int isProperPipe(char** args){ int size = len2(args); if(countPipes(args) != 1){ //Only a single pipe symbol for 2-stage pipeline return 0; } if(compareStrings(args[0], "|")|| compareStrings(args[size - 1], "|")){ return 0; //Make sure pipes aren't in front or back. } return 1; }
int main(void) { char string1[] = "I am an elephant"; char string2[] = "I am a"; printf("%i\n", compareStrings(string1, string2)); printf("%i\n", compareStrings(string2, "I am a")); printf("%i\n", compareStrings(string2, "I am a spoon")); printf("%i\n", compareStrings("I am b", "I am e")); return 0; }
/* int isProperRedirection() Description: Tells whether or not a command is a functioning redirection. args: char** args Array of tokens return: 1 if true, 0 if false. */ int isProperRedirection(char** args){ int size = len2(args); if(countRedirections(args) > 2){ return 0; } if(compareStrings(args[0],"<") || compareStrings(args[0],">") || compareStrings(args[size - 1],"<") || compareStrings(args[size - 1],">")) { return 0; } return 1; }
int main (void) { const char string1[] = "HOLA"; const char string2[] = "ADIOS"; const char string3[] = "HOLA"; printf("Result of comparing \"%s\" and \"%s\" is: %i.\n", string1, string2, compareStrings(string1, string2)); printf("Result of comparing \"%s\" and \"%s\" is: %i.\n", string1, string3, compareStrings(string1, string3)); printf("Result of comparing \"%s\" and \"%s\" is: %i.\n", string2, string3, compareStrings(string2, string3)); return 0; }
/* Comparator function for pointers to fileRecord structures. */ int compareRecordName(void *p1, void *p2) { struct fileRecord *t1 = (struct fileRecord*)p1; struct fileRecord *t2 = (struct fileRecord*)p2; return compareStrings(t2->filename,t1->filename); }
bool StrList::find(const char* str, int& index) const { if (!isSorted_) { index = indexOf(str); return (index >= 0); } bool result = false; int l, h, i, c; l = 0; h = count_ - 1; while (l <= h) { i = (l + h) >> 1; c = compareStrings(stringObjectNeeded(i).c_str(), str); if (c < 0) l = i + 1; else { h = i - 1; if (c == 0) { result = true; if (dupMode_ != DM_ACCEPT) l = i; } } } index = l; return result; }
void RecipeActionsHandler::mergeSimilar() { QList<Q3ListViewItem> items = parentListView->selectedItems(); if ( items.count() > 1 ) KMessageBox::sorry( kapp->mainWidget(), i18nc("@info", "Please select only one category."), QString() ); else if ( items.count() == 1 &&>rtti() == 1001 ) { CategoryListItem * cat_it = ( CategoryListItem* ); QString name = cat_it->categoryName(); const double max_allowed_distance = 0.60; const int length = name.length(); ElementList categories; database->loadCategories( &categories ); ElementList matches; for ( ElementList::const_iterator it = categories.begin(); it != categories.end(); ++it ) { #if 0 if ( levenshtein_distance(name.toLatin1(),(*it).name.toLatin1())/double(qMax(length,(*it).name.length())) >= max_allowed_distance ) { #else if ( compareStrings(name,(*it).name) >= max_allowed_distance ) { #endif kDebug()<<(*it).name<<" matches"; if ( cat_it->categoryId() != (*it).id ) matches.append(*it); } } for ( ElementList::const_iterator it = categories.begin(); it != categories.end(); ++it ) { database->mergeCategories(cat_it->categoryId(),(*it).id); } } else //either nothing was selected or a recipe was selected
int ReadDir(char* dirPath) { char *dirPATH = dirPath; /*string contains directory path*/ char *fileAccesPath; /*string containing file path */ DIR *dirStream; /*directory stream */ struct dirent *readDir; /*if file hash it*/ if(access(dirPATH, F_OK) ==-1) { printf("Directory or file doesn't exist\n"); return 0; } if((dirStream = opendir(dirPATH)) == 0) { hashToken(dirPATH); return 0; } /*search through the file system to find and read all files*/ while((readDir = readdir(dirStream)) != 0) { if(readDir->d_type == DT_REG && compareStrings(readDir->d_name, ".DS_Store")) /*not hidden file*/ { fileAccesPath = dirPATH; fileAccesPath = Concat(dirPATH, '/');/*add "/" to string in dirPath*/ fileAccesPath = ConcatStr(fileAccesPath, readDir->d_name); hashToken(fileAccesPath); } else if(readDir->d_type == DT_DIR)/*it is a directory*/ { if(!compareStrings(readDir->d_name,".") || !compareStrings(readDir->d_name,"..")) { /*if directory is a . or .. skip it*/ continue; } else { dirPATH = Concat(dirPATH, '/'); dirPATH = ConcatStr(dirPATH, readDir->d_name); /*concatenate "/" and directory name for recursing*/ ReadDir(dirPATH); dirPATH = dirPath; /*after recursing reset path to current directory*/ } } } closedir(dirStream); return 0; }
void blueToothHandle(void) { if(copiedData[0] == '+') { if(compareStrings("+RDII\r\n")) { turnOnLeftDiode(); } } }
struct symbol* addSymbol(struct symbol* node, char* symbol_name) { /* We've reached a node that's unallocated, it will be our new leaf */ if (node == NULL) { printf("win?\n"); struct symbol* root = (struct symbol*)malloc(sizeof(struct symbol)); root->symbol_name = symbol_name; return root; } /* Compare strings so we know where to put our new node */ enum ComparisonValue comparison = compareStrings(symbol_name, node->symbol_name); if (comparison == LESS_THAN) { /* if left is open, put it there, else, let's kill going down the tree */ if (node->left == NULL) { node->left = (struct symbol*)malloc(sizeof(struct symbol)); node->left->symbol_name = symbol_name; return node->left; } else { return addSymbol(node->left, symbol_name); } } else if (comparison == GREATER_THAN) { /* if right is open, put it there, else, let's kill going down the tree */ if (node->right == NULL) { node->right = (struct symbol*)malloc(sizeof(struct symbol)); node->right->symbol_name = symbol_name; return node->right; } else { return addSymbol(node->right, symbol_name); } } else /* comparison is equal */ { return NULL; } }
string DoublyLinkedListPriorityQueue::dequeueMin() { if (isEmpty()) error ("Queue is empty"); // finding the minimum Entry *min, * curr; min = list; for ( curr = list -> next; curr != NULL; curr = curr -> next){ if (compareStrings(min -> name, curr -> name) < 0){ min = curr; } } string nameValue = min -> name; // splicing out the min element and readjusting the pointers // special case if min is the last element if (min -> next == NULL && size() != 1){ min -> previous -> next = NULL; min -> previous = NULL; delete min; number--; } // special case if min is the first element else if (min -> previous == NULL && size() != 1){ min -> next -> previous = NULL; list = list -> next; delete min; number--; } // special case if size is 1 else if (size() == 1){ list = NULL; delete min; number--; } // for all other cases else { min -> next -> previous = min -> previous; min -> previous -> next = min -> next; min -> next = NULL; min -> previous = NULL; delete min; number--; } return nameValue; }
void LinkedListPriorityQueue::InsertSorted(Entry * &list, Entry *newOne){ //Base case if(list==NULL || (compareStrings(list -> name, newOne -> name) < 0)){ newOne -> next = list; list = newOne; } else InsertSorted(list -> next, newOne); // Recursive Case }
int Strings::indexOfName(const char* name) const { int result = -1; for (int i = 0; i < getCount(); i++) if (compareStrings((extractName(getString(i).c_str()).c_str()), name) == 0) { result = i; break; } return result; }
/* Comparator function for pointers to fileRecord structures. */ int compareRecordStructs(void *p1, void *p2) { struct fileRecord *t1 = (struct fileRecord*)p1; struct fileRecord *t2 = (struct fileRecord*)p2; int i1 = t1->frequency; int i2 = t2->frequency; if((i1-i2)==0){ return compareStrings(t2->filename,t1->filename); }else return i1-i2; }
int Strings::indexOf(const char* str) const { int result = -1; for (int i = 0; i < getCount(); i++) if (compareStrings(getString(i).c_str(), str) == 0) { result = i; break; } return result; }
