Пример #1
void im_compute_bdd_bow(const IMbdd& bdd, 
			std::map <std::string, struct svm_problem>& peopleBOW){
  std::string path2bdd(bdd.getFolder());
  std::vector<std::string> activities = bdd.getActivities();
  std::vector<std::string> people = bdd.getPeople();

  int dim = bdd.getDim();
  int maxPts = bdd.getMaxPts();
  int k = bdd.getK();
  for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator person = people.begin();
      person != people.end();
    int currentActivity = 1;
    struct svm_problem svmPeopleBOW;
    svmPeopleBOW.l = 0;
    svmPeopleBOW.x = NULL;
    svmPeopleBOW.y = NULL;
    std::cout << "Computing the svmProblem of " << *person << std::endl;
    for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator activity = activities.begin();
	activity != activities.end();
      string rep(path2bdd + "/" + *person + "/" + *activity + "/fp");
      DIR * repertoire = opendir(rep.c_str());
      if (!repertoire){
	std::cerr << "Impossible to open the feature points directory!" << std::endl;
      struct dirent * ent;
      while ( (ent = readdir(repertoire)) != NULL){
	std::string file = ent->d_name;
	if(file.compare(".") != 0 && file.compare("..") != 0){
	  std::string path2FPs(rep + "/" + file);
	  KMdata dataPts(dim,maxPts);
	  int nPts = importSTIPs(path2FPs, dim, maxPts, &dataPts);
	  if(nPts != 0){
	    KMfilterCenters ctrs(k, dataPts);
	    importCenters(path2bdd + "/" + "training.means", dim, k, &ctrs);
	    // Only one BOW
	    struct svm_problem svmBow = computeBOW(currentActivity,
	    addBOW(svmBow.x[0], svmBow.y[0], svmPeopleBOW);
    peopleBOW.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, struct svm_problem>((*person), svmPeopleBOW));
Пример #2
void LanguageModel::recalc_bow_for_node(GramNode &node, uint32_t lvl) {
    //prob_t sum_next = 0;
    //prob_t sum = 0;
    if (child_num_buff[node.gram_id] == 0) {
        bow_buff[node.gram_id] = 0; //当前bow==1,log bow == 0
    word_id_t context[MAX_ORDER];
    GramNode *tmp = &node;
    for (int32_t i = lvl; i >= 0; i--) {
        context[i] = tmp->word_id;
        tmp = tmp->prefix;

    prob_t PA, PB;
    computeBOW(node.gram_id, context, lvl + 1, PA, PB);
    /*if (lvl == 0) {
        if (PA < Prob_Epsilon) {
            PA = 0.0;
    } else */
    if (PA < Prob_Epsilon && PB < Prob_Epsilon) {
        bow_buff[node.gram_id] = LogP_One;
    } else {
        bow_buff[node.gram_id] = log10(PA) - log10(PB);
    if (is_debug) {
        cerr << "[RECALC_BOW]";
        puts_gram(cerr, &node);
        cerr << " " << bow_buff[node.gram_id] << endl;
    //assert(sum_next >= 0.0 && sum_next < 1.0);
    //assert(sum >= 0.0 && sum < 1.0);
    //prob_t new_bow = log10((1.0 - sum_next) / (1.0 - sum));
    //bow_buff[node.gram_id] = new_bow;
Пример #3
 * \fn void predictActivity(std::string, std::string bddName, int maxPts)
 * \brief Predict the activity done in a video with an existant trained BDD.
 * \param[in] The path to the video to predict.
 * \param[in] bddName The name of the BDD containing videos.
 * \param[in] maxPts The maximum number of STIPs we can extract.
 * \return The name of the activity.
void predictActivity(std::string videoPath,
		     std::string bddName
  std::string path2bdd("bdd/" + bddName);   
  // Loading parameters
  IMbdd bdd(bddName,path2bdd);
  int scale_num = bdd.getScaleNum();
  std::string descriptor = bdd.getDescriptor();
  int dim = bdd.getDim();
  int k = bdd.getK();
  int maxPts = bdd.getMaxPts();
  //double p = getTrainProbability(path2bdd);
  // Computing feature points
  KMdata dataPts(dim,maxPts);
  int nPts = 0;
  nPts = extract_feature_points(videoPath,
				scale_num, descriptor, dim,
				maxPts, dataPts);		
  if(nPts == 0){
    std::cerr << "No activity detected !" << std::endl;
  std::cout << nPts << " vectors extracted..." << std::endl;
  KMfilterCenters ctrs(k, dataPts);  
  importCenters(bdd.getFolder() + "/" + bdd.getKMeansFile(), dim, k, &ctrs);
  std::cout << "KMeans centers imported..." << std::endl;
  activitiesMap *am;
  int nbActivities = mapActivities(path2bdd,&am);
  struct svm_problem svmProblem = computeBOW(0,
  double means[k], stand_devia[k];
  load_gaussian_parameters(bdd, means, stand_devia);
  // simple, gaussian, both, nothing
  if(bdd.getNormalization().compare("") != 0)
  std::cout << "Bag of words normalized..." << std::endl;
  struct svm_model** pSVMModels = new svm_model*[nbActivities];
  std::vector<std::string> modelFiles(bdd.getModelFiles());
  int i=0;
  for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = modelFiles.begin() ; it != modelFiles.end() ; ++it){
    pSVMModels[i]= svm_load_model((*it).c_str());
  std::cout << "SVM models imported..." << std::endl;
  double probs[nbActivities];
  double label = svm_predict_ovr_probs(pSVMModels,
  std::cerr<<"Probs: ";
  for(int j=0 ; j<nbActivities ; j++){
    std::cout << setw(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << probs[j]*100<<" "; 
  int index = searchMapIndex(label, am, nbActivities);
  std::cout << "Activity predicted: ";
  std::cout << am[index].activity << "(" << am[index].label << ")";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  for(int m=0 ; m<nbActivities ; m++){
Пример #4
double LanguageModel::calc_distance(uint32_t lvl, GramNode *n) {
    GramNode *prefix = n->prefix;
    prob_t log10_PH = 0.0;
    while (prefix != NULL) {
        log10_PH += prob_buff[prefix->gram_id];
        prefix = prefix->prefix;
    } //感觉此处sunpinyin错了?
    prefix = n->prefix;
    prob_t log10_BOW = bow_buff[prefix->gram_id];

