Пример #1
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessGetRequest(OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest, OCRepPayload **payload)
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR;
    if (!ehRequest)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "Request is Null");
        return ehResult;
    if (ehRequest->payload && ehRequest->payload->type != PAYLOAD_TYPE_REPRESENTATION)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "Incoming payload not a representation");
        return ehResult;

    OCRepPayload *getResp = constructResponse(ehRequest);
    if (!getResp)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "constructResponse failed");
        return OC_EH_ERROR;

    *payload = getResp;
    ehResult = OC_EH_OK;

    return ehResult;
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessGetRequest (OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest,
        OCRepPayload **payload)
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult;
    bool queryPassed = checkIfQueryForPowerPassed(ehRequest->query);

    // Empty payload if the query has no match.
    if (queryPassed)
        OCRepPayload *getResp = constructResponse(ehRequest);
            OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "constructResponse failed");
            return OC_EH_ERROR;

        *payload = getResp;
        ehResult = OC_EH_OK;
        ehResult = OC_EH_OK;

    return ehResult;
Пример #3
void ProcessGetPutRequest (OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest)
    OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Entering ProcessGetPutRequest");

    OCRepPayload *getResp = constructResponse(ehRequest);

        OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Failed to construct response");

    OCEntityHandlerResponse response;

    // Format the response.  Note this requires some info about the request
    response.requestHandle = ehRequest->requestHandle;
    response.resourceHandle = ehRequest->resource;
    response.ehResult = OC_EH_OK;
    response.payload = reinterpret_cast<OCPayload*> (getResp);
    response.numSendVendorSpecificHeaderOptions = 0;
            0, sizeof response.sendVendorSpecificHeaderOptions);
    memset(response.resourceUri, 0, sizeof(response.resourceUri));
    // Indicate that response is NOT in a persistent buffer
    response.persistentBufferFlag = 0;

    // Send the response
    if (OCDoResponse(&response) != OC_STACK_OK)
        OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Error sending response");

Пример #4
Файл: http.c Проект: ic-hep/emi3
int eef_xacml_authorize(void *handler_arg, const xacml_request_t request, xacml_response_t response) {
  pid_t             tid;
  /*char * logstr = "xacml_authorize()";*/
  /*int 	 rc     = 0;*/
  /*xacml_status_code_t my_decision = XACML_STATUS_ok;*/

  xacml_response_set_issuer(response, "EES");

  extractRequestSubjectToAOS (request);
  extractRequestActionToAOS (request);
  extractRequestResourceToAOS (request);
  extractRequestEnvironmentToAOS (request);

  tid = syscall(SYS_gettid);
  EEF_log(LOG_DEBUG, "In thread %i\n", tid);

  if(EEF_run() == EES_FAILURE) { 
    EEF_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to run the EEF successfully\n");
  } else {

  return 0;
Пример #5
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessGetRequest (OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest,
        OCRepPayload **payload)
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR;

    OCRepPayload *getResp = constructResponse(ehRequest);

    if(getResp && payload)
        *payload = getResp;
        ehResult = OC_EH_OK;

    return ehResult;
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessPutRequest (OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest,
        OCRepPayload** payload)
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult;
    OCRepPayload *putResp = constructResponse(ehRequest);

        OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Failed to construct Json response");
        return OC_EH_ERROR;

    *payload = putResp;
    ehResult = OC_EH_OK;

    return ehResult;
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessPutRequest (OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest,
        OCRepPayload **payload)
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult;
    OCRepPayload *putResp = constructResponse(ehRequest);

        *payload = putResp;
        ehResult = OC_EH_OK;
        ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR;

    return ehResult;
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessPutRequest(OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest,
                                               OCRepPayload** payload)

    OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR;
    if (ehRequest->payload && ehRequest->payload->type != PAYLOAD_TYPE_REPRESENTATION)
        OC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "Incoming payload not a representation");
        return ehResult;

