Пример #1
 * ms_links - server message handler
 * parv[0] = sender prefix
 * parv[1] = servername mask
 * or
 * parv[0] = sender prefix
 * parv[1] = server to query
 * parv[2] = servername mask
ms_links(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
   char *mask;
   struct Client *acptr;

   if (parc > 2)
     if (hunt_server_cmd(sptr, CMD_LINKS, cptr, 1, "%C :%s", 1, parc, parv) !=
       return 0;
     mask = parv[2];
     mask = parc < 2 ? 0 : parv[1];
   for (acptr = GlobalClientList, collapse(mask); acptr; acptr = cli_next(acptr))
     if (!IsServer(acptr) && !IsMe(acptr))
     if (!BadPtr(mask) && match(mask, cli_name(acptr)))
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_LINKS, cli_name(acptr), cli_name(cli_serv(acptr)->up),
                cli_hopcount(acptr), cli_serv(acptr)->prot,
                ((cli_info(acptr))[0] ? cli_info(acptr) : "(Unknown Location)"));
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFLINKS, BadPtr(mask) ? "*" : mask);
   return 0;
Пример #2
static void
stats_servers_verbose(struct Client* sptr, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat,
		      char* param)
  struct Client *acptr;

  /* lowercase 'v' is for human-readable,
   * uppercase 'V' is for machine-readable */
  if (stat == 'v')
    send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSVERBOSE,
	       "%-20s %-20s Flags Hops Numeric   Lag  RTT   Up Down "
	       "Clients/Max Proto %-10s :Info", "Servername", "Uplink",

  for (acptr = GlobalClientList; acptr; acptr = cli_next(acptr)) {
    if (!IsServer(acptr) && !IsMe(acptr))
    if (param && match(param, cli_name(acptr))) /* narrow search */
    send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSVERBOSE, stat == 'v' ?
	       "%-20s %-20s %c%c%c%c  %4i %s %-4i %5i %4i %4i %4i %5i %5i "
	       "P%-2i   %Tu :%s" :
	       "%s %s %c%c%c%c %i %s %i %i %i %i %i %i %i P%i %Tu :%s",
	       IsBurst(acptr) ? 'B' : '-',
	       IsBurstAck(acptr) ? 'A' : '-',
	       IsHub(acptr) ? 'H' : '-',
	       IsService(acptr) ? 'S' : '-',
Пример #3
 * m_links - generic message handler
 * parv[0] = sender prefix
 * parv[1] = servername mask
 * or
 * parv[0] = sender prefix
 * parv[1] = server to query
 * parv[2] = servername mask
int m_links(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  char *mask;
  struct Client *acptr;

  if (feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_LINKS) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
    send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFLINKS, parc < 2 ? "*" : parv[1]);
    sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, sptr, "%C :%s %s", sptr,
                  "/LINKS has been disabled, from CFV-165.  Visit ", 
    return 0;

  if (parc > 2)
    if (hunt_server_cmd(sptr, CMD_LINKS, cptr, 1, "%C :%s", 1, parc, parv) !=
      return 0;
    mask = parv[2];
    mask = parc < 2 ? 0 : parv[1];

  for (acptr = GlobalClientList, collapse(mask); acptr; acptr = cli_next(acptr))
    if (!IsServer(acptr) && !IsMe(acptr))
    if (!BadPtr(mask) && match(mask, cli_name(acptr)))
    send_reply(sptr, RPL_LINKS, cli_name(acptr), cli_name(cli_serv(acptr)->up),
        cli_hopcount(acptr), cli_serv(acptr)->prot,
        ((cli_info(acptr))[0] ? cli_info(acptr) : "(Unknown Location)"));

  send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFLINKS, BadPtr(mask) ? "*" : mask);

