Пример #1
 * Add values to URL field.
void PIMContact::addURL()
    MAUtil::String attribute;
    printf("Add values to URL field.\n\n");
    mArgs.field = MA_PIM_FIELD_CONTACT_URL;

    // Print home URL value and attribute.
    attribute = getWebsiteAttributeString(MA_PIM_ATTR_WEBSITE_HOME);
    printf("Attribute: %s", attribute.c_str());
    printf("URL1: %S", sURLHome);

    // Write home URL value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sURLHome);

    // Add value to URL field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_WEBSITE_HOME));

    // Print work URL value and attribute.
    attribute = getWebsiteAttributeString(MA_PIM_ATTR_WEBSITE_WORK);
    printf("Attribute: %s", attribute.c_str());
    printf("URL2: %S", sURLWork);

    // Write work URL value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sURLWork);

    // Add value to URL field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_WEBSITE_WORK));
Пример #2
 * Add values to relation field.
void PIMContact::addRelation()
    printf("Add values to relation field.\n\n");
    MAUtil::String attribute;

    // Print brother relation value and attribute.
    attribute = getRelationAttributeString(MA_PIM_ATTR_RELATION_BROTHER);
    printf("Attribute: %s", attribute.c_str());
    printf("Relation1: %S", sRelationBrother);

    // Write brother value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sRelationBrother);

    // Add value to relation field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_RELATION_BROTHER));

    // Print manager relation value and attribute.
    attribute = getRelationAttributeString(MA_PIM_ATTR_RELATION_MANAGER);
    printf("Attribute: %s", attribute.c_str());
    printf("Relation2: %S", sRelationManager);

    // Write manager value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sRelationManager);

    // Add value to relation field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_RELATION_MANAGER));
Пример #3
 * Add values to email field.
void PIMContact::addEmail()
    printf("Add values to email field.\n\n");
    MAUtil::String attribute;

    // Print home email value and attribute for on the screen.
    attribute = getEmailAttributeString(MA_PIM_ATTR_EMAIL_HOME);
    printf("Attribute: %s", attribute.c_str());
    printf("Email: %S", sEmailHome);

    // Write home email value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sEmailHome);

    // Add value to the email field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_EMAIL_HOME));

    // Print work email value and attribute for on the screen.
    attribute = getEmailAttributeString(MA_PIM_ATTR_EMAIL_WORK);
    printf("Attribute: %s", attribute.c_str());
    printf("Email: %S", sEmailWork);

    // Write work email value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sEmailWork);

    // Add value to the email field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_EMAIL_WORK));
Пример #4
 * Modify the first value of the address field.
 * Set a custom label for that value.
void PIMContact::modifyAddressField()
    printf("==============Modify address field=============\n\n");
    mArgs.field = MA_PIM_FIELD_CONTACT_ADDR;

    // Print new value on the screen.
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_ADDRESS_INDICES; i++)
        MAUtil::String addressValueIndex = getAddressIndexString(i);
        const wchar* addressValue = sAddressModified[i];
        printf("%s %S", addressValueIndex.c_str(), addressValue);

    // Write the address into the buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = writeWCharArraysToBuf(

    // Set the value for the address field at position 0.
    // Use MA_PIM_ATTR_ADDR_CUSTOM so we can set the label later.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemSetValue(&mArgs, 0, MA_PIM_ATTR_ADDR_CUSTOM));

    // Set custom attribute(label) for the above address.
    printf("\n Set label for the this address.");
    printf("Label: %S", sAddressLabel);

    // Write label value into buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sAddressLabel);

    // Set label value for address field at position 0.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemSetLabel(&mArgs, 0));
Пример #5
 * Add values to phone field.
void PIMContact::addPhone()
    printf("Add values to phone field field.\n\n");
    mArgs.field = MA_PIM_FIELD_CONTACT_TEL;
    MAUtil::String attribute;

    // Print mobile number and attribute on the screen.
    attribute = getPhoneAttributeString(MA_PIM_ATTR_PHONE_MOBILE);
    printf("Attribute: %s", attribute.c_str());
    printf("Mobile number: %S", sPhoneMobile);

