Пример #1
int main( int argc, char** argv )   

	// Variable store pressed key
	int tecla;

	// General variables (loop)
	int h;
	int w;
	int ii;
	int jj;
	int iNum;

	// Variables to store the RGB values of a pixel
	unsigned char red;
	unsigned char blue;
	unsigned char green;

	// Feature vector [rows] [columns]
	// In fact it is a "matrix of features"
	float fVector[ NUM_SAMPLES ][ NUM_FEATURES ];

	// Feature variables
	float fOrange;
	float fWhite;
	float fSkin;
	float fShortBart;
	float fLisaDress;
	float fHomerBeard;
	float fHomerPants;
	float fHomerShoes;

	// Variable filename
	static char cFileName[ 50 ] = {'\0'};
	FILE *fp;
	// Open a text file to store the feature vectors
	fp = fopen ("apprentissage-homer-bart.txt","w");
	//fp = fopen ("validation-homer-bart.txt","w");

	if(fp == NULL) {
		//perror("failed to open apprentissage-homer-bart.txt");
		perror("failed to open validation-homer-bart.txt");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// OpenCV variables related to the image structure.
	// IplImage structure contains several information of the image (See OpenCV manual).	
	IplImage *img 			= NULL;
	IplImage *processed 	= NULL;
	IplImage *threshold 	= NULL;
	// OpenCV variable that stores the image width and height
	CvSize tam;

	// OpenCV variable that stores a pixel value
	CvScalar element;
	// Fill fVector with zeros
	for ( ii = 0 ; ii < NUM_SAMPLES ; ii++ )
		for ( jj = 0; jj < NUM_FEATURES; jj++ )
			fVector[ii][jj] = 0.0;

	// Fill cFileName with zeros
	for ( ii = 0 ; ii < 50 ; ii++ )
		cFileName[ ii ] = '\0';

	printf("orange, blanc, skin, shortBart, lisaDress, homerBeard, homerPants, homerShoes, personnage \n");
	fprintf(fp, "orange, blanc, skin, shortBart, lisaDress, homerBeard, homerPants, homerShoes, personnage \n");    

	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// Homer Train 62 items: homer1.bmp - homer62.bmp
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************

	// Take all the image files at the range
	for ( iNum = 1 ; iNum <= HOMER_TRAIN /*HOMER_VALID*/; iNum++ )
		// Build the image filename and path to read from disk
		sprintf ( cFileName, "Train/homer%d.bmp", (int)(iNum) );
		//sprintf ( cFileName, "Valid/homer%d.bmp", (int)(iNum + HOMER_VALID_TRESHOLD) );
		printf ( " %s\n", cFileName);

		// Load the image from disk to the structure img.
		// 1  - Load a 3-channel image (color)
		// 0  - Load a 1-channel image (gray level)
		// -1 - Load the image as it is  (depends on the file)
		img = cvLoadImage( cFileName, -1 );

		// Gets the image size (width, height) 'img' 
		tam = cvGetSize( img );

		// Creates a header and allocates memory (tam) to store a copy of the original image.
		// 1 - gray level image
		// 3 - color image	
		processed = cvCreateImage( tam, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

		// Make a image clone and store it at processed and threshold
		processed 	= cvCloneImage( img );
		//threshold   = cvCloneImage( img );

		// Initialize variables with zero 
		fOrange 	= 0.0;
		fWhite 	= 0.0;
		fSkin = 0.0;
		fShortBart = 0.0;
		fLisaDress = 0.0;
		fHomerBeard = 0.0;
		fHomerPants = 0.0;
		fHomerShoes = 0.0;

		// Loop that reads each image pixel
		for( h = 0; h < img->height; h++ ) // rows
			for( w = 0; w < img->width; w++ ) // columns
				// Read each channel and writes it into the blue, green and red variables. Notice that OpenCV considers BGR
				blue  	= ( (uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep) )[ w*img->nChannels + 0 ];
				green 	= ( (uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep) )[ w*img->nChannels + 1 ];
				red     = ( (uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep) )[ w*img->nChannels + 2 ];

