Пример #1
    // NOTE: we open and close the audio card for the sole purpose
    //       of throwing an exception on error (unavailable audio
    //       card). Normally we'd want to open the audio card only
    //       when needed (it has a cost in number of wakeups).

Пример #2
    // NOTE: we open and close the audio card for the sole purpose
    //       of throwing an exception on error (unavailable audio
    //       card). Normally we'd want to open the audio card only
    //       when needed (it has a cost in number of wakeups).

#ifdef WIN32
    // SDL can hang on windows if SDL_CloseAudio() is called immediately
    // after SDL_OpenAudio(). It's evidently to do with threading, but
    // internal to SDL. This is a tacky solution, but it's only windows.


Пример #3
GP2DAudioManager::~GP2DAudioManager() {
Пример #4
PortAudioRecordBackend::~PortAudioRecordBackend() {
    delete recordThread;
Пример #6
Пример #7
 * Initialises OpenJazz.
 * Establishes the paths from which to read files, loads configuration, sets up
 * the game window and loads required data.
 * @param argc Number of arguments, as passed to main function
 * @param argv Array of argument strings, as passed to main function
void startUp (int argc, char *argv[]) {

	File* file;
	unsigned char* pixels = NULL;
	int count;
	int scaleFactor = 1;
	bool fullscreen = true;
	bool fullscreen = false;

	// Determine paths

	// Use hard-coded paths, if available

	firstPath = new Path(NULL, createString(DATAPATH));
	firstPath = NULL;

#ifdef __HAIKU__
	dev_t volume = dev_for_path("/boot");
	status_t result;

	result = find_directory(B_SYSTEM_DATA_DIRECTORY,
		volume, false, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
	strncat(buffer, "/openjazz/", sizeof(buffer));
	firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString(buffer));

	result = find_directory(B_USER_NONPACKAGED_DATA_DIRECTORY,
		volume, false, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
	strncat(buffer, "/openjazz/", sizeof(buffer));
	firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString(buffer));

#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
	#ifdef UIQ3
	firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString("c:\\shared\\openjazz\\"));
	firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString("c:\\data\\openjazz\\"));
	firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString(KOpenJazzPath));

	// Use any provided paths, appending a directory separator as necessary

	for (count = 1; count < argc; count++) {

		// If it isn't an option, it should be a path
		if (argv[count][0] != '-') {

#ifdef _WIN32
			if (argv[count][strlen(argv[count]) - 1] != '\\') {

				firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString(argv[count], "\\"));
			if (argv[count][strlen(argv[count]) - 1] != '/') {

				firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString(argv[count], "/"));

			} else {

				firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString(argv[count]));




	// Use the path of the program, but not on Wii as this does crash in
	// dolphin emulator. Also is not needed, because CWD is used there

#ifndef WII
	count = strlen(argv[0]) - 1;

	// Search for directory separator
#ifdef _WIN32
	while ((argv[0][count] != '\\') && (count >= 0)) count--;
	while ((argv[0][count] != '/') && (count >= 0)) count--;

	// If a directory was found, copy it to the path
	if (count > 0) {

		firstPath = new Path(firstPath, new char[count + 2]);
		memcpy(firstPath->path, argv[0], count + 1);
		firstPath->path[count + 1] = 0;


	// Use the user's home directory, if available

#ifdef HOMEDIR
	#ifdef _WIN32
	firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString(getenv("HOME"), "\\"));
	firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString(getenv("HOME"), "/."));

	// Use the current working directory

	firstPath = new Path(firstPath, createString(""));

	// Default settings

	// Sound settings
#if defined(WIZ) || defined(GP2X)
	volume = 40;

	// Create the network address
	netAddress = createString(NET_ADDRESS);

	// Load settings from config file
	setup.load(&screenW, &screenH, &fullscreen, &scaleFactor);

	// Get command-line override
	for (count = 1; count < argc; count++) {

		// If there's a hyphen, it should be an option
		if (argv[count][0] == '-') {

			if (argv[count][1] == 'f') fullscreen = true;
			if (argv[count][1] == 'm') {



	// Create the game's window

	canvas = NULL;

	if (!video.init(screenW, screenH, fullscreen)) {

		delete firstPath;

		throw E_VIDEO;


#ifdef SCALE

	if (SDL_NumJoysticks() > 0) SDL_JoystickOpen(0);

