLV_DATA__SYMBOL;
    i += sizeof(char);

    memcpy((char*)(tlvData+i), (unsigned int*) &(valueLen), sizeof(unsigned int));
    i += sizeof(unsigned int);
    tlvData[i] = TLV_DATA__INFO;
    i += sizeof(char);
    memcpy((char*)(tlvData+i), (unsigned int*) &(encodedSymbol->symbLen), sizeof(unsigned int));
    i += sizeof(unsigned int);
    memcpy((char*)(tlvData+i), encodedSymbol->info, encodedSymbol->symbLen*sizeof(char));
    i += encodedSymbol->symbLen*sizeof(char);

    if (explicit == True) {
        tlvData[i] = TLV_DATA__ENCODING_SYMBS;
        i += sizeof(char);
        memcpy((char*)(tlvData+i), (unsigned int*) &(encodedSymbol->deg), sizeof(unsigned int));
        i += sizeof(unsigned int);
        memcpy((char*)(tlvData+i), encodedSymbol->header, encodedSymbol->deg*sizeof(unsigned int));
        i += encodedSymbol->deg*sizeof(unsigned int);

    // Make pTlvData point to the beginning of the generated data.
    *pTlvData = NULL;
    *pTlvData = tlvData;

    return totLen;
Пример #14
unsigned long long serializeSymbolList_explicit(Symbol* encodedSymbols, unsigned int N, char** pTlvData) {
    char* tlvData = NULL;
    char version = 0x01; // explicit

    short int valueHeaderLen = 0;
    unsigned int totHeaderLen = 0;
    unsigned int i = 0;

    if (encodedSymbols == NULL) {
        print_error("symbolList2TLV_explicit: The symbol list is empty!");
        return 0;
    if (N == 0) {
        print_error("symbolList2TLV_explicit: The number of symbols to be converted to TLV format has to specified!");
        return 0;

    // Compute header length
    valueHeaderLen = sizeof(char) +              // TLV_HEADER__VERSION
                     sizeof(char) +              // TLV_HEADER__VERSION value
                     sizeof(char) +              // TLV_HEADER__NUM_SYMBS
                     sizeof(unsigned int) +      // TLV_HEADER__NUM_SYMBS value
                     sizeof(char) +              // TLV_HEADER__DATA_LENGTH
                     sizeof(unsigned long long); // TLV_HEADER__DATA_LENGTH value

    totHeaderLen =   sizeof(char) +              // TLV_HEADER__LENGTH
                     sizeof(char) +              // TLV_HEADER__LENGTH value

    // Allocate buffer for header
    char* header_buff = (char*) chk_calloc(totHeaderLen, sizeof(char));

    // Create header
    header_buff[i] = TLV_HEADER__LENGTH;
    i += sizeof(char);
    header_buff[i] = (char) valueHeaderLen;
    i += sizeof(char);
    header_buff[i] = TLV_HEADER__VERSION;
    i += sizeof(char);
    header_buff[i] = version; // explicit
    i += sizeof(char);
    header_buff[i] = TLV_HEADER__NUM_SYMBS;
    i += sizeof(char);
    memcpy((char*)(header_buff+i), (unsigned int*) &N, sizeof(unsigned int));
    i += sizeof(unsigned int);
    header_buff[i] = TLV_HEADER__DATA_LENGTH;
    i += sizeof(char);
    // We still have to add the total length of the data!

    // Create the data_buff
    char* data_buff = NULL;
    unsigned long long data_buff_len = 0;
    unsigned int i_symb = 0;
    for (i_symb = 0; i_symb < N; i_symb++) {
        char *symb_buff = NULL;
        unsigned int tlvSymbLen = 0;
        // Serialize the current symbol
        tlvSymbLen = serializeSymbol(&encodedSymbols[i_symb], version, &symb_buff);
        // Reallocate the data_buff
        data_buff = (char*) chk_realloc(data_buff, data_buff_len+tlvSymbLen, sizeof(char));
        // Copy symb_buff at the end of the data_buff
        memcpy((char*)(data_buff + data_buff_len), symb_buff, tlvSymbLen*sizeof(char));
        // Update the length variable of the data_buff
        data_buff_len += tlvSymbLen;
        // free the symb_buff variable

    // Now we have the value of the data_buff_len and we can update the field in the header
    memcpy((char*)(header_buff+i), &data_buff_len, sizeof(unsigned long long));
    i += sizeof(unsigned long long);

