void mtsMicroScribeDigitizer::InitComponent(void)
    mtsInterfaceProvided * provided = AddInterfaceProvided(DigitizerInterfaceName);
    if (provided) {
		StateTable.AddData(DeviceStatus, "DeviceStatus");
        StateTable.AddData(TipPosition, "TipPosition");
        StateTable.AddData(TipOrientation, "TipOrientation");
        StateTable.AddData(TipOrientationUnitVector, "TipOrientationUnitVector");
        StateTable.AddData(ButtonState, "ButtonState");
        StateTable.AddData(JointReadings, "JointReadings");
		provided->AddCommandReadState(StateTable, DeviceStatus, DigitizerCommandNames::GetDeviceStatus);
        provided->AddCommandReadState(StateTable, TipPosition, DigitizerCommandNames::GetTipPosition);
        provided->AddCommandReadState(StateTable, TipOrientation, DigitizerCommandNames::GetTipOrientation);
        provided->AddCommandReadState(StateTable, TipOrientationUnitVector, DigitizerCommandNames::GetTipOrientationUnitVector);
        provided->AddCommandReadState(StateTable, ButtonState, DigitizerCommandNames::GetButtonState);
        provided->AddCommandReadState(StateTable, JointReadings, DigitizerCommandNames::GetJointReadings);
		provided->AddCommandRead(&mtsMicroScribeDigitizer::GetDigitizerInfo, this, DigitizerCommandNames::GetDigitizerInfo);

        provided->AddEventVoid(EventButton1Up,    DigitizerEventNames::EventButton1Up);
        provided->AddEventVoid(EventButton1Down,  DigitizerEventNames::EventButton1Down);
        provided->AddEventVoid(EventButton2Up,    DigitizerEventNames::EventButton2Up);
        provided->AddEventVoid(EventButton2Down,  DigitizerEventNames::EventButton2Down);
        provided->AddEventVoid(EventDigitizerConnected, DigitizerEventNames::EventDigitizerConnected);
        provided->AddEventVoid(EventDigitizerDisconnected, DigitizerEventNames::EventDigitizerDisconnected);

    // Device initialization
    if (ARM_SUCCESS != ArmStart(NULL)) {
		// Retry after calling ArmEnd()
		if (ARM_SUCCESS != ArmStart(NULL)) {
			cmnThrow("mtsMicroScribeDigitizer: Startup: Failed to initialize MicroScribe Digitizer");

    // Custom error handler registration
    if (ARM_SUCCESS != ArmSetErrorHandlerFunction(NO_HCI_HANDLER, ErrorHandler_NoHCI)) {
        cmnThrow("mtsMicroScribeDigitizer: Startup: Failed to register error handler: NO_HCI_HANDLER");
    if (ARM_SUCCESS != ArmSetErrorHandlerFunction(BAD_PORT_HANDLER, ErrorHandler_BadPort)) {
        cmnThrow("mtsMicroScribeDigitizer: Startup: Failed to register error handler: BAD_PORT_HANDLER");
    if (ARM_SUCCESS != ArmSetErrorHandlerFunction(CANT_OPEN_HANDLER, ErrorHandler_CantOpen)) {
        cmnThrow("mtsMicroScribeDigitizer: Startup: Failed to register error handler: CANT_OPEN_HANDLER");
    if (ARM_SUCCESS != ArmSetErrorHandlerFunction(CANT_BEGIN_HANDLER, ErrorHandler_CantBegin)) {
        cmnThrow("mtsMicroScribeDigitizer: Startup: Failed to register error handler: CANT_BEGIN_HANDLER");
/*! FillInTableauRefs
void mtsVFSensorCompliance::FillInTableauRefs(const CONTROLLERMODE mode, const double TickTime)
    // fill in refs
    // min || J(q)*dq - gain*overallGain*sensorValues ||

    // Check if we have a jacobian to use
    if(Kinematics.size() < 1)
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_ERROR << "Error: Sensor Compliance VF given improper input" << std::endl;
        cmnThrow("Error: Sensor Compliance VF given improper input");

    mtsVFDataSensorCompliance * SensorComplianceData = (mtsVFDataSensorCompliance *)(Data);
    vctDoubleMat * JacP = &(Kinematics.at(0)->Jacobian);
    vctDynamicVector<double> * SensorValues = &(Sensors.at(0)->Values);
    vctDynamicVector<double> overallGain = Sensors.at(1)->Values;

