Пример #1
double WbGammaTone(double x,double tdres,double centerfreq, int n, double tau,double gain,int order)
  static double wbphase;
  static COMPLEX wbgtf[4], wbgtfl[4];

  double delta_phase,dtmp,c1LP,c2LP,out;
  int i,j;
  if (n==0)
      wbphase = 0;
      for(i=0; i<=order;i++)
            wbgtfl[i] = compmult(0,compexp(0));
            wbgtf[i]  = compmult(0,compexp(0));
  delta_phase = -TWOPI*centerfreq*tdres;
  wbphase += delta_phase;
  dtmp = tau*2.0/tdres;
  c1LP = (dtmp-1)/(dtmp+1);
  c2LP = 1.0/(dtmp+1);
  wbgtf[0] = compmult(x,compexp(wbphase));                 /* FREQUENCY SHIFT */
  for(j = 1; j <= order; j++)                              /* IIR Bilinear transformation LPF */
  wbgtf[j] = comp2sum(compmult(c2LP*gain,comp2sum(wbgtf[j-1],wbgtfl[j-1])),
  out = REAL(compprod(compexp(-wbphase), wbgtf[order])); /* FREQ SHIFT BACK UP */
  for(i=0; i<=order;i++) wbgtfl[i] = wbgtf[i];
Пример #2

   Pass the signal through the gammatone filter\\
   1. shift the signal by centeral frequency of the gamma tone filter\\
   2. low pass the shifted signal \\
   3. shift back the signal \\
   4. take the real part of the signal as output
   @author Xuedong Zhang
double TGammaTone::run(double x)
  x = gain*x;
  phase += delta_phase;
  gtf[0] = compmult(x,compexp(phase));     // FREQUENCY SHIFT
  for(int j = 1; j <= gtf_order; j++)      // IIR Bilinear transformation LPF
    gtf[j] = comp2sum(compmult(c2LP,comp2sum(gtf[j-1],gtfl[j-1])),
  double out = REAL(compprod(compexp(-phase), gtf[gtf_order])); // FREQ SHIFT BACK UP
  for(int i=0; i<=gtf_order;i++) gtfl[i] = gtf[i];
Пример #3
int main()
	struct complex z1, z2;
	struct complex compexp(struct complex);

	z1.r = 0.0;
	z1.i = 0.0;
	scanf("%lf %lf", &z1.r, &z1.i);

	z2 = compexp(z1);

	printf("[%f, %f] exp:[%f, %f]\n", z1.r, z1.i, z2.r, z2.i);
Пример #4
void CReflCalc::MyRFNoOpt(double* sintheta, double* sinsquaredtheta, int datapoints,  double* refl, CEDP* EDP)
	MyComplex* DEDP = EDP->m_DEDP;
	int EDPoints = EDP->Get_EDPPointCount();

	if(m_bReflInitialized == FALSE)

	//Calculate some complex constants to keep them out of the loop
	MyComplex  lengthmultiplier = -2.0*MyComplex (0.0,1.0)*EDP->Get_Dz() ;
	MyComplex  indexsup = 1.0 - DEDP[0]/2.0;
	MyComplex  indexsupsquared = indexsup * indexsup;
	MyComplex  zero;

	#pragma omp parallel
		//Figure out the number of the thread we're currently in
		int threadnum = omp_get_thread_num();
		int arrayoffset = threadnum*EDPoints;

		MyComplex * kk = m_ckk+arrayoffset;
		MyComplex * ak = m_cak+arrayoffset;
		MyComplex * rj= m_crj+arrayoffset;
		MyComplex * Rj= m_cRj+arrayoffset;
		MyComplex  cholder;
		double holder;
		/********Boundary conditions********/
		//No reflection in the last layer
		Rj[EDPoints-1] = 0.0f;
		//The first layer and the last layer are assumed to be infinite e^-(0+i*(layerlength)) = 1+e^(-inf*i*beta) = 1 + 0*i*beta
		ak[EDPoints-1] = 1.0f;
		ak[0] = 1.0f;
		//In order to vectorize loops, you cannot use global variables
		int nlminone = EDPoints-1;
		int numlay =  EDPoints;

