GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include "defs.h" #include "windows-nat.h" #include "x86-nat.h" #include "i386-tdep.h" #include <windows.h> #define context_offset(x) ((int)&(((CONTEXT *)NULL)->x)) static const int mappings[] = { context_offset (Eax), context_offset (Ecx), context_offset (Edx), context_offset (Ebx), context_offset (Esp), context_offset (Ebp), context_offset (Esi), context_offset (Edi), context_offset (Eip), context_offset (EFlags), context_offset (SegCs), context_offset (SegSs), context_offset (SegDs), context_offset (SegEs), context_offset (SegFs), context_offset (SegGs),
th->context.ContextFlags = \ CONTEXT_FULL | \ CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT; GetThreadContext (th->h, &th->context); } static void arm_set_thread_context (win32_thread_info *th, DEBUG_EVENT* current_event) { SetThreadContext (th->h, &th->context); } #define context_offset(x) ((int)&(((CONTEXT *)NULL)->x)) static const int mappings[] = { context_offset (R0), context_offset (R1), context_offset (R2), context_offset (R3), context_offset (R4), context_offset (R5), context_offset (R6), context_offset (R7), context_offset (R8), context_offset (R9), context_offset (R10), context_offset (R11), context_offset (R12), context_offset (Sp), context_offset (Lr), context_offset (Pc),
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include "defs.h" #include "windows-nat.h" #include "i386-nat.h" #include <windows.h> #define context_offset(x) (offsetof (CONTEXT, x)) static const int mappings[] = { context_offset (Rax), context_offset (Rbx), context_offset (Rcx), context_offset (Rdx), context_offset (Rsi), context_offset (Rdi), context_offset (Rbp), context_offset (Rsp), context_offset (R8), context_offset (R9), context_offset (R10), context_offset (R11), context_offset (R12), context_offset (R13), context_offset (R14), context_offset (R15),
{ th->context.EFlags |= FLAG_TRACE_BIT; } #ifndef __x86_64__ /* An array of offset mappings into a Win32 Context structure. This is a one-to-one mapping which is indexed by gdb's register numbers. It retrieves an offset into the context structure where the 4 byte register is located. An offset value of -1 indicates that Win32 does not provide this register in it's CONTEXT structure. In this case regptr will return a pointer into a dummy register. */ #define context_offset(x) ((int)&(((CONTEXT *)NULL)->x)) static const int mappings[] = { context_offset (Eax), context_offset (Ecx), context_offset (Edx), context_offset (Ebx), context_offset (Esp), context_offset (Ebp), context_offset (Esi), context_offset (Edi), context_offset (Eip), context_offset (EFlags), context_offset (SegCs), context_offset (SegSs), context_offset (SegDs), context_offset (SegEs), context_offset (SegFs), context_offset (SegGs),
namespace gdb { #ifndef __x86_64__ /* An array of offset mappings into a Win32 Context structure. This is a one-to-one mapping which is indexed by gdb's register numbers. It retrieves an offset into the context structure where the 4 byte register is located. An offset value of -1 indicates that Win32 does not provide this register in it's CONTEXT structure. In this case regptr will return a pointer into a dummy register. */ #define context_offset(x) ((int)&(((CONTEXT *)NULL)->x)) static const int mappings[] = { context_offset(Eax), context_offset(Ecx), context_offset(Edx), context_offset(Ebx), context_offset(Esp), context_offset(Ebp), context_offset(Esi), context_offset(Edi), context_offset(Eip), context_offset(EFlags), context_offset(SegCs), context_offset(SegSs), context_offset(SegDs), context_offset(SegEs), context_offset(SegFs), context_offset(SegGs), context_offset(FloatSave.RegisterArea[0 * 10]), context_offset(FloatSave.RegisterArea[1 * 10]), context_offset(FloatSave.RegisterArea[2 * 10]), context_offset(FloatSave.RegisterArea[3 * 10]), context_offset(FloatSave.RegisterArea[4 * 10]), context_offset(FloatSave.RegisterArea[5 * 10]), context_offset(FloatSave.RegisterArea[6 * 10]), context_offset(FloatSave.RegisterArea[7 * 