				/*if (red >= 15 && red <= 150
					&& (red - green) >= -9 
					&& (red - green) <= 9
					&& (blue - green) >= -9
					&& (blue - green) <= 9
					&& (red - blue) >= -9
					&& (red - blue) <= 9
					((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 0] = 0;
					((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 1] = 255;
					((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 2] = 0;
				// Shows the pixel value at the screenl
				//printf( "pixel[%d][%d]= %d %d %d \n", h, w, (int)blue, (int)green, (int)red );
				// Here starts the feature extraction....
				// Detect and count the number of orange pixels
				// Verify if the pixels have a given value ( Orange, defined as R[240-255], G[85-105], B[11-22] ). If so, count it...
				if ( blue>=11 && blue<=22 && green>=85 && green<=105 &&  red>=240 && red<=255 )
					// Just to be sure we are doing the right thing, we change the color of the orange pixels to green [R=0, G=255, B=0] and show them into a cloned image (processed)
					( (uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep) )[ w*processed->nChannels + 0 ] = 0; 
					( (uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep) )[ w*processed->nChannels + 1 ] = 255; 
					( (uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep) )[ w*processed->nChannels + 2 ] = 0; 
				}	*/

				// Detect and count the number of orange pixels
				fOrange = countOrange(fOrange, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of white pixels (just a dummy feature...)
				fWhite = countWhite(fWhite, red, green, blue);

				// Here you can add your own features....... Good luck
				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fSkin = countSkin(fSkin, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fShortBart = countShortBart(fShortBart, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the DRESS OF LISA
				fLisaDress = countLisaDress(fLisaDress, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the BEAR OF HOMER
				fHomerBeard = countHomerBeard(fHomerBeard, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the PANTS OF HOMER
				fHomerPants = countHomerPants(fHomerPants, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the SHOES OF HOMER
				fHomerShoes = countHomerShoes(fHomerShoes, red, green, blue);


		// Lets make our counting somewhat independent on the image size...
		// Compute the percentage of pixels of a given colour.
		// Normalize the feature by the image size
		fOrange 	= fOrange / ( (int)img->height * (int)img->width );
		fWhite  	= fWhite  / ( (int)img->height * (int)img->width );
		fSkin = fSkin / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fShortBart = fShortBart / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fLisaDress = fLisaDress / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerBeard = fHomerBeard / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerPants = fHomerPants / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerShoes = fHomerShoes / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);

		// Store the feature value in the columns of the feature (matrix) vector
		fVector[iNum][1] = fOrange;
		fVector[iNum][2] = fWhite;
		fVector[iNum][3] = fSkin;
		fVector[iNum][4] = fShortBart;
		fVector[iNum][5] = fLisaDress;
		fVector[iNum][6] = fHomerBeard;
		fVector[iNum][7] = fHomerPants;
		fVector[iNum][8] = fHomerShoes;

		// Here you can add more features to your feature vector by filling the other columns: fVector[iNum][3] = ???; fVector[iNum][4] = ???;
		// Shows the feature vector at the screen
		printf("\n%d orange: %f | blanc:  %f | skin: %f | shortBart: %f | lisaDress: %f | homerBeard: %f | homerPants: %f | homerShoes: %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5], fVector[iNum][6], fVector[iNum][7], fVector[iNum][8]);
		//printf( "\n%d %f %f %f %f %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5] );

		// And finally, store your features in a file
		fprintf( fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][1]);
		fprintf( fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][2]);
		fprintf( fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][3]);
		fprintf( fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][4]);
		fprintf( fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][5]);
		fprintf( fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][6]);
		fprintf( fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][7]);
		fprintf( fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][8]);
		// Do not forget the label.... 	
		fprintf( fp, "%s\n", "Homer");

		// Finally, give a look at the original image and the image with the pixels of interest in green
		// OpenCV create an output window
		cvShowImage( "Original", img );
		cvShowImage( "Processed", processed );
		// Wait until a key is pressed to continue... 	
		tecla = cvWaitKey(0);
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// BART
	// Bart Train: 80 items: bart1.bmp - bart80.bmp
	// The code below is exactly the same for HOMER, except that we have changed the values of iNum and Homer -> Bart
	// along the file
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************

	// Take all the image files at the range
	for ( iNum = 1; iNum <= BART_TRAIN /*BART_VALID*/; iNum++ )
		// Build the image filename and path to read from disk
		sprintf ( cFileName, "Train/bart%d.bmp", (int)(iNum) ); 
		//sprintf ( cFileName, "Valid/bart%d.bmp", (int)(iNum + BART_VALID_TRESHOLD) ); 
		printf ( " %s\n", cFileName);

