LRESULT CALLBACK NesProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPNMHDR nmhdr; static char tmpstr[1024]; switch(message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_PAUSEAFTERLOADCHECK,config_get_bool("nes.pause_on_load") ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_LOGUNHANDLEDIOCHECK,config_get_bool("nes.log_unhandled_io") ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_FDSHLECHECK,config_get_bool("nes.fds.hle") ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_FDSBIOSEDIT,config_get_string("nes.fds.bios")); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_GENIECHECK,config_get_bool("nes.gamegenie.enabled") ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_GENIEBIOSEDIT,config_get_string("nes.gamegenie.bios")); return(TRUE); case WM_NOTIFY: nmhdr = (LPNMHDR)lParam; switch(nmhdr->code) { case PSN_APPLY: config_set_bool("nes.pause_on_load",IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_PAUSEAFTERLOADCHECK) ? 1 : 0); config_set_bool("nes.log_unhandled_io",IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_LOGUNHANDLEDIOCHECK) ? 1 : 0); config_set_bool("nes.fds.hle",IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_FDSHLECHECK) ? 1 : 0); GetDlgItemText_SetConfig(hDlg,IDC_FDSBIOSEDIT,"nes.fds.bios"); config_set_bool("nes.gamegenie.enabled",IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_GENIECHECK) ? 1 : 0); GetDlgItemText_SetConfig(hDlg,IDC_GENIEBIOSEDIT,"nes.gamegenie.bios"); return(TRUE); } break; } return(FALSE); }
void config_parse_commandline( const char* const* cmdline, unsigned int num ) { //TODO: Implement, format --section:key=value unsigned int arg; for( arg = 0; arg < num; ++arg ) { if( string_match_pattern( cmdline[arg], "--*:*=*" ) ) { unsigned int first_sep = string_find( cmdline[arg], ':', 0 ); unsigned int second_sep = string_find( cmdline[arg], '=', 0 ); if( ( first_sep != STRING_NPOS ) && ( second_sep != STRING_NPOS ) && ( first_sep < second_sep ) ) { unsigned int section_length = first_sep - 2; unsigned int end_pos = first_sep + 1; unsigned int key_length = second_sep - end_pos; const char* section_str = cmdline[arg] + 2; const char* key_str = pointer_offset_const( cmdline[arg], end_pos ); hash_t section = hash( section_str, section_length ); hash_t key = hash( key_str, key_length ); char* value = string_substr( cmdline[arg], second_sep + 1, STRING_NPOS ); char* set_value = value; unsigned int value_length = string_length( value ); if( !value_length ) config_set_string( section, key, "" ); else if( string_equal( value, "false" ) ) config_set_bool( section, key, false ); else if( string_equal( value, "true" ) ) config_set_bool( section, key, true ); else if( ( string_find( value, '.', 0 ) != STRING_NPOS ) && ( string_find_first_not_of( value, "0123456789.", 0 ) == STRING_NPOS ) && ( string_find( value, '.', string_find( value, '.', 0 ) + 1 ) == STRING_NPOS ) ) //Exactly one "." config_set_real( section, key, string_to_real( value ) ); else if( string_find_first_not_of( value, "0123456789", 0 ) == STRING_NPOS ) config_set_int( section, key, string_to_int64( value ) ); else { if( ( value_length > 1 ) && ( value[0] == '"' ) && ( value[ value_length - 1 ] == '"' ) ) { value[ value_length - 1 ] = 0; set_value = value + 1; config_set_string( section, key, set_value ); } else { config_set_string( section, key, value ); } } log_infof( HASH_CONFIG, "Config value from command line: %.*s:%.*s = %s", section_length, section_str, key_length, key_str, set_value ); string_deallocate( value ); } } } }
static void shader_write_fbo(config_file_t *conf, const struct gfx_fbo_scale *fbo, unsigned i) { char key[64]; print_buf(key, "float_framebuffer%u", i); config_set_bool(conf, key, fbo->fp_fbo); print_buf(key, "srgb_framebuffer%u", i); config_set_bool(conf, key, fbo->srgb_fbo); if (!fbo->valid) return; shader_write_scale_dim(conf, "x", fbo->type_x, fbo->scale_x, fbo->abs_x, i); shader_write_scale_dim(conf, "y", fbo->type_y, fbo->scale_y, fbo->abs_y, i); }
int test_pos_ngrams() { int i, err = 0; fvec_t *f; /* Test for positional n-grams */ test_t t[] = { {"b b b b b", 3, 0, 1}, {"b b b b b", 3, 1, 3}, {"b b b b b", 2, 0, 1}, {"b b b b b", 2, 1, 4}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; test_printf("Testing positional n-grams"); /* Hack to set delimiters */ config_set_string(&cfg, "features.granularity", "tokens"); config_set_string(&cfg, "features.token_delim", " "); fvec_delim_set(" "); for (i = 0; t[i].str; i++) { config_set_int(&cfg, "features.ngram_len", t[i].nlen); config_set_bool(&cfg, "features.ngram_pos", t[i].flag); config_set_int(&cfg, "features.pos_shift", 0); /* Extract features */ f = fvec_extract(t[i].str, strlen(t[i].str)); /* Check for correct number of dimensions */ if (f->len != t[i].len) { test_error("(%d) len %d != %d", i, f->len, t[i].len); err++; } fvec_destroy(f); } config_set_bool(&cfg, "features.ngram_pos", 0); test_return(err, i); return err; }
