Пример #1
void actualizeNonTerminals(GrammarADT grammar) {
    int nontermquant = getQuantTerminals(grammar);
    char * nontermsfounded = NULL ;
    int nontermsfoundedsize =0;
    ProductionsADT productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int productionquant = getQuant(productions),i;
    /*detect current non terminals*/
    for (i=0; i<productionquant; i++) {
        ProductionADT p = getProduction(productions,i);
        char first = getProductionComponent(p,0);
        char sec = getProductionComponent(p,1);
        char third = getProductionComponent(p,2);
        if (isNonTerminal(first) && !containsChar(nontermsfounded,nontermsfoundedsize,first) ) {
            addChar(&nontermsfounded, &nontermsfoundedsize, first);
        if (isNonTerminal(sec) && !containsChar(nontermsfounded,nontermsfoundedsize,sec) ) {
            addChar(&nontermsfounded, &nontermsfoundedsize, sec);
        if(isNonTerminal(third) && !containsChar(nontermsfounded,nontermsfoundedsize,third)) {
            addChar(&nontermsfounded, &nontermsfoundedsize, third);
    /*actualize non terminals*/
    if( nontermsfoundedsize != nontermquant ) {
        /*there are less current non terminals*/

Пример #2
void addTerminal(Grammar g, char * from){
	if(g->terminals!=NULL && containsChar(g->terminals, from[0])){
		printf("Terminal duplicado.\n No se acepta el lenguaje.\n");
void test_generate_base85_password () {
    char* password = generatePassword(12, BASE85);
    int i=0;
void test_generate_base64_password () {
    char* password = generatePassword(12, BASE64);
    int i=0;
    printf("len: %d", getStringLength(password));
Пример #5
void findWord(char* currentWord, const char board[4][4], int position, struct ListNode** HEAD)
    int i, j, index;
    int row = position / 4;
    int col = position % 4;

    char* newWord = malloc(sizeof(char) * 33);
    if (newWord == NULL) 
        printf("Could not allocate enough memory. Returning.\n");
    memset(newWord, 0, 32);

    char adjacent;

    strcpy(newWord, currentWord);
    index = strlen(newWord);

    for (i = row-1; i <= row+1; i++)
        for (j = col-1; j <= col+1; j++)
            adjacent = getAdjacentChar(i, j, board);

            if (adjacent != 0 && !containsChar(adjacent, newWord))
                newWord[index] = board[i][j];

                if (isWord(newWord))
                    struct ListNode* newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
                    newNode->word = malloc(strlen(newWord) + 1);
                    if (newNode == NULL || newNode->word == NULL) 
                        printf("Could not allocate enough memory. Returning.\n");
                    strcpy(newNode->word, newWord);
                    newNode->next = *HEAD;
                    *HEAD = newNode;

