Пример #1
void FSWorld::drawPoint()
    list<FSObject*>::iterator p = objects.begin();
    FSCamera* camera = (FSCamera*)(*p);
    FSLaser* laser = (FSLaser*)(*p);

    FSPoint camPos = camera->getPosition();
    FSPoint laserPos = laser->getPosition();
    FSPoint laserFrame = laser->getLaserPointPosition();
    FSPoint camFrame = FSMakePoint(5,camPos.y,0);

    glColor3f(1.0f, 0, 0);
    glColor3f(0, 1, 0);
    glColor3f(1, 1, 0);
    glColor3f(1, 1, 1);

    glVertex3f(camPos.x, camPos.y, camPos.z);
    glVertex3f(camFrame.x, camFrame.y, camFrame.z);
    glVertex3f(laserFrame.x, laserFrame.y, laserFrame.z);
    glVertex3f(laserPos.x, laserPos.y, laserPos.z);

    //Line between camera and the projected laser point on the object the camera sees
    FSLine2 l1 = computeLineFromPoints(camPos, camFrame);
    //Line between the laser and the laser point if it would not have been projected on the object
    FSLine2 l2 = computeLineFromPoints(laserPos, laserFrame);

    FSPoint i = computeIntersectionOfLines(l1, l2);
    i.y = camPos.y; //put it on the same plane as the other points

Пример #2
void ScanProc::MapLaserPointToGlobalPoint(Mat &laserLine, Mat &laserOff)
    configuration* config = Edit3DScanPlugin::getConfiguration();
    Turntable* turntable = Edit3DScanPlugin::getTurntable();

    //calculate position of laser on the back plane in cv frame
    GlobalPoint gLaserLinePosition = config->getLaserPositionOnBackPlane();
    CvPoint cvLaserLinePosition = convertGlobalPointToCvPoint(gLaserLinePosition);
    int laserPos = cvLaserLinePosition.x; //const over all y

    unsigned int cols = laserLine.cols;
    unsigned int rows = laserLine.rows;

    int dpiVertical = 1; // 1 for the best resolution

    for(int y = config->UPPER_ANALYZING_FRAME_LIMIT;
            y < laserLine.rows - (config->LOWER_ANALYZING_FRAME_LIMIT);
            y += dpiVertical )
        for(int x = laserLine.cols - 1;
                x >= laserPos + config->ANALYZING_LASER_OFFSET;
                x -= 1)
            //qDebug() << "Pixel value: " << laserLine.at<uchar>(y,x);
            if(laserLine.at<uchar>(y,x) == 255)
                //qDebug() << "found point at x=" << x;
                CvPoint cvNewPoint;
                cvNewPoint.x = x;
                cvNewPoint.y = y;

                //convert to world coordinates withouth depth
                GlobalPoint fsNewPoint = convertCvPointToGlobalPoint(cvNewPoint);
                //cout << fsNewPoint.x << ":" << fsNewPoint.y << ":" << fsNewPoint.z << endl;
                GlobalLine l1 = computeLineFromPoints(config->getCameraPosition(), fsNewPoint);
                GlobalLine l2 = computeLineFromPoints(config->getLaserPosition(), config->getLaserPositionOnBackPlane());

                GlobalPoint i = computeIntersectionOfLines(l1, l2);
                fsNewPoint.x = i.x;
                fsNewPoint.z = i.z;

                //At this point we know the depth=z. Now we need to consider the scaling depending on the depth.
                //First we move our point to a camera centered cartesion system.
                fsNewPoint.y -= (config->getCameraPosition()).y;
                fsNewPoint.y *= ((config->getCameraPosition()).z - fsNewPoint.z)/(config->getCameraPosition()).z;
                //Redo the translation to the box centered cartesion system.
                fsNewPoint.y += (config->getCameraPosition()).y;

                //get color from picture without laser
                unsigned char r = laserOff.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[2];
                unsigned char g = laserOff.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[1];
                unsigned char b = laserOff.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[0];
                fsNewPoint.color = MakeRGBColor(r, g, b);

                //turning new point according to current angle of turntable
                //translate coordinate system to the middle of the turntable
                fsNewPoint.z -= config->TURNTABLE_POS_Z; //7cm radius of turntbale plus 5mm offset from back plane
                GlobalPoint alphaDelta = turntable->getRotation();
                double alphaOld = (float)atan(fsNewPoint.z / fsNewPoint.x);
                double alphaNew = alphaOld + alphaDelta.y * (M_PI / 180.0f);
                double hypotenuse = (float)sqrt(fsNewPoint.x * fsNewPoint.x + fsNewPoint.z * fsNewPoint.z);

                if(fsNewPoint.z < 0 && fsNewPoint.x < 0)
                    alphaNew += M_PI;
                else if(fsNewPoint.z > 0 && fsNewPoint.x < 0)
                    alphaNew -= M_PI;
                fsNewPoint.z = (float)sin(alphaNew) * hypotenuse;
                fsNewPoint.x = (float)cos(alphaNew) * hypotenuse;

                if(fsNewPoint.y > 0.5 && hypotenuse < 7)
                    static int c = 0;
                    vcg::tri::Allocator<CMeshO>::AddVertices(mesh->cm, 1);
                    mesh->cm.vert[c].P() = vcg::Point3f(fsNewPoint.x, fsNewPoint.y, fsNewPoint.z);
                    mesh->cm.vert[c].C() = vcg::Color4b(255, 0, 0, 255);
                    mesh->meshModified() = true;
                    //eliminate points from the grounds, that are not part of the model
                    //qDebug("adding point");
Пример #3
void FSVision::putPointsFromFrameToCloud(
    cv::Mat &laserOff,
    cv::Mat &laserOn,
    int dpiVertical,    //step between vertical points
    double lowerLimit, int JD) //remove points below this limit
    //qDebug() << "putPointsFromFrameToCloud";
    //the following lines are just to make to code more readable
    FSModel* model = FSController::getInstance()->model;
    FSLaser* laser = FSController::getInstance()->laser;
    FSTurntable* turntable = FSController::getInstance()->turntable;
    FSWebCam* webcam = FSController::getInstance()->webcam;