/** * cheat_manager_save: * @path : Path to cheats file (relative path). * * Saves cheats to file on disk. * * Returns: true (1) if successful, otherwise false (0). **/ bool cheat_manager_save(const char *path) { bool ret; unsigned i; config_file_t *conf = NULL; char buf[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; char cheats_file[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); cheat_manager_t *handle = cheat_manager_state; fill_pathname_join(buf, settings->path.cheat_database, path, sizeof(buf)); fill_pathname_noext(cheats_file, buf, ".cht", sizeof(cheats_file)); conf = config_file_new(cheats_file); if (!conf) conf = config_file_new(NULL); if (!conf) return false; if (!handle) { config_file_free(conf); return false; } config_set_int(conf, "cheats", handle->size); for (i = 0; i < handle->size; i++) { char key[64] = {0}; char desc_key[256] = {0}; char code_key[256] = {0}; char enable_key[256] = {0}; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "cheat%u", i); snprintf(desc_key, sizeof(desc_key), "cheat%u_desc", i); snprintf(code_key, sizeof(code_key), "cheat%u_code", i); snprintf(enable_key, sizeof(enable_key), "cheat%u_enable", i); if (handle->cheats[i].desc) config_set_string(conf, desc_key, handle->cheats[i].desc); else config_set_string(conf, desc_key, handle->cheats[i].code); config_set_string(conf, code_key, handle->cheats[i].code); config_set_bool(conf, enable_key, handle->cheats[i].state); } ret = config_file_write(conf, cheats_file); config_file_free(conf); return ret; }
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //controltype_button_message //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int controltype_button_message(control *c, int tokencount, char *tokens[]) { //Get the details controltype_button_details *details = (controltype_button_details *) c->controldetails; //If it's set control property if (tokencount == 6 && !stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionSetControlProperty)) { //Only pressed, only for two state buttons if (details->is_twostate && !stricmp(tokens[4], "Pressed") && config_set_bool(tokens[5], &details->is_on)) { style_draw_invalidate(c); return 0; } else if (!strcmp(tokens[4],"VAlign")) { int i; if (-1 != (i = get_string_index(tokens[5], button_valigns))) { details->valign = i; controltype_button_updatesettings(details); style_draw_invalidate(c); return 0; } } else if (!strcmp(tokens[4],"HAlign")) { int i; if (-1 != (i = get_string_index(tokens[5], button_haligns))) { details->halign = i; controltype_button_updatesettings(details); style_draw_invalidate(c); return 0; } } //Must be an error return 1; } //Must be an agent message? if (details->is_twostate) return agent_controlmessage(c, tokencount, tokens, CONTROLTYPE_TWOSTATEBUTTON_AGENTCOUNT, details->agents, controltype_switchbutton_agentnames, controltype_switchbutton_agenttypes); else return agent_controlmessage(c, tokencount, tokens, CONTROLTYPE_BUTTON_AGENTCOUNT, details->agents, controltype_button_agentnames, controltype_button_agenttypes); }
//PSN_KILLACTIVE validated the changes LRESULT CALLBACK GeneralProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char tmpstr[1024]; LPNMHDR nmhdr; DWORD mask; switch(message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_NESCHECK,checkassociation(".nes") ? BST_UNCHECKED : BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_UNFCHECK,checkassociation(".unf") ? BST_UNCHECKED : BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_FDSCHECK,checkassociation(".fds") ? BST_UNCHECKED : BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_NSFCHECK,checkassociation(".nsf") ? BST_UNCHECKED : BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_CARTDBENABLECHECK,config_get_bool("cartdb.enabled") ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_CARTDBEDIT,config_get_string("cartdb.filename")); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_CARTDBEDITBUTTON: GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_CARTDBEDIT),tmpstr,1024); DialogBoxParam(hInst,(LPCTSTR)IDD_CARTDBFILES,hDlg,(DLGPROC)CartDBFilesDlg,(LPARAM)(char*)tmpstr); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_CARTDBEDIT),tmpstr); return(TRUE); } break; case WM_NOTIFY: nmhdr = (LPNMHDR)lParam; switch(nmhdr->code) { case PSN_APPLY: mask = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_NESCHECK) ? 1 : 0; mask |= IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_UNFCHECK) ? 2 : 0; mask |= IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_UNFCHECK) ? 4 : 0; mask |= IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_FDSCHECK) ? 8 : 0; mask |= IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_NSFCHECK) ? 16 : 0; modifyassociations(mask); config_set_bool("cartdb.enabled",IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_CARTDBENABLECHECK) ? 1 : 0); GetDlgItemText_SetConfig(hDlg,IDC_CARTDBEDIT,"cartdb.filename"); return(TRUE); } break; } return(FALSE); }
static void source_ctree_enable_master_group (GtkWidget *ctree, struct master *m, int expand) { GtkCTreeNode *node; GtkCTreeNode *sibling = NULL; char cfgkey[128]; GSList *list; int expanded; if (!m->isgroup) return; node = gtk_ctree_find_by_row_data (GTK_CTREE (ctree), NULL, m); if (node != NULL) { if (expand) gtk_ctree_expand (GTK_CTREE (ctree), node); return; } g_snprintf (cfgkey, 128, "/" CONFIG_FILE "/Source Tree/%s node collapsed=false", m->name); if (expand) config_set_bool (cfgkey, expanded = TRUE); else expanded = TRUE - config_get_bool (cfgkey); /* Find the place to insert new master group */ list = g_slist_nth (master_groups, m->type); if (list) list = list->next; while (!sibling && list) { sibling = gtk_ctree_find_by_row_data (GTK_CTREE (ctree), NULL, (struct master *) list->data); list = list->next; } node = gtk_ctree_insert_node (GTK_CTREE (ctree), NULL, sibling, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, expanded); gtk_ctree_node_set_row_data (GTK_CTREE (ctree), node, m); source_ctree_show_node_status (ctree, m); }
