Пример #1
TdError HTMLFileOutput::setColor(TdColor textColor, bool textBold, TdColor backgroundColor, bool backgroundBold){
	mCurrentColor = "color: " + convertColor(textColor, textBold) + ";"
			+ "background-color: " + convertColor(backgroundColor, backgroundBold) + ";"

		mCurrentColor += "font-weight: bold;";

	return eTD_NO_ERROR;
Пример #2
void ColorOptionView::reset() {
	if (myColorSelection == 0) {

	ZLColorOptionEntry &colorEntry = (ZLColorOptionEntry&)*myOption;

	GdkColor gdkColor;
	gtk_color_selection_get_current_color(myColorSelection, &gdkColor);

	GdkColor initialColor = convertColor(((ZLColorOptionEntry&)*myOption).initialColor());
	GdkColor currentColor = convertColor(((ZLColorOptionEntry&)*myOption).color());
	gtk_color_selection_set_current_color(myColorSelection, &currentColor);
	gtk_color_selection_set_previous_color(myColorSelection, &initialColor);
Пример #3
void FaceScanner::manualScan()
    //----Image processing
    float t = ofMap(ofGetMouseX(), 0, ofGetWidth(), 0, 255, true);
    convertColor(m_grabber, m_thresh, CV_RGB2GRAY);             //Grabber to CV color image
    m_threshCopy = m_thresh;                                    //Make a copy
    threshold(m_threshCopy, t);                                 //Threshold
    //invert(m_threshCopy);                                       //Invert
    m_threshCopy.update();                                      //Update
    m_contourFinder.findContours(m_threshCopy);                 //Contour detection
    //----Drawing commands
    m_threshCopy.draw(10 + m_width/4, 10, m_width/4, m_height/4);
    for (auto line : m_contourFinder.getPolylines())
        ofPoint lCenter = line.getCentroid2D();
        ofCircle(lCenter, 4);
        float dist = ofDist(lCenter.x, lCenter.y, m_faceCenter.x, m_faceCenter.y);
        if (dist < MIN_VERT_DISTANCE_TO_FACE &&                                         //Is the centroid of this line within a certain distance to the face's centroid?
            compareBoundingBox(line, MIN_HORZ_DISTANCE_TO_FACE))
            //lCenter.x > m_faceBoundingBox.x &&                                        //Is the centroid of this line within the face's bounding box (along the x-axis)?
            //lCenter.x < (m_faceBoundingBox.x + m_faceBoundingBox.width))
            ofLine(lCenter.x, lCenter.y, m_faceCenter.x, m_faceCenter.y);
PassRefPtr<ShadowList> StyleBuilderConverter::convertShadow(StyleResolverState& state, CSSValue* value)
    if (value->isPrimitiveValue()) {
        ASSERT(toCSSPrimitiveValue(value)->getValueID() == CSSValueNone);
        return PassRefPtr<ShadowList>();

    const CSSValueList* valueList = toCSSValueList(value);
    size_t shadowCount = valueList->length();
    ShadowDataVector shadows;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < shadowCount; ++i) {
        const CSSShadowValue* item = toCSSShadowValue(valueList->item(i));
        float x = item->x->computeLength<float>(state.cssToLengthConversionData());
        float y = item->y->computeLength<float>(state.cssToLengthConversionData());
        float blur = item->blur ? item->blur->computeLength<float>(state.cssToLengthConversionData()) : 0;
        float spread = item->spread ? item->spread->computeLength<float>(state.cssToLengthConversionData()) : 0;
        ShadowStyle shadowStyle = item->style && item->style->getValueID() == CSSValueInset ? Inset : Normal;
        Color color;
        if (item->color)
            color = convertColor(state, item->color.get());
            color = state.style()->color();
        shadows.append(ShadowData(FloatPoint(x, y), blur, spread, shadowStyle, color));
    return ShadowList::adopt(shadows);
Пример #5
void ColorOptionView::_createItem() {
	GdkColor initialColor = convertColor(((ZLColorOptionEntry&)*myOption).initialColor());
	GdkColor currentColor = convertColor(((ZLColorOptionEntry&)*myOption).color());

	myColorSelection = GTK_COLOR_SELECTION(gtk_color_selection_new());
	gtk_color_selection_set_has_opacity_control(myColorSelection, false);
	gtk_color_selection_set_has_palette(myColorSelection, true);
	gtk_color_selection_set_current_color(myColorSelection, &currentColor);
	gtk_color_selection_set_previous_color(myColorSelection, &initialColor);

	GtkContainer *container = GTK_CONTAINER(gtk_vbox_new(true, 0));
	gtk_container_set_border_width(container, 5);
	gtk_container_add(container, GTK_WIDGET(myColorSelection));
	myHolder.attachWidget(*this, GTK_WIDGET(container));
Пример #6
void FaceTracker::update(ofBaseVideoDraws& video)
	if (!isThreadRunning())
		//videoMat = Mat(h, w, CV_8UC3);
		videoMat = toCv(video).clone();
		convertColor(videoMat, grayMat, CV_RGB2GRAY);
		resize(grayMat, graySmallMat, graySmallMat.size());
		startThread(true, false);
Пример #7
	// ***************************************************************************
	bool CDBViewDigit::parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup)
		if(!CViewBase::parse(cur, parentGroup))
			return false;

		CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();

		// link to the db
		CXMLAutoPtr ptr;
		ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"value");
		if ( ptr )
			_Number.link ( ptr );
			nlinfo ("no value in %s", _Id.c_str());
			return false;