    // Write mobile number value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sPhoneMobile);

    // Add value to phone field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_PHONE_MOBILE));

    // Print iPhone number and attribute on the screen.
    attribute = getPhoneAttributeString(MA_PIM_ATTR_PHONE_IPHONE);
    printf("Attribute: %s", attribute.c_str());
    printf("iPhone number: %S", sPhoneIPhone);

    // Write iPhone number value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sPhoneIPhone);

    // Add value to the phone field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_PHONE_IPHONE));

    // Print home number and attribute on the screen.
    attribute = getPhoneAttributeString(MA_PIM_ATTR_PHONE_HOME);
    printf("Attribute: %s", attribute.c_str());
    printf("Home number: %S", sPhoneHome);

    // Write home number value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sPhoneHome);

    // Add value to the phone field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_PHONE_HOME));
Пример #6
 * Test maPimItemSetLabel syscall.
void AppMoblet::testMaPimItemSetLabel()
    printf("\n===========Test maPimItemSetLabel syscall===========");
    MAHandle list = maPimListOpen(MA_PIM_CONTACTS);
    MAHandle item = maPimItemCreate(list);

    MA_PIM_ARGS args;
    char buf[1024];
    args.buf = buf;
    args.bufSize = 1024;

    printf("\nTest with invalid item handle");
    args.item = 323;
    printResultCode(maPimItemSetLabel(&args, 1));

    printf("\nTest with invalid field");
    args.item = item;
    args.field = 12333;
    printResultCode(maPimItemSetLabel(&args, 1));

    printf("\nTest with unsupported field");
    args.field = MA_PIM_FIELD_CONTACT_CLASS;
    printResultCode(maPimItemSetLabel(&args, 1));

    printf("\nTest with invalid value index and empty field");
    args.field = MA_PIM_FIELD_CONTACT_ADDR;
    printResultCode(maPimItemSetLabel(&args, 1));

    printf("\nTest with invalid value index and field is not empty");
    PIMContact* contact = new PIMContact(item);
    printResultCode(maPimItemSetLabel(&args, 5));

    printf("\nTest with a valid field, but value's attribute is not custom");
    printResultCode(maPimItemSetLabel(&args, 0));

    printf("\nTest with a valid field and value's attribute is custom");
    // Write value to buffer.
    args.bufSize = writeWCharArraysToBuf(args.buf, sAddressHome,
    int index = maPimItemAddValue(&args, MA_PIM_ATTR_ADDR_CUSTOM);

    args.bufSize = copyWCharArray(args.buf, L"My label");
    printResultCode(maPimItemSetLabel(&args, index));

    maPimItemRemove(list, item);
Пример #7
 * Add value to title field.
void PIMContact::addTitle()
    printf("Add value to title field.\n\n");

    // Print value on the screen.
    printf("Public key string: %S", sTitle);

    // Write title value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sTitle);

    // Add value to title field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_PREFERRED));
Пример #8
 * Add value to URL field.
void PIMContact::addPhotoURL()
    printf("Add value to photo URL field.\n\n");

    // Write value on the screen.
    printf("Photo URL: %S", sPhotoURL);

    // Write photo URL value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sPhotoURL);

    // Add value to photo URL field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_PREFERRED));
Пример #9
 * Add value to organization field.
void PIMContact::addOrg()
    printf("Add value to organization field.\n\n");
    mArgs.field = MA_PIM_FIELD_CONTACT_ORG;

    // Print value on the screen.
    printf("Organization: %S", sOrg);

    // Write organization value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sOrg);

    // Add value to organization field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_PREFERRED));
Пример #10
 * Add value to note field.
void PIMContact::addNote()
    printf("Add value to note field.\n\n");
    mArgs.field = MA_PIM_FIELD_CONTACT_NOTE;

    // Print value on the screen.
    printf("Note: %S", sNote);

    // Write note value to buffer.
    mArgs.bufSize = copyWCharArray(mArgs.buf, sNote);

    // Add value to note field.
    checkResultCode(maPimItemAddValue(&mArgs, MA_PIM_ATTR_PREFERRED));