		// Load the image from disk to the structure img.
		// 1  - Load a 3-channel image (color)
		// 0  - Load a 1-channel image (gray level)
		// -1 - Load the image as it is  (depends on the file)
		img = cvLoadImage( cFileName, -1 );

		// Gets the image size (width, height) 'img' 
		tam = cvGetSize( img );

		// Creates a header and allocates memory (tam) to store a copy of the original image.
		// 1 - gray level image
		// 3 - color image	
		processed = cvCreateImage( tam, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

		// Make a image clone and store it at processed and threshold
		processed 	= cvCloneImage( img );
		//threshold  	= cvCloneImage( img );

		// Initialize variables with zero 
		fOrange 	= 0.0;
		fWhite 	= 0.0;
		fSkin = 0.0;
		fShortBart = 0.0;
		fLisaDress = 0.0;
		fHomerBeard = 0.0;
		fHomerPants = 0.0;
		fHomerShoes = 0.0;

		// Loop that reads each image pixel
		for( h = 0; h < img->height; h++ ) // rows
			for( w = 0; w < img->width; w++ ) // columns
				// Read each channel and writes it into the blue, green and red variables. Notice that OpenCV considers BGR
				blue  	= ( (uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep) )[ w*img->nChannels + 0 ];
				green 	= ( (uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep) )[ w*img->nChannels + 1 ];
				red   		= ( (uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep) )[ w*img->nChannels + 2 ];

				// Shows the pixel value at the screenl
				//printf( "pixel[%d][%d]= %d %d %d \n", h, w, (int)blue, (int)green, (int)red );

				/*if (red >= 187 && red <= 191 && green >= 171 && green <= 109 && blue >= 105 && blue <= 109)
					((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 0] = 0;
					((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 1] = 255;
					((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 2] = 0;

				// Detect and count the number of orange pixels
				fOrange = countOrange(fOrange, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of white pixels (just a dummy feature...)
				fWhite = countWhite(fWhite, red, green, blue);

				// Here you can add your own features....... Good luck
				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fSkin = countSkin(fSkin, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fShortBart = countShortBart(fShortBart, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the DRESS OF LISA
				fLisaDress = countLisaDress(fLisaDress, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the BEAR OF HOMER
				fHomerBeard = countHomerBeard(fHomerBeard, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the PANTS OF HOMER
				fHomerPants = countHomerPants(fHomerPants, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the SHOES OF HOMER
				fHomerShoes = countHomerShoes(fHomerShoes, red, green, blue);


		// Lets make our counting somewhat independent on the image size...
		// Compute the percentage of pixels of a given colour.
		// Normalize the feature by the image size
		fOrange 	= fOrange / ( (int)img->height * (int)img->width );
		fWhite  	= fWhite  / ( (int)img->height * (int)img->width );
		fSkin = fSkin / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fShortBart = fShortBart / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fLisaDress = fLisaDress / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerBeard = fHomerBeard / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerPants = fHomerPants / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerShoes = fHomerShoes / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);

		// Store the feature value in the columns of the feature (matrix) vector
		fVector[iNum][1] = fOrange;
		fVector[iNum][2] = fWhite;
		fVector[iNum][3] = fSkin;
		fVector[iNum][4] = fShortBart;
		fVector[iNum][5] = fLisaDress;
		fVector[iNum][6] = fHomerBeard;
		fVector[iNum][7] = fHomerPants;
		fVector[iNum][8] = fHomerShoes;
		// Here you can add more features to your feature vector by filling the other columns: fVector[iNum][3] = ???; fVector[iNum][4] = ???;

		// Shows the feature vector at the screen
		printf("\n%d orange: %f | blanc:  %f | skin: %f | shortBart: %f | lisaDress: %f | homerBeard: %f | homerPants: %f | homerShoes: %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5], fVector[iNum][6], fVector[iNum][7], fVector[iNum][8]);
		//printf( "\n%d %f %f %f %f %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5] );

		// And finally, store your features in a file
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][1]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][2]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][3]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][4]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][5]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][6]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][7]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][8]);
		// Do not forget the label.... 	
		fprintf( fp, "%s\n", "Bart");

		// Finally, give a look at the original image and the image with the pixels of interest in green
		cvShowImage( "Original", img );
		cvShowImage( "Processed", processed );
		// Wait until a key is pressed to continue... 	
		tecla = cvWaitKey(0);