		// read options
		ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"numdigit");
		if(ptr)	fromString((const char*)ptr, _NumDigit);
		clamp(_NumDigit, 1, 10);

		ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"wspace");
		if(ptr)	fromString((const char*)ptr, _WSpace);

		ptr= (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"color" );
		_Color = CRGBA(255,255,255,255);
		if (ptr)
			_Color = convertColor (ptr);

		// compute window size. Remove one space.
		sint32	wDigit= rVR.getFigurTextureW();
		sint32	hDigit= rVR.getFigurTextureH();
		setW((wDigit+_WSpace)*_NumDigit - _WSpace);

		// some init
		// For _NumDigit=2; set the divBase to 100, etc...
		_DivBase= 1;
		for(uint i= 0;i<(uint)_NumDigit;i++)
			_DivBase*= 10;

		// init cache.
		_Cache= -1;

		return true;
Пример #8
void WaveFrontObj_WriteMaterial(const char *texelName, const char *texelFilename, const Material * const mat)
   char texelNameCopy[MAX_PATH];
   strcpy_s(texelNameCopy, texelName);
   fprintf_s(matFile, "newmtl %s\n", texelNameCopy);
   fprintf_s(matFile, "Ns 7.843137\n");
   D3DXVECTOR4 color = convertColor(mat->m_cBase);
   fprintf_s(matFile, "Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n");
   fprintf_s(matFile, "Kd %f %f %f\n", color.x, color.y, color.z);
   color = convertColor(mat->m_cGlossy);
   fprintf_s(matFile, "Ks %f %f %f\n", color.x, color.y, color.z);
   fprintf_s(matFile, "Ni 1.500000\n");
   fprintf_s(matFile, "d %f\n", mat->m_fOpacity);
   fprintf_s(matFile, "illum 5\n");
   if (texelFilename != NULL)
      strcpy_s(texelNameCopy, texelFilename);

      fprintf_s(matFile, "map_kd %s\n", texelNameCopy);
      fprintf_s(matFile, "map_ka %s\n\n", texelNameCopy);
Пример #9
int main(void){
	DAC_Init(1024);							// initialize with command: Vout = Vref
    // Initialize RNG
    // Initialize touchscreen GPIO
	//lenPush = 1;
  //for(i=0; i<50; i=i+1){
  for(i=0; i<400; i=i+1){
	for(i=0; i<400; i=i+1){
	for(i=0; i<350; i=i+1){
	for(i=0; i<1000; i=i+1){
	LCD_ColorFill(convertColor(0, 0, 0));
	play = 0;
			if (instrument == 0){
				Music_Play(Wave[0], 64, strobePtr, 35);		
			if (instrument == 1){
				Music_Play(Trumpet[0], 32, strobePtr, 35);
			if (instrument == 2){
				Music_Play(Flute[0], 32, strobePtr, 35);
Пример #10
  bool warp(Image<T>& dst, const Image<T>& src,
            const Matrix<S, 3, 3>& homographyFromPatchToImg,
            const T& defaultFillColor = ColorTraits<T>::min(),
            bool stopIfOutOfRange = false)
    typedef Matrix<S, 3, 3> Matrix3;
    typedef Matrix<S, 3, 1> Vector3;

    typename Image<T>::range_iterator dst_it = dst.begin_range();
    typename Image<T>::range_iterator dst_end = dst.end_range();
    const Matrix3& H = homographyFromPatchToImg;
    bool isInsideSourceImage = true;

    for ( ; dst_it != dst_end; ++dst_it)
      // Get the corresponding coordinates in the source image.
      Vector3 H_p;
      H_p = H * (Vector3() << dst_it.coords().template cast<S>(), S(1)).finished();
      H_p /= H_p(2);
      // Check if the position is not in the image domain [0,w[ x [0,h[.
      bool posNotInImageDomain =
        H_p.x() < S(0) || H_p.x() >= S(src.width()-1) ||
        H_p.y() < S(0) || H_p.y() >= S(src.height()-1);
      if (posNotInImageDomain && stopIfOutOfRange)
        return false;
      if (posNotInImageDomain && isInsideSourceImage)
        isInsideSourceImage = false;
      // Fill with either the default value or the interpolated value.
      if (posNotInImageDomain)
        *dst_it = defaultFillColor;
        convertColor(*dst_it, interpolate(src, H_p.template head<2>().eval()));

    return isInsideSourceImage;
Пример #11
void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
#define RequireAttr( attr, name, a ) \
    if( MissingAttr( attr, name, a ) ) return;

    if( rName == "Include" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );

        OSFactory *pFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
        string fullPath = m_path + pFactory->getDirSeparator() + attr["file"];
        msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "opening included XML file: %s", fullPath.c_str() );
        SkinParser subParser( getIntf(), fullPath.c_str(), m_path, m_pData );

    else if( rName == "IniFile" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );

        const BuilderData::IniFile iniFile( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["file"] );
        m_pData->m_listIniFile.push_back( iniFile );

    else if( rName == "Anchor" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "priority" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "points", "(0,0)" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "range", "10" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Anchor anchor( x + m_xOffset,
                y + m_yOffset, attr["lefttop"],
                atoi( attr["range"] ), atoi( attr["priority"] ),
                attr["points"], m_curLayoutId );
        m_pData->m_listAnchor.push_back( anchor );

    else if( rName == "Bitmap" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "alphacolor" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbframes", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fps", "4" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "loop", "0" );

