Пример #1
void fix_peripheral_orientations(
	Triangulation	*manifold)
	Tetrahedron	*tet;
	VertexIndex	v;
	FaceIndex	f;
	Cusp		*cusp;

	 *	This function should get called only for orientable manifolds.
	if (manifold->orientability != oriented_manifold && 
 		manifold->orientability != oriented_orbifold)
		uFatalError("fix_peripheral_orientations", "orient");

	 *	Compute the intersection number of the meridian and longitude.
	copy_curves_to_scratch(manifold, 0, FALSE);
	copy_curves_to_scratch(manifold, 1, FALSE);

	 *	Reverse the meridian on cusps with intersection_number[L][M] == -1.

	/* which Tetrahedron */
	for (tet = manifold->tet_list_begin.next;
		 tet != &manifold->tet_list_end;
		 tet = tet->next)

		/* which ideal vertex */
		for (v = 0; v < 4; v++)

			if (tet->cusp[v]->intersection_number[L][M] == -1)

				/* which side of the vertex */
				for (f = 0; f < 4; f++)

					if (v != f)
						tet->curve[M][right_handed][v][f] = - tet->curve[M][right_handed][v][f];

						if (tet->curve[M][left_handed][v][f] != 0.0
						 || tet->curve[L][left_handed][v][f] != 0.0)
							uFatalError("fix_peripheral_orientations", "orient");

	 *	When we reverse the meridian we must also negate the meridional
	 *	Dehn filling coefficient in order to maintain the same (oriented)
	 *	Dehn filling curve as before.  However, this Dehn filling curve
	 *	will wind clockwise around the core geodesics, relative to
	 *	the global orientation on the manifold (because the global
	 *	orientation disagrees with the local orientation we had been using
	 *	on the nonorientable manifold's torus cusp).  This forces a whole
	 *	new solution to be found to the gluing equations.  To avoid this,
	 *	we reverse the direction of the Dehn filling curve (i.e. we
	 *	negate both the m and l coefficients).  The net effect is that
	 *	we negate the l coefficient.
	 *	This reversal of the Dehn filling curve is not really
	 *	necessary, and could be eliminated if it's ever causes problems.

	for (cusp = manifold->cusp_list_begin.next;
		 cusp != &manifold->cusp_list_end;
		 cusp = cusp->next)

		if (cusp->intersection_number[L][M] == -1)

			cusp->l = - cusp->l;
Пример #2
static void compute_cusp_map(
	Triangulation	*manifold0,
	Triangulation	*manifold1,
	Isometry		*isometry)
	Tetrahedron	*tet;
	VertexIndex	v;
	int			i;

	 *	Copy the manifold1's peripheral curves into
	 *	scratch_curves[0], and copy the images of manifold0's
	 *	peripheral curves into scratch_curves[1].
	 *	When the manifold is orientable and the Isometry is
	 *	orientation-reversing, and sometimes when the manifold
	 *	is nonorientable, the images of the peripheral curves
	 *	of a torus will lie on the "wrong" sheet of the Cusp's
	 *	orientation double cover.  (See peripheral_curves.c for
	 *	background material.)  Therefore we copy the images of
	 *	the peripheral curves of torus cusps to both sheets of
	 *	the orientation double cover, to guarantee that the
	 *	intersection numbers come out right.

	copy_curves_to_scratch(manifold1, 0, FALSE);
	copy_images_to_scratch(manifold0, 1, TRUE);

	 *	Compute the intersection numbers of the images of manifold0's
	 *	peripheral curves with manifold1's peripheral curves..


	 *	Now extract the cusp_maps from the linking numbers.
	 *	There's a lot of redundancy in this loop, but a trivial
	 *	computation so the redundancy hardly matters.
	 *	Ignore negatively indexed Cusps -- they're finite vertices.

	for (tet = manifold0->tet_list_begin.next;
		 tet != &manifold0->tet_list_end;
		 tet = tet->next)

		for (v = 0; v < 4; v++)

			if (tet->cusp[v]->index >= 0)

				for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)		/* i = M, L */
						= + tet->image->cusp[EVALUATE(tet->map, v)]->intersection_number[L][i];

						= - tet->image->cusp[EVALUATE(tet->map, v)]->intersection_number[M][i];
Пример #3
static void adjust_Klein_cusp_orientations(
    Triangulation   *manifold)
     *  As explained at the top of this file, a Cusp's peripheral curves
     *  live in the its orientation double cover.  When I first wrote this
     *  file, I didn't worry about the orientation of peripheral curves
     *  in nonorientable manifolds.  Subsequently it became clear that
     *  they should have the standard orientation relative to the Cusp's
     *  (oriented, not just orientable) orientation double cover.  In
     *  the case of a torus Cusp, the peripheral curves live in one
     *  (arbitrarily chosen) component of the orientation double cover;
     *  in the case of a Klein bottle Cusp, the orientation double cover
     *  is connected.
     *  Fortunately, it's very easy to check whether the peripheral curves
     *  have the standard orientation, and to correct them if necessary.
     *  The definition of the standard orientation for peripheral curves on
     *  a torus is that when the fingers of your right hand point in the
     *  direction of the meridian and your thumb points in the direction
     *  of the longitude, the palm of your hand should face the cusp and
     *  the back of your hand should face the fat part of the manifold.
     *  Combining this with the definition of the intersection number
     *  found at the top of intersection_numbers.c reveals that the
     *  intersection number of the longitude and the meridian (in that
     *  order) should be +1.  If it happens to be -1, we must reverse
     *  the meridian.

     *  If the manifold is oriented, then the peripheral curves will
     *  already have the correct orientation.  In fact, they will lie
     *  on the right handed sheet of the Cusp's orientation double
     *  cover, relative to the orientation of the manifold.
    if (manifold->orientability == oriented_manifold)

     *  The scratch curves might already be in use, so let's make
     *  a copy of whatever's there.

     *  Copy the peripheral curves to both sets of scratch_curve fields.
    copy_curves_to_scratch(manifold, 0, FALSE);
    copy_curves_to_scratch(manifold, 1, FALSE);

     *  Compute their intersection numbers.

     *  Restore whatever used to be in the scratch_curves.

     *  On Cusps where the intersection number of the longitude and
     *  meridian is -1, reverse the meridian.