    //choose only selected sensor values (indices stored in SensorSelections)
    vctDynamicVector<double> UsedValues(SensorComplianceData->Gain.cols());
    for (size_t s=0; s < SensorComplianceData->SensorSelections.size(); s++)
        UsedValues[s] = (overallGain[0]/100.0)*((*SensorValues)[SensorComplianceData->SensorSelections[s]]);

    // Check if we have all dependencies met
    if(Sensors.size() < 2 || SensorComplianceData->Gain.rows() != JacP->rows() || SensorComplianceData->Gain.cols() != UsedValues.size())
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_ERROR << "Error: Sensor Compliance VF given improper input" << std::endl;
        cmnThrow("Error: Sensor Compliance VF given improper input");

    //set the reference to the right hand side of the above equation (gain*Force)
    ObjectiveVectorRef.Assign(SensorComplianceData->Gain * UsedValues);

    //now set reference to the left hand side of the above equation, the jacobian (only rows indicated in DOFSelections)
    for(size_t r = 0; r < SensorComplianceData->DOFSelections.size(); r++)
        for (size_t c = 0; c < JacP->cols(); c++)
            if(r == c)
                ObjectiveMatrixRef[r][c] = TickTime*(*JacP)[r][c];

Пример #3
void nmrLSMinNorm::Data::CheckInfo() const{

  if( INFO < 0 ){
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "nmrLSMinNorm: The " << -INFO
	    << "th argument had an illegal value." 
	    << std::endl;
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message.str() ) );

  if( 0 < INFO ){
    std::string message( "nmrLSMinNorm: SVD failed to converge\n" );
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message ) );

Пример #4
void cmnDataJSON<char>::DeSerializeText(DataType & data, const Json::Value & jsonValue) throw (std::runtime_error) {
    std::string temp = jsonValue.asString();
    if (temp.size() != 1) {
        cmnThrow("cmnDataJSON<char>::DeSerializeText: string with more than one character");
    data = temp[0];
Пример #5
void mtsPIDQtWidget::Startup(void)
    CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_VERBOSE << "mtsPIDQtWidget::Startup" << std::endl;
    // Set desired pos to cur pos
    mtsExecutionResult result;
    prmJointTypeVec jointType;
    result = PID.GetJointType(jointType);
    if (!result) {
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Startup: Robot interface isn't connected properly, unable to get joint type.  Function call returned: "
                                 << result << std::endl;
    } else {
        // set unitFactor;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < this->NumberOfAxis; i++) {
            if (jointType[i] == PRM_REVOLUTE) {
                UnitFactor[i] = cmn180_PI;
            } else if (jointType[i] == PRM_PRISMATIC) {
                UnitFactor[i] = 1.0 / cmn_mm;
            } else {
                cmnThrow("mtsRobotIO1394QtWidget: Unknown joint type");

