Пример #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *fftfile, *candfile = NULL, *psfile = NULL;
    char filenm[100], candnm[100], psfilenm[120];
    float locpow, norm, powargr, powargi;
    float *powr, *spreadpow, *minizoompow, *freqs;
    fcomplex *data, *minifft, *minizoom, *spread;
    fcomplex *resp, *kernel;
    double T, dr, ftobinp;
    int ii, nbins, ncands, candnum, lofreq = 0, nzoom, numsumpow = 1;
    int numbetween, numkern, kern_half_width;
    binaryprops binprops;
    infodata idata;

    if (argc < 3 || argc > 6) {
    printf("         Binary Candidate Display Routine\n");
    printf("              by Scott M. Ransom\n\n");

    /* Initialize the filenames: */

    sprintf(filenm, "%s.fft", argv[1]);
    sprintf(candnm, "%s_bin.cand", argv[1]);

    /* Read the info file */

    readinf(&idata, argv[1]);
    if (idata.object) {
        printf("Plotting a %s candidate from '%s'.\n", idata.object, filenm);
    } else {
        printf("Plotting a candidate from '%s'.\n", filenm);
    T = idata.N * idata.dt;

    /* Open the FFT file and get its length */

    fftfile = chkfopen(filenm, "rb");
    nbins = chkfilelen(fftfile, sizeof(fcomplex));

    /* Open the candidate file and get its length */

    candfile = chkfopen(candnm, "rb");
    ncands = chkfilelen(candfile, sizeof(binaryprops));

    /* The candidate number to examine */

    candnum = atoi(argv[2]);

    /* Check that candnum is in range */

    if ((candnum < 1) || (candnum > ncands)) {
        printf("\nThe candidate number is out of range.\n\n");
    /* The lowest freq present in the FFT file */

    if (argc >= 4) {
        lofreq = atoi(argv[3]);
        if ((lofreq < 0) || (lofreq > nbins - 1)) {
            printf("\n'lofreq' is out of range.\n\n");
    /* Is the original FFT a sum of other FFTs with the amplitudes added */
    /* in quadrature?  (i.e. an incoherent sum)                          */

    if (argc >= 5) {
        numsumpow = atoi(argv[4]);
        if (numsumpow < 1) {
            printf("\nNumber of summed powers must be at least one.\n\n");
    /* Initialize PGPLOT using Postscript if requested  */

    if ((argc == 6) && (!strcmp(argv[5], "ps"))) {
        sprintf(psfilenm, "%s_bin_cand_%d.ps", argv[1], candnum);
        cpgstart_ps(psfilenm, "landscape");
    } else {

    /* Read the binary candidate */

    chkfileseek(candfile, (long) (candnum - 1), sizeof(binaryprops), SEEK_SET);
    chkfread(&binprops, sizeof(binaryprops), 1, candfile);

    /* Output the binary candidate */

    print_bin_candidate(&binprops, 2);

    /* Allocate some memory */

    powr = gen_fvect(binprops.nfftbins);
    minifft = gen_cvect(binprops.nfftbins / 2);
    spread = gen_cvect(binprops.nfftbins);
    spreadpow = gen_fvect(binprops.nfftbins);
    minizoom = gen_cvect(nzoom);
    minizoompow = gen_fvect(nzoom);

    /* Allocate and initialize our interpolation kernel */

    numbetween = 2;
    kern_half_width = r_resp_halfwidth(LOWACC);
    numkern = 2 * numbetween * kern_half_width;
    resp = gen_r_response(0.0, numbetween, numkern);
    kernel = gen_cvect(binprops.nfftbins);
    place_complex_kernel(resp, numkern, kernel, binprops.nfftbins);
    COMPLEXFFT(kernel, binprops.nfftbins, -1);

    /* Read the data from the FFT file */

    data = read_fcomplex_file(fftfile, binprops.lowbin - lofreq, binprops.nfftbins);

    /* Turn the Fourier amplitudes into powers */

    for (ii = 0; ii < binprops.nfftbins; ii++)
        powr[ii] = POWER(data[ii].r, data[ii].i);

    /* Chop the powers that are way above the median level */

    prune_powers(powr, binprops.nfftbins, numsumpow);