10]), context_offset(FloatSave.ControlWord), context_offset(FloatSave.StatusWord), context_offset(FloatSave.TagWord), context_offset(FloatSave.ErrorSelector), context_offset(FloatSave.ErrorOffset), context_offset(FloatSave.DataSelector), context_offset(FloatSave.DataOffset), context_offset(FloatSave.ErrorSelector), /* XMM0-7 */ context_offset(ExtendedRegisters[10 * 16]), context_offset(ExtendedRegisters[11 * 16]), context_offset(ExtendedRegisters[12 * 16]), context_offset(ExtendedRegisters[13 * 16]), context_offset(ExtendedRegisters[14 * 16]), context_offset(ExtendedRegisters[15 * 16]), context_offset(ExtendedRegisters[16 * 16]), context_offset(ExtendedRegisters[17 * 16]), /* MXCSR */ context_offset(ExtendedRegisters[24]) }; #undef context_offset #else /* __x86_64__ */ #define context_offset(x) (offsetof (CONTEXT, x)) static const int mappings[] = { context_offset(Rax), context_offset(Rbx), context_offset(Rcx), context_offset(Rdx), context_offset(Rsi), context_offset(Rdi), context_offset(Rbp), context_offset(Rsp), context_offset(R8), context_offset(R9), context_offset(R10), context_offset(R11), context_offset(R12), context_offset(R13), context_offset(R14), context_offset(R15), context_offset(Rip), context_offset(EFlags), context_offset(SegCs), context_offset(SegSs), context_offset(SegDs), context_offset(SegEs), context_offset(SegFs), context_offset(SegGs), context_offset(FloatSave.FloatRegisters[0]), context_offset(FloatSave.FloatRegisters[1]), context_offset(FloatSave.FloatRegisters[2]), context_offset(FloatSave.FloatRegisters[3]), context_offset(FloatSave.FloatRegisters[4]), context_offset(FloatSave.FloatRegisters[5]), context_offset(FloatSave.FloatRegisters[6]), context_offset(FloatSave.FloatRegisters[7]), context_offset(FloatSave.ControlWord), context_offset(FloatSave.StatusWord), context_offset(FloatSave.TagWord), context_offset(FloatSave.ErrorSelector), context_offset(FloatSave.ErrorOffset), context_offset(FloatSave.DataSelector), context_offset(FloatSave.DataOffset), context_offset(FloatSave.ErrorSelector) /* XMM0-7 */, context_offset(Xmm0), context_offset(Xmm1), context_offset(Xmm2), context_offset(Xmm3), context_offset(Xmm4), context_offset(Xmm5), context_offset(Xmm6), context_offset(Xmm7), context_offset(Xmm8), context_offset(Xmm9), context_offset(Xmm10), context_offset(Xmm11), context_offset(Xmm12), context_offset(Xmm13), context_offset(Xmm14), context_offset(Xmm15), /* MXCSR */ context_offset(FloatSave.MxCsr) }; #undef context_offset #endif /* __x86_64__ */ X86Target::X86Target() : Target(sizeof(mappings) / sizeof(mappings[0])) { _ctx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL; GetThreadContext(GetCurrentThread(), &_ctx); printf("esp: %x, ebp: %x, eip: %x, eax: %x, ebx: %x, ecx: %x, edx: %p, esi: %p, edi: %p, eflag: %x\n", _ctx.Esp, _ctx.Ebp, _ctx.Eip, _ctx.Eax, _ctx.Ebx, _ctx.Ecx, _ctx.Edx, _ctx.Esi, _ctx.Edi, _ctx.EFlags); } const std::string& X86Target::xml_core(void) { static std::string desc; if (desc.size() == 0) { char buf[4096] = { 0 }; FILE* fp = fopen("32bit-core.xml", "r"); fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp); fclose(fp); desc = buf; } return desc; } int X86Target::rd_reg(int reg_no) { if (reg_no > _num_regs) return 14; char* p = (char *)&_ctx; put_reg(*(addr_type* )(p + mappings[reg_no])); return 0; } int X86Target::wr_reg(int reg_no, addr_type value) { if (reg_no > _num_regs) return 14; char* p = (char *)&_ctx; *(addr_type* )(p + mappings[reg_no]) = value; return 0; } int X86Target::rd_mem(addr_type addr) { if (IsBadReadPtr((PVOID )addr, 1)) { return -1; } put_mem(*(char*)addr); return 0; } int X86Target::wr_mem(addr_type addr, char data) { if (IsBadWritePtr((PVOID)addr, 1)) { return -1; } *((char*)addr) = data; return 0; } int X86Target::set_breakpoint(addr_type addr, size_type size) { return -1; } int X86Target::del_breakpoint(addr_type addr, size_type size) { return -1; } bool X86Target::has_breakpoint(addr_type addr, size_type size) { return false; } int X86Target::query(const std::string& type) { return -1; } } // namespace gdb {