Пример #1
static void
clutter_colorize_effect_paint_target (ClutterOffscreenEffect *effect)
  ClutterColorizeEffect *self = CLUTTER_COLORIZE_EFFECT (effect);
  ClutterOffscreenEffectClass *parent;
  CoglHandle material;

  if (self->program == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
    goto out;

  if (self->tex_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (self->program, self->tex_uniform, 0);

  if (self->tint_uniform > -1)
      float tint[3] = {
        self->tint.red / 255.0,
        self->tint.green / 255.0,
        self->tint.blue / 255.0

      cogl_program_set_uniform_float (self->program, self->tint_uniform,
                                      3, 1,

  material = clutter_offscreen_effect_get_target (effect);
  cogl_material_set_user_program (material, self->program);

  parent = CLUTTER_OFFSCREEN_EFFECT_CLASS (clutter_colorize_effect_parent_class);
  parent->paint_target (effect);
static void
st_scroll_view_fade_paint_target (ClutterOffscreenEffect *effect)
  StScrollViewFade *self = ST_SCROLL_VIEW_FADE (effect);
  ClutterOffscreenEffectClass *parent;
  CoglHandle material;

  gdouble value, lower, upper, page_size;
  ClutterActor *vscroll = st_scroll_view_get_vscroll_bar (ST_SCROLL_VIEW (self->actor));
  ClutterActor *hscroll = st_scroll_view_get_hscroll_bar (ST_SCROLL_VIEW (self->actor));
  gboolean h_scroll_visible, v_scroll_visible;

  g_object_get (ST_SCROLL_VIEW (self->actor),
                "hscrollbar-visible", &h_scroll_visible,
                "vscrollbar-visible", &v_scroll_visible,

  if (self->program == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
    goto out;

  st_adjustment_get_values (self->vadjustment, &value, &lower, &upper, NULL, NULL, &page_size);

  if (self->offset_top_uniform > -1) {
    if (value > lower + 0.1)
      cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->offset_top_uniform, self->fade_offset);
      cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->offset_top_uniform, 0.0f);

  if (self->offset_bottom_uniform > -1) {
    if (value < upper - page_size - 0.1)
      cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->offset_bottom_uniform, self->fade_offset);
      cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->offset_bottom_uniform, 0.0f);

  if (self->tex_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (self->program, self->tex_uniform, 0);
  if (self->height_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->height_uniform, clutter_actor_get_height (self->actor));
  if (self->width_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->width_uniform, clutter_actor_get_width (self->actor));
  if (self->scrollbar_width_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->scrollbar_width_uniform, v_scroll_visible ? clutter_actor_get_width (vscroll) : 0);
  if (self->scrollbar_height_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->scrollbar_height_uniform, h_scroll_visible ? clutter_actor_get_height (hscroll) : 0);
  if (self->rtl_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (self->program, self->rtl_uniform, (st_widget_get_direction (ST_WIDGET (self->actor)) == ST_TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL));

  material = clutter_offscreen_effect_get_target (effect);
  cogl_material_set_user_program (material, self->program);

  parent = CLUTTER_OFFSCREEN_EFFECT_CLASS (st_scroll_view_fade_parent_class);
  parent->paint_target (effect);
Пример #3
static void
set_shader_num (int new_no)
  CoglHandle shader;
  CoglHandle program;
  int image_width = cogl_texture_get_width (redhand);
  int image_height = cogl_texture_get_height (redhand);
  float param0[4];
  int uniform_no;

  g_print ("setting shaders[%i] named '%s'\n",

  shader = cogl_create_shader (COGL_SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT);
  cogl_shader_source (shader, shaders[new_no].source);
  cogl_shader_compile (shader);

  program = cogl_create_program ();
  cogl_program_attach_shader (program, shader);
  cogl_handle_unref (shader);
  cogl_program_link (program);