void ui_done (void) { GtkCTreeNode *node; char cfgkey[128]; int expanded; GSList *list; struct master *m; save_cwidget_geometry (GTK_WIDGET (server_clist), &server_clist_def); save_cwidget_geometry (GTK_WIDGET (player_clist), &player_clist_def); save_cwidget_geometry (GTK_WIDGET (srvinf_ctree), &srvinf_clist_def); config_push_prefix ("/" CONFIG_FILE "/Main Window Geometry/"); config_set_int ("height", main_window->allocation.height); config_set_int ("width", main_window->allocation.width); config_set_int ("pane1", GTK_PANED (pane1_widget)->child1->allocation.width); config_set_int ("pane2", GTK_PANED (pane2_widget)->child1->allocation.height); config_set_int ("pane3", GTK_PANED (pane3_widget)->child1->allocation.width); config_pop_prefix (); config_clean_section ("/" CONFIG_FILE "/Source Tree"); for (list = master_groups; list; list = list->next) { m = (struct master *) list->data; if (m->isgroup) { node = gtk_ctree_find_by_row_data (GTK_CTREE (source_ctree), NULL, m); if (node) { gtk_ctree_get_node_info (GTK_CTREE (source_ctree), node, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &expanded); if (!expanded) { g_snprintf (cfgkey, 128, "/" CONFIG_FILE "/Source Tree/%s node collapsed=false", m->name); config_set_bool (cfgkey, TRUE - expanded); } } } } }
void save_script_prefs() { GList* s; char path[PATH_MAX]; for (s = scripts; s; s = g_list_next(s)) { Script* script; GSList* optlist; script = g_datalist_get_data(&scriptdata, s->data); if (!script) { xqf_error("no data for script %s", s->data); continue; } snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/" CONFIG_FILE "/scripts/%s", (char*)s->data); config_push_prefix(path); for (optlist = script->options; optlist; optlist = g_slist_next(optlist)) { ScriptOption* opt = optlist->data; const char* val = NULL; int enable = 0; switch(opt->type) { case SCRIPT_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: case SCRIPT_OPTION_TYPE_INT: case SCRIPT_OPTION_TYPE_LIST: val = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(opt->widget)); if (!strlen(val)) { val = NULL; } if ((!val && opt->defval) || (val && !opt->defval) || (val && opt->defval && strcmp(opt->defval, val))) { g_free(opt->defval); debug(4, "set %s/%s=%s (before: %s)", s->data, opt->section, val, opt->defval); if (opt->type == SCRIPT_OPTION_TYPE_INT) { int tmp = val?atoi(val):0; config_set_int(opt->section, tmp); opt->defval = g_strdup_printf("%d", tmp); } else { config_set_string(opt->section, val?val:""); opt->defval = val?strdup(val):NULL; } } break; case SCRIPT_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL: enable = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(opt->widget)->active; if (enable != opt->enable) { config_set_bool(opt->section, enable); debug(4, "set %s/%s=%d", s->data, opt->section, enable); opt->enable = enable; } break; case SCRIPT_OPTION_TYPE_INVALID: break; } } config_pop_prefix(); } }
/** * video_shader_write_conf_cgp: * @conf : Preset file to read from. * @shader : Shader passes handle. * * Saves preset and all associated state (passes, * textures, imports, etc) to disk. **/ void video_shader_write_conf_cgp(config_file_t *conf, struct video_shader *shader) { unsigned i; config_set_int(conf, "shaders", shader->passes); if (shader->feedback_pass >= 0) config_set_int(conf, "feedback_pass", shader->feedback_pass); for (i = 0; i < shader->passes; i++) { char key[64] = {0}; const struct video_shader_pass *pass = &shader->pass[i]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "shader%u", i); config_set_string(conf, key, pass->source.path); if (pass->filter != RARCH_FILTER_UNSPEC) { snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "filter_linear%u", i); config_set_bool(conf, key, pass->filter == RARCH_FILTER_LINEAR); } snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "wrap_mode%u", i); config_set_string(conf, key, wrap_mode_to_str(pass->wrap)); if (pass->frame_count_mod) { snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "frame_count_mod%u", i); config_set_int(conf, key, pass->frame_count_mod); } snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "mipmap_input%u", i); config_set_bool(conf, key, pass->mipmap); snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "alias%u", i); config_set_string(conf, key, pass->alias); shader_write_fbo(conf, &pass->fbo, i); } if (shader->num_parameters) { char parameters[4096] = {0}; strlcpy(parameters, shader->parameters[0].id, sizeof(parameters)); for (i = 1; i < shader->num_parameters; i++) { /* O(n^2), but number of parameters is very limited. */ strlcat(parameters, ";", sizeof(parameters)); strlcat(parameters, shader->parameters[i].id, sizeof(parameters)); } config_set_string(conf, "parameters", parameters); for (i = 0; i < shader->num_parameters; i++) config_set_float(conf, shader->parameters[i].id, shader->parameters[i].current); } if (shader->luts) { char textures[4096] = {0}; strlcpy(textures, shader->lut[0].id, sizeof(textures)); for (i = 1; i < shader->luts; i++) { /* O(n^2), but number of textures is very limited. */ strlcat(textures, ";", sizeof(textures)); strlcat(textures, shader->lut[i].id, sizeof(textures)); } config_set_string(conf, "textures", textures); for (i = 0; i < shader->luts; i++) { char key[64] = {0}; config_set_string(conf, shader->lut[i].id, shader->lut[i].path); if (shader->lut[i].filter != RARCH_FILTER_UNSPEC) { snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s_linear", shader->lut[i].id); config_set_bool(conf, key, shader->lut[i].filter == RARCH_FILTER_LINEAR); } snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s_wrap_mode", shader->lut[i].id); config_set_string(conf, key, wrap_mode_to_str(shader->lut[i].wrap)); snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s_mipmap", shader->lut[i].id); config_set_bool(conf, key, shader->lut[i].mipmap); } } if (*shader->script_path) config_set_string(conf, "import_script", shader->script_path); if (*shader->script_class) config_set_string(conf, "import_script_class", shader->script_class); if (shader->variables) { char variables[4096] = {0}; strlcpy(variables, shader->variable[0].id, sizeof(variables)); for (i = 1; i < shader->variables; i++) { strlcat(variables, ";", sizeof(variables)); strlcat(variables, shader->variable[i].id, sizeof(variables)); } config_set_string(conf, "imports", variables); for (i = 0; i < shader->variables; i++) shader_write_variable(conf, &shader->variable[i]); } }
