Пример #1
// initialize
//    Initialize this application when it starts. Disable firmware,
// set the video mode and colours, and initialize map and cursor.
void initialize() {
   u8 *pmem;

   // Disable firmware to prevent it from restoring video mode or
   // interfering with our drawString functions

   // Set the video Mode to 1 (320x200, 4 colours)

   // Use default colours except for palette index 0 (background).
   // Default colours are (Blue, Yellow, Cyan, Red), let's use
   // (Black, Yellow, Cyan, Red). Change only colour 0 and border.
   cpct_setPALColour(0, 0x14);
   // Initialize Base Pointer of the map in video memory. This is 
   // the place where the map will start to be drawn (0,0). This
   // location is (MAP_START_X, MAP_START_Y) with respect to CPCT_VMEM_START.
   pmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, MAP_START_X, MAP_START_Y);

   // Set cursor at the top-left corner of the screen
   cursor_setLocation(0, 0);

   // Draw messages with instructions, the map and the cursor
Пример #2
// Main application's code
void application(void) {
   // Screen tilemap
   TScreenTilemap scr = { 0, 0, { 0, 0, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT} };

   // First show user messages

   // Initialize the application
   cpct_disableFirmware();     // Firmware must be disabled for this application to work
   cpct_setBorder(0x00);       //    Set the border colour gray and.. 
   cpct_setPALColour(0, 0x14); // ...background black

   // VERY IMPORTANT: Before using EasyTileMap functions (etm), the internal
   // pointer to the tileset must be set. 

   // Indefinitely draw the tilemap, listen to user input, 
   // do changes and draw it again
   while(1) {
      drawScreenTilemap(&scr);   // Redraws the tilemap
      readKeyboardInput(&scr);   // Waits for a user input and makes associated changes
Пример #3
// Machine initialization code
void initialize_CPC() {
   // Initialize the application
   cpct_disableFirmware();        // Firmware must be disabled for this application to work
   cpct_setVideoMode(0);          // Set Mode 0 (160x200, 16 Colours)
   cpct_setPalette(g_palette, 13); // Set Palette 
   cpct_setBorder(0x14);          // Set the border and background colours to black
   cpct_setPALColour(0, 0x14);    // 

   // VERY IMPORTANT: Before using EasyTileMap functions (etm), the internal
   // pointer to the tileset must be set. 

   // Clean up the screen 
   cpct_memset(VIDEOMEM, 0x00, 0x4000);

   // Draw the full tilemap for the first time
   cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4(0, 0,                       // (X, Y) upper-left corner of the tilemap
                           SCR_TILE_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, // (Width, Height) of the Box to be drawn (all the screen)
                           MAP_WIDTH,                  // Width of the full tilemap (which is wider than the screen)
                           VIDEOMEM,                   // Pointer to the start of video memory (upper-left corner of the
                                                       // ...tilemap in the screen)
                           g_tilemap);                 // Pointer to the first tile of the tilemap to be drawn (upper-left
                                                       // ... corner of the tilemap viewport window)