Пример #1
static void
calculate_scrolling (struct frame *frame,
		     /* matrix is of size window_size + 1 on each side.  */
		     struct matrix_elt *matrix,
		     int window_size, int lines_below,
		     int *draw_cost, unsigned *old_hash, unsigned *new_hash,
		     int free_at_end)
  int i, j;
  int frame_total_lines = FRAME_TOTAL_LINES (frame);
  struct matrix_elt *p, *p1;
  int cost, cost1;

  int lines_moved = window_size
    + (FRAME_SCROLL_REGION_OK (frame) ? 0 : lines_below);
  /* first_insert_cost[I] is the cost of doing the first insert-line
     at the i'th line of the lines we are considering,
     where I is origin 1 (as it is below).  */
  int *first_insert_cost
    = &FRAME_INSERT_COST (frame)[frame_total_lines - 1 - lines_moved];
  int *first_delete_cost
    = &FRAME_DELETE_COST (frame)[frame_total_lines - 1 - lines_moved];
  int *next_insert_cost
    = &FRAME_INSERTN_COST (frame)[frame_total_lines - 1 - lines_moved];
  int *next_delete_cost
    = &FRAME_DELETEN_COST (frame)[frame_total_lines - 1 - lines_moved];

  /* Discourage long scrolls on fast lines.
     Don't scroll nearly a full frame height unless it saves
     at least 1/4 second.  */
  int extra_cost
    = clip_to_bounds (1, baud_rate / (10 * 4) / frame_total_lines, INT_MAX / 2);

  /* initialize the top left corner of the matrix */
  matrix->writecost = 0;
  matrix->insertcost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
  matrix->deletecost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
  matrix->insertcount = 0;
  matrix->deletecount = 0;

  /* initialize the left edge of the matrix */
  cost = first_insert_cost[1] - next_insert_cost[1];
  for (i = 1; i <= window_size; i++)
      p = matrix + i * (window_size + 1);
      cost += draw_cost[i] + next_insert_cost[i] + extra_cost;
      p->insertcost = cost;
      p->writecost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
      p->deletecost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
      p->insertcount = i;
      p->deletecount = 0;

  /* initialize the top edge of the matrix */
  cost = first_delete_cost[1] - next_delete_cost[1];
  for (j = 1; j <= window_size; j++)
      cost += next_delete_cost[j];
      matrix[j].deletecost = cost;
      matrix[j].writecost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
      matrix[j].insertcost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
      matrix[j].deletecount = j;
      matrix[j].insertcount = 0;

  /* `i' represents the vpos among new frame contents.
     `j' represents the vpos among the old frame contents.  */
  p = matrix + window_size + 2;	/* matrix [1, 1] */
  for (i = 1; i <= window_size; i++, p++)
    for (j = 1; j <= window_size; j++, p++)
	/* p contains the address of matrix [i, j] */

	/* First calculate the cost assuming we do
	   not insert or delete above this line.
	   That is, if we update through line i-1
	   based on old lines through j-1,
	   and then just change old line j to new line i.  */
	p1 = p - window_size - 2; /* matrix [i-1, j-1] */
	cost = p1->writecost;
	if (cost > p1->insertcost)
	  cost = p1->insertcost;
	if (cost > p1->deletecost)
	  cost = p1->deletecost;
	if (old_hash[j] != new_hash[i])
	  cost += draw_cost[i];
	p->writecost = cost;

	/* Calculate the cost if we do an insert-line
	   before outputting this line.
	   That is, we update through line i-1
	   based on old lines through j,
	   do an insert-line on line i,
	   and then output line i from scratch,
	   leaving old lines starting from j for reuse below.  */
	p1 = p - window_size - 1; /* matrix [i-1, j] */
	/* No need to think about doing a delete followed
	   immediately by an insert.  It cannot be as good
	   as not doing either of them.  */
	if (free_at_end == i)
	    cost = p1->writecost;
	    cost1 = p1->insertcost;
	    cost = p1->writecost + first_insert_cost[i];
	    if (p1->insertcount > i)
	      emacs_abort ();
	    cost1 = p1->insertcost + next_insert_cost[i - p1->insertcount];
	p->insertcost = min (cost, cost1) + draw_cost[i] + extra_cost;
	p->insertcount = (cost < cost1) ? 1 : p1->insertcount + 1;
	if (p->insertcount > i)
	  emacs_abort ();

