Пример #1
Move* addEatToMove(Move* move, Position targetPosition, Position eatPosition) {
	Move* newMove = copyMove(move);
	PositionList* newPositionNode = createPositionList(targetPosition);
	PositionList* head = newMove->to;
		newMove->to = newPositionNode;
			head = head->next;
		head->next = newPositionNode;
	PositionList* newEatNode = createPositionList(eatPosition);
	head = newMove->eatenAt;
		newMove->eatenAt = newEatNode;
			head = head->next;
		head->next = newEatNode;

	return newMove;
Пример #2
/*Get Move with Maximum Score from Tree*/
Move *getMinimaxMove(Game *game, Color uCol) {
    ListNode *moves = getMinimaxMoves(game, uCol);
    ListNode *temp = moves;
    Move *res = NULL;
    int size, r, i;
    if (RANDOM) {
        size = listSize(moves);
        r = rand() % size;
        for (i = 0; i < r; i++) {
            if (temp->next!=NULL) temp = temp->next;
        res = copyMove(temp->move);
    else res = copyMove(moves->move);
    return res;
Пример #3
/*Debug - Get first Move with Maximum Score*/
Move* getMaximumMove(MinimaxNode*root) {
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < root->sonsK; i++) {
        if (root->sons[i]->val == root->val) {
            Move* res = copyMove(root->sons[i]->move);
            return res;
    //printf("moveFromMMT FAILED");
    return NULL;
Пример #4
/*Add legal Moves for Pawn at Location to Linked List*/
void getPawnSingleMove(char board[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE], Location *loc, ListNode *temp, Move *move){
	int i;
	if (loc->row + shiftUp(board, loc) == topLimit(board, loc)){
		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(PROMOTIONS) / sizeof(Type); i++){
			Move *newMove = copyMove(move);
			newMove->promotion = PROMOTIONS[i];
			addMoveToList(temp, newMove);
		addMoveToList(temp, move);
Пример #5
/*Build Minimax Tree of fixed depth via DFS*/
MinimaxNode *getMinimaxTreeFixedDepth(Game *game, int depth, Move *move, Color uCol) {
    MinimaxNode *curr = (MinimaxNode*)malloc(sizeof(MinimaxNode));
    if (curr == NULL) exitOnError("malloc");
    curr->game = (Game*)malloc(sizeof(Game));
    if (curr->game == NULL) exitOnError("malloc");
    struct ListNode *moves;
    int i = 0;
    curr->depth = depth;
    copyGame(game, curr->game);
    curr->sons = NULL;
    curr->sonsK = 0;
    if (move != NULL) {
        updateBoard(curr->game, move);
    if (depth == 1) {
        curr->move = move;
    else {
        curr->move = NULL;
    if (depth == game->difficulty) {
        return curr;
    if ((depth % 2 == 0 && uCol == WHITE) || (depth % 2 == 1 && uCol == BLACK)) {
        moves = getMoves(curr->game, WHITE);
    else {
        moves = getMoves(curr->game, BLACK);
    int size = listSize(moves);
    curr->sonsK = size;
    if (!size) {
        return curr;
    else {
        curr->sons = (MinimaxNode**)malloc(sizeof(MinimaxNode)*size);
        if (curr->sons == NULL) exitOnError("malloc");
        struct ListNode *temp = moves;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            Move* tMove = copyMove(temp->move);
            curr->sons[i] = getMinimaxTreeFixedDepth(curr->game, depth + 1, tMove, uCol);
            temp = temp->next;
    return curr;
Пример #6
/*Get Moves with Maximum Score*/
ListNode* getMaximumMoves(MinimaxNode*root) {
    ListNode *res = (ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
    if (res == NULL) exitOnError("malloc");
    res->move = NULL;
    res->next = NULL;
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < root->sonsK; i++) {
        if (root->sons[i]->val == root->val) {
            //printf("Found same val %d\n", root->val);
            Move* cMove = copyMove(root->sons[i]->move);
            addMoveToList(res, cMove);
    return res;
Пример #7
/*Build Minimax Tree for Best Difficulty using BFS Algorithm*/
MinimaxNode *getMinimaxTreeBestDepth(Game *game, Color uCol) {
    MinimaxNode *root = (MinimaxNode*)malloc(sizeof(MinimaxNode));
    if (root == NULL)exitOnError("malloc");
    root->game = (Game*)malloc(sizeof(Game));
    if (root->game == NULL) exitOnError("malloc");
    root->val = 0;
    MinimaxNode *curr;
    ListNode *moves;
    int i;
    int leavesLocal = 1;
    Queue *q = setQueue(); /*Create empty Queue for BFS Traversing*/
    int size = 0;
    root->depth = 0;
    root->move = NULL;
    copyGame(game, root->game);
    root->sons = NULL;
    root->sonsK = 0;
    enqueue(q, root);
    /*While Queue is not empty and there are less than MAX_BOARDS_TO_EVAL Leaves in Tree*/
    while (q->size&&leavesLocal + size <= MAX_BOARDS_TO_EVAL) {
        curr = dequeue(q); /*Pop from Queue*/
        if (curr->depth % 2 == 0)moves = getMoves(curr->game, uCol); /*Get possible Moves at current Board state*/
        else moves = getMoves(curr->game, oppositeCol(uCol));
        size = listSize(moves);
        if (!size) {
        curr->sons = (MinimaxNode**)malloc(sizeof(MinimaxNode)*size);
        if (curr->sons == NULL) exitOnError("malloc");
        curr->sonsK = size;
        ListNode *temp = moves;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { /*Add Nodes for each possible Move*/
            curr->sons[i] = (MinimaxNode*)malloc(sizeof(MinimaxNode));
            if (curr->sons[i] == NULL) exitOnError("malloc");
            curr->sons[i]->game = (Game*)malloc(sizeof(Game));
            if (curr->sons[i]->game == NULL) exitOnError("malloc");
            curr->sons[i]->val = 0;
            copyGame(curr->game, curr->sons[i]->game);
            Move* tMove = copyMove(temp->move);
            updateBoard(curr->sons[i]->game, tMove);
            curr->sons[i]->depth = curr->depth + 1;
            if (curr->sons[i]->depth == 1) {
                curr->sons[i]->move = tMove;
            else {
                curr->sons[i]->move = NULL;
            curr->sons[i]->sons = NULL;
            curr->sons[i]->sonsK = 0;
            enqueue(q, curr->sons[i]); /*Push to Queue*/
            temp = temp->next;
        /*Update amount of Leaves in Tree*/
        leavesLocal += size;
        if (size) leavesLocal--;
    return root;
Пример #8
void selectMove() {
	// First, the two variables we'll use