    // Create the tlv stream
    tlvData = (char*) chk_calloc(totHeaderLen+data_buff_len, sizeof(char));
    // Copy the header
    memcpy(tlvData, header_buff, totHeaderLen*sizeof(char));
    // Copy the serialized data
    memcpy((char*)(tlvData+totHeaderLen), data_buff, data_buff_len*sizeof(char));

    // Free temporary buffers

    // Make pTlvData point to the beginning of the generated data.
    *pTlvData = tlvData;

    return (unsigned long long) totHeaderLen+data_buff_len;
Пример #15
unsigned int receiveSymbFLY(LTdecoderFLY *decoder, BucketFLY *bucket,
                            char *encodedInfo,			// encodedInfo is the vector of encoded bits
                            unsigned int encodedInfoLength,  	// length of the encodedInfo vector (thus number of encoded bits)
                            unsigned int IDfirstSymb,			// ID of the first encoded symbol
                            unsigned long offset) {				// ID of the first source symbol considered in the encoding window

    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int count = 0;
    Node *ptr= NULL;
    unsigned int packetSymbols = (unsigned int)(encodedInfoLength/(bucket->symbLen));

    if (IDfirstSymb+packetSymbols > bucket->genSymbs) {

    for (i=0; i<packetSymbols; i++) {

        // Create Node
        if (decoder->RXsymbList == NULL) {
            ptr = addNode(NULL);
            decoder->RXsymbList = ptr;
        } else {
            ptr = addNode(decoder->lastRXsymbol);
            decoder->lastRXsymbol->next = ptr;
        decoder->lastRXsymbol = ptr;

        // Alloc a new symbol in the decoder
        ptr->data = (Symbol *) chk_calloc(1, sizeof(Symbol));
        Symbol *newSymbol = (Symbol *)ptr->data;

        // Create pointer to the current symbol in the bucket
        Symbol* currSymbol = &(bucket->symbols[IDfirstSymb+i]);

        // Deg
        newSymbol->deg = currSymbol->deg;
        // Symb Len
        newSymbol->symbLen = currSymbol->symbLen;
        // Header
        newSymbol->header =
            (unsigned int *)chk_malloc(newSymbol->deg, sizeof(unsigned int));
               newSymbol->deg*sizeof(unsigned int));
        // Info
        newSymbol->info =
            (char *)chk_malloc(bucket->symbLen, sizeof(char));

#ifdef DEBUGdecoderPrintHeaders
        int deb_index;
        printf("DECODER[%d] - symb[%d]\t: deg=%3d\t -> ",
               bucket->nameBucket, IDfirstSymb+i, newSymbol->deg);
        for (deb_index=0; deb_index<newSymbol->deg; deb_index++)
            printf("%3d ", currSymbol->header[deb_index]);

    // Update the number of received symbols
    decoder->NumRecSymbols += count;

    return count;
Пример #16
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  FILE *fp = NULL;
  char *lline = NULL, *lname = NULL;
  Tmultiseq msdat;
  size_t nl, nsel, maxl, lc;
  size_t *tab_start = NULL, *tab_stop = NULL;
  struct _tmb_ memb, **tab_nss = NULL, *ppos = NULL;
  size_t i, j;

  if (argc != 3)
     fputs("Usage:\n", stderr);
        "  %s <multi-sequence file name> <ranges selection file name>\n",

  /* Read the sequences file */
  read_multiseq(argv[1], &msdat);

  /* Sort the table of name/seq/size along the sequence name */
  qsort(msdat.tab, msdat.nb, sizeof(struct _tmb_), cmpname);

  /* Get the number of line in the selection file */
  nl = fline_count(argv[2], &maxl);

  /* Allocate memory for the selection table */
  tab_start = (size_t *)chk_calloc(nl, sizeof(size_t));  
  tab_stop = (size_t *)chk_calloc(nl, sizeof(size_t));  
  tab_nss = (struct _tmb_ **)chk_calloc(nl, sizeof(struct _tmb_ *));  
  /* Allocate temporary memory */
  maxl += 3; /* 3 -> '\0' & '\n' */
  lname = (char *)chk_calloc(maxl, sizeof(char));
  lline = (char *)chk_calloc(maxl, sizeof(char));

  /* Read each line of the selection file */
  nsel = lc = 0;
  fp = fopen(argv[2], "r");
  while (fgets(lline, maxl, fp) != NULL)
    ++ lc;
    sscanf(lline,"%s %zd %zd\n", lname, &i, &j);
    if (i <= j)
      /* binary search of the sequence in the table from its name */
      memb.name = lname;
      ppos = bsearch(&memb, msdat.tab, msdat.nb,
                     sizeof(struct _tmb_), cmpname);
      if (ppos == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Unknown sequence name [line %zd]: %s\n",
                lc, lname);
        tab_start[nsel] = i;
        tab_stop[nsel] = j;
        tab_nss[nsel] = ppos;
                "Warning: inconsistent start=%zd > stop=%zd [line %zd]\n",
                 i, j, lc);

