Пример #1
void foldrna( int nseq1, int nseq2, char **seq1, char **seq2, double *eff1, double *eff2, RNApair ***grouprna1, RNApair ***grouprna2, float **impmtx, int *gapmap1, int *gapmap2, RNApair *additionalpair )
    int i, j;
//	int ui, uj;
//	int uiup, ujup;
    int uido, ujdo;
    static TLS char **useq1, **useq2;
    static TLS char **oseq1, **oseq2, **oseq1r, **oseq2r, *odir1, *odir2;
    static TLS RNApair **pairprob1, **pairprob2;
    static TLS RNApair *pairpt1, *pairpt2;
    int lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
    int lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );
    static TLS float **impmtx2;
    static TLS float **map;
//	double lenfac;
    float prob;
    int **sgapmap1, **sgapmap2;
    char *nogapdum;
    float **tbppmtx;

//	fprintf( stderr, "nseq1=%d, lgth1=%d\n", nseq1, lgth1 );
    useq1 = AllocateCharMtx( nseq1, lgth1+10 );
    useq2 = AllocateCharMtx( nseq2, lgth2+10 );
    oseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( nseq1, lgth1+10 );
    oseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( nseq2, lgth2+10 );
    oseq1r = AllocateCharMtx( nseq1, lgth1+10 );
    oseq2r = AllocateCharMtx( nseq2, lgth2+10 );
    odir1 = AllocateCharVec( lgth1+10 );
    odir2 = AllocateCharVec( lgth2+10 );
    sgapmap1 = AllocateIntMtx( nseq1, lgth1+1 );
    sgapmap2 = AllocateIntMtx( nseq2, lgth2+1 );
    nogapdum = AllocateCharVec( MAX( lgth1, lgth2 ) );
    pairprob1 = (RNApair **)calloc( lgth1, sizeof( RNApair *) );
    pairprob2 = (RNApair **)calloc( lgth2, sizeof( RNApair *) );
    map = AllocateFloatMtx( lgth1, lgth2 );
    impmtx2 = AllocateFloatMtx( lgth1, lgth2 );
    tbppmtx = AllocateFloatMtx( lgth1, lgth2 );

    for( i=0; i<nseq1; i++ ) strcpy( useq1[i], seq1[i] );
    for( i=0; i<nseq2; i++ ) strcpy( useq2[i], seq2[i] );
    for( i=0; i<nseq1; i++ ) strcpy( oseq1[i], seq1[i] );
    for( i=0; i<nseq2; i++ ) strcpy( oseq2[i], seq2[i] );

    for( i=0; i<nseq1; i++ ) commongappick_record( 1, useq1+i, sgapmap1[i] );
    for( i=0; i<nseq2; i++ ) commongappick_record( 1, useq2+i, sgapmap2[i] );

    for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
        pairprob1[i] = (RNApair *)calloc( 1, sizeof( RNApair ) );
        pairprob1[i][0].bestpos = -1;
        pairprob1[i][0].bestscore = -1;
    for( i=0; i<lgth2; i++ )
        pairprob2[i] = (RNApair *)calloc( 1, sizeof( RNApair ) );
        pairprob2[i][0].bestpos = -1;
        pairprob2[i][0].bestscore = -1;

    utot( nseq1, lgth1, oseq1 );
    utot( nseq2, lgth2, oseq2 );

//	fprintf( stderr, "folding group1\n" );
//	rnalocal( oseq1, useq1, eff1, eff1, nseq1, nseq1, lgth1+10, pair1 );

    /* base-pairing probability of group 1 */
    if( rnaprediction == 'r' )
        rnaalifoldcall( oseq1, nseq1, pairprob1 );
        mccaskillextract( oseq1, useq1, nseq1, pairprob1, grouprna1, sgapmap1, eff1 );

//	fprintf( stderr, "folding group2\n" );
//	rnalocal( oseq2, useq2, eff2, eff2, nseq2, nseq2, lgth2+10, pair2 );

    /* base-pairing probability of group 2 */
    if( rnaprediction == 'r' )
        rnaalifoldcall( oseq2, nseq2, pairprob2 );
        mccaskillextract( oseq2, useq2, nseq2, pairprob2, grouprna2, sgapmap2, eff2 );

#if 0
    makerseq( oseq1, oseq1r, odir1, pairprob1, nseq1, lgth1 );
    makerseq( oseq2, oseq2r, odir2, pairprob2, nseq2, lgth2 );

    fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", odir2 );

    for( i=0; i<nseq1; i++ )
        fprintf( stdout, ">ori\n%s\n", oseq1[0] );
        fprintf( stdout, ">rev\n%s\n", oseq1r[0] );