	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// LISA
	// Lisa Train: 33 items: lisa1.bmp - lisa33.bmp
	// The code below is exactly the same for HOMER, except that we have changed the values of iNum and Homer -> Lisa
	// along the file
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// Take all the image files at the range
	for ( iNum = 1 ; iNum <= LISA_TRAIN /*LISA_VALID*/; iNum++ )
		// Build the image filename and path to read from disk
		sprintf ( cFileName, "Train/lisa%d.bmp", (int)(iNum) ); 
		//sprintf ( cFileName, "Valid/lisa%d.bmp", (int)(iNum + LISA_VALID_TRESHOLD) );
		printf ( " %s\n", cFileName);

		// Load the image from disk to the structure img.
		// 1  - Load a 3-channel image (color)
		// 0  - Load a 1-channel image (gray level)
		// -1 - Load the image as it is  (depends on the file)
		img = cvLoadImage( cFileName, -1 );

		// Gets the image size (width, height) 'img' 
		tam = cvGetSize( img );

		// Creates a header and allocates memory (tam) to store a copy of the original image.
		// 1 - gray level image
		// 3 - color image	
		processed = cvCreateImage( tam, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

		// Make a image clone and store it at processed and threshold
		processed 	= cvCloneImage( img );
		//threshold  	= cvCloneImage( img );

		// Initialize variables with zero 
		fOrange 	= 0.0;
		fWhite 	= 0.0;
		fSkin = 0.0;
		fShortBart = 0.0;
		fLisaDress = 0.0;
		fHomerBeard = 0.0;
		fHomerPants = 0.0;
		fHomerShoes = 0.0;

		// Loop that reads each image pixel
		for( h = 0; h < img->height; h++ ) // rows
			for( w = 0; w < img->width; w++ ) // columns
				// Read each channel and writes it into the blue, green and red variables. Notice that OpenCV considers BGR
				blue  	= ( (uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep) )[ w*img->nChannels + 0 ];
				green 	= ( (uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep) )[ w*img->nChannels + 1 ];
				red   	= ( (uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep) )[ w*img->nChannels + 2 ];

				// Shows the pixel value at the screenl
				//printf( "pixel[%d][%d]= %d %d %d \n", h, w, (int)blue, (int)green, (int)red );

				/*if (red >= 187 && red <= 191 && green >= 171 && green <= 109 && blue >= 105 && blue <= 109)
					((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 0] = 0;
					((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 1] = 255;
					((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 2] = 0;
				// Detect and count the number of orange pixels
				fOrange = countOrange(fOrange, red,green,blue);
				// Detect and count the number of white pixels (just a dummy feature...)
				fWhite = countWhite(fWhite, red,green,blue);
				// Here you can add your own features....... Good luck
				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fSkin = countSkin(fSkin, red,green,blue);

				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fShortBart = countShortBart(fShortBart, red,green,blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the DRESS OF LISA
				fLisaDress = countLisaDress(fLisaDress, red,green,blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the BEAR OF HOMER
				fHomerBeard = countHomerBeard(fHomerBeard, red,green,blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the PANTS OF HOMER
				fHomerPants = countHomerPants(fHomerPants, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the SHOES OF HOMER
				fHomerShoes = countHomerShoes(fHomerShoes, red, green, blue);

		// Lets make our counting somewhat independent on the image size...
		// Compute the percentage of pixels of a given colour.
		// Normalize the feature by the image size
		fOrange 	= fOrange / ( (int)img->height * (int)img->width );
		fWhite  	= fWhite  / ( (int)img->height * (int)img->width );
		fSkin = fSkin / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fShortBart = fShortBart / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fLisaDress = fLisaDress / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerBeard = fHomerBeard / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerPants = fHomerPants / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerShoes = fHomerShoes / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);

		// Store the feature value in the columns of the feature (matrix) vector
		fVector[iNum][1] = fOrange;
		fVector[iNum][2] = fWhite;
		fVector[iNum][3] = fSkin;
		fVector[iNum][4] = fShortBart;
		fVector[iNum][5] = fLisaDress;
		fVector[iNum][6] = fHomerBeard;
		fVector[iNum][7] = fHomerPants;
		fVector[iNum][8] = fHomerShoes;

		// Here you can add more features to your feature vector by filling the other columns: fVector[iNum][3] = ???; fVector[iNum][4] = ???;

