Пример #1
QString TableGenerator::findComposeFile()
    // check if XCOMPOSEFILE points to a Compose file
    if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("XCOMPOSEFILE")) {
        const QString path = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("XCOMPOSEFILE"));
        if (QFile::exists(path))
            return path;
            qWarning("$XCOMPOSEFILE doesn't point to an existing file");

    // check if user’s home directory has a file named .XCompose
    if (cleanState()) {
        QString path = qgetenv("HOME") + QLatin1String("/.XCompose");
        if (QFile::exists(path))
            return path;

    // check for the system provided compose files
    if (cleanState()) {
        QString table = composeTableForLocale();
        if (cleanState()) {
            if (table.isEmpty())
                // no table mappings for the system's locale in the compose.dir
                m_state = UnsupportedLocale;
            else {
                QString path = QDir(systemComposeDir()).filePath(table);
                if (QFile::exists(path))
                    return path;
    return QString();
Пример #2
void TableGenerator::parseIncludeInstruction(QString line)
    // Parse something that looks like:
    // include "/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose"
    QString quote = QStringLiteral("\"");
    line.remove(0, line.indexOf(quote) + 1);
    line.chop(line.length() - line.indexOf(quote));

    // expand substitutions if present
    line.replace(QLatin1String("%H"), QString(qgetenv("HOME")));
    line.replace(QLatin1String("%L"), systemComposeDir() +  QLatin1Char('/')  + composeTableForLocale());
    line.replace(QLatin1String("%S"), systemComposeDir());

Пример #3
void TableGenerator::findComposeFile()
    bool found = false;
    // check if XCOMPOSEFILE points to a Compose file
    if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("XCOMPOSEFILE")) {
        QString composeFile(qgetenv("XCOMPOSEFILE"));
        if (composeFile.endsWith(QLatin1String("Compose")))
            found = processFile(composeFile);
            qWarning("Qt Warning: XCOMPOSEFILE doesn't point to a valid Compose file");
        if (found)
            qDebug() << "Using Compose file from: " << composeFile;
    // check if user’s home directory has a file named .XCompose
    if (!found && cleanState()) {
        QString composeFile = qgetenv("HOME") + QStringLiteral("/.XCompose");
        if (QFile(composeFile).exists())
            found = processFile(composeFile);
        if (found)
            qDebug() << "Using Compose file from: " << composeFile;
    // check for the system provided compose files
    if (!found && cleanState()) {
        QString table = composeTableForLocale();
        if (cleanState()) {
            if (table.isEmpty())
                // no table mappings for the system's locale in the compose.dir
                m_state = UnsupportedLocale;
                found = processFile(systemComposeDir() + QLatin1Char('/') + table);
            if (found)
                qDebug() << "Using Compose file from: " <<
                            systemComposeDir() + QLatin1Char('/') + table;

    if (found && m_composeTable.isEmpty())
        m_state = EmptyTable;

    if (!found)
        m_state = MissingComposeFile;