	int i;
	double bestScore;
	int bestIndex;
	int bestCount;
	int *tempBoard;
	boardEvaluation *tempEval;

	tempBoard = malloc(boardWidth * boardHeight * sizeof(int));

	if (tempBoard == null) {
		printf("Unable to allocate space for a temporary game board.\n");

	// A sanity check

	if (possibleMovesFound == 0) {
		printf("Error! No possible moves found!\n");

	// Now the real work

	bestScore = -7.0;	// Lower than the lowest possible score
	bestIndex = -1;
	bestCount = -1;

//	i = rand() % possibleMovesFound;

	for (i = 0; i < possibleMovesFound; i++) {
		// First, get us a temporary copy of the current game board

		copyBoard(gameBoard, tempBoard);

		// Now, run the trial move on it

		runMoveWithStruct(me, possibleMoves[i], tempBoard);

		// Now, evaluate it

		tempEval = evaluateBoard(tempBoard, possibleMoves[i]);

		// Now, score it

		possibleMoves[i]->score = scoreEvaluation(tempEval);

		// Now free that evaluation


		// Now, see if it is the best one we've found

		if (possibleMoves[i]->score == 7.0) {		// We found a winner, no need to score the rest
			bestIndex = i;
			bestCount = 1;
		} else if (possibleMoves[i]->score > bestScore) {
			bestCount = 1;
			bestScore = possibleMoves[i]->score;
			bestIndex = i;
		} else if (possibleMoves[i]->score == bestScore) {	// If the scores are the same...
			bestCount++;									// Make a random choice between them
			if ((float) rand() / RAND_MAX <= ((double) (1.0 / (double) bestCount))) {
				bestIndex = i;		// Note, this is biased towards the front

	// Set up the move

	copyMove(possibleMoves[bestIndex], &finalMove);

Пример #9
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

	char fromXChar, toXChar, fromYChar, toYChar;
	int useIPC;
	ipc_memory *ipc;

	myDNA = malloc(sizeof(dna));

	if (myDNA == null) {
		printf("Unable to allocate memory for my DNA!\n");

	myDNA->noBasePair = 0.984120;	// After 47 evolutions
	myDNA->oneBasePair = 0.576126;
	myDNA->twoBasePair = 0.315090;
	myDNA->threeBasePair = -0.972065;
	myDNA->lineLengthBasePair = 0.020435;
	myDNA->currentMarginBasePair = 0.660055;