    /* similarity score */
    Lalignmm_hmout( oseq1, oseq2, eff1, eff2, nseq1, nseq2, 10000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, map );

    if( 1 )
        if( RNAscoremtx == 'n' )
            for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
//				impmtx2[i][j] = osoiaveragescore( nseq1, nseq2, oseq1, oseq2, eff1, eff2, i, j ) * consweight_multi;
                    impmtx2[i][j] = 0.0;
        else if( RNAscoremtx == 'r' )
            for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
                    tbppmtx[i][j] = 1.0;
                    impmtx2[i][j] = 0.0;
            for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) for( pairpt1=pairprob1[i]; pairpt1->bestpos!=-1; pairpt1++ )
                    for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ ) for( pairpt2=pairprob2[j]; pairpt2->bestpos!=-1; pairpt2++ )
                            uido = pairpt1->bestpos;
                            ujdo = pairpt2->bestpos;
                            prob = pairpt1->bestscore * pairpt2->bestscore;
                            if( uido > -1  && ujdo > -1 )
                                if( uido > i && j > ujdo )
                                    impmtx2[i][j] += prob * pairedribosumscore53( nseq1, nseq2, oseq1, oseq2, eff1, eff2, i, j, uido, ujdo ) * consweight_multi;
                                    tbppmtx[i][j] -= prob;
                                else if( i < uido && j < ujdo )
                                    impmtx2[i][j] += prob * pairedribosumscore35( nseq1, nseq2, oseq1, oseq2, eff1, eff2, i, j, uido, ujdo ) * consweight_multi;
                                    tbppmtx[i][j] -= prob;

            for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
                for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
                    impmtx2[i][j] += tbppmtx[i][j] * singleribosumscore( nseq1, nseq2, oseq1, oseq2, eff1, eff2, i, j ) * consweight_multi;

        /* four-way consistency */

        for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) for( pairpt1=pairprob1[i]; pairpt1->bestpos!=-1; pairpt1++ )

//			if( pairprob1[i] == NULL ) continue;

                for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ ) for( pairpt2=pairprob2[j]; pairpt2->bestpos!=-1; pairpt2++ )
//				fprintf( stderr, "i=%d, j=%d, pn1=%d, pn2=%d\n", i, j, pairpt1-pairprob1[i], pairpt2-pairprob2[j] );
//				if( pairprob2[j] == NULL ) continue;

                        uido = pairpt1->bestpos;
                        ujdo = pairpt2->bestpos;
                        prob = pairpt1->bestscore * pairpt2->bestscore;
//				prob = 1.0;
//				fprintf( stderr, "i=%d->uido=%d, j=%d->ujdo=%d\n", i, uido, j, ujdo );

//				fprintf( stderr, "impmtx2[%d][%d] = %f\n", i, j, impmtx2[i][j] );

//				if( i < uido && j > ujdo ) continue;
//				if( i > uido && j < ujdo ) continue;

//				posdistj = abs( ujdo-j );

//				if( uido > -1 && ujdo > -1 )
                        if( uido > -1 && ujdo > -1 && ( ( i > uido && j > ujdo ) || ( i < uido && j < ujdo ) ) )
                                impmtx2[i][j] += MAX( 0, map[uido][ujdo] ) * consweight_rna * 600 * prob; // osoi

        for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
                impmtx[i][j] += impmtx2[i][j];
//			fprintf( stderr, "fastathreshold=%f, consweight_multi=%f, consweight_rna=%f\n", fastathreshold, consweight_multi, consweight_rna );
//			impmtx[i][j] *= 0.5;

//		impmtx[0][0] += 10000.0;
//		impmtx[lgth1-1][lgth2-1] += 10000.0;

#if 0
        fprintf( stdout, "#impmtx2 = \n" );
        for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
            for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
                fprintf( stdout, "%d %d %f\n", i, j, impmtx2[i][j] );
            fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    FreeCharMtx( useq1 );
    FreeCharMtx( useq2 );
    FreeCharMtx( oseq1 );
    FreeCharMtx( oseq2 );
    FreeCharMtx( oseq1r );
    FreeCharMtx( oseq2r );
    free( odir1 );
    free( odir2 );
    FreeFloatMtx( impmtx2 );
    FreeFloatMtx( map );
    FreeIntMtx( sgapmap1 );
    FreeIntMtx( sgapmap2 );
    FreeFloatMtx( tbppmtx );

    for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) free( pairprob1[i] );
    for( i=0; i<lgth2; i++ ) free( pairprob2[i] );
    free( pairprob1 );
    free( pairprob2 );
Пример #2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	static char com[10000];
	static int  *nlen;	
	int left, right;
	int res;
	static char **name, **seq, **nogap;
	static int **gapmap;
	static int *order;
	int i, j;
	FILE *infp;
	RNApair ***pairprob;
	RNApair **alnpairprob;
	RNApair *pairprobpt;
	RNApair *pt;
	int *alnpairnum;
	float prob;
	int adpos;

	arguments( argc, argv );
#ifndef enablemultithread
	nthread = 0;

	if( inputfile )
		infp = fopen( inputfile, "r" );
		if( !infp )
			fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", inputfile );
			exit( 1 );
		infp = stdin;

	if( !whereismccaskillmea )
		whereismccaskillmea = "";

	getnumlen( infp );
	rewind( infp );

	if( dorp != 'd' )
		fprintf( stderr, "nuc only\n" );
		exit( 1 );

	seq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlenmax*2+1 );
	nogap = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlenmax*2+1 );
	gapmap = AllocateIntMtx( njob, nlenmax*2+1 );
	order = AllocateIntVec( njob );
	name = AllocateCharMtx( njob, B+1 );
	nlen = AllocateIntVec( njob );
	pairprob = (RNApair ***)calloc( njob, sizeof( RNApair ** ) );
	alnpairprob = (RNApair **)calloc( nlenmax, sizeof( RNApair * ) );
	alnpairnum = AllocateIntVec( nlenmax );

	for( i=0; i<nlenmax; i++ ) alnpairnum[i] = 0;

	readData_pointer( infp, name, nlen, seq );
	fclose( infp );

