Пример #1
// MAIN: code execution starts here
//    Initializes buffers at 0x4000 and 0xC000 and goes switching between
// both of them on keypresses
void main(void) {
   u8  scr = 0;      // Video buffer selector: selects what is to be shown on the screen
   u16 pattern;      // Will contain a 4 pixel-colour pattern 
   // First, Initialize the CPC

   // Construct a color pattern with 4 consecutive pixels of 4 different
   // colours in mode 0, that will be used to fill up the second buffer
   pattern = ( cpct_px2byteM0(4, 6) << 8 ) | cpct_px2byteM0(8, 9);

   // Second, Set up the 0x4000 video buffer. This set up will erase 
   // all code placed in the 0x4000 area that has already been used
   // for initializing the CPC. Therefore, this code will have been 
   // used one and then replaced to gain some space.
   setUpVideoBuffer(VMEM_1, pattern, "0x4000 Screen Buffer", 0, 6);

   // Main Loop
   while (1) {
      // Wait for VSYNC and show pressently 
      // selected video buffer in the screen
      cpct_setVideoMemoryPage(g_buffers[scr]);  // Sets the memory page that will be shown on screen
      // Select the alternate video buffer and wait
      // for a keypress to change what is being shown on screen
      scr = scr ^ 0x01;    // Does operation scr XOR 1, which alternates the value of the last bit of scr, 
                           // ... so that it alternates between 0 and 1.
Пример #2
void drawScoreBoard() {
    u8 i;
    u32 c = 0;


    cpct_memset(CPCT_VMEM_START, cpct_px2byteM0(0, 0), 0x4000);

    drawText("AMSTHREES SCOREBOARD", 13, 2, 1);

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        drawNumber(i + 1, 2, 5, 30 + (i * 15));
        drawText(nameHallOfFame[i], 14, 30 + (i * 15), 0);
        drawNumber(scoreHallOfFame[i], 1, 69, 30 + (i * 15));

    drawText("JOHN LOBO", 25, 170, 1);
    drawText("@ GLASNOST CORP 2016", 11, 185, 1);

    c = 40000;     // Number of loops passed if not keypressed
    // Wait 'till the user presses a key, counting loop iterations
    do {
        c--;                       // One more cycle
        cpct_scanKeyboard_f();     // Scan the keyboard
    } while (( ! cpct_isAnyKeyPressed_f() ) && c > 0);
Пример #3
// Initializes elements of the screen on the initialization of a new game
void initializeGameScreen(u16 hiscore) {
   u8* pscr;   // Pointer to the screen location where we want to draw
   u8  c;      // Colour pattern to draw
   u8  str[6]; // Score
   // Clear the screen

   // Draw backgrounds and Hi-Score
   c = cpct_px2byteM0(8,8);  // Colour pattern 8-8 (black-black)
   // Draw black background for scoreboard
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 54,   0);  
   cpct_drawSolidBox(pscr, c, 26, 200);

   // Draw "HI" string 
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 60,  16);   
   cpct_drawStringM0("HI", pscr, 3, 8);

   // Draw HI-Score
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 60,  24);
   sprintf(str, "%5u", hiscore);
   cpct_drawStringM0(str, pscr, 15, 8);

   // Draw Credits
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 60, 172);
   cpct_drawSprite(G_credits, pscr, 20, 27);

   // Draw tiled frame around playing area
   drawFrame(CPCT_VMEM_START, 0);
Пример #4
u8 randomCreateNewBlock(u8 y, u8 h, u8 rndinc) {
   u8 last_y = g_blocks[g_lastBlock-1].ny;   // y coordinate of the upmost block
   u8 created = 0;                           // Flag to signal if a new block was created

   // If there is enough pixel space, create a random number (0-31) and,
   // if it is less than last_y (18...31), create a new platform
   if ( (RAND_0_15(1) + MINPIXELSPACE) < last_y ) {
      u8 w;                          // Random Width for the new block
      u8 x = G_minX + RAND_0_63(1);  // Random X for the new block