static String addPooledString (Array<String>& strings, const NewStringType& newString) { int start = 0; int end = strings.size(); while (start < end) { const String& startString = strings.getReference (start); const int startComp = compareStrings (newString, startString); if (startComp == 0) return startString; const int halfway = (start + end) / 2; if (halfway == start) { if (startComp > 0) ++start; break; } const String& halfwayString = strings.getReference (halfway); const int halfwayComp = compareStrings (newString, halfwayString); if (halfwayComp == 0) return halfwayString; if (halfwayComp > 0) start = halfway; else end = halfway; } strings.insert (start, newString); return strings.getReference (start); }
NonPlayerCharacter::NonPlayerCharacter(TiXmlElement* xml, Game * game, b2Vec2 origin) : Character(xml, game, origin) { loadFromXml(xml, origin); targetCharacter = -1; aiPatternsCount = 0; aiPatterns = new int[10]; traverseMove = 0; for (int i = 0; i < movesCount; i++) { if ( compareStrings(moveNames[i], "traverse") ) { traverseMove = i; break; } } }
string DoublyLinkedListPriorityQueue::peek() { if (isEmpty()) error ("Queue is empty"); // finding the minimum Entry *min, * curr; min = list; for ( curr = list -> next; curr != NULL; curr = curr -> next){ if (compareStrings(min -> name, curr -> name) < 0){ min = curr; } } return min -> name; }
void dictionarySort(struct entry dict[], int entries) { struct entry temp; bool swapped; do { swapped = false; for ( int i = 0; i < entries - 1; i++ ) { if ( compareStrings(dict[i].word, dict[i+1].word) == 1 ) { temp = dict[i]; dict[i] = dict[i+1]; dict[i+1] = temp; swapped = true; } } } while (swapped); }
int lookup (const struct entry dictionary[], const char search[], const int entries) { int low = 0; int high = entries - 1; int mid, result; bool compareStrings(const char s1[], const char s2[]); while ( low <= high ) { mid = (low + high) / 2; result = compareStrings (dictionary[mid].word, search); if ( result == -1 ) low = mid + 1; else if ( result == 1 ) high = mid - 1; else return mid; } return -1; }
main() { char str1[64], str2[64]; char ch; //string comparison printf("\nString Compare:\nstr1: "); readString(str1); printf("str2: "); readString(str2); printf("Are equal? %d\n\n", compareStrings(str1, str2)); //Substring Check printf("Substring Check:\nstr1: "); readString(str1); printf("str2: "); readString(str2); printf("Is Substring? %d\n\n", searchSubString(str1, str2)); //Check for char printf("Search for char:\nstr1: "); readString(str1); printf("char: "); ch = getchar(); printf("Found char? %d", searchForChar(str1, ch)); return 0; }
int lookup(const struct entry dictionary[],const char search[],const int entries) { int i; int low=0; int high = entries-1; int mid,result; while(low<=high) { mid=(low+high)/2; result=compareStrings(dictionary[mid].word,search); //here we used string 1 as the dictionary word //and string 2 as the word we need to search if(result==-1) low=mid+1; else if(result==1) high=mid-1; else return mid; //found it at the mid } return -1; //not found at all }
// Check function prologue with know prologues from the dictionary // opcodes - dictionary // inpAddr - pointer to function prologue // Dictionary contains opcodes for several full asm instructions // + one opcode byte for the next asm instruction for safe address processing // RETURN: number of bytes for safe bytes replacement // (matched_pattern/2-1) UINT CheckOpcodes( const char ** opcodes, void *inpAddr ) { static size_t opcodesStringsCount = 0; static size_t maxOpcodesLength = 0; static size_t opcodes_pointer = (size_t)opcodes; char opcodeString[61]; size_t i; size_t result; // Get the values for static variables // max length and number of patterns if( !opcodesStringsCount || opcodes_pointer != (size_t)opcodes ){ while( *(opcodes + opcodesStringsCount)!