	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		pairprob[i] = (RNApair **)calloc( nlenmax, sizeof( RNApair * ) );
		for( j=0; j<nlenmax; j++ )
			pairprob[i][j] = (RNApair *)calloc( 1, sizeof( RNApair ) );
			pairprob[i][j][0].bestpos = -1;
			pairprob[i][j][0].bestscore = -1.0;
		strcpy( nogap[i], seq[i] );
		order[i] = i;
	for( j=0; j<nlenmax; j++ )
		alnpairprob[j] = (RNApair *)calloc( 1, sizeof( RNApair ) );
		alnpairprob[j][0].bestpos = -1;
		alnpairprob[j][0].bestscore = -1.0;

	constants( njob, seq );

	if( alg == 'G' )
		fprintf( stderr, "Running DAFS (Sato et al. 2012; http://www.ncrna.org/).\n" );
		fprintf( stderr, "Running mxscarna with the mccaskill_mea mode.\n" );
#ifdef enablemultithread
	if( nthread > 0 )
		int jobpos;
		pthread_t *handle;
		pthread_mutex_t mutex;
		thread_arg_t *targ;
		jobpos = 0;

		targ = calloc( nthread, sizeof( thread_arg_t ) );
		handle = calloc( nthread, sizeof( pthread_t ) );
		pthread_mutex_init( &mutex, NULL );

		for( i=0; i<nthread; i++ )
			targ[i].thread_no = i;
			targ[i].njob = njob;
			targ[i].jobpospt = &jobpos;
			targ[i].gapmap = gapmap;
			targ[i].nogap = nogap;
			targ[i].nlenmax = nlenmax;
			targ[i].pairprob = pairprob;
			targ[i].mutex = &mutex;

//			athread( targ );
			pthread_create( handle+i, NULL, athread, (void *)(targ+i) );

		for( i=0; i<nthread; i++ )
			pthread_join( handle[i], NULL );
		pthread_mutex_destroy( &mutex );

		for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
			fprintf( stdout, ">%d\n", i );
			outmccaskill( stdout, pairprob[i], nlenmax );
		for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
			fprintf( stderr, "%d / %d\n", i+1, njob );
			commongappick_record( 1, nogap+i, gapmap[i] );
			infp = fopen( "_mccaskillinorg", "w" );
//			fprintf( infp, ">in\n%s\n", nogap[i] );
			fprintf( infp, ">in\n" );
			write1seq( infp, nogap[i] );
			fclose( infp );
			system( "tr -d '\\r' < _mccaskillinorg > _mccaskillin" ); // for cygwin, wakaran
			if( alg == 'G' )
				sprintf( com, "env PATH=%s dafs --mafft-out _mccaskillout _mccaskillin > _dum1 2>_dum", whereismccaskillmea );
				sprintf( com, "env PATH=%s mxscarnamod -m -writebpp  _mccaskillin > _mccaskillout 2>_dum", whereismccaskillmea );
			res = system( com );
			if( res )
				fprintf( stderr, "ERROR IN mccaskill_mea\n" );
				exit( 1 );
			infp = fopen( "_mccaskillout", "r" );
			readrawmccaskill( infp, pairprob[i], nlenmax );
			fclose( infp );
			fprintf( stdout, ">%d\n", i );
			outmccaskill( stdout, pairprob[i], nlenmax );

	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		for( j=0; j<nlen[i]; j++ ) for( pairprobpt=pairprob[i][j]; pairprobpt->bestpos!=-1; pairprobpt++ )
			left = gapmap[i][j];
			right = gapmap[i][pairprobpt->bestpos];
			prob = pairprobpt->bestscore;

			for( pt=alnpairprob[left]; pt->bestpos!=-1; pt++ )
				if( pt->bestpos == right ) break;

			if( pt->bestpos == -1 )
				alnpairprob[left] = (RNApair *)realloc( alnpairprob[left], (alnpairnum[left]+2) * sizeof( RNApair ) );
				adpos = alnpairnum[left];
				alnpairprob[left][adpos].bestscore = 0.0;
				alnpairprob[left][adpos].bestpos = right;
				alnpairprob[left][adpos+1].bestscore = -1.0;
				alnpairprob[left][adpos+1].bestpos = -1;
				pt = alnpairprob[left]+adpos;
				adpos = pt-alnpairprob[left];

			pt->bestscore += prob;
			if( pt->bestpos != right )
				fprintf( stderr, "okashii!\n" );
				exit( 1 );
//			fprintf( stderr, "adding %d-%d, %f\n", left, right, prob );

	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		for( j=0; j<nlenmax; j++ ) free( pairprob[i][j] );
		free( pairprob[i] );
	free( pairprob );
	for( j=0; j<nlenmax; j++ ) free( alnpairprob[j] );
	free( alnpairprob );
	free( alnpairnum );
	fprintf( stderr, "%d thread(s)\n", nthread );
	return( 0 );