    // Show the GUI
    if (!parent()) {
Пример #6
void cmnDataSerializeBinary(const std::string & data,
                            std::ostream & outputStream)
    throw (std::runtime_error)
    cmnData<size_t>::SerializeBinary(data.size(), outputStream);
    outputStream.write(data.data(), data.size());
    if (outputStream.fail()) {
        cmnThrow("cmnDataSerializeBinary(std::string): error occured with std::ostream::write");
Пример #7
void cmnDataSerializeBinary_size_t(const size_t & data,
                                   std::ostream & outputStream)
    throw (std::runtime_error)
    outputStream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&data),
    if (outputStream.fail()) {
        cmnThrow("cmnDataSerializeBinary(type): error occured with std::ostream::write");
Пример #8
void cmnDataSerializeText_size_t(const size_t & data,
                                 std::ostream & outputStream,
                                 const char CMN_UNUSED(delimiter))
    throw (std::runtime_error)
    outputStream << data;
    if (outputStream.fail()) {
        cmnThrow("cmnDataSerializeText_size_t: error occured with std::ostream::write");
Пример #9
void cmnDataDeSerializeBinary_size_t(size_t & data,
                                     std::istream & inputStream,
                                     const cmnDataFormat & localFormat,
                                     const cmnDataFormat & remoteFormat)
    throw (std::runtime_error)
    // first case, both use same size
    if (remoteFormat.GetSizeTSize() == localFormat.GetSizeTSize()) {
        inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&data),
        if (inputStream.fail()) {
            cmnThrow("cmnDataDeSerializeBinary(size_t): error occured with std::istream::read");
    // different sizes
    // local is 64, hence remote is 32
    if (localFormat.GetSizeTSize() == cmnDataFormat::CMN_DATA_SIZE_T_SIZE_64) {
        unsigned int tmp;
        inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&tmp),
        if (inputStream.fail()) {
            cmnThrow("cmnDataDeSerializeBinary(size_t): error occured with std::istream::read");
        data = tmp;
    // local is 32, hence remote is 64
    if (localFormat.GetSizeTSize() == cmnDataFormat::CMN_DATA_SIZE_T_SIZE_32) {
        unsigned long long int tmp;
        inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&tmp),
        if (inputStream.fail()) {
            cmnThrow("cmnDataDeSerializeBinary(size_t): error occured with std::istream::read");
        if (tmp > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
            cmnThrow("cmnDataDeSerializeBinary(size_t): received a size_t larger than what can be handled on 32 bits");
        data = static_cast<size_t>(tmp); // this should be safe now
Пример #10
( const vctDynamicMatrix<double>& A,
  const vctDynamicVector<double>& D,
  const vctDynamicMatrix<double>& V ){

  // test that number of rows match
  if( A.rows() != A.cols() ){
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "nmrSymmetricEigenProblem: Matrix A has " << A.rows() << " rows "
	    << " and "  << A.cols() << " columns.";
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message.str() ) );

  // check for fortran format
  if( !A.IsFortran() ){
    std::string message( "nmrSymmetricEigenProblem: Invalid matrix A format." );
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message ) );

  // test that number of rows match
  if( V.rows() != A.rows() || V.cols() != A.cols() ){
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "nmrSymmetricEigenProblem: Matrix V has " << V.rows() << " rows "
	    << " and "  << V.cols() << " columns.";
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message.str() ) );

  if( !V.IsFortran() ){
    std::string message( "nmrSymmetricEigenProblem: Invalid matrix V format." );
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message ) );

  if( D.size() != A.rows() ){
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "nmrSymmetricEigenProblem: Vector D has " << D.size() << " rows";
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message.str() ) );

Пример #11
void nmrLSMinNorm::Data::CheckSystem( const vctDynamicMatrix<double>& A,
                                      const vctDynamicMatrix<double>& b ) const{
  // test that number of rows match
  if( A.rows() != b.rows() ){
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "nmrLSMinNorm: Matrix A has " << A.rows() << " rows. "
	    << "Matrix B has "  << b.rows() << " rows.";
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message.str() ) );

  // check for fortran format
  if( !( A.IsFortran() ) ){
    std::string message( "nmrLSMinNorm: Invalid matrix A format." );
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message ) );

  if( !( b.IsFortran() ) ){
    std::string message( "nmrLSMinNorm: Invalid matrix b format." );
    cmnThrow( std::runtime_error( message ) );

Пример #12
void cmnDataDeSerializeBinary(std::string & data,
                              std::istream & inputStream,
                              const cmnDataFormat & localFormat,
                              const cmnDataFormat & remoteFormat)
    throw (std::runtime_error)
    size_t size;
    // retrieve size of string
    cmnData<size_t>::DeSerializeBinary(size, inputStream, localFormat, remoteFormat);
    inputStream.read(const_cast<char *>(data.data()), size);
    if (inputStream.fail()) {
        cmnThrow("cmnDataDeSerializeBinary(std::string): error occured with std::istream::read");
Пример #13
void mtsRobotIO1394QtWidget::Startup(void)
    CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_VERBOSE << "Startup" << std::endl;
    vctDoubleVec actuatorCurrentMax(this->NumberOfActuators);
    mtsExecutionResult result = Robot.GetActuatorCurrentMax(actuatorCurrentMax);
    if (!result) {
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Startup: Robot interface isn't connected properly, unable to get actuator current max.  Function call returned: "
                                 << result << std::endl;
    } else {
        // convert to mA
        QVWActuatorCurrentSpinBoxWidget->SetRange(-actuatorCurrentMax, actuatorCurrentMax);
        QVWActuatorCurrentSliderWidget->SetRange(-actuatorCurrentMax, actuatorCurrentMax);