void rarch_config_save(const char * conf_name) { if(!path_file_exists(conf_name)) rarch_config_create_default(conf_name); else { config_file_t * conf = config_file_new(conf_name); if(conf == NULL) conf = config_file_new(NULL); // g_settings config_set_string(conf, "libretro_path", g_settings.libretro); #ifdef HAVE_XML config_set_string(conf, "cheat_database_path", g_settings.cheat_database); #endif config_set_bool(conf, "rewind_enable", g_settings.rewind_enable); config_set_string(conf, "video_cg_shader",; config_set_float(conf, "video_aspect_ratio",; #ifdef HAVE_FBO config_set_float(conf, "video_fbo_scale_x",; config_set_float(conf, "video_fbo_scale_y",; config_set_string(conf, "video_second_pass_shader",; config_set_bool(conf, "video_render_to_texture",; config_set_bool(conf, "video_second_pass_smooth",; #endif config_set_bool(conf, "video_smooth",; config_set_bool(conf, "video_vsync",; config_set_string(conf, "audio_device",; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 7; i++) { char cfg[64]; snprintf(cfg, sizeof(cfg), "input_dpad_emulation_p%u", i + 1); config_set_int(conf, cfg, g_settings.input.dpad_emulation[i]); } #ifdef RARCH_CONSOLE config_set_bool(conf, "fbo_enabled", g_console.fbo_enabled); #ifdef __CELLOS_LV2__ config_set_bool(conf, "custom_bgm_enable", g_console.custom_bgm_enable); #endif config_set_bool(conf, "overscan_enable", g_console.overscan_enable); config_set_bool(conf, "screenshots_enable", g_console.screenshots_enable); #ifdef _XBOX config_set_bool(conf, "gamma_correction_enable", g_console.gamma_correction_enable); config_set_int(conf, "color_format", g_console.color_format); #endif config_set_bool(conf, "throttle_enable", g_console.throttle_enable); config_set_bool(conf, "triple_buffering_enable", g_console.triple_buffering_enable); config_set_bool(conf, "info_msg_enable", g_console.info_msg_enable); config_set_int(conf, "sound_mode", g_console.sound_mode); config_set_int(conf, "aspect_ratio_index", g_console.aspect_ratio_index); config_set_int(conf, "current_resolution_id", g_console.current_resolution_id); config_set_int(conf, "custom_viewport_width", g_console.viewports.custom_vp.width); config_set_int(conf, "custom_viewport_height", g_console.viewports.custom_vp.height); config_set_int(conf, "custom_viewport_x", g_console.viewports.custom_vp.x); config_set_int(conf, "custom_viewport_y", g_console.viewports.custom_vp.y); config_set_int(conf, "screen_orientation", g_console.screen_orientation); config_set_string(conf, "default_rom_startup_dir", g_console.default_rom_startup_dir); config_set_float(conf, "menu_font_size", g_console.menu_font_size); config_set_float(conf, "overscan_amount", g_console.overscan_amount); #endif // g_extern config_set_int(conf, "state_slot", g_extern.state_slot); config_set_int(conf, "audio_mute", g_extern.audio_data.mute); if (!config_file_write(conf, conf_name)) RARCH_ERR("Failed to write config file to \"%s\". Check permissions.\n", conf_name); free(conf); } }
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //plugin_message //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int plugin_message(int tokencount, char *tokens[], bool from_core, module* caller) { char *filename; if (tokencount == 3 && !stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionSave)) { config_save(config_path_mainscript); return 0; } else if (!stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionSaveAs)) { if (tokencount == 4) { config_save(tokens[3]); } else { if ((filename = dialog_file(szFilterScript, "Save Configuration Script", ".rc", config_path_plugin, true))) { config_save(filename); } } return 0; } else if (tokencount == 3 && !stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionRevert)) { plugin_reconfigure(true); return 0; } else if (!stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionLoad)) { if (tokencount == 4) { config_load2(tokens[3], caller); return 0; } else if (tokencount == 3) { if ((filename = dialog_file(szFilterScript, "Load Configuration Script", ".rc", config_path_plugin, false))) { config_load2(filename, caller); } return 0; } else if (tokencount == 6) { if (0 == stricmp(tokens[4], "from")) { config_load(tokens[5], caller, tokens[3]); return 0; } else if (0 == stricmp(tokens[4], "into")) { config_load(tokens[3], module_get(tokens[5])); return 0; } } else if (tokencount == 8 && 0 == stricmp(tokens[4], "from") && 0 == stricmp(tokens[6], "into")) { config_load(tokens[5], module_get(tokens[7]), tokens[3]); return 0; } } else if (!stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionAbout)) { if (tokencount == 3) { MessageBox(NULL, szPluginAbout, szVersion, MB_OK|MB_SYSTEMMODAL); return 0; } else if (tokencount == 4 && !stricmp(tokens[3], "LastControl")) { MessageBox(NULL, szPluginAboutLastControl, szAppName, MB_OK|MB_SYSTEMMODAL); return 0; } else if (tokencount == 4 && !stricmp(tokens[3], "QuickHelp")) { MessageBox(NULL, szPluginAboutQuickRef, szAppName, MB_OK|MB_SYSTEMMODAL); return 0; } } else if (!stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionEdit)) { //SendMessage(plugin_hwnd_blackbox, BB_EDITFILE, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM) config_path_mainscript); //return 0; char temp[MAX_PATH]; GetBlackboxEditor(temp); BBExecute(NULL, "",temp , config_path_mainscript, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL, false); return 