#if 0
	fprintf( stdout, "result=\n" );

	for( i=0; i<nlenmax; i++ ) for( pairprobpt=alnpairprob[i]; pairprobpt->bestpos!=-1; pairprobpt++ )
		pairprobpt->bestscore /= (float)njob;
		left = i;
		right = pairprobpt->bestpos;
		prob = pairprobpt->bestscore;
		fprintf( stdout, "%d-%d, %f\n", left, right, prob );

	return( 0 );
Пример #3
static void *athread( void *arg )
	thread_arg_t *targ = (thread_arg_t *)arg;
	int thread_no = targ->thread_no;
	int njob = targ->njob;
	int *jobpospt = targ->jobpospt;
	int **gapmap = targ->gapmap;
	char **nogap = targ->nogap;
	int nlenmax = targ->nlenmax;
	RNApair ***pairprob = targ->pairprob;

	int i, res;
	FILE *infp;
	char *com;
	char *dirname;

	dirname = calloc( 100, sizeof( char ) );
	com = calloc( 1000, sizeof( char ) );

	while( 1 )
		pthread_mutex_lock( targ->mutex );
		i = *jobpospt;
		if( i == njob )
			pthread_mutex_unlock( targ->mutex );
			return( NULL );
		*jobpospt = i+1;
		pthread_mutex_unlock( targ->mutex );

		sprintf( dirname, "_%d", i );
		sprintf( com, "rm -rf %s", dirname );
		system( com );
		sprintf( com, "mkdir %s", dirname );
		system( com );

		fprintf( stderr, "%d / %d (by thread %4d)\n", i+1, njob, thread_no );
		commongappick_record( 1, nogap+i, gapmap[i] );
		sprintf( com, "%s/_mccaskillinorg", dirname );
		infp = fopen( com, "w" );
//		fprintf( infp, ">in\n%s\n", nogap[i] );
		fprintf( infp, ">in\n" );
		write1seq( infp, nogap[i] );
		fclose( infp );

		sprintf( com, "tr -d '\\r' < %s/_mccaskillinorg > %s/_mccaskillin", dirname, dirname );
		system( com ); // for cygwin, wakaran
		if( alg == 'G' )
			sprintf( com, "cd %s; %s/dafs --mafft-out _mccaskillout _mccaskillin > _dum1 2>_dum", dirname, whereismccaskillmea );
			sprintf( com, "cd %s; %s/mxscarnamod -m -writebpp  _mccaskillin > _mccaskillout 2>_dum", dirname, whereismccaskillmea );
		res = system( com );

		if( res )
			fprintf( stderr, "ERROR IN mccaskill_mea\n" );
			exit( 1 );

		sprintf( com, "%s/_mccaskillout", dirname );
		infp = fopen( com, "r" );
		readrawmccaskill( infp, pairprob[i], nlenmax );
		fclose( infp );

		sprintf( com, "rm -rf %s > /dev/null 2>&1", dirname );
		if( system( com ) )
			fprintf( stderr, "retrying to rmdir\n" );
//			nanosleep( 100000 );
			sleep( 1 );
			system( com );
	free( dirname );
	free( com );
Пример #4
float Falign_localhom( char  **seq1, char  **seq2, 
			  double *eff1, double *eff2, 
			  int    clus1, int    clus2,
			  int alloclen, 
			   LocalHom ***localhom, float *totalimpmatch,
			   int *gapmap1, int *gapmap2,
				int *chudanpt, int chudanref, int *chudanres )
   // tditeration.c deha alloclen ha huhen nanode
   // prevalloclen ha iranai.
	int i, j, k, l, m, maxk;
	int nlen, nlen2, nlen4;
	static TLS int crossscoresize = 0;
	static TLS char **tmpseq1 = NULL;
	static TLS char **tmpseq2 = NULL;
	static TLS char **tmpptr1 = NULL;
	static TLS char **tmpptr2 = NULL;
	static TLS char **tmpres1 = NULL;
	static TLS char **tmpres2 = NULL;
	static TLS char **result1 = NULL;
	static TLS char **result2 = NULL;
#if RND
	static TLS char **rndseq1 = NULL;
	static TLS char **rndseq2 = NULL;
	static TLS Fukusosuu **seqVector1 = NULL;
	static TLS Fukusosuu **seqVector2 = NULL;
	static TLS Fukusosuu **naiseki = NULL;   
	static TLS Fukusosuu *naisekiNoWa = NULL; 
	static TLS double *soukan = NULL;
	static TLS double **crossscore = NULL;
	int nlentmp;
	static TLS int *kouho = NULL;
	static TLS Segment *segment = NULL;
	static TLS Segment *segment1 = NULL;
	static TLS Segment *segment2 = NULL;
	static TLS Segment **sortedseg1 = NULL;
	static TLS Segment **sortedseg2 = NULL;
	static TLS int *cut1 = NULL;
	static TLS int *cut2 = NULL;
	static TLS char *sgap1, *egap1, *sgap2, *egap2;
	static TLS int localalloclen = 0;
	int lag;
	int tmpint;
	int count, count0;
	int len1, len2;
	int totallen;
	float totalscore;
	float impmatch;

	extern Fukusosuu   *AllocateFukusosuuVec();
	extern Fukusosuu  **AllocateFukusosuuMtx();