        m_curBitmapId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Bitmap bitmap( m_curBitmapId,
                attr["file"], convertColor( attr["alphacolor"] ),
                atoi( attr["nbframes"] ), atoi( attr["fps"] ),
                atoi( attr["loop"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listBitmap.push_back( bitmap );

    else if( rName == "SubBitmap" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "x" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "y" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "width" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "height" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbframes", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fps", "4" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "loop", "0" );

        const BuilderData::SubBitmap bitmap( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                m_curBitmapId, atoi( attr["x"] ), atoi( attr["y"] ),
                atoi( attr["width"] ), atoi( attr["height"] ),
                atoi( attr["nbframes"] ), atoi( attr["fps"] ),
                atoi( attr["loop"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listSubBitmap.push_back( bitmap );

    else if( rName == "BitmapFont" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "type", "digits" );

        const BuilderData::BitmapFont font( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["file"], attr["type"] );
        m_pData->m_listBitmapFont.push_back( font );

    else if( rName == "PopupMenu" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );

        m_curPopupId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::PopupMenu popup( m_curPopupId );
        m_pData->m_listPopupMenu.push_back( popup );

    else if( rName == "MenuItem" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "label" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action", "none" );

        const BuilderData::MenuItem item( attr["label"], attr["action"],
                                          m_curPopupId );
        m_pData->m_listMenuItem.push_back( item );

    else if( rName == "MenuSeparator" )
        const BuilderData::MenuSeparator sep( m_popupPosList.back(),
                                              m_curPopupId );
        m_pData->m_listMenuSeparator.push_back( sep );

    else if( rName == "Button" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Button button( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
                attr["up"], attr["down"], attr["over"], attr["action"],
                attr["tooltiptext"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listButton.push_back( button );

    else if( rName == "Checkbox" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up1" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up2" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "state" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down1", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over1", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action1", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext1", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext2", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Checkbox checkbox( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
                attr["up1"], attr["down1"], attr["over1"],
                attr["up2"], attr["down2"], attr["over2"], attr["state"],
                attr["action1"], attr["action2"], attr["tooltiptext1"],
                attr["tooltiptext2"], attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId,
                m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listCheckbox.push_back( checkbox );

    else if( rName == "Font" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "size", "12" );

        const BuilderData::Font fontData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["file"], atoi( attr["size"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listFont.push_back( fontData );

    else if( rName == "Group" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );

        m_xOffset += atoi( attr["x"] );
        m_yOffset += atoi( attr["y"] );
        m_xOffsetList.push_back( atoi( attr["x"] ) );
        m_yOffsetList.push_back( atoi( attr["y"] ) );

    else if( rName == "Image" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "image" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "resize", "mosaic" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "art", "false" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Image imageData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
                attr["image"], attr["action"], attr["action2"], attr["resize"],
                attr["help"], convertBoolean( attr["art"] ),
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listImage.push_back( imageData );

    else if( rName == "Layout" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "width" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "height" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "minwidth", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "maxwidth", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "minheight", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "maxheight", "-1" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, true );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );

        m_curLayoutId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Layout layout( m_curLayoutId,
                width, height,
                getDimension( attr["minwidth"], refWidth ),
                getDimension( attr["maxwidth"], refWidth ),
                getDimension( attr["minheight"], refHeight ),
                getDimension( attr["maxheight"], refHeight ),
                m_curWindowId );

        updateWindowPos( width, height );
        m_pData->m_listLayout.push_back( layout );
        m_curLayer = 0;

    else if( rName == "Panel" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "width" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "height" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        string panelId = uniqueId( "none" );
        const BuilderData::Panel panel( panelId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                width, height,
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listPanel.push_back( panel );
        // Add the panel to the stack
        m_panelStack.push_back( panelId );

    else if( rName == "Playlist" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "font" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "flat", "true" ); // Only difference here
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "itemimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "openimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "closedimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fgcolor", "#000000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "playcolor", "#FF0000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor1", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor2", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "selcolor", "#0000FF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        m_curTreeId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Tree treeData( m_curTreeId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, attr["visible"],
                width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                attr["font"], "playtree",
                attr["bgimage"], attr["itemimage"],
                attr["openimage"], attr["closedimage"],
                attr["selcolor"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listTree.push_back( treeData );
    else if( rName == "Playtree" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "font" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "flat", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "itemimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "openimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "closedimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fgcolor", "#000000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "playcolor", "#FF0000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor1", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor2", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "selcolor", "#0000FF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        m_curTreeId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Tree treeData( m_curTreeId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, attr["visible"],
                width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                attr["font"], "playtree",
                attr["bgimage"], attr["itemimage"],
                attr["openimage"], attr["closedimage"],
                attr["fgcolor"], attr["playcolor"],
                attr["bgcolor1"], attr["bgcolor2"],
                attr["selcolor"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listTree.push_back( treeData );

    else if( rName == "RadialSlider" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "sequence" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "nbimages" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "minangle", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "maxangle", "360" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "value", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::RadialSlider radial( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["sequence"],
                atoi( attr["nbimages"] ), atof( attr["minangle"] ) * M_PI /180,
                atof( attr["maxangle"] ) * M_PI / 180, attr["value"],
                attr["tooltiptext"], attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId,
                m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listRadialSlider.push_back( radial );

    else if( rName == "Slider" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "points" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "thickness", "10" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "value", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        string newValue = attr["value"];
        if( m_curTreeId != "" )
            // Slider associated to a tree
            newValue = "playtree.slider";

