int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sigaction sa; int ret; sigset_t sigset; int flags; struct parsed_options options; init_parsed_options(&options); parse_options(&options, argc, argv); device = comedi_open(options.filename); if(!device){ perror(options.filename); exit(1); } out_subd = 2; config_output(); fcntl(comedi_fileno(device), F_SETOWN, getpid()); flags = fcntl(comedi_fileno(device),F_GETFL); ret = fcntl(comedi_fileno(device),F_SETFL,flags|O_ASYNC); //ret = fcntl(comedi_fileno(device),F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK|O_ASYNC); if(ret<0)perror("fcntl"); memset(&sa,0,sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = &sigio_handler; ret = sigaction(SIGIO,&sa,NULL); if(ret<0)perror("sigaction"); sigemptyset(&sigset); sigaddset(&sigset,SIGIO); ret = sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&sigset,NULL); if(ret<0)perror("sigprocmask"); #if 0 { struct sched_param p; memset(&p,0,sizeof(p)); p.sched_priority = 1; ret = sched_setscheduler(0,SCHED_FIFO,&p); if(ret<0)perror("sched_setscheduler"); } #endif do_cmd_1(device, options.subdevice); return 0; }
void do_cmd(comedi_t *dev,comedi_cmd *cmd) { int total=0; int ret; int go; ret=comedi_command_test(dev,cmd); printf("test ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); return; } dump_cmd(stdout,cmd); ret=comedi_command_test(dev,cmd); printf("test ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); return; } dump_cmd(stdout,cmd); ret=comedi_command(dev,cmd); printf("ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command"); return; } go=1; while(go){ ret=read(comedi_fileno(dev),buf,BUFSZ); if(ret<0){ if(errno==EAGAIN){ printf("EAGAIN\n"); usleep(10000); }else{ go = 0; perror("read"); } }else if(ret==0){ go = 0; }else{ //int i; total+=ret; //printf("read %d %d\n",ret,total); //printf("count = %d\n",count); //print_time(); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { comedi_cmd cmd; int i; struct parsed_options options; init_parsed_options(&options); parse_options(&options, argc, argv); device = comedi_open(options.filename); if(!device){ perror(options.filename); exit(1); } fcntl(comedi_fileno(device), F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); for(i = 0; i < n_chans; i++){ chanlist[i] = CR_PACK( + i, options.range, options.aref); } prepare_cmd(device, &cmd, options.subdevice); do_cmd(device, &cmd); return 0; }
int bogio_read_frames(const bogio_spec *spec, bogio_buf *buf, unsigned int frames, int blocking) { int bytes, i; sampl_t *raw; /* Place to store raw samples before normalisation */ unsigned int framesize = buf->spf * sizeof(sampl_t); /* Don't read past the end of the buffer */ if (frames > buf->frames) frames = buf->frames; if (!blocking) { /* If we're not going to block, find out how many samples can be read */ unsigned int frames_ready = comedi_get_buffer_contents(spec->m_dev, spec->subdevice) / framesize; if (frames > frames_ready) frames = frames_ready; } /* Reserve a temporary buffer of the I/O device's type */ raw = (sampl_t *)alloca(frames*framesize); comedi_poll(spec->m_dev, spec->subdevice); //printf("Going to read %u bytes from fd %d, %d available... ", frames*framesize, comedi_fileno(spec->m_dev), comedi_get_buffer_contents(spec->m_dev, spec->subdevice)); fflush(stdout); /* Fill it with data */ bytes = read(comedi_fileno(spec->m_dev), raw, frames*framesize); //perror("read"); //printf("Got %d\n", bytes); /* Ensure the read completed */ if (bytes <= 0) return bytes; frames = bytes/framesize; /* Convert to bogio's native type and normalise. */ for (i = 0; i < frames * buf->spf ; i++) buf->samples[i] = (bogio_sample_t)comedi_to_phys(raw[i], spec->fsd[i], spec->m_max_sample[i]); return frames; }
int laytube_toFile(tubeID *pTube){ int file_flags[2]; /* Check COMEDI file descriptor */ pTube->mouth = comedi_fileno(pTube->dev); file_flags[0] = fcntl(pTube->mouth, F_GETFD); // Is fd open? ... if (file_flags[0] == EBADF){ return(-1); } // Check destition file descriptor pTube->tail = pTube->dest; file_flags[1] = fcntl(pTube->tail, F_GETFD); // Is fd open? ... if (file_flags[1] == EBADF){ return(-2); } /* Create new thread instance of data copying process */ pthread_create(&(pTube->threadNo), NULL, _laytube_toFile, (void *)pTube ); /* Block laytube_toFile from returning until new pTube is setup or failes */ while ( !(pTube->tubeStatus & TUBE_INPLACE) || (pTube->tubeStatus & TUBE_FAILED) ){ usleep(100); /* 1/10 sec */ } if (pTube->tubeStatus & TUBE_FAILED){ return(-3); }else{ return(0); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; comedi_cmd cmd; struct parsed_options options; init_parsed_options(&options); parse_options(&options, argc, argv); device = comedi_open(options.filename); if(!device){ perror(options.filename); exit(1); } out_subd = 0; config_output(); ret = fcntl(comedi_fileno(device),F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK|O_ASYNC); if(ret<0)perror("fcntl"); #if 0 { struct sched_param p; memset(&p,0,sizeof(p)); p.sched_priority = 1; ret = sched_setscheduler(0,SCHED_FIFO,&p); if(ret<0)perror("sched_setscheduler"); } #endif prepare_cmd(device, &cmd, options.subdevice); do_cmd(device,&cmd); return 0; }
