/** * @brief Dequeues a command element. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure. */ static uint32_t cmd_queue_dequeue(void) { uint32_t retval; retval = NRF_SUCCESS; // If any flash operation is enqueued, schedule. if (m_cmd_queue.count > 0) { retval = cmd_process(); if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS) { // Flash could be accessed by modules other than Bond Manager, hence a busy error is // acceptable, but any other error needs to be indicated to the bond manager. if (retval != NRF_ERROR_BUSY) { app_notify(retval); } else { // In case of busy next trigger will be a success or a failure event. } } } else { // No flash access request pending. } return retval; }
static int cmd_video_start(struct re_printf *pf, void *arg) { char *video_path; char *preview_path; struct re_printf pf_preview; (void)arg; if (!pf || !pf->arg) { return EINVAL; } /* Parse incoming arguments. */ video_path = strtok((char *)pf->arg, " \r\n"); preview_path = strtok(NULL, " \r\n"); if (!video_path) { video_path = (char *)pf->arg; } pf_preview.arg = preview_path; /* Make preview. */ cmd_process(NULL, 'o', &pf_preview); /* Start video recording. */ internal_video_start(video_path); debug("Start video recording: %s\n", video_path); debug("Video preview: %s\n", preview_path); return 0; }
/** * @brief Dequeues a command element. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure. */ static uint32_t cmd_queue_dequeue(void) { uint32_t retval; retval = NRF_SUCCESS; // If any flash operation is enqueued, schedule. if ((m_cmd_queue.count > 0) && (m_cmd_queue.flash_access == false)) { retval = cmd_process(); if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS) { // Flash could be accessed by modules other than Bond Manager, hence a busy error is // acceptable, but any other error needs to be indicated to the bond manager. if (retval == NRF_ERROR_BUSY) { // In case of busy error code, it is possible to attempt to access flash. retval = NRF_SUCCESS; } } } else { // No flash access request pending. } return retval; }
void cmd_receive_byte(uint8_t character) { static uint8_t lineIdx; uart_write( &character, sizeof(character) ); if (character == 0x8 ) { if(lineIdx>0) lineIdx--; } else if (character == '\n') { } else if (character == '\r') { // Line completed DEBUG("\r\n"); cmd_line[lineIdx] = '\0'; cmd_process((char*)cmd_line); strcpy_P(cmd_line, PSTR("\r\nroot@plc:~> ")); cmd_flush(); lineIdx=0; cmd_line[lineIdx] = '\0'; } else if (character == '\0') { io_toggle_red_led(); } else { cmd_line[lineIdx] = character; lineIdx++; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HTEST *hTest = NULL; OMX_STRING component = NULL; OMX_STRING dump_file = NULL; if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: ./bin <dump_file>\n"); return 0; } OMX_Init(); component = "OMX.Freescale.std.video_source.v4l.sw-based"; dump_file = argv[1]; hTest = create_test(component, dump_file); hTest->media_name = argv[1]; if(hTest == NULL) { printf("Create test failed.\n"); return 0; } load_component(hTest); StateTrans(hTest, (OMX_STATETYPE)2); StateTrans(hTest, (OMX_STATETYPE)3); cmd_process(hTest); delete_test(hTest); OMX_Deinit(); return 1; }
int ui_input_pl(struct re_printf *pf, const struct pl *pl) { struct cmd_ctx *ctx = NULL; size_t i; int err = 0; if (!pf || !pl) return EINVAL; for (i=0; i<pl->l; i++) { err |= cmd_process(&ctx, pl->p[i], pf); } if (pl->l > 1 && ctx) err |= cmd_process(&ctx, '\n', pf); return err; }
static void console_task(void *p) { char buf[100]; kprintf("dooloo# "); while(1) { if(getline(buf, 100)) cmd_process(buf); kprintf("dooloo# "); } }
static int do_time(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[]) { ulong cycles = 0; int retval = 0; int repeatable; if (argc == 1) return CMD_RET_USAGE; retval = cmd_process(0, argc - 1, argv + 1, &repeatable, &cycles); report_time(cycles); return retval; }