	// Set up audio

	// Load fonts

	// Open the panel, which contains two fonts

	try {

		file = new File("PANEL.000", false);

	} catch (int e) {


		delete firstPath;

		log("Unable to find game data files. When launching OpenJazz, pass the location");
		log("of the original game data, eg:");
		log("  OpenJazz ~/jazz1");

#ifdef __HAIKU__
		char alertBuffer[100+B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH+B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
		strcpy(alertBuffer, "Unable to find game data files!\n"
			"Put the data into the folder:\n");
		strncat(alertBuffer, buffer, sizeof(alertBuffer));
		BAlert* alert = new BAlert("OpenJazz", alertBuffer, "Exit", NULL, NULL,

		throw e;


	pixels = file->loadRLE(46272);

	delete file;

	panelBigFont = NULL;
	panelSmallFont = NULL;
	font2 = NULL;
	fontbig = NULL;
	fontiny = NULL;
	fontmn1 = NULL;

	try {

		panelBigFont = new Font(pixels + (40 * 320), true);
		panelSmallFont = new Font(pixels + (48 * 320), false);
		font2 = new Font("FONT2.0FN");
		fontbig = new Font("FONTBIG.0FN");
		fontiny = new Font("FONTINY.0FN");
		fontmn1 = new Font("FONTMN1.0FN");
		fontmn2 = new Font("FONTMN2.0FN");

	} catch (int e) {

		if (panelBigFont) delete panelBigFont;
		if (panelSmallFont) delete panelSmallFont;
		if (font2) delete font2;
		if (fontbig) delete fontbig;
		if (fontiny) delete fontiny;
		if (fontmn1) delete fontmn1;

		delete[] pixels;


		delete firstPath;

		throw e;


	delete[] pixels;

	// Establish arbitrary timing
	globalTicks = SDL_GetTicks() - 20;

	// Fill trigonometric function look-up tables
	for (count = 0; count < 1024; count++)
		sinLut[count] = fixed(sinf(2 * PI * float(count) / 1024.0f) * 1024.0f);

	// Initiate networking
	net = new Network();

	level = NULL;
	jj2Level = NULL;


 * De-initialises OpenJazz.
 * Frees data, writes configuration, and shuts down SDL.
void shutDown () {

	delete net;

	delete panelBigFont;
	delete panelSmallFont;
	delete font2;
	delete fontbig;
	delete fontiny;
	delete fontmn1;
	delete fontmn2;

#ifdef SCALE
	if (video.getScaleFactor() > 1) SDL_FreeSurface(canvas);


	// Save settings to config file

	delete firstPath;

Пример #8
int estimateChannelMean()
  int result;
  int retval = 0;  /***** return value */

  int width = 45, height = 11, i, j;               /***** ncurses related variables */
  WINDOW *channelscr = popupWindow (width, height);

  wattrset (channelscr, color_term ? COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD : A_NORMAL); /***** set bg color of the dialog */

   * draw a box around the dialog window
   * and empty it.
  werase (channelscr);
  box (channelscr, 0, 0);
  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 1; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(channelscr, j, i, ' ');

  /***** dialog header */

  mvwaddstr(channelscr, 1, 2, "Estimating Channel Characteristics:");
  mvwaddseparator(channelscr, 2, width);

  /***** dialog message */

  mvwaddstr(channelscr, 4, 2, "I'll calculate the characteristics of");
  mvwaddstr(channelscr, 5, 2, "the recording channel now. Please remain");
  mvwaddstr(channelscr, 6, 2, "silent until I say I'm done:");
  mvwaddstrcntr(channelscr, 8, width, "Press any key to start ...");
  wmove(channelscr, 1, 38);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (channelscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
  getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

  /***** clear dialog */

  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(channelscr, j, i, ' ');

  /***** update dialog */

  mvwaddstrcntr(channelscr, 5, width, "stand by ...");
  wmove(channelscr, 1, 38);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (channelscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */

  if (openAudio() == AUDIO_ERR)
     * if the audio device could not be opened,
     * show a warning dialog and return to main menu

    /***** clear dialog */

    for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
      mvwaddch(channelscr, 1, i, ' ');
    for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
      for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
	mvwaddch(channelscr, j, i, ' ');

    /***** show header and message */

    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 1, 2, "Warning!");