  return 0;
Пример #4
/** Handle a SERVER message from another server.
 * \a parv has the following elements:
 * \li \a parv[1] is the server name
 * \li \a parv[2] is the hop count to the server
 * \li \a parv[3] is the start timestamp for the server
 * \li \a parv[4] is the link timestamp
 * \li \a parv[5] is the protocol version (P10 or J10)
 * \li \a parv[6] is the numnick mask for the server
 * \li \a parv[7] is a string of flags like +hs to mark hubs and services
 * \li \a parv[\a parc - 1] is the server description
 * See @ref m_functions for discussion of the arguments.
 * @param[in] cptr Client that sent us the message.
 * @param[in] sptr Original source of message.
 * @param[in] parc Number of arguments.
 * @param[in] parv Argument vector.
int ms_server(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  int              i;
  char*            host;
  struct Client*   acptr;
  struct Client*   bcptr;
  int              hop;
  int              ret;
  unsigned short   prot;
  time_t           start_timestamp;
  time_t           timestamp;

  if (parc < 8)
    return need_more_params(sptr, "SERVER");
    return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "Need more parameters");
  host = clean_servername(parv[1]);
  if (!host)
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Bogus server name (%s) from %s",
                  host, cli_name(cptr));
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "Bogus server name (%s)", host);

   * Detect protocol
  hop = atoi(parv[2]);
  start_timestamp = atoi(parv[3]);
  timestamp = atoi(parv[4]);
  prot = parse_protocol(parv[5]);
  if (!prot)
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, sptr, &me, "Bogus protocol (%s)", parv[5]);
  else if (prot < atoi(MINOR_PROTOCOL))
    return exit_new_server(cptr, sptr, host, timestamp,
                           "Incompatible protocol: %s", parv[5]);

  Debug((DEBUG_INFO, "Got SERVER %s with timestamp [%s] age %Tu (%Tu)",
	 host, parv[4], start_timestamp, cli_serv(&me)->timestamp));

  if (timestamp < OLDEST_TS)
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, sptr, &me,
        "Bogus timestamps (%s %s)", parv[3], parv[4]);

  if (parv[parc - 1][0] == '\0')
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me,
                           "No server info specified for %s", host);

  ret = check_loop_and_lh(cptr, sptr, NULL, host, (parc > 7 ? parv[6] : NULL), timestamp, hop, parv[5][0] == 'J');
  if (ret != 1)
    return ret;

   * Server is informing about a new server behind
   * this link. Create REMOTE server structure,
   * add it to list and propagate word to my other
   * server links...

  acptr = make_client(cptr, STAT_SERVER);
  cli_serv(acptr)->prot = prot;
  cli_serv(acptr)->timestamp = timestamp;
  cli_hopcount(acptr) = hop;
  ircd_strncpy(cli_name(acptr), host, HOSTLEN);
  ircd_strncpy(cli_info(acptr), parv[parc-1], REALLEN);
  cli_serv(acptr)->up = sptr;
  cli_serv(acptr)->updown = add_dlink(&(cli_serv(sptr))->down, acptr);
  /* Use cptr, because we do protocol 9 -> 10 translation
     for numeric nicks ! */
  SetServerYXX(cptr, acptr, parv[6]);

  if (*parv[7] == '+')
    set_server_flags(acptr, parv[7] + 1);

  if (*parv[5] == 'J')
    for (bcptr = cli_serv(acptr)->up; !IsMe(bcptr); bcptr = cli_serv(bcptr)->up)
      if (IsBurstOrBurstAck(bcptr))
    if (IsMe(bcptr))
      sendto_opmask(0, SNO_NETWORK, "Net junction: %s %s",
                    cli_name(sptr), cli_name(acptr));
   * Old sendto_serv_but_one() call removed because we now need to send
   * different names to different servers (domain name matching).
  for (i = 0; i <= HighestFd; i++)
    if (!(bcptr = LocalClientArray[i]) || !IsServer(bcptr) ||
        bcptr == cptr || IsMe(bcptr))
    if (0 == match(cli_name(&me), cli_name(acptr)))
    sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_SERVER, bcptr, "%s %d 0 %s %s %s%s +%s%s%s :%s",
                  cli_name(acptr), hop + 1, parv[4], parv[5],
                  NumServCap(acptr), IsHub(acptr) ? "h" : "",
                  IsService(acptr) ? "s" : "", IsIPv6(acptr) ? "6" : "",
  return 0;
Пример #5
/** Handle a SERVER message from an unregistered connection.
 * \a parv has the following elements:
 * \li \a parv[1] is the server name
 * \li \a parv[2] is the hop count to the server
 * \li \a parv[3] is the start timestamp for the server
 * \li \a parv[4] is the link timestamp
 * \li \a parv[5] is the protocol version (P10 or J10)
 * \li \a parv[6] is the numnick mask for the server
 * \li \a parv[7] is a string of flags like +hs to mark hubs and services
 * \li \a parv[\a parc - 1] is the server description
 * See @ref m_functions for discussion of the arguments.
 * @param[in] cptr Client that sent us the message.
 * @param[in] sptr Original source of message.
 * @param[in] parc Number of arguments.
 * @param[in] parv Argument vector.
int mr_server(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  char*            host;
  struct ConfItem* aconf;
  struct Jupe*     ajupe;
  unsigned int     hop;
  int              ret;
  unsigned short   prot;
  time_t           start_timestamp;
  time_t           timestamp;
  time_t           recv_time;
  time_t           ghost;

