int parsebf(char *buf) { double rainrate, raintot; if (!sumcheck(buf, SIZEBF)) { errlog(8, "Checksum failure for BF block."); return (-1); } rainrate = (xDtoint(buf[2]) * 100) + DDtoint(buf[1]); raintot = (xDtoint(buf[6]) * 100) + DDtoint(buf[5]); correct(rainrate, current_cal.rain_rate_mul, current_cal.rain_rate_offs); correct(raintot, current_cal.rain_tot_mul, current_cal.rain_tot_offs); pthread_mutex_lock(¤t_obs_lock); if (raintot < current_obs.rain_tot) { current_obs.rtot_offset += current_obs.rain_tot; } pthread_mutex_unlock(¤t_obs_lock); update(current_obs.rain_rate, rainrate, RAINRATE); update(current_obs.rain_tot, raintot, RAINTOT); errlog2(9, "Rain rate %g mm/hr, Rain tot %g mm", rainrate, raintot); }
int parseaf(char *buf) { double baro, dewpt_in, dewpt_out; if (!sumcheck(buf, SIZEAF)) { errlog(8, "Checksum failure for AF block."); return (-1); } baro = DDtoint(buf[3]) + (DDtoint(buf[4]) * 100.0) + (xDtoint(buf[5]) * 10000.0); baro /= 10; dewpt_in = DDtoint(buf[7]); dewpt_out = DDtoint(buf[18]); correct(dewpt_in, current_cal.dp_in_mul, current_cal.dp_in_offs); correct(dewpt_out, current_cal.dp_out_mul, current_cal.dp_out_offs); correct(baro, current_cal.barometer_mul, current_cal.barometer_offs); update(current_obs.dp_in, dewpt_in, DEWIN); update(current_obs.dp_out, dewpt_out, DEWOUT); update(current_obs.barometer, baro, BARO); errlog1(9, "Barometer: %g mb", baro); errlog2(9, "Indoor dewpoint: %gC, Outdoor dewpoint: %gC", dewpt_in, dewpt_out); }
// // Extract the index'th string in the sequence // LPSTR NSStrSeqGet(NSstringSeq seq, LONG index) { char* s; int N; if (!seq) { return NULL; } if (index<0) { return NULL; } if (!index) return correct(seq); for (s=seq+1,N=0; ((*s) || (*(s-1))) && (N<index); s++) { if (!(*s)) N++; } if (N==index) return correct(s); return NULL; }
int parse8f(char *buf) { int hour, min, sec, day, mon; double hum_in, hum_out; if (!sumcheck(buf, SIZE8F)) { errlog(8, "Checksum failure for 8F block."); return (-1); } sec = DDtoint(buf[1]); min = DDtoint(buf[2]); hour = DDtoint(buf[3]); mon = xDtoint(buf[5]); day = DDtoint(buf[4]); hum_in = DDtoint(buf[8]); hum_out = DDtoint(buf[20]); current_obs.sec = sec; current_obs.min = min; current_obs.hour = hour; current_obs.month = mon; = day; correct(hum_in, current_cal.rh_in_mul, current_cal.rh_in_offs); correct(hum_out, current_cal.rh_out_mul, current_cal.rh_out_offs); update(current_obs.rh_in, hum_in, HUMIN); update(current_obs.rh_out, hum_out, HUMOUT); errlog5(9, "%s %d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", month[mon], day, hour, min, sec); errlog2(9, "Indoor hum: %g%%, Outdoor hum: %g%%", hum_in, hum_out); }
bool GameLayer::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) { if (LOCAL_CONTEXT->firstRun()) { //第一次启动,点击取消帮助画面层 this->removeHelpLayer(); return false; } if (running) { disable(); CCSprite *lastItem = items[0]; long itemnum = (long) lastItem->getUserData(); //CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene(FinishLayer::scene()); CCSize winsize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize(); CCPoint location = pTouch->getLocation(); if (location.x < winsize.width / 2) { LOCAL_CONTEXT->playEffect("left.mp3"); //瓶子 6-10 if (itemnum >= 6) { correct(-0.32); } else { mistake(-0.32); } } else { LOCAL_CONTEXT->playEffect("right.mp3"); //罐子 1-5 if (itemnum <= 5) { correct(0.32); } else { mistake(0.32); } } } return false; }