	/* Calculate the cost if we do a delete line after
	   outputting this line.
	   That is, we update through line i
	   based on old lines through j-1,
	   and throw away old line j.  */
	p1 = p - 1;		/* matrix [i, j-1] */
	/* No need to think about doing an insert followed
	   immediately by a delete.  */
	if (free_at_end == i)
	    cost = p1->writecost;
	    cost1 = p1->deletecost;
	    cost = p1->writecost + first_delete_cost[i];
	    cost1 = p1->deletecost + next_delete_cost[i];
	p->deletecost = min (cost, cost1);
	p->deletecount = (cost < cost1) ? 1 : p1->deletecount + 1;
Пример #2
std::vector<tripoint> map::route( const tripoint &f, const tripoint &t,
                                  const pathfinding_settings &settings,
                                  const std::set<tripoint> &pre_closed ) const
    /* TODO: If the origin or destination is out of bound, figure out the closest
     * in-bounds point and go to that, then to the real origin/destination.
    std::vector<tripoint> ret;

    if( f == t || !inbounds( f ) ) {
        return ret;

    if( !inbounds( t ) ) {
        tripoint clipped = t;
        clip_to_bounds( clipped );
        return route( f, clipped, settings, pre_closed );
    // First, check for a simple straight line on flat ground
    // Except when the line contains a pre-closed tile - we need to do regular pathing then
    static const auto non_normal = PF_SLOW | PF_WALL | PF_VEHICLE | PF_TRAP;
    if( f.z == t.z ) {
        const auto line_path = line_to( f, t );
        const auto &pf_cache = get_pathfinding_cache_ref( f.z );
        // Check all points for any special case (including just hard terrain)
        if( std::all_of( line_path.begin(), line_path.end(), [&pf_cache]( const tripoint & p ) {
        return !( pf_cache.special[p.x][p.y] & non_normal );
        } ) ) {
            const std::set<tripoint> sorted_line( line_path.begin(), line_path.end() );

            if( is_disjoint( sorted_line, pre_closed ) ) {
                return line_path;

    // If expected path length is greater than max distance, allow only line path, like above
    if( rl_dist( f, t ) > settings.max_dist ) {
        return ret;

    int max_length = settings.max_length;
    int bash = settings.bash_strength;
    int climb_cost = settings.climb_cost;
    bool doors = settings.allow_open_doors;
    bool trapavoid = settings.avoid_traps;

    const int pad = 16;  // Should be much bigger - low value makes pathfinders dumb!
    int minx = std::min( f.x, t.x ) - pad;
    int miny = std::min( f.y, t.y ) - pad;
    int minz = std::min( f.z, t.z ); // TODO: Make this way bigger
    int maxx = std::max( f.x, t.x ) + pad;
    int maxy = std::max( f.y, t.y ) + pad;
    int maxz = std::max( f.z, t.z ); // Same TODO as above
    clip_to_bounds( minx, miny, minz );
    clip_to_bounds( maxx, maxy, maxz );

    pathfinder pf( minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
    // Make NPCs not want to path through player
    // But don't make player pathing stop working
    for( const auto &p : pre_closed ) {
        if( p.x >= minx && p.x < maxx && p.y >= miny && p.y < maxy ) {
            pf.close_point( p );

    // Start and end must not be closed
    pf.unclose_point( f );
    pf.unclose_point( t );
    pf.add_point( 0, 0, f, f );

    bool done = false;

    do {
        auto cur = pf.get_next();

        const int parent_index = flat_index( cur.x, cur.y );
        auto &layer = pf.get_layer( cur.z );
        auto &cur_state = layer.state[parent_index];
        if( cur_state == ASL_CLOSED ) {

        if( layer.gscore[parent_index] > max_length ) {
            // Shortest path would be too long, return empty vector
            return std::vector<tripoint>();

        if( cur == t ) {
            done = true;

        cur_state = ASL_CLOSED;

        const auto &pf_cache = get_pathfinding_cache_ref( cur.z );
        const auto cur_special = pf_cache.special[cur.x][cur.y];