  param0[0] = 1.0f/image_width; /* texel x step delta */
  param0[1] = 1.0f/image_height; /* texel y step delta */
  param0[2] = 0.4; /* brightness */
  param0[3] = -1.9; /* contrast */

  uniform_no = cogl_program_get_uniform_location (program, "program.local[0]");
  cogl_program_set_uniform_float (program, uniform_no, 4, 1, param0);

  cogl_material_set_user_program (material, program);
  cogl_handle_unref (program);

  shader_no = new_no;
static void
st_scroll_view_fade_paint_target (ClutterOffscreenEffect *effect)
  StScrollViewFade *self = ST_SCROLL_VIEW_FADE (effect);
  ClutterOffscreenEffectClass *parent;
  CoglHandle material;

  gdouble value, lower, upper, page_size;
  ClutterActor *vscroll = st_scroll_view_get_vscroll_bar (ST_SCROLL_VIEW (self->actor));
  ClutterActor *hscroll = st_scroll_view_get_hscroll_bar (ST_SCROLL_VIEW (self->actor));
  gboolean h_scroll_visible, v_scroll_visible;

  ClutterActorBox allocation, content_box, paint_box;

   * Used to pass the fade area to the shader
   * [0][0] = x1
   * [0][1] = y1
   * [1][0] = x2
   * [1][1] = y2
  float fade_area[2][2];
  ClutterVertex verts[4];

  if (self->program == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
    goto out;

  clutter_actor_get_paint_box (self->actor, &paint_box);
  clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices (self->actor, verts);

  clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (self->actor, &allocation);
  st_theme_node_get_content_box (st_widget_get_theme_node (ST_WIDGET (self->actor)),
                                (const ClutterActorBox *)&allocation, &content_box);

   * The FBO is based on the paint_volume's size which can be larger then the actual
   * allocation, so we have to account for that when passing the positions
  fade_area[0][0] = content_box.x1 + (verts[0].x - paint_box.x1);
  fade_area[0][1] = content_box.y1 + (verts[0].y - paint_box.y1);
  fade_area[1][0] = content_box.x2 + (verts[3].x - paint_box.x2);
  fade_area[1][1] = content_box.y2 + (verts[3].y - paint_box.y2);

  g_object_get (ST_SCROLL_VIEW (self->actor),
                "hscrollbar-visible", &h_scroll_visible,
                "vscrollbar-visible", &v_scroll_visible,

  if (v_scroll_visible)
      if (st_widget_get_direction (ST_WIDGET (self->actor)) == ST_TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL)
          fade_area[0][0] += clutter_actor_get_width (vscroll);

      fade_area[1][0] -= clutter_actor_get_width (vscroll);

  if (h_scroll_visible)
      fade_area[1][1] -= clutter_actor_get_height (hscroll);

  st_adjustment_get_values (self->vadjustment, &value, &lower, &upper, NULL, NULL, &page_size);

  if (self->offset_top_uniform > -1) {
    if (value > lower + 0.1)
      cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->offset_top_uniform, self->fade_offset);
      cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->offset_top_uniform, 0.0f);

  if (self->offset_bottom_uniform > -1) {
    if (value < upper - page_size - 0.1)
      cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->offset_bottom_uniform, self->fade_offset);
      cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->offset_bottom_uniform, 0.0f);

  if (self->tex_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (self->program, self->tex_uniform, 0);
  if (self->height_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->height_uniform, clutter_actor_get_height (self->actor));
  if (self->width_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (self->program, self->width_uniform, clutter_actor_get_width (self->actor));
  if (self->fade_area_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_matrix (self->program, self->fade_area_uniform, 2, 1, FALSE, (const float *)fade_area);

  material = clutter_offscreen_effect_get_target (effect);
  cogl_material_set_user_program (material, self->program);

  parent = CLUTTER_OFFSCREEN_EFFECT_CLASS (st_scroll_view_fade_parent_class);
  parent->paint_target (effect);
Пример #5
static void
clutter_shader_effect_paint_target (ClutterOffscreenEffect *effect)
  ClutterShaderEffectPrivate *priv = CLUTTER_SHADER_EFFECT (effect)->priv;
  ClutterOffscreenEffectClass *parent;
  CoglHandle material;

