bool QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer::commitChanges( QStringList& commitErrors )
  QgsVectorDataProvider* provider = L->dataProvider();

  int cap = provider->capabilities();
  bool success = true;

  // update geometries
  if ( !mChangedGeometries.isEmpty() )
    if (( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries ) && provider->changeGeometryValues( mChangedGeometries ) )
      commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n geometries were changed.", "changed geometries count", mChangedGeometries.size() );

      emit committedGeometriesChanges( L->id(), mChangedGeometries );

      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n geometries not changed.", "not changed geometries count", mChangedGeometries.size() );
      success = false;

  QgsFields oldFields = L->fields();

  // delete attributes
  bool attributesChanged = false;
  if ( !mDeletedAttributeIds.isEmpty() )
    if (( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes ) && provider->deleteAttributes( mDeletedAttributeIds.toSet() ) )
      commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted.", "deleted attributes count", mDeletedAttributeIds.size() );

      emit committedAttributesDeleted( L->id(), mDeletedAttributeIds );

      attributesChanged = true;
      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted.", "not deleted attributes count", mDeletedAttributeIds.size() );
#if 0
      QString list = "ERROR: Pending attribute deletes:";
      Q_FOREACH ( int idx, mDeletedAttributeIds )
        list.append( ' ' + L->pendingFields().at( idx ).name() );
      commitErrors << list;
      success = false;
bool QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer::commitChanges( QStringList& commitErrors )
  QgsVectorDataProvider* provider = L->dataProvider();

  int cap = provider->capabilities();
  bool success = true;

  QgsFields oldFields = L->pendingFields();

  bool hadPendingDeletes = !mDeletedFeatureIds.isEmpty();

  // delete attributes
  bool attributesChanged = false;
  if ( !mDeletedAttributeIds.isEmpty() )
    if (( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes ) && provider->deleteAttributes( mDeletedAttributeIds.toSet() ) )
      commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted.", "deleted attributes count", mDeletedAttributeIds.size() );

      emit committedAttributesDeleted( L->id(), mDeletedAttributeIds );

      attributesChanged = true;
      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted.", "not deleted attributes count", mDeletedAttributeIds.size() );
#if 0
      QString list = "ERROR: Pending attribute deletes:";
      foreach ( int idx, mDeletedAttributeIds )
        list.append( " " + L->pendingFields()[idx].name() );
      commitErrors << list;
      success = false;
bool QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer::commitChanges( QStringList& commitErrors )
  QgsVectorDataProvider* provider = L->dataProvider();

  int cap = provider->capabilities();
  bool success = true;

  QgsFields oldFields = L->pendingFields();

  // delete attributes
  bool attributesChanged = false;
  if ( !mDeletedAttributeIds.isEmpty() )
    if (( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes ) && provider->deleteAttributes( mDeletedAttributeIds.toSet() ) )
      commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted.", "deleted attributes count", mDeletedAttributeIds.size() );

      emit committedAttributesDeleted( L->id(), mDeletedAttributeIds );

      attributesChanged = true;
      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted.", "not deleted attributes count", mDeletedAttributeIds.size() );
      success = false;

  // add attributes
  if ( !mAddedAttributes.isEmpty() )
    if (( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddAttributes ) && provider->addAttributes( mAddedAttributes ) )
      commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) added.", "added attributes count", mAddedAttributes.size() );

      emit committedAttributesAdded( L->id(), mAddedAttributes );

      attributesChanged = true;
      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n new attribute(s) not added", "not added attributes count", mAddedAttributes.size() );
      success = false;

  // check that addition/removal went as expected
  bool attributeChangesOk = true;
  if ( attributesChanged )
    QgsFields newFields = L->pendingFields();

    if ( oldFields.count() != newFields.count() )
      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: the count of fields is incorrect after addition/removal of fields!" );
      attributeChangesOk = false;   // don't try attribute updates - they'll fail.

    for ( int i = 0; i < oldFields.count(); ++i )
      const QgsField& oldField = oldFields[i];
      const QgsField& newField = newFields[i];
      if ( attributeChangesOk && oldField != newField )
        commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: field with index %1 is not the same!" ).arg( i );
        attributeChangesOk = false;   // don't try attribute updates - they'll fail.

  if ( attributeChangesOk )
    // change attributes
    if ( !mChangedAttributeValues.isEmpty() )
      if (( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues ) && provider->changeAttributeValues( mChangedAttributeValues ) )
        commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n attribute value(s) changed.", "changed attribute values count", mChangedAttributeValues.size() );

        emit committedAttributeValuesChanges( L->id(), mChangedAttributeValues );

        commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n attribute value change(s) not applied.", "not changed attribute values count", mChangedAttributeValues.size() );
        success = false;