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Slider slider( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["visible"], x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                width, height, attr["lefttop"],
                attr["rightbottom"], convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["up"], attr["down"],
                attr["over"], attr["points"], atoi( attr["thickness"] ),
                newValue, "none", 0, 0, 0, 0, attr["tooltiptext"],
                attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listSlider.push_back( slider );

    else if( rName == "SliderBackground" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "image" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbhoriz", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbvert", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "padhoriz", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "padvert", "0" );

        // Retrieve the current slider data
        BuilderData::Slider &slider = m_pData->m_listSlider.back();

        slider.m_imageId = attr["image"];
        slider.m_nbHoriz = atoi( attr["nbhoriz"] );
        slider.m_nbVert = atoi( attr["nbvert"] );
        slider.m_padHoriz = atoi( attr["padhoriz"] );
        slider.m_padVert = atoi( attr["padvert"] );

    else if( rName == "Text" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "font" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "text", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "color", "#000000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "scrolling", "auto" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "alignment", "left" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "focus", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );

        const BuilderData::Text textData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["visible"], attr["font"],
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                convertColor( attr["color"] ),
                attr["scrolling"], attr["alignment"],
                attr["focus"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listText.push_back( textData );

    else if( rName == "Theme" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "version" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltipfont", "defaultfont" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "magnet", "15" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "alpha", "255" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "movealpha", "255" );

        // Check the version
        if( strcmp( attr["version"], SKINS_DTD_VERSION ) )
            msg_Err( getIntf(), "bad theme version : %s (you need version %s)",
                     attr["version"], SKINS_DTD_VERSION );
            m_errors = true;
        const BuilderData::Theme theme( attr["tooltipfont"],
                atoi( attr["magnet"] ),
                convertInRange( attr["alpha"], 1, 255, "alpha" ),
                convertInRange( attr["movealpha"], 1, 255, "movealpha" ) );
        m_pData->m_listTheme.push_back( theme );

    else if( rName == "ThemeInfo" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "name", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "author", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "email", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "website", "" );
        msg_Info( getIntf(), "skin: %s  author: %s", attr["name"],
                  attr["author"] );

    else if( rName == "Video" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "autoresize", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        const BuilderData::Video videoData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                attr["visible"], convertBoolean( attr["autoresize"] ),
                attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listVideo.push_back( videoData );

    else if( rName == "Window" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "dragdrop", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "playondrop", "true" );

        m_curWindowId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, true );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Window window( m_curWindowId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                convertBoolean( attr["visible"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["dragdrop"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["playondrop"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listWindow.push_back( window );
#undef  RequireAttr
Пример #12
void mode5RenderLine(u16* lineMix)
  if(DISPCNT & 0x0080) {
    for(int x = 0; x < 240; x++) {
      lineMix[x] = convertColor(0x7fff);
    gfxLastVCOUNT = VCOUNT;    

  u16 *palette = (u16 *)paletteRAM;

  if(layerEnable & 0x0400) {
    int changed = gfxBG2Changed;

    if(gfxLastVCOUNT > VCOUNT)
      changed = 3;
    gfxDrawRotScreen16Bit160(BG2CNT, BG2X_L, BG2X_H,
                             BG2Y_L, BG2Y_H, BG2PA, BG2PB,
                             BG2PC, BG2PD,
                             gfxBG2X, gfxBG2Y, changed,


  u32 background = (READ16LE(&palette[0]) | 0x30000000);
  for(int x = 0; x < 240; x++) {
    u32 color = background;
    u8 top = 0x20;

    if(line2[x] < color) {
      color = line2[x];
      top = 0x04;

    if((u8)(lineOBJ[x]>>24) < (u8)(color >>24)) {
      color = lineOBJ[x];
      top = 0x10;

    if((top & 0x10) && (color & 0x00010000)) {
      // semi-transparent OBJ
      u32 back = background;
      u8 top2 = 0x20;
      if(line2[x] < back) {
        back = line2[x];
        top2 = 0x04;
      if(top2 & (BLDMOD>>8))
        color = gfxAlphaBlend(color, back,
                              coeff[COLEV & 0x1F],
                              coeff[(COLEV >> 8) & 0x1F]);
      else {
        switch((BLDMOD >> 6) & 3) {
        case 2:
          if(BLDMOD & top)
            color = gfxIncreaseBrightness(color, coeff[COLY & 0x1F]);
        case 3:
          if(BLDMOD & top)
            color = gfxDecreaseBrightness(color, coeff[COLY & 0x1F]);
Пример #13
                              coeff[(COLEV >> 8) & 0x1F]);
      else {
        switch((BLDMOD >> 6) & 3) {
        case 2:
          if(BLDMOD & top)
            color = gfxIncreaseBrightness(color, coeff[COLY & 0x1F]);
        case 3:
          if(BLDMOD & top)
            color = gfxDecreaseBrightness(color, coeff[COLY & 0x1F]);
    lineMix[x] = convertColor(color);
  gfxBG2Changed = 0;
  gfxLastVCOUNT = VCOUNT;  

void mode5RenderLineNoWindow(u16* lineMix)
  if(DISPCNT & 0x0080) {
    for(int x = 0; x < 240; x++) {
      lineMix[x] = convertColor(0x7fff);
    gfxLastVCOUNT = VCOUNT;    
Пример #14
bool MoviePlayer::playVideo() {
	bool skipped = false;
	uint16 x = (g_system->getWidth() - _decoder->getWidth()) / 2;
	uint16 y = (g_system->getHeight() - _decoder->getHeight()) / 2;

