Пример #1
bool PBitmap::loadBitmap(const char *fileName) 	// loads a bitmap into memory

	FILE *in;					    // file stream for reading

    char *tempData;					// temp storage for image data

    int numColours;					// total available colours

    loaded = false;					// bitmap is not loaded yet

    in = fopen(fileName, "rb");			// open the file for reading in binary mode

    if(in == NULL) 					// if the file does not exist return in error

		error = "File not found";
		MessageBox(NULL,"The path or filename for a Bitmap is Incorrect. \n"
			" The program will now exit.","Bitmap Load Error!", MB_OK);
        return false;

	//==========	read in the BITMAPFILEHEADER      ==========//

    fread(&bmfh, sizeof(BitmapFileHeader), 1, in);
    if(bmfh.bfType != BITMAP_MAGIC_NUMBER) 	// check magic number that says this is a bitmap

		error = "File is not in DIB format";
		MessageBox(NULL,"The file attempting to be loaded is not a bitmap file. \n"
			" Please check the file extension, path, or name. \n"
			"The Program will now Quit!","Bitmap Load Error!",MB_OK);
        return false;

	//==========     read in the BITMAPINFOHEADER     =========//

    fread(&bmih, sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader), 1, in);

	//writeLog(logFile, fileName);			// write data to file

    width = bmih.biWidth;					// set object data fields

    height = bmih.biHeight;
    bpp = bmih.biBitCount;

    if(bpp < 8) 							// test for correct bit-per-pixel depth

		error = "File is not 8 or 24 bits per pixel";
        return false;
											// calculate the size of image data + padding

    dataSize = (width * height * (unsigned int)(bpp / 8.0) );

    if(bpp == 8) 							// load the color palette for 8 bits per pixel

		numColours = 1 << bpp;				// calculate the number of available colours

		colours = new RGBQuad[numColours];					
    	fread(colours, sizeof(RGBQuad), numColours, in);	// read in the color palette


    tempData = new char[dataSize];			// set up the temporary buffer for the image data

    if(tempData == NULL) 					// exit if there is not enough memory

		error = "Not enough memory to allocate a temporary buffer";
        return false;

    fread(tempData, sizeof(char), dataSize, in);	// read in the entire image

    fclose(in);								// close the file now that we have all the info

							// set both values to the byte total of the file, without padding

    byteWidth = padWidth = (int)( (float)width * (float)bpp / 8.0 );

    while(padWidth % 4 != 0) 				// adjust the width for padding as necessary


    if(bpp == 8) 							// change format from GBR to RGB

		loaded = convert8(tempData);
    else if(bpp == 24) 
    	loaded = convert24(tempData);

    delete [] tempData;	
	tempData = NULL;              // clean up memory

    error = "Bitmap loaded";			// bitmap is now loaded

    return loaded;						// return success

Пример #2
//load a bitmap from a file and represent it correctly
//in memory
bool Bitmap::loadBMP(char *file) {
    FILE *in;                  //file stream for reading
    char *tempData;       //temp storage for image data
    int numColours;            //total available colours

    //bitmap is not loaded yet
    //make sure memory is not lost
    if(colours!=0) {
        delete[] colours;
    if(data!=0) {
        delete[] data;

    //open the file for reading in binary mode

    //if the file does not exist return in error
    if(in==NULL) {
        error="File not found";
        return false;

    //read in the entire BITMAPFILEHEADER
	cout << "sizeof(BitmapFileHeader)=" << sizeof(BitmapFileHeader) << endl;
    //check for the magic number that says this is a bitmap
    if(bmfh.bfType!=BITMAP_MAGIC_NUMBER) {
        error="File is not in DIB format";
        return false;

    //read in the entire BITMAPINFOHEADER
	cout << "sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader)=" << sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader) << endl;

    //save the width, height and bits per pixel for external use

    //calculate the size of the image data with padding
    dataSize=(width*height*(unsigned int)(bmih.biBitCount/8.0));

    //calculate the number of available colours

    //if the bitmap is not 8 bits per pixel or more
    //return in error
    if(bpp<8) {
        error="File is not 8 or 24 bits per pixel";
        return false;

    //load the palette for 8 bits per pixel
    if(bpp==8) {
    	colours=new RGBQuad[numColours];

    //set up the temporary buffer for the image data
    tempData=new char[dataSize];

    //exit if there is not enough memory
    if(tempData==NULL) {
        error="Not enough memory to allocate a temporary buffer";
        return false;

    //read in the entire image

    //close the file now that we have all the info

    //calculate the witdh of the final image in bytes

    //adjust the width for padding as necessary
    while(padWidth%4!=0) {

    //change format from GBR to RGB
    if(bpp==8) {
    else if(bpp==24) {

    //clean up memory
    delete[] tempData;

    //bitmap is now loaded
    error="Bitmap loaded";

    //return success
    return loaded;