                if (isPrefix(newWord))
                    findWord(newWord, board, i*4+j, HEAD);
Пример #6
void removeUnproductiveProductions(GrammarADT grammar) {
    ProductionsADT  productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int i, quantproductions = getQuant(productions), productivequant=0,lastproductivequant=-1;
    char * productives = NULL;
    char * aux1 = NULL;
    while(productivequant != lastproductivequant) {
        lastproductivequant = productivequant;
        for( i=0; i< quantproductions; i++ ) {
            ProductionADT p1 = getProduction(productions,i);
            char first1 = getProductionComponent(p1,0);
            char sec1 = getProductionComponent(p1,1);
            char third1 = getProductionComponent(p1,2);
            if ( !containsChar(productives,productivequant,first1)  ) {
                if ( ( sec1 == LAMDA && third1 == LAMDA ) || /*lamda*/
                        (isTerminal(sec1) && isTerminal(third1) ) || /*both terminal*/
                        (   isTerminal(sec1) && third1 == LAMDA   ) || /*one terminal*/
                        (   isTerminal(third1) && sec1 == LAMDA   ) ||
                        /*one terminal and one productive*/
                        (isTerminal(sec1) && ( isNonTerminal(third1) && containsChar(productives,productivequant,third1) ) ) ||
                        (isTerminal(third1) && ( isNonTerminal(sec1) && containsChar(productives,productivequant,sec1) ) ) ||
                        ( sec1 == LAMDA && ( isNonTerminal(third1) && containsChar(productives,productivequant,third1) ) ) ||
                        ( third1 == LAMDA && ( isNonTerminal(sec1) && containsChar(productives,productivequant,sec1) ) )) {
                    if ( ( aux1 = realloc(productives, sizeof(char)*(productivequant+1)) ) == NULL ) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error doing realloc \n");
                    productives = aux1;
                    productives[productivequant++] = first1;
    /*remove non terminals and terminals that are no longer there */
Пример #7
void removeUnreachableProductions(GrammarADT grammar) {
    ProductionsADT  productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int i, quantproductions = getQuant(productions), reachablesquant=0,lastreachablesquant=0;
    char * reachables = malloc(sizeof(char));
    char * aux1 = NULL;
    /*starts only with distinguished symbol, if it is in the current productions*/
    if(inCurrentProductions(productions,getDistinguished(grammar))) {
        reachables[reachablesquant++] = getDistinguished(grammar);
    /*until something the quantity of reachables varies*/
    while (reachablesquant != lastreachablesquant) {
        lastreachablesquant = reachablesquant;
        for(i=0; i<quantproductions; i++) {
            char first = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),0);
            char sec = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),1);
            char third = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),2);
            /*if the symbol of the left is contained in the reachables, the non terminal
             * symbols of the right must be added*/
            if (containsChar(reachables,reachablesquant,first)) {
                /*if the second symbol is nonterminal and is not yet in the
                 * reachable list, it must be added*/
                if ( isNonTerminal( sec ) &&
                        !containsChar(reachables,reachablesquant,sec)) {
                    if ( ( aux1 = realloc(reachables, sizeof(char)*(reachablesquant+1)) ) == NULL ) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error doing realloc \n");
                    reachables = aux1;
                    reachables[reachablesquant++] = sec;
                }/*if the third symbol is nonterminal and is not yet in the
				 * reachable list, it must be added*/
                else if( isNonTerminal(third) &&
                         !containsChar(reachables,reachablesquant,third) ) {
                    if ( (aux1 = realloc(reachables, sizeof(char)*(reachablesquant+1)) ) == NULL ) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error doing realloc \n");
                    reachables = aux1;
                    reachables[reachablesquant++] = third;
    /*TODO: delete debug printf*/
    printf("\nReachables!!: ");
    int symsToRemovequant=0;
    /*remove the unreachable productions*/
    /*If the quantity of reachables is equal to the quantity of nonterminals,
     * nothing should be removed*/
    if (reachablesquant != getQuantNonTerminals(grammar)) {
        char * symsToRemove = NULL;
        symsToRemovequant = getDifferents(getNonTerminals(grammar),
                                          getQuantNonTerminals(grammar) ,reachables, reachablesquant, &symsToRemove);
        printf("\nTO REMOVE:");
        printArray(symsToRemove,symsToRemovequant );
        for(i=0; i<symsToRemovequant; i++) {
    /*remove non terminals and terminals that are no longer there */

Пример #8
String File::parseAbsolutePath (const String& p)
    if (p.isEmpty())
        return {};

    // Windows..
    auto path = removeEllipsis (p.replaceCharacter ('/', '\\'));

    if (path.startsWithChar (getSeparatorChar()))
        if (path[1] != getSeparatorChar())
            /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
                If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
                you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
                this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
                "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
                path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.

            path = File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getFullPathName().substring (0, 2) + path;
    else if (! path.containsChar (':'))
        /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
            If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
            you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
            this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
            "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
            path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.

        return File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (path).getFullPathName();
    // Mac or Linux..

    // Yes, I know it's legal for a unix pathname to contain a backslash, but this assertion is here
    // to catch anyone who's trying to run code that was written on Windows with hard-coded path names.
    // If that's why you've ended up here, use File::getChildFile() to build your paths instead.
    jassert ((! p.containsChar ('\\')) || (p.indexOfChar ('/') >= 0 && p.indexOfChar ('/') < p.indexOfChar ('\\')));

    auto path = removeEllipsis (p);

    if (path.startsWithChar ('~'))
        if (path[1] == getSeparatorChar() || path[1] == 0)
            // expand a name of the form "~/abc"
            path = File::getSpecialLocation (File::userHomeDirectory).getFullPathName()
                    + path.substring (1);
            // expand a name of type "~dave/abc"
            auto userName = path.substring (1).upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false);

            if (auto* pw = getpwnam (userName.toUTF8()))
                path = addTrailingSeparator (pw->pw_dir) + path.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false);
    else if (! path.startsWithChar (getSeparatorChar()))
        if (! (path.startsWith ("./") || path.startsWith ("../")))
            /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
                If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
                you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
                this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
                "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
                path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.