    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 5, 2, "Failed to open sound device!!");
    mvwaddstrcntr(channelscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");
    wmove(channelscr, 1, 11);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (channelscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                   /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

    retval = 0;                /***** set return value to ERROR */
    goto estimateChannelMeanReturn;

  result = calculateChannelMean(); /***** calculate the characteristics of the recording channel */

  closeAudio(); /***** disconnect from the microphone */

  /***** clear dialog */

  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    mvwaddch(channelscr, 1, i, ' ');
  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(channelscr, j, i, ' ');

  if (result == AUDIO_ERR)
    /***** if an error occurred during the calculation of the channel mean ... */

    retval = 0; /***** set return value to ERROR */

    /***** dialog header and message */

    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 1, 2, "Error!");

    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 3, 2, "I didn't manage to estimate the channel");
    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 4, 2, "characteristics for some unknown reason!");
    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 5, 2, "Make sure that no application uses the");
    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 6, 2, "sound card and then try again!");
    mvwaddstrcntr(channelscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");

    wmove(channelscr, 1, 9);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (channelscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */
  else /***** channel mean calculation was ok */
    retval = 1; /***** set return value to ok */

    /***** dialog header and message */

    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 1, 2, "Success!");

    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 4, 2, "You may stop talking now! The channel");
    mvwaddstr(channelscr, 5, 2, "characteristics have been estimated!");
    mvwaddstrcntr(channelscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");

    wmove(channelscr, 1, 11);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (channelscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

  delwin(channelscr);   /***** delete ncurses dialog window */
Пример #9
int calculateThresholds()
  int samples;
  int max = 0, value;
  int silence_level_tmp; /***** need int (instead of short) to sum up several values */
  int silence_max;

  int retval = 0;  /***** return value */

  int width = 45, height = 11, i, j;               /***** ncurses related variables */
  WINDOW *threshscr = popupWindow (width, height);

   * first step: define silence level

  wattrset (threshscr, color_term ? COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD : A_NORMAL); /***** set bg color of the dialog */

   * draw a box around the dialog window
   * and empty it.
  werase (threshscr);
  box (threshscr, 0, 0);
  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 1; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(threshscr, j, i, ' ');

  /***** dialog header */

  mvwaddstr(threshscr, 1, 2, "Calculate Thresholds:");
  mvwaddseparator(threshscr, 2, width);

  /***** dialog message */

  mvwaddstr(threshscr, 3, 2, "I'll calculate some values now. First,");
  mvwaddstr(threshscr, 4, 2, "I need to know the silence level of the");
  mvwaddstr(threshscr, 5, 2, "microphone. Please be silent until I");
  mvwaddstr(threshscr, 6, 2, "say I'm done:");
  mvwaddstrcntr(threshscr, 8, width, "Press any key to start ...");

  wmove(threshscr, 1, 24);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (threshscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
  getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

  /***** clear dialog window */

  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(threshscr, j, i, ' ');

  mvwaddstrcntr(threshscr, 5, width, "stand by ..."); /***** update dialog */
  wmove(threshscr, 1, 24);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (threshscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */

  if (openAudio() == AUDIO_ERR)
     * if the audio device could not be opened,
     * show a warning dialog and return to main menu

    /***** clear dialog */

    for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
      mvwaddch(threshscr, 1, i, ' ');
    for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
      for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
	mvwaddch(threshscr, j, i, ' ');

    /***** show header and message */

    mvwaddstr(threshscr, 1, 2, "Warning!");

    mvwaddstr(threshscr, 5, 2, "Failed to open sound device!!");
    mvwaddstrcntr(threshscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");
    wmove(threshscr, 1, 11);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (threshscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

    retval = 0;               /***** set return value to ERROR */
    goto calculateThresholdsReturn;

   * define the silence_level as the average of a specified number
   * of subsequent block maxima
  samples           = 40;
  silence_level_tmp = 0;
  silence_max   = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
    int value = getBlockMax(); /***** should check for value == -1 (case of an error!) */
      silence_level_tmp += value;
    if (value > silence_max)
      silence_max = value;
  silence_level_tmp /= samples;
  silence_level = silence_level_tmp;

  /***** rec_level and stop_level */

  /***** clear dialog */

  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(threshscr, j, i, ' ');