    /* Perform the minifft */

    memcpy((float *) minifft, powr, sizeof(float) * binprops.nfftbins);
    realfft((float *) minifft, binprops.nfftbins, -1);

    /* Calculate the normalization constant */

    norm = sqrt((double) binprops.nfftbins * (double) numsumpow) / minifft[0].r;
    locpow = minifft[0].r / binprops.nfftbins;

    /* Divide the original power spectrum by the local power level */

    for (ii = 0; ii < binprops.nfftbins; ii++)
        powr[ii] /= locpow;

    /* Now normalize the miniFFT */

    minifft[0].r = 1.0;
    minifft[0].i = 1.0;
    for (ii = 1; ii < binprops.nfftbins / 2; ii++) {
        minifft[ii].r *= norm;
        minifft[ii].i *= norm;

    /* Interpolate the minifft and convert to power spectrum */

    corr_complex(minifft, binprops.nfftbins / 2, RAW,
                 kernel, binprops.nfftbins, FFT,
                 spread, binprops.nfftbins, kern_half_width,
                 numbetween, kern_half_width, CORR);
    for (ii = 0; ii < binprops.nfftbins; ii++)
        spreadpow[ii] = POWER(spread[ii].r, spread[ii].i);

    /* Plot the initial data set */

    freqs = gen_freqs(binprops.nfftbins, binprops.lowbin / T, 1.0 / T);
    xyline(binprops.nfftbins, freqs, powr, "Pulsar Frequency (hz)",
           "Power / Local Power", 1);
    printf("The initial data set (with high power outliers removed):\n\n");

    /* Plot the miniFFT */

    freqs = gen_freqs(binprops.nfftbins, 0.0, T / (2 * binprops.nfftbins));
    xyline(binprops.nfftbins, freqs, spreadpow, "Binary Period (sec)",
           "Normalized Power", 1);
    printf("The miniFFT:\n\n");

    /* Interpolate and plot the actual candidate peak */

    ftobinp = T / binprops.nfftbins;
    freqs = gen_freqs(nzoom, (binprops.rdetect - ZOOMNEIGHBORS) *
                      ftobinp, ftobinp / (double) ZOOMFACT);
    for (ii = 0; ii < nzoom; ii++) {
        dr = -ZOOMNEIGHBORS + (double) ii / ZOOMFACT;
        rz_interp(minifft, binprops.nfftbins / 2, binprops.rdetect + dr,
                  0.0, kern_half_width, &minizoom[ii]);
        minizoompow[ii] = POWER(minizoom[ii].r, minizoom[ii].i);
    xyline(nzoom, freqs, minizoompow, "Binary Period (sec)", "Normalized Power", 1);
    printf("The candidate itself:\n\n");

    /* Cleanup */

    if ((argc == 6) && (!strcmp(argv[5], "ps"))) {
    return (0);
Пример #2
ffdotpows *subharm_ffdot_plane(int numharm, int harmnum,
                               double fullrlo, double fullrhi,
                               subharminfo * shi, accelobs * obs)
   int ii, lobin, hibin, numdata, nice_numdata, nrs, fftlen, binoffset;
   static int numrs_full = 0, numzs_full = 0;
   float powargr, powargi;
   double drlo, drhi, harm_fract;
   ffdotpows *ffdot;
   fcomplex *data, **result;
   presto_datainf datainf;

   if (numrs_full == 0) {
      if (numharm == 1 && harmnum == 1) {
         numrs_full = ACCEL_USELEN;
         numzs_full = shi->numkern;
      } else {
         printf("You must call subharm_ffdot_plane() with numharm=1 and\n");
         printf("harnum=1 before you use other values!  Exiting.\n\n");
   ffdot = (ffdotpows *) malloc(sizeof(ffdotpows));

   /* Calculate and get the required amplitudes */

   harm_fract = (double) harmnum / (double) numharm;
   drlo = calc_required_r(harm_fract, fullrlo);
   drhi = calc_required_r(harm_fract, fullrhi);
   ffdot->rlo = (int) floor(drlo);
   ffdot->zlo = calc_required_z(harm_fract, obs->zlo);