= NULL ){ if( (i=strlen(*(opcodes + opcodesStringsCount))) > maxOpcodesLength ) maxOpcodesLength = i; opcodesStringsCount++; } opcodes_pointer = (size_t)opcodes; __TBB_ASSERT( maxOpcodesLength < 61, "Limit is 30 opcodes/60 symbols per pattern" ); } // Translate prologue opcodes to string format to compare for( i=0; i< maxOpcodesLength/2; i++ ){ sprintf( opcodeString + 2*i, "%.2X", *((unsigned char*)inpAddr+i) ); } opcodeString[maxOpcodesLength] = 0; // Compare translated opcodes with patterns for( i=0; i< opcodesStringsCount; i++ ){ result = compareStrings( opcodes[i],opcodeString ); if( result ) return (UINT)(result/2-1); } // TODO: to add more stuff to patterns __TBB_ASSERT( false, "CheckOpcodes failed" ); // No matches found just do not store original calls return 0; }
int lookup (const struct entry1 dictionary[], const char search[], const int entries){ int low = 0; int high = entries -1; int mid, result; int compareStrings(const char s1[], const char s2[]); while(low <= high){ // take the average of the high and low // (0 + 10) / 2 = 5 mid = (low + high) / 2; // use the average to find the middle dictionary word // return where the searched word is relative to the middle word result = compareStrings(dictionary[mid].word, search); // if the dictionary word is before the searched word // search the top half if(result == -1) // low = 5 + 1 // high remains the same = 10 low = mid +1; else if ( result == 1) // if the dictionary word comes after the search word // search the bottom half // high = 5 - 1 // low remains 0 high = mid - 1; else // else the word index has been found // end the loop and return the index return mid; } return -1; }
static void printRecords( const rwRec rec[]) { char starttime[2][RWCOMPARE_BUFSIZ]; uint32_t elapsed[2]; uint32_t sport[2]; uint32_t dport[2]; uint32_t proto[2]; uint32_t flowtype[2]; uint32_t sensor[2]; uint32_t flags[2]; uint32_t initflags[2]; uint32_t restflags[2]; uint32_t tcpstate[2]; uint32_t application[2]; uint32_t memo[2]; uint32_t input[2]; uint32_t output[2]; uint32_t pkts[2]; uint32_t bytes[2]; char sip[2][RWCOMPARE_BUFSIZ]; char dip[2][RWCOMPARE_BUFSIZ]; char nhip[2][RWCOMPARE_BUFSIZ]; skipaddr_t ip; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { sktimestamp_r( starttime[i], rwRecGetStartTime(&rec[i]), SKTIMESTAMP_EPOCH); elapsed[i] = rwRecGetElapsed(&rec[i]); sport[i] = rwRecGetSPort(&rec[i]); dport[i] = rwRecGetDPort(&rec[i]); proto[i] = rwRecGetProto(&rec[i]); flowtype[i] = rwRecGetFlowType(&rec[i]); sensor[i] = rwRecGetSensor(&rec[i]); flags[i] = rwRecGetFlags(&rec[i]); initflags[i] = rwRecGetInitFlags(&rec[i]); restflags[i] = rwRecGetRestFlags(&rec[i]); tcpstate[i] = rwRecGetTcpState(&rec[i]); application[i] = rwRecGetApplication(&rec[i]); memo[i] = rwRecGetMemo(&rec[i]); input[i] = rwRecGetInput(&rec[i]); output[i] = rwRecGetOutput(&rec[i]); pkts[i] = rwRecGetPkts(&rec[i]); bytes[i] = rwRecGetBytes(&rec[i]); rwRecMemGetSIP(&rec[i], &ip); skipaddrString(sip[i], &ip, SKIPADDR_HEXADECIMAL); rwRecMemGetDIP(&rec[i], &ip); skipaddrString(dip[i], &ip, SKIPADDR_HEXADECIMAL); rwRecMemGetNhIP(&rec[i], &ip); skipaddrString(nhip[i], &ip, SKIPADDR_HEXADECIMAL); } compareStrings("StartTime", starttime); compareNumbers("Elapsed", elapsed); compareNumbers("SPort", sport); compareNumbers("DPort", dport); compareNumbers("Proto", proto); compareNumbers("FlowType", flowtype); compareNumbers("Sensor", sensor); compareNumbers("Flags", flags); compareNumbers("InitFlags", initflags); compareNumbers("RestFlags", restflags); compareNumbers("TcpState", tcpstate); compareNumbers("Application", application); compareNumbers("Memo", memo); compareNumbers("Input", input); compareNumbers("Output", output); compareNumbers("Pkts", pkts); compareNumbers("Bytes", bytes); compareStrings("SIP", sip); compareStrings("DIP", dip); compareStrings("NhIP", nhip); }