        // 7 3 5
        // 1 . 2
        // 6 4 8
        constexpr std::array<int, 8> x_offset{{ -1,  1,  0,  0,  1, -1, -1, 1 }};
        constexpr std::array<int, 8> y_offset{{  0,  0, -1,  1, -1,  1, -1, 1 }};
        for( size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
            const tripoint p( cur.x + x_offset[i], cur.y + y_offset[i], cur.z );
            const int index = flat_index( p.x, p.y );

            // @todo: Remove this and instead have sentinels at the edges
            if( p.x < minx || p.x >= maxx || p.y < miny || p.y >= maxy ) {

            if( layer.state[index] == ASL_CLOSED ) {

            // Penalize for diagonals or the path will look "unnatural"
            int newg = layer.gscore[parent_index] + ( ( cur.x != p.x && cur.y != p.y ) ? 1 : 0 );

            const auto p_special = pf_cache.special[p.x][p.y];
            // @todo: De-uglify, de-huge-n
            if( !( p_special & non_normal ) ) {
                // Boring flat dirt - the most common case above the ground
                newg += 2;
            } else {
                int part = -1;
                const maptile &tile = maptile_at_internal( p );
                const auto &terrain = tile.get_ter_t();
                const auto &furniture = tile.get_furn_t();
                const vehicle *veh = veh_at_internal( p, part );

                const int cost = move_cost_internal( furniture, terrain, veh, part );
                // Don't calculate bash rating unless we intend to actually use it
                const int rating = ( bash == 0 || cost != 0 ) ? -1 :
                                   bash_rating_internal( bash, furniture, terrain, false, veh, part );

                if( cost == 0 && rating <= 0 && ( !doors || !terrain.open ) && veh == nullptr && climb_cost <= 0 ) {
                    layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED; // Close it so that next time we won't try to calculate costs

                newg += cost;
                if( cost == 0 ) {
                    if( climb_cost > 0 && p_special & PF_CLIMBABLE ) {
                        // Climbing fences
                        newg += climb_cost;
                    } else if( doors && terrain.open &&
                               ( !terrain.has_flag( "OPENCLOSE_INSIDE" ) || !is_outside( cur ) ) ) {
                        // Only try to open INSIDE doors from the inside
                        // To open and then move onto the tile
                        newg += 4;
                    } else if( veh != nullptr ) {
                        part = veh->obstacle_at_part( part );
                        int dummy = -1;
                        if( doors && veh->part_flag( part, VPFLAG_OPENABLE ) &&
                            ( !veh->part_flag( part, "OPENCLOSE_INSIDE" ) ||
                              veh_at_internal( cur, dummy ) == veh ) ) {
                            // Handle car doors, but don't try to path through curtains
                            newg += 10; // One turn to open, 4 to move there
                        } else if( part >= 0 && bash > 0 ) {
                            // Car obstacle that isn't a door
                            // @todo: Account for armor
                            int hp = veh->parts[part].hp();
                            if( hp / 20 > bash ) {
                                // Threshold damage thing means we just can't bash this down
                                layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED;
                            } else if( hp / 10 > bash ) {
                                // Threshold damage thing means we will fail to deal damage pretty often
                                hp *= 2;

                            newg += 2 * hp / bash + 8 + 4;
                        } else if( part >= 0 ) {
                            if( !doors || !veh->part_flag( part, VPFLAG_OPENABLE ) ) {
                                // Won't be openable, don't try from other sides
                                layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED;

                    } else if( rating > 1 ) {
                        // Expected number of turns to bash it down, 1 turn to move there
                        // and 5 turns of penalty not to trash everything just because we can
                        newg += ( 20 / rating ) + 2 + 10;
                    } else if( rating == 1 ) {
                        // Desperate measures, avoid whenever possible
                        newg += 500;
                    } else {
                        // Unbashable and unopenable from here
                        if( !doors || !terrain.open ) {
                            // Or anywhere else for that matter
                            layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED;


                if( trapavoid && p_special & PF_TRAP ) {
                    const auto &ter_trp = terrain.trap.obj();
                    const auto &trp = ter_trp.is_benign() ? tile.get_trap_t() : ter_trp;
                    if( !trp.is_benign() ) {
                        // For now make them detect all traps
                        if( has_zlevels() && terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_NO_FLOOR ) ) {
                            // Special case - ledge in z-levels
                            // Warning: really expensive, needs a cache
                            if( valid_move( p, tripoint( p.x, p.y, p.z - 1 ), false, true ) ) {
                                tripoint below( p.x, p.y, p.z - 1 );
                                if( !has_flag( TFLAG_NO_FLOOR, below ) ) {
                                    // Otherwise this would have been a huge fall
                                    auto &layer = pf.get_layer( p.z - 1 );
                                    // From cur, not p, because we won't be walking on air
                                    pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 10,
                                                  layer.score[parent_index] + 10 + 2 * rl_dist( below, t ),
                                                  cur, below );