		#pragma omp for schedule(runtime)
		for(int l = 0; l < datapoints;l++)
			//The refractive index for air is 1, so there is no refractive index term for kk[0]
			kk[0] = k0 * indexsup * sintheta[l];

			//Workout the wavevector k -> kk[i] = k0 *compsqrt(sinsquaredthetai[l]-2.0*nk[i]);
			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = 1; i < numlay;i++)
				kk[i] = k0 * compsqrt(indexsupsquared*sinsquaredtheta[l]-DEDP[i]+DEDP[0]);

			//Make the phase factors ak -> ak[i] = compexp(-1.0*imaginary*kk[i]*dz0/2.0);
			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = 1; i < numlay-1;i++)
				ak[i] = compexp(lengthmultiplier*kk[i]);

			//Make the Fresnel coefficients -> rj[i] =(kk[i]-kk[i+1])/(kk[i]+kk[i+1]);
			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = 0; i < numlay-1;i++)
				rj[i] =(kk[i]-kk[i+1])/(kk[i]+kk[i+1]);
			//Parratt recursion of the amplitude reflectivity
			for(int i = numlay-2; i >= 0 ;i--)
				Rj[i] = ak[i]*(Rj[i+1]+rj[i])/(Rj[i+1]*rj[i]+1.0);
			//The magnitude of the reflection at layer 0 is the measured reflectivity of the film
			holder = compabs(Rj[0]);
			refl[l] = holder*holder;
Пример #5
void CReflCalc::MyTransparentRF(double* sintheta, double* sinsquaredtheta, int datapoints,double* refl, CEDP* EDP)
	MyComplex* DEDP = EDP->m_DEDP;
	int EDPoints = EDP->Get_EDPPointCount();

	if(m_bReflInitialized == FALSE)

	////Calculate some complex constants to keep them out of the loop
	MyComplex  lengthmultiplier = -2.0f*MyComplex (0.0f,1.0f)*EDP->Get_Dz();
	MyComplex  indexsup = 1.0 - DEDP[0]/2.0;
	MyComplex  indexsupsquared = indexsup * indexsup;
	int HighOffSet = EDPoints;
	int LowOffset = 0;
	int offset = datapoints;

	//GetOffSets(HighOffSet, LowOffset, DEDP, EDPoints);

	//Find the point at which we no longer need to use complex numbers exclusively
    for(int i = 0; i< datapoints;i++)
		int neg = 0;
		for(int k = 0; k<EDPoints;k++)
			if((indexsupsquared.re*sinsquaredtheta[i]-DEDP[k].re+DEDP[0].re/2.0f)< 0.0f)
				neg -= 1;
		if(neg == 0)
			offset = i;
	//offset = 128;
	//In order to vectorize loops, you cannot use global variables
	int EDPointsMinOne = EDPoints-1;


	#pragma omp parallel
		//Figure out the number of the thread we're currently in
		int threadnum = omp_get_thread_num();
		int arrayoffset = threadnum*EDPoints;

		double* dkk = m_dkk+arrayoffset;
		MyComplex * kk = m_ckk+arrayoffset;
		MyComplex * ak = m_cak+arrayoffset;
		double* drj = m_drj+arrayoffset;
		MyComplex * rj= m_crj+arrayoffset;
		MyComplex * Rj= m_cRj+arrayoffset;
		MyComplex  cholder, tempk1, tempk2, zero;
		double holder, dtempk1, dtempk2;

		/********Boundary conditions********/
		//No reflection in the last layer
		Rj[EDPointsMinOne] = 0.0f;
		//The first layer and the last layer are assumed to be infinite
		ak[EDPointsMinOne] = 1.0f;
		ak[0] = 1.0f;

		#pragma omp for /*nowait*/ schedule(guided)
		for(int l = 0; l < offset;l++)

			//The refractive index for air is 1, so there is no refractive index term for kk[0]
			kk[0] = k0 * indexsup * sintheta[l];

			tempk1 = k0 * compsqrt(indexsupsquared*sinsquaredtheta[l]-DEDP[1]+DEDP[0]);
			tempk2 = k0 * compsqrt(indexsupsquared*sinsquaredtheta[l]-DEDP[EDPointsMinOne]+DEDP[0]);
			//Workout the wavevector k -> kk[i] = k0 *compsqrt(sinsquaredthetai[l]-2.0*nk[i]);
			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = 1; i <= LowOffset;i++)
				kk[i] = tempk1;

