bool City::load_data(std::istream& data) { clear_data(); data >> uid; std::string tmpstr; while (tmpstr != "!") { data >> tmpstr; if (tmpstr != "!") { if (!name.empty()) { name = name + " "; } name = name + tmpstr; } } int tmptype, tmprace; data >> tmptype >> tmprace; if (tmptype >= CITY_TYPE_MAX || tmptype <= 0) { debugmsg("City '%s' has type value of %d (range is 1 - %d)!", name.c_str(), tmptype, CITY_TYPE_MAX - 1); return false; } if (tmprace >= RACE_MAX || tmptype <= 0) { debugmsg("City '%s' has race value of %d (range is 1 - %d)!", name.c_str(), tmprace, RACE_MAX - 1); return false; } type = City_type(tmptype); race = Race(tmprace); data >> location.x >> location.y; if (!map.load_data(data)) { debugmsg("City '%s' failed to load map.", name.c_str()); return false; } int num_routes; data >> num_routes; for (int i = 0; i < num_routes; i++) { int tmpuid; Trade_route tmproute; data >> tmpuid; if (!tmproute.load_data(data)) { debugmsg("City '%s' failed to load trade route to City %d.", name.c_str(), tmpuid); return false; } trade_routes[tmpuid] = tmproute; } for (int i = 0; i < CIT_MAX; i++) { if (!population[i].load_data(data)) { debugmsg("City '%s' failed to load %s data.", name.c_str(), citizen_type_name(Citizen_type(i), true).c_str()); return false; } } for (int i = 0; i < RES_MAX; i++) { data >> resources[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < MINERAL_MAX; i++) { data >> minerals[i]; } int num_animals; data >> num_animals; for (int i = 0; i < num_animals; i++) { int tmpanimal, tmpnum; data >> tmpanimal >> tmpnum; if (tmpanimal <= 0 || tmpanimal >= ANIMAL_MAX) { debugmsg("City '%s' had animal of index %d (Range is 1 to %d)", name.c_str(), tmpanimal, ANIMAL_MAX - 1); return false; } livestock[ Animal(tmpanimal) ] = tmpnum; } return true; }
void clear_rek() { for(int i=0; i < KOLENTER; i++) gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry[i]),""); zap_zaktaxi.clear_data(); }
Info_tab::Info_tab(QWidget *parent_P, const char *name_P) : Info_tab_ui(parent_P, name_P) { clear_data(); }
void start_a_diagonal_homotopy(int myid, int numbprocs, char *name_1, char *name_2, char *outfile, WSET *ws, int num_group, int stages, int cnt_stage, int cnt_step, IDLE_ELEMENT **ie, LISTELEMENT **listpointer, int *TaskCount, int NUM_GROUP, int NUM_VARS, int *cnt_index, int *expected, int *dim, int update_flag) { int n, deg, n1, n2, dim1, dim2, deg1, deg2, cd, nbsols, fail, i, slv, count; double vcp[34]; if(myid==0) { printf("manager is in inside of start_a_diagonal_homotopy\n"); fail = read_two_witness_sets_from_file(&n1,&n2,&dim1,&dim2, °1,°2,name_1,name_2,&cd); n = cd; /* dimension */ nbsols = deg1*deg2; printf("#paths to track: %d\n", nbsols); fail = define_output_file_with_string ((int)strlen(outfile), outfile); fail = standard_diagonal_homotopy(dim1,dim2); if(fail == 0) { fail = write_standard_target_system(); fail = write_standard_start_system(); } /*fail = tune_continuation_parameters(); printf("\n");*/ fail = retrieve_continuation_parameters(vcp); write_solution_banner_to_defined_output_file(nbsols,n); printf("\nSee the output file %s for results...\n\n", outfile); *expected = dim1+dim2-NUM_VARS; printf("expected dimension=%d\n", *expected); } dimension_broadcast(myid,&n); MPI_Bcast(&nbsols,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(vcp,34,MPI_DOUBLE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(myid != 0) { fail = set_continuation_parameters(vcp); } fail = homotopy_broadcast(myid,n); fail = create_homotopy_with_given_gamma (-0.824263733224601,0.566206056211557); if(myid == 0) { send_collect(ws, num_group, stages, cnt_stage, numbprocs, cnt_step, ie, listpointer, TaskCount, NUM_GROUP, cnt_index, update_flag, n1, n2, cd); if(v>3) { printf("after send_collect \n"); printf("%d JOBs in listpointer. \n", length(*listpointer)); printf("%d idles\n", num_idle(*ie)); printf("indexing........ with cnt_index=%d\n", *cnt_index); } } else { if(v>3) printf("node %d will run run_slave \n", myid); fflush; run_slave(myid); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(myid == 0) { if(v>3) printf("manager clear data \n"); fail = clear_data(); if(fail>0) printf("manager fail to clear data.\n"); fail = clear_homotopy(); if(fail>0) printf("manager fail to clear homotopy.\n"); fail = solcon_close_solution_input_file(1); if(fail>0) printf("fail to close witness set 1.\n"); fail = solcon_close_solution_input_file(2); if(fail>0) printf("fail to close witness set 2.\n"); fail = solcon_clear_standard_solutions( ); if(fail>0) printf("fail to clear solution container.\n"); fail = close_output_file(); if(fail>0) printf("fail to close output file. \n"); fail = read_witness_set_from_file((int)strlen(outfile), outfile,&n,dim,°); fail = solcon_clear_standard_solutions(); fail = syscon_clear_standard_system( ); printf("end of start_a_diagonal_homotopy\n"); fflush; } else { if(v>3) printf("node %d clear data.\n", myid); fail = clear_data(); if(fail>0) printf("node %d fail to clear data.\n", myid); fail = clear_homotopy(); if(fail>0) printf("node %d fail to clear homotopy.\n", myid); } }
void cascade_one_level_down(int myid, int numbprocs, char *infile, char *outfile, WSET *ws, int num_group, int stages, int cnt_stage, int cnt_step, IDLE_ELEMENT **ie, LISTELEMENT **listpointer, int *TaskCount, int NUM_GROUP, int *dimension, int *cnt_index, int update_flag) { int n,/* dimension */ nbsols, dim, deg, fail, i, n1, n2, cd; double vcp[34]; if(myid == 0) { printf("manager is in inside of cascade_one_level_down\n"); read_dimension_of_system((int)strlen(infile),infile,&n); } dimension_broadcast(myid,&n); if(myid == 0) { fail = syscon_clear_symbol_table(); fail = read_named_start_without_solutions((int)strlen(infile),infile); /*fail = copy_start_system_to_container();*/ fail = copy_start_system_to_container(); fail = syscon_sort_embed_symbols(&dim); printf("the top dimension is %d\n",dim); fail = copy_container_to_start_system(); fail = solcon_scan_solution_banner(); fail = solcon_read_solution_dimensions(&nbsols,dimension); } else /* initialize system container */ fail = syscon_initialize_number_of_standard_polynomials(n); monomials_broadcast(myid,n); /* broadcast container */ if(myid != 0) /* copy result of broadcast */ { fail = copy_container_to_start_system(); fail = syscon_clear_standard_system(); /* clear system container */ } fail = create_cascade_homotopy(); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(myid == 0) { if(v>3) printf("# paths to track : %d\n",nbsols); fail = define_output_file_with_string ((int)strlen(outfile), outfile); fail = write_standard_target_system(); fail = write_standard_start_system(); /*fail = tune_continuation_parameters(); printf("\n");*/ fail = retrieve_continuation_parameters(vcp); write_solution_banner_to_defined_output_file(nbsols,n); printf("\nSee the output file for results...