Пример #1
Error AudioDriverXAudio2::init() {

	active = false;
	thread_exited = false;
	exit_thread = false;
	pcm_open = false;
	samples_in = NULL;

	mix_rate = 48000;
	// FIXME: speaker_mode seems unused in the Xaudio2 driver so far
	speaker_mode = SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO;
	channels = 2;

	int latency = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/output_latency", 25);
	buffer_size = closest_power_of_2(latency * mix_rate / 1000);

	samples_in = memnew_arr(int32_t, buffer_size * channels);
	for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BUFFERS; i++) {
		samples_out[i] = memnew_arr(int16_t, buffer_size * channels);
		xaudio_buffer[i].AudioBytes = buffer_size * channels * sizeof(int16_t);
		xaudio_buffer[i].pAudioData = (const BYTE *)(samples_out[i]);
		xaudio_buffer[i].Flags = 0;

	hr = XAudio2Create(&xaudio, 0, XAUDIO2_DEFAULT_PROCESSOR);
	if (hr != S_OK) {
		ERR_EXPLAIN("Error creating XAudio2 engine.");
	hr = xaudio->CreateMasteringVoice(&mastering_voice);
	if (hr != S_OK) {
		ERR_EXPLAIN("Error creating XAudio2 mastering voice.");

	wave_format.nChannels = channels;
	wave_format.cbSize = 0;
	wave_format.nSamplesPerSec = mix_rate;
	wave_format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
	wave_format.wBitsPerSample = 16;
	wave_format.nBlockAlign = channels * wave_format.wBitsPerSample >> 3;
	wave_format.nAvgBytesPerSec = mix_rate * wave_format.nBlockAlign;

	hr = xaudio->CreateSourceVoice(&source_voice, &wave_format, 0, XAUDIO2_MAX_FREQ_RATIO, &voice_callback);
	if (hr != S_OK) {
		ERR_EXPLAIN("Error creating XAudio2 source voice. " + itos(hr));

	mutex = Mutex::create();
	thread = Thread::create(AudioDriverXAudio2::thread_func, this);

	return OK;
Пример #2
Error AudioDriverPulseAudio::init() {

	active = false;
	thread_exited = false;
	exit_thread = false;
	pcm_open = false;
	samples_in = NULL;
	samples_out = NULL;

	mix_rate = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/mix_rate", 44100);
	speaker_mode = SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO;
	channels = 2;

	pa_sample_spec spec;
	spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16LE;
	spec.channels = channels;
	spec.rate = mix_rate;

	int latency = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/output_latency", 25);
	buffer_size = closest_power_of_2(latency * mix_rate / 1000);

	pa_buffer_attr attr;
	// set to appropriate buffer size from global settings
	attr.tlength = buffer_size;
	// set them to be automatically chosen
	attr.prebuf = (uint32_t)-1;
	attr.maxlength = (uint32_t)-1;
	attr.minreq = (uint32_t)-1;

	int error_code;
	pulse = pa_simple_new(NULL, // default server
			"Godot", // application name
			NULL, // default device
			"Sound", // stream description
			NULL, // use default channel map
			&attr, // use buffering attributes from above

	if (pulse == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "PulseAudio ERR: %s\n", pa_strerror(error_code));

	samples_in = memnew_arr(int32_t, buffer_size * channels);
	samples_out = memnew_arr(int16_t, buffer_size * channels);

	mutex = Mutex::create();
	thread = Thread::create(AudioDriverPulseAudio::thread_func, this);

	return OK;
Пример #3
Error AudioDriverCoreAudio::init() {
	mutex = Mutex::create();

	AudioComponentDescription desc;
	zeromem(&desc, sizeof(desc));
	desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
	desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput;
	desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO;
	desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;

	AudioComponent comp = AudioComponentFindNext(NULL, &desc);