                                // Close p, because we won't be walking on it
                                layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED;
                        } else if( trapavoid ) {
                            // Otherwise it's walkable
                            newg += 500;

            // If not visited, add as open
            // If visited, add it only if we can do so with better score
            if( layer.state[index] == ASL_NONE || newg < layer.gscore[index] ) {
                pf.add_point( newg, newg + 2 * rl_dist( p, t ), cur, p );

        if( !has_zlevels() || !( cur_special & PF_UPDOWN ) || !settings.allow_climb_stairs ) {
            // The part below is only for z-level pathing

        const maptile &parent_tile = maptile_at_internal( cur );
        const auto &parent_terrain = parent_tile.get_ter_t();
        if( settings.allow_climb_stairs && cur.z > minz && parent_terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_DOWN ) ) {
            tripoint dest( cur.x, cur.y, cur.z - 1 );
            dest = vertical_move_destination<TFLAG_GOES_UP>( *this, dest );
            if( inbounds( dest ) ) {
                auto &layer = pf.get_layer( dest.z );
                pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 2,
                              layer.score[parent_index] + 2 * rl_dist( dest, t ),
                              cur, dest );
        if( settings.allow_climb_stairs && cur.z < maxz && parent_terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_UP ) ) {
            tripoint dest( cur.x, cur.y, cur.z + 1 );
            dest = vertical_move_destination<TFLAG_GOES_DOWN>( *this, dest );
            if( inbounds( dest ) ) {
                auto &layer = pf.get_layer( dest.z );
                pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 2,
                              layer.score[parent_index] + 2 * rl_dist( dest, t ),
                              cur, dest );
        if( cur.z < maxz && parent_terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_RAMP ) &&
            valid_move( cur, tripoint( cur.x, cur.y, cur.z + 1 ), false, true ) ) {
            auto &layer = pf.get_layer( cur.z + 1 );
            for( size_t it = 0; it < 8; it++ ) {
                const tripoint above( cur.x + x_offset[it], cur.y + y_offset[it], cur.z + 1 );
                pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 4,
                              layer.score[parent_index] + 4 + 2 * rl_dist( above, t ),
                              cur, above );
    } while( !done && !pf.empty() );

    if( done ) {
        ret.reserve( rl_dist( f, t ) * 2 );
        tripoint cur = t;
        // Just to limit max distance, in case something weird happens
        for( int fdist = max_length; fdist != 0; fdist-- ) {
            const int cur_index = flat_index( cur.x, cur.y );
            const auto &layer = pf.get_layer( cur.z );
            const tripoint &par = layer.parent[cur_index];
            if( cur == f ) {

            ret.push_back( cur );
            // Jumps are acceptable on 1 z-level changes
            // This is because stairs teleport the player too
            if( rl_dist( cur, par ) > 1 && abs( cur.z - par.z ) != 1 ) {
                debugmsg( "Jump in our route! %d:%d:%d->%d:%d:%d",
                          cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, par.x, par.y, par.z );
                return ret;

            cur = par;

        std::reverse( ret.begin(), ret.end() );

    return ret;
Пример #3
static void
calculate_direct_scrolling (struct frame *frame,
			    /* matrix is of size window_size + 1 on each side.  */
			    struct matrix_elt *matrix,
			    int window_size, int lines_below,
			    int *draw_cost, int *old_draw_cost,
			    unsigned *old_hash, unsigned *new_hash,
			    int free_at_end)
  int i, j;
  int frame_total_lines = FRAME_TOTAL_LINES (frame);
  struct matrix_elt *p, *p1;
  int cost, cost1, delta;