   /* Initialize the lookup indices */
   if (numharm > 1) {
      double rr, subr;
      for (ii = 0; ii < numrs_full; ii++) {
         rr = fullrlo + ii * ACCEL_DR;
         subr = calc_required_r(harm_fract, rr);
         shi->rinds[ii] = index_from_r(subr, ffdot->rlo);
   ffdot->rinds = shi->rinds;
   ffdot->numrs = (int) ((ceil(drhi) - floor(drlo))
                         * ACCEL_RDR + DBLCORRECT) + 1;
   if (numharm == 1 && harmnum == 1) {
      ffdot->numrs = ACCEL_USELEN;
   } else {
      if (ffdot->numrs % ACCEL_RDR) {
         ffdot->numrs = (ffdot->numrs / ACCEL_RDR + 1) * ACCEL_RDR;
   ffdot->numzs = shi->numkern;
   binoffset = shi->kern[0].kern_half_width;
   fftlen = shi->kern[0].fftlen;
   lobin = ffdot->rlo - binoffset;
   hibin = (int) ceil(drhi) + binoffset;
   numdata = hibin - lobin + 1;
   nice_numdata = next2_to_n(numdata);  // for FFTs
   data = get_fourier_amplitudes(lobin, nice_numdata, obs);
   if (!obs->mmap_file && !obs->dat_input && 0)
       printf("This is newly malloc'd!\n");

   // Normalize the Fourier amplitudes

   if (obs->nph > 0.0) {
       //  Use freq 0 normalization if requested (i.e. photons)
       double norm = 1.0 / sqrt(obs->nph);
       for (ii = 0; ii < numdata; ii++) {
           data[ii].r *= norm;
           data[ii].i *= norm;
   } else if (obs->norm_type == 0) {
       //  old-style block median normalization
       float *powers;
       double norm;

       powers = gen_fvect(numdata);
       for (ii = 0; ii < numdata; ii++)
           powers[ii] = POWER(data[ii].r, data[ii].i);
       norm = 1.0 / sqrt(median(powers, numdata)/log(2.0));
       for (ii = 0; ii < numdata; ii++) {
           data[ii].r *= norm;
           data[ii].i *= norm;
   } else {
       //  new-style running double-tophat local-power normalization
       float *powers, *loc_powers;

       powers = gen_fvect(nice_numdata);
       for (ii = 0; ii < nice_numdata; ii++) {
           powers[ii] = POWER(data[ii].r, data[ii].i);
       loc_powers = corr_loc_pow(powers, nice_numdata);
       for (ii = 0; ii < numdata; ii++) {
           float norm = invsqrt(loc_powers[ii]);
           data[ii].r *= norm;
           data[ii].i *= norm;

   /* Perform the correlations */

   result = gen_cmatrix(ffdot->numzs, ffdot->numrs);
   datainf = RAW;
   for (ii = 0; ii < ffdot->numzs; ii++) {
      nrs = corr_complex(data, numdata, datainf,
                         shi->kern[ii].data, fftlen, FFT,
                         result[ii], ffdot->numrs, binoffset,
                         ACCEL_NUMBETWEEN, binoffset, CORR);
      datainf = SAME;

   // Always free data

   /* Convert the amplitudes to normalized powers */

   ffdot->powers = gen_fmatrix(ffdot->numzs, ffdot->numrs);
   for (ii = 0; ii < (ffdot->numzs * ffdot->numrs); ii++)
      ffdot->powers[0][ii] = POWER(result[0][ii].r, result[0][ii].i);
   return ffdot;
Пример #3
static void process_bird(double basebin, int harm, double *lofreq, double *hifreq)
   int ii, plotnumpts = 1000, not_done_yet = 1, plotoffset;
   int lodatabin, firstcorrbin, numgoodpts, replot = 1;
   char inchar;
   float med, xx[2], yy[2], inx, iny;
   float powargr, powargi, pwr, maxpow = 0.0, maxbin = 0.0;
   double truebin, pred_freq, average;
   double firstbin = 0.0, lastbin = 0.0, numbins = 0.0;
   fcomplex *data, *result;

   /* 'bin' means normal resolution FFT amplitude */
   /* 'pt'  means an interpolated FFT amplitude   */
   /* 'pts'=='bins' only if NUMBETWEEN==1         */