	while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && !_decoder->endOfVideo() && !skipped) {
		if (_decoder->needsUpdate()) {
			const Graphics::Surface *frame = _decoder->decodeNextFrame();
			if (frame) {
				if (_decoderType == kVideoDecoderPSX)
					_vm->_system->copyRectToScreen((byte *)frame->pixels, frame->pitch, x, y, frame->w, frame->h);

			if (_decoder->hasDirtyPalette()) {

				if (!_movieTexts.empty()) {
					// Look for the best color indexes to use to display the subtitles
					uint32 minWeight = 0xFFFFFFFF;
					uint32 weight;
					float c1Weight = 1e+30f;
					float c2Weight = 1e+30f;
					float c3Weight = 1e+30f;
					float c4Weight = 1e+30f;
					byte r, g, b;
					float h, s, v, hd, hsvWeight;

					const byte *palette = _decoder->getPalette();

					// Color comparaison for the subtitles colors is done in HSL
					// C1 color is used for George and is almost white (R = 248, G = 252, B = 248)
					const float h1 = 0.333333f, s1 = 0.02f, v1 = 0.99f;

					// C2 color is used for George as a narrator and is grey (R = 184, G = 188, B = 184)
					const float h2 = 0.333333f, s2 = 0.02f, v2 = 0.74f;

					// C3 color is used for Nicole and is rose (R = 200, G = 120, B = 184)
					const float h3 = 0.866667f, s3 = 0.4f, v3 = 0.78f;

					// C4 color is used for Maguire and is blue (R = 80, G = 152, B = 184)
					const float h4 = 0.55f, s4 = 0.57f, v4 = 0.72f;

					for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
						r = *palette++;
						g = *palette++;
						b = *palette++;

						weight = 3 * r * r + 6 * g * g + 2 * b * b;

						if (weight <= minWeight) {
							minWeight = weight;
							_black = i;

						convertColor(r, g, b, h, s, v);

						// C1 color
						// It is almost achromatic (very low saturation) so the hue as litle impact on the color.
						// Therefore use a low weight on hue and high weight on saturation.
						hd = h - h1;
						hd += hd < -0.5f ? 1.0f : hd > 0.5f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
						hsvWeight = 1.0f * hd * hd + 4.0f * (s - s1) * (s - s1) + 3.0f * (v - v1) * (v - v1);
						if (hsvWeight <= c1Weight) {
							c1Weight = hsvWeight;
							_c1Color = i;

						// C2 color
						// Also an almost achromatic color so use the same weights as for C1 color.
						hd = h - h2;
						hd += hd < -0.5f ? 1.0f : hd > 0.5f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
						hsvWeight = 1.0f * hd * hd + 4.0f * (s - s2) * (s - s2) + 3.0f * (v - v2) * (v - v2);
						if (hsvWeight <= c2Weight) {
							c2Weight = hsvWeight;
							_c2Color = i;

						// C3 color
						// A light rose. Use a high weight on the hue to get a rose.
						// The color is a bit gray and the saturation has not much impact so use a low weight.
						hd = h - h3;
						hd += hd < -0.5f ? 1.0f : hd > 0.5f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
						hsvWeight = 4.0f * hd * hd + 1.0f * (s - s3) * (s - s3) + 2.0f * (v - v3) * (v - v3);
						if (hsvWeight <= c3Weight) {
							c3Weight = hsvWeight;
							_c3Color = i;

						// C4 color
						// Blue. Use a hight weight on the hue to get a blue.
						// The color is darker and more saturated than C3 and the saturation has more impact.
						hd = h - h4;
						hd += hd < -0.5f ? 1.0f : hd > 0.5f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
						hsvWeight = 5.0f * hd * hd + 3.0f * (s - s4) * (s - s4) + 2.0f * (v - v4) * (v - v4);
						if (hsvWeight <= c4Weight) {
							c4Weight = hsvWeight;
							_c4Color = i;

			Graphics::Surface *screen = _vm->_system->lockScreen();
			performPostProcessing((byte *)screen->pixels);

		Common::Event event;
		while (_vm->_system->getEventManager()->pollEvent(event))
			if ((event.type == Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN && event.kbd.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) || event.type == Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP)
				skipped = true;


	if (_decoderType == kVideoDecoderPSX) {
		// Need to jump back to paletted color
		initGraphics(g_system->getWidth(), g_system->getHeight(), true);

