Пример #1
void sounds::process_sounds()
    std::vector<centroid> sound_clusters = cluster_sounds( recent_sounds );
    const int weather_vol = weather_data( g->weather ).sound_attn;
    for( const auto &this_centroid : sound_clusters ) {
        // Since monsters don't go deaf ATM we can just use the weather modified volume
        // If they later get physical effects from loud noises we'll have to change this
        // to use the unmodified volume for those effects.
        const int vol = this_centroid.volume - weather_vol;
        const tripoint source = tripoint( this_centroid.x, this_centroid.y, this_centroid.z );
        // --- Monster sound handling here ---
        // Alert all hordes
        if( vol > 20 && g->get_levz() == 0 ) {
            int sig_power = ( ( vol > 140 ) ? 140 : vol );
            // With this, volume 100 reaches 20 overmap tiles away.
            sig_power /= 5;
            const point abs_ms = g->m.getabs( source.x, source.y );
            const point abs_sm = ms_to_sm_copy( abs_ms );
            const tripoint target( abs_sm.x, abs_sm.y, source.z );
            overmap_buffer.signal_hordes( target, sig_power );
        // Alert all monsters (that can hear) to the sound.
        for (int i = 0, numz = g->num_zombies(); i < numz; i++) {
            monster &critter = g->zombie(i);
            const int dist = rl_dist( source, critter.pos() );
            if( vol * 2 > dist ) {
                // Exclude monsters that certainly won't hear the sound
                critter.hear_sound( source, vol, dist );
Пример #2
void sounds::process_sounds()
    std::vector<centroid> sound_clusters = cluster_sounds( recent_sounds );

    const int weather_vol = weather_data(g->weather).sound_attn;
    for( const auto &this_centroid : sound_clusters ) {
        // Since monsters don't go deaf ATM we can just use the weather modified volume
        // If they later get physical effects from loud noises we'll have to change this
        // to use the unmodified volume for those effects.
        const int vol = this_centroid.volume - weather_vol;
        const tripoint source = tripoint( this_centroid.x, this_centroid.y, this_centroid.z );
        // --- Monster sound handling here ---
        // Alert all hordes
        if( vol > 20 && g->get_levz() == 0 ) {
            int sig_power = ((vol > 140) ? 140 : vol) - 20;
            const point abs_ms = g->m.getabs( source.x, source.y );
            const point abs_sm = overmapbuffer::ms_to_sm_copy( abs_ms );
            const tripoint target( abs_sm.x, abs_sm.y, source.z );
            overmap_buffer.signal_hordes( target, sig_power );
        // Alert all monsters (that can hear) to the sound.
        for (int i = 0, numz = g->num_zombies(); i < numz; i++) {
            monster &critter = g->zombie(i);
            // rl_dist() is faster than critter.has_flag() or critter.can_hear(), so we'll check it first.
            int dist = rl_dist( source, critter.pos3() );
            int vol_goodhearing = vol * 2 - dist;
            if (vol_goodhearing > 0 && critter.can_hear()) {
                const bool goodhearing = critter.has_flag(MF_GOODHEARING);
                int volume = goodhearing ? vol_goodhearing : (vol - dist);
                // Error is based on volume, louder sound = less error
                if (volume > 0) {
                    int max_error = 0;
                    if (volume < 2) {
                        max_error = 10;
                    } else if (volume < 5) {
                        max_error = 5;
                    } else if (volume < 10) {
                        max_error = 3;
                    } else if (volume < 20) {
                        max_error = 1;

                    int target_x = source.x + rng(-max_error, max_error);
                    int target_y = source.y + rng(-max_error, max_error);
                    // target_z will require some special check due to soil muffling sounds

                    int wander_turns = volume * (goodhearing ? 6 : 1);
                    critter.wander_to( tripoint( target_x, target_y, source.z ), wander_turns);
                    critter.process_trigger(MTRIG_SOUND, volume);
Пример #3
void sounds::draw_monster_sounds( const tripoint &offset, WINDOW *window )
    auto sound_clusters = cluster_sounds( recent_sounds );
    // TODO: Signal sounds on different Z-levels differently (with '^' and 'v'?)
    for( const auto &sound : recent_sounds ) {
        mvwputch( window, offset.y + sound.first.y, offset.x + sound.first.x, c_yellow, '?' );
    for( const auto &sound : sound_clusters ) {
        mvwputch( window, offset.y + sound.y, offset.x + sound.x, c_red, '?' );
Пример #4
std::pair<std::vector<tripoint>, std::vector<tripoint>> sounds::get_monster_sounds()
    auto sound_clusters = cluster_sounds( recent_sounds );
    std::vector<tripoint> sound_locations;
    sound_locations.reserve( recent_sounds.size() );
    for( const auto &sound : recent_sounds ) {
        sound_locations.push_back( sound.first );
    std::vector<tripoint> cluster_centroids;
    cluster_centroids.reserve( sound_clusters.size() );
    for( const auto &sound : sound_clusters ) {
        cluster_centroids.emplace_back( sound.x, sound.y, sound.z );
    return { sound_locations, cluster_centroids };