    prob_t BOW = exp10(log10_BOW); //bow(h)
    word_id_t context[MAX_ORDER];

    //0       1         lvl-1  lvl
    //w_0  .........  w_{n-1} w_n
    GramNode *tmp = n;
    for (int32_t i = lvl; i >= 0; i--) {
        context[i] = tmp->word_id;
        tmp = tmp->prefix;
    //double numerator, denominator;
    prob_t PA, PB;
    computeBOW(n->prefix->gram_id, context, lvl, PA, PB); //srilm中如果算出来不对了,那么不删除,有可能因为精度关系概率<0,sunpinyin设了一个较小的值
    prob_t PH = exp10(log10_PH); // PH是当前gram的history出现的概率。P(h)
    if (!(PH <= 1.0 && PH > 0)) {
        cerr << "[ERR] history prob not in (0, 1.0], gram_id = " << prefix->gram_id << ", P(";
        puts_gram(cerr, prefix);
        cerr << ") = " << PH << endl;
        while (prefix != NULL) {
            cerr << "gram_id = " << prefix->gram_id << "\t, conditional prob = " << prob_buff[prefix->gram_id] << endl;
            prefix = prefix->prefix;
        assert(PH <= 1.0 && PH > 0);

    prob_t log10_PHW = prob_buff[n->gram_id];
    prob_t PHW = exp10(log10_PHW); // P(w|h)
                                   // h'是h的suffix.
    context[lvl] = n->word_id;
    prob_t log10_PH_W = wordProbBO(context + 1, lvl - 1); // P(w|h')
                                                          //在sunpinyin中, log10_PH_W 不是直接获得,而是需要计算。
                                                          // language model中不一定有这个gram

    prob_t PH_W = exp10(log10_PH_W); // P(head(h)|tail(h))
    assert(PHW < 1.0 && PHW > 0.0);
    assert(PH_W < 1.0 && PH_W > 0.0);

    assert(BOW > 0.0);
    assert(PA + PHW < 1.01);  // %1 error rate
    assert(PB + PH_W < 1.01); // %1 error rate
    prob_t log10__BOW = log10(PA + PHW) - log10(PB + PH_W);
    prob_t _BOW = exp10(log10__BOW);
    assert(_BOW > 0.0);
    double deltaEntropy = -(PH * (PHW * (log10_PH_W + log10__BOW - log10_PHW) +
                   PA * (log10__BOW - log10_BOW)));
        cerr << "GRAM ";
        puts_gram(cerr, n);
        cerr << " CONTEXTPROB " << log10_PH
        << " OLDPROB " << log10_PHW
        << " NEWPROB " << (log10_PH_W + log10__BOW)
        << " OLDBOW " << log10_BOW
        << " NEWBOW " << log10__BOW
        << " DELTA-H " << deltaEntropy
        << " DELTA-LOGP " << (log10_PH_W + log10__BOW - prob_buff[n->gram_id])
        << " PA " << PA
        << " PB " << PB
        << " PH_W " << log10_PH_W
        << endl;
    return deltaEntropy;