Пример #1
    TGridClientPtr start(const GridClientConfiguration& cfg) {
        boost::shared_ptr<GridClientConnectionPool> connPool(new GridClientConnectionPool(cfg));

        std::shared_ptr<GridClientCommandExecutorPrivate> exec;

        switch (cfg.protocolConfiguration().protocol()) {
            case TCP:
                exec.reset(new GridClientTcpCommandExecutor(connPool));


            case HTTP:
                exec.reset(new GridClientHttpCommandExecutor(connPool));


            default: {

                exec.reset(new GridClientTcpCommandExecutor(connPool));

        std::shared_ptr<GridClientImpl> client(new GridClientImpl(cfg, exec));

        boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mux);

        clients[client->id()] = client;

        GG_LOG_INFO("Client started [id=%s, protocol=%s]",
            client->id().uuid().c_str(), cfg.protocolConfiguration().protocol() == TCP ? "TCP" : "HTTP");

        return client;
Пример #2
int cond::TestGTPerf::execute(){

  std::string gtag = getOptionValue<std::string>("globaltag");
  bool debug = hasDebug();
  std::string connect = getOptionValue<std::string>("connect");
  bool verbose = hasOptionValue("verbose");

  int nThrF = getOptionValue<int>("n_fetch");
  int nThrD = getOptionValue<int>("n_deser");
  std::cout << "\n++> going to use " << nThrF << " threads for loading, " << nThrD << " threads for deserialization. \n" << std::endl;

  std::string serType = "unknown";
  if ( connect.find("CMS_CONDITIONS") != -1 ) {
    serType = "ROOT-5";
  } else if (connect.find("CMS_TEST_CONDITIONS") != -1 ) {
    serType = "boost";

  Time_t startRun= 150005;
  if(hasOptionValue("start_run")) startRun = getOptionValue<Time_t>("start_run");
  Time_t startTs= 5800013687234232320;
  if(hasOptionValue("start_ts")) startTs = getOptionValue<Time_t>("start_ts");
  Time_t startLumi= 908900979179966;
  if(hasOptionValue("start_lumi")) startLumi = getOptionValue<Time_t>("start_lumi");

  std::string authPath("");
  if( hasOptionValue("authPath")) authPath = getOptionValue<std::string>("authPath");


  Timer timex(serType);

  ConnectionPoolWrapper connPool( 1, authPath, hasDebug() );
  Session session = connPool.createSession( connect );
  std::cout <<"Loading Global Tag "<<gtag<<std::endl;
  GTProxy gt = session.readGlobalTag( gtag );


  std::cout <<"Loading "<<gt.size()<<" tags..."<<std::endl;
  std::vector<UntypedPayloadProxy *> proxies;
  std::map<std::string,size_t> requests;
  size_t nt = 0;
  for( auto t: gt ){
    UntypedPayloadProxy * p = new UntypedPayloadProxy;
    p->init( session );
      p->load( t.tagName() );
      if (nThrF == 1) { // detailed info only needed in single-threaded mode to get the types/names
	p->setRecordInfo( t.recordName(), t.recordLabel() );
      proxies.push_back( p );
      requests.insert( std::make_pair( t.tagName(), 0 ) );
    } catch ( const cond::Exception& e ){
      std::cout <<"ERROR: "<<e.what()<<std::endl;
  std::cout << proxies.size() << " tags successfully loaded." << std::endl;
  timex.interval("loading iovs");
  Time_t run = startRun;
  Time_t lumi = startLumi;
  Time_t ts = startTs;

  if (nThrF > 1) session.transaction().commit();

  tbb::task_scheduler_init init( nThrF );
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FetchWorker> > tasks;

  std::string payloadTypeName;
  for( auto p: proxies ){
      payloadTypeName = p->payloadType();
      // ignore problematic ones for now
      if ( (payloadTypeName == "SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline")  // 2 * 133 MB !!!
	   ) { 
	std::cout << "WARNING: Ignoring problematic payload of type " << payloadTypeName << std::endl;

      if (nThrF > 1) {
        auto fw = std::make_shared<FetchWorker>(connPool, connect, p, (std::map<std::string,size_t> *) &requests,
							    run, lumi, ts);
      } else {
	bool loaded = false;
	time::TimeType ttype = p->timeType();
	auto r = requests.find( p->tag() );
	  if( ttype==runnumber ){
	    p->get( run, hasDebug() );	
	  } else if( ttype==lumiid ){
	    p->get( lumi, hasDebug() );
	  } else if( ttype==timestamp){
	    p->get( ts, hasDebug() );
	  } else {
	    std::cout <<"WARNING: iov request on tag "<<p->tag()<<" (timeType="<<time::timeTypeName(p->timeType())<<") has been skipped."<<std::endl;
	  timex.fetchInt(p->getBufferSize()); // keep track of time vs. size
	} catch ( const cond::Exception& e ){
	  std::cout <<"ERROR:"<<e.what()<<std::endl;
      } // end else (single thread)

