Пример #1
int compare_regions(void *region_1, void *region_2, char **chromosome_ordering, int num_chromosomes) {
    if (region_1 == NULL || region_2 == NULL) {
            return INT_MIN;

    region_t *reg_1 = (region_t *) region_1;
    region_t *reg_2 = (region_t *) region_2;

    // TODO This could be avoided while inserting, because regions are classified by chromosome
    int result = compare_chromosomes(reg_1->chromosome, reg_2->chromosome, chromosome_ordering, num_chromosomes);
    if (result != 0) {
        return result;
    } else {
// 		return compare_position_ranges(reg_1, reg_2);
        return compare_positions(reg_1->start_position, reg_2->start_position);
Пример #2
int merge_interval(kh_pos_t* positions_read, char *max_chromosome_merged, unsigned long max_position_merged,
                    char **chromosome_order, int num_chromosomes, vcf_file_t **files, 
                    shared_options_data_t *shared_options_data, merge_options_data_t *options_data, list_t *output_list) {
	int num_entries = 0;

    #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(shared_options_data->num_threads) reduction(+:num_entries)
    for (int k = kh_begin(positions_read); k < kh_end(positions_read); k++) {
        if (kh_exist(positions_read, k)) {
            array_list_t *records_in_position = kh_value(positions_read, k);
            vcf_record_t *record = ((vcf_record_file_link*) array_list_get(0, records_in_position))->record;
            vcf_record_file_link **links = NULL;
            int num_links = 0;
            // Remove positions prior to the last chromosome:position to merge
            int cmp_chrom = compare_chromosomes(record->chromosome, max_chromosome_merged, chromosome_order, num_chromosomes);
            if (cmp_chrom < 0 || (cmp_chrom == 0 && compare_positions(record->position, max_position_merged) <= 0)) {
                links = records_in_position->items;
                num_links = records_in_position->size;
            // Launch merge
            if (num_links > 0) {
//                 printf("links[0] = %s:%ld in file %s\n", links[0]->record->chromosome, links[0]->record->position, links[0]->file->filename);
                int err_code = 0;
                vcf_record_t *merged = merge_position(links, num_links, files, options_data->num_files, options_data, &err_code);
                if (!err_code) {
                    list_item_t *item = list_item_new(k, MERGED_RECORD, merged);
                    list_insert_item(item, output_list);
                    num_entries += 1;
                // Free empty nodes (lists of records in the same position)
                array_list_free(records_in_position, vcf_record_file_link_free);
                kh_del(pos, positions_read, k);
        } // End kh_exist

    return num_entries;
Пример #3
void calculate_merge_interval(vcf_record_t* current_record, char** max_chromosome_merged, long unsigned int* max_position_merged,
                              char **chromosome_order, int num_chromosomes) {
    if (*max_chromosome_merged == NULL) {
        // Max merged chrom:position not set, assign without any other consideration
        *max_chromosome_merged = strndup(current_record->chromosome, current_record->chromosome_len);
        *max_position_merged = current_record->position;
    } else {
        char *current_chromosome = strndup(current_record->chromosome, current_record->chromosome_len);
        long unsigned int current_position = current_record->position;
//         printf("current = %s:%ld\tmax = %s:%ld\n", current_chromosome, current_position, *max_chromosome_merged, *max_position_merged);
        int chrom_comparison = compare_chromosomes(current_chromosome, *max_chromosome_merged, chromosome_order, num_chromosomes);
        int position_comparison = compare_positions(current_position, *max_position_merged);
        // Max merged chrom:position is posterior to the last one in this batch
        if (chrom_comparison < 0 || (chrom_comparison == 0 && position_comparison < 0)) {
            *max_chromosome_merged = current_chromosome;
            *max_position_merged = current_position;
        } else {
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char ** argv){

	particle thing1,thing2;
	int nEach = 5;
	particle things1[nEach];
	particle things2[nEach];
	int i;
	MPI_Status status_ignore;
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
	if(size != 1){
		printf("%d/%d: too many processes\n", rank, size);
		return 1;
	//MPI_Datatype MPI_particle;
	double epsilon = DBL_EPSILON;
	double min = DBL_MIN;
	printf("epsilon = %g\n", epsilon);
	printf("dbl min = %g\n", min);
	printf("things1 \n");
	fprintParticles(stdout, things1,nEach);
	printf("things2 \n");
	fprintParticles(stdout, things2,nEach);
	double diff, diffx, diffv, diffa;
	diff = compareMultipleParticles(things1, things2, nEach);
	printf("total diff of %d = %g\t expected 0\n", nEach, diff);
	diffx = compare_positions(things1, things2);
	printf("pos diff of %d = %g\t expected 0\n", 1, diffx);
	diffv = compare_positions(things1, things2);
	printf("vel diff of %d = %g\t expected 0\n", 1, diffv);
	diffa = compare_positions(things1, things2);
	printf("acc diff of %d = %g\t expected 0\n", 1, diffa);
	printf("\nchanging the values of stuff\n");
	printf("0 and 1\t expected ~1/eps = %g\n",1/epsilon);
	things1[0].x = 0;
	things2[0].x = 1;
	diff = compareMultipleParticles(things1, things2, nEach);
	printf("total diff of %d = %g\n", nEach, diff);
	diffx = compare_positions(things1, things2);
	printf("pos diff of %d = %g\n", 1, diffx);
	printf("\n0 and dbl_min\t expected 0\n");
	things1[0].x = 0;
	things2[0].x = min;
	diff = compareMultipleParticles(things1, things2, nEach);
	printf("total diff of %d = %g\n", nEach, diff);
	diffx = compare_positions(things1, things2);
	printf("pos diff of %d = %g\n", 1, diffx);
	printf("\n0 and eps\t expected 1/eps = %g\n", 1/epsilon);
	things2[0].x = epsilon;
	diff = compareMultipleParticles(things1, things2, nEach);
	printf("total diff of %d = %g\n", nEach, diff);
	diffx = compare_positions(things1, things2);
	printf("pos diff of %d = %g\n", 1, diffx);
	printf("\n1 and 1+eps\t expected 0\n");
	things1[0].x = 1;
	things2[0].x = 1+ epsilon;
	diff = compareMultipleParticles(things1, things2, nEach);
	printf("total diff of %d = %g\n", nEach, diff);
	diffx = compare_positions(things1, things2);
	printf("pos diff of %d = %g\n", 1, diffx);
	printf("\n1^20 and 10^20+eps*10^20\t expected 0\n");
	things1[0].x = 1E20;
	things2[0].x = 1E20 + 1E20 * epsilon;
	diff = compareMultipleParticles(things1, things2, nEach);
	printf("total diff of %d = %g\n", nEach, diff);
	diffx = compare_positions(things1, things2);
	printf("pos diff of %d = %g\n", 1, diffx);
	double y;
	printf("\ncomparing 1 and 1+y, expect eps*10\n");
	things2[0].x = 1;
	for(y = 10;y>0;y*=0.5){
		things1[0]. x = 1+y;
		diffx = compare_positions(things1, things2);
		if(diffx == 0){
			printf("at y = %g, 1+y compares equal to 1\n", y);
	printf("\ncomparing 0 and y, expect min*10\n");
	things2[0].x = 0;
	for(y = 10;y>0;y*=0.5){
		things1[0]. x = y;
		diffx = compare_positions(things1, things2);
		if(diffx == 0){
			printf("at y = %g, y compares equal to 0\n", y);
	printf("x position compared\n");

	return 0;	