/** * Read */ void CommandsSession::do_read() { auto self(shared_from_this()); boost::asio::async_read_until(*m_connection->socket, m_read_buffer, END_SYMBOLS, [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length) { if (!ec) { m_read_msg = std::string( boost::asio::buffers_begin(m_read_buffer.data()), boost::asio::buffers_end(m_read_buffer.data()) - strlen(END_SYMBOLS)); m_read_buffer.consume(length); cmd_process(); } }); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HTEST *hTest = NULL; OMX_STRING component = NULL; OMX_STRING in_file = NULL, out_file = NULL; FORMAT fmt; if(argc < 4) { printf("Unit test of vpu component.\n"); printf("This test read data from in_file then store the decoded data to out_file.\n"); printf("Usage: ./bin <in_file> <out_file> <format>\n"); printf("format: 0 -- mpeg4\n"); printf(" 1 -- h264\n"); return 0; } OMX_Init(); component = "OMX.Freescale.std.video_decoder.avc.v3.hw-based"; in_file = argv[1]; out_file = argv[2]; fmt = (FORMAT) atoi(argv[3]); hTest = create_test(component, in_file, out_file, fmt); if(hTest == NULL) { printf("Create test failed.\n"); return 0; } #if 1 load_component(hTest); StateTrans(hTest, OMX_StateIdle); StateTrans(hTest, OMX_StateExecuting); wait_eos(hTest); StateTrans(hTest, OMX_StateIdle); StateTrans(hTest, OMX_StateLoaded); unload_component(hTest); #else cmd_process(hTest); #endif delete_test(hTest); OMX_Deinit(); printf("Vpu component test is done.\n"); return 1; }
/* Called when a command is invoked */ TEE_Result TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint(void *pSessionContext, uint32_t nCommandID, uint32_t nParamTypes, TEE_Param pParams[4]) { (void)pSessionContext; switch (nCommandID) { case TA_SHA_PERF_CMD_PREPARE_OP: return cmd_prepare_op(nParamTypes, pParams); case TA_SHA_PERF_CMD_PROCESS: return cmd_process(nParamTypes, pParams); default: return TEE_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS; } }
/** * @brief Routine to enqueue a flash access operation. * * @param[in] opcode Identifies operation requested to be enqueued. * @param[in] p_storage_addr Identiifes module and flash address on which operation is requested. * @param[in] p_data_addr Identifies data address for flash access. * @param[in] size Size in bytes of data requested for the access operation. * @param[in] offset Offset within the flash memory block at which operation is requested. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure. * * @note All paramater check should be performed before requesting in an enqueue. */ static uint32_t cmd_queue_enqueue(uint8_t opcode, pstorage_handle_t * p_storage_addr, uint8_t * p_data_addr, pstorage_size_t size, pstorage_size_t offset) { uint32_t retval; uint8_t write_index = 0; if (m_cmd_queue.count != PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE) { // Enqueue the command if it is queue is not full. write_index = m_cmd_queue.rp + m_cmd_queue.count; if (write_index >= PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE) { write_index -= PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE; } m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].op_code = opcode; m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].n_tries = 0; m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].p_data_addr = p_data_addr; m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].storage_addr = (*p_storage_addr); m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].size = size; m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].offset = offset; retval = NRF_SUCCESS; if (m_cmd_queue.flash_access == false) { retval = cmd_process(); if (retval == NRF_ERROR_BUSY) { // In case of busy error code, it is possible to attempt to access flash. retval = NRF_SUCCESS; } } m_cmd_queue.count++; } else { retval = NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM; } return retval; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buff[MAX_BUFF], result_buff[SEND_BUFF]; // array for 'converted command(input)', 'result (output)' int n; int server_fd, conn_fd; // socket discriptor for server and client int clilen; // client struct's size struct sockaddr_in srvaddr, cliaddr; // socket address struct if(argc != 2) // if wrong input case { write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Server error : Check Port Numver\n", strlen("Server error : Check Port Numver\n")); return -1; } /* open socket */ if((server_fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0) { write(STDERR_FILENO, "Server : socket() err!!