           #if JUCE_LOG_ASSERTIONS
            Logger::writeToLog ("Illegal absolute path: " + path);

        return File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (path).getFullPathName();

    while (path.endsWithChar (getSeparatorChar()) && path != getSeparatorString()) // careful not to turn a single "/" into an empty string.
        path = path.dropLastCharacters (1);

    return path;
Пример #9
void tokenizer(char* str)
	//Check if input was empty
	if(!strcmp(str, ""))

	char* space_delim =	" ";
	char* save;
	char* savestring = strdup(str);
	char* cmd = strtok_r(str, space_delim, &save);
	char** paths = parsePath();
	if (strcmp(cmd, "cd") == 0)
		char* path = strtok_r(NULL, space_delim, &save);
		if(chdir(path)!= 0)
			printf("%s: No such file or directory.\n", path);
	//Viewproc **DOES NOT WORK***
	else if (strcmp(cmd, "viewproc") == 0)
		char* proc_delim = "\n ";
		/* Need to do input redirection for this to print contents.
		Should check whether the file is there or not properly*/
		char* file_name = strtok_r(NULL, proc_delim , &save);
		char* proc = "/proc/";
		//have to do some memory managment here for concatenation of strings
		int new_size = strlen(proc) + strlen(file_name);
		char* proc_file = malloc(new_size*sizeof(char));
		strcat(proc_file, proc);
		strcat(proc_file, file_name);
		int access_flag = access(proc_file, 1);
		if(access_flag == 0)
			printf("%s exists\n", file_name);
		else if(access_flag == -1)
			printf("error: %s is not in /proc.\n", proc_file);
	else if (strcmp(cmd, "echo") == 0)
		char* word;
		for (word = strtok_r(NULL, space_delim, &save); word; word = strtok_r(NULL, space_delim, &save) )
			if (isEnvVar(word) == 1)
				char* val = expandEnvVar(word);
				printf("%s ", val);
			else if(isEnvVar(word) == -1)			
				printf("%s: Undefined variable.\n", word);
				printf("%s ", word);
	//the rest
		char* input_delim = "<";
		char* output_delim = ">";
		char* word;
		char** argv = NULL;
		char* command = strdup(savestring);
		char* input = NULL;
		char* output = NULL;
		int backgroundExec=0;
		//Check for background execution. If 1, then yes.
		if(containsChar(command, '&'))
			if(command[strlen(command)-1] != '&')
				printf("'&' may only occur at the end of a command line.\n");
		//Scan for input redirection. If it exists, split. 
		//First half goes into command. Second half goes into input.
		if (containsChar(command, '<'))
			command = strtok_r(command, input_delim, &save);
			input = strtok_r(NULL, input_delim, &save);
		//Scan for output redirection. Must scan both halves of above. 
		//Must first check to make sure input exists.
		if(containsChar(command, '>'))
			command = strtok_r(command, output_delim, &save);
			output = strtok_r(NULL, output_delim, &save);
		else if(input != NULL)
			if(containsChar(input, '>'))
				input = strtok_r(input, output_delim, &save);
				output = strtok_r(NULL, output_delim, &save);
		//Scan for arguments. Scan command, input and output(since we are unsure which may contain it). 
		//Save it into char* argv[].  char* argv[] initialized to 0. Add a null string at end.
		//Use realloc when adding a new argument
		//Append a null string at the end. This will act as a null terminator to a string-of-strings.
		int i = 0;
		char* flag_delim = " &";
		if(command != NULL)
			command = strtok_r(command, flag_delim, &save);
			for (word = strtok_r(NULL, flag_delim, &save); word; word = strtok_r(NULL, flag_delim, &save) )
				argv = realloc(argv, (i+1)* sizeof(char*));
				argv[i] = strdup(word);
		if(input != NULL)
			input = strtok_r(input, flag_delim, &save);
			for (word = strtok_r(NULL, flag_delim, &save); word; word = strtok_r(NULL, flag_delim, &save) )
				argv = realloc(argv, (i+1)* sizeof(char*));
				argv[i] = strdup(word);
		if(output != NULL)
			output = strtok_r(output, flag_delim, &save);
			for (word = strtok_r(NULL, flag_delim, &save); word; word = strtok_r(NULL, flag_delim, &save) )
				argv = realloc(argv, (i+1)* sizeof(char*));
				argv[i] = strdup(word);
		argv = realloc(argv, i+1);
		argv[i] = 0;
		//Print parsing results. Perfect!
		//Remove this once we get job processing working
		if(command != NULL)
			printf("Command: %s ", command);
		if (argv != NULL)
			printf("Flags: ");
			int j = 0;
			while(argv[j] != 0)
				printf("%s ", argv[j]);
		if (input != NULL)
			printf("Input: %s ", input);
		if (output!= NULL)
			printf("Output: %s", output);
		if(backgroundExec ==1)
			printf("Background execution: yes");
Пример #10
void test_contains_char_empty(void){
	char* testString = "";
	bool result = containsChar(testString, 'f');
Пример #11
void test_contains_char_null(void){
	char* testString = NULL;
	bool result = containsChar(testString, 'f');
Пример #12
void test_contains_char_positive(void){
	char* testString = "foobar";
	bool result = containsChar(testString, 'f');
Пример #13
boolean isNonTerminal(Grammar g, char c){
	return containsChar(g->nonTerminals,c);