    prmJointTypeVec jointType;
    result = Robot.GetJointType(jointType);
    if (!result) {
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Startup: Robot interface isn't connected properly, unable to get joint type.  Function call returned: "
                                 << result << std::endl;
    } else {
        // set unitFactor;1
        for (size_t i = 0; i < this->NumberOfActuators; i++ ) {
            if (jointType[i] == PRM_REVOLUTE) {
                UnitFactor[i] = cmn180_PI;
            } else if (jointType[i] == PRM_PRISMATIC) {
                UnitFactor[i] = 1.0 / cmn_mm; // convert internal values to mm
            } else {
                cmnThrow("mtsRobotIO1394QtWidget: Unknown joint type");
    // get serial number
    result = Robot.GetSerialNumber(SerialNumber);
    if (!result) {
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Startup: Robot interface isn't connected properly, unable to get serial number.  Function call returned: "
                                 << result << std::endl;

    if (!parent()) {
Пример #14
size_t cmnDataDeSerializeBinary_size_t(size_t & data, const char * buffer, size_t bufferSize,
                                       const cmnDataFormat & localFormat,
                                       const cmnDataFormat & remoteFormat)
    // first case, both use same size
    if (remoteFormat.GetSizeTSize() == localFormat.GetSizeTSize()) {
        const size_t sizeOfData = sizeof(size_t);
        if (bufferSize < sizeOfData) {
            return 0;
        data = *(reinterpret_cast<const size_t *>(buffer));
        bufferSize -= sizeOfData;
        return sizeOfData;
    // different sizes
    // local is 64, hence remote is 32
    if (localFormat.GetSizeTSize() == cmnDataFormat::CMN_DATA_SIZE_T_SIZE_64) {
        unsigned int tmp;
        const size_t sizeOfData = sizeof(unsigned int);
        if (bufferSize < sizeOfData) {
            return 0;
        tmp = *(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int *>(buffer));
        bufferSize -= sizeOfData;
        data = tmp;
        return sizeOfData;
    // local is 32, hence remote is 64
    if (localFormat.GetSizeTSize() == cmnDataFormat::CMN_DATA_SIZE_T_SIZE_32) {
        unsigned long long int tmp;
        const size_t sizeOfData = sizeof(unsigned long long int);
        if (bufferSize < sizeOfData) {
            return 0;
        tmp = *(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned long long int *>(buffer));
        bufferSize -= sizeOfData;
        if (tmp > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
            cmnThrow("cmnDataDeSerializeBinary(size_t): received a size_t larger than what can be handled on 32 bits");
        data = static_cast<size_t>(tmp); // this should be safe now
        return sizeOfData;
    return 0;
Пример #15
mtsComponentViewer::mtsComponentViewer(const std::string & name) :
    SetInitializationDelay(30.0);  // Allow up to 30 seconds for it to start
    mtsInterfaceRequired * required = EnableDynamicComponentManagement();
    if (required) {
        ManagerComponentServices->AddComponentEventHandler(&mtsComponentViewer::AddComponentHandler, this);
        ManagerComponentServices->ChangeStateEventHandler(&mtsComponentViewer::ChangeStateHandler, this);
        ManagerComponentServices->AddConnectionEventHandler(&mtsComponentViewer::AddConnectionHandler, this);
        ManagerComponentServices->RemoveConnectionEventHandler(&mtsComponentViewer::RemoveConnectionHandler, this);
    } else {
        cmnThrow(std::runtime_error("mtsComponentViewer constructor: failed to enable dynamic component composition"));
Пример #16
mtsManagerComponentServer::mtsManagerComponentServer(mtsManagerGlobal * gcm)
    : mtsManagerComponentBase(mtsManagerComponentBase::GetNameOfManagerComponentServer()),
    // Prevent this component from being created more than once
    // MJ: singleton can be implemented instead.
    static int instanceCount = 0;
    if (instanceCount != 0) {
        cmnThrow(std::runtime_error("Error in creating manager component server: it's already created"));