  /***** update dialog */

  mvwaddstr(threshscr, 3, 2, "Now, I'll define the thresholds at which");
  mvwaddstr(threshscr, 4, 2, "to start/stop recording. Please talk");
  mvwaddstr(threshscr, 5, 2, "at a conversational volume (speech");
  mvwaddstr(threshscr, 6, 2, "recognition volume) until I say stop!");
  mvwaddstrcntr(threshscr, 8, width, "Press any key to start ...");

  wmove(threshscr, 1, 24);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (threshscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
  getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

  /***** clear dialog */

  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(threshscr, j, i, ' ');

  mvwaddstrcntr(threshscr, 5, width, "keep on talking ..."); /***** update dialog */
  wmove(threshscr, 1, 24);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (threshscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */

  /***** get maximum value 'max' of a prespecified number of subsequent block maxima */

  samples = 80;
  for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
    value = getBlockMax(); /***** should check for value == -1 (case of an error!) */
    if (value > max)
      max = value;

  /***** set the rec_level  to be the average of silence_level and 'max' */
  /***** set the stop_level to be three quarters of silence_level plus one quarter of 'max' */

  rec_level =  (silence_level + max) / 2;
  stop_level = (3*silence_level + max) / 4;

  closeAudio(); /***** disconnect from microphone */

  /***** clear dialog */

  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    mvwaddch(threshscr, 1, i, ' ');
  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(threshscr, j, i, ' ');

  /***** check that the thresholds are reasonable */

  if (silence_level >= stop_level ||
      silence_max >= stop_level    ||
      silence_level < 0 || stop_level < 0 || rec_level < 0)
    /***** dialog header */

    mvwaddstr(threshscr, 1, 2, "Warning!");

    /***** dialog message */

    mvwaddstr(threshscr, 4, 2, "You have to run this step once again!");
    mvwaddstr(threshscr, 5, 2, "The calculated thresholds don't look");
    mvwaddstr(threshscr, 6, 2, "reasonable to me!");
    mvwaddstrcntr(threshscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");
    wmove(threshscr, 1, 11);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (threshscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

    retval = 0;
  else /***** the values seem ok */
    /***** dialog header */

    mvwaddstr(threshscr, 1, 2, "Success!");

    /***** dialog message */

    mvwaddstr(threshscr, 4, 2, "You may stop talking now! The thresholds");
    mvwaddstr(threshscr, 5, 2, "have been defined!");

    /* Debugging stuff:
       mvwaddint(threshscr, 6, 2, silence_level);
       mvwaddint(threshscr, 6,10, stop_level);
       mvwaddint(threshscr, 6,20, rec_level);
    mvwaddstrcntr(threshscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");

    wmove(threshscr, 1, 11);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (threshscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

    retval = 1; /***** set return value = ok */

  delwin(threshscr);   /***** delete ncurses dialog window */
Пример #10
int adjustMixerLevels()
  int mic_level    = 99; /***** initial values for Microphone and */

  int igain_level  = 0;  /***** Input Gain level */
  int max_sample   = 32500; /***** max 16-bit sample value coming from the sound card */

  int count;           /**** temporary variables */
  int max_gain;
  char tmp_string[10];

  int width = 45, height = 11, i, j;               /***** ncurses related variables */
  WINDOW *adjustscr = popupWindow (width, height);

  int retval = 0;  /***** return value */

  /* ***** display information */

  wattrset (adjustscr, color_term ? COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD : A_NORMAL); /***** set bg color of the dialog */

   * draw a box around the dialog window
   * and empty it.
  werase (adjustscr);
  box (adjustscr, 0, 0);
  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 1; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(adjustscr, j, i, ' ');


  if (mixerHasIGain() == MIXER_OK)
    igain_level = 1;
    setIGainLevel(igain_level); /***** set initial levels in mixer */
    goto no_igain;

  /***** dialog header */

  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 1, 2, "Adjust Input Gain Level:");
  mvwaddseparator(adjustscr, 2, width);

  /***** dialog message */

  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 3, 2, "Please grab your microphone and speak");
  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 4, 2, "nonsense at a conversational volume");
  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 5, 2, "(speech recognition volume) until I");
  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 6, 2, "say stop:");
  mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 8, width, "Press any key to start ...");

  wmove(adjustscr, 1, 27);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
  getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

