void vPrintStringAndNumber( const char *pcString, unsigned long ulValue ) { /* Print the string, suspending the scheduler as method of mutual exclusion. */ vTaskSuspendAll(); { sprintf( cBuffer, "%s %lu\n", pcString, ulValue ); consoleprint( cBuffer ); } xTaskResumeAll(); }
void vPrintString( const char *pcString ) { /* Print the string, suspending the scheduler as method of mutual exclusion. */ vTaskSuspendAll(); { sprintf( cBuffer, "%s", pcString ); consoleprint( cBuffer ); } xTaskResumeAll(); }
void vPrintPtrAndVal( const char *pcString,void *ptr ) { /* Print the string, suspending the scheduler as method of mutual exclusion. */ vTaskSuspendAll(); { sprintf( cBuffer, "%s %p %lu\n", pcString, ptr,*((unsigned long*)ptr)); //sprintf( cBuffer, "%s %p \n", pcString,ptr ); consoleprint( cBuffer ); } xTaskResumeAll(); }
static void prvNewPrintString( const portCHAR *pcString ) { static char cBuffer[ mainMAX_MSG_LEN ]; /* The semaphore is created before the scheduler is started so already exists by the time this task executes. Attempt to take the semaphore, blocking indefinitely if the mutex is not available immediately. The call to xSemaphoreTake() will only return when the semaphore has been successfully obtained so there is no need to check the return value. If any other delay period was used then the code must check that xSemaphoreTake() returns pdTRUE before accessing the resource (in this case standard out. */ xSemaphoreTake( xMutex, portMAX_DELAY ); { /* The following line will only execute once the semaphore has been successfully obtained - so standard out can be accessed freely. */ sprintf( cBuffer, "%s", pcString ); consoleprint( cBuffer ); } xSemaphoreGive( xMutex ); }
static void pagerprint(control m) { consoleprint(getdata(m)); }
static void menuprint(control m) { consoleprint(RConsole); }