void KisZoomAndPanTest::initializeViewport(ZoomAndPanTester &t, bool fullscreenMode, bool rotate, bool mirror)
    QCOMPARE(t.image()->size(), QSize(640,441));
    QCOMPARE(t.image()->xRes(), 1.0);
    QCOMPARE(t.image()->yRes(), 1.0);

    t.zoomController()->setZoom(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_CONSTANT, 1.0);

    QCOMPARE(t.canvasWidget()->size(), QSize(483,483));
    QCOMPARE(t.canvasWidget()->size(), t.canvasController()->viewportSize());
    QVERIFY(verifyOffset(t, QPoint(79,-21)));

    if (fullscreenMode) {
        QCOMPARE(t.canvasController()->preferredCenter(), QPointF(320,220));

        QAction *action = t.view()->actionCollection()->action("view_show_just_the_canvas");

        QVERIFY(verifyOffset(t, QPoint(79,-21)));
        QCOMPARE(t.canvasController()->preferredCenter(), QPointF(329,220));

        QCOMPARE(t.canvasWidget()->size(), QSize(483,483));
        QCOMPARE(t.canvasWidget()->size(), t.canvasController()->viewportSize());
        QVERIFY(verifyOffset(t, QPoint(79,-21)));

         * FIXME: here is a small flaw in KoCanvasControllerWidget
         * We cannot set the center point explicitly, because it'll be rounded
         * up by recenterPreferred function, so real center point will be
         * different. Make the preferredCenter() return real center of the
         * image instead of the set value
        QCOMPARE(t.canvasController()->preferredCenter(), QPointF(320.5,220));

    if (rotate) {
        QVERIFY(verifyOffset(t, QPoint(-21,79)));
        QVERIFY(compareWithRounding(QPointF(220,320), t.canvasController()->preferredCenter(), 2));
        QCOMPARE(t.coordinatesConverter()->imageRectInWidgetPixels().topLeft().toPoint(), -t.coordinatesConverter()->documentOffset());

    if (mirror) {
        QVERIFY(verifyOffset(t, QPoint(78, -21)));
        QVERIFY(compareWithRounding(QPointF(320,220), t.canvasController()->preferredCenter(), 2));
        QCOMPARE(t.coordinatesConverter()->imageRectInWidgetPixels().topLeft().toPoint(), -t.coordinatesConverter()->documentOffset());
bool KisZoomAndPanTest::checkPan(ZoomAndPanTester &t, QPoint shift)
    QPoint oldOffset = t.coordinatesConverter()->documentOffset();
    QPointF oldPrefCenter = t.canvasController()->preferredCenter();


    QPoint newOffset  = t.coordinatesConverter()->documentOffset();
    QPointF newPrefCenter = t.canvasController()->preferredCenter();
    QPointF newTopLeft = t.coordinatesConverter()->imageRectInWidgetPixels().topLeft();

    QPoint expectedOffset  = oldOffset + shift;
    QPointF expectedPrefCenter = oldPrefCenter + shift;

    // no tolerance accepted for pan
    bool offsetAsExpected = newOffset == expectedOffset;

    // rounding can happen due to the scroll bars being the main
    // source of the offset
    bool preferredCenterAsExpected =
        compareWithRounding(expectedPrefCenter, newPrefCenter, 1.0);

    bool topLeftAsExpected = newTopLeft.toPoint() == -newOffset;

    if (!offsetAsExpected ||
        !preferredCenterAsExpected ||
        !topLeftAsExpected) {

        qDebug() << "***** PAN *****************";

        if(!offsetAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### Offset invariant broken";

        if(!preferredCenterAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### Preferred center invariant broken";

        if(!topLeftAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### TopLeft invariant broken";

        qDebug() << ppVar(expectedOffset);
        qDebug() << ppVar(expectedPrefCenter);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldOffset) << ppVar(newOffset);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldPrefCenter) << ppVar(newPrefCenter);
        qDebug() << ppVar(newTopLeft);
        qDebug() << "***************************";

    return offsetAsExpected && preferredCenterAsExpected && topLeftAsExpected;
Пример #3
void KisZoomAndPanTest::testImageCropped()
    ZoomAndPanTester t;
    initializeViewport(t, false, false, false);
    QVERIFY(checkPan(t, QPoint(-150,-150)));

    QPointF oldStillPoint =


    QPointF newStillPoint =

    QVERIFY(compareWithRounding(oldStillPoint, newStillPoint, 1.0));
Пример #4
void KisZoomAndPanTest::testImageRescaled_0_5()
    ZoomAndPanTester t;
    initializeViewport(t, false, false, false);
    QVERIFY(checkPan(t, QPoint(200,200)));