  /* first_insert_cost[-I] is the cost of doing the first insert-line
     at a position I lines above the bottom line in the scroll window. */
  int *first_insert_cost
    = &FRAME_INSERT_COST (frame)[frame_total_lines - 1];
  int *first_delete_cost
    = &FRAME_DELETE_COST (frame)[frame_total_lines - 1];
  int *next_insert_cost
    = &FRAME_INSERTN_COST (frame)[frame_total_lines - 1];
  int *next_delete_cost
    = &FRAME_DELETEN_COST (frame)[frame_total_lines - 1];

  int scroll_overhead;

  /* Discourage long scrolls on fast lines.
     Don't scroll nearly a full frame height unless it saves
     at least 1/4 second.  */
  int extra_cost
    = clip_to_bounds (1, baud_rate / (10 * 4) / frame_total_lines, INT_MAX / 2);

  /* Overhead of setting the scroll window, plus the extra
     cost of scrolling by a distance of one.  The extra cost is
     added once for consistency with the cost vectors */
    = FRAME_SCROLL_REGION_COST (frame) + extra_cost;

  /* initialize the top left corner of the matrix */
  matrix->writecost = 0;
  matrix->insertcost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
  matrix->deletecost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
  matrix->writecount = 0;
  matrix->insertcount = 0;
  matrix->deletecount = 0;

  /* initialize the left edge of the matrix */
  cost = 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= window_size; i++)
      p = matrix + i * (window_size + 1);
      cost += draw_cost[i];
      p->insertcost = cost;
      p->writecost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
      p->deletecost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
      p->insertcount = i;
      p->writecount = 0;
      p->deletecount = 0;

  /* initialize the top edge of the matrix */
  for (j = 1; j <= window_size; j++)
      matrix[j].deletecost = 0;
      matrix[j].writecost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
      matrix[j].insertcost = SCROLL_INFINITY;
      matrix[j].deletecount = j;
      matrix[j].writecount = 0;
      matrix[j].insertcount = 0;

  /* `i' represents the vpos among new frame contents.
     `j' represents the vpos among the old frame contents.  */
  p = matrix + window_size + 2;	/* matrix [1, 1] */

  for (i = 1; i <= window_size; i++, p++)
    for (j = 1; j <= window_size; j++, p++)
	/* p contains the address of matrix [i, j] */

	/* First calculate the cost assuming we do
	   not insert or delete above this line.
	   That is, if we update through line i-1
	   based on old lines through j-1,
	   and then just change old line j to new line i.

	   Depending on which choice gives the lower cost,
	   this usually involves either scrolling a single line
	   or extending a sequence of scrolled lines, but
	   when i == j, no scrolling is required. */
	p1 = p - window_size - 2; /* matrix [i-1, j-1] */
	cost = p1->insertcost;
	if (cost > p1->deletecost)
	  cost = p1->deletecost;
	cost1 = p1->writecost;
	if (i == j)
	    if (cost > cost1)
		cost = cost1;
		p->writecount = p1->writecount + 1;
	      p->writecount = 1;
	    if (old_hash[j] != new_hash[i])
		cost += draw_cost[i];
	    if (i > j)
		delta = i - j;

		/* The cost added here for scrolling the first line by
		   a distance N includes the overhead of setting the
		   scroll window, the cost of inserting N lines at a
		   position N lines above the bottom line of the window,
		   and an extra cost which is proportional to N. */
		cost += scroll_overhead + first_insert_cost[-delta] +
		  (delta-1) * (next_insert_cost[-delta] + extra_cost);

		/* In the most general case, the insertion overhead and
		   the multiply factor can grow linearly as the distance
		   from the bottom of the window increases.  The incremental
		   cost of scrolling an additional line depends upon the
		   rate of change of these two parameters.  Each of these
		   growth rates can be determined by a simple difference.
		   To reduce the cumulative effects of rounding error, we
		   vary the position at which the difference is computed. */
		cost1 += first_insert_cost[-j] - first_insert_cost[1-j] +
		  (delta-1) * (next_insert_cost[-j] - next_insert_cost[1-j]);
		delta = j - i;
		cost += scroll_overhead + first_delete_cost[-delta] +
		  (delta-1) * (next_delete_cost[-delta] + extra_cost);
		cost1 += first_delete_cost[-i] - first_delete_cost[1-i] +
		  (delta-1) * ( next_delete_cost[-i] - next_delete_cost[1-i]);
	    if (cost1 < cost)
		cost = cost1;
		p->writecount = p1->writecount + 1;
	      p->writecount = 1;
	    if (old_hash[j] != new_hash[i])
		cost += draw_cost[i] + old_draw_cost[j];
	p->writecost = cost;