    OCRepPayload* input = (OCRepPayload*) (ehRequest->payload);
    if (!input)
        OC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "Failed to parse");
        return ehResult;

    char* tnn;
    if (OCRepPayloadGetPropString(input, OC_RSRVD_ES_TNN, &tnn))
        sprintf(g_prov.tnn, "%s", tnn);

    char* cd;
    if (OCRepPayloadGetPropString(input, OC_RSRVD_ES_CD, &cd))
        sprintf(g_prov.cd, "%s", cd);

    g_flag = 1;

    OCRepPayload *getResp = constructResponse(ehRequest);
    if (!getResp)
        OC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "constructResponse failed");
        return OC_EH_ERROR;

    *payload = getResp;
    ehResult = OC_EH_OK;

    return ehResult;
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessPostRequest (OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest,
        OCEntityHandlerResponse *response, OCRepPayload **payload)
    OCRepPayload *respPLPost_led = NULL;
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult = OC_EH_OK;

     * The entity handler determines how to process a POST request.
     * Per the REST paradigm, POST can also be used to update representation of existing
     * resource or create a new resource.
     * In the sample below, if the POST is for /a/led then a new instance of the LED
     * resource is created with default representation (if representation is included in
     * POST payload it can be used as initial values) as long as the instance is
     * lesser than max new instance count. Once max instance count is reached, POST on
     * /a/led updated the representation of /a/led (just like PUT)

    if (ehRequest->resource == LED.handle)
        if (gCurrLedInstance < SAMPLE_MAX_NUM_POST_INSTANCE)
            // Create new LED instance
            char newLedUri[15] = "/a/led/";
            int newLedUriLength = strlen(newLedUri);
            snprintf (newLedUri + newLedUriLength, sizeof(newLedUri)-newLedUriLength, "%d", gCurrLedInstance);

            respPLPost_led = OCRepPayloadCreate();
            OCRepPayloadSetUri(respPLPost_led, gResourceUri);
            OCRepPayloadSetPropString(respPLPost_led, "createduri", newLedUri);

            if (0 == createLEDResource (newLedUri, &gLedInstance[gCurrLedInstance], false, 0))
                OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "Created new LED instance");
                gLedInstance[gCurrLedInstance].state = 0;
                gLedInstance[gCurrLedInstance].power = 0;
                strncpy ((char *)response->resourceUri, newLedUri, MAX_URI_LENGTH);
                ehResult = OC_EH_RESOURCE_CREATED;
            respPLPost_led = constructResponse(ehRequest);
        for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_MAX_NUM_POST_INSTANCE; i++)
            if (ehRequest->resource == gLedInstance[i].handle)
                if (i == 0)
                    respPLPost_led = constructResponse(ehRequest);
                else if (i == 1)
                    respPLPost_led = constructResponse(ehRequest);

    if (respPLPost_led != NULL)
        *payload = respPLPost_led;
        ehResult = OC_EH_OK;
        OIC_LOG_V (INFO, TAG, "Payload was NULL");
        ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR;

    return ehResult;
Пример #10
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessPostRequest(OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest, OCRepPayload** payload)
    OIC_LOG(INFO, ES_RH_TAG, "ProcessPostRequest enter");
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR;
    if (ehRequest->payload && ehRequest->payload->type != PAYLOAD_TYPE_REPRESENTATION)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "Incoming payload not a representation");
        return ehResult;

    OCRepPayload* input = (OCRepPayload*) (ehRequest->payload);
    if (!input)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "Failed to parse");
        return ehResult;

    int64_t tr;
    if (OCRepPayloadGetPropInt(input, OC_RSRVD_ES_TR, &tr))
        // Triggering
        gProvResource.tr = tr;

    //ES_PS_PROVISIONING_COMPLETED state indicates that already provisioning is completed.
    // A new request for provisioning means overriding existing network provisioning information.
        OIC_LOG(DEBUG, ES_RH_TAG, "Provisioning already completed."
                "Tiggering the network connection");

        if (gNetworkInfoProvEventCb)
            ehResult = OC_EH_OK;
            OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "gNetworkInfoProvEventCb is NULL."
                    "Network handler not registered. Failed to connect to the network");
            ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR;

        return ehResult;
    else if (gProvResource.ps == ES_PS_PROVISIONING_COMPLETED)
        OIC_LOG(DEBUG, ES_RH_TAG, "Provisioning already completed. "
                "This a request to override the existing the network provisioning information");
        OIC_LOG(DEBUG, ES_RH_TAG, "Provisioning the network information to the Enrollee.");

