Пример #1
arma::mat Vespucci::Math::Transform::cwt_spdbc_mat(const arma::mat &X, std::string wavelet, arma::uword qscale,
                            double threshold, std::string threshold_method,
                            arma::uword window_size, arma::field<arma::umat> &peak_positions,
                            arma::mat &baselines)
    baselines.set_size(X.n_rows, X.n_cols);
    arma::vec baseline;
    arma::vec spectrum;
    arma::vec current_corrected;
    arma::mat corrected(X.n_rows, X.n_cols);
    arma::umat current_peakpos;
    arma::uword i;
        for (i = 0; i < X.n_cols; ++i){
            spectrum = X.col(i);
            current_corrected = Vespucci::Math::Transform::cwt_spdbc(spectrum, wavelet,
                                                   qscale, threshold,
                                                   threshold_method, window_size,
                                                   current_peakpos, baseline);

            peak_positions(i) = current_peakpos;
            baselines.col(i) = baseline;
            corrected.col(i) = current_corrected;
    }catch(std::exception e){
        std::cerr << std::endl << "exception! cwt_spdbc_mat" << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "i = " << i << std::endl;
        std::cerr << e.what();

    return corrected;
Пример #2
bool StayPoppedUpComboBox::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e)
    // The combo box has installed an event filter on the view.
    // If it catches a valid mouse button release there, it will hide the popup.
    // Here we prevent this by eating the event ourselves,
    // and then dispatching it to its destination.
    if (o == m_view || o == m_view->viewport())
        switch (e->type())
            case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
                QMouseEvent* m = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);

                if (m_view->isVisible() && m_view->rect().contains(m->pos()))
                    if (o == m_view)
                        // Viewport: Calling event() does not work, viewportEvent() is needed.
                        // This is the event that gets redirected to the QTreeView finally!

                    // we have dispatched the event privately; we filter it out from the main dispatching
                    return true;
            case QEvent::ContextMenu:
                if (o != m_view)
                    // for whatever reason, the position of the event is slightly wrong
                    QContextMenuEvent* m = static_cast<QContextMenuEvent*>(e);
                    QPoint correctPos    = m_view->viewport()->mapFromGlobal(m->globalPos());
                    QContextMenuEvent corrected(m->reason(), correctPos, m->globalPos(), m->modifiers());
                    return true;

    return QComboBox::eventFilter(o, e);
Пример #3
	void exception_assignStringOfLengthOnePlusNull_bufferIndexOneIsNullToken()
		//Logic here to make it fail.
		//This may only fail in release as the debug runtime is nice and may intialise data Yeah!
		//We can not know what the buffer data will contain for sure.
		//So we assign a buffer longer than we want, correct the size member
		//and then copy the data
		OOLUA::Exception e("DontCare");
		e.m_len = 1;
		OOLUA::Exception corrected(e);
		char expected_value('\0');
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected_value, corrected.m_buffer[1]);
Пример #4
void EditSpell::misspelling (const QString& original, const QStringList&, unsigned int)
    if (!find(original, true, true, true, &nPara, &nIndex)){
        string oldWord;
        oldWord = original.local8Bit();
        log(L_DEBUG, "%s not found", oldWord.c_str());
    setCursorPosition(nPara, nIndex);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < original.length(); i++)
        moveCursor(MoveForward, true);
    QRect rc = paragraphRect(nPara);
    QPoint p1 = QPoint(rc.left(), rc.top());
    QPoint p2 = QPoint(rc.right(), rc.bottom());
    p1 = viewport()->mapToParent(p1);
    p2 = viewport()->mapToParent(p2);
    p1.setX(QMAX(p1.x(), 0));
    p1.setY(QMAX(p1.y(), 0));
    p2.setX(QMIN(p2.x(), width()));
    p2.setY(QMIN(p2.y(), height()));
    p1 = mapToGlobal(p1);
    p2 = mapToGlobal(p2);

    int yPos = p1.y();
    if (p1.y() >= pSpell->heightDlg() - 10){
        yPos -= pSpell->heightDlg() + 25;
        yPos = p2.y() + 10;
    p1 = mapFromGlobal(p1);
    pSpell->moveDlg(p1.x(), p1.y());
void EditSpell::misspelling (const QString&, const QStringList&, unsigned int)