	OSStatus result = AudioComponentInstanceNew(comp, &audio_unit);
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	AudioObjectPropertyAddress prop;
	prop.mSelector = kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice;
	prop.mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal;
	prop.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster;

	result = AudioObjectAddPropertyListener(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &prop, &output_device_address_cb, this);
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	prop.mSelector = kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice;

	result = AudioObjectAddPropertyListener(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &prop, &input_device_address_cb, this);
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	AudioStreamBasicDescription strdesc;

	zeromem(&strdesc, sizeof(strdesc));
	UInt32 size = sizeof(strdesc);
	result = AudioUnitGetProperty(audio_unit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, kOutputBus, &strdesc, &size);
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	switch (strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame) {
		case 2: // Stereo
		case 4: // Surround 3.1
		case 6: // Surround 5.1
		case 8: // Surround 7.1
			channels = strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame;

			// Unknown number of channels, default to stereo
			channels = 2;

	zeromem(&strdesc, sizeof(strdesc));
	size = sizeof(strdesc);
	result = AudioUnitGetProperty(audio_unit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, kInputBus, &strdesc, &size);
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	switch (strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame) {
		case 1: // Mono
			capture_channels = 1;

		case 2: // Stereo
			capture_channels = 2;

			// Unknown number of channels, default to stereo
			capture_channels = 2;

	mix_rate = GLOBAL_DEF_RST("audio/mix_rate", DEFAULT_MIX_RATE);

	zeromem(&strdesc, sizeof(strdesc));
	strdesc.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
	strdesc.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked;
	strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame = channels;
	strdesc.mSampleRate = mix_rate;
	strdesc.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
	strdesc.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
	strdesc.mBytesPerFrame = strdesc.mBitsPerChannel * strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame / 8;
	strdesc.mBytesPerPacket = strdesc.mBytesPerFrame * strdesc.mFramesPerPacket;

	result = AudioUnitSetProperty(audio_unit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, kOutputBus, &strdesc, sizeof(strdesc));
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame = capture_channels;

	result = AudioUnitSetProperty(audio_unit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, kInputBus, &strdesc, sizeof(strdesc));
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	int latency = GLOBAL_DEF_RST("audio/output_latency", DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LATENCY);
	// Sample rate is independent of channels (ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11048825/audio-sample-frequency-rely-on-channels)
	buffer_frames = closest_power_of_2(latency * mix_rate / 1000);

	result = AudioUnitSetProperty(audio_unit, kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize, kAudioUnitScope_Global, kOutputBus, &buffer_frames, sizeof(UInt32));
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	unsigned int buffer_size = buffer_frames * channels;
	input_buffer.resize(buffer_size * 8);
	input_position = 0;
	input_size = 0;

	print_verbose("CoreAudio: detected " + itos(channels) + " channels");
	print_verbose("CoreAudio: audio buffer frames: " + itos(buffer_frames) + " calculated latency: " + itos(buffer_frames * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");

	AURenderCallbackStruct callback;
	zeromem(&callback, sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct));
	callback.inputProc = &AudioDriverCoreAudio::output_callback;
	callback.inputProcRefCon = this;
	result = AudioUnitSetProperty(audio_unit, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, kOutputBus, &callback, sizeof(callback));
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	zeromem(&callback, sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct));
	callback.inputProc = &AudioDriverCoreAudio::input_callback;
	callback.inputProcRefCon = this;
	result = AudioUnitSetProperty(audio_unit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_SetInputCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &callback, sizeof(callback));
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	result = AudioUnitInitialize(audio_unit);
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);

	return OK;
Пример #4
Error AudioDriverALSA::init_device() {
	mix_rate = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/mix_rate", DEFAULT_MIX_RATE);
	speaker_mode = SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO;
	channels = 2;

	// If there is a specified device check that it is really present
	if (device_name != "Default") {
		Array list = get_device_list();
		if (list.find(device_name) == -1) {
			device_name = "Default";
			new_device = "Default";

	int status;
	snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hwparams;
	snd_pcm_sw_params_t *swparams;