/** * Start the the ADC sampling, unless the external trigger command * is set it will begin sampling as soon as the usbdux device has been * initialized. * The final three arguments are very important to get right * as the recorder thread will use them to determine where to write it's samples and * when it's reached end of the buffer. It doesn't care about the c_buffer class * at all. * @param arg_device name of the comedi device e.g., 'comedi0' * @param arg_sample_rate the rate the usb_dux should sample with in hertz (max=3[Mhz]}) * @param arg_start_address the start address of the circle buffer sample should be loading into * @param arg_end_address the end address of the cicle buffer. * @param arg_buffer_size byte size of the buffer. */ int start_Sampling(char* arg_device, uint32_t arg_sample_rate, char* arg_start_address, char* arg_end_address, int arg_buffer_size){ _channel_amount = 16; _sample_rate = arg_sample_rate; unsigned int chanlist[_channel_amount]; unsigned int convert_arg = 1e9 / _sample_rate; int ret; comedi_cmd *cmd = (comedi_cmd *) calloc(1, sizeof(comedi_cmd)); _device = comedi_open(arg_device); int buffer = 1048576*40; buffer = (buffer * 4096)/4096; if(comedi_set_max_buffer_size(_device, 0, buffer) < 0 ){ printf("Failed to set max buffer size to %i bytes\n", buffer); return -1; } else printf("Maximum buffer size set to %i bytes\n", comedi_get_max_buffer_size(_device,0)); if(comedi_set_buffer_size(_device, 0, buffer) < 0){ printf("Failed to set buffer size to %iBytes\n", buffer); return -1; } else printf("Buffer size set to %iBytes\n", comedi_get_buffer_size(_device,0)); if(!_device){ errx(1, "unable to open device"); comedi_perror("/dev/comedi0"); return -1; } for(int i = 0; i < _channel_amount; i++) chanlist[i] = i; comedi_set_global_oor_behavior(COMEDI_OOR_NUMBER); if((ret = comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed(_device, 0, cmd, _channel_amount,0)) < 0){ printf("comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed failed\n"); return ret; } cmd->chanlist = chanlist; cmd->stop_src = TRIG_NONE; cmd->stop_arg = 0; cmd->convert_arg = convert_arg; //setup the sampling to start from the trigger. //cmd->start_src = TRIG_EXT //cmd->start_arg = 1; /* call test twice because different things are tested? * if tests are successful run sampling command */ if((ret = comedi_command_test(_device, cmd)) != 0 || (ret = comedi_command_test(_device, cmd)) != 0 || (ret = comedi_command(_device, cmd)) < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "err: %d\n", ret); return -1; } FILE* dux_fp; if((dux_fp = fdopen(comedi_fileno(_device), "r")) <= 0) comedi_perror("fdopen"); char* write_address = arg_start_address; Utility::SNAP_SAMPLE = 0; Utility::LAST_SAMPLE = 0; uint64_t active_sample = 0; uint32_t tmp_block = 0; int samples_pr_block = 4096/sizeof(Type); while((ret = fread(write_address, 1, 4096,dux_fp)) >= 0){ write_address += 4096; tmp_block += 1; active_sample += samples_pr_block; Utility::LAST_SAMPLE += samples_pr_block; if(tmp_block >= Utility::SNAPSHOT_BLOCK_SIZE){ //printf("signalling serial snapshotter\n"); tmp_block = 0; Utility::SNAP_SAMPLE = active_sample; Utility::SNAP_READY = true; Utility::CV.notify_one(); } if(write_address == arg_end_address){ write_address -= arg_buffer_size; //printf("resetting to beginning of buffer\n"); } if(_stop == true) break; } if(ret < 0) perror("read"); comedi_cancel(_device, 0); return 0; }
void ComediScope::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { int ret; while (1) { // we need data in all the comedi devices for(int n=0;n<nComediDevices;n++) { if (!comedi_get_buffer_contents(dev[n],subdevice)) return; } for(int n=0;n<nComediDevices;n++) { int subdev_flags = comedi_get_subdevice_flags(dev[n], subdevice); int bytes_per_sample; if(subdev_flags & SDF_LSAMPL) { bytes_per_sample = sizeof(lsampl_t); } else { bytes_per_sample = sizeof(sampl_t); } unsigned char buffer[bytes_per_sample*channels_in_use]; ret = read(comedi_fileno(dev[n]), buffer, bytes_per_sample*channels_in_use); if (ret==0) { printf("BUG! No data in buffer.\n"); exit(1); } if (ret<0) { printf("\n\nError %d during read! Exiting.\n\n",ret); exit(1); } for(int i=0;i<channels_in_use;i++) { int sample; if (comediRecord->channel[n][i]->isActive()) { int ch = comediRecord->channel[n][i]->getChannel(); if(subdev_flags & SDF_LSAMPL) { sample = ((int)((lsampl_t *)buffer)[ch]); } else { sample = ((int)((sampl_t *)buffer)[ch]); } // store raw data daqData[n][i] = sample; // convert data to physical units for plotting float value = comedi_to_phys(sample, crange[n], maxdata[n]); // filtering value = comediRecord->dcSub[n][i]->filter(value); value = comediRecord->hp[n][i]->filter(value); value = comediRecord->lp[n][i]->filter(value); // remove 50Hz if (comediRecord->filterCheckbox->checkState()==Qt::Checked) { value=iirnotch[n][i]->filter(value); } if ((n==fftdevno) && (ch==fftch) && (comediRecord->fftscope)) comediRecord->fftscope->append(value); // average response if TB is slower than sampling rate adAvgBuffer[n][i] = adAvgBuffer[n][i] + value; } } } // save data if (comediRecord->recPushButton->checkState()==Qt::Checked) { writeFile(); } nsamples++; tb_counter--; // enough averaged? if (tb_counter<=0) { for(int n=0;n<nComediDevices;n++) { for(int i=0;i<channels_in_use;i++) { adAvgBuffer[n][i]=adAvgBuffer[n][i]/tb_init; } } // plot the stuff paintData(adAvgBuffer); // clear buffer tb_counter=tb_init; for(int n=0;n<nComediDevices;n++) { for(int i=0;i<channels_in_use;i++) { adAvgBuffer[n][i]=0; } } } } }
