DiagonalAffineMap<Dtype> GetMapBetweenFeatureMap(
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
		const Net<Dtype>* const net) 
	CHECK_GE(bottom.size(), 2) << "At least two input blob";

  // Construct a map from top blobs to layer inds, skipping over in-place
  // connections.
  map<Blob<Dtype>*, int> down_map;
  for (int layer_ind = 0; layer_ind < net->top_vecs().size();
       ++layer_ind) {
    vector<Blob<Dtype>*> tops = net->top_vecs()[layer_ind];
    for (int top_ind = 0; top_ind < tops.size(); ++top_ind) {
      if (down_map.find(tops[top_ind]) == down_map.end()) {
        down_map[tops[top_ind]] = layer_ind;
  // Walk back from the first bottom, keeping track of all the blobs we pass.
  set<Blob<Dtype>*> path_blobs;
  Blob<Dtype>* blob = bottom[0];
  int layer_ind;
  // TODO this logic can be simplified if all blobs are tops
  while (down_map.find(blob) != down_map.end()) {
    layer_ind = down_map[blob];
    if (net->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind].size() == 0) {
    blob = net->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind][0];
  // Now walk back from the second bottom, until we find a blob of intersection.
  Blob<Dtype>* inter_blob = bottom[1];
  while (path_blobs.find(inter_blob) == path_blobs.end()) {
    CHECK(down_map.find(inter_blob) != down_map.end())
        << "Cannot align apparently disconnected blobs.";
    layer_ind = down_map[inter_blob];
    CHECK_GT(net->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind].size(), 0)
        << "Cannot align apparently disconnected blobs.";
    inter_blob = net->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind][0];
  // Compute the coord map from the blob of intersection to each bottom.
  vector<DiagonalAffineMap<Dtype> > coord_maps(2,
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    for (Blob<Dtype>* blob = bottom[i]; blob != inter_blob;
         blob = net->bottom_vecs()[down_map[blob]][0]) {
      shared_ptr<Layer<Dtype> > layer = net->layers()[down_map[blob]];
      // LOG(INFO);
      // LOG(INFO) << "layer -- name: " << layer->type();
      // LOG(INFO);
      coord_maps[i] = coord_maps[i].compose(layer->coord_map());
  // Compute the mapping from first bottom coordinates to second.
  return coord_maps[1].compose(coord_maps[0].inv());
Пример #2
void CropLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  // Construct a map from top blobs to layer inds, skipping over in-place
  // connections.
  map<Blob<Dtype>*, int> down_map;
  for (int layer_ind = 0; layer_ind < this->net_->top_vecs().size();
       ++layer_ind) {
    vector<Blob<Dtype>*> tops = this->net_->top_vecs()[layer_ind];
    for (int top_ind = 0; top_ind < tops.size(); ++top_ind) {
      if (down_map.find(tops[top_ind]) == down_map.end()) {
        down_map[tops[top_ind]] = layer_ind;
  // Walk back from the first bottom, keeping track of all the blobs we pass.
  set<Blob<Dtype>*> path_blobs;
  Blob<Dtype>* blob = bottom[0];
  int layer_ind;
  // TODO this logic can be simplified if all blobs are tops
  while (down_map.find(blob) != down_map.end()) {
    layer_ind = down_map[blob];
    if (this->net_->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind].size() == 0) {
    blob = this->net_->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind][0];
  // Now walk back from the second bottom, until we find a blob of intersection.
  Blob<Dtype>* inter_blob = bottom[1];
  while (path_blobs.find(inter_blob) == path_blobs.end()) {
    CHECK(down_map.find(inter_blob) != down_map.end())
        << "Cannot align apparently disconnected blobs.";
    layer_ind = down_map[inter_blob];
    CHECK_GT(this->net_->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind].size(), 0)
        << "Cannot align apparently disconnected blobs.";
    inter_blob = this->net_->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind][0];
  // Compute the coord map from the blob of intersection to each bottom.
  vector<DiagonalAffineMap<Dtype> > coord_maps(2,
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    for (Blob<Dtype>* blob = bottom[i]; blob != inter_blob;
         blob = this->net_->bottom_vecs()[down_map[blob]][0]) {
      shared_ptr<Layer<Dtype> > layer = this->net_->layers()[down_map[blob]];
      //std::cout<<i<<"} "<<coord_maps[i].coefs()[0].first<<","<<coord_maps[i].coefs()[0].second<<"; "<<coord_maps[i].coefs()[1].first<<","<<coord_maps[i].coefs()[1].second<<" compose with "<<layer->coord_map().coefs()[0].first<<","<<layer->coord_map().coefs()[0].first<<"; "<<layer->coord_map().coefs()[1].first<<","<<layer->coord_map().coefs()[1].first<<std::endl;
      coord_maps[i] = coord_maps[i].compose(layer->coord_map());
      //std::cout<<"    is "<<coord_maps[i].coefs()[0].first<<","<<coord_maps[i].coefs()[0].second<<"; "<<coord_maps[i].coefs()[1].first<<","<<coord_maps[i].coefs()[1].second<<std::endl;
  // Compute the mapping from first bottom coordinates to second.