void EditSpell::corrected_old(QString original, QString newword, unsigned pos)
    corrected((const QString&)original, (const QString&)newword, (unsigned int)pos);
Пример #5
TrackWidget::setTrack( lastfm::Track& track )
    disconnect( m_track.signalProxy(), 0, this, 0 );

    m_track = track;

    connect( m_track.signalProxy(), SIGNAL(loveToggled(bool)), SLOT(onLoveToggled(bool)) );
    connect( m_track.signalProxy(), SIGNAL(scrobbleStatusChanged(short)), SLOT(onScrobbleStatusChanged()));
    connect( m_track.signalProxy(), SIGNAL(corrected(QString)), SLOT(onCorrected(QString)));



    ui->albumArt->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/meta_album_no_art.png" ) );
    ui->albumArt->setHref( track.www() );

    m_triedFetchAlbumArt = false;
Пример #6
int main()
    // Allocate a BCH codec Galois order 8 (w/ 2^8-1 == 255 bit codeword size), and 2 bits of
    // correction capacity.  This results in a BCH( 255, 239, 2) codec: 255-bit codeword, 239-bit
    // data payload capacity, hence 255-239 == 16 bits of parity.  Define EZPWD_BCH_CLASSIC to use
    // classic Djelic Linux Kernel API.  Otherwise, uses <ezpwd/bch> 'bch<..>' or 'BCH<...>' classes.
    ezpwd::asserter		assert;
    try {
#if defined( EZPWD_BCH_CLASSIC )
        ezpwd::bch_control                 *bch     = ezpwd::init_bch( 8, 2, 0 );
        if ( ! bch )
    	throw std::logic_error( "Failed to allocate valid BCH codec" );
        ezpwd::bch_control                 &bch_codec( *bch );	// By Galois order, Correction capacity
        //ezpwd::bch_base		bch_codec( 8, 2 );	// By Galois order, Correction capacity, flexibly
        ezpwd::BCH<255,239,2>		bch_codec;	// By Codeword, Payload and Correction capacities, exactly

#if defined( EZPWD_BCH_FIXED )
        typedef std::array<uint8_t,10>	codeword_t;		// Fixed (parity initialized to 0)
        typedef std::vector<uint8_t>	codeword_t;		// Variable (parity added by encode)

	codeword_t				codeword= {
	    0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF	// 8 data
	};							// 2 ECC parity

#if defined( EZPWD_BCH_CLASSIC )
	// A BCH codeword's ECC must be zero-initialized for classic Djelic API, and
	// must be added to variable containers
#  if ! defined( EZPWD_BCH_FIXED )
	codeword.resize( 10 );
#  endif
	codeword[8] 				= 0;
	codeword[9] 				= 0;
	ezpwd::encode_bch( &bch_codec, &codeword[0], 8, &codeword[8] );
	// A codeword in a fixed container will not be resized by API; assumes ECC on end. Will
	// initialize to 0.  A variable container will have parity appended by the API.
	bch_codec.encode( codeword );

	// Place random errors in the codeword and correct, up to the capacity of the BCH codec.
	for ( size_t t = 0; t < 5; ++t ) {
	    for ( size_t e = 0
#if defined( EZPWD_BCH_CLASSIC )
		      ; e < bch_codec.t
		      ; e < bch_codec.t()
		      ; ++e ) {
		codeword_t		corrupted( codeword );
		// Randomly corrupt from 0 to bch->t bits
		for ( size_t be = 0; be < e; ++be ) {
		    unsigned int	bl	= random_80( randomizer );
		    corrupted[bl/8]	       ^= uint8_t( 1 ) << ( bl % 8 );
		codeword_t		corrected( corrupted );
#if defined( EZPWD_BCH_CLASSIC )
		int corrections			= correct_bch( &bch_codec, &corrected[0], 8, &corrected[8] );
		int corrections			= bch_codec.decode( corrected );

		if ( assert.ISEQUAL( corrections, int( e ),
				     std::string( "Failed decode of " ) << bch_codec
				     << " codeword w/ " << e << " bit errrors"
				     )) {
		    std::cout << assert << std::endl;