int test_mmap(void) { comedi_cmd cmd; unsigned char *buf; unsigned int chanlist[1]; int go; int fails; int total=0; int ret; void *b; unsigned char *adr; unsigned char *map; unsigned int flags; int i; unsigned sample_size; unsigned map_len; flags = comedi_get_subdevice_flags(device,subdevice); /* attempt to make subdevice the current 'read' subdevice */ if(flags&SDF_CMD_READ) comedi_set_read_subdevice(device,subdevice); if(!(flags&SDF_CMD) || (comedi_get_read_subdevice(device)!=subdevice)){ printf("not applicable\n"); return 0; } if(flags & SDF_LSAMPL) sample_size = sizeof(lsampl_t); else sample_size = sizeof(sampl_t); map_len = sample_size * N_SAMPLES; if(comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed(device, subdevice, &cmd, 1, 1)<0){ printf("E: comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed failed\n"); return 0; } buf=malloc(sample_size * N_SAMPLES); map = mmap(NULL, map_len,PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, comedi_fileno(device),0); if(!map){ printf("E: mmap() failed\n"); return 0; } /* test readability */ for(adr = map; adr < map + map_len; adr += PAGE_SIZE){ ret=test_segfault(adr); if(ret){ printf("E: %p failed\n",adr); }else{ printf("%p ok\n",adr); } } if(realtime)cmd.flags |= TRIG_RT; cmd.chanlist = chanlist; cmd.scan_end_arg = 1; cmd.stop_arg = N_SAMPLES; cmd.chanlist_len = 1; chanlist[0] = CR_PACK(0,0,0); comedi_command(device,&cmd); go=1; b=buf; while(go){ ret = read(comedi_fileno(device), b, (N_SAMPLES * sample_size) - total); if(ret<0){ if(errno==EAGAIN){ usleep(10000); }else{ go = 0; perror("read"); } }else if(ret==0){ go = 0; }else{ total += ret; b += ret; if(verbose) printf("read %d %d\n",ret,total); if(total >= (N_SAMPLES * sample_size)){ go = 0; } } } fails = 0; for(i=0;i<total;i++){ if(buf[i]!=map[i]){ if(fails==0)printf("E: mmap compare failed\n"); printf("offset %d (read=%02x mmap=%02x)\n",i, buf[i], map[i]); fails++; if(fails>10)break; } } if(fails==0) printf("compare ok\n"); munmap(map, map_len); /* test if area is really unmapped */ for(adr = map; adr < map + map_len; adr += PAGE_SIZE){ ret=test_segfault(adr); if(ret){ printf("%p segfaulted (ok)\n",adr); }else{ printf("E: %p still mapped\n",adr); } } free(buf); return 0; }
static int openBoard( int board ) { MY_BOARD_HARDWARE *pBoardHard = myHardwareBoardList + board; MY_BOARD_SOFTWARE *pBoardSoft = mySoftwareBoardList + board; fprintf( stderr, "openBoard[%d]\n", board ); fprintf( stderr, "sizeof(lsampl_t)=%d\n", sizeof(lsampl_t) ); fprintf( stderr, "sizeof(sampl_t)=%d\n", sizeof(sampl_t) ); if (pBoardHard == NULL || pBoardSoft == NULL) return 1; pBoardHard->p_comediFileHandle = comedi_open( pBoardHard->devicePath ); if (pBoardHard->p_comediFileHandle == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "comedi_open failed for board[%d] %s\n", board, pBoardHard->devicePath ); return 1; } fprintf( stderr, "opened file\n" ); pBoardHard->subDeviceNumber = comedi_find_subdevice_by_type( pBoardHard->p_comediFileHandle, COMEDI_SUBD_AI, 0 ); if (pBoardHard->subDeviceNumber < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "subDeviceNum < 0 failed for board[%d]\n", board ); return 1; } fprintf( stderr, "get subDevice=%d\n", pBoardHard->subDeviceNumber ); int subDevFlags = comedi_get_subdevice_flags( pBoardHard->p_comediFileHandle, pBoardHard->subDeviceNumber ); if (subDevFlags & SDF_PACKED) { fprintf( stderr, "subDevice using bit per channel\n" ); } else { if (subDevFlags & SDF_LSAMPL) { pBoardHard->valueIsLsampl_t = 1; fprintf( stderr, "subDevice using long word lsampl_t per channel\n" ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "subDevice using word sampl_t per channel\n" ); } } pBoardHard->buffer_size_in_byte = comedi_get_buffer_size( pBoardHard->p_comediFileHandle, pBoardHard->subDeviceNumber ); fprintf( stderr, "board[%d] hardware buffer size in BYTES=%d\n", board, pBoardHard->buffer_size_in_byte ); if (pBoardHard->buffer_size_in_byte <= 0) { fprintf( stderr, "board buffer size faile\n" ); return 1; } if (pBoardHard->valueIsLsampl_t) { pBoardHard->buffer_size_in_sample = pBoardHard->buffer_size_in_byte / sizeof(lsampl_t); } else { pBoardHard->buffer_size_in_sample = pBoardHard->buffer_size_in_byte / sizeof(sampl_t); } pBoardHard->buffer = mmap( NULL, pBoardHard->buffer_size_in_byte, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, comedi_fileno(pBoardHard->p_comediFileHandle), 0 ); if (pBoardHard->buffer == MAP_FAILED) { fprintf( stderr, "mmap failed for board[%d]\n", board ); return 1; } int numChannel = comedi_get_n_channels( pBoardHard->p_comediFileHandle, pBoardHard->subDeviceNumber ); if (numChannel != pBoardSoft->numberOfActiveAnalogInputs) { fprintf( stderr, "number of channel for board[%d] from comedi=%d harccode=%d\n", board, numChannel, pBoardSoft->numberOfActiveAnalogInputs ); } #ifdef SUPPORT_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_RANGE pBoardHard->maxDataIsChannelSpecific = comedi_maxdata_is_chan_specific( pBoardHard->p_comediFileHandle, pBoardHard->subDeviceNumber ); pBoardHard->rangeIsChannelSpecific = comedi_maxdata_is_chan_specific( pBoardHard->p_comediFileHandle, pBoardHard->subDeviceNumber ); if (pBoardHard->maxDataIsChannelSpecific) { fprintf( stderr, "board[%d] supports different max data per channel\n", board ); } if (pBoardHard->rangeIsChannelSpecific) { fprintf( stderr, "board[%d] supports different range per channel\n", board ); } #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { comedi_cmd c,*cmd=&c; struct header_info header; long int t_samples, t_bytes, t_sleep; long int ret; int dt_usec, usec_elapsed; // struct timeval start,end; struct parsed_options options; unsigned short *samples; //, *junk; struct timeval now,then; long long unsigned int exec = 0; time_t t; umask(000); signal(SIGINT,do_depart); if (geteuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Must be setuid root to renice self.\n"); exit(0); } cmd_init_parsed_options(&options); cmd_parse_options(&options, argc, argv); t_samples = options.n_chan * options.samples; t_bytes = t_samples * 2; t_sleep = (long int) DMA_OVERSCAN_MULT*(1e6/options.freq)*options.samples; printf("freq = %f, tsamp = %li, tby = %li, tsleep = %li.\n",options.freq,t_samples,t_bytes,t_sleep); /* Test for failful options */ if (options.freq <= 1/(options.cadence + 0.00005)) { fprintf(stderr,"Acquisition frequency is faster than sampling frequency! FAIL!\n"); exit(ACQERR_BADINPUT); } if (options.samples > 16777216) { fprintf(stderr,"acq_d can't take more than 2^24 samples per set! Try acq_c.\n"); exit(ACQERR_BADINPUT); } ret = nice(-20); fprintf(stderr,"I've been niced to %li.\n",ret); if (ret != -20) printf(" WARNING!! Data collection could not set nice=-20. Data loss is probable at high speed."); dt_usec = options.cadence * 1e6; gettimeofday(&then, NULL); /* open the device */ dev = comedi_open(options.devfile); if (!dev) { comedi_perror(options.devfile); exit(ACQERR_BADDEV); } // printf("%li samples in %i-byte buffer.\n\n",t_samples,comedi_get_buffer_size(dev,options.subdevice)); prepare_cmd_lib(dev,options,cmd); printf("Testing command..."); ret = comedi_command_test(dev, cmd); if (ret < 0) { comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); if(errno == EIO){ fprintf(stderr,"Ummm... this subdevice doesn't support commands\n"); } exit(ACQERR_BADCMD); } printf("%s...",cmdtest_messages[ret]); ret = comedi_command_test(dev, cmd); printf("%s...",cmdtest_messages[ret]); ret = comedi_command_test(dev, cmd); printf("%s...\n",cmdtest_messages[ret]); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad command, and unable to fix.\n"); dump_cmd(stderr, cmd); exit(ACQERR_BADCMD); } dump_cmd(stdout,cmd); comedi_close(dev); //fprintf(stderr,"%i scan -- %i chan -- %li samples -- %li bytes\n",options.samples,options.n_chan,t_samples,t_bytes); /* Print data file header */ // sprintf(dataheader, "[system]\n" // "whoami = \"%s\"") samples = (unsigned short*) malloc(t_bytes); // junk = (unsigned short*) malloc(t_bytes); if ((samples == NULL)) { // | (junk == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error allocating sample memory!\n"); exit(ACQERR_BADMEM); } printf("Starting acquisition...\n"); /*Open the serial port*/ /*serial = (FILE*)fopen("/dev/ttyS0","w");*/ /* Do what we're here to do */ while (running) { if (exec == options.sets) { break; } exec++; serial_toggle(); /* open the device */ dev = comedi_open(options.devfile); if (!dev) { comedi_perror(options.devfile); exit(ACQERR_BADDEV); } gettimeofday(&now, NULL); usec_elapsed = (now.tv_sec - then.tv_sec) * 1e6 + (now.tv_usec - then.tv_usec); while (usec_elapsed < dt_usec) { usleep(USLEEP_GRAN); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); usec_elapsed = (now.tv_sec - then.tv_sec) * 1e6 + (now.tv_usec - then.tv_usec); } /* start the command */ ret = comedi_command(dev, cmd); if (ret < 0) { comedi_perror("comedi_command"); exit(ACQERR_BADCMD); } then = now; /* * Insert enough waiting to get through most of the sampling */ /*serial_toggle();*/ usleep(t_sleep); /* * Wait until the buffer has our data. */ int exsleeps = 0; do { usleep(USLEEP_GRAN); comedi_poll(dev,options.subdevice); ret = comedi_get_buffer_contents(dev,options.subdevice); exsleeps++; } while(ret < t_bytes); // printf("Waited %ius for additional data.\n",exsleeps); /* * Get teh dataz. */ ret = read(comedi_fileno(dev), samples, t_bytes); if (ret < t_bytes) { fprintf(stderr,"Read mismatch! Got %li of %li bytes (%li/%li samples).\n",ret,t_bytes,ret/2,t_samples); } header.num_read = ret/2; // collect & discard overscan /* ret = comedi_get_buffer_contents(dev,options.subdevice); if (realloc(junk,ret) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error in oversample realloc?\n"); exit(ACQERR_BADMEM); } if (ret > 0) { ret = read(comedi_fileno(dev),junk,ret); }*/ comedi_close(dev); // Prepare header t = time(NULL); sprintf(header.site_id,"%s",site_str); header.start_time = t; header.start_timeval = now; header.num_channels=options.n_chan; header.channel_flags=0x0F; header.num_samples=options.samples; header.sample_frequency=options.freq; header.time_between_acquisitions=options.cadence; header.byte_packing=0; header.code_version=current_code_version; // Save latest to monitor file if (strcmp(options.monfile,"") != 0) { out = open(options.monfile,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH); ret = errno; if (out > 0) { ret = write(out,&header,sizeof(header)); ret = write(out,samples,2*header.num_read); close(out); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open monitor file %s: %s.