\n\n"); } MPI_Bcast(&nbsols,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(vcp,34,MPI_DOUBLE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(myid != 0) { fail = set_continuation_parameters(vcp); } if(myid == 0) { n1=0; n2=0; cd=n; send_collect(ws, num_group, stages, cnt_stage, numbprocs, cnt_step, ie, listpointer, TaskCount, NUM_GROUP, cnt_index, update_flag, n1, n2, cd); if(update_flag) *cnt_index=*cnt_index+1; if(v>3) { printf("after send_collect \n"); printf("%d JOBs in listpointer. \n", length(*listpointer)); printf("%d idles\n", num_idle(*ie)); printf("indexing........ with cnt_index=%d\n", *cnt_index); } } else { if(v>3) printf("node %d will run run_slave \n", myid); fflush; run_slave(myid); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(myid == 0) { if(v>3) printf("manager clear data \n"); fail = clear_data(); if(fail>0) printf("manager fail to clear data.\n"); fflush; fail = solcon_close_solution_input_file(0); if(fail>0) printf("fail to close solution input file.\n"); fail = solcon_clear_standard_solutions( ); if(fail>0) printf("fail to clear solution container.\n"); fail = close_output_file(); if(fail>0) printf("fail to close output file. \n"); fflush; } else { if(v>3) printf("node %d clear data \n", myid); fail = clear_data(); if(fail>0) printf("node %d fail to clear data.\n", myid); fflush; } }
RTChatBuffStreamPool::~RTChatBuffStreamPool() { clear_data(); }
void MainWindow::choose_file_button_clicked() { try { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,QString::fromUtf8("Choose File"),QDir::currentPath(),"Text(*.txt)"); if (fileName.length() != 0) { // ДАЛЕЕ ОЧИСТКА ЗНАЧЕНИЙ!!! clear_data(); clear_lines(); ui->fileName->setText(fileName); QFile my_file(fileName);; if (my_file.isOpen()) while (!my_file.atEnd()) { QString exmpl = changeOnDoTA(my_file.readLine()); double obj = exmpl.toDouble(); started_data.push_back(obj); } try { set_average_data(); // qDebug() << max_x << " " << min_x; set_square_deviation(); set_Sx(); // for (int i = 0; i < started_data.size(); i++) // qDebug() << started_data[i]; set_r(); // КИДАЕТ ВНУТРЕННИЙ ЭКСЕПШЕН! set_h(); fill_intervals(); set_f(); set_middle_value(); set_middle_value2(); set_average_of_intervals(); set_si(); set_n_i(); set_xi_sq(); choose_quantile(); // qDebug() << "BEgin"; // for (int i = 0;i < started_data.size();i++) // qDebug() << started_data[i]; // qDebug() << "END"; set_lines(); for (int i = 0; i < intervals.size();i++) { for (int j = 0; j < intervals[i].size();j++) qDebug() << intervals[i][j]; qDebug() << "end_line"; } // check_result(); is_chButton_clicked_flag = true; my_file.close(); } catch(std::exception &e){ clear_data(); clear_lines(); is_chButton_clicked_flag = false; QMessageBox::critical(this,"Not Valid!!!",e.what()); } } else { throw (std::invalid_argument("Choose txt File!")); } } catch(std::exception& e) { clear_data(); clear_lines(); is_chButton_clicked_flag = false; // QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error!",e.what()); } }
static int verify_eraseblock(int ebnum) { size_t read = 0; int err = 0; loff_t addr = ebnum * mtd->erasesize; set_random_data(writebuf, subpgsize); clear_data(readbuf, subpgsize); read = 0; err = mtd->read(mtd, addr, subpgsize, &read, readbuf); if (unlikely(err || read != subpgsize)) { if (err == -EUCLEAN && read == subpgsize) { printk(PRINT_PREF "ECC correction at %#llx\n", (long long)addr); err = 0; } else { printk(PRINT_PREF "error: read failed at %#llx\n", (long long)addr); return err ? err : -1; } } if (unlikely(memcmp(readbuf, writebuf, subpgsize))) { printk(PRINT_PREF "error: verify failed at %#llx\n", (long long)addr); printk(PRINT_PREF "------------- written----------------\n"); print_subpage(writebuf); printk(PRINT_PREF "------------- read ------------------\n"); print_subpage(readbuf); printk(PRINT_PREF "-------------------------------------\n"); errcnt += 1; } addr += subpgsize; set_random_data(writebuf, subpgsize); clear_data(readbuf, subpgsize); read = 0; err = mtd->read(mtd, addr, subpgsize, &read, readbuf); if (unlikely(err || read != subpgsize)) { if (err == -EUCLEAN && read == subpgsize) { printk(PRINT_PREF "ECC correction at %#llx\n", (long long)addr); err = 0; } else { printk(PRINT_PREF "error: read failed at %#llx\n", (long long)addr); return err ? err : -1; } } if (unlikely(memcmp(readbuf, writebuf, subpgsize))) { printk(PRINT_PREF "error: verify failed at %#llx\n", (long long)addr); printk(PRINT_PREF "------------- written----------------\n"); print_subpage(writebuf); printk(PRINT_PREF "------------- read ------------------\n"); print_subpage(readbuf); printk(PRINT_PREF "-------------------------------------\n"); errcnt += 1; } return err; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char str_to_write[1024]; int i0 = 0; int fd_read; int fd; int ret = 0; char sn_header[16]; char serial_number[SN_MAX_LEN]; char *str_sn; char str_slip[] = "-"; char arg_val[8][64]; CARD_INFO *card_data; CARD_INFO *card_tmp; char *str_read; int fd0; char buf[sizeof(char)+1]; char str_storeu[2048]; int read_flag = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_IN_LINUX char m_data[2048]; #endif char cmd_buf[256]; CARD_INFO *card_store[MAX_CARD_NUMBER]; memset(str_to_write , 0x0 , sizeof(str_to_write)); memset(sn_header , 0x0 , sizeof(sn_header)); memset(serial_number , 0x0 , sizeof(serial_number)); memset(cmd_buf , 0x0 , sizeof(cmd_buf)); #ifdef DEBUG_IN_LINUX memset(m_data , 0x0 , sizeof(m_data)); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STRUCT i0 = 0; while(i0 < sizeof(card_store)/sizeof(CARD_INFO)) { memset(card_store,0x0,sizeof(CARD_INFO)); i0++; } #endif prepare_env(); //read_file_from_mmc(); /* go out if argument less than 2 */ if(argc < 2) { #ifdef DEBUG_IN_LINUX //testRSAGen(); //encrypt_write_data("test data!",0); //decrypt_read_data(m_data); //JCG("read -->\n%s\n",m_data); #endif JCG("bad args, should be ./q YCT-000000123455; ./q read; ./q write etc."); ret = -1; goto RET_ERR; } JCG("argv[0]:%s, argv[1]:%s.\n",argv[0],argv[1]); if(strcasecmp(argv[1],"clear") == 0) { clear_data(); JCG("clear"); ret = 0; goto RET_SUCC; } #ifdef MAC_WRITER_SUPPORT else if(strncasecmp(argv[1],"mac",sizeof("mac")) == 0) { ret = main_mac(argc,argv); JCG(" MAC Writer!!"); goto RET_SUCC; } #endif else if(strcasecmp(argv[1],"read") == 0) { #if 0 char str_store[2048]; char cmd_buf[256]; char data_buf[256]; memset(cmd_buf , 0x0 , sizeof(cmd_buf)); memset(data_buf , 0x0 , sizeof(data_buf)); /* read data from flash*/ read_data(NULL, str_store); JCG("get read data:%s\n",str_store); #else char get_read_data[2048]; /* read data from flash*/ read_file_from_mmc(); #ifdef ENABLE_STRUCT card_data = (CARD_INFO*) malloc(sizeof(CARD_INFO)); read_data(card_data, NULL); card_tmp = card_data->next; print_card_info(card_data); free(card_data); #else //not ENABLE_STRUCT memset(get_read_data,0x0,sizeof(get_read_data)); read_data(NULL, get_read_data); JCG("get data -->\n%s\n",get_read_data); #endif #endif JCG("read"); ret = 0; goto RET_SUCC; } else if(strncasecmp(argv[1],"del",3) == 0) { /* read data from flash*/ delete_data(argv[1], NULL); JCG("delete"); ret = 0; write_file_to_mmc(); goto RET_SUCC; } else if(strncasecmp(argv[1],"search",strlen("search")) == 0) { search_data(NULL); ret = 0; goto RET_SUCC; } else if(strncasecmp(argv[1],"mmcread",strlen("mmcread")) == 