	/* Calculate the cost if we do an insert-line
	   before outputting this line.
	   That is, we update through line i-1
	   based on old lines through j,
	   do an insert-line on line i,
	   and then output line i from scratch,
	   leaving old lines starting from j for reuse below.  */
	p1 = p - window_size - 1; /* matrix [i-1, j] */
	cost = p1->writecost;
	/* If i > j, an insert is allowed after a delete. */
	if (i > j && p1->deletecost < cost)
	  cost = p1->deletecost;
	if (p1->insertcost <= cost)
	    cost = p1->insertcost;
	    p->insertcount = p1->insertcount + 1;
	  p->insertcount = 1;
	cost += draw_cost[i];
	p->insertcost = cost;

	/* Calculate the cost if we do a delete line after
	   outputting this line.
	   That is, we update through line i
	   based on old lines through j-1,
	   and throw away old line j.  */
	p1 = p - 1;		/* matrix [i, j-1] */
	cost = p1->writecost;
	/* If i < j, a delete is allowed after an insert. */
	if (i < j && p1->insertcost < cost)
	  cost = p1->insertcost;
	cost1 = p1->deletecost;
	if (p1->deletecost <= cost)
	    cost = p1->deletecost;
	    p->deletecount = p1->deletecount + 1;
	  p->deletecount = 1;
	p->deletecost = cost;
Пример #4
std::vector<tripoint> map::route( const tripoint &f, const tripoint &t,
                                  const int bash, const int maxdist ) const
    /* TODO: If the origin or destination is out of bound, figure out the closest
     * in-bounds point and go to that, then to the real origin/destination.

    int linet1 = 0, linet2 = 0;
    if( !inbounds( f ) || !inbounds( t ) ) {
        // Note: The creature needs to understand not-moving upwards
        // or else the plans can cause it to do so.
        if( sees( f, t, -1, linet1, linet2 ) ) {
            return line_to( f, t, linet1, linet2 );
        } else {
            std::vector<tripoint> empty;
            return empty;
    // First, check for a simple straight line on flat ground
    // Except when the player is on the line - we need to do regular pathing then
    const tripoint &pl_pos = g->u.pos();
    if( f.z == t.z && clear_path( f, t, -1, 2, 2, linet1, linet2 ) ) {
        const auto line_path = line_to( f, t, linet1, linet2 );
        if( pl_pos.z != f.z ) {
            // Player on different z-level, certainly not on the line
            return line_path;

        if( std::find( line_path.begin(), line_path.end(), pl_pos ) == line_path.end() ) {
            return line_path;

    const int pad = 8;  // Should be much bigger - low value makes pathfinders dumb!
    int minx = std::min( f.x, t.x ) - pad;
    int miny = std::min( f.y, t.y ) - pad;
    int minz = std::min( f.z, t.z ); // TODO: Make this way bigger
    int maxx = std::max( f.x, t.x ) + pad;
    int maxy = std::max( f.y, t.y ) + pad;
    int maxz = std::max( f.z, t.z ); // Same TODO as above
    clip_to_bounds( minx, miny, minz );
    clip_to_bounds( maxx, maxy, maxz );

    pathfinder pf( minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
    pf.add_point( 0, 0, f, f );
    // Make NPCs not want to path through player
    // But don't make player pathing stop working
    if( f != pl_pos && t != pl_pos ) {
        pf.close_point( pl_pos );

    bool done = false;

    do {
        auto cur = pf.get_next();

        const int parent_index = flat_index( cur.x, cur.y );
        auto &layer = pf.get_layer( cur.z );
        auto &cur_state = layer.state[parent_index];
        if( cur_state == ASL_CLOSED ) {

        if( layer.gscore[parent_index] > maxdist ) {
            // Shortest path would be too long, return empty vector
            return std::vector<tripoint>();

        if( cur == t ) {
            done = true;

        cur_state = ASL_CLOSED;
        std::vector<tripoint> neighbors = closest_tripoints_first( 1, cur );

        for( const auto &p : neighbors ) {
            const int index = flat_index( p.x, p.y );