	if( seq1 == NULL )
		if( result1 ) 
//			fprintf( stderr, "Freeing localarrays in Falign\n" );
			localalloclen = 0;
			mymergesort( 0, 0, NULL );
			alignableReagion( 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
			fft( 0, NULL, 1 );
			A__align( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0 );
			G__align11( NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 );
			partA__align( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL );
			blockAlign2( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
			if( crossscore ) FreeDoubleMtx( crossscore );
			FreeCharMtx( result1 );
			FreeCharMtx( result2 );
			FreeCharMtx( tmpres1 );
			FreeCharMtx( tmpres2 );
			FreeCharMtx( tmpseq1 );
			FreeCharMtx( tmpseq2 );
			free( sgap1 );
			free( egap1 );
			free( sgap2 );
			free( egap2 );
			free( kouho );
			free( cut1 );
			free( cut2 );
			free( tmpptr1 );
			free( tmpptr2 );
			free( segment );
			free( segment1 );
			free( segment2 );
			free( sortedseg1 );
			free( sortedseg2 );
			if( !kobetsubunkatsu )
				FreeFukusosuuMtx ( seqVector1 );
				FreeFukusosuuMtx ( seqVector2 );
				FreeFukusosuuVec( naisekiNoWa );
				FreeFukusosuuMtx( naiseki );
				FreeDoubleVec( soukan );
//			fprintf( stderr, "Did not allocate localarrays in Falign\n" );

		return( 0.0 );

	len1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
	len2 = strlen( seq2[0] );
	nlentmp = MAX( len1, len2 );

	nlen = 1;
	while( nlentmp >= nlen ) nlen <<= 1;
#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "###   nlen    = %d\n", nlen );

	nlen2 = nlen/2; nlen4 = nlen2 / 2;

	fprintf( stderr, "len1 = %d, len2 = %d\n", len1, len2 );
	fprintf( stderr, "nlentmp = %d, nlen = %d\n", nlentmp, nlen );

	if( !localalloclen )
		sgap1 = AllocateCharVec( njob ); 
		egap1 = AllocateCharVec( njob ); 
		sgap2 = AllocateCharVec( njob ); 
		egap2 = AllocateCharVec( njob ); 
		kouho = AllocateIntVec( NKOUHO );
		cut1 = AllocateIntVec( MAXSEG );
		cut2 = AllocateIntVec( MAXSEG );
		tmpptr1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
		tmpptr2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
		result1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, alloclen );
		result2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, alloclen );
		tmpres1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, alloclen );
		tmpres2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, alloclen );
//		crossscore = AllocateDoubleMtx( MAXSEG, MAXSEG );
		segment = (Segment *)calloc( MAXSEG, sizeof( Segment ) );
		segment1 = (Segment *)calloc( MAXSEG, sizeof( Segment ) );
		segment2 = (Segment *)calloc( MAXSEG, sizeof( Segment ) );
		sortedseg1 = (Segment **)calloc( MAXSEG, sizeof( Segment * ) );
		sortedseg2 = (Segment **)calloc( MAXSEG, sizeof( Segment * ) );
		if( !( segment && segment1 && segment2 && sortedseg1 && sortedseg2 ) )
			ErrorExit( "Allocation error\n" );

		if     ( scoremtx == -1 ) n20or4or2 = 4;
		else if( fftscore == 1  ) n20or4or2 = 2;
		else                      n20or4or2 = 20;
	if( localalloclen < nlen )
		if( localalloclen )
#if 1
			if( !kobetsubunkatsu )
				FreeFukusosuuMtx ( seqVector1 );
				FreeFukusosuuMtx ( seqVector2 );
				FreeFukusosuuVec( naisekiNoWa );
				FreeFukusosuuMtx( naiseki );
				FreeDoubleVec( soukan );
			FreeCharMtx( tmpseq1 );
			FreeCharMtx( tmpseq2 );
#if RND
			FreeCharMtx( rndseq1 );
			FreeCharMtx( rndseq2 );

		tmpseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlen );
		tmpseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlen );
		if( !kobetsubunkatsu )
			naisekiNoWa = AllocateFukusosuuVec( nlen );
			naiseki = AllocateFukusosuuMtx( n20or4or2, nlen );
			seqVector1 = AllocateFukusosuuMtx( n20or4or2+1, nlen+1 );
			seqVector2 = AllocateFukusosuuMtx( n20or4or2+1, nlen+1 );
			soukan = AllocateDoubleVec( nlen+1 );
#if RND
		rndseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlen );
		rndseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlen );
		for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
			generateRndSeq( rndseq1[i], nlen );
			generateRndSeq( rndseq2[i], nlen );
		localalloclen = nlen;
	for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ ) strcpy( tmpseq1[j], seq1[j] );
	for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ ) strcpy( tmpseq2[j], seq2[j] );

#if 0
fftfp = fopen( "input_of_Falign", "w" );
fprintf( fftfp, "nlen = %d\n", nlen );
fprintf( fftfp, "seq1: ( %d sequences ) \n", clus1 );
for( i=0; i<clus1; i++ )
	fprintf( fftfp, "%s\n", seq1[i] );
fprintf( fftfp, "seq2: ( %d sequences ) \n", clus2 );
for( i=0; i<clus2; i++ )
	fprintf( fftfp, "%s\n", seq2[i] );
fclose( fftfp );
system( "less input_of_Falign < /dev/tty > /dev/tty" );
	if( !kobetsubunkatsu )
		fprintf( stderr,  "FFT ... " );