const InfInt& InfInt::operator%=(const InfInt& rhs) { if (rhs == zero) { #ifdef INFINT_USE_EXCEPTIONS throw InfIntException("division by zero"); #else std::cerr << "Division by zero!" << std::endl; return zero; #endif } InfInt D = (rhs.pos ? rhs : -rhs), N = (pos ? *this : -*this); bool oldpos = pos; val.clear(); for (int i = (int)N.val.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { val.insert(val.begin(), (ELEM_TYPE)0); val[0] = N.val[i]; correct(true); *this -= D * dInR(*this, D); } correct(); pos = (val.size() == 1 && val[0] == 0) ? true : oldpos; return *this; }
void bmeps_setup(int psl, int col, int a85, int rl, int fl, int alpha, int trans, int altrig, int mix, int specbg, int bg_red, int bg_green, int bg_blue, int dsc_show ) { is_configured = 1; bmeps_color = bmeps_enc_a85 = bmeps_enc_rl = bmeps_enc_fl = 0; bmeps_alpha = bmeps_trans = bmeps_altrig = 0; bmeps_mix = bmeps_specbg = 0; bmeps_bg_red = bmeps_bg_green = bmeps_bg_blue = 255; bmeps_pslevel = psl; bmeps_mix = (mix ? 1 : 0); bmeps_specbg = (specbg ? 1 : 0); bmeps_bg_red = bg_red; bmeps_bg_green = bg_green; bmeps_bg_blue = bg_blue; show_dsc_comments = dsc_show; correct(bmeps_bg_red); correct(bmeps_bg_green); correct(bmeps_bg_blue); if(bmeps_pslevel < 1) bmeps_pslevel = 1; if(bmeps_pslevel > MAXPSLEVEL) bmeps_pslevel = MAXPSLEVEL; if(bmeps_pslevel > 1) { bmeps_color = (col ? 1 : 0); bmeps_enc_a85 = (a85 ? 1 : 0); bmeps_enc_rl = (rl ? 1 : 0); if(bmeps_pslevel > 2) { bmeps_enc_fl = ( fl ? 1 : 0 ); if(alpha) { bmeps_alpha = 1; bmeps_trans = (trans ? 1 : 0); bmeps_altrig = (altrig ? 1 : 0); } } } }
int parse9f(char *buf) { double temp_in, temp_out; if (!sumcheck(buf, SIZE9F)) { errlog(8, "Checksum failure for 9F block."); return (-1); } temp_in = ((xDtoint(buf[2] & 0x07) * 100) + (DDtoint(buf[1]))) / 10; if (buf[2] & 0x08) { temp_in = -1.0 * temp_in; } temp_out = ((xDtoint(buf[17] & 0x07) * 100) + (DDtoint(buf[16]))) / 10; if (buf[17] & 0x08) { temp_out = -1.0 * temp_out; } if ((temp_out < -50.0) || (temp_in < -50.0)) return; /*Bad data*/ correct(temp_in, current_cal.temp_in_mul, current_cal.temp_in_offs); correct(temp_out, current_cal.temp_out_mul, current_cal.temp_out_offs); update(current_obs.temp_in, temp_in, TEMPIN); update(current_obs.temp_out, temp_out, TEMPOUT); errlog2(9, "Indoor temp: %gC, Outdoor temp: %gC", temp_in, temp_out); }
int tr_fl(int q_no) { char tf,ter; if(q_no==4) { ques(4); printf("\n\nAll metals are ductile.(t/f)"); printf("\n\nType \"t\" for TRUE\tor \"f\" for FALSE"); ter=check(); if(ter==14) goto end; flushall(); printf("\n\nYOUR OPINION:-\t"); scanf("%c",&tf); if(tf=='f') { correct(); return 1; } else printf("\n\n\a\aIT IS A FALSE STATEMENT"); getch(); } if(q_no==6) { ques(6); printf("\n\nUnicellular organisms have one celled body.(t/f)"); printf("\n\nType \"t\" for TRUE\tor \"f\" for FALSE"); ter=check(); if(ter==14) goto end; flushall(); printf("\n\nYOUR OPINION:-\t"); scanf("%c",&tf); if(tf=='t') { correct(); return 1; } else printf("\n\n\a\aIT IS A TRUE STATEMENT"); getch(); } end: return 0; }
