Пример #1
struct state simulate_with_controller(struct state init_state, double time){

	struct state state_x;

	state_x = init_state;

	int steps = time/SIM_STEP;
	struct controller_storage cs;
	cs.int_elevation = 0;
	cs.int_pitch = 0;
	cs.int_travel = 0;

	int k = 0;
	for (k = 0; k <steps; k++){
		struct command U = controller_safety(sps, state_x, &cs);
		state_x = eval_state(state_x, U);
		if ( check_safety(state_x) == 0){

			state_x.safe = 0;
			printf("sim2 nsafe: elevation: %lf, pitch: %lf, travel: %lf, d_elevation: %lf, d_pitch: %lf, d_travel: %lf\n", state_x.elevation, state_x.pitch, state_x.travel, state_x.d_elevation, state_x.d_pitch, state_x.d_travel);

			return state_x;

	state_x.safe = 1;
	printf("sim2 safe: elevation: %lf, pitch: %lf, travel: %lf, d_elevation: %lf, d_pitch: %lf, d_travel: %lf\n", state_x.elevation, state_x.pitch, state_x.travel, state_x.d_elevation, state_x.d_pitch, state_x.d_travel);

	return state_x;
Пример #2
int main()

	int File_Descriptor, i, j; /**/
	int Return_Value ; /*To catch the return value .......*/
	char Buffer[Q8_EXAMPLE2_MAXLEN] ;
	int tmp;

	/* .................Opening the device (Read/Write)................*/

	int err = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, &get_keyboard, NULL);
	if (err != 0)
		printf("second thread not created\n");
		printf("thread created\n"); 

	printf("\n\tOpening the device ..please wait...\n");

	File_Descriptor = open(DEVICE_FILE_NAME, O_RDWR);

	if( File_Descriptor < 0 ) /*Display a message if any error occures*/
		fprintf( stderr, "\n\tCould not open device file - Error : %i\n", File_Descriptor );
		return -1;

	//ioctl(File_Descriptor, Q8_IOCTL_EXAMPLE1);
	//ioctl(File_Descriiptor, Q8_IOCTL_EXAMPLE2, Buffer);
	//for (i = 0; i < Q8_EXAMPLE2_MAXLEN; i ++)
	//printf ("%c", Buffer[i]);
	//printf ("\n");
	//ioctl(File_Descriptor, Q8_IOCTL_EXAMPLE3, 5);
	//ioctl(File_Descriptor, Q8_RD_ENC1, &tmp);
	//printf("ENC1 = %x \n", tmp);

	/* .. Writing the control values to the left and write motor......*/

	int step = 0;
	double vol_step = 0.1; 	

	FILE *ofp;
	ofp = fopen("recorded_data.txt", "w");

	int sensor_readings[3];

	err = ioctl(File_Descriptor, Q8_ENC, sensor_readings);
	if(err != 0)
		perror("Epic Fail first enc read\n");
		return -1;

	int base_travel = sensor_readings[0];
	int base_pitch = sensor_readings[1];
	int base_elevation = sensor_readings[2];

	double d_travel = 0;
	double d_pitch = 0;
	double d_elevation = 0;

	struct controller_storage storage_safety;
	storage_safety.int_travel = 0;
	storage_safety.int_pitch = 0;
	storage_safety.int_elevation = 0;

	struct controller_storage storage_complex;
	storage_complex.int_travel = 0;
	storage_complex.int_pitch = 0;
	storage_complex.int_elevation = 0;

	struct controller_storage storage; //for the current loop

	struct state spc; //set point for safety and complex controllers
	int remaining_safety_cycles = 0 ;
	for (step = 0 ; step < 15000 ; step++){

		unsigned short int tmparray[4];
		tmparray[0] = Q8_dacVTO((vol_right), 1, 10);
		tmparray[1] = Q8_dacVTO((vol_left), 1, 10);
		ioctl(File_Descriptor, Q8_WR_DAC, tmparray);

		/* .. Reading the Encoder values from the helicopter......*/

		err = ioctl(File_Descriptor, Q8_ENC, sensor_readings);
		if(err != 0)
			perror("Epic Fail first enc read\n");
			return -1;

		int travel = sensor_readings[0] - base_travel;
		int pitch = sensor_readings[1] - base_pitch;
		int elevation = -(sensor_readings[2] - base_elevation)-300;

		struct state cs;

		cs.elevation = 1.0/10.0 * 3.1415/180.0 * (double) elevation;
		cs.pitch =  90.0/1000.0 * 3.1415/180.0 * (double) pitch;
		cs.travel = 3.1415/4089.00 * (double) travel;

		cs.d_travel =  (cs.travel - storage.travel1)/PERIOD;
		cs.d_pitch  = (cs.pitch - storage.pitch1)/PERIOD;
		cs.d_elevation = (cs.elevation - storage.elevation1)/PERIOD;			

		storage.elevation2 = storage.elevation1;
		storage.elevation1 = cs.elevation;

		storage.pitch2 = storage.pitch1;
		storage.pitch1 = cs.pitch;

		storage.travel2 = storage.travel1;
		storage.travel1 = cs.travel;			

		printf("\n step: %d, sp.travel = %lf, travel = %lf, pitch = %lf, elevation = %lf, left: %lf, right: %lf\n", step, spc.travel, cs.travel, cs.pitch , cs.elevation, vol_left, vol_right); 

		if (record == 1){
			fprintf(ofp, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%lf\t%lf\n", step, travel, pitch, elevation, vol_right, vol_left);

		if (step < 30 ){
			vol_right = 0;
			vol_left = 0;
			The logic is that after every restart the safety controller is active for a set amount of time. After that if the
			complex controller's command is safe, it can be used again.