	return !_vm->shouldQuit() && !skipped;
Пример #15
	ofColor convertColor(ofColor color, int code) {
		Vec3b cvColor(color.r, color.g, color.b);
		Vec3b result = convertColor(cvColor, code);
		return ofColor(result[0], result[1], result[2], color.a);
Пример #16
void FaceScanner::update()
        if (m_shouldTrack)
            //----If we've found a face, we store its intrinsics and begin our scanning procedure
            if (m_tracker.getFound() &&                                                                 //Have we found a face?
                ofGetElapsedTimef() > 2.0f &&                                                           //Has it been at least 2 seconds?
                m_tracker.getImageFeature(ofxFaceTracker::FACE_OUTLINE).getArea() > MIN_FACE_AREA)      //If we've found a face, is it reasonably large?
                ofLogNotice("Face Scanner") << "Found a face.";
                //----The FBOs are cleared IFF the last sequence drawn was the particle system (denoted by the boolean m_shouldClearAmbient)
                if (!m_shouldClearAmbient) m_inkRenderer->clear();
                convertColor(m_grabber, m_thresh, CV_RGB2GRAY);
                m_faceOutline =         m_tracker.getImageFeature(ofxFaceTracker::FACE_OUTLINE);
                m_faceCenter =          m_faceOutline.getCentroid2D();
                m_faceArea =            m_faceOutline.getArea();       //This is a hack: something is wrong with the sign of the value returned by getArea()
                m_faceBoundingBox =     m_faceOutline.getBoundingBox();
                m_shouldTrack =         false;
                m_drawFrameStart =      ofGetElapsedTimef();                //When did this scan start?
                scan(200, 10);                                               //Start at a threshold value of 200, and decrement by 5 for each iteration
                //----If we don't see a face and it's been m_ambientTimeout seconds, enter ambient mode
                if ((ofGetElapsedTimef() - m_ambientFrameStart) >= m_ambientTimeout) {
                    //----We only want to do these operations once, otherwise the FBOs will clear every frame, and the particle system will never be drawn
                    if (m_shouldClearAmbient)
                        ofLogNotice("Face Scanner") << "Entering ambient mode.";
                        //----We tell the InkRenderer to draw particles after clearing the FBOs and resetting the "draw counter"
                        m_shouldClearAmbient = false;
        else if ((ofGetElapsedTimef() - m_drawFrameStart) >= m_drawTimeout)
            //----If we shouldn't be tracking, that means we've already found a face, so begin the countdown
            ofLogNotice("Face Scanner") << "Starting a new scan.";
            //----After this point, we might not see another face, so we record the current time and ready the InkRenderer for a particle simulation
            m_ambientFrameStart =   ofGetElapsedTimef();
            m_shouldClearAmbient =  true;
            ofSaveScreen("screenshots/image_" + ofGetTimestampString() + ".png");
Пример #17
void YZPrinter::doPrint( )
    const double fontsize = 10.0;
    PSDoc *doc = PS_new();
    if (!doc)
        return ;
    QByteArray p = m_path.toLatin1();
    PS_open_file(doc, p.data());
    PS_set_info(doc, "Creator", "Yzis");
    PS_set_info(doc, "Author", "");
    PS_set_info(doc, "Title", p.data());
    // Set so it'll fit on both A4 and letter paper;
    // some of us live in the US, with archaic paper sizes. ;-)
    PS_set_info(doc, "BoundingBox", "0 0 596 792");
    int font;
    font = PS_findfont(doc, "Fixed", "", 0);
    dbg() << "findfont returned " << font << endl;
    if ( !font ) return ; //no font => abort

    QPrinter lpr(QPrinter::PrinterResolution);
    QPainter p( &lpr );

    QFont f( "fixed" );
    f.setFixedPitch( true );
    f.setStyleHint( QFont::TypeWriter );
    p.setFont( f );

    unsigned int height = lpr.height();
    unsigned int width = lpr.width();

    unsigned int linespace = p.fontMetrics().lineSpacing();
    unsigned int maxwidth = p.fontMetrics().maxWidth();


    PS_set_value(doc, "leading", linespace);

    unsigned int clipw = width / maxwidth - 1;
    unsigned int cliph = height / linespace - 1;

    unsigned int oldLinesVis = mView->getLinesVisible( );
    unsigned int oldColumnsVis = mView->getColumnsVisible( );

    //should be current's view setting no ? XXX
    bool number = mView->getLocalBooleanOption( "number" );
    unsigned int marginLeft = 0;

    double red, green, blue;

    if ( number ) {
        marginLeft = ( 2 + QString::number( mView->buffer()->lineCount() ).length() );

    YOptionValue* ov_wrap = mView->getLocalOption( "wrap" );
    bool oldWrap = ov_wrap->boolean();
    ov_wrap->setBoolean( true );

    mView->setVisibleArea( clipw - marginLeft, cliph, false );
    unsigned int totalHeight = mView->drawTotalHeight();
    mView->setVisibleArea( clipw - marginLeft, totalHeight, false );
    mView->initDraw( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    unsigned int lastLineNumber = 0;
    unsigned int pageNumber = 0;

    QRect titleRect( 0, 0, width, linespace + linespace / 2 );

    unsigned int topY = titleRect.height() + linespace;
    unsigned int curY = topY;
    unsigned int curX;

    cliph = ( height - topY ) / linespace;
    int nbPages = totalHeight / cliph + ( totalHeight % cliph ? 1 : 0 );
    PS_begin_page(doc, 596, 792);
    PS_setfont(doc, font, fontsize);
    PS_set_parameter(doc, "hyphenation", "false");
    PS_set_parameter(doc, "linebreak", "true");
    PS_set_parameter(doc, "parbreak", "false");
    PS_set_value(doc, "parindent", 0.0);
    PS_set_value(doc, "numindentlines", 0.0);