int parsecf(char *buf) { double gust, avg, chill, hum_out; double avg_dir, gust_dir; if (!sumcheck(buf, SIZECF)) { errlog(9, "Checksum failure for CF block."); return (-1); } gust = ((xDtoint(buf[2]) * 100) + DDtoint(buf[1])) / 10; gust_dir = (Dxtoint(buf[2])) + (DDtoint(buf[3]) * 10); avg = ((xDtoint(buf[5]) * 100) + DDtoint(buf[4])) / 10; avg_dir = (Dxtoint(buf[5])) + (DDtoint(buf[6]) * 10); chill = DDtoint(buf[16]); if (buf[21] & 0x20) { chill = -1.0 * chill; } #if 0 pthread_mutex_lock(¤t_obs_lock); if (((chill - current_obs.temp_out) > 0.5) && (avg > 0 || gust > 0)) { chill = -1.0 * chill; } pthread_mutex_unlock(¤t_obs_lock); #endif correct(chill, current_cal.chill_mul, current_cal.chill_offs); correct(gust, current_cal.gust_spd_mul, current_cal.gust_spd_offs); correct(gust_dir, current_cal.gust_dir_mul, current_cal.gust_dir_offs); correct(avg_dir, current_cal.wavg_dir_mul, current_cal.wavg_dir_offs); gust_dir = (gust_dir < 0) ? 360 + ((int) gust_dir % 360) : (int) gust_dir % 360; correct(avg, current_cal.wavg_spd_mul, current_cal.wavg_spd_offs); avg_dir = (avg_dir < 0) ? 360 + ((int) avg_dir % 360) : (int) avg_dir % 360; update(current_obs.gust, gust, GUST); update(current_obs.wavg, avg, WAVG); update(current_obs.gust_dir, gust_dir, GUSTDIR); update(current_obs.wavg_dir, avg_dir, WAVGDIR); update(current_obs.chill, chill, WCHILL); errlog2(9, "Wind gust %g m/s, direction: %g", gust, gust_dir); errlog2(9, "Wind avg %g m/s, direction: %g", avg, avg_dir); errlog1(9, "Wind chill %g C", chill); }
Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::twoPhaseMixtureThermo ( const fvMesh& mesh ) : psiThermo(mesh, word::null), twoPhaseMixture(mesh, *this), thermo1_(NULL), thermo2_(NULL) { { volScalarField T1(IOobject::groupName("T", phase1Name()), T_); T1.write(); } { volScalarField T2(IOobject::groupName("T", phase2Name()), T_); T2.write(); } thermo1_ = rhoThermo::New(mesh, phase1Name()); thermo2_ = rhoThermo::New(mesh, phase2Name()); thermo1_->validate(phase1Name(), "e"); thermo2_->validate(phase2Name(), "e"); correct(); }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]){ int n, i, j, k; int count[20]={}, p[20]={}; char str[16]; word dict[SIZE], key; wordptr list[SIZE]; for(n=0; gets(str), strcmp(str, "#"); ++n){ k = strlen(str); ++count[k]; strcpy(dict[n].str, str); dict[n].len = k; dict[n].rank = n; } for(i=1; i<18; ++i) p[i] = p[i-1]+count[i-1]; qsort(dict, n, sizeof(word), compar); while(gets(str), strcmp(str, "#")){ strcpy(key.str, str); key.len = strlen(str); if(bsearch(&key, dict, n, sizeof(word), compar)) printf("%s is correct\n", str); else{ printf("%s:", str); for(i=p[key.len-1], j=0; i<p[key.len+2]; ++i) if(correct(str, dict[i].str, key.len-dict[i].len)) list[j++] = (wordptr) {dict[i].str, dict[i].rank}; qsort(list, j, sizeof(wordptr), comparRank); for(i=0; i<j; ++i) printf(" %s", list[i].str); putchar('\n'); } } return 0; }
ViMainCorrectionWidget::ViMainCorrectionWidget(QWidget *parent) : ViWidget(parent) { mUi = new Ui::ViMainCorrectionWidget(); mUi->setupUi(this); clear(); mUi->projectLoader->setTypeMode(ViProjectLoader::NoTypes); QObject::connect(mUi->projectLoader, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(showContainer())); QObject::connect(mUi->projectLoader, SIGNAL(projectChanged()), this, SLOT(showContainer())); QObject::connect(mUi->projectLoader, SIGNAL(projectModeChanged()), this, SLOT(showContainer())); //Button QObject::connect(mUi->button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(correct())); mUi->button->setIcon(ViThemeManager::icon("startprocess"), 40); mUi->button->setText("Process"); mUi->button->setSize(140, 60); //Label width QString style = "QLabel { width: 140px; min-width: 140px; }"; mUi->projectLoader->setStyleSheet(style); mUi->container->setStyleSheet(style); // Correctors mUi->correctorComboBox->addItems(mUi->correctionWidget->correctors()); QObject::connect(mUi->correctorComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeCorrector())); changeCorrector(); // Mode mUi->modeComboBox->addItems(ViCorrectionMode::modes()); mUi->modeComboBox->setCurrentText(ViCorrectionMode::defaultMode()); QObject::connect(mUi->modeComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeMode())); changeMode(); }