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = LowOffset+1; i < HighOffSet;i++)
				kk[i] = k0 * compsqrt(indexsupsquared*sinsquaredtheta[l]-DEDP[i]+DEDP[0]);

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = HighOffSet; i < EDPoints; i++)
				kk[i] = tempk2;

			//Make the phase factors ak -> ak[i] = compexp(-1.0*imaginary*kk[i]*dz0/2.0);

			tempk1 = compexp(lengthmultiplier*kk[1]);
			tempk2 = compexp(lengthmultiplier*kk[EDPointsMinOne]);

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = 1; i <= LowOffset;i++)
				ak[i] = tempk1;

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = LowOffset+1; i < HighOffSet;i++)
				ak[i] = compexp(lengthmultiplier*kk[i]);

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = HighOffSet; i < EDPointsMinOne; i++)
				ak[i] = tempk2;

			//Make the Fresnel coefficients -> rj[i] =(kk[i]-kk[i+1])/(kk[i]+kk[i+1]);
			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = 0; i < LowOffset;i++)
				rj[i] = zero;

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = LowOffset+1; i < HighOffSet;i++)
				rj[i] =(kk[i]-kk[i+1])/(kk[i]+kk[i+1]);
			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = HighOffSet; i < EDPointsMinOne; i++)
				rj[i] = zero;
			//Parratt recursion of the amplitude reflectivity
			for(int i = EDPoints-2; i >= 0 ;i--)
				Rj[i] = ak[i]*(Rj[i+1]+rj[i])/(Rj[i+1]*rj[i]+1.0);
			//The magnitude of the reflection at layer 0 is the measured reflectivity of the film
			holder = compabs(Rj[0]);
			refl[l] = holder*holder;

		//Now calculate the rest using doubles
		#pragma omp for schedule(guided)
		for(int l = offset; l < datapoints;l++)
				//The refractive index for air is 1, so there is no refractive index term for kk[0]
			dkk[0] = k0 * indexsup.re * sintheta[l];

			dtempk1 = k0 * sqrtf(indexsupsquared.re*sinsquaredtheta[l]-DEDP[1].re+DEDP[0].re);
			dtempk2 = k0 * sqrtf(indexsupsquared.re*sinsquaredtheta[l]-DEDP[EDPointsMinOne].re+DEDP[0].re);
			//Workout the wavevector k -> kk[i] = k0 *compsqrt(sinsquaredthetai[l]-2.0*nk[i]);
			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = 1; i <= LowOffset;i++)
				dkk[i] = dtempk1;

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = LowOffset+1; i < HighOffSet;i++)
				dkk[i] = k0 * sqrtf(indexsupsquared.re*sinsquaredtheta[l]-DEDP[i].re+DEDP[0].re);

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = HighOffSet; i < EDPoints; i++)
				dkk[i] = dtempk2;

			//Make the phase factors ak -> ak[i] = compexp(-1.0*imaginary*kk[i]*dz0/2.0);

			tempk1 = compexp(lengthmultiplier*dkk[1]);
			tempk2 = compexp(lengthmultiplier*dkk[EDPointsMinOne]);

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = 1; i <= LowOffset;i++)
				ak[i] = tempk1;

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = LowOffset+1; i < HighOffSet;i++)
				ak[i] = compexp(lengthmultiplier*dkk[i]);

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = HighOffSet; i < EDPointsMinOne; i++)
				ak[i] = tempk2;

			//Make the Fresnel coefficients -> rj[i] =(kk[i]-kk[i+1])/(kk[i]+kk[i+1]);
			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = 0; i < LowOffset;i++)
				drj[i] = 0.0f;