		for( j=0; j<n20or4or2; j++ ) vec_init( seqVector1[j], nlen );
		if( fftscore && scoremtx != -1 )
			for( i=0; i<clus1; i++ )
				seq_vec_2( seqVector1[0], polarity, eff1[i], tmpseq1[i] );
				seq_vec_2( seqVector1[1], volume,   eff1[i], tmpseq1[i] );
#if 0
			for( i=0; i<clus1; i++ ) for( j=0; j<n20or4or2; j++ ) 
				seq_vec( seqVector1[j], amino[j], eff1[i], tmpseq1[i] );
			for( i=0; i<clus1; i++ )
				seq_vec_3( seqVector1, eff1[i], tmpseq1[i] );
#if RND
		for( i=0; i<clus1; i++ )
			vec_init2( seqVector1, rndseq1[i], eff1[i], len1, nlen );
#if 0
fftfp = fopen( "seqVec", "w" );
fprintf( fftfp, "before transform\n" );
for( k=0; k<n20or4or2; k++ ) 
   fprintf( fftfp, "nlen=%d\n", nlen );
   fprintf( fftfp, "%c\n", amino[k] );
   for( l=0; l<nlen; l++ )
   fprintf( fftfp, "%f %f\n", seqVector1[k][l].R, seqVector1[k][l].I );
fclose( fftfp );
system( "less seqVec < /dev/tty > /dev/tty" );

		for( j=0; j<n20or4or2; j++ ) vec_init( seqVector2[j], nlen );
		if( fftscore && scoremtx != -1 )
			for( i=0; i<clus2; i++ )
				seq_vec_2( seqVector2[0], polarity, eff2[i], tmpseq2[i] );
				seq_vec_2( seqVector2[1], volume,   eff2[i], tmpseq2[i] );
#if 0
			for( i=0; i<clus2; i++ ) for( j=0; j<n20or4or2; j++ ) 
				seq_vec( seqVector2[j], amino[j], eff2[i], tmpseq2[i] );
			for( i=0; i<clus2; i++ )
				seq_vec_3( seqVector2, eff2[i], tmpseq2[i] );
#if RND
		for( i=0; i<clus2; i++ )
			vec_init2( seqVector2, rndseq2[i], eff2[i], len2, nlen );

#if 0
fftfp = fopen( "seqVec2", "w" );
fprintf( fftfp, "before fft\n" );
for( k=0; k<n20or4or2; k++ ) 
   fprintf( fftfp, "%c\n", amino[k] );
   for( l=0; l<nlen; l++ )
   fprintf( fftfp, "%f %f\n", seqVector2[k][l].R, seqVector2[k][l].I );
fclose( fftfp );
system( "less seqVec2 < /dev/tty > /dev/tty" );

		for( j=0; j<n20or4or2; j++ )
			fft( nlen, seqVector2[j], (j==0) );
			fft( nlen, seqVector1[j], 0 );
#if 0
fftfp = fopen( "seqVec2", "w" );
fprintf( fftfp, "#after fft\n" );
for( k=0; k<n20or4or2; k++ ) 
   fprintf( fftfp, "#%c\n", amino[k] );
   for( l=0; l<nlen; l++ )
	   fprintf( fftfp, "%f %f\n", seqVector2[k][l].R, seqVector2[k][l].I );
fclose( fftfp );
system( "less seqVec2 < /dev/tty > /dev/tty" );

		for( k=0; k<n20or4or2; k++ ) 
			for( l=0; l<nlen; l++ ) 
				calcNaiseki( naiseki[k]+l, seqVector1[k]+l, seqVector2[k]+l );
		for( l=0; l<nlen; l++ ) 
			naisekiNoWa[l].R = 0.0;
			naisekiNoWa[l].I = 0.0;
			for( k=0; k<n20or4or2; k++ ) 
				naisekiNoWa[l].R += naiseki[k][l].R;
				naisekiNoWa[l].I += naiseki[k][l].I;
#if 0
	fftfp = fopen( "naisekiNoWa", "w" );
	fprintf( fftfp, "#Before fft\n" );
	for( l=0; l<nlen; l++ )
		fprintf( fftfp, "%d  %f %f\n", l, naisekiNoWa[l].R, naisekiNoWa[l].I ); 
	fclose( fftfp );
	system( "less naisekiNoWa < /dev/tty > /dev/tty " );

		fft( -nlen, naisekiNoWa, 0 );
		for( m=0; m<=nlen2; m++ ) 
			soukan[m] = naisekiNoWa[nlen2-m].R;
		for( m=nlen2+1; m<nlen; m++ ) 
			soukan[m] = naisekiNoWa[nlen+nlen2-m].R;

#if 0
	fftfp = fopen( "naisekiNoWa", "w" );
	fprintf( fftfp, "#After fft\n" );
	for( l=0; l<nlen; l++ )
		fprintf( fftfp, "%d  %f\n", l, naisekiNoWa[l].R ); 
	fclose( fftfp );
	fftfp = fopen( "list.plot", "w"  );
	fprintf( fftfp, "plot 'naisekiNoWa'\npause -1" );
	fclose( fftfp );
	system( "/usr/bin/gnuplot list.plot &" );
#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "frt write start\n" );
	fftfp = fopen( "frt", "w" );
	for( l=0; l<nlen; l++ )
		fprintf( fftfp, "%d  %f\n", l-nlen2, soukan[l] ); 
	fclose( fftfp );
	system( "less frt < /dev/tty > /dev/tty" );
#if 0
	fftfp = fopen( "list.plot", "w"  );
	fprintf( fftfp, "plot 'frt'\n pause +1" );
	fclose( fftfp );
	system( "/usr/bin/gnuplot list.plot" );

		getKouho( kouho, NKOUHO, soukan, nlen );