  if (IsUserPort(cptr))
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me,
                           "Cannot connect a server to a user port");

  if (parc < 8)
    need_more_params(sptr, "SERVER");
    return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "Need more parameters");
  host = clean_servername(parv[1]);
  if (!host)
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Bogus server name (%s) from %s",
                  host, cli_name(cptr));
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "Bogus server name (%s)", host);

  if ((ajupe = jupe_find(host)) && JupeIsActive(ajupe))
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, sptr, &me, "Juped: %s", JupeReason(ajupe));

  /* check connection rules */
  if (0 != conf_eval_crule(host, CRULE_ALL)) {
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Refused connection from %s.", cli_name(cptr));
    return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "Disallowed by connection rule");

  log_write(LS_NETWORK, L_NOTICE, LOG_NOSNOTICE, "SERVER: %s %s[%s]", host,
	    cli_sockhost(cptr), cli_sock_ip(cptr));

   * Detect protocol
  hop = atoi(parv[2]);
  start_timestamp = atoi(parv[3]);
  timestamp = atoi(parv[4]);
  prot = parse_protocol(parv[5]);
  if (!prot)
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, sptr, &me, "Bogus protocol (%s)", parv[5]);
  else if (prot < atoi(MINOR_PROTOCOL))
    return exit_new_server(cptr, sptr, host, timestamp,
                           "Incompatible protocol: %s", parv[5]);

  Debug((DEBUG_INFO, "Got SERVER %s with timestamp [%s] age %Tu (%Tu)",
	 host, parv[4], start_timestamp, cli_serv(&me)->timestamp));

  if (timestamp < OLDEST_TS || start_timestamp < OLDEST_TS)
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, sptr, &me,
        "Bogus timestamps (%s %s)", parv[3], parv[4]);

  /* If the server had a different name before, change it. */
  if (!EmptyString(cli_name(cptr)) &&
      (IsUnknown(cptr) || IsHandshake(cptr)) &&
      0 != ircd_strcmp(cli_name(cptr), host))
    hChangeClient(cptr, host);
  ircd_strncpy(cli_name(cptr), host, HOSTLEN);
  ircd_strncpy(cli_info(cptr), parv[parc-1][0] ? parv[parc-1] : cli_name(&me), REALLEN);
  cli_hopcount(cptr) = hop;

  if (conf_check_server(cptr)) {
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Received unauthorized connection from %s",
    log_write(LS_NETWORK, L_NOTICE, LOG_NOSNOTICE, "Received unauthorized "
              "connection from %C [%s]", cptr,
    return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "No Connect block");

  host = cli_name(cptr);


  if (!(aconf = find_conf_byname(cli_confs(cptr), host, CONF_SERVER))) {
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Access denied. No conf line for server %s",
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me,
                           "Access denied. No conf line for server %s", cli_name(cptr));