	// Initial stuff

	gameBoard = null;
	possibleMovesFound = 0;
	useIPC = 0;

	if (DEBUG) {

	// Make sure we have arguments

	if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 4)) {
		printf("Error: bad command line arguments. Please call as:\n");

		printf("\t/path/to/program /path/to/input [/path/to/output] [/path/to/dna]\n");
		printf("\t/path/to/program --ipc key_number\n");


	if (strncmp(argv[1], "--ipc", 5) == 0) {
		if (argc == 3) {
			// Key is in the command line, so let's get it

			if(sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &useIPC) != 1) {
				// We couldn't load it

				printf("Unable to load the IPC key. Given '%s'.\n", argv[3]);
		} else {
			// We didn't get enough info

			printf("Error: bad command line arguments for IPC. Please call as:\n");
			printf("\t/path/to/program /path/to/input [/path/to/output] [/path/to/dna]\n");
			printf("\t/path/to/program --ipc key_number\n");

	// Read the input file

	if (useIPC) {
		// Set up the IPC shared memory

		ipc = null;

		ipc = (ipc_memory *) shmat(useIPC, 0, 0);

		if (ipc == (ipc_memory *) -1) {
			printf("Unable to get shared memory: error %d\n", errno);

		// Now set the stuff that readInputFile would do for us

		me = ipc->player;
		boardHeight = ipc->height;
		boardWidth = ipc->width;
		gameBoard = (int *) &(ipc->gameBoard);

		playerOneScore = ipc->pOneScore;
		playerOneTimeLeft = ipc->pOneTime;

		playerTwoScore = ipc->pTwoScore;
		playerTwoTimeLeft = ipc->pTwoTime;

		if (me == 1) {
			him = 2;
			ourScore = &playerOneScore;
			ourTime = &playerOneTimeLeft;
			hisScore = &playerTwoScore;
			hisTime = &playerTwoTimeLeft;
		} else {
			him = 1;
			hisScore = &playerOneScore;
			hisTime = &playerOneTimeLeft;
			ourScore = &playerTwoScore;
			ourTime = &playerTwoTimeLeft;	
	} else {

	// Read our DNA if they gave it to us

	if (useIPC) {
		// We get the DNA through the IPC
		myDNA = &(ipc->theDNA);
	} else {
		// Load the DNA from a file if given
		if (argc == 4) {

	// Initialize other stuff

	memset(possibleMoves, 0, MAX_POSSIBLE_MOVES * sizeof(move *));	// Clear out the possible moves array

	// Generate a list of possible moves

	if (DEBUG) {
		printf("We found %d possible moves.\n\n", possibleMovesFound);

	// Seed the RNG

	srand((unsigned) time(NULL));

	// Time to start processing.

	selectMove();	// Figure out our move

	// Print out the move
	if (useIPC) {
		// Since we are using IPC, things are easy

		copyMove(&finalMove, &(ipc->chosenMove));
	} else {

		fromXChar = columnToChar(finalMove.from_x);
		toXChar = columnToChar(finalMove.to_x);
		fromYChar = '1' + finalMove.from_y;
		toYChar = '1' + finalMove.to_y;

		if (argc == 2) {
			// Just print out the result
			printf("%c%c %c%c\n", fromXChar, fromYChar, toXChar, toYChar);
		} else {
			// They want our output put into a file, so we'll have to do that.
			FILE *out = null;
			out = fopen(argv[2], "w");
			if (out == null) {
				// We couldn't open the file, so complain 
				printf("Unable to open output file! Error %d.\n", errno);
				printf("%c%c %c%c\n", fromXChar, fromYChar, toXChar, toYChar);
			} else {
				// We opened the file, write out stuff and quit.
				fprintf(out, "%c%c %c%c\n", fromXChar, fromYChar, toXChar, toYChar);

	if (DEBUG) {
		printf("%c%c %c%c\n", fromXChar, fromYChar, toXChar, toYChar);

	// Clean up the possible move list

	if (possibleMovesFound > 0) {
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < possibleMovesFound; i++) {

	// Detatch from the shared memory if we are using it

	if (useIPC) {

	// Now return

	return 0;