    while ( mView->drawNextLine( ) ) {
        if ( curY == topY ) {
            if ( pageNumber ) {
                PS_begin_page(doc, 596, 792);
                PS_setfont(doc, font, fontsize);
                PS_set_value(doc, "leading", linespace);
            convertColor(Qt::black, red, green, blue);
            PS_setcolor(doc, "fillstroke", "rgb", red, green, blue, 0.0);
            QByteArray n = ( ' ' + mView->buffer()->fileName() ).toLatin1();
            PS_show_boxed(doc, n.data(),
                          titleRect.x(), titleRect.y(), titleRect.width(),
                          titleRect.height(), "left", "");
            QByteArray nb = ( QString::number( pageNumber ) + '/' + QString::number( nbPages ) + ' ' ).toLatin1();
                          titleRect.x(), titleRect.y(), titleRect.width(),
                          titleRect.height(), "right", "");
        if ( number ) {
            unsigned int lineNumber = mView->drawLineNumber();
            if ( lineNumber != lastLineNumber ) {
                //p.setPen( Qt::gray );
                convertColor(Qt::gray, red, green, blue);
                PS_setcolor(doc, "fillstroke", "rgb", red, green, blue, 0.0);
                PS_moveto(doc, 0, curY);
                QByteArray m = QString::number( lineNumber ).rightJustified( marginLeft - 1, ' ' ).toLatin1();
                PS_show(doc, m.data());
                lastLineNumber = lineNumber;
        curX = marginLeft * maxwidth;
        while ( mView->drawNextCol( ) ) {
            QColor c = mView->drawColor( );
            if ( c.isValid() && c != Qt::white )
                convertColor(mView->drawColor(), red, green, blue);
                convertColor(Qt::black, red, green, blue);
            PS_setcolor(doc, "fillstroke", "rgb", red, green, blue, 0.0);
            char buf[2] = {
                              0, 0
            buf[0] = mView->drawChar().toLatin1();
            PS_show_xy(doc, buf, curX, curY);
            curX += mView->drawLength( ) * maxwidth;
        curY += linespace * mView->drawHeight();
        if ( curY >= cliph * linespace + topY ) {
            // draw Rect
            convertColor(Qt::black, red, green, blue);
            PS_setcolor(doc, "fillstroke", "rgb", red, green, blue, 0.0);
            PS_rect(doc, 0, 0, width, curY);
            if ( number ) {
                PS_moveto(doc, marginLeft*maxwidth - maxwidth / 2, titleRect.height());
                PS_lineto(doc, marginLeft*maxwidth - maxwidth / 2, curY);
            PS_moveto(doc, titleRect.x(), titleRect.height());
            PS_lineto(doc, titleRect.width(), titleRect.height());
            curY = topY;
    if ( curY != topY ) {
        // draw Rect
        convertColor(Qt::black, red, green, blue);
        PS_setcolor(doc, "fillstroke", "rgb", red, green, blue, 0.0);
        PS_rect(doc, 0, 0, width, curY);
        if ( number ) {
            PS_moveto(doc, marginLeft*maxwidth - maxwidth / 2, titleRect.height());
            PS_lineto(doc, marginLeft*maxwidth - maxwidth / 2, curY);
        PS_moveto(doc, titleRect.x(), titleRect.height());
        PS_lineto(doc, titleRect.width(), titleRect.height());
    PS_deletefont(doc, font);

    ov_wrap->setBoolean( oldWrap );
    mView->setVisibleArea( oldColumnsVis, oldLinesVis, false );
Пример #18
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	void CCtrlColPick::setColorOver (const string &col)
		_ColorOver = convertColor (col.c_str());
Пример #19
void DispReel::PostRenderStatic(RenderDevice* pd3dDevice)

   if (!m_d.m_fVisible || !GetPTable()->GetEMReelsEnabled())

   // get a pointer to the image specified in the object
   Texture * const pin = m_ptable->GetImage(m_d.m_szImage); // pointer to image information from the image manager

   if (!pin)

   if (g_pplayer->m_ptable->m_tblMirrorEnabled^g_pplayer->m_ptable->m_fReflectionEnabled)
      pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(RenderDevice::CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE);
      pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(RenderDevice::CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW);

   pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(RenderDevice::DEPTHBIAS, 0);
   pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(RenderDevice::ZWRITEENABLE, TRUE);

   g_pplayer->m_pin3d.EnableAlphaTestReference(0xE0); //!!
   pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(RenderDevice::ALPHAFUNC, D3DCMP_GREATER); //!! still necessary?


   const D3DXVECTOR4 c = convertColor(0xFFFFFFFF, 1.f);
   pd3dDevice->DMDShader->SetVector("vColor_Intensity", &c);

   pd3dDevice->DMDShader->SetTexture("Texture0", pin);
   for (int r = 0; r < m_d.m_reelcount; ++r) //!! optimize by doing all in one
       const float posx = ReelInfo[r].position.left;
       const float posy = ReelInfo[r].position.top;
       const float width = ReelInfo[r].position.right;
       const float height = ReelInfo[r].position.bottom;
       const float u0 = m_digitTexCoords[ReelInfo[r].currentValue].u_min;
       const float v0 = m_digitTexCoords[ReelInfo[r].currentValue].v_min;
       const float u1 = m_digitTexCoords[ReelInfo[r].currentValue].u_max;
       const float v1 = m_digitTexCoords[ReelInfo[r].currentValue].v_max;

       float Verts[4 * 5] =
           1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, u1, v1,
           0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, u0, v1,
           1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, u1, v0,
           0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, u0, v0

       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
           Verts[i * 5] = (Verts[i * 5] * width + posx)*2.0f - 1.0f;
           Verts[i * 5 + 1] = 1.0f - (Verts[i * 5 + 1] * height + posy)*2.0f;


   //g_pplayer->m_pin3d.DisableAlphaBlend(); //!! not necessary anymore
   pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(RenderDevice::ALPHATESTENABLE, FALSE);