#if defined(USE_SSL)
  if (!verify_sslclifp(cptr, aconf)) {
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Access denied (SSL fingerprint mismatch) %s",
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me,
                           "No Access (SSL fingerprint mismatch) %s", cli_name(cptr));

  if (*aconf->passwd && !!strcmp(aconf->passwd, cli_passwd(cptr))) {
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Access denied (passwd mismatch) %s",
    return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me,
                           "No Access (passwd mismatch) %s", cli_name(cptr));

  memset(cli_passwd(cptr), 0, sizeof(cli_passwd(cptr)));

  ret = check_loop_and_lh(cptr, sptr, &ghost, host, (parc > 7 ? parv[6] : NULL), timestamp, hop, 1);
  if (ret != 1)
    return ret;

  cli_serv(cptr)->timestamp = timestamp;
  cli_serv(cptr)->prot = prot;
  cli_serv(cptr)->ghost = ghost;
  memset(cli_privs(cptr), 255, sizeof(struct Privs));
  ClrPriv(cptr, PRIV_SET);
  SetServerYXX(cptr, cptr, parv[6]);

  if (*parv[7] == '+')
    set_server_flags(cptr, parv[7] + 1);

  recv_time = TStime();
  check_start_timestamp(cptr, timestamp, start_timestamp, recv_time);
  ret = server_estab(cptr, aconf);

  if (feature_bool(FEAT_RELIABLE_CLOCK) &&
      abs(cli_serv(cptr)->timestamp - recv_time) > 30) {
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Connected to a net with a "
                  "timestamp-clock difference of %Td seconds! "
                  "Used SETTIME to correct this.",
                  timestamp - recv_time);
    sendcmdto_prio_one(&me, CMD_SETTIME, cptr, "%Tu :%s", TStime(),

  return ret;
Пример #6
/** Handle a connection that has sent a valid PASS and SERVER.
 * @param cptr New peer server.
 * @param aconf Connect block for \a cptr.
 * @return Zero.
int server_estab(struct Client *cptr, struct ConfItem *aconf)
  struct Client* acptr = 0;
  const char*    inpath;
  int            i;

  assert(0 != cptr);
  assert(0 != cli_local(cptr));

  inpath = cli_name(cptr);

  if (IsUnknown(cptr)) {
    if (aconf->passwd[0])
      sendrawto_one(cptr, MSG_PASS " :%s", aconf->passwd);
     *  Pass my info to the new server
    sendrawto_one(cptr, MSG_SERVER " %s 1 %Tu %Tu J%s %s%s +%s6 :%s",
		  cli_name(&me), cli_serv(&me)->timestamp,
		  cli_serv(cptr)->timestamp, MAJOR_PROTOCOL, NumServCap(&me),
		  feature_bool(FEAT_HUB) ? "h" : "",
		  *(cli_info(&me)) ? cli_info(&me) : "IRCers United");

  det_confs_butmask(cptr, CONF_SERVER);

  if (!IsHandshake(cptr))
  cli_handler(cptr) = SERVER_HANDLER;

/*    nextping = CurrentTime; */

   * NOTE: check for acptr->user == cptr->serv->user is necessary to insure
   * that we got the same one... bleah
  if (cli_serv(cptr)->user && *(cli_serv(cptr))->by &&
      (acptr = findNUser(cli_serv(cptr)->by))) {
    if (cli_user(acptr) == cli_serv(cptr)->user) {
      sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, acptr, "%C :Link with %s established.",
                    acptr, inpath);
    else {
       * if not the same client, set by to empty string
      acptr = 0;
      *(cli_serv(cptr))->by = '\0';

  sendto_opmask(acptr, SNO_OLDSNO, "Link with %s established.", inpath);
  cli_serv(cptr)->up = &me;
  cli_serv(cptr)->updown = add_dlink(&(cli_serv(&me))->down, cptr);
  sendto_opmask(0, SNO_NETWORK, "Net junction: %s %s", cli_name(&me),
   * Old sendto_serv_but_one() call removed because we now
   * need to send different names to different servers
   * (domain name matching) Send new server to other servers.
  for (i = 0; i <= HighestFd; i++)
    if (!(acptr = LocalClientArray[i]) || !IsServer(acptr) ||
        acptr == cptr || IsMe(acptr))
    if (!match(cli_name(&me), cli_name(cptr)))
    sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_SERVER, acptr,
		  "%s 2 0 %Tu J%02u %s%s +%s%s%s :%s", cli_name(cptr),
		  cli_serv(cptr)->timestamp, Protocol(cptr), NumServCap(cptr),
		  IsHub(cptr) ? "h" : "", IsService(cptr) ? "s" : "",
		  IsIPv6(cptr) ? "6" : "", cli_info(cptr));

  /* Send these as early as possible so that glined users/juped servers can
   * be removed from the network while the remote server is still chewing
   * our burst.