    OICStrcpy(gProvResource.tnn, sizeof(gProvResource.tnn), "");
    OICStrcpy(gProvResource.cd, sizeof(gProvResource.cd), "");

    char* tnn;
    if (OCRepPayloadGetPropString(input, OC_RSRVD_ES_TNN, &tnn))
        OICStrcpy(gProvResource.tnn, sizeof(gProvResource.tnn), tnn);
        OIC_LOG(INFO, ES_RH_TAG, "got ssid");

    OIC_LOG_V(INFO, ES_RH_TAG, "gProvResource.tnn %s", gProvResource.tnn);

    char* cd;
    if (OCRepPayloadGetPropString(input, OC_RSRVD_ES_CD, &cd))
        OICStrcpy(gProvResource.cd, sizeof(gProvResource.cd), cd);
        OIC_LOG(INFO, ES_RH_TAG, "got password");
    }OIC_LOG_V(INFO, ES_RH_TAG, "gProvResource.cd %s", gProvResource.cd);


    OIC_LOG_V(INFO, ES_RH_TAG, "gProvResource.ps %lld", gProvResource.ps);

    OCRepPayload *getResp = constructResponse(ehRequest);
    if (!getResp)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "constructResponse failed");
        return OC_EH_ERROR;

    *payload = getResp;
    ehResult = OC_EH_OK;

    return ehResult;
void RouteRequestHandler::operator()() {
  std::string response(constructResponse());
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessPostRequest (OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest,
        OCEntityHandlerResponse *response, OCRepPayload** payload)
    OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult = OC_EH_OK;
    OCRepPayload *respPLPost_light = nullptr;

     * The entity handler determines how to process a POST request.
     * Per the REST paradigm, POST can also be used to update representation of existing
     * resource or create a new resource.
     * In the sample below, if the POST is for /a/light then a new instance of the Light
     * resource is created with default representation (if representation is included in
     * POST payload it can be used as initial values) as long as the instance is
     * lesser than max new instance count. Once max instance count is reached, POST on
     * /a/light updated the representation of /a/light (just like PUT)

    if (ehRequest->resource == Light.handle)
        if (gCurrLightInstance < SAMPLE_MAX_NUM_POST_INSTANCE)
            // Create new Light instance
            char newLightUri[URI_MAXSIZE];
            snprintf(newLightUri, URI_MAXSIZE, "/a/light/%d", gCurrLightInstance);

            respPLPost_light = OCRepPayloadCreate();
            OCRepPayloadSetUri(respPLPost_light, gResourceUri);
            OCRepPayloadSetPropString(respPLPost_light, "createduri", newLightUri);

            if (0 == createLightResource (newLightUri, &gLightInstance[gCurrLightInstance]))
                OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "Created new Light instance\n");
                gLightInstance[gCurrLightInstance].state = 0;
                gLightInstance[gCurrLightInstance].power = 0;
                strncpy ((char *)response->resourceUri, newLightUri, MAX_URI_LENGTH);
                ehResult = OC_EH_RESOURCE_CREATED;
            // Update repesentation of /a/light
            Light.state = true;
            Light.power = 11;
            respPLPost_light = constructResponse(ehRequest);
        for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_MAX_NUM_POST_INSTANCE; i++)
            if (ehRequest->resource == gLightInstance[i].handle)
                gLightInstance[i].state = true;
                gLightInstance[i].power = 22;
                if (i == 0)
                    respPLPost_light = constructResponse(ehRequest);
                else if (i == 1)
                    respPLPost_light = constructResponse(ehRequest);

    if ((respPLPost_light != NULL))
        *payload = respPLPost_light;
        OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Payload was NULL");
        ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR;

    return ehResult;