   //	pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(RenderDevice::CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW);
Пример #20
void mode0RenderLine(u16* lineMix)
  u16 *palette = (u16 *)paletteRAM;

  if(DISPCNT & 0x80) {
    for(int x = 0; x < 240; x++) {
      lineMix[x] = convertColor(0x7fff);
  if(layerEnable & 0x0100) {
    gfxDrawTextScreen(BG0CNT, BG0HOFS, BG0VOFS, line0);

  if(layerEnable & 0x0200) {
    gfxDrawTextScreen(BG1CNT, BG1HOFS, BG1VOFS, line1);
  if(layerEnable & 0x0400) {
    gfxDrawTextScreen(BG2CNT, BG2HOFS, BG2VOFS, line2);

  if(layerEnable & 0x0800) {
    gfxDrawTextScreen(BG3CNT, BG3HOFS, BG3VOFS, line3);


  u32 backdrop = (READ16LE(&palette[0]) | 0x30000000);
  for(int x = 0; x < 240; x++) {
    u32 color = backdrop;
    u8 top = 0x20;
    if(line0[x] < color) {
      color = line0[x];
      top = 0x01;

    if((u8)(line1[x]>>24) < (u8)(color >> 24)) {
      color = line1[x];
      top = 0x02;

    if((u8)(line2[x]>>24) < (u8)(color >> 24)) {
      color = line2[x];
      top = 0x04;

    if((u8)(line3[x]>>24) < (u8)(color >> 24)) {
      color = line3[x];
      top = 0x08;
    if((u8)(lineOBJ[x]>>24) < (u8)(color >> 24)) {
      color = lineOBJ[x];
      top = 0x10;

    if((top & 0x10) && (color & 0x00010000)) {
      // semi-transparent OBJ
      u32 back = backdrop;
      u8 top2 = 0x20;
      if((u8)(line0[x]>>24) < (u8)(back >> 24)) {
        back = line0[x];
        top2 = 0x01;
      if((u8)(line1[x]>>24) < (u8)(back >> 24)) {
        back = line1[x];
        top2 = 0x02;
      if((u8)(line2[x]>>24) < (u8)(back >> 24)) {
        back = line2[x];
        top2 = 0x04;

      if((u8)(line3[x]>>24) < (u8)(back >> 24)) {
        back = line3[x];
        top2 = 0x08;

      if(top2 & (BLDMOD>>8))
        color = gfxAlphaBlend(color, back,
                              coeff[COLEV & 0x1F],
                              coeff[(COLEV >> 8) & 0x1F]);
        else {
          switch((BLDMOD >> 6) & 3) {
          case 2:
            if(BLDMOD & top)
              color = gfxIncreaseBrightness(color, coeff[COLY & 0x1F]);
          case 3:
            if(BLDMOD & top)
              color = gfxDecreaseBrightness(color, coeff[COLY & 0x1F]);
Пример #21
void ColorOptionView::_onAccept() const {
	GdkColor gdkColor;
	gtk_color_selection_get_current_color(myColorSelection, &gdkColor);
void ColorScheme::processColorSchemeXml(QXmlStreamReader &xml,
        QHash<QString, ColorScheme *> &colorSchemes) {
    // The color scheme
    ColorScheme *colorScheme = new ColorScheme;
    // The styles defined
    QHash<QString, StyleInfo> definedStyles;

    QString langId;
    while (!xml.atEnd() && !xml.hasError()) {
        QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = xml.readNext();
        if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
            if (xml.name() == "colorscheme") {
                QString name = xml.attributes().value("name").toString();
                colorSchemes[name] = colorScheme;
            } else if (xml.name() == "color") {
                QString type = xml.attributes().value("type").toString();
                QString text = xml.readElementText(
                if (type == "foreground") {
                    colorScheme->m_foreground = convertColor(text);
                } else if (type == "background") {
                    colorScheme->m_background = convertColor(text);
                } else if (type == "caret") {
                    colorScheme->m_caret = convertColor(text);
                } else if (type == "caretLine") {
                    colorScheme->m_caretLine = convertColor(text);
                } else if (type == "selection") {
                    colorScheme->m_selection = convertColor(text);
                } else if (type == "whitespace") {
                    colorScheme->m_whitespaceForeground = convertColor(text);
            } else if (xml.name() == "style") {
                StyleInfo styleInfo;
                QXmlStreamAttributes attrs = xml.attributes();
                QString name = attrs.value("name").toString();
                if (attrs.hasAttribute("foreground")) {
                if (attrs.hasAttribute("background")) {
                if (attrs.hasAttribute("bold")) {
                    styleInfo.setBold(attrs.value("bold").toString() == "true");
                if (attrs.hasAttribute("italic")) {
                            attrs.value("italic").toString() == "true");
                if (attrs.hasAttribute("underline")) {
                            attrs.value("underline").toString() == "true");
                if (attrs.hasAttribute("eolFilled")) {
                            attrs.value("eolFilled").toString() == "true");
                definedStyles[name] = styleInfo;
            } else if (xml.name() == "language") {
                langId = xml.attributes().value("id").toString();
                colorScheme->m_languagesStyles[langId] = QHash<int, StyleInfo>();
            } else if (xml.name() == "styleInfo") {
                QString idStr = xml.attributes().value("id").toString();
                bool ok;
                int id = idStr.toInt(&ok);
                if (ok) {
                    QXmlStreamAttributes attrs = xml.attributes();
                    if (attrs.hasAttribute("styleRef")) {
                        QString styleRef = attrs.value("styleRef").toString();
                        colorScheme->m_languagesStyles[langId][id] = definedStyles[styleRef];