int main(int argc, char ** argv) { std::cout << "Starting K7Server..." << std::endl; // Create a QCoreApplication. QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); try { // Parse command line arguments to create the configuration object. pelican::Config config = createConfig(argc, argv); // Create a Pelican server. pelican::PelicanServer server(&config); // Attach the chunker to server. server.addStreamChunker("K7Chunker"); // Create a communication protocol object and attach it to the server on port 2000. pelican::AbstractProtocol* protocol = new pelican::PelicanProtocol; server.addProtocol(protocol, 2000); // Start the server. server.start(); // When the server is ready enter the QCoreApplication event loop. while (!server.isReady()) {} return app.exec(); } // Catch any error messages from Pelican. catch (const QString& err) { std::cerr << "Error: " << err.toStdString() << std::endl; } }
EGLConfig EGLConfigSelector::pixmapContextConfig() { if (!m_pixmapFBConfig) m_pixmapFBConfig = createConfig(EGL_PIXMAP_BIT); return m_pixmapFBConfig; }
EGLConfig EGLConfigSelector::surfaceContextConfig() { if (!m_surfaceContextFBConfig) m_surfaceContextFBConfig = createConfig(EGL_WINDOW_BIT); return m_surfaceContextFBConfig; }
MasterApplication::MasterApplication( int& argc_, char** argv_, MPIChannelPtr worldChannel ) : QApplication( argc_, argv_ ) , masterToWallChannel_( new MasterToWallChannel( worldChannel )) , masterFromWallChannel_( new MasterFromWallChannel( worldChannel )) , markers_( new Markers ) { // don't create touch points for mouse events and vice versa setAttribute( Qt::AA_SynthesizeTouchForUnhandledMouseEvents, false ); setAttribute( Qt::AA_SynthesizeMouseForUnhandledTouchEvents, false ); CommandLineParameters options( argc_, argv_ ); if( options.getHelp( )) options.showSyntax(); if( !createConfig( options.getConfigFilename( ))) throw std::runtime_error( "MasterApplication: initialization failed." ); displayGroup_.reset( new DisplayGroup( config_->getTotalSize( ))); init(); const QString& session = options.getSessionFilename(); if( !session.isEmpty( )) StateSerializationHelper( displayGroup_ ).load( session ); }
/*! Zmena stylu na plain*/ void MainWindow::on_actionPlain_activated() { scene->readStyles("Plain"); createConfig("Plain"); readConfig(); readStyle(lastUsedStyle); //nacteni fontu pro hlavni okno changeFont(); }
EGLConfig EGLConfigSelector::surfaceContextConfig() { if (!m_surfaceContextFBConfig) { configAttributeList[13] = EGL_WINDOW_BIT; m_surfaceContextFBConfig = createConfig(configAttributeList); } return m_surfaceContextFBConfig; }
EGLConfig EGLConfigSelector::pBufferContextConfig() { if (!m_pbufferFBConfig) { configAttributeList[13] = EGL_PIXMAP_BIT; m_pbufferFBConfig = createConfig(configAttributeList); } return m_pbufferFBConfig; }
void KisPropertiesConfigurationTest::testSerialization() { KisPropertiesConfigurationSP config = createConfig(); QString xml = config->toXML(); KisPropertiesConfigurationSP decodedConfig = new KisPropertiesConfiguration(); decodedConfig->fromXML(xml); testConfig(decodedConfig); }
EGLConfig EGLConfigSelector::surfaceClientConfig(NativeVisualId id) { EGLConfig config = findMatchingConfigWithVisualId(id); if (!config) config = createConfig(EGL_PIXMAP_BIT); return config; }
std::string Widget::configStruct() { std::stringstream config; config << "{a:0"; createConfig(config); config << "}"; return config.str(); }
void SWIApp::optimizerTick() { std::vector<float> params (optimizer->ndims); // best of this generation SqcConfig *last_best = 0; SqcConfig *config = createConfig(); // Calculate fitness values for each element for (int i=0;i<optimizer->nelems;i++) { optimizer->getElem(i, ¶ms[0]); config->initFromParams(params); config->calcSquarePositions(); config->calcFitness(); optimizer->setFitness(i, config->fitness); if (!last_best || config->fitness >= last_best->fitness) { if(last_best) delete last_best; last_best = config; config = createConfig(); } } if (last_best) { if (!best || last_best->fitness > best->fitness) { best = last_best; d_trace("New best radius: %f. Overlap: %f. Fitness: %f\n", best->radius, best->overlap, best->fitness); for (int i=0;i<best->nsquares();i++) d_trace(" (%f,%f);", best->getSquare(i).x, best->getSquare(i).y); d_trace("\n"); sigma = 1.0f; } else { sigma *= 1.005f; } graph.addTick(last_best->collectParams()); best_list.push_back(last_best); } delete config; optimizer->tick(sigma*(sinf(sigma)+1.0f)); }
bool INIConfig::setValue(const Common::String &file, const Common::String §ion, const Common::String &key, const Common::String &value) { Config config; if (!getConfig(file, config)) if (!createConfig(file, config)) return false; config.config->setKey(key, section, value); return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { tsClient client; client.numNodes = 5; createConfig(client.nodes,client.indexMap,NUM_NODES,client.nodeController); readConfig(client.nodes,client.numNodes); client.clientSetup(); client.startConnection(); writeConfig(client.nodes,client.numNodes,client.indexMap); destroyNodes(client.nodes); return 0; }
void MessageBox::setHidden(bool hidden, const WAnimation& animation) { if (hidden != hidden_) { hidden_ = hidden; WApplication *app = WApplication::instance(); if (!hidden) setExposeMask(app); else restoreExposeMask(app); if (hidden) app->doJavaScript(elRef() + ".hide();"); else { std::stringstream config; config << "{a:0"; createConfig(config); config << "}"; std::string var; if (firstDisplay_) { var = elRef() + "=Ext.Msg"; /* fix cursor problem in FF 1.5, 2 */ if (!app->environment().agentIsIE()) app->doJavaScript ("Ext.Msg.getDialog().on('show', function(d) {" "var div = Ext.get(d.el);" "div.setStyle('overflow', 'auto');" "var text ='.ext-mb-textarea', true);" "if (!text.item(0))" "text ='.ext-mb-text', true);" "if (text.item(0))" "text.item(0);});"); } else var = elRef(); WApplication::instance() ->doJavaScript(var + ".show(" + config.str() + ");"); if (progress_) { WApplication::instance() ->doJavaScript(elRef() + ".updateProgress(" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(progressValue_) + ");"); } firstDisplay_ = false; } } }
void KisPropertiesConfigurationTest::testNotSavedValues() { KisPropertiesConfiguration* config = createConfig(); config->setPropertyNotSaved("v3"); testConfig(config); QString s = config->toXML(); delete config; config = new KisPropertiesConfiguration(); config->fromXML(s); QVERIFY(config->getInt("v1", 0) == v1); QVERIFY(config->getString("v2", "") == v2); QVERIFY(config->hasProperty("v3") == false); QVERIFY(config->getBool("v4", !v4) == v4); QVERIFY(config->getCubicCurve("v5") == v5); delete config; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { createConfig(); //ros::init(argc, argv, "ice_engine_test"); // try // { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); // } // catch (std::exception &e) // { // std::cerr << "Unhandled Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; // } // return 1; }
static void OpenOrCreate(HWND hwnd) { static bool openAlreadyOpened = false; if (openAlreadyOpened) return; class Unique { public: Unique() { openAlreadyOpened = true; } ~Unique() { openAlreadyOpened = false; } } unique; std::tstring dir = GetExistingDirectory(hwnd, _T("Select a folder which contains or will contain encrypted data."), _T("Select Crypt Folder")); if (dir.empty()) return; // if directory is already configured add and try to mount boost::shared_ptr<EncFSConfig> config(new EncFSConfig); if (readConfig(slashTerminate(wchar_to_utf8_cstr(dir.c_str())), config) != Config_None) { char drive = SelectFreeDrive(hwnd); if (drive) { Drives::drive_t dr(Drives::Add(dir, drive)); if (dr) dr->Mount(hwnd); } return; } // TODO check directory is empty, warning if continue // "You are initializing a crypted directory with a no-empty directory. Is this expected?" OptionsData data; data.rootDir = dir; if (DialogBoxParam(hInst, (LPCTSTR) IDD_OPTIONS, hwnd, (DLGPROC) OptionsDlgProc, (LPARAM) &data) != IDOK) return; // add configuration and add new drive createConfig(slashTerminate(wchar_to_utf8_cstr(dir.c_str())), data.paranoia, false, wchar_to_utf8_cstr(data.password).c_str(), true); Drives::drive_t dr(Drives::Add(dir,; if (dr) dr->Mount(hwnd); }
Startup::Startup( QObject * parent ) :QObject(parent) { db = DbNote::getInstance(); config_t config_state = config.checkConfig(); if( config_state == no_conf ) { reportErrorMesg("Your config-file is damaged or\n the permissions are wrong !"); } else if ( config_state == load_conf ) { start(); } else if( config_state == empty_conf ) { createConfig(); } }
std::string AbstractButton::createJSHelper(const std::string& extClassName, bool intoElement) { std::stringstream result; std::string menuvar; std::stringstream buf; buf << "{a:0"; if (checkable_ != false) { if (extClassName != "") buf << ",enableToggle:true"; if (checked_ != false) { buf << "," << checkInitialState() << ":true"; } } if (menu_) { menuvar = menu_->createExtElement(result, 0); buf << ",menu:" << menuvar; } createConfig(buf); buf << "}"; result << elVar() << "=new " << extClassName << "(" << buf.str() << ");"; if (intoElement) result << elVar() << ".render('" << id() << "');"; bindEventHandler(checkEventJS(), "toggleH", result); return result.str(); }
SWIApp::SWIApp() : graph(600, -10, 10) { int nsquares = 2; sigma = 1.0f; best=0; //initRandomOptimizer(nsquares); std::vector<float> ranges = std::vector<float>(nsquares * 4); for (int i=0;i<(nsquares-1)*2;i++) { ranges[i*2]=-10.0f; ranges[i*2+1]=10.0f; } SwarmConfig sc; sc.graphType = ST_MULTISTAR; // sc.phi1 = sc.phi2 = 0.4f; = 0.7f; sc.phi1 = 1.4f; sc.phi2 = 1.4f; SqcConfig* cfg = createConfig(); optimizer = new ESOptimizer(ranges); // optimizer = new SwarmOptimizer(sc); cfg->randomConfig(nsquares); optimizer->initialize(cfg->collectParams().size(), 100); std::vector<float> params; for (int j=0;j<optimizer->nelems;j++) { cfg->randomConfig(nsquares); params=cfg->collectParams(); optimizer->setElem(j, ¶ms[0]); } }
void KisPropertiesConfigurationTest::testSetGet() { KisPropertiesConfiguration* config = createConfig(); testConfig(config); delete config; }
bool readConfig() // чтение и загрузка конфигурации { FILE *file_Fp; if ((file_Fp = _wfopen(config_file_name_ca, L"r")) != NULL) { wchar_t sym; //Считывание имени!!! CurrentGame.lastLevelName.clear(); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%c", &sym); while (sym != L'\n') { CurrentGame.lastLevelName.push_back(sym); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%c", &sym); } fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentGame.saveStatus); if (!CurrentGame.saveStatus){ fclose(file_Fp); return false; } fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentGame.lifes); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentGame.points); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentBall.speed); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentBall.timer); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentBall.stepNum); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i %i", &CurrentBall.position.X, &CurrentBall.position.Y); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i %i", &CurrentBall.course.X, &CurrentBall.course.Y); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i %i", &CurrentPlatform.position.X, &CurrentPlatform.position.Y); fseek(file_Fp, 3, SEEK_CUR); CurrentLevel.Size_Strings = CurrentGame.Levels[CurrentGame.CurrentLevelNumber]->Size_Strings; if (CurrentGame.saveStatus == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < CurrentLevel.Size_Strings; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < CurrentLevel.Size_Columns; j++) { fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%c", &(CurrentLevel.Map[i][j].element)); } fseek(file_Fp, 2, SEEK_CUR); } } else if (CurrentGame.saveStatus == 0) { CurrentGame.loadCurrentLevelByNumber(); // новая игра } fclose(file_Fp); return true; } else { if (createConfig()) { if ((file_Fp = _wfopen(config_file_name_ca, L"r")) != NULL) { wchar_t sym; //Считывание!!! CurrentGame.CurrentLevelName.clear(); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%c", &sym); while (sym != L'\n') { CurrentGame.lastLevelName.push_back(sym); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%c", &sym); } fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentGame.saveStatus); if (!CurrentGame.saveStatus){ return false; } fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentGame.lifes); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentGame.points); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentBall.speed); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentBall.timer); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i", &CurrentBall.stepNum); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i %i", &CurrentBall.position.X, &CurrentBall.position.Y); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i %i", &CurrentBall.course.X, &CurrentBall.course.Y); fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%i %i", &CurrentPlatform.position.X, &CurrentPlatform.position.Y); fseek(file_Fp, 3, SEEK_CUR); CurrentLevel.Size_Strings = CurrentGame.Levels[CurrentGame.CurrentLevelNumber]->Size_Strings; if (CurrentGame.saveStatus == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < CurrentLevel.Size_Strings; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < CurrentLevel.Size_Columns; j++) { fwscanf(file_Fp, L"%c", &(CurrentLevel.Map[i][j].element)); } fseek(file_Fp, 2, SEEK_CUR); } } else if (CurrentGame.saveStatus == 0) { CurrentGame.CurrentLevelNumber = 0; CurrentGame.loadCurrentLevelByNumber(); MessageBox(hWnd, L"Новая игра!", L"Игра", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); SetTimer(hWnd, GamePlayTimer, CurrentGame.FPS, NULL); } fclose(file_Fp); return true; } else { MessageBox(hWnd, L"Конфигурационный файл существует, но из него невозможно считать данные!", L"Конфигурационный файл", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); fclose(file_Fp); return false; } } else { MessageBox(hWnd, L"Не удается записать и прочитать данные!", L"Данные", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); return false; } } }
void KisPropertiesConfigurationTest::testSetGet() { KisPropertiesConfigurationSP config = createConfig(); testConfig(config); }
bool HTMLSearch::generateIndex(QString _lang, QWidget *parent) { if (_lang == "C") _lang = "en"; if (!createConfig(_lang)) return false; // create progress dialog progress = new ProgressDialog(parent); progress->show(); kapp->processEvents(); // create files list ---------------------------------------------- if (!saveFilesList(_lang)) return false; progress->setState(1); // run htdig ------------------------------------------------------ KConfig *config = new KConfig("khelpcenterrc", true); KConfigGroupSaver saver(config, "htdig"); QString exe = config->readPathEntry("htdig", kapp->dirs()->findExe("htdig")); if (exe.isEmpty()) { delete config; return false; } bool initial = true; bool done = false; int count = 0; _filesToDig = _files.count(); progress->setFilesToDig(_filesToDig); _filesDigged = 0; QDir d; d.mkdir(dataPath(_lang)); while (!done) { // kill old process delete _proc; // prepare new process _proc = new KProcess(); *_proc << exe << "-v" << "-c" << dataPath(_lang)+"/htdig.conf"; if (initial) { *_proc << "-i"; initial = false; } kdDebug() << "Running htdig" << endl; connect(_proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *,char*,int)), this, SLOT(htdigStdout(KProcess *,char*,int))); connect(_proc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), this, SLOT(htdigExited(KProcess *))); _htdigRunning = true; // write out file QFile f(dataPath(_lang)+"/files"); if ( { QTextStream ts(&f); for (int i=0; i<CHUNK_SIZE; ++i, ++count) if (count < _filesToDig) { ts << "file://" + _files[count] << endl; } else { done = true; break; } f.close(); } else { kdDebug() << "Could not open `files` for writing" << endl; delete config; return false; } // execute htdig _proc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::Stdout ); kapp->enter_loop(); if (!_proc->normalExit() || _proc->exitStatus() != 0) { delete _proc; delete progress; delete config; return false; } // _filesDigged += CHUNK_SIZE; progress->setFilesDigged(_filesDigged); kapp->processEvents(); } progress->setState(2); // run htmerge ----------------------------------------------------- exe = config->readPathEntry("htmerge", kapp->dirs()->findExe("htmerge")); if (exe.isEmpty()) { delete config; return false; } delete _proc; _proc = new KProcess(); *_proc << exe << "-c" << dataPath(_lang)+"/htdig.conf"; kdDebug() << "Running htmerge" << endl; connect(_proc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), this, SLOT(htmergeExited(KProcess *))); _htmergeRunning = true; _proc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::Stdout); kapp->enter_loop(); if (!_proc->normalExit() || _proc->exitStatus() != 0) { delete _proc; delete progress; delete config; return false; } delete _proc; progress->setState(3); kapp->processEvents(); delete progress; delete config; return true; }
NcBatWriter::NcBatWriter(MemgenConfigStorage* mcs) { QString tmp = (QString)"nc_config"; this->cad_config_string = mcs->ReturnConfigByKey(tmp); createConfig(); }
#include "y.h" static void propagateOriginatorChange(State * s); void addSuccessorConfigToState_LR0(State * s, int ruleID) { Configuration * c; if (s->config_count >= s->config_max_count - 1) { s->config_max_count *= 2; HYY_EXPAND(s->config, Configuration *, s->config_max_count); } // marker = 0, isCoreConfig = 0. c = createConfig(ruleID, 0, 0); c->owner = s; s->config[s->config_count] = c; s->config_count ++; } /* * Assumption: public variable config_queue contains * the configurations to be processed. */ void getConfigSuccessors_LR0(State * s) { RuleIDNode * r; SymbolTblNode * scanned_symbol = NULL; Configuration * config;
void sudabot::loadConfig(){ ifstream file("sudabot.conf"); if(file.is_open()){ char line[100]; while(!file.eof()){ file.getline(line,100); // cout<<line<<endl; //process line string ln=string(line);//convert line to a string //because i feel it is ezer that way so f**k it, i do what i want lol //need more tea, beer time soon... // cout<<ln<<endl; if(ln.substr(0,2)!="//"){ if(ln.substr(0,7)=="server="){ server=config_getValue(ln.substr(7)); cout<<"SERVER:"<<server<<endl; } if(ln.substr(0,5)=="port="){ port=config_getValue(ln.substr(5)); cout<<"PORT:"<<port<<endl; } if(ln.substr(0,8)=="channel="){ channel=config_getValue(ln.substr(8)); cout<<"Channel:"<<channel<<endl; } if(ln.substr(0,6)=="nicks="){ nick=config_getValue(ln.substr(6)); cout<<"Nick:"<<nick<<endl; } if(ln.substr(0,11)=="use_passwd="){ char *upw=config_getValue(ln.substr(11)); if(string(upw)=="false"){ use_password=false; }else{ use_password=true; } cout<<"use_password:"******"passwd="){ passwd=config_getValue(ln.substr(7)); cout<<"passwd:*****"<<endl; } if(ln.substr(0,6)=="alias="){ alias=config_getValue(ln.substr(6)); cout<<"alias:!"<<alias<<endl; } if(ln.substr(0,6)=="owner="){ owner=config_getValue(ln.substr(6)); cout<<"owner:"<<owner<<endl; } if(ln.substr(0,16)=="Welcome_enabled="){ Welcome_enabled=config_getValue(ln.substr(16)); cout<<"Welcome_enabled:"<<Welcome_enabled<<endl; } if(ln.substr(0,12)=="Welcome_msg="){ string msg; for(unsigned int i=13;i<ln.length() && ln.substr(i,1)!="\"" && ln.substr(i,1)!="\n" ;i++){ msg+=ln.substr(i,1); } Welcome_msg=(char*)malloc(100); strcpy(Welcome_msg,msg.c_str()); cout<<"Welcome_msg:"<<Welcome_msg<<endl; } } //next line } file.close(); }else{ createConfig(); } }
EncounterBatWriter::EncounterBatWriter(MemgenConfigStorage* mcs, QString arguments) { QString tmp = (QString)"encounter_config"; this->cad_config_string = mcs->ReturnConfigByKey(tmp); createConfig(arguments); }
EGLConfig EGLConfigSelector::createConfig(EGLint expectedSurfaceType) { if (m_sharedDisplay == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) return 0; EGLint numConfigs; eglGetConfigs(m_sharedDisplay, 0, 0, &numConfigs); if (!numConfigs) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve number of EGL configs."); return 0; } EGLConfig configs[numConfigs]; eglGetConfigs(m_sharedDisplay, configs, numConfigs, &numConfigs); if (!numConfigs) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve any EGL configs."); return 0; } EGLConfig config = 0; EGLint alpha, surface, red, green, blue, renderType; EGLint expectedAlpha = m_attributes & GLPlatformSurface::SupportAlpha ? 8 : 0; EGLint expectedRed = 8; EGLint expectedBlue = 8; EGLint expectedGreen = 8; #if USE(OPENGL_ES_2) EGLint expectedRenderType = EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT; #else EGLint expectedRenderType = EGL_OPENGL_BIT, #endif for (int i = 0; i < numConfigs; i++) { EGLConfig tempConfig = configs[i]; eglGetConfigAttrib(m_sharedDisplay, tempConfig, EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, &renderType); if (!(renderType & expectedRenderType)) continue; eglGetConfigAttrib(m_sharedDisplay, tempConfig, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, &alpha); if (alpha != expectedAlpha) continue; eglGetConfigAttrib(m_sharedDisplay, tempConfig, EGL_RED_SIZE, &red); if (red != expectedRed) continue; eglGetConfigAttrib(m_sharedDisplay, tempConfig, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, &green); if (green != expectedGreen) continue; eglGetConfigAttrib(m_sharedDisplay, tempConfig, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, &blue); if (blue != expectedBlue) continue; eglGetConfigAttrib(m_sharedDisplay, tempConfig, EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, &surface); if (surface & expectedSurfaceType) { config = configs[i]; break; } } if ((m_attributes & GLPlatformSurface::SupportAlpha) && !config) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve EGL Configuration with alpha. Trying to find one without alpha support."); m_attributes &= ~GLPlatformSurface::SupportAlpha; config = createConfig(expectedSurfaceType); } if (!config) LOG_ERROR("Failed to find a valid EGL Configuration."); return config; }
QString HTMLSearch::search(QString _lang, QString words, QString method, int matches, QString format, QString sort) { if (_lang == "C") _lang = "en"; createConfig(_lang); QString result = dataPath(_lang)+"/result.html"; // run htsearch ---------------------------------------------------- KConfig *config = new KConfig("khelpcenterrc", true); KConfigGroupSaver saver(config, "htdig"); QString exe = config->readPathEntry("htsearch", kapp->dirs()->findExe("htsearch")); if (exe.isEmpty()) { delete config; return QString::null; } _proc = new KProcess(); *_proc << exe << "-c" << dataPath(_lang)+"/htdig.conf" << QString("words=%1;method=%2;matchesperpage=%3;format=%4;sort=%5").arg(words).arg(method).arg(matches).arg(format).arg(sort); kdDebug() << "Running htsearch" << endl; connect(_proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *,char*,int)), this, SLOT(htsearchStdout(KProcess *,char*,int))); connect(_proc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), this, SLOT(htsearchExited(KProcess *))); _htsearchRunning = true; _searchResult = ""; _proc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::Stdout); kapp->enter_loop(); if (!_proc->normalExit() || _proc->exitStatus() != 0) { kdDebug() << "Error running htsearch... returning now" << endl; delete _proc; delete config; return QString::null; } delete _proc; // modify the search result _searchResult = _searchResult.replace("http://localhost/", "file:/"); _searchResult = _searchResult.replace("Content-type: text/html", QString::null); // dump the search result QFile f(result); if ( { QTextStream ts(&f); ts << _searchResult << endl; f.close(); delete config; return result; } delete config; return QString::null; }