		// Shows the feature vector at the screen
		printf("\n%d orange: %f | blanc:  %f | skin: %f | shortBart: %f | lisaDress: %f | homerBeard: %f | homerPants: %f | homerShoes: %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5], fVector[iNum][6], fVector[iNum][7], fVector[iNum][8]);
		//printf( "\n%d %f %f %f %f %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5] );

		// And finally, store your features in a file
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][1]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][2]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][3]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][4]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][5]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][6]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][7]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][8]);

		// Do not forget the label.... 	
		fprintf( fp, "%s\n", "Lisa");

		// Finally, give a look at the original image and the image with the pixels of interest in green
		cvShowImage( "Original", img );
		cvShowImage( "Processed", processed );
		// Wait until a key is pressed to continue... 	
		tecla = cvWaitKey(0);

	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// Lisa Train: 33 items: lisa1.bmp - lisa33.bmp
	// The code below is exactly the same for HOMER, except that we have changed the values of iNum and Homer -> Lisa
	// along the file
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************

	// Take all the image files at the range
	for (iNum = 1; iNum <= OTHER_TRAIN /*OTHER_VALID*/; iNum++)
		// Build the image filename and path to read from disk
		sprintf ( cFileName, "Train/other%d.bmp", (int)(iNum) ); 
		//sprintf(cFileName, "Valid/other%d.bmp", (int)(iNum + OTHER_VALID_TRESHOLD));
		printf(" %s\n", cFileName);

		// Load the image from disk to the structure img.
		// 1  - Load a 3-channel image (color)
		// 0  - Load a 1-channel image (gray level)
		// -1 - Load the image as it is  (depends on the file)

		img = cvLoadImage(cFileName, -1);

		// Gets the image size (width, height) 'img' 
		tam = cvGetSize(img);

		// Creates a header and allocates memory (tam) to store a copy of the original image.
		// 1 - gray level image
		// 3 - color image	
		 processed = cvCreateImage( tam, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

		// Make a image clone and store it at processed and threshold
		processed 	= cvCloneImage( img );
		//threshold  	= cvCloneImage( img );

		// Initialize variables with zero 
		fOrange = 0.0;
		fWhite = 0.0;
		fSkin = 0.0;
		fShortBart = 0.0;
		fLisaDress = 0.0;
		fHomerBeard = 0.0;
		fHomerPants = 0.0;
		fHomerShoes = 0.0;

		// Loop that reads each image pixel
		for (h = 0; h < img->height; h++) // rows
			for (w = 0; w < img->width; w++) // columns
				// Read each channel and writes it into the blue, green and red variables. Notice that OpenCV considers BGR
				blue = ((uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep))[w*img->nChannels + 0];
				green = ((uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep))[w*img->nChannels + 1];
				red = ((uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep))[w*img->nChannels + 2];

				// Shows the pixel value at the screenl
				//printf( "pixel[%d][%d]= %d %d %d \n", h, w, (int)blue, (int)green, (int)red );

				/*if (red >= 187 && red <= 191 && green >= 171 && green <= 109 && blue >= 105 && blue <= 109)
				((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 0] = 0;
				((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 1] = 255;
				((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 2] = 0;

				// Detect and count the number of orange pixels
				fOrange = countOrange(fOrange, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of white pixels (just a dummy feature...)
				fWhite = countWhite(fWhite, red, green, blue);

				// Here you can add your own features....... Good luck
				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fSkin = countSkin(fSkin, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fShortBart = countShortBart(fShortBart, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the DRESS OF LISA
				fLisaDress = countLisaDress(fLisaDress, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the BEAR OF HOMER
				fHomerBeard = countHomerBeard(fHomerBeard, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the PANTS OF HOMER
				fHomerPants = countHomerPants(fHomerPants, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the SHOES OF HOMER
				fHomerShoes = countHomerShoes(fHomerShoes, red, green, blue);

		// Lets make our counting somewhat independent on the image size...
		// Compute the percentage of pixels of a given colour.
		// Normalize the feature by the image size
		fOrange = fOrange / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fWhite = fWhite / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fSkin = fSkin / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fShortBart = fShortBart / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fLisaDress = fLisaDress / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerBeard = fHomerBeard / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerPants = fHomerPants / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerShoes = fHomerShoes / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);

