int cp_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_IOMAN *pIoman = pEnv->pIoman; FF_FILE *fSource, *fDest; FF_ERROR Error; FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_UINT8 copybuf[COPY_BUFFER_SIZE]; FF_T_SINT32 BytesRead; //LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond; //LARGE_INTEGER start_ticks, end_ticks, cputime; float transferRate = 0; //QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ticksPerSecond); if(argc == 3) { if(strstr(argv[1], "*") || strstr(argv[2], "*")) { return wildcopy(argc, argv, pEnv); } ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEnv); fSource = FF_Open(pIoman, path, FF_MODE_READ, &Error); if(fSource) { ProcessPath(path, argv[2], pEnv); fDest = FF_Open(pIoman, path, FF_GetModeBits("w"), &Error); if(fDest) { // Do the copy //QueryPerformanceCounter(&start_ticks); //QueryPerformanceCounter(&end_ticks); do{ BytesRead = FF_Read(fSource, COPY_BUFFER_SIZE, 1, (FF_T_UINT8 *)copybuf); FF_Write(fDest, BytesRead, 1, (FF_T_UINT8 *) copybuf); //QueryPerformanceCounter(&end_ticks); //cputime.QuadPart = end_ticks.QuadPart - start_ticks.QuadPart; //time = ((float)cputime.QuadPart/(float)ticksPerSecond.QuadPart); //transferRate = (fSource->FilePointer / time) / 1024; //cons_printf("%f% - %10ld Bytes Copied, %f Kb/S\r", ((float)((float)fSource->FilePointer/(float)fSource->Filesize) * 100), fSource->FilePointer, transferRate); }while(BytesRead > 0); //cons_printf("%f% - %10ld Bytes Copied, %f Kb/S\n", ((float)((float)fSource->FilePointer/(float)fSource->Filesize) * 100), fSource->FilePointer, transferRate); FF_Close(fSource); FF_Close(fDest); } else { FF_Close(fSource); cons_printf("Could not open destination file - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Could not open source file - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [source file] [destination file]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
/** * @public * @brief Changes the Current Working Directory * * To change the directory, we simply check the provided path, if it exists, * then we change the environment's working directory to that path. * **/ int cd_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_IOMAN *pIoman = pEnv->pIoman; FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; int i; if(argc == 2) { ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEnv); // Make path absolute if relative. ExpandPath(path); // Remove any relativity from the path (../ or ..\). if(FF_FindDir(pIoman, path, (FF_T_UINT16) strlen(path))) { // Check if path is valid. i = strlen(path) - 1; // Path found, change the directory. if(i) { if(path[i] == '\\' || path[i] == '/') { path[i] = '\0'; } } strcpy(pEnv->WorkingDir, path); //sprintf(pEnv->WorkingDir, path); } else { cons_printf("Path \"%s\" not found.\n", path); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [path]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
int debug_register_list() { int i; for(i=0; roff[i].reg!=0; i++) cons_printf("%s ", roff[i].reg); cons_printf("\n"); }
/* This isn't a command, but rather a simple copy function designed to aid wildCard copying. */ int filecopy(const char *src, const char *dest, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_IOMAN *pIoman = pEnv->pIoman; FF_ERROR Error; FF_FILE *fSource, *fDest; FF_T_UINT8 copybuf[COPY_BUFFER_SIZE]; FF_T_SINT32 BytesRead; //LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond; //LARGE_INTEGER start_ticks, end_ticks, cputime, ostart, oend; float transferRate = 0; //int ticks; //QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ticksPerSecond); //QueryPerformanceCounter(&ostart); fSource = FF_Open(pIoman, src, FF_MODE_READ, &Error); //QueryPerformanceCounter(&oend); //ticks = (int) (oend.QuadPart - ostart.QuadPart); //cons_printf("Source: Open took %d\n", ticks); if(fSource) { //QueryPerformanceCounter(&ostart); fDest = FF_Open(pIoman, dest, FF_GetModeBits("w"), &Error); //QueryPerformanceCounter(&oend); //ticks = (int) (oend.QuadPart - ostart.QuadPart); //cons_printf("Dest: Open took %d\n", ticks); if(fDest) { // Do the copy //QueryPerformanceCounter(&start_ticks); do{ BytesRead = FF_Read(fSource, COPY_BUFFER_SIZE, 1, (FF_T_UINT8 *)copybuf); FF_Write(fDest, BytesRead, 1, (FF_T_UINT8 *) copybuf); //QueryPerformanceCounter(&end_ticks); //cputime.QuadPart = end_ticks.QuadPart - start_ticks.QuadPart; //time = ((float)cputime.QuadPart/(float)ticksPerSecond.QuadPart); //transferRate = (fSource->FilePointer / time) / 1024; cons_printf("%3.0f%% - %10ld Bytes Copied, %7.2f Kb/S\r", ((float)((float)fSource->FilePointer/(float)fSource->Filesize) * 100), fSource->FilePointer, transferRate); }while(BytesRead > 0); cons_printf("%3.0f%% - %10ld Bytes Copied, %7.2f Kb/S\n", ((float)((float)fSource->FilePointer/(float)fSource->Filesize) * 100), fSource->FilePointer, transferRate); FF_Close(fSource); FF_Close(fDest); } else { FF_Close(fSource); cons_printf("Could not open destination file - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { if(Error == FF_ERR_FILE_OBJECT_IS_A_DIR) { return FF_ERR_FILE_OBJECT_IS_A_DIR; } cons_printf("Could not open source file - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } return 0; }
/** * @brief Prints the current working directory. * * @param argc The number of argument strings provided on the command line. * @param argc An array of pointers, pointing to strings representing the command line arguments. * @param pEnv Pointer to an FF_ENVIRONMENT object. * **/ int pwd_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { if(argc == 1) { cons_printf("Current directory:\n"); // Simply print WorkingDir from pEnv object. cons_printf("%s\n", pEnv->WorkingDir); } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s\n", argv[0]); // argv[0] is always the name of the command. } return 0; }
void ShowQ(q_t *p) { int i; for(i = 0; i < p->count; i++) cons_printf( "%d ", p->q[ ( p->head + i) % Q_SIZE ] ) ; cons_printf("\n"); }
/** * @public * @brief A Special Command Prompt command for FFTerm * * FFTerm allows dynamically generated command prompts when a command named * "prompt" is hooked. This is that command, allowing the prompt to include the * the current working directory. * * @param argc The number of argument strings provided on the command line. * @param argc An array of pointers, pointing to strings representing the command line arguments. * @param pEnv Pointer to an FF_ENVIRONMENT object. * **/ int cmd_prompt(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { if(argc) { cons_printf("This is the command prompt application. \nIt cannot be executed directly from the command line.\n"); cons_printf("For more information about FullFAT or the FFTerm software, see:\\n"); } else { cons_printf("FullFAT%s>", pEnv->WorkingDir); } if(argv) { } return 0; }
void ShowStatusISR() { int i; int j = avail_q.head; char *state_names[] = {"AVAIL\0", "READY\0", "RUN\0", "SLEEP\0", "WAIT\0"}; cons_printf("\n"); for(i=0; i<NUM_PROC; i++) { cons_printf("pid %i, state %s, tick_count %i, total_tick_count %i \n", i, state_names[pcbs[i].state], pcbs[i].tick_count, pcbs[i].total_tick_count); } //Added to show pid of each queue. (Jeff) cons_printf("Available Queue: "); for(i=0; i<avail_q.count; i++) cons_printf("%i ", avail_q.q[(j++)%Q_SIZE]); cons_printf("\n"); j=ready_q.head; cons_printf("Ready Queue: "); for(i=0; i<ready_q.count; i++) cons_printf("%i ", ready_q.q[(j++)%Q_SIZE]); cons_printf("\n"); }