\n", strlen("Server : socket() err!!\n")); return -1; } /* initialize server socket struct */ memset(&srvaddr, 0, sizeof(srvaddr)); srvaddr.sin_family= PF_INET; srvaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); srvaddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1])); //bind socket with address if(bind(server_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&srvaddr, sizeof(srvaddr)) < 0) { write(STDERR_FILENO, "Server : bind() err!!\n", strlen("Server : bind() err!!\n")); return -1;//exit(1); } // listen (5 time) if(listen(server_fd, 5) < 0) { write(STDERR_FILENO, "Server : listen() err!!\n", strlen("Server : listen() err!!\n")); return -1; } for(;;) { clilen = sizeof(cliaddr); /* accept client's connection */ conn_fd = accept(server_fd, (struct sockaddr* ) &cliaddr, &clilen); if(conn_fd < 0) // connection falied case { write(STDERR_FILENO, "Server : accept() err!!\n", strlen("Server : accept() err!!\n")); return -1; } /*display client ip and port*/ if(client_info(&cliaddr) < 0) { write(STDERR_FILENO,"Server : client_info() err!!\n", strlen("Server : client_info() err!!\n")); return -1; } while(1) { n = read(conn_fd, buff, MAX_BUFF); buff[n] = '\0'; if(cmd_process(buff, result_buff) < 0) /*command execute and result*/ { write(STDERR_FILENO, "Server : cmd_process() err!!\n", strlen("Server : cmd_process() err!!\n")); break; } /* send result to client */ write(conn_fd, result_buff, strlen(result_buff)); /* if converted command is QUIT*/ if(!strcmp(result_buff, "QUIT")) { write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Server Quit!!\n", strlen("Server Quit!!\n")); break; } } if(!strcmp(result_buff, "QUIT")) // break loop break; } close(server_fd); // close server socket return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HTEST *hTest = NULL; if(argc < 3) { printf("Usage: ./bin <in_file> <out_file>\n"); return 0; } hTest = (HTEST*)fsl_osal_malloc_new(sizeof(HTEST)); if(hTest == NULL) { printf("Failed to allocate memory for test handle.\n"); return 0; } fsl_osal_memset(hTest, 0, sizeof(HTEST)); hTest->nComponents = 2; hTest->lib_name[0] = "../lib/lib_omx_template_arm11_elinux.so"; hTest->itf_name[0] = "TemplateInit"; hTest->component[0].nPorts = 2; hTest->component[0].PortDir[0] = OMX_DirInput; hTest->component[0].bAllocater[0] = OMX_TRUE; hTest->component[0].PortDir[1] = OMX_DirOutput; hTest->component[0].bAllocater[1] = OMX_TRUE; hTest->lib_name[1] = "../lib/lib_omx_template_arm11_elinux.so"; hTest->itf_name[1] = "TemplateInit"; hTest->component[1].nPorts = 2; hTest->component[1].PortDir[0] = OMX_DirInput; hTest->component[1].bAllocater[0] = OMX_TRUE; hTest->component[1].PortDir[1] = OMX_DirOutput; hTest->component[1].bAllocater[1] = OMX_TRUE; hTest->pMsgQ = FSL_NEW(Queue, ()); if(hTest->pMsgQ == NULL) { printf("Create message queue failed.\n"); return 0; } hTest->pMsgQ->Create(128, sizeof(MSG), E_FSL_OSAL_TRUE); hTest->pInFile = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if(hTest->pInFile == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file: %s\n", argv[1]); return 0; } hTest->pOutFile = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); if(hTest->pOutFile == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file: %s\n", argv[2]); return 0; } cmd_process(hTest); return 1; }