Foam::viscosityModels::strainRateFunction::strainRateFunction ( const word& name, const dictionary& viscosityProperties, const volVectorField& U, const surfaceScalarField& phi ) : viscosityModel(name, viscosityProperties, U, phi), strainRateFunctionCoeffs_ ( viscosityProperties.optionalSubDict(typeName + "Coeffs") ), strainRateFunction_ ( Function1<scalar>::New("function", strainRateFunctionCoeffs_) ), nu_ ( IOobject ( name, U_.time().timeName(), U_.db(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), U_.mesh(), dimensionedScalar(name, dimViscosity, 0) ) { correct(); }
bool arlCore::FieldCorrector::correct( vnl_rigid_matrix &T ) const { vnl_rigid_matrix T0; if(!correct(T, T0)) return false; T.copy(T0); return true; }
ErrorCorrectResult ErrorCorrectProcess::process(const SequenceWorkItem& workItem) { ErrorCorrectResult result = correct(workItem); if(!result.kmerQC && !result.overlapQC && m_params.printOverlaps) std::cout << << " failed error correction QC\n"; return result; }
// Construct from components Foam::distortionEnergyDiff::distortionEnergyDiff ( const tetMotionSolver& mSolver ) : motionDiff(mSolver), motionGamma_ ( IOobject ( "motionGamma", tetMesh().time().timeName(), tetMesh()(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), tetMesh(), dimensionedScalar("1.0", dimless, 1.0) ) { exponent_ = readInt(mSolver.lookup("diffusivityExponent")); Info << "Value of exponent for distortion energy based motion diffusivity: " << exponent_ << endl; mSolver.storeTotDisplacement(); correct(); }
void DateFormatRegressionTest::Test5554(void) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UnicodeString pattern("Z",""); UnicodeString newfoundland("Canada/Newfoundland", ""); TimeZone *zone = TimeZone::createTimeZone(newfoundland); Calendar *cal = new GregorianCalendar(zone, status); SimpleDateFormat *sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern,status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("Error constructing SimpleDateFormat"); delete cal; delete sdf; return; } cal->set(2007, 1, 14); UDate date = cal->getTime(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("Error getting time to format"); return; }; sdf->adoptCalendar(cal); UnicodeString result; UnicodeString correct("-0330", ""); sdf->format(date, result); if (result != correct) { errln("\nError: Newfoundland Z of Jan 14, 2007 gave '" + result + "', expected '" + correct + "'"); } delete sdf; }
void main() { char i; printf(" 欢迎进入电子与信息工程学院2011计算机2班通讯录系统\n"); printf("1:添加 2:查找 3:修改 4:删除 5:统计 6:打印 7:退出\n"); check(); i=getch(); while(1) { switch(i) { case '1':creat();break; case '2':search();break; case '3':correct();break; case '4':del();break; case '5':printf("通讯录共有%d人!\n",n); break; case '6':print();;break; case '7':esc();break; default: printf("您的输入有误,请重新输入\n"); } if(i=='7') break; printf("1:添加 2:查找 3:修改 4:删除 5:统计 6:打印 7:退出\n"); i=getch(); } }
Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::twoPhaseMixtureThermo ( const volVectorField& U, const surfaceScalarField& phi ) : psiThermo(U.mesh(), word::null), twoPhaseMixture(U.mesh(), *this), interfaceProperties(alpha1(), U, *this), thermo1_(nullptr), thermo2_(nullptr) { { volScalarField T1(IOobject::groupName("T", phase1Name()), T_); T1.write(); } { volScalarField T2(IOobject::groupName("T", phase2Name()), T_); T2.write(); } thermo1_ = rhoThermo::New(U.mesh(), phase1Name()); thermo2_ = rhoThermo::New(U.mesh(), phase2Name()); // thermo1_->validate(phase1Name(), "e"); // thermo2_->validate(phase2Name(), "e"); correct(); }
KalmanResult2D KalmanFilter2D::update( KalmanInput2D& input ) { predict(); auto estimation = correct(input); lastState = estimation; return estimation; }
void virtual_random_access_iteratorTest::testString() { std::string source[100]; size_t num = sizeof(source) / sizeof(source[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << "stringnumber:" << i; source[i] = ostr.str(); } std::random_shuffle(source, source + num); { std::vector<std::string> correct(source, source + num); std::vector<std::string> test(source, source + num); std::sort(correct.begin(), correct.end()); vsorts(test.begin(), test.end()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(correct == test); } { std::string *correct = new std::string[num]; std::string *test = new std::string[num]; std::copy(source, source + num, correct); std::copy(source, source + num, test); std::sort(correct, correct + num); vsorts(test, test + num); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(std::equal(correct, correct + num, test)); delete [] correct; delete [] test; } }
void EKFLocalization::setPos( float x, float y, float t, const Ice::Current& c ) { //cerr<<"recv ["<<x<<","<<y<<","<<toDegrees(t*M_PI)<<"]"<<endl; dbgx = x; dbgy = y; dbgt = t*M_PI; MatrixCM s(3,1), P(3,3); s.sete(0,0,dbgx); s.sete(1,0,dbgy); s.sete(2,0,dbgt); P.identity(3); P.sete(0,0, 1000.0*1000.0); P.sete(1,1, 1000.0*1000.0); P.sete(2,2, 10.0*10.0); ekf.filter->restart(s,P); _GoalDetector->step(); _LineDetector->step(); correct(); }
/****************************************************************************** Program to test the correction module. Reads in input params from the user and calucate the root using the methods in rootfinding module. int main(int argv, char* argv[]) Where: int argv - The number of command line parameters char *argv[] - An array of pointers to the parameters returns: in - 0 for success, non-zero for error errors: - Error message printed to stderr and exits with an error code ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* local variables */ int numItem = 0; int correctedValue; double actualVoltage; double actualValue; char *buffer; char *token; FILE *inputFIle; inputFIle = fopen(argv[1], "r"); buffer = creatBuffer(BUFSIZE); /*read stdin line by line*/ while(fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, inputFIle) != NULL) { if(strcmp(buffer,"\n") && strcmp(buffer,"\r\n")) { numItem++; token = strtok(buffer, " "); /* reading token separated by spaces */ actualVoltage = atof(token); token = strtok(NULL, " "); actualValue = atof(token); correctedValue = correct(actualValue); /* print to stdout */ fprintf(stdout, "%f ", actualVoltage); fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", correctedValue); } } return NO_ERR; }