      // If random x is out of range, modularize it to set it on range
      if (x >= G_maxX - 1) x = x - G_maxX + G_minX;

      // Create random width for the new platform (4..19)
      w = RAND_0_15(rndinc) + 4;
      // If rightmost pixel of the new block exceedes range, 
      //   adjust it to the limits
      if (x + w > G_maxX) w = G_maxX - x;
      // Create the new solid block (if there is enough space)
      if ( newSolidBlock(x, y, w, h, cpct_px2byteM0(G_platfColour, G_platfColour)) )
         created = 1;

   return created;
Пример #5
// Initialize entities
//   Sets up entities at their initial values
void initializeEntities() {
   TPhysics *p = ((TPhysics*)&g_Character.entity.phys); 
   G_platfColour = cpct_px2byteM0(8, 8);
   G_scrollVel = 3 * SCALE / FPS;  // Scroll down velocity, 3 px/sec
   g_movingBlocks = 0;

   // Initialize blocks
   g_lastBlock = 0;                                // Block ID 
   newSolidBlock( 4, 120, 50, 5, G_platfColour);   // 0 /
   newSolidBlock(14, 100, 10, 3, G_platfColour);   // 1 /
   newSolidBlock(34, 100, 10, 3, G_platfColour);   // 2 /
   newSolidBlock(26,  80,  6, 3, G_platfColour);   // 3 /
   newSolidBlock( 8,  60, 10, 3, G_platfColour);   // 4 /
   newSolidBlock(36,  55, 10, 3, G_platfColour);   // 5 /
   newSolidBlock(20,  30, 20, 3, G_platfColour);   // 6 /
   newSolidBlock( 9,  10, 10, 3, G_platfColour);   // 7 /
   newSolidBlock(44,   9,  4, 3, G_platfColour);   // 8 /
   G_score = 9; // 9 points for the 9 starting blocks

   G_platfColour = 8;

   // Initialize main character
   setEntityLocation(&g_Character.entity, 28, 120-20, 0, 0, 1);

   // Define initial collition range
   g_colMinBlock = 0;
   g_colMaxBlock = 2;
Пример #6
// drawMenu
// Returns:
//    void
void drawMenu() {
    u8* pvmem;


    cpct_memset(CPCT_VMEM_START, cpct_px2byteM0(0, 0), 0x4000);

    //Small Logo
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 23, 0);
    cpct_drawSprite(logo_micro, pvmem, 5, 18);

    drawText("AMSTHREES", 30, 4, 0);

    // Session Highest Card
    drawText("SESSION", 1, 57, 0);
    drawText("HIGH", 5, 72, 0);
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 7, 92);
    cpct_drawSprite(cards[highestCardAll], pvmem, CARD_W, CARD_H);

    drawFrame(23, 43, 76, 151);

    //Camelot Mode Badgae
    if (camelotMode) {
        pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 80 - G_CAMELOTBADGE_W, 8);
        cpct_drawSpriteMaskedAlignedTable(g_camelotBadge, pvmem, G_CAMELOTBADGE_W, G_CAMELOTBADGE_H, am_tablatrans);

    drawText("REDEFINE", 38, 60, 0);
    drawText("MUSIC", 38, 80, 0);
    if (playing)
        drawText("OFF", 56, 80, 0);
        drawText("ON", 56, 80, 0);
    drawText("HELP", 38, 100, 0);
    drawText("PLAY", 38, 120, 0);

    drawNumber(1, 1, 31, 60);
    drawNumber(2, 1, 31, 80);
    drawNumber(3, 1, 31, 100);
    drawNumber(4, 1, 31, 120);

    drawText("JOHN LOBO", 25, 170, 1);
    drawText("@ GLASNOST CORP 2016", 11, 185, 1);