/**************************************************************************** * returns: * 1 - command executed, repeatable * 0 - command executed but not repeatable, interrupted commands are * always considered not repeatable * -1 - not executed (unrecognized, bootd recursion or too many args) * (If cmd is NULL or "" or longer than CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE-1 it is * considered unrecognized) * * WARNING: * * We must create a temporary copy of the command since the command we get * may be the result from getenv(), which returns a pointer directly to * the environment data, which may change magicly when the command we run * creates or modifies environment variables (like "bootp" does). */ static int builtin_run_command(const char *cmd, int flag) { char cmdbuf[CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE]; /* working copy of cmd */ char *token; /* start of token in cmdbuf */ char *sep; /* end of token (separator) in cmdbuf */ char finaltoken[CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE]; char *str = cmdbuf; char *argv[CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS + 1]; /* NULL terminated */ int argc, inquotes; int repeatable = 1; int rc = 0; debug_parser("[RUN_COMMAND] cmd[%p]=\"", cmd); if (DEBUG_PARSER) { /* use printf - string may be loooong */ printf(cmd ? cmd : "NULL"); printf("\"\n"); } //clear_ctrlc(); /* forget any previous Control C */ if (!cmd || !*cmd) { return -1; /* empty command */ } if (strlen(cmd) >= CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE) { printf ("## Command too long!\n"); return -1; } strcpy (cmdbuf, cmd); /* Process separators and check for invalid * repeatable commands */ debug_parser("[PROCESS_SEPARATORS] %s\n", cmd); while (*str) { /* * Find separator, or string end * Allow simple escape of ';' by writing "\;" */ for (inquotes = 0, sep = str; *sep; sep++) { if ((*sep=='\'') && (*(sep-1) != '\\')) inquotes=!inquotes; if (!inquotes && (*sep == ';') && /* separator */ ( sep != str) && /* past string start */ (*(sep-1) != '\\')) /* and NOT escaped */ break; } /* * Limit the token to data between separators */ token = str; if (*sep) { str = sep + 1; /* start of command for next pass */ *sep = '\0'; } else str = sep; /* no more commands for next pass */ debug_parser("token: \"%s\"\n", token); /* find macros in this token and replace them */ process_macros (token, finaltoken); /* Extract arguments */ if ((argc = parse_line (finaltoken, argv)) == 0) { rc = -1; /* no command at all */ continue; } if (cmd_process(flag, argc, argv, &repeatable, NULL)) rc = -1; /* Did the user stop this? */ //if (had_ctrlc ()) // return -1; /* if stopped then not repeatable */ } return rc ? rc : repeatable; }
/** * @brief Handles Flash Access Result Events declared in pstorage_platform.h. * * @param[in] sys_evt System event to be handled. */ void pstorage_sys_event_handler(uint32_t sys_evt) { uint32_t retval = NRF_SUCCESS; // Its possible the flash access was not initiated by bond manager, hence // event is processed only if the event triggered was for an operation requested by the // bond manager. if (m_cmd_queue.flash_access == true) { cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd; m_cmd_queue.flash_access = false; if (m_swap_state == STATE_SWAP_DIRTY) { if (sys_evt == NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_SUCCESS) { m_swap_state = STATE_INIT; } else { // If clearing the swap fails, set the application back to un-initialized, to give // the application a chance for a retry. m_module_initialized = false; } // Schedule any queued flash access operations. retval = cmd_queue_dequeue(); if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS) { app_notify(retval, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]); } return; } switch (sys_evt) { case NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_SUCCESS: { p_cmd = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]; m_round_val++; const bool store_finished = ((p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_STORE_OP_CODE) && ((m_round_val * SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE) >= p_cmd->size)); const bool update_finished = ((p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_UPDATE_OP_CODE) && (m_swap_state == STATE_COMPLETE)); const bool clear_block_finished = ((p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE) && (m_swap_state == STATE_COMPLETE)); const bool clear_all_finished = ((p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE) && ((m_round_val * SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE) >= p_cmd->size) && (m_swap_state == STATE_INIT)); if (update_finished || clear_block_finished || clear_all_finished || store_finished) { uint8_t queue_rp = m_cmd_queue.rp; m_swap_state = STATE_INIT; m_round_val = 0; m_cmd_queue.count--; m_cmd_queue.rp++; if (m_cmd_queue.rp >= PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE) { m_cmd_queue.rp -= PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE; } app_notify(retval, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[queue_rp]); // Initialize/free the element as it is now processed. cmd_queue_element_init(queue_rp); } // Schedule any queued flash access operations. retval = cmd_queue_dequeue(); if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS) { app_notify(retval, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]); } } break; case NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_ERROR: // Current command timed out and was not started in SoftDevice. p_cmd = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]; ASSERT(p_cmd->n_tries < SD_CMD_MAX_TRIES); if (++p_cmd->n_tries == SD_CMD_MAX_TRIES) { // If we have already attempted SD_CMD_MAX_TRIES times, give up. app_notify(NRF_ERROR_TIMEOUT, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]); } else { // Retry operation retval = cmd_process(); if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS && retval != NRF_ERROR_BUSY) { app_notify(retval, p_cmd); } } break; default: // No implementation needed. break; } } }
static void ui_handler(char key, struct re_printf *pf) { (void)cmd_process(&uictx, key, pf); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int timeout = 0; sp_error error; int notify_cmdline = 0; int notify_events = 0; struct timespec ts; (void)argc; (void)argv; pthread_mutex_init(&g_notify_mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&g_notify_cond, NULL); session_init(); cmd_init(cmd_notify); do { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); ts.tv_sec += timeout / 1000; ts.tv_nsec += (timeout % 1000) * 1E6; if (ts.tv_nsec > 1E9) { ts.tv_sec++; ts.tv_nsec -= 1E9; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_notify_mutex); pthread_cond_timedwait(&g_notify_cond, &g_notify_mutex, &ts); notify_cmdline = g_notify_cmdline; notify_events = g_notify_events; g_notify_cmdline = 0; g_notify_events = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_notify_mutex); if (notify_cmdline) { cmd_process(); } if (notify_events) { do { error = sp_session_process_events(g_session, &timeout); if (error != SP_ERROR_OK) fprintf(stderr, "error processing events: %s\n", sp_error_message(error)); } while (timeout == 0); } } while (!is_program_finished()); session_logout(); while (session_is_logged_in()) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); ts.tv_sec += 1; pthread_mutex_lock(&g_notify_mutex); pthread_cond_timedwait(&g_notify_cond, &g_notify_mutex, &ts); notify_events = g_notify_events; g_notify_events = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_notify_mutex); if (notify_events) { do { error = sp_session_process_events(g_session, &timeout); if (error != SP_ERROR_OK) fprintf(stderr, "error processing events: %s\n", sp_error_message(error)); } while (timeout == 0); } } session_release(); cmd_destroy(); pthread_mutex_destroy(&g_notify_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&g_notify_cond); return 0; }
void CLI_Process(void) { key_get_command(str); str_upper_to_lower(str); cmd_process(str); }