		// Store the feature value in the columns of the feature (matrix) vector
		fVector[iNum][1] = fOrange;
		fVector[iNum][2] = fWhite;
		fVector[iNum][3] = fSkin;
		fVector[iNum][4] = fShortBart;
		fVector[iNum][5] = fLisaDress;
		fVector[iNum][6] = fHomerBeard;
		fVector[iNum][7] = fHomerPants;
		fVector[iNum][8] = fHomerShoes;

		// Here you can add more features to your feature vector by filling the other columns: fVector[iNum][3] = ???; fVector[iNum][4] = ???;

		// Shows the feature vector at the screen
		printf("\n%d orange: %f | blanc:  %f | skin: %f | shortBart: %f | lisaDress: %f | homerBeard: %f | homerPants: %f | homerShoes: %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5], fVector[iNum][6], fVector[iNum][7], fVector[iNum][8]);
		//printf( "\n%d %f %f %f %f %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5] );

		// And finally, store your features in a file
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][1]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][2]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][3]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][4]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][5]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][6]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][7]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][8]);

		// Do not forget the label.... 	
		fprintf(fp, "%s\n", "other");

		// Finally, give a look at the original image and the image with the pixels of interest in green
		cvShowImage( "Original", img );
		cvShowImage( "Processed", processed );

		// Wait until a key is pressed to continue... 	
		tecla = cvWaitKey(0);

	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************
	// Lisa Train: 33 items: lisa1.bmp - lisa33.bmp
	// The code below is exactly the same for HOMER, except that we have changed the values of iNum and Homer -> Lisa
	// along the file
	// *****************************************************************************************************************************************

	// Take all the image files at the range
	for (iNum = 1; iNum <= SCHOOL_TRAIN /*SCHOOL_VALID*/; iNum++)
		// Build the image filename and path to read from disk
		sprintf ( cFileName, "Train/other%d.bmp", (int)(iNum) ); 
		//sprintf(cFileName, "Valid/school%d.bmp", (int)(iNum + SCHOOL_VALID_TRESHOLD));
		printf(" %s\n", cFileName);

		// Load the image from disk to the structure img.
		// 1  - Load a 3-channel image (color)
		// 0  - Load a 1-channel image (gray level)
		// -1 - Load the image as it is  (depends on the file)

		img = cvLoadImage(cFileName, -1);

		// Gets the image size (width, height) 'img' 
		tam = cvGetSize(img);

		// Creates a header and allocates memory (tam) to store a copy of the original image.
		// 1 - gray level image
		// 3 - color image	
		processed = cvCreateImage( tam, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

		// Make a image clone and store it at processed and threshold
		processed 	= cvCloneImage( img );
		//threshold  	= cvCloneImage( img );

		// Initialize variables with zero 
		fOrange = 0.0;
		fWhite = 0.0;
		fSkin = 0.0;
		fShortBart = 0.0;
		fLisaDress = 0.0;
		fHomerBeard = 0.0;
		fHomerPants = 0.0;
		fHomerShoes = 0.0;

		// Loop that reads each image pixel
		for (h = 0; h < img->height; h++) // rows
			for (w = 0; w < img->width; w++) // columns
				// Read each channel and writes it into the blue, green and red variables. Notice that OpenCV considers BGR
				blue = ((uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep))[w*img->nChannels + 0];
				green = ((uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep))[w*img->nChannels + 1];
				red = ((uchar *)(img->imageData + h*img->widthStep))[w*img->nChannels + 2];

				// Shows the pixel value at the screenl
				//printf( "pixel[%d][%d]= %d %d %d \n", h, w, (int)blue, (int)green, (int)red );

				/*if (red >= 187 && red <= 191 && green >= 171 && green <= 109 && blue >= 105 && blue <= 109)
				((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 0] = 0;
				((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 1] = 255;
				((uchar *)(processed->imageData + h*processed->widthStep))[w*processed->nChannels + 2] = 0;

				// Detect and count the number of orange pixels
				fOrange = countOrange(fOrange, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of white pixels (just a dummy feature...)
				fWhite = countWhite(fWhite, red, green, blue);

				// Here you can add your own features....... Good luck
				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fSkin = countSkin(fSkin, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of skin pixels
				fShortBart = countShortBart(fShortBart, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the DRESS OF LISA
				fLisaDress = countLisaDress(fLisaDress, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the BEAR OF HOMER
				fHomerBeard = countHomerBeard(fHomerBeard, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the PANTS OF HOMER
				fHomerPants = countHomerPants(fHomerPants, red, green, blue);