			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = LowOffset; i < HighOffSet;i++)
				drj[i] =(dkk[i]-dkk[i+1])/(dkk[i]+dkk[i+1]);
			#pragma ivdep
			for(int i = HighOffSet; i < EDPointsMinOne; i++)
				drj[i] = 0.0f;
			//Parratt recursion of the amplitude reflectivity
			for(int i = EDPoints-2; i >= 0 ;i--)
				Rj[i] = ak[i]*(Rj[i+1]+drj[i])/(Rj[i+1]*drj[i]+1.0);
			//The magnitude of the reflection at layer 0 is the measured reflectivity of the film
			holder = compabs(Rj[0]);
			refl[l] = holder*holder;
Пример #6
void AreaFastReflCalc::CalcRefl(double* sintheta, double* sinsquaredtheta, int datapoints, double* refl)
	//Generate the Parratt reflectivity layers
	int nl = boxnumber+2;
	double k0 = 2.0*M_PI/lambda;
	MyComplex imaginary(0.0,1.0);
	int offset = 0;

	double suprefindex = 1-RhoArray[0];
	double suprefindexsquared = suprefindex*suprefindex;
    double sigmacalc[20];

	int neg = 0;
    for(int i =0; i<datapoints;i++)
		for(int k = 1; k<nl;k++)
				neg -= 1;
		if(neg ==0)
			/*if(m_dQSpread < 0.005 && neg == -5)
			offset = i;
	MyComplex  lengthmultiplier = -2.0 * MyComplex (0.0,1.0) ;
	MyComplex  kk[20];
	double dkk[20];
	MyComplex  ak[20];
	double drj[20];
	MyComplex  rj[20];
	MyComplex  Rj[20];
	double dQj[20];
	MyComplex  Qj[20];

	//Boundary conditions
	Rj[nl-1] = 0.0;
	ak[0] = 1.0;
	ak[nl-1] = 1.0;

	MyComplex  doublenk[20];
	MyComplex  lengthcalc[20];

	//Move some calcs out of the loop
	for(int i = 0; i<nl;i++)
		doublenk[i]=-2.0*MyComplex (RhoArray[i],0);
		lengthcalc[i] = lengthmultiplier*LengthArray[i];
		sigmacalc[i] = -2.0*SigmaArray[i]*SigmaArray[i];

	for(int l = 0; l <= offset ;l++)
		int nlminone = nl-1;
		kk[0] = k0*suprefindex* sintheta[l];
		//Workout the wavevector k
		for(int i = 1; i<nl;i++)
			kk[i] = k0 *compsqrt(suprefindexsquared * sinsquaredtheta[l]+ doublenk[i] - doublenk[0]);

		//Make the aj
		for(int i = 1; i<nlminone;i++)
			ak[i] = compexp(kk[i]*lengthcalc[i]);

		//Make the roughness correction term (Nevot-Croce)
		for(int i = 0; i< nlminone; i++)
		#ifdef GIXOS
			Qj[i] = compexp(sigmacalc[i]*kk[i]*kk[i+1]);
		//Make the Fresnel coefficients
		for(int i = 0; i <nlminone;i++)
			rj[i] =Qj[i]* (kk[i]-kk[i+1])/(kk[i]+kk[i+1]);
		for(int i = nl-2; i>=0;i--)
			Rj[i] = ak[i]*(Rj[i+1]+rj[i])/(Rj[i+1]*rj[i]+1.0);
		refl[l] = compabs(Rj[0]);
		refl[l] *= refl[l];
	for(int l = offset+1; l< datapoints ;l++)
		//Leave for vectorization
		int nlminone = nl-1;
		//Boundary conditions
		dkk[0] = k0*suprefindex*sintheta[l];
		//Workout the wavevector k
		for(int i = 1; i<nl;i++)
			dkk[i] = k0 *sqrt(suprefindexsquared * sinsquaredtheta[l]+ doublenk[i].re - doublenk[0].re);

		//Make the aj
		for(int i = 1; i<nlminone;i++)
			ak[i] = compexp(lengthcalc[i]*dkk[i]);

		//Make the roughness correction term (Nevot-Croce)
		#pragma ivdep
		for(int i = 0; i< nlminone; i++)
			#ifdef GIXOS
				dQj[i] = exp(sigmacalc[i]*dkk[i]*dkk[i+1]);
		//Make the Fresnel coefficients
		for(int i = 0; i < nlminone;i++)
			drj[i] =dQj[i]* (dkk[i]-dkk[i+1])/(dkk[i]+dkk[i+1]);
		for(int i = nl-2; i>=0;i--)
			Rj[i] = ak[i]*(Rj[i+1]+drj[i])/(Rj[i+1]*drj[i]+1.0);

		refl[l] = compabs(Rj[0]);
		refl[l] *= refl[l];