int silly_socket_poll() { int err; sp_event_t *e; struct socket *s; struct silly_socket *ss = SSOCKET; eventwait(ss); err = cmd_process(ss); if (err < 0) return -1; if (err >= 1) clear_socket_event(ss); while (ss->eventindex < ss->eventcount) { int ei = ss->eventindex++; e = &ss->eventbuff[ei]; s = (struct socket *)SP_UD(e); if (s == NULL) //the socket event has be cleared continue; switch (s->type) { case STYPE_LISTEN: assert(SP_READ(e)); report_accept(ss, s); continue; case STYPE_CONNECTING: s->type = STYPE_SOCKET; report_connected(ss, s); continue; case STYPE_RESERVE: fprintf(stderr, "[socket] poll reserve socket\n"); continue; case STYPE_HALFCLOSE: case STYPE_SOCKET: case STYPE_UDPBIND: break; case STYPE_CTRL: continue; default: fprintf(stderr, "[socket] poll: unkonw socket type:%d\n", s->type); continue; } if (SP_ERR(e)) { report_close(ss, s, 0); delsocket(ss, s); continue; } if (SP_READ(e)) { switch (s->protocol) { case PROTOCOL_TCP: err = forward_msg_tcp(ss, s); break; case PROTOCOL_UDP: err = forward_msg_udp(ss, s); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "[socket] poll: unsupport protocol:%d\n", s->protocol); continue; } //this socket have already occurs error, so ignore the write event if (err < 0) continue; } if (SP_WRITE(e)) { if (s->protocol == PROTOCOL_TCP) send_msg_tcp(ss, s); else send_msg_udp(ss, s); } } return 0; }
/* run_pipe_real() starts all the jobs, but doesn't wait for anything * to finish. See checkjobs(). * * return code is normally -1, when the caller has to wait for children * to finish to determine the exit status of the pipe. If the pipe * is a simple builtin command, however, the action is done by the * time run_pipe_real returns, and the exit code is provided as the * return value. * * The input of the pipe is always stdin, the output is always * stdout. The outpipe[] mechanism in BusyBox-0.48 lash is bogus, * because it tries to avoid running the command substitution in * subshell, when that is in fact necessary. The subshell process * now has its stdout directed to the input of the appropriate pipe, * so this routine is noticeably simpler. */ static int run_pipe_real(struct pipe *pi) { int i; int nextin; int flag = do_repeat ? CMD_FLAG_REPEAT : 0; struct child_prog *child; char *p; #if __GNUC__ /* Avoid longjmp clobbering */ (void) &i; (void) &nextin; (void) &child; #endif nextin = 0; /* Check if this is a simple builtin (not part of a pipe). * Builtins within pipes have to fork anyway, and are handled in * pseudo_exec. "echo foo | read bar" doesn't work on bash, either. */ if (pi->num_progs == 1) child = & (pi->progs[0]); if (pi->num_progs == 1 && child->group) { int rcode; debug_printf("non-subshell grouping\n"); rcode = run_list_real(child->group); return rcode; } else if (pi->num_progs == 1 && pi->progs[0].argv != NULL) { for (i=0; is_assignment(child->argv[i]); i++) { /* nothing */ } if (i!=0 && child->argv[i]==NULL) { /* assignments, but no command: set the local environment */ for (i=0; child->argv[i]!=NULL; i++) { /* Ok, this case is tricky. We have to decide if this is a * local variable, or an already exported variable. If it is * already exported, we have to export the new value. If it is * not exported, we need only set this as a local variable. * This junk is all to decide whether or not to export this * variable. */ int export_me=0; char *name, *value; name = xstrdup(child->argv[i]); debug_printf("Local environment set: %s\n", name); value = strchr(name, '='); if (value) *value=0; free(name); p = insert_var_value(child->argv[i]); set_local_var(p, export_me); if (p != child->argv[i]) free(p); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* don't worry about errors in set_local_var() yet */ } for (i = 0; is_assignment(child->argv[i]); i++) { p = insert_var_value(child->argv[i]); set_local_var(p, 0); if (p != child->argv[i]) { child->sp--; free(p); } } if (child->sp) { char * str = NULL; str = make_string((child->argv + i)); parse_string_outer(str, FLAG_EXIT_FROM_LOOP | FLAG_REPARSING); free(str); return last_return_code; } /* check ";", because ,example , argv consist from * "help;flinfo" must not execute */ if (strchr(child->argv[i], ';')) { printf("Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' or use " "'run' command\n", child->argv[i]); return -1; } /* Process the command */ return cmd_process(flag, child->argc, child->argv, &flag_repeat, NULL); } return -1; }
