Пример #1
/* Function Definitions */
void closeDataConnection(const emlrtStack *sp, int32_T driverApiH)
  const mxArray *y;
  static const int32_T iv120[2] = { 1, 6 };

  const mxArray *m18;
  char_T cv137[6];
  int32_T i;
  static const char_T cv138[6] = { 's', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'n', 't' };

  char_T errStr_data[1024];
  UsrpErrorCapiEnumT errStat_i;
  const mxArray *b_y;
  emlrtStack st;
  emlrtStack b_st;
  st.prev = sp;
  st.tls = sp->tls;
  b_st.prev = &st;
  b_st.tls = st.tls;

  /*    Copyright 2011-2012 The MathWorks, Inc. */
  st.site = &um_emlrtRSI;

  /*  */
  /*  This function unifies handling of interp vs. codegen call as well as */
  /*  errStat / errStr assignment. */
  /*  */
  /*    Copyright 2011-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. */
  if (!isSetupsdruCalled) {
    y = NULL;
    m18 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv120);
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
      cv137[i] = cv138[i];

    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 6, m18, cv137);
    emlrtAssign(&y, m18);
    b_st.site = &ybb_emlrtRSI;
    setupsdru(&b_st, sdruroot(&b_st, &o_emlrtMCI), y, &p_emlrtMCI);
    isSetupsdruCalled = TRUE;

  /*  These sizes must match those in C code. */
  /*  Arbitrary max imposed on ML/SL side */
  /*  function is being called in interpreted mode */
  /*  not being found:  */
  /*  eml_allow_enum_inputs; */
  /* errStat_i = int32(0); */
  for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
    errStr_data[i] = '\x00';

  closeDataConnection_c(driverApiH, &errStat_i, &errStr_data[0]);

  /* errStat = UsrpErrorCapiEnumT(errStat_i); */
  i = strlen(&errStr_data[0]);
  if (i <= 1024) {
  } else {
    b_y = NULL;
    m18 = mxCreateString("Assertion failed.");
    emlrtAssign(&b_y, m18);
    b_st.site = &mbb_emlrtRSI;
    c_error(&b_st, b_y, &n_emlrtMCI);

  if (1 > i) {
  } else {
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i, 1, 1024, &p_emlrtBCI, &st);
Пример #2
/* Function Definitions */
void b_mapiPrivate(const emlrtStack *sp, int32_T varargin_1, UsrpErrorCapiEnumT *
                   varargout_1, char_T varargout_2_data[], int32_T
  int32_T i14;
  static const char_T cv14[6] = { 's', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'n', 't' };

  char_T u[6];
  const mxArray *y;
  static const int32_T iv10[2] = { 1, 6 };

  const mxArray *m3;
  UsrpErrorCapiEnumT errStat_i;
  int32_T errStrSize;
  emlrtStack st;
  st.prev = sp;
  st.tls = sp->tls;

  /*  */
  /*  This function unifies handling of interp vs. codegen call as well as */
  /*  errStat / errStr assignment. */
  /*  */
  /*    Copyright 2011-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. */
  if (!isSetupsdruCalled) {
    for (i14 = 0; i14 < 6; i14++) {
      u[i14] = cv14[i14];

    y = NULL;
    m3 = emlrtCreateCharArray(2, iv10);
    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(sp, 6, m3, &u[0]);
    emlrtAssign(&y, m3);
    st.site = &eb_emlrtRSI;
    setupsdru(&st, sdruroot(&st, &c_emlrtMCI), y, &d_emlrtMCI);
    isSetupsdruCalled = true;

  /*  These sizes must match those in C code. */
  /*  Arbitrary max imposed on ML/SL side */
  /*  function is being called in interpreted mode */
  /*  not being found:  */
  /*  eml_allow_enum_inputs; */
  /* errStat_i = int32(0); */
  varargout_2_size[0] = 1;
  memset(&varargout_2_data[0], 0, sizeof(char_T) << 10);
  closeDataConnection_c(varargin_1, &errStat_i, &varargout_2_data[0]);

  /* errStat = UsrpErrorCapiEnumT(errStat_i); */
  errStrSize = strlen(&varargout_2_data[0]);
  if (errStrSize <= 1024) {
  } else {
    emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(sp, &d_emlrtRTEI,
      "Coder:builtins:AssertionFailed", 0);

  if (1 > errStrSize) {
    varargout_2_size[1] = 0;
  } else {
    varargout_2_size[1] = errStrSize;

  *varargout_1 = errStat_i;