  /* we haven't been prepared or we don't have support for
   * GLSL shaders in Clutter
  if (priv->program == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE ||
      priv->shader == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
    goto out;

  if (!priv->source_set)
    goto out;

  if (!priv->is_compiled)
      CLUTTER_NOTE (SHADER, "Compiling shader effect");

      cogl_shader_compile (priv->shader);
      if (!cogl_shader_is_compiled (priv->shader))
          gchar *log_buf = cogl_shader_get_info_log (priv->shader);

          g_warning ("Unable to compile the GLSL shader: %s", log_buf);
          g_free (log_buf);

          cogl_handle_unref (priv->shader);
          priv->shader = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE;

          cogl_handle_unref (priv->program);
          priv->shader = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE;

          goto out;

      cogl_program_attach_shader (priv->program, priv->shader);
      cogl_handle_unref (priv->shader);

      cogl_program_link (priv->program);

      priv->is_compiled = TRUE;

  CLUTTER_NOTE (SHADER, "Applying the shader effect of type '%s'",
                G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (effect));

  clutter_shader_effect_update_uniforms (CLUTTER_SHADER_EFFECT (effect));

  /* associate the program to the offscreen target material */
  material = clutter_offscreen_effect_get_target (effect);
  cogl_material_set_user_program (material, priv->program);

  /* paint the offscreen buffer */
  parent = CLUTTER_OFFSCREEN_EFFECT_CLASS (clutter_shader_effect_parent_class);
  parent->paint_target (effect);

Пример #6
static void rc_set_shader(CoglHandle material, const RendererClutterShaderInfo *shaderInfo)
	CoglHandle shader;
	CoglHandle program;
	gint uniform_no;

	shader = cogl_create_shader (COGL_SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT);
	cogl_shader_source (shader,
	"vec3 checker(vec2 texc, vec3 color0, vec3 color1)						\n"
	"{																		\n"
	"  if (mod(floor(texc.x) + floor(texc.y), 2.0) == 0.0)					\n"
	"    return color0;														\n"
	"  else																	\n"
	"    return color1;														\n"
	"}																		\n"
	"																		\n"
	"uniform sampler2D tex;													\n"
	"uniform sampler3D clut;												\n"
	"uniform float scale;													\n"
	"uniform float offset;													\n"
	"uniform float checkersize;												\n"
	"uniform vec3 color0;													\n"
	"uniform vec3 color1;													\n"
	"																		\n"
	"void main(void)														\n"
	"{																		\n"
	"    vec3 bg = checker(gl_FragCoord.xy / checkersize, color0, color1);	\n"
	"    vec4 img4 = texture2D(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);						\n"
	"    vec3 img3 = img4.bgr;												\n"
	"    img3 = img3 * scale + offset;										\n"
	"    img3 = texture3D(clut, img3).rgb;									\n"
	"																		\n"
	"    gl_FragColor = vec4(img3 * img4.a + bg * (1.0 - img4.a), 1.0);		\n"
	"}																		\n"
	gchar *err = cogl_shader_get_info_log(shader);

	program = cogl_create_program ();
	cogl_program_attach_shader (program, shader);
	cogl_handle_unref (shader);
	cogl_program_link (program);

	uniform_no = cogl_program_get_uniform_location (program, "tex");
	cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (program, uniform_no, 0);

	uniform_no = cogl_program_get_uniform_location (program, "clut");
	cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (program, uniform_no, 1);

	uniform_no = cogl_program_get_uniform_location (program, "scale");
	cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (program, uniform_no, (double) (CLUT_SIZE - 1) / CLUT_SIZE);