   * Pass on my client information to the new server
   * First, pass only servers (idea is that if the link gets
   * canceled because the server was already there,
   * there are no NICK's to be canceled...). Of course,
   * if cancellation occurs, all this info is sent anyway,
   * and I guess the link dies when a read is attempted...? --msa
   * Note: Link cancellation to occur at this point means
   * that at least two servers from my fragment are building
   * up connection this other fragment at the same time, it's
   * a race condition, not the normal way of operation...

  for (acptr = &me; acptr; acptr = cli_prev(acptr)) {
    /* acptr->from == acptr for acptr == cptr */
    if (cli_from(acptr) == cptr)
    if (IsServer(acptr)) {
      const char* protocol_str;

      if (Protocol(acptr) > 9)
        protocol_str = IsBurst(acptr) ? "J" : "P";
        protocol_str = IsBurst(acptr) ? "J0" : "P0";

      if (0 == match(cli_name(&me), cli_name(acptr)))
      sendcmdto_one(cli_serv(acptr)->up, CMD_SERVER, cptr,
		    "%s %d 0 %Tu %s%u %s%s +%s%s%s :%s", cli_name(acptr),
		    cli_hopcount(acptr) + 1, cli_serv(acptr)->timestamp,
		    protocol_str, Protocol(acptr), NumServCap(acptr),
		    IsHub(acptr) ? "h" : "", IsService(acptr) ? "s" : "",
		    IsIPv6(acptr) ? "6" : "", cli_info(acptr));

  for (acptr = &me; acptr; acptr = cli_prev(acptr))
    /* acptr->from == acptr for acptr == cptr */
    if (cli_from(acptr) == cptr)
    if (IsUser(acptr))
      char xxx_buf[25];
      char *s = umode_str(acptr);
      sendcmdto_one(cli_user(acptr)->server, CMD_NICK, cptr,
		    "%s %d %Tu %s %s %s%s%s%s %s%s :%s",
		    cli_name(acptr), cli_hopcount(acptr) + 1, cli_lastnick(acptr),
		    cli_user(acptr)->username, cli_user(acptr)->realhost,
		    *s ? "+" : "", s, *s ? " " : "",
		    iptobase64(xxx_buf, &cli_ip(acptr), sizeof(xxx_buf), IsIPv6(cptr)),
		    NumNick(acptr), cli_info(acptr));
   * Last, send the BURST.
   * (Or for 2.9 servers: pass all channels plus statuses)
    struct Channel *chptr;
    for (chptr = GlobalChannelList; chptr; chptr = chptr->next)
      send_channel_modes(cptr, chptr);
  sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_END_OF_BURST, cptr, "");
  return 0;
Пример #7
 * The function that actually prints out the WHO reply for a client found
void do_who(struct Client* sptr, struct Client* acptr, struct Channel* repchan,
            int fields, char* qrt)
  char *p1;
  struct Channel *chptr = repchan;

  static char buf1[512];
  /* NOTE: with current fields list and sizes this _cannot_ overrun, 
     and also the message finally sent shouldn't ever be truncated */

  p1 = buf1;
  buf1[1] = '\0';

  /* If we don't have a channel and we need one... try to find it,
     unless the listing is for a channel service, we already know
     that there are no common channels, thus use PubChannel and not
     SeeChannel */
  if (!chptr && (!fields || (fields & (WHO_FIELD_CHA | WHO_FIELD_FLA))) &&
    struct Membership* chan;
    for (chan = cli_user(acptr)->channel; chan && !chptr; chan = chan->next_channel)
      if (PubChannel(chan->channel) &&
          (acptr == sptr || !IsZombie(chan)))
        chptr = chan->channel;

  /* Place the fields one by one in the buffer and send it
     note that fields == NULL means "default query" */

  if (fields & WHO_FIELD_QTY)   /* Query type */
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    if (BadPtr(qrt))
      *(p1++) = '0';
      while ((*qrt) && (*(p1++) = *(qrt++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_CHA))
    char *p2;
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    if ((p2 = (chptr ? chptr->chname : NULL)))
      while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));
      *(p1++) = '*';