  tbb::parallel_for_each(tasks.begin(),tasks.end(),invoker<std::shared_ptr<FetchWorker> >() );

  std::cout << "global counter : " << fooGlobal << std::endl;

  if (nThrF == 1) session.transaction().commit();
  // session.transaction().commit();

  timex.interval("loading payloads");

  size_t totBufSize = 0;
  for( auto p: proxies ){
      totBufSize += p->getBufferSize();
  std::cout << "++> total buffer size used : " << totBufSize << std::endl;

  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<void> > payloads;
  payloads.resize(400); //-todo: check we don't have more payloads than that !!

  std::shared_ptr<void> payloadPtr;

  tbb::task_scheduler_init initD( nThrD );
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DeserialWorker> > tasksD;

  timex.interval("setup deserialization");

  int nEmpty = 0;
  int nBig = 0;
  int index = 0;
  for( auto p: proxies ){

///     if ( p->getBufferSize() == 0 ) { // nothing to do for these ... 
///       std::cout << "empty buffer found for " << p->payloadType() << std::endl;
///       nEmpty++;
///       continue;
///     }

    payloadTypeName = p->payloadType();

    // ignore problematic ones for now
    if ( (payloadTypeName == "SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT")
	 or (payloadTypeName == "SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline")  // 2 * 133 MB !!!
	 or (payloadTypeName == "DTKeyedConfig") 
	 or (payloadTypeName == "std::vector<unsigned long long>") 
	 or (payloadTypeName == "  AlignmentSurfaceDeformations")
	 // only in root for now:
	 or (payloadTypeName == "PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputerContainer")
	 or (payloadTypeName == "PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputerContainer")
	 or (payloadTypeName == "PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputerContainer")
	 or (payloadTypeName == "PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputerContainer")
	 ) { 
      std::cout << "INFO: Ignoring payload of type " << payloadTypeName << std::endl;
    if (nThrD > 1) {
      auto dw = std::make_shared<DeserialWorker>(p, payloads[index]);
    } else { // single tread only
       try {
	 std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<void> > result = fetchOne( payloadTypeName, p->getBuffer(), p->getStreamerInfo(), payloadPtr);
       } catch ( const cond::Exception& e ){
           std::cout << "\nERROR (cond): " << e.what() << std::endl;
           std::cout << "for payload type name: " << payloadTypeName << std::endl;
       } catch ( const std::exception& e ){
           std::cout << "\nERROR (boost/std): " << e.what() << std::endl;
           std::cout << "for payload type name: " << payloadTypeName << std::endl;
       timex.deserInt(p->getBufferSize()); // keep track of time vs. size
    } // single-thread
    index++; // increment index into payloads
  std::cout << std::endl;

  tbb::parallel_for_each(tasksD.begin(),tasksD.end(),invoker<std::shared_ptr<DeserialWorker> >() );
  timex.interval("deserializing payloads");

  std::cout << "global counter : " << fooGlobal << std::endl;
  std::cout << "found   " << nEmpty << " empty payloads while deserialising " << std::endl;

  std::cout <<std::endl;
  std::cout <<"*** End of job."<<std::endl;
  std::cout <<"*** GT: "<<gtag<<" Tags:"<<gt.size()<<" Loaded:"<<proxies.size()<<std::endl;
  for( auto p: proxies ){
    auto r = requests.find( p->tag() );
    if( verbose ){
      std::cout <<"*** Tag: "<<p->tag()<<" Requests processed:"<<r->second<<" Queries:"<< p->numberOfQueries() <<std::endl;
      const std::vector<std::string>& hist = p->history();
      for( auto e: p->history() ) std::cout <<"    "<<e<<std::endl;

  // only for igprof checking of live mem:
  // ::exit(0);

  timex.interval("postprocessing ... ");
  if ( nThrF == 1) {
    std::ofstream ofs("fetchInfo.txt");
    std::ofstream ofs2("sizeInfo.txt");
    for ( auto p: proxies ) {
      ofs2 << p->payloadType() << "[" << p->recName() << ":" << p->recLabel() << "]" << " : " << p->getBufferSize() << std::endl;
  if ( nThrD == 1) {
    std::ofstream ofs1("deserializeInfo.txt");
  return 0;