   *lofreq = *hifreq = 0.0;
   truebin = basebin * harm;
   pred_freq = truebin / T;
   xx[0] = xx[1] = pred_freq;
   data = get_rawbins(fftfile, truebin, BINSTOGET, &med, &lodatabin);
   if (lodatabin <= 0) {
      data[abs(lodatabin)].r = 1.0;
      data[abs(lodatabin)].i = 1.0;
   firstcorrbin = (int) truebin - MAXBINSTOSHOW / 2;
   average = med / -log(0.5);
   result = gen_cvect(FFTLEN);
   numgoodpts = corr_complex(data, BINSTOGET, RAW,
                             kernel, FFTLEN, FFT,
                             result, MAXPTSTOSHOW,
                             firstcorrbin - lodatabin, NUMBETWEEN, khw, CORR);
   for (ii = 0; ii < numgoodpts; ii++) {
      pwr = POWER(result[ii].r, result[ii].i) / average;
      if (pwr > maxpow) {
         maxpow = pwr;
         maxbin = firstcorrbin + dr * ii;
   printf("\nHarmonic %d of %.15g Hz (%.15g Hz, bin = %.15g)\n",
          harm, basebin / T, pred_freq, truebin);
   printf("  Max power = %.2f at %.15g Hz (bin = %.15g)\n",
          maxpow, maxbin / T, maxbin);
   do {
      if (replot) {
         plotoffset = MAXPTSTOSHOW / 2 - plotnumpts / 2;
         firstbin = firstcorrbin + dr * plotoffset;
         numbins = dr * plotnumpts;
         lastbin = firstbin + numbins;
         plot_spectrum(result + plotoffset, plotnumpts, firstbin, dr, T, average);
         cpgswin(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
         xx[0] = xx[1] = (truebin - firstbin) / numbins;
         yy[0] = 0.0;
         yy[1] = 1.0;
         cpgsci(2);             /* red */
         cpgline(2, xx, yy);    /* Predicted freq */
         cpgsci(7);             /* yellow */
         if (*lofreq) {
            xx[0] = xx[1] = ((*lofreq * T) - firstbin) / numbins;
            cpgline(2, xx, yy); /* Boundary */
         if (*hifreq) {
            xx[0] = xx[1] = ((*hifreq * T) - firstbin) / numbins;
            cpgline(2, xx, yy); /* Boundary */
      replot = 1;
      cpgsci(7);                /* yellow */
      cpgcurs(&inx, &iny, &inchar);
      switch (inchar) {
      case ' ':
      case 'A':
      case 'a':
         xx[0] = xx[1] = inx;
         cpgline(2, xx, yy);    /* New boundary */
         if (*lofreq == 0.0) {
            *lofreq = (inx * numbins + firstbin) / T;
            printf("  Added 1st boundary at %.12g Hz\n", *lofreq);
         } else {
            *hifreq = (inx * numbins + firstbin) / T;
            printf("  Added 2nd boundary at %.12g Hz\n", *hifreq);
         replot = 0;
      case 'I':                /* Zoom in */
      case 'i':
         plotnumpts /= 2;
         if (plotnumpts <= 8)
            plotnumpts = 8;
         printf("  Zooming in...\n");
      case 'O':                /* Zoom out */
      case 'o':
         plotnumpts *= 2;
         if (plotnumpts > MAXPTSTOSHOW)
            plotnumpts = MAXPTSTOSHOW;
         printf("  Zooming out...\n");
      case 'C':                /* Clear/Delete the points */
      case 'c':
      case 'D':
      case 'd':
      case 'X':
      case 'x':
         *lofreq = *hifreq = 0.0;
         printf("  Clearing boundaries.\n");
      case 'Q':                /* Quit/Next birdie */
      case 'q':
      case 'N':
      case 'n':
         *lofreq = *hifreq = 0.0;
         printf("  Skipping to next harmonic.\n");
         printf("  Unrecognized option '%c'.\n", inchar);
      if (*lofreq && *hifreq)
         not_done_yet = 0;
   } while (not_done_yet);
   if (*hifreq < *lofreq) {
      double tmpfreq;
      tmpfreq = *lofreq;
      *lofreq = *hifreq;
      *hifreq = tmpfreq;