  DiagonalAffineMap<Dtype> crop_map =
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    // Check for scale mismatch (unfortunately, CHECK_DOUBLE_EQ does not
    // support a message like the other CHECKs).
    CHECK_DOUBLE_EQ(crop_map.coefs()[i].first, 1);
    CHECK_LE(crop_map.coefs()[i].second, 0) << "Negative crop width.";
    // Check that the crop width is an integer.
  crop_h_ = - round(crop_map.coefs()[0].second);
  crop_w_ = - round(crop_map.coefs()[1].second);
Пример #3
void CropLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  // Calculate number of spatial axis
  CropParameter crop_param = this->layer_param_.crop_param();
  channel_axis_ = bottom[0]->CanonicalAxisIndex(crop_param.axis());
  channels_ = bottom[0]->shape(channel_axis_);
  const int first_spatial_axis = channel_axis_ + 1;
  num_axes_ = bottom[0]->num_axes();
  num_spatial_axes_ = num_axes_ - first_spatial_axis;
  CHECK_GE(num_spatial_axes_, 1);
  vector<int> dim_blob_shape(1, num_axes_);
  // Construct a map from top blobs to layer inds, skipping over in-place
  // connections.
  CHECK(this->net_!=NULL) << "Crop Layer must be used in a net";
  map<Blob<Dtype>*, int> down_map;
  for (int layer_ind = 0; layer_ind < this->net_->top_vecs().size();
       ++layer_ind) {
    vector<Blob<Dtype>*> tops = this->net_->top_vecs()[layer_ind];
    for (int top_ind = 0; top_ind < tops.size(); ++top_ind) {
      if (down_map.find(tops[top_ind]) == down_map.end()) {
        down_map[tops[top_ind]] = layer_ind;
  // Walk back from the first bottom, keeping track of all the blobs we pass.
  set<Blob<Dtype>*> path_blobs;
  Blob<Dtype>* blob = bottom[0];
  int layer_ind;
  // TODO this logic can be simplified if all blobs are tops
  while (down_map.find(blob) != down_map.end()) {
    layer_ind = down_map[blob];
    if (this->net_->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind].size() == 0) {
    blob = this->net_->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind][0];
  // Now walk back from the second bottom, until we find a blob of intersection.
  Blob<Dtype>* inter_blob = bottom[1];
  while (path_blobs.find(inter_blob) == path_blobs.end()) {
    CHECK(down_map.find(inter_blob) != down_map.end())
        << "Cannot align apparently disconnected blobs.";
    layer_ind = down_map[inter_blob];
    CHECK_GT(this->net_->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind].size(), 0)
        << "Cannot align apparently disconnected blobs.";
    inter_blob = this->net_->bottom_vecs()[layer_ind][0];
  // Compute the coord map from the blob of intersection to each bottom.
  vector<DiagonalAffineMap<Dtype> > coord_maps(2,
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    for (Blob<Dtype>* blob = bottom[i]; blob != inter_blob;
         blob = this->net_->bottom_vecs()[down_map[blob]][0]) {
      shared_ptr<Layer<Dtype> > layer = this->net_->layers()[down_map[blob]];
      // printf("[%d] %s\n",i,layer->type());
      coord_maps[i] = coord_maps[i].compose(layer->coord_map(num_spatial_axes_));
      // printf("done [%d] %s\n",i,layer->type());
  // Compute the mapping from first bottom coordinates to second.
  int* crop_data = crop_.mutable_cpu_data();
  int* top_shape_data = top_shape_.mutable_cpu_data();
  int* bottom_shape_data = bottom_shape_.mutable_cpu_data();
 // printf("maps %d %d \n",coord_maps[0].size(), coord_maps[1].size());
  DiagonalAffineMap<Dtype> crop_map =
// printf("Done compute map \n");
// printf("num_axes_ %d \n",num_axes_);
  caffe_set(num_axes_, static_cast<int>(0), crop_data);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_axes_; ++i) {
    // Check for scale mismatch (unfortunately, CHECK_DOUBLE_EQ does not
    // support a message like the other CHECKs).
    CHECK_DOUBLE_EQ(crop_map.coefs()[i].first, 1);
    CHECK_LE(crop_map.coefs()[i].second, 0) << "Negative crop width.";
    // Check that the crop width is an integer.
    crop_data[first_spatial_axis+i] = - round(crop_map.coefs()[i].second);
  // printf("shapes \n");
  for (int i = 0; i < channel_axis_+1; ++i) {
    bottom_shape_data[i] = bottom[0]->shape(i);
    top_shape_data[i] = bottom[0]->shape(i);
    // printf("shapes2 \n");
  for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_axes_; ++i) {
    bottom_shape_data[first_spatial_axis+i] = bottom[0]->shape(first_spatial_axis+i);
    top_shape_data[first_spatial_axis+i] = bottom[1]->shape(first_spatial_axis+i);
    // printf("line size \n");
  line_size_ = top_shape_data[num_axes_-1];
    // printf("done \n");