#if 0
		for( i=0; i<NKOUHO; i++ )
			fprintf( stderr, "kouho[%d] = %d\n", i, kouho[i] );

	fprintf( stderr, "Searching anchors ... " );
	count = 0;

#define CAND 0
#if CAND
	fftfp = fopen( "cand", "w" );
	fclose( fftfp );
	if( kobetsubunkatsu )
		maxk = 1;
		kouho[0] = 0;
		maxk = NKOUHO;

	for( k=0; k<maxk; k++ ) 
		lag = kouho[k];
		zurasu2( lag, clus1, clus2, seq1, seq2, tmpptr1, tmpptr2 );
#if CAND
		fftfp = fopen( "cand", "a" );
		fprintf( fftfp, "Candidate No.%d lag = %d\n", k+1, lag );
		fprintf( fftfp, "%s\n", tmpptr1[0] );
		fprintf( fftfp, "%s\n", tmpptr2[0] );
		fclose( fftfp );
		tmpint = alignableReagion( clus1, clus2, tmpptr1, tmpptr2, eff1, eff2, segment+count );
		if( count+tmpint > MAXSEG -3 ) ErrorExit( "TOO MANY SEGMENTS.\n" );

		while( tmpint-- > 0 )
			if( lag > 0 )
				segment1[count].start  = segment[count].start ;
				segment1[count].end    = segment[count].end   ;
				segment1[count].center = segment[count].center;
				segment1[count].score  = segment[count].score;

				segment2[count].start  = segment[count].start  + lag;
				segment2[count].end    = segment[count].end    + lag;
				segment2[count].center = segment[count].center + lag;
				segment2[count].score  = segment[count].score       ;
				segment1[count].start  = segment[count].start  - lag;
				segment1[count].end    = segment[count].end    - lag;
				segment1[count].center = segment[count].center - lag;
				segment1[count].score  = segment[count].score       ;

				segment2[count].start  = segment[count].start ;
				segment2[count].end    = segment[count].end   ;
				segment2[count].center = segment[count].center;
				segment2[count].score  = segment[count].score ;
#if 0
			fftfp = fopen( "cand", "a" );
			fprintf( fftfp, "Goukaku=%dko\n", tmpint ); 
			fprintf( fftfp, "in 1 %d\n", segment1[count].center );
			fprintf( fftfp, "in 2 %d\n", segment2[count].center );
			fclose( fftfp );
			segment1[count].pair = &segment2[count];
			segment2[count].pair = &segment1[count];
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "count=%d\n", count );
#if 1
	if( !kobetsubunkatsu )
		fprintf( stderr, "%d segments found\n", count );
	if( !count && fftNoAnchStop )
		ErrorExit( "Cannot detect anchor!" );
#if 0
	fftfp = fopen( "fft", "a" );
	fprintf( fftfp, "RESULT before sort:\n" );
	for( l=0; l<count; l++ )
		fprintf( fftfp, "cut[%d]=%d, ", l, segment1[l].center );
		fprintf( fftfp, "%d score = %f\n", segment2[l].center, segment1[l].score );
	fclose( fftfp );

	fprintf( stderr, "Aligning anchors ... " );
	for( i=0; i<count; i++ )
		sortedseg1[i] = &segment1[i];
		sortedseg2[i] = &segment2[i];
#if 0
	tmpsort( count, sortedseg1 ); 
	tmpsort( count, sortedseg2 ); 
	qsort( sortedseg1, count, sizeof( Segment * ), segcmp );
	qsort( sortedseg2, count, sizeof( Segment * ), segcmp );
	mymergesort( 0, count-1, sortedseg1 ); 
	mymergesort( 0, count-1, sortedseg2 ); 
	for( i=0; i<count; i++ ) sortedseg1[i]->number = i;
	for( i=0; i<count; i++ ) sortedseg2[i]->number = i;

	if( kobetsubunkatsu )
		for( i=0; i<count; i++ )
			cut1[i+1] = sortedseg1[i]->center;
			cut2[i+1] = sortedseg2[i]->center;
		cut1[0] = 0;
		cut2[0] = 0;
		cut1[count+1] = len1;
		cut2[count+1] = len2;
		count += 2;
		if( crossscoresize < count+2 )
			crossscoresize = count+2;
#if 1
			fprintf( stderr, "######allocating crossscore, size = %d\n", crossscoresize );
			if( crossscore ) FreeDoubleMtx( crossscore );
			crossscore = AllocateDoubleMtx( crossscoresize, crossscoresize );
		for( i=0; i<count+2; i++ ) for( j=0; j<count+2; j++ )
			crossscore[i][j] = 0.0;
		for( i=0; i<count; i++ )
			crossscore[segment1[i].number+1][segment1[i].pair->number+1] = segment1[i].score;
			cut1[i+1] = sortedseg1[i]->center;
			cut2[i+1] = sortedseg2[i]->center;

		fprintf( stderr, "AFTER SORT\n" );
		for( i=0; i<count; i++ ) fprintf( stderr, "%d, %d\n", segment1[i].start, segment2[i].start );

		crossscore[0][0] = 10000000.0;
		cut1[0] = 0; 
		cut2[0] = 0;
		crossscore[count+1][count+1] = 10000000.0;
		cut1[count+1] = len1;
		cut2[count+1] = len2;
		count += 2;
		count0 = count;
		blockAlign2( cut1, cut2, sortedseg1, sortedseg2, crossscore, &count );
		if( count0 > count )
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "\7 REPEAT!? \n" ); 
			fprintf( stderr, "REPEAT!? \n" ); 
			if( fftRepeatStop ) exit( 1 );
		else fprintf( stderr, "done\n" );