/* A View command to type out the contents of a file using FullFAT. */ int rm_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_ERROR Error; FF_DIRENT mydir; // Used to detect if its a file or folder. FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 realpath[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 *pName; int i; if(argc == 2) { ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEnv); for(i = strlen(path); ; i--) { if(path[i] == '\\' || path[i] == '/') { pName = &path[i + 1]; break; } } memcpy(realpath, path, i + 1); realpath[i+1] = '\0'; Error = FF_FindFirst(pEnv->pIoman, &mydir, realpath); while(!FF_strmatch(mydir.FileName, pName, 0)) { Error = FF_FindNext(pEnv->pIoman, &mydir); if(Error) { // File cons_printf("File or Folder not found!\n"); return 0; } } if(mydir.Attrib & FF_FAT_ATTR_DIR) { Error = FF_RmDir(pEnv->pIoman, path); } else { Error = FF_RmFile(pEnv->pIoman, path); } if(Error) { cons_printf("Could not remove file or folder: %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [filename]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
void timer_init(void) { cons_printf("Initialize timer ..............."); /* * FIXME: for now, just leave the default 18Hz periodic timer. */ irq_install_handler(TIMER_IRQ, &timer_int_handler); irq_enable(TIMER_IRQ); /* now that we have a timer interrupt handler installed, we can * enable interrupt handling and preemption */ int_enable(); g_preemption = true; cons_printf(".... [OK]\n"); }
/** * @brief A simple command for making dirs. **/ int mkdir_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEv) { FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_ERROR Error; if(argc == 2) { ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEv); Error = FF_MkDir(pEv->pIoman, path); if(Error) { cons_printf("Could not mkdir - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [path]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
////////////phase 4 void MsgSndISR(int msg_addr) { int msg_q_id; int freed_pid; msg_t *incoming_msg_ptr, *dst_msg_ptr; incoming_msg_ptr = (msg_t *) msg_addr; msg_q_id = incoming_msg_ptr->recipient; incoming_msg_ptr->OS_clock = OS_clock; incoming_msg_ptr->sender = running_pid; if(msg_q[msg_q_id].wait_q.len == 0) { MsgEnQ(incoming_msg_ptr, &msg_q[msg_q_id]); } else { freed_pid = DeQ(&(msg_q[msg_q_id].wait_q)); EnQ(freed_pid, &ready_q); pcb[freed_pid].state = READY; dst_msg_ptr = (msg_t *) pcb[freed_pid].TF_ptr->eax; *dst_msg_ptr = *incoming_msg_ptr; cons_printf("MsgSndISR: FREEING process # %d !\n", freed_pid); } }
void search_similar_pattern(int count) { u8 *block = malloc (config.block_size); /* backup basic block */ radare_read(0); memcpy (block, config.block, config.block_size); radare_controlc (); radare_read (1); // read next block while (!config.interrupted &&<config.size) { int diff = memcmpdiff(config.block, block, config.block_size); int equal = config.block_size-diff; // equal sera un numero petit quan diff sigui gran // quan equal sigui gran diff sera petit if (equal >= count) { //count > equal) { //if (count > equal) { cons_printf("0x%08llx %d/%d\n",, equal, config.block_size); cons_flush(); radare_read(1); } else { += 1; // skip diff bytes can be faster ?? // += diff; // skip diff bytes can be faster ?? int ret = radare_read(0); if (ret<config.block_size)break; } } radare_controlc_end (); free (block); }
void openttymonlog(void) { int fd, ret; char logfile[MAXPATHLEN]; extern char *Tag; /* the log file resides in /var/saf/pmtag/ */ (void) snprintf(logfile, sizeof (logfile), "%s%s/%s", LOGDIR, Tag, LOGFILE); Logfp = NULL; (void)close(0); if ((fd = open(logfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND,0444)) != -1) if ((ret = fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, 3)) == 3) { /* set close-on-exec flag */ if (fcntl(ret, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) == 0) { Logfp = fdopen(ret, "a+"); } } if (!Logfp) { cons_printf("ttymon cannot create log file \"%s\": %s\n", logfile, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } log(" "); log("********** ttymon starting **********"); #ifdef DEBUG log("fd(log)\t = %d", fileno(Logfp)); #endif }