			if (step > 1800)
				spc.travel = 3.1415/2;
			else if( step > 1600){
				spc.travel = 3.1415/4;
			else if (step > 1400){
				spc.travel = 0;
			else if (step > 900){
				spc.travel = 3.14;
			else if (step > 400){
				spc.elevation = 0.4;
				spc.travel = 3.14/2;
			else if (step > 300){
				sps.elevation = 0.4;
			else if (step > 200){
				sps.elevation = 0.3;
			else if (step > 150){
				sps.elevation = 0.2;
			else if (step > 100){
				sps.elevation = 0.1;
			else if (step >50){
				sps.elevation = 0;
			struct command U_safety = controller_safety(sps, cs, &storage_safety);
			struct command U_complex = controller_complex(spc, cs,  &storage_complex);		
			printf("remaining_cycle %d\n", remaining_safety_cycles);

			if (step < 400){
			        vol_right = U_safety.u1;
                                vol_left = U_safety.u2;
			else if(decide(cs, U_complex, 0.2) == 1 && (remaining_safety_cycles <= 0 )  ) {
				printf("complex controller\n");
				vol_right = U_complex.u1;
				vol_left = U_complex.u2;
			else {
				printf("safety controller\n");
				vol_right = U_safety.u1;
				vol_left = U_safety.u2;
				remaining_safety_cycles -= 1;

		if(step % 200 == 0){

			usleep(RESTART_TIME *1000000.0);
			remaining_safety_cycles = 60;


//			vol_right = 0;
//			vol_left = 0;
		//		printf ("elev -1/3* pitch : %lf elev + 1.0/3.0*pitch: %lf\n", cs.elevation-0.3333*cs.pitch, cs.elevation + 0.3333*cs.pitch);

		if (vol_right > MAX_VOLTAGE ) 
			vol_right = MAX_VOLTAGE;
		else if (vol_right < -MAX_VOLTAGE)
			vol_right = -MAX_VOLTAGE;

		if (vol_left > MAX_VOLTAGE) 
			vol_left = MAX_VOLTAGE;
		else if (vol_left < -MAX_VOLTAGE)
			vol_left = -MAX_VOLTAGE;

		vol_right = voltage_max_min(vol_right);
		vol_left = voltage_max_min(vol_left);
		usleep ((int) (PERIOD * 1000000.0));
	return 0;
int main()
	struct sched_param param;
	param.sched_priority = 97;
    	if(sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &param) == -1) 
    		perror("sched_setscheduler failed");
		/* Lock memory */

    	if (mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE) == -1)
        	perror("mlockall failed");
		/* Pre-fault our stack */

	struct timespec t;
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);

	char *dev;
	int fd = open(dev, O_RDWR);
	int interval=1;

  	int n = 0;

  	struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
  	char *message ;
  	int num;

	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
  	char recvBuff[68];
  	char sendBuff[68];
  	memset(recvBuff, '0',sizeof(recvBuff));
  	if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
    		printf("\n Error : Could not create socket \n");
    		return -1 ;

  	memset(&serv_addr, '0', sizeof(serv_addr));
  	serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  	serv_addr.sin_port = htons(5000);

  	if(inet_pton(AF_INET,"", &serv_addr.sin_addr)<=0)
    		printf("\n inet_pton error occured\n");
    		return -1;
  	if( connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
    		printf("\n Error : Connect Failed \n");
    		return -1;
  	if (ioctl(fd, WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT, &interval) != 0) 
         	fprintf(stderr,"Error: Set watchdog interval failed\n");
         	fprintf(stdout, "Kick watchdog through IOCTL\n");
		clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, &t, NULL);

    		struct state st;
    		int k,g;
		memset(recvBuff, '0', sizeof(recvBuff));
		if((num = recv(sockfd, &k, sizeof(k),0))<=0)
            		printf("Either Connection Closed or Error\n");
		printf("k=%d \n",k);
        	if((num = recv(sockfd, recvBuff, k,0))<=0)
            		printf("Either Connection Closed or Error\n");

        	recvBuff[num] = '\0';
        	printf("Client:Message Received From Server -  %s\n",recvBuff);
        	sscanf(strtok(recvBuff , ", "), "%lf", &st.elevation);
        	sscanf(strtok(NULL, ", "), "%lf",&st.pitch);
       		sscanf(strtok(NULL, ", "), "%lf",&st.travel);
		sscanf(strtok(NULL, ", "), "%lf",&st.d_elevation);
        	sscanf(strtok(NULL, ", "), "%lf",&st.d_pitch);
    		sscanf(strtok(NULL, ", "), "%lf",&st.d_travel);
		printf("client:state received \n");
		printf("elevation %lf\n",st.elevation);
		printf("pitch %lf\n",st.pitch);
		printf("travel %lf\n",st.travel);
		printf("d_elevation %lf\n",st.d_elevation);
		printf("d_pitch %lf\n",st.d_pitch);
		printf("d_travel %lf\n",st.d_travel);
		struct command comm= controller_safety(st);
		printf(" u1= %d  u2= %d  \n",comm.u1,comm.u2); 
		sprintf(sendBuff,"complex, %f, %f, ",comm.u1,comm.u2); 
		if ((send(sockfd,&g,sizeof(int),0))== -1)
                 	fprintf(stderr, "Failure Sending Message\n");
        		printf("Failure in sending Message\n");

		t.tv_nsec += interval;

                while (t.tv_nsec >= NSEC_PER_SEC)
                       t.tv_nsec -= NSEC_PER_SEC;
    	return -1;