#if 0
	fftfp = fopen( "fft", "a" );
	fprintf( fftfp, "RESULT after sort:\n" );
	for( l=0; l<count; l++ )
		fprintf( fftfp, "cut[%d]=%d, ", l, segment1[l].center );
		fprintf( fftfp, "%d\n", segment2[l].center );
	fclose( fftfp );

#if 0
	fftfp = fopen( "fft", "a" );
	fprintf( fftfp, "RESULT after sort:\n" );
	for( l=0; l<count; l++ )
		fprintf( fftfp, "cut : %d %d\n", cut1[l], cut2[l] );
	fclose( fftfp );

	fprintf( trap_g, "Devided to %d segments\n", count-1 );
	fprintf( trap_g, "%d  %d forg\n", MIN( clus1, clus2 ), count-1 );

	totallen = 0;
	for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ ) result1[j][0] = 0;
	for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ ) result2[j][0] = 0;
	totalscore = 0.0;
	*totalimpmatch = 0.0;
	for( i=0; i<count-1; i++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "DP %03d / %03d %4d to ", i+1, count-1, totallen );
		fprintf( stderr, "DP %03d / %03d\r", i+1, count-1 );

		if( cut1[i] ) 
			getkyokaigap( sgap1, seq1, cut1[i]-1, clus1 );
			getkyokaigap( sgap2, seq2, cut2[i]-1, clus2 );
			for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ ) sgap1[j] = 'o';
			for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ ) sgap2[j] = 'o';
		if( cut1[i+1] != len1 )
			getkyokaigap( egap1, seq1, cut1[i+1], clus1 );
			getkyokaigap( egap2, seq2, cut2[i+1], clus2 );
			for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ ) egap1[j] = 'o';
			for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ ) egap2[j] = 'o';

		for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ )
			strncpy( tmpres1[j], seq1[j]+cut1[i], cut1[i+1]-cut1[i] );
			tmpres1[j][cut1[i+1]-cut1[i]] = 0;
		if( kobetsubunkatsu ) commongappick_record( clus1, tmpres1, gapmap1 );
		for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ )
			strncpy( tmpres2[j], seq2[j]+cut2[i], cut2[i+1]-cut2[i] );
			tmpres2[j][cut2[i+1]-cut2[i]] = 0;
		if( kobetsubunkatsu ) commongappick_record( clus2, tmpres2, gapmap2 );

#if 0
		fprintf( stderr, "count = %d\n", count );
		fprintf( stderr, "### reg1 = %d-%d\n", cut1[i], cut1[i+1]-1 );
		fprintf( stderr, "### reg2 = %d-%d\n", cut2[i], cut2[i+1]-1 );

		switch( alg )
			case( 'a' ):
				totalscore += Aalign( tmpres1, tmpres2, eff1, eff2, clus1, clus2, alloclen );
			case( 'Q' ):
				totalscore += partQ__align( tmpres1, tmpres2, eff1, eff2, clus1, clus2, alloclen, localhom, &impmatch, cut1[i], cut1[i+1]-1, cut2[i], cut2[i+1]-1, gapmap1, gapmap2, sgap1, sgap2, egap1, egap2 );
				*totalimpmatch += impmatch;
//				fprintf( stderr, "*totalimpmatch in Falign_localhom = %f\n", *totalimpmatch );
			case( 'A' ):
				totalscore += partA__align( tmpres1, tmpres2, eff1, eff2, clus1, clus2, alloclen, localhom, &impmatch, cut1[i], cut1[i+1]-1, cut2[i], cut2[i+1]-1, gapmap1, gapmap2, sgap1, sgap2, egap1, egap2, chudanpt, chudanref, chudanres );
				*totalimpmatch += impmatch;
//				fprintf( stderr, "*totalimpmatch in Falign_localhom = %f\n", *totalimpmatch );

				fprintf( stderr, "alg = %c\n", alg );
				ErrorExit( "ERROR IN SOURCE FILE Falign.c" );
#ifdef enablemultithread
		if( chudanres && *chudanres )
//			fprintf( stderr, "\n\n## CHUUDAN!!! at Falign_localhom\n" );
			return( -1.0 );

		nlen = strlen( tmpres1[0] );
		if( totallen + nlen > alloclen )
			fprintf( stderr, "totallen=%d +  nlen=%d > alloclen = %d\n", totallen, nlen, alloclen );
			ErrorExit( "LENGTH OVER in Falign\n " );
		for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ ) strcat( result1[j], tmpres1[j] );
		for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ ) strcat( result2[j], tmpres2[j] );
		totallen += nlen;
#if 0
		fprintf( stderr, "%4d\r", totallen );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n\n" );
		for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ ) 
			fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", tmpres1[j] );
		fprintf( stderr, "-------\n" );
		for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ ) 
			fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", tmpres2[j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "DP ... done   \n" );

	for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ ) strcpy( seq1[j], result1[j] );
	for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ ) strcpy( seq2[j], result2[j] );
#if 0
	for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", result1[j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "- - - - - - - - - - -\n" );
	for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", result2[j] );
	return( totalscore );