		// Success; If differences were found, they better be in the parity data!
		for ( size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
		    if ( assert.ISEQUAL( corrected[i], codeword[i], 
					 std::string( "Failed recovery of " ) << bch_codec
					 << " codeword w/ " << e << " bit errors" ))
			std::cout << assert << std::endl;
#if ! defined( EZPWD_BCH_CLASSIC )
	    // Try the inline versions (only available in C++ API)
	    std::string			raw( "abc" );
	    std::string			enc	= bch_codec.encoded( raw );
	    std::string			err	= enc;
	    err[0]			       ^= 0x40;
	    err[2]			       ^= 0x08;
	    std::string			dec	= bch_codec.decoded( err );
	    if ( assert.ISEQUAL( dec.substr( 0, 3 ), raw,
				 std::string( "decoded/encoded of " )	<< bch_codec
				 << " codeword failed, encoded '0x"	<< ezpwd::hexstr( raw )
				 << "' to '0x"				<< ezpwd::hexstr( enc )
				 << "', decoded '0x"			<< ezpwd::hexstr( err )
				 << "' to '0x"				<< ezpwd::hexstr( dec )
				 << "'" ))
		std::cout << assert << std::endl;
	    << bch_codec << ": ";
    } catch( std::exception &exc ) {
	assert.FAILURE( "Exception", exc.what() );
	std::cout << assert << std::endl;

    if ( assert.failures )
	    << assert.failures << " tests failed." << std::endl;
	    << "All tests passed." << std::endl;
    return assert.failures ? 1 : 0;
void CoordinateSystemProvider::update(ImageCoordinateSystem& imageCoordinateSystem)

  Geometry::Line horizon = Geometry::calculateHorizon(theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo);
  imageCoordinateSystem.origin = horizon.base;
  imageCoordinateSystem.rotation.col(0) = horizon.direction;
  imageCoordinateSystem.rotation.col(1) = Vector2f(-horizon.direction.y(), horizon.direction.x());
  imageCoordinateSystem.invRotation = imageCoordinateSystem.rotation.transpose();

  const CameraMatrix& cmPrev = cameraMatrixPrev[theCameraInfo.camera];
  RotationMatrix r(theCameraMatrix.rotation.inverse() * cmPrev.rotation);
  imageCoordinateSystem.offset = Vector2f(r.getZAngle(), r.getYAngle());

  calcScaleFactors(imageCoordinateSystem.a, imageCoordinateSystem.b, theJointSensorData.timestamp - cameraMatrixPrevTimeStamp[theCameraInfo.camera]);
  cameraMatrixPrev[theCameraInfo.camera] = theCameraMatrix;
  cameraMatrixPrevTimeStamp[theCameraInfo.camera] = theJointSensorData.timestamp;

    INIT_DEBUG_IMAGE_BLACK(corrected, theCameraInfo.width, theCameraInfo.height);
    int yDest = -imageCoordinateSystem.toCorrectedCenteredNeg(0, 0).y();
    for(int ySrc = 0; ySrc < theImage.height; ++ySrc)
      for(int yDest2 = -imageCoordinateSystem.toCorrectedCenteredNeg(0, ySrc).y(); yDest <= yDest2; ++yDest)
        int xDest = -imageCoordinateSystem.toCorrectedCenteredNeg(0, ySrc).x();
        for(int xSrc = 0; xSrc < theImage.width; ++xSrc)
          for(int xDest2 = -imageCoordinateSystem.toCorrectedCenteredNeg(xSrc, ySrc).x(); xDest <= xDest2; ++xDest)
            DEBUG_IMAGE_SET_PIXEL_YUV(corrected, xDest + int(theCameraInfo.opticalCenter.x() + 0.5f),
                                                 yDest + int(theCameraInfo.opticalCenter.y() + 0.5f),