\n",options.monfile,strerror(ret)); exit(ACQERR_BADOUT); } } if (options.cadence >= 1.0 && options.verbose) printf("\tSaved latest to: %s\n",options.monfile); // Append to output file if (strcmp(options.outfile,"") != 0) { out = open(options.outfile,O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH); ret = errno; if (out > 0) { ret = write(out,samples,2*header.num_read); close(out); if (options.cadence >= 1.0 && options.verbose) printf("\tAppended to: %s\n",options.outfile); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open output file %s: %s.\n",options.outfile,strerror(ret)); exit(ACQERR_BADOUT); } } } if (dev != NULL) comedi_close(dev); if (out != 0) close(out); printf("\nEnd.\n"); exit(0); }
static PyObject* comediModule(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { char *device; int subdevice; int channel; int range; int aref; int n_chan; int n_scan; float freq; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "siiiiiif", &device, &subdevice, &channel, &range, &aref, &n_chan, &n_scan, &freq)) return NULL; comedi_t *dev; comedi_cmd c,*cmd=&c; int ret; int total=0; int i; struct timeval start,end; int subdev_flags; lsampl_t raw; struct parsed_options options; init_parsed_options(&options); options.filename = device; options.subdevice = subdevice; = channel; options.range = range; options.aref = aref; options.n_chan = n_chan; options.n_scan = n_scan; options.freq = freq; /* open the device */ dev = comedi_open(options.filename); if(!dev){ comedi_perror(options.filename); exit(1); } // Print numbers for clipped inputs comedi_set_global_oor_behavior(COMEDI_OOR_NUMBER); /* Set up channel list */ for(i = 0; i < options.n_chan; i++){ chanlist[i] = CR_PACK( + i, options.range, options.aref); range_info[i] = comedi_get_range(dev, options.subdevice,, options.range); maxdata[i] = comedi_get_maxdata(dev, options.subdevice,; } prepare_cmd_lib(dev, options.subdevice, options.n_scan, options.n_chan, 1e9 / options.freq, cmd); fprintf(stderr, "command before testing:\n"); dump_cmd(stderr, cmd); ret = comedi_command_test(dev, cmd); if(ret < 0){ comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); if(errno == EIO){ fprintf(stderr,"Ummm... this subdevice doesn't support commands\n"); } exit(1); } fprintf(stderr,"first test returned %d (%s)\n", ret, cmdtest_messages[ret]); dump_cmd(stderr, cmd); ret = comedi_command_test(dev, cmd); if(ret < 0){ comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr,"second test returned %d (%s)\n", ret, cmdtest_messages[ret]); if(ret!=0){ dump_cmd(stderr, cmd); fprintf(stderr, "Error preparing command\n"); exit(1); } /* this is only for informational purposes */ gettimeofday(&start, NULL); fprintf(stderr,"start time: %ld.%06ld\n", start.tv_sec, start.tv_usec); /* start the command */ ret = comedi_command(dev, cmd); if(ret < 0){ comedi_perror("comedi_command"); exit(1); } subdev_flags = comedi_get_subdevice_flags(dev, options.subdevice); const int ndim = 2; npy_intp nd[2] = {n_scan, n_chan}; PyObject *myarray; double *array_buffer; myarray = PyArray_SimpleNew(ndim, nd, NPY_DOUBLE); Py_INCREF(myarray); array_buffer = (double *)PyArray_DATA(myarray); while(1){ ret = read(comedi_fileno(dev),buf,BUFSZ); if(ret < 0){ /* some error occurred */ perror("read"); break; }else if(ret == 0){ /* reached stop condition */ break; }else{ static int col = 0; double j = 0.0; int bytes_per_sample; total += ret; if(options.verbose)fprintf(stderr, "read %d %d\n", ret, total); if(subdev_flags & SDF_LSAMPL) bytes_per_sample = sizeof(lsampl_t); else bytes_per_sample = sizeof(sampl_t); for(i = 0; i < ret / bytes_per_sample; i++){ if(subdev_flags & SDF_LSAMPL) { raw = ((lsampl_t *)buf)[i]; } else { raw = ((sampl_t *)buf)[i]; } *array_buffer++ = print_datum(raw, col, 1); col++; if(col == options.n_chan){ col=0; j++; printf("\n"); } } } } /* this is only for informational purposes */ gettimeofday(&end,NULL); fprintf(stderr,"end time: %ld.%06ld\n", end.tv_sec, end.tv_usec); end.tv_sec -= start.tv_sec; if(end.tv_usec < start.tv_usec){ end.tv_sec--; end.tv_usec += 1000000; } end.tv_usec -= start.tv_usec; fprintf(stderr,"time: %ld.%06ld\n", end.tv_sec, end.tv_usec); return myarray; }