    // For system-wide thread-safe logging
    mtsInterfaceProvided * provided = AddInterfaceProvided(
    if (provided) {
void mtsMicroScribeDigitizer::Configure(const std::string & filename)
    // Setup error handlers
#define SETUP_ERROR_HANDLER(_errorCode, _handlerName)\
    if (ARM_SUCCESS != ArmSetErrorHandlerFunction(_errorCode, ErrorHandler_##_handlerName)) {\
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Startup: Failed to set error handler: "#_errorCode  << std::endl;\
        cmnThrow("Startup: Failed to set error handler: "#_errorCode);\
    // MJ: TIMED_OUT_HANDLER and BAD_PACKET_HANDLER are not overridden because the SDK explicitly 
	// recommends not to do that as follows (see BAD_PACKET_handler and TIMED_OUT_handler):
	// "Although this function is still exported for backward compatibility issue, user 
	// shouldn't have any reason to provide any custom TIMED_OUT_handler because the default 
	// ArmDll32's TIMED_OUT_handler should be enough. Any incorrect behavior in such custom 
	// error handler function could affect ArmDll32's performance."

    // Connect to hardware
    if (ARM_SUCCESS != ArmConnect(0, 0)) {
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Startup: Unable to connect to ArmDll32" << std::endl;
        cmnThrow("Startup: Unable to connect to ArmDll32");
    } else {

    // Get device product information
    const size_t len = 256;
    char buf[len];
    // Product name
    if (ARM_SUCCESS == ArmGetProductName(buf, len)) {
        DigitizerInfo.ProductName = buf;
    } else {
        DigitizerInfo.ProductName = "Failed to fetch";
    // Model name
    if (ARM_SUCCESS == ArmGetModelName(buf, len)) {
        DigitizerInfo.ModelName = buf;
    } else {
        DigitizerInfo.ModelName = "Failed to fetch";
    // Serial number
    if (ARM_SUCCESS == ArmGetSerialNumber(buf, len)) {
        DigitizerInfo.SerialNumber = buf;
    } else {
        DigitizerInfo.SerialNumber = "Failed to fetch";
    // Driver and firmware version
	char buf2[len];
    if (ARM_SUCCESS == ArmGetVersion(buf, buf2, len)) {
        DigitizerInfo.DriverVersion = buf;
        DigitizerInfo.FirmwareVersion = buf2;
    } else {
        DigitizerInfo.DriverVersion = "Failed to fetch";
        DigitizerInfo.FirmwareVersion = "Failed to fetch";
	// Num of DoF
	int dof;
	if (ARM_SUCCESS == ArmGetNumDOF(&dof)) {
		// -1 if DoF cannot be determined (e.g., pre-G2 versions of the MicroScribe)
		DigitizerInfo.NumDoF = dof;
    } else {
        DigitizerInfo.NumDoF = -1;

    CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_VERBOSE << "Startup: " << DigitizerInfo << std::endl;

    // Set refresh rate
    if (ARM_SUCCESS != ArmSetUpdateEx(ARM_FULL, (UINT) (this->Period * 1000))) { // second argument in msec
        CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Startup: Unable to set update for ArmDll32" << std::endl;
        cmnThrow("Startup: Unable to set update for ArmDll32");

	// Check device status (device can be disonncected after all getters succeeded)
	if (ARM_SUCCESS == ArmGetDeviceStatus(&DeviceStatusVendor)) {
		DeviceStatus(STATUS) = DeviceStatusVendor.status;
		DeviceStatus(BAUD) = DeviceStatusVendor.Baud;
		DeviceStatus(PORT_NUMBER) = DeviceStatusVendor.PortNumber;

		if (!(DeviceStatus(STATUS) & ARM_CONNECTED)) {