	uniform_no = cogl_program_get_uniform_location (program, "offset");
	cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (program, uniform_no, 1.0 / (2 * CLUT_SIZE));

	uniform_no = cogl_program_get_uniform_location (program, "checkersize");
	cogl_program_set_uniform_1f (program, uniform_no, shaderInfo->checkersize);

	uniform_no = cogl_program_get_uniform_location (program, "color0");
	cogl_program_set_uniform_float (program, uniform_no, 3, 1, shaderInfo->checkercolor0);

	uniform_no = cogl_program_get_uniform_location (program, "color1");
	cogl_program_set_uniform_float (program, uniform_no, 3, 1, shaderInfo->checkercolor1);

	cogl_material_set_user_program (material, program);
	cogl_handle_unref (program);
Пример #7
static void
cd_icc_effect_paint_target (ClutterOffscreenEffect *effect)
  CdIccEffect *self = CD_ICC_EFFECT (effect);
  ClutterOffscreenEffectClass *parent;
  CoglHandle material;
  CoglHandle color_data;
  CoglHandle indirect_texture;
  GError *error = NULL;

  if (self->program == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
    goto out;

  if (self->main_texture_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (self->program,

  if (self->color_data1_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (self->program,
                                 1); /* not the layer number, just co-incidence */
  if (self->color_data2_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (self->program,

  if (self->indirect_texture_uniform > -1)
    cogl_program_set_uniform_1i (self->program,

  material = clutter_offscreen_effect_get_target (effect);

  /* get the color textures */
  color_data = cd_icc_effect_generate_cogl_color_data ("/usr/share/color/icc/FakeBRG.icc",
  if (color_data == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
      g_warning ("Error creating lookup texture: %s", error->message);
      g_error_free (error);
      goto out;

  /* add the texture into the second layer of the material */
  cogl_material_set_layer (material, GCM_FSCM_LAYER_COLOR1, color_data);

  /* we want to use linear interpolation for the texture */
  cogl_material_set_layer_filters (material, GCM_FSCM_LAYER_COLOR1,

  /* clamp to the maximum values */
  cogl_material_set_layer_wrap_mode (material, GCM_FSCM_LAYER_COLOR1,

  cogl_handle_unref (color_data);

  /* get the color textures */
  color_data = cd_icc_effect_generate_cogl_color_data ("/usr/share/color/icc/FakeRBG.icc",
  if (color_data == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
      g_warning ("Error creating lookup texture: %s", error->message);
      g_error_free (error);
      goto out;

  /* add the texture into the second layer of the material */
  cogl_material_set_layer (material, GCM_FSCM_LAYER_COLOR2, color_data);

  /* we want to use linear interpolation for the texture */
  cogl_material_set_layer_filters (material, GCM_FSCM_LAYER_COLOR2,

  /* clamp to the maximum values */
  cogl_material_set_layer_wrap_mode (material, GCM_FSCM_LAYER_COLOR2,

  cogl_handle_unref (color_data);

  /* get the indirect texture */
  indirect_texture = cd_icc_effect_generate_indirect_data (self, &error);
  if (indirect_texture == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
      g_warning ("Error creating indirect texture: %s", error->message);
      g_error_free (error);
      goto out;

  /* add the texture into the second layer of the material */
  cogl_material_set_layer (material, GCM_FSCM_LAYER_INDIRECT, indirect_texture);

  /* we want to use linear interpolation for the texture */
  cogl_material_set_layer_filters (material, GCM_FSCM_LAYER_INDIRECT,

  /* clamp to the maximum values */
  cogl_material_set_layer_wrap_mode (material, GCM_FSCM_LAYER_INDIRECT,

  cogl_handle_unref (indirect_texture);

  cogl_material_set_user_program (material, self->program);

  parent = CLUTTER_OFFSCREEN_EFFECT_CLASS (cd_icc_effect_parent_class);
  parent->paint_target (effect);