/* called after the rom is opened */ void init_neo(char *rom_name) { cpu_68k_init(); neogeo_init(); pd4990a_init(); setup_misc_patch(rom_name); if (conf.sound) { cpu_z80_init(); ogc_init_audio(); streams_sh_start(); YM2610_sh_start(); conf.snd_st_reg_create=1; } cpu_68k_reset(); arcade = (conf.system != SYS_HOME); }
void init_neo(char *rom_name) { cpu_68k_init(); neogeo_init(); pd4990a_init(); setup_misc_patch(rom_name); if (conf.sound) { cpu_z80_init(); init_sdl_audio(); streams_sh_start(); YM2610_sh_start(); SDL_PauseAudio(0); conf.snd_st_reg_create=1; } cpu_68k_reset(); }
void neogeo_reset(void) { // memory.vid.modulo = 1; /* TODO: Move to init_video */ memset(memory.ram, 0 , sizeof(memory.ram)); memset(memory.z80_ram, 0 , sizeof(memory.z80_ram)); memcpy(memory.rom.cpu_m68k.p, memory.rom.bios_m68k.p, 0x80); memory.current_vector=0; memory.vid.current_line = 0; init_timer(); sram_lock = 0; sound_code = 0; pending_command = 0; result_code = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_940T shared_ctl->sound_code = sound_code; shared_ctl->pending_command = pending_command; shared_ctl->result_code = result_code; #endif if (memory.rom.cpu_m68k.size > 0x100000) cpu_68k_bankswitch(0x100000); else cpu_68k_bankswitch(0); cpu_68k_reset(); }
void main_loop(void) { int neo_emu_done = 0; int overclk=CF_VAL(cf_get_item_by_name("overclock")); Uint32 cpu_68k_timeslice = (overclk==0?200000:200000+(overclk*200000/100.0)); Uint32 cpu_68k_timeslice_scanline = cpu_68k_timeslice/262.0; // Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice = 100000; Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice = 73333; Uint32 tm_cycle=0; /* Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice=66666; // is it 4Mhz or 6Mhz ???? 4 seems to work fine.... UPDATE: it's clear now that it's 6Mhz -> kof96 presentation */ Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice_interlace = cpu_z80_timeslice / (float) nb_interlace; char ksym_code[5]; SDL_Event event; Uint16 scancode, i, a; char input_buf[20]; Uint8 show_keysym=0; CONF_ITEM* item = cf_get_item_by_name("invertjoy"); int invert_joy = 0; if (item) invert_joy=CF_BOOL(item); reset_frame_skip(); my_timer(); //printf("Cpuspeed: %d\n",cpu_68k_timeslice); /* printf("%s\n",&memory.cpu[0x100]); printf("NGH = %04x\n",READ_WORD(&memory.cpu[0x108])); printf("SSN = %04x\n",READ_WORD(&memory.cpu[0x114])); */ while (!neo_emu_done) { if (conf.test_switch == 1) conf.test_switch = 0; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: joy_axe[event.jaxis.which][event.jaxis.axis] = event.jaxis.value; if (show_keysym) { sprintf(ksym_code, "%d", event.jaxis.axis); draw_message(ksym_code); } break; case SDL_JOYHATMOTION: switch (event.jhat.value) { case SDL_HAT_CENTERED: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 0; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_UP: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = -32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_DOWN: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_LEFT: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = -32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_RIGHT: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = -32767; break; case SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 32767; break; case SDL_HAT_LEFTUP: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = -32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = -32767; break; case SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = -32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 32767; break; } if (show_keysym) { sprintf(ksym_code, "%d", event.jhat.hat); draw_message(ksym_code); } break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: joy_button[event.jbutton.which][event.jbutton.button] = 1; if (show_keysym) { sprintf(ksym_code, "%d", event.jbutton.button); draw_message(ksym_code); } break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: joy_button[event.jbutton.which][event.jbutton.button] = 0; break; case SDL_KEYUP: if (player) { switch(event.key.keysym.sym) { case 273: key[264] = 0; break; case 275: key[274] = 0; break; case 274: key[261] = 0; break; case 276: key[260] = 0; break; case 122: key[108] = 0; break; case 120: key[59] = 0; break; case 97: key[111] = 0; break; case 115: key[112] = 0; break; case 49: key[50] = 0; break; case 51: key[52] = 0; break; default: key[event.key.keysym.sym] = 0; break; } } else key[event.key.keysym.sym] = 0; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: scancode = event.key.keysym.sym; if (show_keysym) { sprintf(ksym_code, "%d", scancode); draw_message(ksym_code); } if (player) { switch(scancode) { case 273: key[264] = 1; break; case 275: key[274] = 1; break; case 274: key[261] = 1; break; case 276: key[260] = 1; break; case 122: key[108] = 1; break; case 120: key[59] = 1; break; case 97: key[111] = 1; break; case 115: key[112] = 1; break; case 49: key[50] = 1; break; case 51: key[52] = 1; break; default: key[scancode] = 1; break; } } else key[scancode] = 1; switch (scancode) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: neo_emu_done = 1; #ifdef __QNXNTO__ shutdown = 1; #endif break; // ESC /* case SDLK_TAB: main_gngeo_gui(); break; */ case SDLK_F1: draw_message("Reset"); //neogeo_init(); cpu_68k_reset(); break; case SDLK_F2: take_screenshot(); draw_message("Screenshot saved"); break; case SDLK_F3: draw_message("Test Switch ON"); conf.test_switch = 1; break; case SDLK_F5: show_fps ^= SDL_TRUE; break; case SDLK_F4: show_keysym = 1 - show_keysym; if (show_keysym) draw_message("Show keysym code : ON"); else draw_message("Show keysym code : OFF"); break; case SDLK_F6: slow_motion = 1 - slow_motion; if (slow_motion) draw_message("SlowMotion : ON"); else { draw_message("SlowMotion : OFF"); reset_frame_skip(); } break; case SDLK_F7: //screen_set_effect("scanline"); if (conf.debug) { dbg_step = 1; } break; case SDLK_F8: { int val; char *endptr; text_input("Save to slot [0-999]? ",16,227,input_buf,3); val=strtol(input_buf,&endptr,10); if (input_buf != endptr) { pending_save_state=val+1; } } break; case SDLK_F9: { int val; char *endptr; text_input("Load from slot [0-999]? ",16,227,input_buf,3); val=strtol(input_buf,&endptr,10); if (input_buf != endptr) { pending_load_state=val+1; } } break; case SDLK_F10: autoframeskip ^= SDL_TRUE; if (autoframeskip) { reset_frame_skip(); draw_message("AutoFrameSkip : ON"); } else draw_message("AutoFrameSkip : OFF"); break; case SDLK_F11: sleep_idle ^= SDL_TRUE; if (sleep_idle) draw_message("Sleep idle : ON"); else draw_message("Sleep idle : OFF"); break; case SDLK_F12: screen_fullscreen(); break; #ifdef __QNXNTO__ case SDLK_F13: neo_emu_done = 1; break; case SDLK_F14: if (player) { key[52] = 0; key[50] = 0; key[112] = 0; key[111] = 0; key[59] = 0; key[108] = 0; key[260] = 0; key[261] = 0; key[274] = 0; key[264] = 0; } player = !player; break; #endif } break; case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: conf.res_x=event.resize.w; conf.res_y=event.resize.h; screen_resize(event.resize.w, event.resize.h); break; case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: if (event.active.state & SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS) { if (!event.active.gain) { int J; SDL_PauseAudio(1); while (1) { usleep(10000); if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT) { if (event.active.state & SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS) { if (event.active.gain) break; } } else if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { neo_emu_done = 1; break; } } } SDL_PauseAudio(0); reset_frame_skip(); } } break; case SDL_USEREVENT: reset_frame_skip(); break; case SDL_QUIT: neo_emu_done = 1; #ifdef __QNXNTO__ shutdown = 1; #endif break; default: break; } } /* update the internal representation of keyslot */ update_p1_key(); update_p2_key(); update_start(); update_coin(); if (slow_motion) SDL_Delay(100); if (conf.sound) { PROFILER_START(PROF_Z80); for (i = 0; i < nb_interlace; i++) { cpu_z80_run(cpu_z80_timeslice_interlace); my_timer(); } PROFILER_STOP(PROF_Z80); } /* else my_timer();*/ if (!conf.debug) { if (conf.raster) { for (i = 0; i < 261; i++) { tm_cycle=cpu_68k_run(cpu_68k_timeslice_scanline-tm_cycle); if (update_scanline()) cpu_68k_interrupt(2); } tm_cycle=cpu_68k_run(cpu_68k_timeslice_scanline-tm_cycle); state_handling(pending_save_state,pending_load_state); update_screen(); cpu_68k_interrupt(1); } else { PROFILER_START(PROF_68K); tm_cycle=cpu_68k_run(cpu_68k_timeslice-tm_cycle); PROFILER_STOP(PROF_68K); a = neo_interrupt(); /* state handling (we save/load before interrupt) */ state_handling(pending_save_state,pending_load_state); if (a) { cpu_68k_interrupt(a); } } } else { /* we arre in debug mode -> we are just here for event handling */ neo_emu_done=1; } #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER profiler_show_stat(); #endif PROFILER_START(PROF_ALL); } }