0; } else if (tokencount == 5 && !stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionSetPluginProperty)) { for (struct plugin_properties *p = plugin_properties; p->key; p++) if (p->data && 0 == stricmp(tokens[3], p->key)) { switch (p->type) { case M_BOL: if (config_set_bool(tokens[4], (bool*)p->data)) break; return 1; case M_INT: if (config_set_int(tokens[4], (int*)p->data)) break; return 1; case M_STR: if (config_set_str(tokens[4], (char**)p->data)) break; return 1; default: return 1; } if (p->update) control_invalidate(); if (from_core) menu_update_global(); return 0; } } else if (tokencount == 4 && !stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionOnLoad) ) { config_set_str(tokens[3],&(globalmodule.actions[MODULE_ACTION_ONLOAD])); return 0; } else if (tokencount == 4 && !stricmp(tokens[2], szBActionOnUnload) ) { config_set_str(tokens[3],&(globalmodule.actions[MODULE_ACTION_ONUNLOAD])); return 0; } return 1; }
static config_file_t *open_default_config_file(void) { config_file_t *conf = NULL; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) char conf_path[PATH_MAX]; char app_path[PATH_MAX]; fill_pathname_application_path(app_path, sizeof(app_path)); fill_pathname_resolve_relative(conf_path, app_path, "retroarch.cfg", sizeof(conf_path)); conf = config_file_new(conf_path); if (!conf) { const char *appdata = getenv("APPDATA"); if (appdata) { fill_pathname_join(conf_path, appdata, "retroarch.cfg", sizeof(conf_path)); conf = config_file_new(conf_path); } } // Try to create a new config file. if (!conf) { conf = config_file_new(NULL); bool saved = false; if (conf) // Since this is a clean config file, we can safely use config_save_on_exit. { fill_pathname_resolve_relative(conf_path, app_path, "retroarch.cfg", sizeof(conf_path)); config_set_bool(conf, "config_save_on_exit", true); saved = config_file_write(conf, conf_path); } if (saved) RARCH_WARN("Created new config file in: \"%s\".\n", conf_path); // WARN here to make sure user has a good chance of seeing it. else { RARCH_ERR("Failed to create new config file in: \"%s\".\n", conf_path); config_file_free(conf); conf = NULL; } } if (conf) strlcpy(g_extern.config_path, conf_path, sizeof(g_extern.config_path)); #elif !defined(__CELLOS_LV2__) && !defined(_XBOX) char conf_path[PATH_MAX]; const char *xdg = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); const char *home = getenv("HOME"); // XDG_CONFIG_HOME falls back to $HOME/.config. if (xdg) fill_pathname_join(conf_path, xdg, "retroarch/retroarch.cfg", sizeof(conf_path)); else if (home) fill_pathname_join(conf_path, home, ".config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg", sizeof(conf_path)); if (xdg || home) { RARCH_LOG("Looking for config in: \"%s\".\n", conf_path); conf = config_file_new(conf_path); } // Fallback to $HOME/.retroarch.cfg. if (!conf && home) { fill_pathname_join(conf_path, home, ".retroarch.cfg", sizeof(conf_path)); RARCH_LOG("Looking for config in: \"%s\".\n", conf_path); conf = config_file_new(conf_path); } // Try to create a new config file. if (!conf && (home || xdg)) { // XDG_CONFIG_HOME falls back to $HOME/.config. if (xdg) fill_pathname_join(conf_path, xdg, "retroarch/retroarch.cfg", sizeof(conf_path)); else if (home) fill_pathname_join(conf_path, home, ".config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg", sizeof(conf_path)); char basedir[PATH_MAX]; fill_pathname_basedir(basedir, conf_path, sizeof(basedir)); if (path_mkdir(basedir)) { #ifndef GLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR #define GLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR "/etc" #endif char skeleton_conf[PATH_MAX]; fill_pathname_join(skeleton_conf, GLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR, "retroarch.cfg", sizeof(skeleton_conf)); conf = config_file_new(skeleton_conf); if (conf) RARCH_WARN("Using skeleton config \"%s\" as base for a new config file.\n", skeleton_conf); else conf = config_file_new(NULL); bool saved = false; if (conf) { config_set_bool(conf, "config_save_on_exit", true); // Since this is a clean config file, we can safely use config_save_on_exit. saved = config_file_write(conf, conf_path); } if (saved) RARCH_WARN("Created new config file in: \"%s\".\n", conf_path); // WARN here to make sure user has a good chance of seeing it. else { RARCH_ERR("Failed to create new config file in: \"%s\".\n", conf_path); config_file_free(conf); conf = NULL; } } } if (conf) strlcpy(g_extern.config_path, conf_path, sizeof(g_extern.config_path)); #endif return conf; }
/** * video_shader_write_conf_cgp: * @conf : Preset file to read from. * @shader : Shader passes handle. * * Saves preset and all associated state (passes, * textures, imports, etc) to disk. **/ void video_shader_write_conf_cgp(config_file_t *conf, struct video_shader *shader) { unsigned i; config_set_int(conf, "shaders", shader->passes); if (shader->feedback_pass >= 0) config_set_int(conf, "feedback_pass", shader->feedback_pass); for (i = 0; i < shader->passes; i++) { char key[64]; size_t tmp_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); char *tmp = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); const struct video_shader_pass *pass = &shader->pass[i]; key[0] = '\0'; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "shader%u", i); strlcpy(tmp, pass->source.path, tmp_size); if (!path_is_absolute(tmp)) path_resolve_realpath(tmp, tmp_size); config_set_string(conf, key, tmp); free(tmp); if (pass->filter != RARCH_FILTER_UNSPEC) { snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "filter_linear%u", i); config_set_bool(conf, key, pass->filter == RARCH_FILTER_LINEAR); } snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "wrap_mode%u", i); config_set_string(conf, key, wrap_mode_to_str(pass->wrap)); if (pass->frame_count_mod) { snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "frame_count_mod%u", i); config_set_int(conf, key, pass->frame_count_mod); } snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "mipmap_input%u", i); config_set_bool(conf, key, pass->mipmap); snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "alias%u", i); config_set_string(conf, key, pass->alias); shader_write_fbo(conf, &pass->fbo, i); } if (shader->num_parameters) { size_t param_size = 4096 * sizeof(char); char *parameters = (char*)malloc(4096 * sizeof(char)); parameters[0] = '\0'; strlcpy(parameters, shader->parameters[0].id, param_size); for (i = 1; i < shader->num_parameters; i++) { /* O(n^2), but number of parameters is very limited. */ strlcat(parameters, ";", param_size); strlcat(parameters, shader->parameters[i].id, param_size); } config_set_string(conf, "parameters", parameters); for (i = 0; i < shader->num_parameters; i++) config_set_float(conf, shader->parameters[i].id, shader->parameters[i].current); free(parameters); } if (shader->luts) { size_t tex_size = 4096 * sizeof(char); char *textures = (char*)malloc(4096 * sizeof(char)); textures[0] = '\0'; strlcpy(textures, shader->lut[0].id, tex_size); for (i = 1; i < shader->luts; i++) { /* O(n^2), but number of textures is very limited. */ strlcat(textures, ";", tex_size); strlcat(textures, shader->lut[i].id, tex_size); } config_set_string(conf, "textures", textures); free(textures); for (i = 0; i < shader->luts; i++) { char key[64]; key[0] = '\0'; config_set_string(conf, shader->lut[i].id, shader->lut[i].path); if (shader->lut[i].filter != RARCH_FILTER_UNSPEC) { snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s_linear", shader->lut[i].id); config_set_bool(conf, key, shader->lut[i].filter == RARCH_FILTER_LINEAR); } snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s_wrap_mode", shader->lut[i].id); config_set_string(conf, key, wrap_mode_to_str(shader->lut[i].wrap)); snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s_mipmap", shader->lut[i].id); config_set_bool(conf, key, shader->lut[i].mipmap); } } if (*shader->script_path) config_set_string(conf, "import_script", shader->script_path); if (*shader->script_class) config_set_string(conf, "import_script_class", shader->script_class); if (shader->variables) { size_t var_tmp = 4096 * sizeof(char); char *variables = (char*)malloc(4096 * sizeof(char)); variables[0] = '\0'; strlcpy(variables, shader->variable[0].id, var_tmp); for (i = 1; i < shader->variables; i++) { strlcat(variables, ";", var_tmp); strlcat(variables, shader->variable[i].id, var_tmp); } config_set_string(conf, "imports", variables); for (i = 0; i < shader->variables; i++) shader_write_variable(conf, &shader->variable[i]); free(variables); } }
int rc_parse (void) { char *fn; struct keyword *kw; fn = file_in_dir (user_rcdir, RC_FILE); rc_open (fn); g_free (fn); if(!rc) return -1; while ((token = rc_next_token ()) != TOKEN_EOF) { switch (token) { case TOKEN_KEYWORD: for (kw = keywords; kw->name; kw++) { if (strcmp (token_str, kw->name) == 0) { switch (kw->required) { case KEYWORD_INT: if (rc_expect_token (TOKEN_INT)) config_set_int (kw->config, token_int); break; case KEYWORD_BOOL: if (rc_expect_token (TOKEN_INT)) config_set_bool (kw->config, token_int); break; case KEYWORD_STRING: if (rc_expect_token (TOKEN_STRING)) config_set_string (kw->config, token_str); break; } break; } } break; case TOKEN_EOL: case TOKEN_EOF: break; default: syntax_error (); rc_skip_to_eol (); break; } /* switch */ } /* while */ rc_close (); /* Compatibility with old versions */ if (!games[Q1_SERVER].dir && games[QW_SERVER].dir) { games[Q1_SERVER].dir = g_strdup (games[QW_SERVER].dir); config_set_string ("/" CONFIG_FILE "/Game: QS/dir", games[Q1_SERVER].dir); } if (default_w_switch < 0) default_w_switch = 0; if (default_b_switch < 0) default_b_switch = 0; return 0; }
void config_parse( stream_t* stream, hash_t filter_section, bool overwrite ) { char* buffer; hash_t section = 0; hash_t key = 0; unsigned int line = 0; #if BUILD_ENABLE_DEBUG_CONFIG log_debugf( HASH_CONFIG, "Parsing config stream: %s", stream_path( stream ) ); #endif buffer = memory_allocate_zero( 1024ULL, 0, MEMORY_TEMPORARY ); while( !stream_eos( stream ) ) { ++line; stream_read_line_buffer( stream, buffer, 1024, '\n' ); string_strip( buffer, " \t\n\r" ); if( !string_length( buffer ) || ( buffer[0] == ';' ) || ( buffer[0] == '#' ) ) continue; if( buffer[0] == '[' ) { //Section declaration unsigned int endpos = string_rfind( buffer, ']', string_length( buffer ) - 1 ); if( ( endpos == STRING_NPOS ) || ( endpos < 1 ) ) { log_warnf( HASH_CONFIG, WARNING_BAD_DATA, "Invalid section declaration on line %d in config stream '%s'", line, stream_path( stream ) ); continue; } buffer[endpos] = 0; section = hash( buffer + 1, endpos - 1 ); #if BUILD_ENABLE_DEBUG_CONFIG log_debugf( HASH_CONFIG, " config: section set to '%s' (0x%llx)", buffer + 1, section ); #endif } else if( !filter_section || ( filter_section == section ) ) { //name=value declaration char* name; char* value; unsigned int separator = string_find( buffer, '=', 0 ); if( separator == STRING_NPOS ) { log_warnf( HASH_CONFIG, WARNING_BAD_DATA, "Invalid value declaration on line %d in config stream '%s', missing assignment operator '=': %s", line, stream_path( stream ), buffer ); continue; } name = string_strip_substr( buffer, " \t", separator ); value = string_strip( buffer + separator + 1, " \t" ); if( !string_length( name ) ) { log_warnf( HASH_CONFIG, WARNING_BAD_DATA, "Invalid value declaration on line %d in config