int main ( int argc, char * argv [] ) { cmd_defaults(&cmd,argv[0]); init_error(); if(!is_path_absolute(argv[0])) { wrn_print("Require execution with absolute path(%s)",argv[0]); terminate(); } cmd_process(argc,argv,&cmd); if(!cmd.no_dump_config) dump_cmd(&cmd); // if( check_creds(&cmd.creds) == -1 ) // wrn_print("check_creds failed, program execution compromised"); if( cmd.kill_running || cmd.rexec_running) { // dbg_print("Sending %s signal",strsignal(cmd.rexec_running ? SIGHUP : cmd.kill_running ? SIGTERM : 0)); KILL_FROM_PID_ERRORS(kill_from_pid_file(cmd.pid_file, cmd.rexec_running ? SIGHUP : SIGTERM)); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(cmd.logs_enable) if(reopen_files() == -1) { wrn_print("reopen_files failed"); terminate(); } dbg_print("%s started executinon", argv[0]); dbg_print("Running as uid:%ld gid:%ld", (long)getuid(), (long)getgid()); if(cmd.need_daemon) { dbg_print("Demonizing.."); if(become_daemon()) { wrn_print("Can't demonize because of error"); terminate(); } } if(cmd.pid_file) { switch (create_pid_file(cmd.pid_file)) { case -1: wrn_print("creat_pid_file failed"); terminate(); case -2: wrn_print("An instance of %s is already running",cmd.path); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } if(cmd.exit_after_dump) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); block_all_sigs(); main_loop(); wrn_print("suspicious main_loop return..."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
/*********************************************************************** * * Function: boot_manager * * Purpose: Handle boot configuation and options * * Processing: * See function. * * Parameters: * allow_boot : TRUE to allow the system to autoboot * * Outputs: None * * Returns: Nothing * * Notes: None * **********************************************************************/ void boot_manager(BOOL_32 allow_boot) { UNS_8 key, str[255]; int i, idx; UNS_32 secsmt; BOOL_32 usedef = FALSE; /* Get runtime configuration */ get_rt_s1lsys_cfg(&sysinfo.sysrtcfg); /* Query FLASH */ sysinfo.nandgeom = flash_init(); /* Get S1L configuration */ if (cfg_override() != FALSE) { cfg_default(&syscfg); usedef = TRUE; } else if (cfg_load(&syscfg) == FALSE) { cfg_default(&syscfg); syscfg.scr.number_entries = 0; cfg_save(&syscfg); usedef = TRUE; } /* Initial system setup */ sys_up(); if (sysinfo.nandgeom == NULL) { term_dat_out_crlf(nanderr_msg); } /* Set saved baud rate */ term_setbaud(syscfg.baudrate); /* Default configuration used? */ if (usedef != FALSE) { term_dat_out_crlf(cfggdef_msg); } /* Display system header */ term_dat_out_crlf((UNS_8 *) ""); term_dat_out_crlf(sysinfo.sysrtcfg.system_name); term_dat_out(bdat_msg); term_dat_out((UNS_8 *) __DATE__); term_dat_out((UNS_8 *) " "); term_dat_out_crlf((UNS_8 *) __TIME__); /* No file currently loaded in memory */ sysinfo.lfile.loadaddr = 0xFFFFFFFF; sysinfo.lfile.flt = FLT_NONE; sysinfo.lfile.num_bytes = 0; sysinfo.lfile.startaddr = (PFV) 0xFFFFFFFF; sysinfo.lfile.loaded = FALSE; /* Initialize commands */ cmd_core_add_commands(); cmd_image_add_commands(); cmd_nand_add_commands(); ucmd_init(); /* Initialize line prompt and parser */ key_line_init(syscfg.prmpt); /* Prompt usually appears */ menuexit = FALSE; /* Use built in script capability? */ if ((syscfg.scr.enabled == TRUE) && (syscfg.scr.number_entries > 0)) { term_dat_out_crlf((UNS_8 *) "Running built-in script...\n"); i = idx = 0; while (i < syscfg.scr.number_entries) { /* Execute commands */ term_dat_out((UNS_8 *) "-S>"); term_dat_out_crlf(&syscfg.scr.script_data[idx]); cmd_process(&syscfg.scr.script_data[idx]); idx = idx + syscfg.scr.entry_size[i] + 1; i++; } } else { /* In prompt bypass mode? */ if (syscfg.aboot.abootsrc != SRC_NONE) menuexit = allow_boot; if ((syscfg.prmpt_to > 0) && (menuexit == TRUE)) { secsmt = get_seconds() + syscfg.prmpt_to; term_dat_out_crlf(kp_msg); while (get_seconds() < secsmt) { if (term_dat_in_ready() > 0) { term_dat_in(&key, 1); menuexit = FALSE; secsmt = get_seconds(); } } } /* Perform autoboot if possible */ if (menuexit == TRUE) { menuexit = autoboot(); } } while (menuexit == FALSE) { key_get_command(str); str_upper_to_lower(str); cmd_process(str); } /* Bring down some system items */ sys_down(); /* Execute program */ jumptoprog(sysinfo.lfile.startaddr); }