    INIT_DEBUG_IMAGE_BLACK(horizonAligned, theCameraInfo.width, theCameraInfo.height);
    for(int ySrc = 0; ySrc < theCameraInfo.height; ++ySrc)
      for(int xSrc = 0; xSrc < theCameraInfo.width; ++xSrc)
        Vector2f corrected(imageCoordinateSystem.toCorrected(Vector2i(xSrc, ySrc)));
        corrected.x() -= theCameraInfo.opticalCenter.x();
        corrected.y() -= theCameraInfo.opticalCenter.y();
        const Vector2f& horizonAligned(imageCoordinateSystem.toHorizonAligned(corrected));

        DEBUG_IMAGE_SET_PIXEL_YUV(horizonAligned, int(horizonAligned.x() + theCameraInfo.opticalCenter.x() + 0.5f),
                                                  int(horizonAligned.y() + theCameraInfo.opticalCenter.y() + 0.5f),
Пример #8
RcppExport SEXP correctCafie(
  SEXP measured_in,
  SEXP flowOrder_in,
  SEXP keyFlow_in,
  SEXP nKeyFlow_in,
  SEXP cafEst_in,
  SEXP ieEst_in,
  SEXP droopEst_in
) {

    SEXP rl = R_NilValue; 		// Use this when there is nothing to be returned.
    char *exceptionMesg = NULL;

    try {
	// First do some annoying but necessary type casting on the input parameters.
	// measured & nFlow
	RcppMatrix<double> measured_temp(measured_in);
	int nWell = measured_temp.rows();
	int nFlow = measured_temp.cols();
	// flowOrder
	RcppStringVector  flowOrder_temp(flowOrder_in);
	char *flowOrder = strdup(flowOrder_temp(0).c_str());
	int flowOrderLen = strlen(flowOrder);
	// keyFlow
	RcppVector<int> keyFlow_temp(keyFlow_in);
	int *keyFlow = new int[keyFlow_temp.size()];
	for(int i=0; i<keyFlow_temp.size(); i++) {
	  keyFlow[i] = keyFlow_temp(i);
	// nKeyFlow
	RcppVector<int> nKeyFlow_temp(nKeyFlow_in);
	int nKeyFlow = nKeyFlow_temp(0);
	// cafEst, ieEst, droopEst
	RcppVector<double> cafEst_temp(cafEst_in);
	double cafEst = cafEst_temp(0);
	RcppVector<double> ieEst_temp(ieEst_in);
	double ieEst = ieEst_temp(0);
	RcppVector<double> droopEst_temp(droopEst_in);
	double droopEst = droopEst_temp(0);
	if(flowOrderLen != nFlow) {
	    exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR("Flow order and signal should be of same length");
	} else if(nKeyFlow <= 0) {
	    exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR("keyFlow must have length > 0");
	} else {
	    double *measured = new double[nFlow];
	    RcppMatrix<double> predicted(nWell,nFlow);
	    RcppMatrix<double> corrected(nWell,nFlow);
	    CafieSolver solver;
	    solver.SetCAFIE(cafEst, ieEst);
	    for(int well=0; well < nWell; well++) {
		// Set up the input signal for the well
		for(int flow=0; flow<nFlow; flow++) {
		    measured[flow] = measured_temp(well,flow);

		// Initialize the sovler object and find the best CAFIE
		solver.SetMeasured(nFlow, measured);
	        solver.Normalize(keyFlow, nKeyFlow, droopEst, false);
		solver.Solve(3, true);

		// Store the predicted & corrected signals
		for(int flow=0; flow<nFlow; flow++) {
		    predicted(well,flow) = solver.GetPredictedResult(flow);
		    corrected(well,flow) = solver.GetCorrectedResult(flow);
		// Store the estimated sequence
		//const double *normalized_ptr = solver.GetMeasured();
	        //const char *seqEstimate_ptr = solver.GetSequence();
	        //int seqEstimateLen = strlen(seqEstimate_ptr);

	    // Build result set to be returned as a list to R.
	    RcppResultSet rs;
	    rs.add("predicted",  predicted);
	    rs.add("corrected",  corrected);

	    // Get the list to be returned to R.
	    rl = rs.getReturnList();

	    delete [] measured;

	delete [] keyFlow;

    } catch(std::exception& ex) {
	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR(ex.what());
    } catch(...) {
	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR("unknown reason");
    if(exceptionMesg != NULL)

    return rl;