#define CHECK_FAIL(m_cond)                                       \
	if (m_cond) {                                                \
		fprintf(stderr, "ALSA ERR: %s\n", snd_strerror(status)); \
		if (pcm_handle) {                                        \
			snd_pcm_close(pcm_handle);                           \
			pcm_handle = NULL;                                   \
		}                                                        \
		ERR_FAIL_COND_V(m_cond, ERR_CANT_OPEN);                  \

	//todo, add
	//6 chans - "plug:surround51"
	//4 chans - "plug:surround40";

	if (device_name == "Default") {
		status = snd_pcm_open(&pcm_handle, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, SND_PCM_NONBLOCK);
	} else {
		String device = device_name;
		int pos = device.find(";");
		if (pos != -1) {
			device = device.substr(0, pos);
		status = snd_pcm_open(&pcm_handle, device.utf8().get_data(), SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, SND_PCM_NONBLOCK);



	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_any(pcm_handle, hwparams);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(pcm_handle, hwparams, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	//not interested in anything else
	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(pcm_handle, hwparams, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	//todo: support 4 and 6
	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(pcm_handle, hwparams, 2);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &mix_rate, NULL);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	// In ALSA the period size seems to be the one that will determine the actual latency
	// Ref: https://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/FramesPeriods
	unsigned int periods = 2;
	int latency = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/output_latency", DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LATENCY);
	buffer_frames = closest_power_of_2(latency * mix_rate / 1000);
	buffer_size = buffer_frames * periods;
	period_size = buffer_frames;

	// set buffer size from project settings
	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_size_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &buffer_size);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &period_size, NULL);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
		print_line("audio buffer frames: " + itos(period_size) + " calculated latency: " + itos(period_size * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");

	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &periods, NULL);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_hw_params(pcm_handle, hwparams);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);



	status = snd_pcm_sw_params_current(pcm_handle, swparams);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min(pcm_handle, swparams, period_size);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_start_threshold(pcm_handle, swparams, 1);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_sw_params(pcm_handle, swparams);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	samples_in.resize(period_size * channels);
	samples_out.resize(period_size * channels);

	return OK;
Пример #5
Error AudioDriverALSA::init() {

	active = false;
	thread_exited = false;
	exit_thread = false;
	pcm_open = false;
	samples_in = NULL;
	samples_out = NULL;

	mix_rate = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/mix_rate", 44100);
	speaker_mode = SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO;
	channels = 2;

	int status;
	snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hwparams;
	snd_pcm_sw_params_t *swparams;

#define CHECK_FAIL(m_cond)                                       \
	if (m_cond) {                                                \
		fprintf(stderr, "ALSA ERR: %s\n", snd_strerror(status)); \
		snd_pcm_close(pcm_handle);                               \
		ERR_FAIL_COND_V(m_cond, ERR_CANT_OPEN);                  \

	//todo, add
	//6 chans - "plug:surround51"
	//4 chans - "plug:surround40";

	status = snd_pcm_open(&pcm_handle, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, SND_PCM_NONBLOCK);



	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_any(pcm_handle, hwparams);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(pcm_handle, hwparams, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	//not interested in anything else
	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(pcm_handle, hwparams, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	//todo: support 4 and 6
	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(pcm_handle, hwparams, 2);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &mix_rate, NULL);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	int latency = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/output_latency", 25);
	buffer_size = closest_power_of_2(latency * mix_rate / 1000);

	// set buffer size from project settings
	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_size_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &buffer_size);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	// make period size 1/8
	period_size = buffer_size >> 3;
	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &period_size, NULL);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	unsigned int periods = 2;
	status = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &periods, NULL);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_hw_params(pcm_handle, hwparams);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);



	status = snd_pcm_sw_params_current(pcm_handle, swparams);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min(pcm_handle, swparams, period_size);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_start_threshold(pcm_handle, swparams, 1);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	status = snd_pcm_sw_params(pcm_handle, swparams);
	CHECK_FAIL(status < 0);

	samples_in = memnew_arr(int32_t, period_size * channels);
	samples_out = memnew_arr(int16_t, period_size * channels);

	snd_pcm_nonblock(pcm_handle, 0);

	mutex = Mutex::create();
	thread = Thread::create(AudioDriverALSA::thread_func, this);

	return OK;
Пример #6
void fix_up_rendering_window()
  int temp;
  if (opts.First_Column_Percent > 0.0)
    opts.First_Column = (int) (Frame.Screen_Width * opts.First_Column_Percent);

  if (opts.First_Line_Percent > 0.0)
    opts.First_Line = (int) (Frame.Screen_Height * opts.First_Line_Percent);