    //extract laser line from the two images
    //cv::Mat laserLine = subLaser(laserOff,laserOn,threshold);
    cv::Mat laserLine = subLaser2(laserOff,laserOn,JD);

    //	cv::imshow("extractedlaserLine2",laserLine);

    //	  cv::waitKey(300) ;

    //calculate position of laser in cv frame
    //position of the laser line on the back plane in frame/image coordinates
    FSPoint fsLaserLinePosition = laser->getLaserPointPosition();
    //position of the laser line on the back plane in world coordinates
    CvPoint cvLaserLinePosition = convertFSPointToCvPoint(fsLaserLinePosition);

    double laserPos = cvLaserLinePosition.x; //const over all y

    //laserLine is result of subLaser2, is in RGB
    unsigned int cols = laserLine.cols;
    unsigned int rows = laserLine.rows;
    //create new image in black&white
    cv::Mat bwImage( cols,rows,CV_8U,cv::Scalar(100) );
    //qDebug("still works here");
    //convert from rgb to b&w
    cv::cvtColor(laserLine, bwImage, CV_RGB2GRAY); //convert to grayscale


    cv::waitKey(1) ;

    //now iterating from top to bottom over bwLaserLine frame
    //no bear outside of these limits :) cutting of top and bottom of frame
            y < bwImage.rows-(LOWER_ANALYZING_FRAME_LIMIT);
            y+=dpiVertical )
        //qDebug() << "checking point at line " << y << laserPos+ANALYZING_LASER_OFFSET;
        //ANALYZING_LASER_OFFSET is the offset where we stop looking for a reflected laser, cos we might catch the non reflected
        //now iteratinf from right to left over bwLaserLine frame
        for(int x = bwImage.cols-1;
                x >= laserPos+ANALYZING_LASER_OFFSET;
                x -= 1) {
            //qDebug() << "Pixel value: " << bwImage.at<uchar>(y,x);
            if(bwImage.at<uchar>(y,x)==255) { //check if white=laser-reflection
                //qDebug() << "found point at x=" << x;
                //if (row[x] > 200){
                //we have a white point in the grayscale image, so one edge laser line found
                //no we should continue to look for the other edge and then take the middle of those two points
                //to take the width of the laser line into account

                //position of the reflected laser line on the image coord
                CvPoint cvNewPoint;
                cvNewPoint.x = x;
                cvNewPoint.y = y;

                //convert to world coordinates withouth depth
                FSPoint fsNewPoint = FSVision::convertCvPointToFSPoint(cvNewPoint);
                FSLine l1 = computeLineFromPoints(webcam->getPosition(), fsNewPoint);
                FSLine l2 = computeLineFromPoints(laser->getPosition(), laser->getLaserPointPosition());

                FSPoint i = computeIntersectionOfLines(l1, l2);
                fsNewPoint.x = i.x;
                fsNewPoint.z = i.z;

                //At this point we know the depth=z. Now we need to consider the scaling depending on the depth.
                //First we move our point to a camera centered cartesion system.
                fsNewPoint.y -= (webcam->getPosition()).y;
                fsNewPoint.y *= ((webcam->getPosition()).z - fsNewPoint.z)/(webcam->getPosition()).z;
                //Redo the translation to the box centered cartesion system.
                fsNewPoint.y += (webcam->getPosition()).y;

                //get color from picture without laser
                FSUChar r = laserOff.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[2];
                FSUChar g = laserOff.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[1];
                FSUChar b = laserOff.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[0];
                fsNewPoint.color = FSMakeColor(r, g, b);

                //turning new point according to current angle of turntable
                //translate coordinate system to the middle of the turntable
                fsNewPoint.z -= TURNTABLE_POS_Z; //7cm radius of turntbale plus 5mm offset from back plane
                FSPoint alphaDelta = turntable->getRotation();
                double alphaOld = (float)atan(fsNewPoint.z/fsNewPoint.x);
                double alphaNew = alphaOld+alphaDelta.y*(M_PI/180.0f);
                double hypotenuse = (float)sqrt(fsNewPoint.x*fsNewPoint.x + fsNewPoint.z*fsNewPoint.z);

                if(fsNewPoint.z < 0 && fsNewPoint.x < 0) {
                    alphaNew += M_PI;
                } else if(fsNewPoint.z > 0 && fsNewPoint.x < 0) {
                    alphaNew -= M_PI;
                fsNewPoint.z = (float)sin(alphaNew)*hypotenuse;
                fsNewPoint.x = (float)cos(alphaNew)*hypotenuse;

                if(fsNewPoint.y>lowerLimit+0.5 && hypotenuse < 7) { //eliminate points from the grounds, that are not part of the model
                    //qDebug("adding point");