  /***** update dialog */

  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 8, 2, "Current Gain Level:               ");
  sprintf(tmp_string, "%d", igain_level);
  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 8, 22, tmp_string);

  wmove(adjustscr, 1, 27);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */

  count    = 0;
  max_gain = 0;

  if (openAudio() == AUDIO_ERR)
     * if the audio device could not be opened,
     * show a warning dialog and return to main menu

    /***** empty dialog */

    for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
      mvwaddch(adjustscr, 1, i, ' ');
    for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
      for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
	mvwaddch(adjustscr, j, i, ' ');

    /***** show header and message */

    mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 1, 2, "Warning!");

    mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 5, 2, "Failed to open sound device!!");
    mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");
    wmove(adjustscr, 1, 11);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

    retval = 0;               /***** set return value to ERROR */
    goto adjustMixerLevelsReturn;

  /***** repeat until the input gain level has been adjusted properly */

  while (1)
    int max;          /***** maximum sample value in a sequence of audio samples */
    int samples = 10; /***** number of blocks to get from the audio device */


     * get the maximum values of 'samples' blocks of data from the sound card
     * the maximum of these values is stored in 'max'9
    max = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
      int value = getBlockMax(); /***** should check for value == -1 (case of an error!) */
      if (value > max)
	max = value;

    /***** max_gain holds the highest maximum sample found */

    if (max > max_gain)
      max_gain = max;

    if (count == 5) /***** after five iterations, check the value of 'max_gain' */
       * if max_gain is too low (i.e. it is between silence and low_volume)
       * the input gain level is increased
      if (max_gain >= silence * max_sample && max_gain < low_volume * max_sample)
	if (igain_level > 99)
	  igain_level = 99;

	sprintf(tmp_string, "%d", igain_level); /***** update display of igain level */
	mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 8, 22, tmp_string);

	wmove(adjustscr, 1, 27);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
	wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
       * if the level is above 'low_volume'
       * we assume that the input gain is high enough and break the current while loop
      else if (max_gain >= low_volume * max_sample)

      /***** reset count and max_gain */

      count    = 0;
      max_gain = 0;
  closeAudio(); /***** disconnect from microphone */

  /***** update dialog window */

  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(adjustscr, j, i, ' ');
  mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 5, width, "STOP!!");
  mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 8, width, "Press any key to continue ...");

  wmove(adjustscr, 1, 27);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
  getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

  count = 0; /***** reset count */

  /***** adjusting microphone level */

  /***** dialog header */

  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(adjustscr, j, i, ' ');
  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 1, 2, "Adjust Microphone Level:");

  /***** dialog message */

  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 3, 2, "Please grab your microphone and speak");
  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 4, 2, "very loudly (laughing loudly is good)");
  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 5, 2, "until I say stop:");
  mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 8, width, "Press any key to start ...");

  wmove(adjustscr, 1, 27);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
  getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

  /***** update dialog */

  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 8, 2, "Current Microphone Level:               ");
  sprintf(tmp_string, "%d", mic_level);
  mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 8, 28, tmp_string);

  wmove(adjustscr, 1, 27);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
  wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */

  if (openAudio() == AUDIO_ERR)
     * if the audio device could not be opened,
     * show a warning dialog and return to main menu

    /***** empty dialog */

    for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
      mvwaddch(adjustscr, 1, i, ' ');
    for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
      for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
	mvwaddch(adjustscr, j, i, ' ');

    /***** show header and message */

    mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 1, 2, "Warning!");

    mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 5, 2, "Failed to open sound device!!");
    mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");
    wmove(adjustscr, 1, 11);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

    retval = 0;               /***** set return value to ERROR */
    goto adjustMixerLevelsReturn;

  /***** repeat until the microphone level has been adjusted properly */

  while (1)
    int max;         /***** maximum sample value in a sequence of audio samples */
    int samples = 4; /***** number of blocks to get from the audio device */

     * get the maximum values of 'samples' blocks of data from the sound card
     * the maximum of these values is stored in 'max'9
    max = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
      int value = getBlockMax(); /***** should check for value == -1 (case of an error!) */
      if (value > max)
	max = value;

    if (max >= high_volume * max_sample)
       * if max is too high (i.e. above high_volume)
       * the microphone level is dereased
      mic_level -= 1;
      if (mic_level < 5)
	mic_level = 5;

      count = 0; /***** reset count */

      sprintf(tmp_string, "%d", mic_level); /***** update display of mic level */
      mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 8, 28, tmp_string);

      wmove(adjustscr, 1, 27);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
      wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    else if (max >= silence * max_sample)
       * if there is a signal above silence coming in,
       * increase count
       * if count >= a specified constant, we assume that
       * the microphone level is not too high any more and
       * thus, break the while loop

      if (count >= 20)
       * this was a silence frame, decrease count if it is > 0
      if (count > 0)
  closeAudio(); /***** disconnect from microphone */