static int evalCondition(const char *leftSide, Comparator cmpOp, const char *rightSide, KeySet *ks, Key *parentKey) { char *lookupName = NULL; char *compareTo = NULL; Key *key; int len; long result = 0; if(rightSide[0] == '\'') { char *endPos = strchr(rightSide+1, '\''); if(!endPos) { result = -1; goto Cleanup; } if(elektraRealloc((void **)&compareTo, endPos-rightSide) < 0) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory"); result = -1; goto Cleanup; } memset(compareTo, 0, endPos-rightSide); strncat(compareTo, rightSide+1, endPos-rightSide-1); } else if(rightSide && elektraStrLen(rightSide) > 1) { len = keyGetNameSize(parentKey)+elektraStrLen(rightSide); if(elektraRealloc((void **)&lookupName, len) < 0) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory"); result = -1; goto Cleanup; } snprintf(lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName(parentKey), rightSide); key = ksLookupByName(ks, lookupName, 0); if(!key) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF(133, parentKey, "Key %s doesn't exist", lookupName); result = -1; goto Cleanup; } if(elektraRealloc((void **)&compareTo, keyGetValueSize(key)) < 0) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory"); result = -1; goto Cleanup; } strcpy(compareTo, keyString(key)); } len = keyGetNameSize(parentKey)+elektraStrLen(leftSide); if(elektraRealloc((void **)&lookupName, len) < 0) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory"); result = -1; goto Cleanup; } snprintf(lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName(parentKey), leftSide); key = ksLookupByName(ks, lookupName, 0); if(!key) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF(133, parentKey, "Key %s doesn't exist", lookupName); result = -1; goto Cleanup; } long ret; ret = compareStrings(keyString(key), compareTo); switch(cmpOp) { case EQU: if(!ret) result = 1; break; case NOT: if(ret) result = 1; break; case LT: if(ret < 0) result = 1; break; case LE: if(ret <= 0) result = 1; break; case GT: if(ret > 0) result = 1; break; case GE: if(ret >= 0) result = 1; break; case SET: keySetString(key, compareTo); result = 1; break; default: result = -1; break; } //freeing allocated heap Cleanup: if(lookupName) elektraFree(lookupName); if(compareTo) elektraFree(compareTo); return result; }
static CondResult evalCondition (const Key * curKey, const char * leftSide, Comparator cmpOp, const char * rightSide, const char * condition, const Key * suffixList, KeySet * ks, Key * parentKey) { char * lookupName = NULL; char * compareTo = NULL; Key * key; int len; long result = 0; if (rightSide) { if (rightSide[0] == '\'') { // right side of the statement is a literal enclosed by '' char * endPos = strchr (rightSide + 1, '\''); if (!endPos) { result = ERROR; goto Cleanup; } if (elektraRealloc ((void **) &compareTo, endPos - rightSide) < 0) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Out of memory"); result = ERROR; goto Cleanup; } memset (compareTo, 0, endPos - rightSide); strncat (compareTo, rightSide + 1, endPos - rightSide - 1); } else if (rightSide && elektraStrLen (rightSide) > 1) { // not a literal, it has to be a key if (rightSide[0] == '@') len = keyGetNameSize (parentKey) + elektraStrLen (rightSide); else if (!strncmp (rightSide, "..", 2) || (rightSide[0] == '.')) len = keyGetNameSize (curKey) + elektraStrLen (rightSide); else len = elektraStrLen (rightSide); if (elektraRealloc ((void **) &lookupName, len) < 0) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Out of memory"); result = ERROR; goto Cleanup; } if (rightSide[0] == '@') snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName (parentKey), rightSide + 1); else if (rightSide[0] == '.') // either starts with . or .., doesn't matter at this point snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName (curKey), rightSide); else snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s", rightSide); key = ksLookupByName (ks, lookupName, 0); if (!key) { if (!keyGetMeta (parentKey, "error")) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (133, parentKey, "Key %s not found but is required for the evaluation of %s", lookupName, condition); } result = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } if (elektraRealloc ((void **) &compareTo, keyGetValueSize (key)) < 0) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Out of memory"); result = ERROR; goto Cleanup; } strcpy (compareTo, keyString (key)); } } if (leftSide[0] == '@') len = keyGetNameSize (parentKey) + elektraStrLen (leftSide); else if (!strncmp (leftSide, "..", 2) || (leftSide[0] == '.')) len = keyGetNameSize (curKey) + elektraStrLen (leftSide); else len = elektraStrLen (leftSide); if (elektraRealloc ((void **) &lookupName, len) < 0) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Out of memory"); result = ERROR; goto Cleanup; } if (leftSide[0] == '@') snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName (parentKey), leftSide + 1); else if (leftSide[0] == '.') // either . or .., doesn't matter here snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName (curKey), leftSide); else snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s", leftSide); key = ksLookupByName (ks, lookupName, 0); if (cmpOp == NEX) { if (key) result = FALSE; else result = TRUE; goto Cleanup; } if (!key && cmpOp != OR && cmpOp != AND) { if (!keyGetMeta (parentKey, "error")) { ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (133, parentKey, "Key %s not found but is required for the evaluation of %s", lookupName, condition); } result = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } long ret; if (cmpOp == OR || cmpOp == AND) ret = compareStrings (leftSide, rightSide, NULL); else ret = compareStrings (keyString (key), compareTo, suffixList); switch (cmpOp) { case EQU: if (!ret) result = TRUE; break; case NOT: if (ret) result = TRUE; break; case LT: if (ret < 0) result = TRUE; break; case LE: if (ret <= 0) result = TRUE; break; case GT: if (ret > 0) result = TRUE; break; case GE: if (ret >= 0) result = TRUE; break; case SET: keySetString (key, compareTo); result = TRUE; break; case AND: if (ret == 0 && !strcmp (leftSide, "'1'")) result = TRUE; break; case OR: if (!strcmp (leftSide, "'1'") || (rightSide && !strcmp (rightSide, "'1'"))) result = TRUE; break; default: result = ERROR; break; } // freeing allocated heap Cleanup: if (lookupName) elektraFree (lookupName); if (compareTo) elektraFree (compareTo); return result; }
/* * opnode is the root of a comparison with a non-standard attribute. * Evaluate the comparison, returning 1 (true) or 0 (false). */ static int evaluateNonStdComparison(const pnode_t *opnode, evlattribute_t *tmplAtts[]) { const pnode_t *left = pnLeft(opnode); const pnode_t *right = pnRight(opnode); int op = opnode->attr_flag; evlattribute_t *att; long sval; int attType; if (!tmplAtts) { return 0; } att = tmplAtts[left->attr_nsa->nsaAtt]; if (!att || !attExists(att)) { return 0; } if (right->node_type == nt_string || right->node_type == nt_regex) { /* * Get the string equivalent of the attribute value, for * comparison either via strstr or via regexec. */ char leftStr[EVL_ATTRSTR_MAXLEN]; int status; status = evlatt_getstring(att, leftStr, EVL_ATTRSTR_MAXLEN); assert(status == 0); if (right->node_type == nt_string) { const char *rightStr = right->u_att.attr_string; return compareStrings(op, leftStr, rightStr); } else { status = regexec(right->u_att.attr_regex, leftStr, 0, NULL, 0); if (op == '~') { return (status == 0); } else { /* Must be !~ */ return (status != 0); } } } assert(right->node_type == nt_val); sval = (long) right->u_att.attr_val; switch(evlatt_gettype(att)) { case TY_CHAR: case TY_WCHAR: case TY_SHORT: case TY_INT: case TY_LONG: return compareSignedInts(op, evl_getLongAttVal(att), sval); case TY_UCHAR: case TY_USHORT: case TY_UINT: case TY_ULONG: return compareUnsignedInts(op, evl_getUlongAttVal(att), sval); case TY_LONGLONG: return compareLonglongs(op, evl_getLonglongAttVal(att), sval); case TY_ULONGLONG: return compareUlonglongs(op, evl_getUlonglongAttVal(att), sval); case TY_FLOAT: case TY_DOUBLE: return compareDoubles(op, evl_getDoubleAttVal(att), sval); case TY_LDOUBLE: return compareLongdoubles(op, evl_getLongdoubleAttVal(att), sval); } /* TODO: Handle unsupported types such as TY_WSTRING. */ return 0; }