  /* free temporary memory ... */
  /* ... and close file */

  /* Print the selected sequences (in selection order) */
    size_t sssz; /* size of the sub-sequence */
    char *ssp; /* pointer to the beginning of the sub-sequence */

    for (i=0; i<nsel; ++i)
      /* print the sequence name */
      printf(">%s\n", tab_nss[i]->name);

      /* print the sequence from start to stop */
      sssz = tab_stop[i] - tab_start[i] + 1;
         /* IMPORTANT: if in the selection file, the sequence
             index is 1-2-3...-n  and not 0-1-2...-n
             therefore replace the following line by
             ssp = tab_nss[i].seq + tab_start[i] - 1; */ 
      ssp = tab_nss[i]->seq + tab_start[i];
      /* For safety test out-of-range indices, IMPORTANT holds here also */
      if (tab_start[i] > tab_nss[i]->size || tab_stop[i] > tab_nss[i]->size)
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: start=%zd or stop=%zd is out of range\n",
                     tab_start[i], tab_stop[i]);
        for (j=0; j<sssz; ++j)

  /* free all allocated memory */

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #17
unsigned int LTencodeInfoFLY(LTencoderFLY *encoder, int symbLen,
                             char *info, unsigned long window_firstSymbolId,	// window_firstSymbolId indicates the the first symbol of the window
                             unsigned int N, char *output) {

    unsigned int genDeg = 0;
    unsigned int *selectedSymbols = NULL;
    unsigned int ii, jj, j, kk;
    double sel;

    unsigned int w = encoder->currConfig->config->w;
    double *cumulative = encoder->currConfig->cumulative;
    unsigned int IDfirstSymbol = encoder->currConfig->genSymbols;

    // The output must be already allocated
    if ((symbLen < 1)||(NULL == info)||(NULL == output)) {
        print_error("ERROR - encoding process - no encoded information generated.\n");
        if (symbLen < 1) print_error("                           symbLen = %d\n", symbLen);
        if (NULL == info) print_error("                           info vector not allocated\n");
        if (NULL == output) print_error("                           output vector not allocated\n");

    // Allocate the vector for the selected symbols
    selectedSymbols = (unsigned int*) chk_calloc(w, sizeof(unsigned int));

    for (ii=0; ii<N; ii++) {

        genDeg = degree(cumulative, w, real(&(encoder->currConfig)->randomGenerator));
        if (genDeg > w)
            genDeg = w;

        if (genDeg == w) {
            chooseAllInWindowCore(w, window_firstSymbolId, selectedSymbols, genDeg);

        } else {
            for (jj=0; jj<genDeg; jj++) {
                sel	= real(&(encoder->currConfig)->randomGenerator);
                selectedSymbols[jj]	= rand2windowCore(w, window_firstSymbolId, sel);

                if (verifySelectedSymbol(selectedSymbols, jj) == False) {
                    jj--;		// Doesn't repeat encoding symbols
            // This encoder does not sort because does not save the headers
            // sort(selectedSymbols, 0, genDeg-1);	// Sort the chosen encoding symbols' list

#ifdef DEBUGencoderPrintHeaders
        int deb_index;
        printf("ENCODER - symb[%d]\t: deg=%3d\t -> ", (int) encoder->currConfig->genSymbols, genDeg);
        for (deb_index=0; deb_index<genDeg; deb_index++)
            printf("%3d ", selectedSymbols[deb_index]);

        // Copy the Info of the first input symbol indicated in the header
        memcpy(&output[ii*symbLen], &info[selectedSymbols[0]*symbLen], symbLen*sizeof(char));

        // EX-OR the other symbols of the header
        if (encoder->xorType != NO) {
            for (j=1; j<genDeg; j++) {
                // EX-OR COMPUTATION
                calcXOR(&info[selectedSymbols[j]*symbLen], &output[ii*symbLen], symbLen, encoder->xorType);
        } else {
            for (j=1; j<genDeg; j++) {
                // EX-OR COMPUTATION
                for (kk=0; kk<symbLen; kk++) {
                    output[ii*symbLen + kk] ^= info[selectedSymbols[j]*symbLen + kk];

        // Increase the number of generated symbols

#ifdef DEBUGencoderPrintHeaders

    // free and initialize the tmp symbol
    selectedSymbols = NULL;

    return IDfirstSymbol;