void PrintDriver(){ int i, code; char *p; msg_t msg; msg.recipient = 2; printing_semaphore = SemGet(0); outportb(LPT1_BASE+LPT_CONTROL, PC_SLCTIN); code = inportb(LPT1_BASE+LPT_STATUS); for(i=0; i<50; i++)IO_DELAY(); outportb(LPT1_BASE+LPT_CONTROL, PC_INIT|PC_SLCTIN|PC_IRQEN); Sleep(1); for(;;){ MsgRcv(&msg); cons_printf("PrintDriver (PID %d) now prints...\n",GetPid()); p =; while(*p){ SemWait(printing_semaphore); outportb(LPT1_BASE+LPT_DATA, *p); code = inportb(LPT1_BASE+LPT_CONTROL); outportb(LPT1_BASE+LPT_CONTROL, code|PC_STROBE); for(i=0; i<50; i++)IO_DELAY(); outportb(LPT1_BASE+LPT_CONTROL, code); p++; } } }
void InitProc(){ int i; msg_t msg; msg.recipient = 2; MyStrcpy(,"Hello World! Team Null\n"); while(1){ cons_printf("0 "); for(i=0; i<1666668; i++)IO_DELAY(); if(cons_kbhit()){ char key = cons_getchar(); switch(key) { case('p'): MsgSnd(&msg); break; case('b'): breakpoint(); break; case('x'): exit(0); } } } }
int debug_lib(const char *arg) { if (arg[0]!=' ') cons_printf("Usage: !lib /path/to/\n"); else debug_lib_load(arg+1); return 0; }
/** * @public * @brief A Standardised Dirent Print for FullFAT * * Prints a Directory Entry, using a mix of styles found in Windows and Linux. * * @param pDirent A pointer to an FF_DIRENT object as populated by the FF_FindFirst() or FF_FindNext() functions. **/ static void FF_PrintDir(FF_DIRENT *pDirent) { unsigned char attr[5] = { '-','-','-','-', '\0' }; // String of Attribute Flags. if(pDirent->Attrib & FF_FAT_ATTR_READONLY) attr[0] = 'R'; if(pDirent->Attrib & FF_FAT_ATTR_HIDDEN) attr[1] = 'H'; if(pDirent->Attrib & FF_FAT_ATTR_SYSTEM) attr[2] = 'S'; if(pDirent->Attrib & FF_FAT_ATTR_DIR) attr[3] = 'D'; #ifdef FF_TIME_SUPPORT // Different Print formats dependent on if Time support is built-in. cons_printf("%02d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d %s %12lu %s\n", pDirent->CreateTime.Day, pDirent->CreateTime.Month, pDirent->CreateTime.Year, pDirent->CreateTime.Hour, pDirent->CreateTime.Minute, attr, pDirent->Filesize, pDirent->FileName); #else cons_printf(" %s %12lu %s\n", attr, pDirent->Filesize, pDirent->FileName); #endif }
void TimerISR() { //just return if running PID is -1 (not any valid PID) if(running_pid == -1){ cons_printf("PANIC MESSAGE: RUNNING PID = -1\n"); return; }else{ //in PCB, upcount both runtime and total_runtime of running process pcb[running_pid].runtime = pcb[running_pid].runtime+1; pcb[running_pid].total_runtime = pcb[running_pid].total_runtime+1; if(pcb[running_pid].runtime== TIME_LIMIT){ // If runtime has reached TIME_LIMIT // Reset runtime // Change the state to READY // queue to ready_q // Set pid to -1 pcb[running_pid].runtime = 0; pcb[running_pid].state = READY; EnQ(running_pid, &ready_q); running_pid = -1; Scheduler(); } } }
/** * @brief A simple command for Killing all test threads and exiting the console. * This command sends the kill signal to FFTerm. **/ int exit_cmd(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc) { //KillAllThreads(); return FFT_KILL_CONSOLE; } cons_printf("Error in the %s command\n", argv[0]); return -1; }
void IdleProc() { int i; while(1) { cons_printf("0 "); for(i=0;i<166600;i++)IO_DELAY(); } }
/** * @brief A simple command for displaying the date. * This command tests FullFAT time support is working. **/ int date_cmd(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef FF_TIME_SUPPORT FF_SYSTEMTIME Time; #endif if(argc == 1) { #ifdef FF_TIME_SUPPORT FF_GetSystemTime(&Time); cons_printf("The current date is: %02d.%02d.%02d\n\n", Time.Day, Time.Month, Time.Year); #else cons_printf("Date Support not built. Rebuild FullFAT with FF_TIME_SUPPORT enabled.\n"); #endif } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