int PLLReferenceGeneration() { //Initial test function to try out Real time stuff. int m, i=0, err, n; lsampl_t data_to_card; static comedi_t * dev; static int OutputFIFOBufferSize; static int PLLGenerationBufferSize; unsigned int maxdata; unsigned int chanlist[16]; int ret; static lsampl_t data[PLLGenerationBufferNPoints]; //this is the buffer used to send data points out comedi_cmd cmd; dev = comedi_open(device_names[PLLReferenceGenerationChannel.board_number]); //Check the size of the output buffer OutputFIFOBufferSize = comedi_get_buffer_size(dev, PLLReferenceGenerationChannel.subdevice); rt_printk("OutputFIFO Buffer size is %i\n", OutputFIFOBufferSize); //Set the actual buffer size that we will be using to half this and the number of data points to one fourth //Now configure the output channel using a Comedi instruction //BufferSize is initially set to be double the number of PLLGenerationBufferNPoints PLLGenerationBufferSize = 2*PLLGenerationBufferNPoints; maxdata = comedi_get_maxdata(dev, PLLReferenceGenerationChannel.subdevice,; rt_printk("PLL Reference channel max data is %i\n", maxdata); offset = maxdata / 2; amplitude = maxdata - offset; memset(&cmd,0,sizeof(cmd)); cmd.subdev = PLLReferenceGenerationChannel.subdevice; cmd.flags = CMDF_WRITE; cmd.start_src = TRIG_INT; cmd.start_arg = 0; cmd.scan_begin_src = TRIG_TIMER; cmd.scan_begin_arg = PLLGenMinPulseTime; //minimum update time for the cmd.convert_src = TRIG_NOW; cmd.convert_arg = 0; cmd.scan_end_src = TRIG_COUNT; cmd.scan_end_arg = NCHAN; //only one channel cmd.stop_src = TRIG_NONE; cmd.stop_arg = 0; cmd.chanlist = chanlist; cmd.chanlist_len = NCHAN; chanlist[0] = CR_PACK(, AO_RANGE, AREF_GROUND); dds_init(PLLWaveformFrequency, PLLUpdateFrequency); err = comedi_command_test(dev, &cmd); if (err < 0) { comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); exit(1); } err = comedi_command_test(dev, &cmd); if (err < 0) { comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); exit(1); } if ((err = comedi_command(dev, &cmd)) < 0) { comedi_perror("comedi_command"); exit(1); } dds_output(data,PLLGenerationBufferNPoints); n = PLLGenerationBufferNPoints * sizeof(sampl_t); m = write(comedi_fileno(dev), (void *)data, n); if(m < 0){ perror("write"); exit(1); }else if(m < n) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to preload output buffer with %i bytes, is it too small?\n" "See the --write-buffer option of comedi_config\n", n); exit(1); } if(!(PLLRefGen_Task = rt_task_init_schmod(nam2num( "PLLReferenceGeneration" ), // Name 2, // Priority 0, // Stack Size 0, //, // max_msg_size SCHED_FIFO, // Policy CPUMAP ))) // cpus_allowed { printf("ERROR: Cannot initialize pll reference generation task\n"); exit(1); } //specify that this is to run on one CPU rt_set_runnable_on_cpuid(PLLRefGen_Task, 1); //Convert samp_time, which is in nanoseconds, to tick time //sampling_interval = nano2count(SAMP_TIME); //Converts a value from //nanoseconds to internal count units. mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE); rt_make_hard_real_time(); PLLUpdateTime = nano2count(PLLGenerationLoopTime); rt_printk("PLL generation update time is %f12 \n",count2nano((float) PLLUpdateTime)); // Let's make this task periodic.. expected = rt_get_time() + 100*PLLUpdateTime; rt_task_make_periodic(PLLRefGen_Task, expected, PLLUpdateTime); //period in counts //rt_task_resume(Sinewaveloop_Task); PLLGenerationOn = TRUE; // Concurrent function Loop //rt_printk("SineWaveAmplitude is is %f \n",SineWaveAmplitude); //rt_printk("SineWaveFrequency is %f \n",SineWaveFrequency); //rt_printk("sine_loop_running is %d \n",sine_loop_running); //rt_printk("SAMP_TIME is %d \n",SAMP_TIME); start_time = (float)rt_get_time_ns()/1E9; //in seconds old_time = start_time; rt_printk("PLLReferenceGenerationChannel board_it is %p \n",PLLReferenceGenerationChannel.board_id); rt_printk("PLLReferenceGenerationChannel devicename is %p \n",*(PLLReferenceGenerationChannel.devicename)); rt_printk("PLLReferenceGenerationChannel boardname is %p \n",*(PLLReferenceGenerationChannel.boardname)); rt_printk("PLLReferenceGenerationChannel subdevice is %d \n",PLLReferenceGenerationChannel.subdevice); rt_printk("PLLReferenceGenerationChannel channel is %d \n",; OutputValue = 1; PLLGenerationBufferSize = comedi_get_buffer_size(dev, PLLReferenceGenerationChannel.subdevice); //sine_loop_running = 0; //set this to 0 for testing while(PLLGenerationOn) { i++; // Count Loops. current_time = (float)rt_get_time_ns()/1E9; //rt_printk("LOOP %d,-- Period time: %f12 %f12\n",i, current_time - old_time,count2nano((float)sampling_interval)/1E9); OutputValue = SineWaveAmplitude*sin(2*PI*SineWaveFrequency*(current_time-start_time)); //OutputValue = -1*OutputValue; //rt_printk("OutputValue is %f12 \n",OutputValue); data_to_card = (lsampl_t) nearbyint(((OutputValue - MinOutputVoltage)/OutputRange)*MaxOutputBits); //m=rt_comedi_command_data_write(AnalogOutputChannel.board_id, AnalogOutputChannel.subdevice, NCHAN, data_to_card); comedi_lock(dev, AnalogOutputChannel.subdevice); m=comedi_data_write(dev, AnalogOutputChannel.subdevice,, AO_RANGE, AREF_DIFF, data_to_card); comedi_unlock(dev, AnalogOutputChannel.subdevice); // m=comedi_data_write(AnalogOutputChannel.board_id, AnalogOutputChannel.subdevice, //, AO_RANGE, AREF_GROUND, data_to_card); //rt_printk("Data_to_card is %d; result from rt_comedi_command_data_write is %d \n",data_to_card, m); //rt_printk("LOOP %d,-- AO Out time: %f12 \n",i, (float)rt_get_time_ns()/1E9 - current_time); //rt_printk("Data_to_card is %d \n",data_to_card); //old_time = current_time; /* if (i== 100000) { sine_loop_running = 0; //printf("LOOP -- run: %d %d\n ",keep_on_running,&keep_on_running); //printf("RTAI LOOP -- run: %d \n ",i); break; } */ rt_task_wait_period(); // And waits until the end of the