    // delete features
    if ( !mDeletedFeatureIds.isEmpty() )
      if (( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures ) && provider->deleteFeatures( mDeletedFeatureIds ) )
        commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n feature(s) deleted.", "deleted features count", mDeletedFeatureIds.size() );
        // TODO[MD]: we should not need this here
        for ( QgsFeatureIds::const_iterator it = mDeletedFeatureIds.begin(); it != mDeletedFeatureIds.end(); it++ )
          mChangedAttributeValues.remove( *it );
          mChangedGeometries.remove( *it );

        emit committedFeaturesRemoved( L->id(), mDeletedFeatureIds );

        commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n feature(s) not deleted.", "not deleted features count", mDeletedFeatureIds.size() );
        success = false;

    //  add features
    if ( !mAddedFeatures.isEmpty() )
      if ( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures )
        QList<QgsFeatureId> ids = mAddedFeatures.keys();
        QgsFeatureList featuresToAdd = mAddedFeatures.values();

        if ( provider->addFeatures( featuresToAdd ) )
          commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n feature(s) added.", "added features count", featuresToAdd.size() );

          emit committedFeaturesAdded( L->id(), featuresToAdd );

          // notify everyone that the features with temporary ids were updated with permanent ids
          for ( int i = 0; i < featuresToAdd.count(); ++i )
            if ( featuresToAdd[i].id() != ids[i] )
              emit featureDeleted( ids[i] );
              emit featureAdded( featuresToAdd[i].id() );

          commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n feature(s) not added.", "not added features count", mAddedFeatures.size() );
          success = false;
        commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - provider doesn't support adding features.", "not added features count", mAddedFeatures.size() );
        success = false;

  // update geometries
  if ( !mChangedGeometries.isEmpty() )
    if (( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries ) && provider->changeGeometryValues( mChangedGeometries ) )
      commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n geometries were changed.", "changed geometries count", mChangedGeometries.size() );

      emit committedGeometriesChanges( L->id(), mChangedGeometries );

      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n geometries not changed.", "not changed geometries count", mChangedGeometries.size() );
      success = false;

  if ( !success )
    if ( provider->hasErrors() )
      commitErrors << tr( "\n  Provider errors:" ) << provider->errors();

  return success;
Пример #4
bool QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer::commitChanges( QStringList &commitErrors )
  QgsVectorDataProvider *provider = L->dataProvider();

  int cap = provider->capabilities();
  bool success = true;

  // geometry updates   attribute updates
  // yes                no                    => changeGeometryValues
  // no                 yes                   => changeAttributeValues
  // yes                yes                   => changeFeatures

  // to fix
  // first of all check if feature to add is compatible with provider type
  // this check have to be done before all checks to avoid to clear internal
  // buffer if some of next steps success.
  if ( success && !mAddedFeatures.isEmpty() )
    if ( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures )
      if ( provider->doesStrictFeatureTypeCheck() )
        for ( const auto &f : qgis::as_const( mAddedFeatures ) )
          if ( ( ! f.hasGeometry() ) ||
               ( f.geometry().wkbType() == provider->wkbType() ) )

          if ( provider->convertToProviderType( f.geometry() ).isNull() )
            commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - geometry type is not compatible with the current layer.", "not added features count", mAddedFeatures.size() );
            success = false;
      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - provider doesn't support adding features.", "not added features count", mAddedFeatures.size() );
      success = false;

  // update geometries
  if ( !mChangedGeometries.isEmpty() && ( ( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeFeatures ) == 0 || mChangedAttributeValues.isEmpty() ) )
    if ( provider->changeGeometryValues( mChangedGeometries ) )
      commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n geometries were changed.", "changed geometries count", mChangedGeometries.size() );

      emit committedGeometriesChanges( L->id(), mChangedGeometries );
      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n geometries not changed.", "not changed geometries count", mChangedGeometries.size() );
      success = false;

  QgsFields oldFields = L->fields();

  // delete attributes
  bool attributesChanged = false;
  if ( !mDeletedAttributeIds.isEmpty() )
    if ( ( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes ) && provider->deleteAttributes( mDeletedAttributeIds.toSet() ) )
      commitErrors << tr( "SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted.", "deleted attributes count", mDeletedAttributeIds.size() );

      emit committedAttributesDeleted( L->id(), mDeletedAttributeIds );

      attributesChanged = true;
      commitErrors << tr( "ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted.", "not deleted attributes count", mDeletedAttributeIds.size() );
#if 0
      QString list = "ERROR: Pending attribute deletes:";
      Q_FOREACH ( int idx, mDeletedAttributeIds )
        list.append( ' ' + L->fields().at( idx ).name() );
      commitErrors << list;
      success = false;