0) { read_file_from_mmc(); ret = 0; goto RET_SUCC; } else if(strncasecmp(argv[1],"mmcwrite",strlen("mmcwrite")) == 0) { write_file_to_mmc(); ret = 0; goto RET_SUCC; } else if(strncasecmp(argv[1],"rmda",strlen("rmda")) == 0) { delete_data_file(); ret = 0; goto RET_SUCC; } JCG("-------- format: ./mac_writer YHK-000000123455 ---------------------------"); write_data(argv[1], NULL); JCG("-----------------------------------"); ret = 0; write_file_to_mmc(); goto RET_SUCC; RET_SUCC: #ifdef DEBUG_IN_ANDROID property_set("persist.sys.mac_writer.proc" ,"done"); #else #endif destroye_env(); return ret; RET_ERR: destroye_env(); return ret; }
void signal_callback_handler() { printf("signal callback handler\n"); clear_data(&data_RP); exit(0);//must exit whereas it return into main }
int main ( int argc, char ** argv ) { // Parse command line options // int use_gpu = 1; int use_interop = 0; for(int i = 0; i < argc && argv; i++) { if(!argv[i]) continue; if(strstr(argv[i], "cpu")) use_gpu = 0; else if(strstr(argv[i], "gpu")) use_gpu = 1; else if(strstr(argv[i], "interop")) use_interop = 1; } printf("Parameter detect %s device (%s)\n",use_gpu==1?"GPU":"CPU",use_interop==1?"Share OpenGL":"Not Sharing OpenGL"); OPENCL_SHARE_WITH_OPENGL = use_interop; //testCG(); win_x = 512; win_y = 512; glutInit ( &argc, argv ); open_glut_window (); //test_opencl_opengl_interop(); dt = 0.1f; force = 10.0f; source = 10.0f; printf ( "\n\nHow to use this demo:\n\n" ); printf ( "\t Add densities with the left mouse button\n" ); printf ( "\t Add velocities with the left mouse button and dragging the mouse\n" ); printf ( "\t Toggle density/velocity display with the 'v' key\n" ); printf ( "\t Clear the simulation by pressing the 'x' key\n" ); printf ( "\t switch poisson solvers from jacobi to conjugate gradient by pressing the 'c' key\n" ); printf ( "\t switch advection scheme from RK2 to MacCormack by pressing the 'm' key\n" ); printf ( "\t toggle vorticity confinement by pressing the 'o' key\n" ); printf ( "\t Quit by pressing the 'q' key\n" ); dvel = 0; step = 0; maccormack = 0; vorticity = 0; useCG = 0; if ( !allocate_data () ) exit ( 1 ); clear_data (); //setupMatrix(g_laplacian_matrix); // FOR_EACH_FACE // { // //if(i < NX - NX*0.4 && i > NX*0.4 // // && // // j < NY - NY*0.4 && j > NY*0.4 ) // { // g_u_prev[IX(i,j,0)] = -0.01 * cosf(3.14159 * 2.0 * i/NX); // g_v_prev[IX(i,j,0)] = 0.01 * sinf(3.14159 * 2.0 * j/NY); // } // } #if RUN_TIMINGS runTimings(use_gpu); exit(0); #endif copy_grid(g_u_prev, g_u); copy_grid(g_v_prev, g_v); g_dens_prev[IX(16,3,0)] = 10.0f; //g_u_prev[IX(16,3,0)] = 10.0f; /* calculate_divergence(g_divergence, g_u_prev, g_v_prev, g_w_prev, dt); pressure_solve(g_pressure,g_pressure_prev, g_divergence, dt); pressure_apply(g_u_prev, g_v_prev, g_w_prev, g_pressure, dt); //project(dt,g_u_prev,g_v_prev, g_w_prev, g_divergence, g_pressure, g_pressure_prev); SWAP(g_u_prev,g_u); SWAP(g_v_prev,g_v); SWAP(g_w_prev,g_w); if(!check_divergence(g_u_prev, g_v_prev, g_w_prev)) { printf("Initial field wasn't divergence free!\n"); } */ //print_platforms_devices(); // run_opencl_test(use_gpu); // run_tests(); #if USE_OPENCL init_opencl(use_gpu); load_cl_kernels(&clData); allocate_cl_buffers(&clData); transfer_buffers_to_gpu(); flush_cl_queue(); #endif glutMainLoop (); #if USE_OPENCL cleanup_cl(&clData); #endif exit ( 0 ); }
/* * Destructor. Clear any present data. */ Superpixel::~Superpixel() { clear_data(); }
MeshSubWindow::~MeshSubWindow(void) { clear_data(); }
void exit(){ clear_data(); cout<<"exit and clear!"<<endl; }