/* * Guess a single keybyte */ static int doRound(PTW_tableentry sortedtable[][n], int keybyte, int fixat, uint8_t fixvalue, int * searchborders, uint8_t * key, int keylen, PTW_attackstate * state, uint8_t sum, int * strongbytes) { int i; uint8_t tmp; if (keybyte == keylen) { return correct(state, key, keylen); } else if (strongbytes[keybyte] == 1) { // printf("assuming byte %d to be strong\n", keybyte); tmp = 3 + keybyte; for (i = keybyte-1; i >= 1; i--) { tmp += 3 + key[i] + i; key[keybyte] = 256-tmp; if(doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, (256-tmp+sum)%256, strongbytes) == 1) { printf("hit with strongbyte for keybyte %d\n", keybyte); return 1; } } return 0; } else if (keybyte == fixat) { key[keybyte] = fixvalue-sum; return doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, fixvalue, strongbytes); } else { for (i = 0; i < searchborders[keybyte]; i++) { key[keybyte] = sortedtable[keybyte][i].b - sum; if (doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, sortedtable[keybyte][i].b, strongbytes) == 1) { return 1; } } return 0; } }
void virtual_random_access_iteratorTest::testInt() { int source[100]; size_t num = sizeof(source) / sizeof(source[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { source[i] = i; } std::random_shuffle(source, source + num); { std::vector<int> correct(source, source + num); std::vector<int> test(source, source + num); std::sort(correct.begin(), correct.end()); vsorti(test.begin(), test.end()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(correct == test); } { int *correct = new int[num]; int *test = new int[num]; std::copy(source, source + num, correct); std::copy(source, source + num, test); std::sort(correct, correct + num); vsorti(test, test + num); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(std::equal(correct, correct + num, test)); delete [] correct; delete [] test; } }
const InfInt& InfInt::operator/=(const InfInt& rhs) { if (rhs == zero) { #ifdef INFINT_USE_EXCEPTIONS throw InfIntException("division by zero"); #else std::cerr << "Division by zero!" << std::endl; return *this; #endif } InfInt R, D = (rhs.pos ? rhs : -rhs), N = (pos ? *this : -*this); bool oldpos = pos; val.clear(); val.resize(N.val.size(), 0); for (int i = (int)N.val.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { R.val.insert(R.val.begin(), (ELEM_TYPE)0); R.val[0] = N.val[i]; R.correct(true); ELEM_TYPE cnt = dInR(R, D); R -= D * cnt; val[i] += cnt; } correct(); pos = (val.size() == 1 && val[0] == 0) ? true : (oldpos == rhs.pos); return *this; }
void TextOutput::finished(int tests, const Time& time) { _stream << "Total: " << tests << " tests, " << correct(tests, _total_errors) << "% correct" << " in " << time << " seconds" << endl; }
void InfInt::fromString(const std::string& s) {//PROFILED_SCOPE pos = true; val.clear(); // TODO use resize val.reserve(s.size() / DIGIT_COUNT + 1); int i = (int)s.size() - DIGIT_COUNT; for (; i >= 0; i -= DIGIT_COUNT) { val.push_back(atoi(s.substr(i, DIGIT_COUNT).c_str())); } if (i > -DIGIT_COUNT) { std::string ss = s.substr(0, i + DIGIT_COUNT); if (ss.size() == 1 && ss[0] == '-') { pos = false; } else { val.push_back(atoi(ss.c_str())); } } if (val.back() < 0) { val.back() = -val.back(); pos = false; } correct(true); }
void ui::line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned char color) { if(y0==y1) { if(!correct(x0, y0, x1, y1, clipping)) return; rmset(ptr(x0, y0), color, x1-x0+1); } else if(x0==x1) { if(!correct(x0, y0, x1, y1, clipping)) return; linev(ptr(x0, y0), scanline, y1-y0+1, color); } else { int dx = iabs(x1-x0), sx = x0<x1 ? 1 : -1; int dy = -iabs(y1-y0), sy = y0<y1 ? 1 : -1; int err = dx+dy, e2; for(;;) { pixel(x0, y0, color); if(x0==x1 && y0==y1) break; e2 = 2*err; if(e2 >= dy) { err += dy; x0 += sx; } if(e2 <= dx) { err += dx; y0 += sy; } } } }