/** * @brief A simple command for displaying the time. * This command tests FullFAT time support is working. **/ int time_cmd(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef FF_TIME_SUPPORT FF_SYSTEMTIME Time; #endif if(argc == 1) { #ifdef FF_TIME_SUPPORT FF_GetSystemTime(&Time); cons_printf("The current time is: %02d:%02d:%02d\n\n", Time.Hour, Time.Minute, Time.Second); #else cons_printf("Time Support not built. Rebuild FullFAT with FF_TIME_SUPPORT enabled.\n"); #endif } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
int main (void) { int i; i = 128; printf("%d Hello world %d \nECS", i, 2 * i); cons_printf("--> Hello world <--\nCPE/CSC"); return 0; }
void openlog() { if ((Lfp = fopen(LOGFILE, "a+")) == NULL) { cons_printf("SAC: could not open logfile %s: %s\n", LOGFILE, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* * lock logfile to indicate presence */ if (lockf(fileno(Lfp), F_LOCK, 0) < 0) { cons_printf("SAC: could not lock logfile %s:%s\n", LOGFILE, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } }
static int radare_tsearch_callback(struct _tokenizer *t, int i, ut64 where) { char flag_name[128]; ut64 off =; if (align != 0 && where%align != 0) return 1; if (search_count && nhit >= search_count) return 1; nhit++; radare_flag_name (flag_name, i, nhit); radare_seek(where, SEEK_SET); radare_read(0); if (search_flag) flag_set(flag_name, where, 0); if (search_cmdhit && search_cmdhit[0]!='\0') { char *cmdhit = strdup(search_cmdhit); radare_seek(where, SEEK_SET); setenv("KEYWORD", search_last_keyword, 1); // XXX this is not last-keyword!! must array this! radare_cmd(cmdhit, 0); free(cmdhit); radare_controlc(); } if (search_verbose) { u8 *ptr = config.block; //+(; cons_printf("%03d 0x%08llx %s ", nhit, where, flag_name); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { if (is_printable(ptr[i])) cons_printf("%c", ptr[i]); } cons_printf("\n"); } //D { fprintf(stderr, "\r%d\n", nhit); fflush(stderr); } fflush(stdout); = off; return 0; }
int move_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_T_INT8 src[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 dest[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_ERROR Error; if(argc == 3) { ProcessPath(src, argv[1], pEnv); ProcessPath(dest, argv[2], pEnv); Error = FF_Move(pEnv->pIoman, src, dest); if(Error) { cons_printf("Error: %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [Source Path] [Destination Path]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
int main(void) { long i; i = 128; printf( "%d Hello world %d \nECS", i, 2 * i); cons_printf( "--> Hello world <--\nCPE/CSC" ); /* target printf */ return 0; /* end main()*/ }
/** * @public * @brief MD5 Data Hashing function. * * Generates and displays an MD5 hash of a file. This is really useful when * verify files for their integrity. We used MD5 extensively while stabilising * the read and write functionality of FullFAT. * **/ int md5_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_IOMAN *pIoman = pEnv->pIoman; FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_UINT8 readBuf[8192]; FF_FILE *fSource; FF_ERROR Error; int len; md5_state_t state; md5_byte_t digest[16]; int di; if(argc == 2) { ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEnv); fSource = FF_Open(pIoman, path, FF_MODE_READ, &Error); if(fSource) { md5_init(&state); do { len = FF_Read(fSource, 1, 8192, readBuf); md5_append(&state, (const md5_byte_t *)readBuf, len); } while(len); md5_finish(&state, digest); for (di = 0; di < 16; ++di) cons_printf("%02x", digest[di]); cons_printf ("\n"); FF_Close(fSource); } else { cons_printf("Could not open file - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [filename]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
void opendebug() { FILE *fp; /* scratch file pointer for problems */ if ((Dfp = fopen(DBGFILE, "a+")) == NULL) { cons_printf("SAC: could not open debugfile %s: %s\n", DBGFILE, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } }