CRASHRPTAPI(int) crInstallA(CR_INSTALL_INFOA* pInfo) { if(pInfo==NULL) return crInstallW((CR_INSTALL_INFOW*)NULL); // Convert pInfo members to wide char strconv_t strconv; CR_INSTALL_INFOW ii; memset(&ii, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); ii.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); ii.pfnCrashCallback = pInfo->pfnCrashCallback; ii.pszAppName = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszAppName); ii.pszAppVersion = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszAppVersion); ii.pszCrashSenderPath = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszCrashSenderPath); ii.pszEmailSubject = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszEmailSubject); ii.pszEmailTo = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszEmailTo); ii.pszUrl = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszUrl); memcpy(&ii.uPriorities, pInfo->uPriorities, 3*sizeof(UINT)); ii.dwFlags = pInfo->dwFlags; ii.pszPrivacyPolicyURL = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszPrivacyPolicyURL); ii.pszDebugHelpDLL = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszDebugHelpDLL); ii.uMiniDumpType = pInfo->uMiniDumpType; ii.pszErrorReportSaveDir = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszErrorReportSaveDir); ii.pszRestartCmdLine = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszRestartCmdLine); ii.pszLangFilePath = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszLangFilePath); ii.pszEmailText = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszEmailText); ii.pszSmtpProxy = strconv.a2w(pInfo->pszSmtpProxy); return crInstallW(&ii); }
void CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddScreenshot() { // Should fail, because crInstall() should be called first int nResult = crAddScreenshot(CR_AS_VIRTUAL_SCREEN); TEST_ASSERT(nResult!=0); // Install crash handler CR_INSTALL_INFOW infoW; memset(&infoW, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); infoW.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); infoW.pszAppVersion = L"1.0.0"; // Specify app version, otherwise it will fail. int nInstallResult = crInstallW(&infoW); TEST_ASSERT(nInstallResult==0); // Should succeed int nResult2 = crAddScreenshot(CR_AS_VIRTUAL_SCREEN); TEST_ASSERT(nResult2==0); // Call twice - should succeed int nResult3 = crAddScreenshot(CR_AS_MAIN_WINDOW); TEST_ASSERT(nResult3==0); __TEST_CLEANUP__; // Uninstall crUninstall(); }
void CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddPropertyW() { // Should fail, because crInstall() should be called first int nResult = crAddPropertyW(L"VideoAdapter", L"nVidia GeForce GTS 250"); TEST_ASSERT(nResult!=0); // Install crash handler CR_INSTALL_INFOW infoW; memset(&infoW, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); infoW.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); infoW.pszAppVersion = L"1.0.0"; // Specify app version, otherwise it will fail. int nInstallResult = crInstallW(&infoW); TEST_ASSERT(nInstallResult==0); // Should fail, because property name is empty int nResult2 = crAddPropertyW(L"", L"nVidia GeForce GTS 250"); TEST_ASSERT(nResult2!=0); // Should succeed int nResult3 = crAddPropertyW(L"VideoAdapter", L"nVidia GeForce GTS 250"); TEST_ASSERT(nResult3==0); __TEST_CLEANUP__; // Uninstall crUninstall(); }
void CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddFileW() { strconv_t strconv; CString sFileName; // Should fail, because crInstall() should be called first int nResult = crAddFileW(L"a.txt", L"invalid file"); TEST_ASSERT(nResult!=0); // Install crash handler CR_INSTALL_INFOW infoW; memset(&infoW, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); infoW.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); infoW.pszAppVersion = L"1.0.0"; // Specify app version, otherwise it will fail. int nInstallResult = crInstallW(&infoW); TEST_ASSERT(nInstallResult==0); // Add not existing file, crAddFileA should fail int nResult2 = crAddFileW(L"a.txt", L"invalid file"); TEST_ASSERT(nResult2!=0); // Add existing file, crAddFileA should succeed sFileName = Utility::GetModulePath(NULL)+_T("\\dummy.ini"); LPCWSTR szFileName = strconv.t2w(sFileName); int nResult3 = crAddFileW(szFileName, L"Dummy INI File"); TEST_ASSERT(nResult3==0); __TEST_CLEANUP__; // Uninstall crUninstall(); }
void CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstallW_short_path_name() { CString sTmpDir; CString sTmpDir2; WCHAR szShortPath[1024] = L""; strconv_t strconv; // Call crInstallW with short path name pszErrorReportSaveDir - should succeed // Create tmp file name with UNICODE characters sTmpDir = Utility::getTempFileName(); Utility::RecycleFile(sTmpDir, TRUE); sTmpDir2 = sTmpDir + L"\\应用程序名称"; Utility::CreateFolder(sTmpDir2); GetShortPathNameW(strconv.t2w(sTmpDir2), szShortPath, 1024); // Remove tmp folder Utility::RecycleFile(sTmpDir, TRUE); CR_INSTALL_INFOW infoW; memset(&infoW, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); infoW.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); infoW.pszAppVersion = L"1.0.0"; // Specify app version, otherwise it will fail. infoW.pszErrorReportSaveDir = szShortPath; int nInstallResult = crInstallW(&infoW); TEST_ASSERT(nInstallResult==0); __TEST_CLEANUP__ crUninstall(); Utility::RecycleFile(sTmpDir, TRUE); }
void CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstall_null() { // Test crInstall with NULL info - should fail int nInstallResult = crInstallW(NULL); TEST_ASSERT(nInstallResult!=0); int nInstallResult2 = crInstallA(NULL); TEST_ASSERT(nInstallResult2!=0); __TEST_CLEANUP__; }
CRASHRPTAPI(LPVOID) InstallW(LPGETLOGFILE pfnCallback, LPCWSTR pszEmailTo, LPCWSTR pszEmailSubject) { CR_INSTALL_INFOW info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO)); info.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO); info.pfnCrashCallback = pfnCallback; info.pszEmailTo = pszEmailTo; info.pszEmailSubject = pszEmailSubject; crInstallW(&info); return NULL; }
void CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstallW_zero_info() { // Test crInstallW with zero info CR_INSTALL_INFOW infoW; memset(&infoW, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); infoW.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); infoW.pszAppVersion = L"1.0.0"; // Specify app version, otherwise it will fail. int nInstallResult = crInstallW(&infoW); TEST_ASSERT(nInstallResult==0); __TEST_CLEANUP__ crUninstall(); }
void CrashRptAPITests::Test_crGetLastErrorMsgW() { // Get error message before Install WCHAR szErrMsg[256] = L""; int nResult = crGetLastErrorMsgW(szErrMsg, 256); TEST_ASSERT(nResult>0); // Install crash handler CR_INSTALL_INFOW infoW; memset(&infoW, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); infoW.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); infoW.pszAppVersion = L"1.0.0"; // Specify app version, otherwise it will fail. int nInstallResult = crInstallW(&infoW); TEST_ASSERT(nInstallResult==0); // Get error message WCHAR szErrMsg2[256] = L""; int nResult2 = crGetLastErrorMsgW(szErrMsg2, 256); TEST_ASSERT(nResult2>0); // Get error message to NULL buffer - must fail int nResult3 = crGetLastErrorMsgW(NULL, 256); TEST_ASSERT(nResult3<0); // Get error message to a buffer, but zero length - must fail WCHAR szErrMsg3[256] = L""; int nResult4 = crGetLastErrorMsgW(szErrMsg3, 0); TEST_ASSERT(nResult4<0); // Get error message to a single-char buffer, must trunkate message and succeed WCHAR szErrMsg5[1] = L""; int nResult5 = crGetLastErrorMsgW(szErrMsg5, 1); TEST_ASSERT(nResult5==0); // Get error message to a small buffer, must trunkate message and succeed WCHAR szErrMsg6[2] = L""; int nResult6 = crGetLastErrorMsgW(szErrMsg6, 2); TEST_ASSERT(nResult6>0); __TEST_CLEANUP__; // Uninstall crUninstall(); }
void CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddRegKeyW() { // Should fail, because crInstall() should be called first int nResult = crAddRegKeyW(L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows", L"regkey.xml", 0); TEST_ASSERT(nResult!=0); // Install crash handler CR_INSTALL_INFOW infoW; memset(&infoW, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); infoW.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); infoW.pszAppVersion = L"1.0.0"; // Specify app version, otherwise it will fail. int nInstallResult = crInstallW(&infoW); TEST_ASSERT(nInstallResult==0); // Should fail, because registry key name is NULL int nResult2 = crAddRegKeyW(NULL, L"regkey.xml", 0); TEST_ASSERT(nResult2!=0); // Should fail, because registry key name is empty int nResult3 = crAddRegKeyW(L"", L"regkey.xml", 0); TEST_ASSERT(nResult3!=0); // Should succeed int nResult4 = crAddRegKeyW(L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows", L"regkey.xml", 0); TEST_ASSERT(nResult4==0); // Should fail, because registry key doesn't exist int nResult5 = crAddRegKeyW(L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Softweeere\\", L"regkey.xml", 0); TEST_ASSERT(nResult5!=0); // Should fail, because registry key is a parent key int nResult6 = crAddRegKeyW(L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\", L"regkey.xml", 0); TEST_ASSERT(nResult6!=0); __TEST_CLEANUP__; // Uninstall crUninstall(); }
// A helper function that creates a error report for testing BOOL TestUtils::CreateErrorReport(CString sTmpFolder, CString& sErrorReportName, CString& sMD5Hash) { BOOL bStatus = FALSE; CString sReportFolder; DWORD dwExitCode = 1; WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CString sSearchPattern = sTmpFolder + "\\*.zip"; CString sMD5FileName; FILE* f = NULL; TCHAR szHashBuff[256] = _T(""); HKEY hKey = NULL; LONG lResult = -1; CString sKeyName = _T("Software\\CrashRpt&ၸwer\\应用程序名称"); CString sKeyName2 = _T("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\") + sKeyName; lResult = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKeyName, &hKey); if(lResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; DWORD dwVal = 12345; lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, _T("Value$%^!@#&123fer"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, sizeof(DWORD)); if(lResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; CR_INSTALL_INFOW infoW; memset(&infoW, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); infoW.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); infoW.pszAppName = L"My& app Name &"; // Use appname with restricted XML characters infoW.pszAppVersion = L"1.0.0 &<'a应> \"<"; infoW.pszErrorReportSaveDir = sTmpFolder; infoW.dwFlags = CR_INST_NO_GUI|CR_INST_DONT_SEND_REPORT|CR_INST_STORE_ZIP_ARCHIVES; int nInstallResult = crInstallW(&infoW); if(nInstallResult!=0) goto cleanup; crAddScreenshot(CR_AS_MAIN_WINDOW); crAddPropertyW(L"CustomProp", L"Property Value"); crAddRegKey(sKeyName2, L"regkey.xml", 0); CR_EXCEPTION_INFO ei; memset(&ei, 0, sizeof(CR_EXCEPTION_INFO)); ei.cb = sizeof(ei); ei.exctype = CR_SEH_EXCEPTION; ei.code = 0x123; // Generate error report int nGenResult = crGenerateErrorReport(&ei); if(nGenResult!=0) goto cleanup; // Wait until CrashSender process exits WaitForSingleObject(ei.hSenderProcess, INFINITE); // Check exit code GetExitCodeProcess(ei.hSenderProcess, &dwExitCode); if(dwExitCode!=0) goto cleanup; // Get ZIP name hFind = FindFirstFile(sSearchPattern, &ffd); if(hFind==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto cleanup; sErrorReportName = sTmpFolder + _T("\\") + CString(ffd.cFileName); FindClose(hFind); hFind = NULL; // Get MD5 name sSearchPattern = sTmpFolder + "\\*.md5"; hFind = FindFirstFile(sSearchPattern, &ffd); if(hFind==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto cleanup; sMD5FileName = sTmpFolder + _T("\\") + CString(ffd.cFileName); #if _MSC_VER < 1400 f = _tfopen(sMD5FileName, _T("rt")); #else _tfopen_s(&f, sMD5FileName, _T("rt")); #endif if(f==NULL) goto cleanup; TCHAR* szHash = _fgetts(szHashBuff, 256, f); if(szHash==NULL) goto cleanup; sMD5Hash = szHash; if(sMD5Hash.GetLength()!=32) goto cleanup; // Hash must be 32 characters in length bStatus = TRUE; cleanup: crUninstall(); if(f!=NULL) fclose(f); if(hFind!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(hFind); if(hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKeyName); return bStatus; }
void r3dThreadEntryHelper(threadEntry_fn fn, DWORD in) { /*if(!CheckCrashRptVersion()) { // An invalid CrashRpt.dll loaded! MessageBox(NULL, "The version of CrashRpt.dll is invalid.", "CRASH RPT ERROR", MB_OK); return; }*/ if(!IsDebuggerPresent()) { #ifdef DISABLE_CRASHRPT SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(CreateMiniDump); #else // detect language file wchar_t curDir[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t langFile[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(curDir), curDir); swprintf(langFile, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\%s", curDir, crashRpgGetLangFile()); // use wide versino of structure, as pszLangFilePath *require* full path by some reasons CR_INSTALL_INFOW info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW)); info.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFOW); #ifdef FINAL_BUILD info.pszAppName = L"Undead Brasil"; #else info.pszAppName = L"Undead Brasil"; #endif info.pszAppVersion = L"1.0"; info.pszEmailTo = NULL; #ifndef HS_ENABLED info.pszUrl = L"http:///"; #else info.pszUrl = L"http:///"; #endif info.pszCrashSenderPath = NULL; info.pfnCrashCallback = &r3dCrashRptCallback; info.uPriorities[CR_HTTP] = 1; info.uPriorities[CR_SMTP] = CR_NEGATIVE_PRIORITY; // skip it info.uPriorities[CR_SMAPI] = CR_NEGATIVE_PRIORITY; // skip it info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_ALL_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS; info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_HTTP_BINARY_ENCODING; info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_SEND_QUEUED_REPORTS; //we should not restart app, as GNA using command line to pass login info //info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_APP_RESTART; //info.pszRestartCmdLine = __r3dCmdLine; info.pszPrivacyPolicyURL = L""; info.pszLangFilePath = langFile; int res = crInstallW(&info); if(res !=0) { // Something goes wrong. Get error message. TCHAR szErrorMsg[512] = _T(""); crGetLastErrorMsg(szErrorMsg, 512); r3dOutToLog(("%s\n"), szErrorMsg); //return 1; } // add files to crash report char filePath[1024]; res = crAddFile2(_T("crashdmp.dmp"), NULL, _T("Crash dump file"), CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY|CR_AF_MISSING_FILE_OK); res = crAddFile2(_T("r3dlog.txt"), NULL, _T("Log file"), CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY|CR_AF_MISSING_FILE_OK); //CreateConfigPath(filePath); //remove( "r3dlog.txt"); DeleteFile("r3dlog.txt"); strcat(filePath, "gameSettings.ini"); res = crAddFile2(filePath, NULL, _T("Game Settings file"), CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY|CR_AF_MISSING_FILE_OK); CreateConfigPath(filePath); strcat(filePath, "GPU.txt"); res = crAddFile2(filePath, NULL, _T("GPU information file"), CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY|CR_AF_MISSING_FILE_OK); #endif } //crEmulateCrash(CR_CPP_NEW_OPERATOR_ERROR); fn(in); #ifndef DISABLE_CRASHRPT if(!IsDebuggerPresent()) { crUninstall(); } #endif }