    QPointF oldStillPoint =

    KisFilterStrategy *strategy = new KisBilinearFilterStrategy();
    t.image()->scaleImage(QSize(320, 220), t.image()->xRes(), t.image()->yRes(), strategy);
    delete strategy;

    QPointF newStillPoint =

    QVERIFY(compareWithRounding(oldStillPoint, newStillPoint, 1.0));
void KisZoomAndPanTest::testRotation(qreal vastScrolling, qreal zoom)
    KisConfig cfg;

    ZoomAndPanTester t;

    QCOMPARE(t.image()->size(), QSize(640,441));
    QCOMPARE(t.image()->xRes(), 1.0);
    QCOMPARE(t.image()->yRes(), 1.0);

    QPointF preferredCenter = zoom * t.image()->bounds().center();

    t.zoomController()->setZoom(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_CONSTANT, zoom);

    QCOMPARE(t.canvasWidget()->size(), QSize(483,483));
    QCOMPARE(t.canvasWidget()->size(), t.canvasController()->viewportSize());

    QPointF realCenterPoint = t.coordinatesConverter()->widgetToImage(t.coordinatesConverter()->widgetCenterPoint());
    QPointF expectedCenterPoint = QPointF(t.image()->bounds().center());

    if(!compareWithRounding(realCenterPoint, expectedCenterPoint, 2/zoom)) {
        qDebug() << "Failed to set initial center point";
        qDebug() << ppVar(expectedCenterPoint) << ppVar(realCenterPoint);
        QFAIL("FAIL: Failed to set initial center point");

    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 30));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 20));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 10));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));

    if(vastScrolling < 0.5 && zoom < 1) {
        qWarning() << "Disabling a few tests for vast scrolling ="
                   << vastScrolling << ". See comment for more";
         * We have to disable a couple of tests here for the case when
         * vastScrolling value is 0.2. The problem is that the centering
         * correction applied  to the offset in
         * KisCanvasController::rotateCanvas pollutes the preferredCenter
         * value, because KoCnvasControllerWidget has no access to this
         * correction and cannot calculate the real value of the center of
         * the image. To fix this bug the calculation of correction
         * (aka "origin") should be moved to the KoCanvasControllerWidget
         * itself which would cause quite huge changes (including the change
         * of the external interface of it). Namely, we would have to
         * *calculate* offset from the value of the scroll bars, but not
         * use their values directly:
         * offset = scrollBarValue - origin
         * So now we just disable these unittests and allow a couple
         * of "jumping" bugs appear in vastScrolling < 0.5 modes, which
         * is, actually, not the default case.

    } else {
        QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));
        QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));
        QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));
bool KisZoomAndPanTest::checkRotation(ZoomAndPanTester &t, qreal angle)
    // save old values
    QPoint oldOffset = t.coordinatesConverter()->documentOffset();
    QPointF oldCenteringCorrection = t.coordinatesConverter()->centeringCorrection();
    QPointF oldPreferredCenter = t.canvasController()->preferredCenter();
    QPointF oldRealCenterPoint = t.coordinatesConverter()->widgetToImage(t.coordinatesConverter()->widgetCenterPoint());
    QSize oldDocumentSize = t.canvasController()->documentSize();

    qreal baseAngle = t.coordinatesConverter()->rotationAngle();

    // save result values
    QPoint newOffset = t.coordinatesConverter()->documentOffset();
    QPointF newCenteringCorrection = t.coordinatesConverter()->centeringCorrection();
    QPointF newPreferredCenter = t.canvasController()->preferredCenter();
    QPointF newRealCenterPoint = t.coordinatesConverter()->widgetToImage(t.coordinatesConverter()->widgetCenterPoint());
    QSize newDocumentSize = t.canvasController()->documentSize();

    // calculate theoretical preferred center
    QTransform rot;

    QSizeF dSize = t.coordinatesConverter()->imageSizeInFlakePixels();
    QPointF dPoint(dSize.width(), dSize.height());

    QPointF expectedPreferredCenter =
        (oldPreferredCenter - dPoint * correctionMatrix(baseAngle)) * rot +
         dPoint * correctionMatrix(baseAngle + angle);

    // calculate theoretical offset based on the real preferred center
    QPointF wPoint(t.canvasWidget()->size().width(), t.canvasWidget()->size().height());
    QPointF expectedOldOffset = oldPreferredCenter - 0.5 * wPoint;
    QPointF expectedNewOffset = newPreferredCenter - 0.5 * wPoint;

    bool preferredCenterAsExpected =
        compareWithRounding(expectedPreferredCenter, newPreferredCenter, 2);
    bool oldOffsetAsExpected =
        compareWithRounding(expectedOldOffset + oldCenteringCorrection, QPointF(oldOffset), 2);
    bool newOffsetAsExpected =
        compareWithRounding(expectedNewOffset + newCenteringCorrection, QPointF(newOffset), 3);

    qreal zoom = t.zoomController()->zoomAction()->effectiveZoom();
    bool realCenterPointAsExpected =
        compareWithRounding(oldRealCenterPoint, newRealCenterPoint, 2/zoom);

    if (!oldOffsetAsExpected ||
        !newOffsetAsExpected ||
        !preferredCenterAsExpected ||
        !realCenterPointAsExpected) {

        qDebug() << "***** ROTATE **************";

        if(!oldOffsetAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### Old offset invariant broken";

        if(!newOffsetAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### New offset invariant broken";

        if(!preferredCenterAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### Preferred center invariant broken";

        if(!realCenterPointAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### *Real* center invariant broken";

        qDebug() << ppVar(expectedOldOffset);
        qDebug() << ppVar(expectedNewOffset);
        qDebug() << ppVar(expectedPreferredCenter);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldOffset) << ppVar(newOffset);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldCenteringCorrection) << ppVar(newCenteringCorrection);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldPreferredCenter) << ppVar(newPreferredCenter);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldRealCenterPoint) << ppVar(newRealCenterPoint);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldDocumentSize) << ppVar(newDocumentSize);
        qDebug() << ppVar(baseAngle) << "deg";
        qDebug() << ppVar(angle) << "deg";
        qDebug() << "***************************";

    return preferredCenterAsExpected && oldOffsetAsExpected && newOffsetAsExpected && realCenterPointAsExpected;
bool KisZoomAndPanTest::checkInvariants(const QPointF &baseFlakePoint,
                                        const QPoint &oldOffset,
                                        const QPointF &oldPreferredCenter,
                                        qreal oldZoom,
                                        const QPoint &newOffset,
                                        const QPointF &newPreferredCenter,
                                        qreal newZoom,
                                        const QPointF &newTopLeft,
                                        const QSize &oldDocumentSize)
    qreal k = newZoom / oldZoom;

    QPointF expectedOffset = oldOffset + (k - 1) * baseFlakePoint;
    QPointF expectedPreferredCenter = oldPreferredCenter + (k - 1) * baseFlakePoint;

    qreal oldPreferredCenterFractionX = 1.0 * oldPreferredCenter.x() / oldDocumentSize.width();
    qreal oldPreferredCenterFractionY = 1.0 * oldPreferredCenter.y() / oldDocumentSize.height();

    qreal roundingTolerance =
        qMax(1.0, qMax(oldPreferredCenterFractionX, oldPreferredCenterFractionY) / k);

     * In the computation of the offset two roundings happen:
     * first for the computation of oldOffset and the second
     * for the computation of newOffset. So the maximum tolerance
     * should equal 2.
    bool offsetAsExpected =
        compareWithRounding(expectedOffset, QPointF(newOffset), 2 * roundingTolerance);

     * Rounding for the preferred center happens due to the rounding
     * of the document size while zooming. The wider the step of the
     * zooming, the bigger tolerance should be
    bool preferredCenterAsExpected =
        compareWithRounding(expectedPreferredCenter, newPreferredCenter,

    bool topLeftAsExpected = newTopLeft.toPoint() == -newOffset;

    if (!offsetAsExpected ||
        !preferredCenterAsExpected ||
        !topLeftAsExpected) {

        qDebug() << "***** ZOOM ****************";

        if(!offsetAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### Offset invariant broken";

        if(!preferredCenterAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### Preferred center invariant broken";

        if(!topLeftAsExpected) {
            qDebug() << " ### TopLeft invariant broken";

        qDebug() << ppVar(expectedOffset);
        qDebug() << ppVar(expectedPreferredCenter);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldOffset) << ppVar(newOffset);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldPreferredCenter) << ppVar(newPreferredCenter);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldPreferredCenterFractionX);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldPreferredCenterFractionY);
        qDebug() << ppVar(oldZoom) << ppVar(newZoom);
        qDebug() << ppVar(baseFlakePoint);
        qDebug() << ppVar(newTopLeft);
        qDebug() << ppVar(roundingTolerance);
        qDebug() << "***************************";

    return offsetAsExpected && preferredCenterAsExpected && topLeftAsExpected;