int main() { stringSize(); compareStrings(); }
void IndexInsert (Index *indx, char *tk,const char *fileName) { int compare; int duplicate = 0; int dupCompare; int hashPosition; int tokenNode = tk[0]; int compareFile; fileNode *myFileNode = calloc(1, sizeof(fileNode)); fileNode *currFile, *prevFile; fileNode *tempCurr, *tempPrev; fileNode *MynewFile; tkNode *myTokenNode; tkNode *current; tkNode *previous; myFileNode->fileName = fileName; myFileNode->next = NULL; myFileNode->Count = 1; hashPosition = Hash(tokenNode); /*front of linked list is empty*/ if(indx->Array[hashPosition].tk == NULL) { indx->Array[hashPosition].tk = tk; indx->Array[hashPosition].fileNodePTR = myFileNode; } else { /*linked list not empty*/ myTokenNode = malloc(sizeof(tkNode)); myTokenNode->tk = tk; myTokenNode->next = NULL; myTokenNode->fileNodePTR = myFileNode; current = &indx->Array[hashPosition]; previous = NULL; /*determine if a duplicate token exists*/ while(current != NULL) { dupCompare = compareStrings(myTokenNode->tk, current->tk); if(dupCompare == 0){ duplicate = 1; } previous = current; current = current->next; } current = &indx->Array[hashPosition]; previous = NULL; /*determine token position in linked list*/ while(current != NULL) { compare = compareStrings(myTokenNode->tk, current->tk); /*token goes before the token its being compared to*/ if(compare < 0 && !duplicate) { /*new token needs to be at front of linked list*/ if(previous == NULL) { /*a node already exists will be placed front of list*/ if(indx->Array[hashPosition].next != NULL) { current->next = indx->Array[hashPosition].next; indx->Array[hashPosition].next = myTokenNode; myTokenNode->tk = indx->Array[hashPosition].tk; myTokenNode->fileNodePTR = indx->Array[hashPosition].fileNodePTR; indx->Array[hashPosition].tk = tk; indx->Array[hashPosition].fileNodePTR = myFileNode; } /*only one token in the list*/ else { indx->Array[hashPosition].next = myTokenNode; myTokenNode->tk = indx->Array[hashPosition].tk; myTokenNode->fileNodePTR = indx->Array[hashPosition].fileNodePTR; indx->Array[hashPosition].tk = tk; indx->Array[hashPosition].fileNodePTR = myFileNode; } } /*insert token in the middle*/ else { myTokenNode->next = previous->next; previous->next = myTokenNode; } return; } else if(compare > 0 && !duplicate) { /*token goes at the end of linked list*/ if(current->next == NULL) { current->next = myTokenNode; return; } } /*increase file frequency count or add new file node*/ else if(compare == 0) { currFile = current->fileNodePTR; prevFile = NULL; /*find if there exists the same file*/ while(currFile != NULL) { compareFile = compareStrings((char*)fileName, (char*)currFile->fileName); /*word and file already exists increment frequency count*/ if(compareFile == 0) { currFile->Count++; /*sort if necassary*/ if(prevFile != NULL) { /*sorts filenames according to token count*/ if(prevFile->Count > currFile->Count) { return; } /*files out of order*/ else { /*take file_node out of list to re-sort*/ prevFile->next = currFile->next; tempCurr = current->fileNodePTR; tempPrev = NULL; while(tempCurr != NULL) { if(tempCurr->Count < currFile->Count) { if(tempPrev == NULL) { current->fileNodePTR = currFile; currFile->next = tempCurr; return; } else { tempPrev->next = currFile; currFile->next = tempCurr; return; } } tempPrev = tempCurr; tempCurr = tempCurr->next; } } } /*file incremented was first in list*/ else { return; } } prevFile = currFile; currFile = currFile->next; } /*first occurence of this word in this file*/ MynewFile = (fileNode*)calloc(1,(sizeof(fileNode))); MynewFile->fileName = fileName; MynewFile->Count = 1; MynewFile->next = NULL; prevFile->next = MynewFile; return; } previous = current; current = current->next; } } }