stream '%s', empty name string", line, stream_path( stream ) ); continue; } key = hash( name, string_length( name ) ); if( overwrite || !config_key( section, key, false ) ) { #if BUILD_ENABLE_DEBUG_CONFIG log_debugf( HASH_CONFIG, " config: %s (0x%llx) = %s", name, key, value ); #endif if( !string_length( value ) ) config_set_string( section, key, "" ); else if( string_equal( value, "false" ) ) config_set_bool( section, key, false ); else if( string_equal( value, "true" ) ) config_set_bool( section, key, true ); else if( ( string_find( value, '.', 0 ) != STRING_NPOS ) && ( string_find_first_not_of( value, "0123456789.", 0 ) == STRING_NPOS ) && ( string_find( value, '.', string_find( value, '.', 0 ) + 1 ) == STRING_NPOS ) ) //Exactly one "." config_set_real( section, key, string_to_real( value ) ); else if( string_find_first_not_of( value, "0123456789", 0 ) == STRING_NPOS ) config_set_int( section, key, string_to_int64( value ) ); else config_set_string( section, key, value ); } } } memory_deallocate( buffer ); }
void rarch_config_save(const char * conf_name) { config_file_t * conf = config_file_new(conf_name); if(!conf) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to write config file to \"%s\". Check permissions.\n", conf_name); return; } // g_settings config_set_string(conf, "libretro_path", g_settings.libretro); #ifdef HAVE_XML config_set_string(conf, "cheat_database_path", g_settings.cheat_database); #endif config_set_bool(conf, "rewind_enable", g_settings.rewind_enable); config_set_string(conf, "video_cg_shader",; config_set_float(conf, "video_aspect_ratio",; #ifdef HAVE_FBO config_set_float(conf, "video_fbo_scale_x",; config_set_float(conf, "video_fbo_scale_y",; config_set_string(conf, "video_second_pass_shader",; config_set_bool(conf, "video_render_to_texture",; config_set_bool(conf, "video_second_pass_smooth",; config_set_bool(conf, "fbo_enabled",; #endif config_set_bool(conf, "video_smooth",; config_set_bool(conf, "video_vsync",; config_set_int(conf, "aspect_ratio_index",; config_set_int(conf, "color_format",; config_set_string(conf, "audio_device",; config_set_bool(conf, "audio_rate_control",; config_set_float(conf, "audio_rate_control_delta",; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 7; i++) { char cfg[64]; snprintf(cfg, sizeof(cfg), "input_dpad_emulation_p%u", i + 1); config_set_int(conf, cfg, g_settings.input.dpad_emulation[i]); snprintf(cfg, sizeof(cfg), "input_device_p%u", i + 1); config_set_int(conf, cfg, g_settings.input.device[i]); } config_set_bool(conf, "overscan_enable", g_extern.console.screen.state.overscan.enable); config_set_bool(conf, "screenshots_enable", g_extern.console.screen.state.screenshots.enable); config_set_bool(conf, "gamma_correction", g_extern.console.screen.gamma_correction); #ifdef _XBOX1 config_set_int(conf, "flicker_filter", g_extern.console.screen.state.flicker_filter.value); config_set_int(conf, "sound_volume_level", g_extern.console.sound.volume_level); #endif config_set_bool(conf, "throttle_enable", g_extern.console.screen.state.throttle.enable); config_set_bool(conf, "triple_buffering_enable", g_extern.console.screen.state.triple_buffering.enable); config_set_bool(conf, "info_msg_enable", g_extern.console.rmenu.state.msg_info.enable); config_set_int(conf, "current_resolution_id",; config_set_int(conf, "custom_viewport_width", g_extern.console.screen.viewports.custom_vp.width); config_set_int(conf, "custom_viewport_height", g_extern.console.screen.viewports.custom_vp.height); config_set_int(conf, "custom_viewport_x", g_extern.console.screen.viewports.custom_vp.x); config_set_int(conf, "custom_viewport_y", g_extern.console.screen.viewports.custom_vp.y); config_set_string(conf, "default_rom_startup_dir", g_extern.console.main_wrap.paths.default_rom_startup_dir); config_set_float(conf, "menu_font_size", g_extern.console.rmenu.font_size); config_set_float(conf, "overscan_amount", g_extern.console.screen.overscan_amount); #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB config_set_int(conf, "zip_extract_mode", g_extern.file_state.zip_extract_mode); #endif // g_extern config_set_int(conf, "sound_mode", g_extern.console.sound.mode); config_set_int(conf, "state_slot", g_extern.state_slot); config_set_int(conf, "audio_mute", g_extern.audio_data.mute); config_set_bool(conf, "soft_display_filter_enable", g_extern.console.screen.state.soft_filter.enable); config_set_int(conf, "screen_orientation", g_extern.console.screen.orientation); config_set_bool(conf, "custom_bgm_enable", g_extern.console.sound.custom_bgm.enable); if (!config_file_write(conf, conf_name)) RARCH_ERR("Failed to write config file to \"%s\". Check permissions.\n", conf_name); free(conf); }
LRESULT CALLBACK PaletteProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPNMHDR nmhdr; static char tmpstr[1024]; char *ptr; int i; int reinitvideo = 0; switch(message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_FRAMELIMITCHECK,config_get_bool("video.framelimit") ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); //video filters ptr = config_get_string("video.filter"); for(i=0;filters[i];i++) { ComboBox_AddString(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_FILTERCOMBO),filters[i]); if(stricmp(filters[i],ptr) == 0) ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_FILTERCOMBO),i); } //scale for(i=0;scales[i];i++) { ComboBox_AddString(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_SCALECOMBO),scales[i]); if((i + 1) == config_get_int("video.scale")) ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_SCALECOMBO),i); } //port1 input devices ptr = config_get_string("input.port0"); for(i=0;inputdevices[i];i++) { ComboBox_AddString(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_PORT1COMBO),inputdevices[i]); if(stricmp(inputdevices[i],ptr) == 0) ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_PORT1COMBO),i); } //port2 input devices ptr = config_get_string("input.port1"); for(i=0;inputdevices[i];i++) { ComboBox_AddString(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_PORT2COMBO),inputdevices[i]); if(stricmp(inputdevices[i],ptr) == 0) ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_PORT2COMBO),i); } //expansion port devices ptr = config_get_string("input.expansion"); for(i=0;inputexpansion[i];i++) { ComboBox_AddString(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EXPANSIONCOMBO),inputexpansion[i]); if(stricmp(inputexpansion[i],ptr) == 0) ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EXPANSIONCOMBO),i); } return(TRUE); case WM_NOTIFY: nmhdr = (LPNMHDR)lParam; switch(nmhdr->code) { case PSN_APPLY: config_set_bool("video.framelimit",IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_FRAMELIMITCHECK) ? 1 : 0); ptr = mem_strdup(config_get_string("video.filter")); GetDlgItemText_SetConfig(hDlg,IDC_FILTERCOMBO,"video.filter"); if(stricmp(ptr,config_get_string("video.filter")) != 0) { reinitvideo = 1; } mem_free(ptr); i = ComboBox_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_SCALECOMBO)); if(i != CB_ERR) { if(config_get_int("video.scale") != (i + 1)) { config_set_int("video.scale",i + 1); reinitvideo = 1; } } if(reinitvideo) { video_reinit(); } GetDlgItemText_SetConfig(hDlg,IDC_PORT1COMBO,"input.port0"); GetDlgItemText_SetConfig(hDlg,IDC_PORT2COMBO,"input.port1"); nes_set_inputdev(0,get_device_id(config_get_string("input.port0"))); nes_set_inputdev(1,get_device_id(config_get_string("input.port1"))); return(TRUE); } break; } return(FALSE); }
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //controltype_label_message //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int controltype_label_message(control *c, int tokencount, char *tokens[]) { // token strings enum { T_NONE = 0, T_STYLE , T_VALIGN , T_HALIGN , T_HASTITLE , T_LOCKPOS , T_PLUGINLOAD , T_PLUGINUNLOAD , T_PLUGINSETPOS , T_PLUGINSHOW , T_PLUGINABOUT }; extern char szWPStyle []; static struct token_check controltype_label_property_tokens[] = { { szWPStyle, T_STYLE , 1 }, { "VAlign", T_VALIGN , 1 }, { "HAlign", T_HALIGN , 1 }, { "HasTitleBar", T_HASTITLE , 1 }, { "IsLocked", T_LOCKPOS , 1 }, { NULL } }; static struct token_check controltype_label_plugin_property_tokens[] = { { "IsVisible", T_PLUGINSHOW , 1 }, { "Position", T_PLUGINSETPOS , 2 }, { NULL } }; static struct token_check controltype_label_plugin_tokens[] = { { "Load", T_PLUGINLOAD , 1 }, { "Unload", T_PLUGINUNLOAD , 1 }, { "About", T_PLUGINABOUT , 0 }, { szBActionPluginSetProperty, (UINT_PTR)controltype_label_plugin_property_tokens , 2 }, { NULL } }; static struct token_check controltype_label_message_tokens[] = { { szBActionSetControlProperty, (UINT_PTR)controltype_label_property_tokens, 2 }, { szBActionPlugin, (UINT_PTR)controltype_label_plugin_tokens, 2 }, { NULL } }; // ----------------- //Get the details controltype_label_details *details = (controltype_label_details *) c->controldetails; //If set control details int i; int curtok = 2; switch (token_check(controltype_label_message_tokens, &curtok, tokencount, tokens)) { // ----------------- case T_STYLE: if (-1 != (i = get_string_index(tokens[curtok], szStyleNames))) { c->windowptr->style = i; style_draw_invalidate(c); return 0; } break; // ----------------- case T_HALIGN: if (-1 != (i = get_string_index(tokens[curtok], label_haligns))) { details->halign = i; controltype_label_updatesettings(details); style_draw_invalidate(c); return 0; } break; // ----------------- case T_VALIGN: if (-1 != (i = get_string_index(tokens[curtok], label_valigns))) { details->valign = i; controltype_label_updatesettings(details); style_draw_invalidate(c); return 0; } break; // ----------------- case T_HASTITLE: if (details->is_frame && config_set_bool(tokens[curtok], &details->has_titlebar)) { style_draw_invalidate(c); return 0; } break; // ----------------- case T_LOCKPOS: if (details->is_frame && config_set_bool(tokens[curtok], &details->is_locked)) return 0; break; // ----------------- case T_PLUGINLOAD: if (details->is_frame) { char *plugin_name = tokens[curtok]; if (0 == strcmp(plugin_name, "*browse*")) { // "open file" dialog plugin_name = dialog_file("Plugins\0*.dll\0", "Add Plugin" , NULL, ".dll", false); if (NULL == plugin_name) { //message_override = true; return 2; } } ModuleInfo * m = loadPlugin(&details->module_info, c->windowptr->hwnd, plugin_name); if (m) { variables_set(false, "LastPlugin", m->module_name); return 0; } } break; // ----------------- case T_PLUGINUNLOAD: if (unloadPlugin(&details->module_info, tokens[curtok])) return 0; break; // ----------------- case T_PLUGINSETPOS: { int x, y; if (config_set_int(tokens[curtok], &x) && config_set_int(tokens[1+curtok], &y) && plugin_setpos(details->plugin_info, tokens[-2+curtok], x, y) ) return 0; return 0; // dont generate an error here... } break; // ----------------- case T_PLUGINSHOW: { bool show; if (plugin_getset_show_state(details->plugin_info, tokens[-2+curtok], config_set_bool(tokens[curtok], &show) ? show : 2) ) return 0; return 0; // dont generate an error here... } break; // ----------------- case T_PLUGINABOUT: { aboutPlugins(details->module_info, c->controlname); return 0; } break; // ----------------- //Must be an agent message default: return agent_controlmessage(c, tokencount, tokens, CONTROLTYPE_LABEL_AGENT_COUNT, details->agents, controltype_label_agentnames, controltype_label_agenttypes); } return 1; }