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_UID))
    char *p2 = cli_user(acptr)->username;
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (fields & WHO_FIELD_NIP)
    const char* p2 = IsHiddenHost(acptr) && (!IsViewip(sptr) && acptr != sptr) ?
      feature_str(FEAT_HIDDEN_IP) :
      ircd_ntoa((const char*) &(cli_ip(acptr)));
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
	char *p2 = (IsViewip(sptr) || acptr == sptr) ? get_realhost(acptr) : get_virtualhost(acptr);
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_SER))
    char *p2;
    int haspriv = IsAnOper(sptr) || es_representante(sptr);
    if (IsMe(cli_user(acptr)->server))
      if ((sptr != acptr) && feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_WHO_SERVERNAME) && !haspriv)
        p2 = (char *)feature_str(FEAT_HIS_SERVERNAME);
        p2 = cli_name(&me);
      if (IsHiddenserv(cli_user(acptr)->server) && !haspriv)
        p2 = (char *)feature_str(FEAT_HIS_SERVERNAME);
        p2 = cli_name(cli_user(acptr)->server);
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_NIC))
    char *p2 = cli_name(acptr);
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_FLA))
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    if (cli_user(acptr)->away)
      *(p1++) = 'G';
      *(p1++) = 'H';
    if ((IsAnOper(acptr) || es_representante(acptr) || IsPreoper(acptr))/* &&
	(HasPriv(acptr, PRIV_DISPLAY) || HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_SEE_OPERS))*/)
      *(p1++) = '*';
    if (fields) {
      /* If you specified flags then we assume you know how to parse
       * multiple channel status flags, as this is currently the only
       * way to know if someone has @'s *and* is +'d.
      if (chptr && is_chan_op(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '@';
      if (chptr && has_voice(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '+';
	  if (chptr && is_chan_halfop(acptr, chptr))
		*(p1++) = '%';
	  if (chptr && is_chan_owner(acptr, chptr))
		*(p1++) = '.';
      if (chptr && is_zombie(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '!';
    else {
      if (chptr && is_chan_op(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '@';
      else if (chptr && has_voice(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '+';
      else if (chptr && is_zombie(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '!';
	  else if (chptr && is_chan_halfop(acptr, chptr))
		*(p1++) = '%';
	  else if (chptr && is_chan_owner(acptr, chptr))
		*(p1++) = '.';
    if (IsDeaf(acptr))
      *(p1++) = 'd';
    if (IsAnOper(sptr))
      if (IsInvisible(acptr))
        *(p1++) = 'i';
      if (SendWallops(acptr))
        *(p1++) = 'w';
      if (SendDebug(acptr))
        *(p1++) = 'g';
    if (HasHiddenHost(acptr))
      *(p1++) = 'x';
    if (IsAnOper(acptr))
      *(p1++) = 'o';
	if (IsPreoper(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'p';
	if (IsHelpOp(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'h';
	if (IsCoadmin(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'a';
	if (IsAdmin(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'A';
	if (IsDevel(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'D';
	if (IsViewip(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'X';

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_DIS))
    *p1++ = ' ';
    if (!fields)
      *p1++ = ':';              /* Place colon here for default reply */
    if (feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_WHO_HOPCOUNT) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
      *p1++ = (sptr == acptr) ? '0' : '3';
      /* three digit hopcount maximum */
      p1 += ircd_snprintf(0, p1, 3, "%d", cli_hopcount(acptr));

  if (fields & WHO_FIELD_IDL)
    *p1++ = ' ';
    if (MyUser(acptr)) {
	    p1 += ircd_snprintf(0, p1, 11, "%d",
				CurrentTime - cli_user(acptr)->last);
    else {
    	    *p1++ = '0';

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_REN))
    char *p2 = cli_info(acptr);
    *p1++ = ' ';
    if (fields)
      *p1++ = ':';              /* Place colon here for special reply */
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (fields & WHO_FIELD_ACC)
    char *p2 = cli_user(acptr)->account;
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  /* The first char will always be an useless blank and we 
     need to terminate buf1 */
  *p1 = '\0';
  p1 = buf1;
  send_reply(sptr, fields ? RPL_WHOSPCRPL : RPL_WHOREPLY, ++p1);