period. } rt_make_soft_real_time(); comedi_close(dev); rt_task_delete(Sinewaveloop_Task); //Self termination at end. pthread_exit(NULL); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { comedi_cmd cmd; int err; int n, m, k; comedi_t *dev; unsigned int chanlist[100]; unsigned int maxdata; comedi_range *rng; int ret; struct parsed_options options; int fn = 256*256; sampl_t *data, *dp; float v; init_parsed_options(&options); options.subdevice = -1; options.n_chan = 100000;/* default number of samples */ parse_options(&options, argc, argv); dev = comedi_open( options.filename ); if(dev == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "error opening %s\n", options.filename); return -1; } if(options.subdevice < 0) options.subdevice = comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(dev, COMEDI_SUBD_AI, 0); maxdata = comedi_get_maxdata(dev, options.subdevice,; rng = comedi_get_range(dev, options.subdevice,, options.range); memset(&cmd,0,sizeof(cmd)); /* cmd.subdev = options.subdevice; cmd.flags = 0; cmd.start_src = TRIG_INT; cmd.start_arg = 0; cmd.scan_begin_src = TRIG_TIMER; cmd.scan_begin_arg = 1e9 / options.freq; cmd.convert_src = TRIG_TIMER; cmd.convert_arg = 1e9 / options.freq / 50; cmd.scan_end_src = TRIG_COUNT; cmd.scan_end_arg = options.n_chan; cmd.stop_src = TRIG_COUNT; cmd.stop_arg = fn; cmd.stop_src = TRIG_NONE; cmd.stop_arg = 0; */ cmd.scan_begin_src = TRIG_TIMER; cmd.flags = TRIG_ROUND_NEAREST; err = comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed( dev, options.subdevice, &cmd, options.n_chan, 1e9 / options.freq ); cmd.start_src = TRIG_INT; cmd.start_arg = 0; cmd.scan_end_arg = options.n_chan; cmd.stop_src = TRIG_NONE; cmd.stop_arg = 0; cmd.chanlist = chanlist; cmd.chanlist_len = options.n_chan; for ( k=0; k<options.n_chan; k++ ) chanlist[k] = CR_PACK(k, options.range, options.aref); dump_cmd(stderr,&cmd); if ( cmd.scan_begin_arg > 1e9 / options.freq ) { fprintf( stderr, "frequency too high! Maximum possible is %g Hz\n", 1.0e9/cmd.scan_begin_arg ); comedi_close( dev ); return 1; } err = comedi_command_test(dev, &cmd); if (err > 0 && err != 4 ) { fprintf( stderr, "comedi_command_test returned %d\n", err ); dump_cmd(stdout,&cmd); exit(1); } err = comedi_command_test(dev, &cmd); if (err > 0 && err != 4 ) { fprintf( stderr, "comedi_command_test returned %d\n", err ); dump_cmd(stdout,&cmd); exit(1); } dump_cmd(stderr,&cmd); /* init data buffer: */ data = (sampl_t *)malloc( fn*sizeof( sampl_t ) ); if(data == NULL ){ perror("malloc\n"); exit(1); } fprintf( stderr, "execute command ...\n" ); if ((err = comedi_command(dev, &cmd)) < 0) { comedi_perror("comedi_command"); exit(1); } fprintf( stderr, "start analog input ...\n" ); ret = comedi_internal_trigger(dev, options.subdevice, 0); if(ret < 0){ perror("comedi_internal_trigger\n"); exit(1); } n = 0; while( 1 ) { m = read(comedi_fileno(dev),(void *)data,fn*sizeof( sampl_t)); if(m<0){ if ( errno != EAGAIN ) { perror("read"); exit(0); } else { fprintf( stderr, "... no more data can be read! Try later.\n" ); usleep( 100000 ); } } else { m /= sizeof( sampl_t); fprintf( stderr, "read %d samples\n",m); n+=m; } } comedi_cancel( dev, cmd.subdev ); fprintf( stderr, "finished\n" ); /* save data: */ dp = data; for ( k=0; k<n; k++ ) { v = comedi_to_phys(*dp, rng, maxdata); printf( "%g\n", v ); /* printf( "%d\n", *dp );*/ ++dp; } free( data ); comedi_close( dev ); return 0; }
void do_cmd(comedi_t *dev,comedi_cmd *cmd) { int total=0; int ret; int go; fd_set rdset; struct timeval timeout; ret=comedi_command_test(dev,cmd); printf("test ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); return; } dump_cmd(stdout,cmd); ret=comedi_command_test(dev,cmd); printf("test ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); return; } dump_cmd(stdout,cmd); comedi_set_read_subdevice(dev, cmd->subdev); ret = comedi_get_read_subdevice(dev); if (ret < 0 || ret != cmd->subdev) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to change 'read' subdevice from %d to %d\n", ret, cmd->subdev); return; } ret=comedi_command(dev,cmd); printf("ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command"); return; } go=1; while(go){ FD_ZERO(&rdset); FD_SET(comedi_fileno(device),&rdset); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 50000; ret = select(comedi_fileno(dev)+1,&rdset,NULL,NULL,&timeout); //printf("select returned %d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ perror("select"); }else if(ret==0){ /* hit timeout */ printf("timeout, polling...