				// Detect and count the number of pixels coresponding to the SHOES OF HOMER
				fHomerShoes = countHomerShoes(fHomerShoes, red, green, blue);

		// Lets make our counting somewhat independent on the image size...
		// Compute the percentage of pixels of a given colour.
		// Normalize the feature by the image size
		fOrange = fOrange / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fWhite = fWhite / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fSkin = fSkin / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fShortBart = fShortBart / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fLisaDress = fLisaDress / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerBeard = fHomerBeard / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerPants = fHomerPants / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);
		fHomerShoes = fHomerShoes / ((int)img->height * (int)img->width);

		// Store the feature value in the columns of the feature (matrix) vector
		fVector[iNum][1] = fOrange;
		fVector[iNum][2] = fWhite;
		fVector[iNum][3] = fSkin;
		fVector[iNum][4] = fShortBart;
		fVector[iNum][5] = fLisaDress;
		fVector[iNum][6] = fHomerBeard;
		fVector[iNum][7] = fHomerPants;
		fVector[iNum][8] = fHomerShoes;

		// Here you can add more features to your feature vector by filling the other columns: fVector[iNum][3] = ???; fVector[iNum][4] = ???;

		// Shows the feature vector at the screen
		printf("\n%d orange: %f | blanc:  %f | skin: %f | shortBart: %f | lisaDress: %f | homerBeard: %f | homerPants: %f | homerShoes: %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5], fVector[iNum][6], fVector[iNum][7], fVector[iNum][8]);
		//printf( "\n%d %f %f %f %f %f", iNum, fVector[iNum][1], fVector[iNum][2], fVector[iNum][3], fVector[iNum][4], fVector[iNum][5] );

		// And finally, store your features in a file
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][1]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][2]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][3]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][4]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][5]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][6]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][7]);
		fprintf(fp, "%f,", fVector[iNum][8]);

		// Do not forget the label.... 	
		fprintf(fp, "%s\n", "school");

		// Finally, give a look at the original image and the image with the pixels of interest in green
		cvShowImage( "Original", img );
		cvShowImage( "Processed", processed );

		// Wait until a key is pressed to continue... 	
		tecla = cvWaitKey(0);




	return 0;
Пример #2
 * Current count of given side's stones.
int Board::count(Side side) {
    return (side == BLACK) ? countBlack() : countWhite();
void Bomb::defuseWiresSimple() const {
    //Read in wire colors in order
    char module[7];
    cout << "(r) Red" << endl
         << "(w) White" << endl
         << "(l) Blue" << endl
         << "(k) Black" << endl
         << "(y) Yellow" << endl
         << endl;
    cout << "Enter the wire colors from top to bottom: ";
    //Read out instruction
    switch (strlen(module)) {
        case 3:
            if (countRed(module) == 0) {
                cout << "Cut the second wire." << endl << endl;
            if (module[2] == 'w') {
                cout << "Cut the last wire." << endl << endl;
            if (countBlue(module) > 1) {
                cout << "Cut the last blue wire." << endl << endl;
            cout << "Cut the last wire." << endl << endl;
        case 4:
            if (countRed(module) > 1 && !serialEven) {
                cout << "Cut the last red wire." << endl << endl;
            if (countRed(module) == 0 && module[3] == 'y') {
                cout << "Cut the first wire." << endl << endl;
            if (countBlue(module) == 1) {
                cout << "Cut the first wire." << endl << endl;
            if (countYellow(module) > 1) {
                cout << "Cut the last wire.";
            cout << "Cut the second wire." << endl << endl;
        case 5:
            if (module[4] == 'k' && !serialEven) {
                cout << "Cut the fourth wire." << endl << endl;
            if (countRed(module) == 1 && countYellow(module) > 1) {
                cout << "Cut the first wire." << endl << endl;
            if (countBlack(module) == 0) {
                cout << "Cut the second wire." << endl << endl;
            cout << "Cut the first wire." << endl << endl;
        case 6:
            if (countYellow(module) == 0 && !serialEven) {
                cout << "Cut the third wire." << endl << endl;
            if (countYellow(module) == 1 && countWhite(module) > 1) {
                cout << "Cut the fourth wire." << endl << endl;
            if (countRed(module) == 0) {
                cout << "Cut the last wire." << endl << endl;
            cout << "Cut the fourth wire." << endl << endl;
            cout << "Incorrect input." << endl << endl;