  /* The decrements are a fudge factor that used to be in OPTIN.C
   * but it messed up Write_INI_File so its moved here.

  if (opts.First_Column <= 0)
    opts.First_Column = 0;

  if (opts.First_Line <= 0)
    opts.First_Line = 0;
  if ((opts.Last_Column == -1) && (opts.Last_Column_Percent <= 1.0))
    opts.Last_Column = (int) (Frame.Screen_Width * opts.Last_Column_Percent);

  if ((opts.Last_Line == -1) && (opts.Last_Line_Percent <= 1.0))
    opts.Last_Line = (int) (Frame.Screen_Height * opts.Last_Line_Percent);

  if (opts.Last_Line == -1)
    opts.Last_Line = Frame.Screen_Height;

  if (opts.Last_Column == -1)
    opts.Last_Column = Frame.Screen_Width;

  if (opts.Last_Column < 0 || opts.Last_Column > Frame.Screen_Width)
    opts.Last_Column = Frame.Screen_Width;

  if (opts.Last_Line > Frame.Screen_Height)
    opts.Last_Line = Frame.Screen_Height;

  /* Fix up Mosaic Preview values */

  if ((temp=closest_power_of_2((unsigned)opts.PreviewGridSize_Start))!=opts.PreviewGridSize_Start)
     Warning(0,"Preview_Start_Size must be a power of 2. Changing to %d.",temp);

  if ((temp=closest_power_of_2((unsigned)opts.PreviewGridSize_End))!=opts.PreviewGridSize_End)
     Warning(0,"Preview_End_Size must be a power of 2. Changing to %d.",temp);

  /* End must be less than or equal to start */
  if (opts.PreviewGridSize_End > opts.PreviewGridSize_Start)
    opts.PreviewGridSize_End = opts.PreviewGridSize_Start;
  if (opts.PreviewGridSize_Start > 1)
     opts.Options |= PREVIEW;
     opts.Options &= ~PREVIEW;

  /* Set histogram size here so it is available for Print_Options, and
   * make sure that it has an integer number of pixels/bucket. */
  if (opts.histogram_on)
    if (opts.histogram_x == 0 || opts.histogram_x > Frame.Screen_Width)
      opts.histogram_x = Frame.Screen_Width;
    else if (opts.histogram_x < Frame.Screen_Width)
      opts.histogram_x = Frame.Screen_Width / ((Frame.Screen_Width +
                         opts.histogram_x - 1) / opts.histogram_x);

    if (opts.histogram_y == 0 || opts.histogram_y > Frame.Screen_Height)
      opts.histogram_y = Frame.Screen_Height;
    else if (opts.histogram_y < Frame.Screen_Height)
      opts.histogram_y = Frame.Screen_Height / ((Frame.Screen_Height +
                         opts.histogram_y - 1) /opts.histogram_y);
Пример #7
Error AudioDriverRtAudio::init() {

	active = false;
	mutex = Mutex::create(true);
	dac = memnew(RtAudio);

	ERR_EXPLAIN("Cannot initialize RtAudio audio driver: No devices present.")
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(dac->getDeviceCount() < 1, ERR_UNAVAILABLE);

	// FIXME: Adapt to the OutputFormat -> SpeakerMode change
	String channels = GLOBAL_DEF_RST("audio/output","stereo");

	if (channels=="5.1")
	else if (channels=="quad")
	else if (channels=="mono")

	RtAudio::StreamParameters parameters;
	parameters.deviceId = dac->getDefaultOutputDevice();
	RtAudio::StreamOptions options;