\n"); ret = comedi_poll(device,cmd->subdev); printf("poll returned %d\n",ret); }else if(FD_ISSET(comedi_fileno(device),&rdset)){ /* comedi file descriptor became ready */ //printf("comedi file descriptor ready\n"); ret=read(comedi_fileno(dev),buf,sizeof(buf)); printf("read returned %d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ if(errno==EAGAIN){ go = 0; perror("read"); } }else if(ret==0){ go = 0; }else{ int i; total+=ret; //printf("read %d %d\n",ret,total); for(i=0;i<ret/sizeof(sampl_t);i++){ printf("%d\n",buf[i]); } } }else{ /* unknown file descriptor became ready */ printf("unknown file descriptor ready\n"); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { comedi_t *dev; comedi_cmd c,*cmd=&c; int ret; int total=0; int i; struct timeval start,end; int subdev_flags; lsampl_t raw; struct parsed_options options; init_parsed_options(&options); parse_options(&options, argc, argv); /* The following variables used in this demo * can be modified by command line * options. When modifying this demo, you may want to * change them here. */ options.filename = "/dev/comedi0"; options.subdevice = 0; = 0; options.range = 6; options.aref = AREF_DIFF; options.n_chan = 8; options.n_scan = 100000; options.freq = 1000.0; options.physical = 1; /* open the device */ dev = comedi_open(options.filename); if(!dev){ comedi_perror(options.filename); exit(1); } // Print numbers for clipped inputs comedi_set_global_oor_behavior(COMEDI_OOR_NUMBER); /* Set up channel list */ //for(i = 0; i < options.n_chan/2; i++){ for(i = 0; i < options.n_chan; i++){ chanlist[i] = CR_PACK( + i, options.range, options.aref); range_info[i] = comedi_get_range(dev, options.subdevice,, options.range); maxdata[i] = comedi_get_maxdata(dev, options.subdevice,; } /* for(i = options.n_chan/2; i < options.n_chan; i++){ fprintf(stderr,"%d: %d\n", i, + i + 8); chanlist[i] = CR_PACK( + i + 8, options.range, options.aref); range_info[i] = comedi_get_range(dev, options.subdevice,, options.range); maxdata[i] = comedi_get_maxdata(dev, options.subdevice,; } */ /* prepare_cmd_lib() uses a Comedilib routine to find a * good command for the device. prepare_cmd() explicitly * creates a command, which may not work for your device. */ prepare_cmd_lib(dev, options.subdevice, options.n_scan, options.n_chan, 1e9 / options.freq, cmd); //prepare_cmd(dev, options.subdevice, options.n_scan, options.n_chan, 1e9 / options.freq, cmd); fprintf(stderr, "command:\n"); dump_cmd(stderr, cmd); /* this is only for informational purposes */ gettimeofday(&start, NULL); fprintf(stderr,"start time: %ld.%06ld\n", start.tv_sec, start.tv_usec); /* start the command */ ret = comedi_command(dev, cmd); if(ret < 0){ comedi_perror("comedi_command"); exit(1); } subdev_flags = comedi_get_subdevice_flags(dev, options.subdevice); while(1){ ret = read(comedi_fileno(dev),buf,BUFSZ); if(ret < 0){ /* some error occurred */ perror("read"); continue; }else if(ret == 0){ /* reached stop condition */ break; }else{ static int col = 0; int bytes_per_sample; total += ret; if(options.verbose)fprintf(stderr, "read %d %d\n", ret, total); if(subdev_flags & SDF_LSAMPL) bytes_per_sample = sizeof(lsampl_t); else bytes_per_sample = sizeof(sampl_t); for(i = 0; i < ret / bytes_per_sample; i++){ if(subdev_flags & SDF_LSAMPL) { raw = ((lsampl_t *)buf)[i]; } else { raw = ((sampl_t *)buf)[i]; } print_datum(raw, col, options.physical); col++; if(col == options.n_chan){ printf("\n"); col=0; } } } } /* this is only for informational purposes */ gettimeofday(&end,NULL); fprintf(stderr,"end time: %ld.%06ld\n", end.tv_sec, end.tv_usec); end.tv_sec -= start.tv_sec; if(end.tv_usec < start.tv_usec){ end.tv_sec--; end.tv_usec += 1000000; } end.tv_usec -= start.tv_usec; fprintf(stderr,"time: %ld.%06ld\n", end.tv_sec, end.tv_usec); return 0; }
void do_cmd(comedi_t *dev,comedi_cmd *cmd) { int total=0; int ret; int go; fd_set rdset; struct timeval timeout; ret=comedi_command_test(dev,cmd); printf("test ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); return; } dump_cmd(stdout,cmd); ret=comedi_command_test(dev,cmd); printf("test ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); return; } dump_cmd(stdout,cmd); ret=comedi_command(dev,cmd); printf("ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command"); return; } go=1; while(go){ FD_ZERO(&rdset); FD_SET(comedi_fileno(dev),&rdset); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 50000; ret = select(comedi_fileno(dev)+1,&rdset,NULL,NULL,&timeout); if(ret<0){ perror("select"); }else if(ret==0){ /* timeout */ }else if(FD_ISSET(comedi_fileno(dev),&rdset)){ ret=read(comedi_fileno(dev),buf,BUFSZ); if(ret<0){ if(errno==EAGAIN){ go = 0; perror("read"); } }else if(ret==0){ go = 0; }else{ //int i; total+=ret; //printf("read %d %d\n",ret,total); //printf("count = %d\n",count); do_toggle(); #if 0 for(i=0;i<ret;i+=sizeof(sampl_t)){ do_toggle(); } #endif } } } }
void MainWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) { unsigned char buffer[readSize]; while( comedi_get_buffer_contents(dev, COMEDI_SUB_DEVICE) > 0 ) { if( read(comedi_fileno(dev), buffer, readSize) == 0 ) { printf("Error: end of Aquisition\n"); exit(1); } int v; if( sigmaBoard ) v = ((lsampl_t *)buffer)[adChannel]; else v = ((sampl_t *)buffer)[adChannel]; double yNew = comedi_to_phys(v, crange, maxdata); if (filter50HzCheckBox->checkState()==Qt::Checked) { yNew=iirnotch->filter(yNew); } RawDataPlot->setNewData(yNew); int trialIndex = time % psthLength; if( linearAverage && psthOn ) { spikeCountData[trialIndex] += yNew; psthData[trialIndex] = spikeCountData[trialIndex] / (time/psthLength + 1); } else if( !spikeDetected && yNew>spikeThres ) { if(psthOn) { int psthIndex = trialIndex / psthBinw; spikeCountData[psthIndex] += 1; psthData[psthIndex] = ( spikeCountData[psthIndex]*1000 ) / ( psthBinw * (time/psthLength + 1) ); spikeDetected = true; } } else if( yNew < spikeThres ) { spikeDetected = false; } if( trialIndex == 0 ) psthActTrial += 1; ++time; } RawDataPlot->replot(); }