  /***** clear dialog window */

  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    mvwaddch(adjustscr, 1, i, ' ');
  for (i = 1; i < width-1; i++)
    for (j = 3; j < height-1; j++)
      mvwaddch(adjustscr, j, i, ' ');

  /***** check the mixer values, to make sure they look reasonable */

  if (igain_level >= mic_level ||
      mic_level < MIN_REASONABLE_MIC_LEVEL ||
      igain_level > MAX_REASONABLE_IGAIN_LEVEL)
    int pos = 0;

    /***** dialog header */

    mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 1, 2, "Warning!");

    /***** dialog message */

    mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 3, 2, "You have to run this step once again!");
    mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 4, 2, "The estimated level results don't look");
    mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 5, 2, "reasonable to me!");
    if (igain_level >= mic_level || igain_level > MAX_REASONABLE_IGAIN_LEVEL)
      mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 6+(pos++), 2, "- Input gain level looks too high!");
    if (igain_level >= mic_level || mic_level < MIN_REASONABLE_MIC_LEVEL)
      mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 6+(pos++), 2, "- Microphone level looks too low?!");
    mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");

    wmove(adjustscr, 1, 11);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

    retval = 0;
  else /***** the mixer values seem ok */
    /***** dialog header */

    mvwaddstr(adjustscr, 1, 2, "Success!");

    /***** dialog message */

    mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 4, width, "The mixer levels have been");
    mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 5, width, "adjusted successfully!");
    mvwaddstrcntr(adjustscr, 8, width, "Press any key to return to menu ...");

    wmove(adjustscr, 1, 11);  /***** set cursor to an appropriate location */
    wrefresh (adjustscr);     /***** refresh the dialog */
    getch();                  /***** wait for keyboard reaction */

    retval = 1; /***** set return value = ok */

  delwin(adjustscr);   /***** delete ncurses dialog window */
Пример #11
ModelItemSample *recordSample()
  /***** allocate memory for the new sample */

  ModelItemSample *new_sample = (ModelItemSample *)malloc(sizeof(ModelItemSample));

  char *tmp_string;
  time_t timer;     /***** used to get the current time, which will become */
  time(&timer);     /***** the main part of the new utterance's ID */

  /***** initialize the audio device */

  if (initMixer() == MIXER_ERR) /***** if mixer error, return nothing */
    return NULL;
  if (igain_level > 0)
    setIGainLevel(igain_level); /***** set IGain and Mic level according */
  setMicLevel(mic_level);     /***** to configuration */

  if (initAudio() == AUDIO_ERR) /***** if audio error, return nothing */
    return NULL;

  /***** connect to microphone, get utterance, disconnect */

  new_sample->wav_data = getUtterance(&new_sample->wav_length);

  if (new_sample->wav_data == NULL) /***** if nothing was recorded, return nothing */
    new_sample->wav_length = 0;
    new_sample->has_wav    = 0;
    return NULL;
    /***** flag says that this sample utterance also contains its original
     * wave data, not only the preprocessed feature vectors
    new_sample->has_wav    = 1;

  /***** preprocess the wave data */

  new_sample->data = preprocessUtterance(new_sample->wav_data, new_sample->wav_length, &new_sample->length);

  if (new_sample->data == NULL) /***** if preprocessing failed, return nothing */
    new_sample->length = 0;
    return NULL;

  /***** set ID */

  tmp_string = ctime(&timer); /***** get current time */

  /***** set sample ID looks like:  [Thu Feb 10 12:10:53 2000] */

  new_sample->id         = malloc(strlen(tmp_string)+2);
  new_sample->id[0] = '[';
  strcpy(new_sample->id+1, tmp_string);
  new_sample->id[strlen(tmp_string)] = ']';

  new_sample->next   = NULL; /***** next sample pointer is NULL */
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      new_sample->matrix[i] = NULL;

  modified = 1; /***** speaker model has been modified now */