            // TODO: Remove this and instead have sentinels at the edges
            if( p.x < minx || p.x >= maxx || p.y < miny || p.y >= maxy ) {

            if( layer.state[index] == ASL_CLOSED ) {

            int part = -1;
            const maptile &tile = maptile_at_internal( p );
            const auto &terrain = tile.get_ter_t();
            const auto &furniture = tile.get_furn_t();
            const vehicle *veh = veh_at_internal( p, part );

            const int cost = move_cost_internal( furniture, terrain, veh, part );
            // Don't calculate bash rating unless we intend to actually use it
            const int rating = ( bash == 0 || cost != 0 ) ? -1 :
                                 bash_rating_internal( bash, furniture, terrain, false, veh, part );

            if( cost == 0 && rating <= 0 && terrain.open.empty() ) {
                layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED; // Close it so that next time we won't try to calc costs

            int newg = layer.gscore[parent_index] + cost + ( (cur.x != p.x && cur.y != p.y ) ? 1 : 0);
            if( cost == 0 ) {
                // Handle all kinds of doors
                // Only try to open INSIDE doors from the inside

                if( !terrain.open.empty() &&
                    ( !terrain.has_flag( "OPENCLOSE_INSIDE" ) || !is_outside( cur ) ) ) {
                    newg += 4; // To open and then move onto the tile
                } else if( veh != nullptr ) {
                    part = veh->obstacle_at_part( part );
                    int dummy = -1;
                    if( !veh->part_flag( part, "OPENCLOSE_INSIDE" ) || veh_at_internal( cur, dummy ) == veh ) {
                        // Handle car doors, but don't try to path through curtains
                        newg += 10; // One turn to open, 4 to move there
                    } else {
                        // Car obstacle that isn't a door
                        newg += veh->parts[part].hp / bash + 8 + 4;
                } else if( rating > 1 ) {
                    // Expected number of turns to bash it down, 1 turn to move there
                    // and 2 turns of penalty not to trash everything just because we can
                    newg += ( 20 / rating ) + 2 + 4;
                } else if( rating == 1 ) {
                    // Desperate measures, avoid whenever possible
                    newg += 500;
                } else {
                    continue; // Unbashable and unopenable from here

            // If not visited, add as open
            // If visited, add it only if we can do so with better score
            if( layer.state[index] == ASL_NONE || newg < layer.gscore[index] ) {
                pf.add_point( newg, newg + 2 * rl_dist( p, t ), cur, p );

        if( !has_zlevels() ) {
            // The part below is only for z-level pathing

        const maptile &parent_tile = maptile_at_internal( cur );
        const auto &parent_terrain = parent_tile.get_ter_t();
        if( cur.z > minz && parent_terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_DOWN ) ) {
            tripoint dest( cur.x, cur.y, cur.z - 1 );
            dest = vertical_move_destination<TFLAG_GOES_UP>( *this, dest );
            if( inbounds( dest ) ) {
                auto &layer = pf.get_layer( dest.z );
                pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 2,
                              layer.score[parent_index] + 2 * rl_dist( dest, t ),
                              cur, dest );
        if( cur.z < maxz && parent_terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_UP ) ) {
            tripoint dest( cur.x, cur.y, cur.z + 1 );
            dest = vertical_move_destination<TFLAG_GOES_DOWN>( *this, dest );
            if( inbounds( dest ) ) {
                auto &layer = pf.get_layer( dest.z );
                pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 2,
                              layer.score[parent_index] + 2 * rl_dist( dest, t ),
                              cur, dest );
    } while( !done && !pf.empty() );

    std::vector<tripoint> ret;
    ret.reserve( rl_dist( f, t ) * 2 );
    if( done ) {
        tripoint cur = t;
        // Just to limit max distance, in case something weird happens
        for( int fdist = maxdist; fdist != 0; fdist-- ) {
            const int cur_index = flat_index( cur.x, cur.y );
            const auto &layer = pf.get_layer( cur.z );
            const tripoint &par = layer.parent[cur_index];
            if( cur == f ) {

            ret.push_back( cur );
            // Jumps are acceptable on 1 z-level changes
            // This is because stairs teleport the player too
            if( rl_dist( cur, par ) > 1 && abs( cur.z - par.z ) != 1 ) {
                debugmsg( "Jump in our route! %d:%d:%d->%d:%d:%d",
                          cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, par.x, par.y, par.z );
                return ret;

            cur = par;

        std::reverse( ret.begin(), ret.end() );

    return ret;