	// set the desired numberOfBuffers
	options.numberOfBuffers = 4;

	parameters.firstChannel = 0;
	mix_rate = GLOBAL_DEF_RST("audio/mix_rate", DEFAULT_MIX_RATE);

	int latency = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/output_latency", DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LATENCY);
	unsigned int buffer_frames = closest_power_of_2(latency * mix_rate / 1000);
	print_verbose("Audio buffer frames: " + itos(buffer_frames) + " calculated latency: " + itos(buffer_frames * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");

	short int tries = 2;

	while (tries >= 0) {
		switch (speaker_mode) {
			case SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO: parameters.nChannels = 2; break;
			case SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: parameters.nChannels = 6; break;
			case SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: parameters.nChannels = 8; break;

		try {
			dac->openStream(&parameters, NULL, RTAUDIO_SINT32, mix_rate, &buffer_frames, &callback, this, &options);
			active = true;

		} catch (RtAudioError) {
			// try with less channels
			ERR_PRINT("Unable to open audio, retrying with fewer channels...");

			switch (speaker_mode) {
				case SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: speaker_mode = SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO; break;
				case SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: speaker_mode = SPEAKER_SURROUND_51; break;


	return active ? OK : ERR_UNAVAILABLE;
Error AudioDriverPulseAudio::init_device() {

	// If there is a specified device check that it is really present
	if (device_name != "Default") {
		Array list = get_device_list();
		if (list.find(device_name) == -1) {
			device_name = "Default";
			new_device = "Default";

	// Detect the amount of channels PulseAudio is using
	// Note: If using an even amount of channels (2, 4, etc) channels and pa_map.channels will be equal,
	// if not then pa_map.channels will have the real amount of channels PulseAudio is using and channels
	// will have the amount of channels Godot is using (in this case it's pa_map.channels + 1)
	switch (pa_map.channels) {
		case 1: // Mono
		case 3: // Surround 2.1
		case 5: // Surround 5.0
		case 7: // Surround 7.0
			channels = pa_map.channels + 1;

		case 2: // Stereo
		case 4: // Surround 4.0
		case 6: // Surround 5.1
		case 8: // Surround 7.1
			channels = pa_map.channels;

			WARN_PRINTS("PulseAudio: Unsupported number of channels: " + itos(pa_map.channels));
			channels = 2;

	int latency = GLOBAL_DEF_RST("audio/output_latency", DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LATENCY);
	buffer_frames = closest_power_of_2(latency * mix_rate / 1000);
	pa_buffer_size = buffer_frames * pa_map.channels;

	print_verbose("PulseAudio: detected " + itos(pa_map.channels) + " channels");
	print_verbose("PulseAudio: audio buffer frames: " + itos(buffer_frames) + " calculated latency: " + itos(buffer_frames * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");

	pa_sample_spec spec;
	spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16LE;
	spec.channels = pa_map.channels;
	spec.rate = mix_rate;

	pa_str = pa_stream_new(pa_ctx, "Sound", &spec, &pa_map);
	if (pa_str == NULL) {
		ERR_PRINTS("PulseAudio: pa_stream_new error: " + String(pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(pa_ctx))));

	pa_buffer_attr attr;
	// set to appropriate buffer length (in bytes) from global settings
	// Note: PulseAudio defaults to 4 fragments, which means that the actual
	// latency is tlength / fragments. It seems that the PulseAudio has no way
	// to get the fragments number so we're hardcoding this to the default of 4
	const int fragments = 4;
	attr.tlength = pa_buffer_size * sizeof(int16_t) * fragments;
	// set them to be automatically chosen
	attr.prebuf = (uint32_t)-1;
	attr.maxlength = (uint32_t)-1;
	attr.minreq = (uint32_t)-1;

	const char *dev = device_name == "Default" ? NULL : device_name.utf8().get_data();
	int error_code = pa_stream_connect_playback(pa_str, dev, &attr, flags, NULL, NULL);
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error_code < 0, ERR_CANT_OPEN);

	samples_in.resize(buffer_frames * channels);

	// Reset audio input to keep synchronisation.
	input_position = 0;
	input_size = 0;

	return OK;