int main(){ struct player *players; struct card *deck; //struct player computer; int numPlayers; int i; deck = createDeck(); shuffleDeck(deck); printf("__WELCOME_TO_HENRY'S_BLACK_JACK_GAME__\n"); printf("How many players? (MAX 5)\n"); scanf("%d", &numPlayers); while(numPlayers < 1 || numPlayers > 5){ printf("Minimum 1, Maximum 5\n"); scanf("%d", &numPlayers); } players = makePlayers(numPlayers); printf("number of players %d\n", numPlayers); printf("_________LETS_PLAY_BLACK_JACK!________\n"); for(i=0;i<numPlayers;i++){ players[i].playersCards = NULL; players[i].amountCard = 2; //varför fungerar du inte?= printf("player: %s\n", players[i].name); dealCards(players[i].playersCards,deck,players[i].amountCard); } free(deck); free(players); return 0; }
int evalAllHands (int *results) { cardType deck[NUM_CARDS]; handType hand; createDeck (deck); return evalAllHandsHelper (deck, &hand, results, 0, 0); }
void ChicaneCardGame::readConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); // Create Cards, but don't shuffle or deal them yet createDeck(); // Move the cards to their piles (deal them to their previous places) beginDealing(); highestZ = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "ChicaneDiscardPile%i", i ); readPile( cfg, discardPiles[i], pile, highestZ ); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "ChicaneWorkingPile%i", i ); readPile( cfg, workingPiles[i], pile, highestZ ); } readPile( cfg, faceDownDealingPile, "ChicaneFaceDownDealingPile", highestZ ); highestZ++; endDealing(); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { // insert code here... char *trump = "false"; deck *Standard, *shuffled, *reshuffled; card *popper; printf("Hello, World!\n"); printf("welcome to BLACK JIGGITY JACK, JACK!\n\n\n"); Standard = createDeck(); printDeck(Standard); setTrumpSuit(suitArr[3]); if (isTrump(Standard->cards[1]->suit)) {trump = "true";} printf("\nHearts are trump: %s\n", trump); if (isTrump(Standard->cards[51]->suit)) {trump = "true";} else trump = "false"; printf("Clubs are trump: %s\n", trump); desetTrumpSuit(suitArr[3]); printf("\ndesetting trump suit\n"); if (isTrump(Standard->cards[51]->suit)) {trump = "true";} else trump = "false"; printf("Clubs are trump: %s\n", trump); printf("\nFirst Ace is: %s\tvalue: %d\nSecond Ace is: %s\tvalue: %d\n", Standard->cards[12]->name, Standard->cards[12]->value->weight, Standard->cards[25]->name, Standard->cards[25]->value->weight); setLoAce(Standard->cards[12]); printf("Changing first ace to lo.\n"); printf("\nFirst Ace is: %s\tvalue: %d\nSecond Ace is: %s\tvalue: %d\n", Standard->cards[12]->name, Standard->cards[12]->value->weight, Standard->cards[25]->name, Standard->cards[25]->value->weight); setLoAce(Standard->cards[12]); printf("Is first ace hi? %d\tIs second ace hi? %d\n", isHiAce(Standard->cards[12]), isHiAce(Standard->cards[25])); isHiAce(Standard->cards[25]); setHiAce(Standard->cards[12]); printf("Is first ace hi? %d\tIs second ace hi? %d\n", isHiAce(Standard->cards[12]), isHiAce(Standard->cards[25])); shuffled = shuffle(Standard); reshuffled = shuffle(shuffled); printDeck(reshuffled); popper = _popCard(reshuffled); printf("first card from the top: \n\t%s\n", popper->name); popper = _popCard(reshuffled); printf("second card from the top: \n\t%s\n", popper->name); _deleteDeck(reshuffled); return 0; }
int main() { Card * deck = createDeck(); // printCard(deck[0]); // printCard(deck[1]); for(int c=0;c<NUM_CARDS;c++) { printCard(deck[c]); } free(deck); return 0; }
/* Usage: deck hand_size number_of_hands */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* input */ int nhands; /* stores number of hands from input */ int handSize; /* stores hand size from input */ int canDisplayHands; /* flag to indicate if the hands can be displayed */ int foundErrors = NO_ERRORS; /* indicate whether errors are found */ /* validate input */ if (validInput(argc, argv, &handSize, &nhands)) { Card deck[DECK_SIZE]; /* the cards deck */ Hand hands[nhands]; /* the hands */ Hand sortedHands[nhands]; canDisplayHands = (handSize && nhands) > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; /* create a deck of cards. */ printf("\n Create and display the deck.\n\n"); createDeck(deck); displayDeck(deck, DECK_SIZE); /* shuffle deck of cards */ printf("\n Shuffle and display the deck.\n\n"); shuffleDeck(deck, DECK_SIZE); displayDeck(deck, DECK_SIZE); if (canDisplayHands) { /* create and display hands */ printf("\n Create and display hands.\n\n"); createHands(deck, hands, handSize, nhands); sortHands(hands, sortedHands, handSize, nhands); displayHands(hands, sortedHands, handSize, nhands); /* rank hands */ printf("\n Rank and display ranked hands.\n\n"); displayRankedHands(sortedHands, nhands); printf("\n Display winners.\n\n"); displayWinners(sortedHands, nhands); } else { printf("\nCould not display hands because either the hand size or the number of hands is zero.\n"); } } else { /* invalid input */ printf("Usage: deck hand_size number_of_hands\n"); foundErrors = ERRORS; } return foundErrors; }
/** * Initialises the solver */ int main() { createDeck(); while(1) { menu(); } return 0; }
void simGame (FILE *f, int numPlayers, int numGames) { cardType deck[NUM_CARDS]; handType players[numPlayers]; createDeck(deck); int winners[numPlayers]; int numWinners; char *type[] = {"Bust", "Pair", "Two Pair", "Three of a Kind", "Straight", "Flush", "Full House", "Four of a Kind", "Straight Flush", "Royal Flush"}; char suitSym [] = {'H', 'D', 'S', 'C'}; for (int i = 0; i < numGames; i++) { shuffleDeck (deck); numWinners = 0; fprintf (f, "GAME %i", i + 1); for (int j = 0; j < numPlayers; j++) { fprintf (f, "\nPlayer %i's hand: ", j + 1); for (int k = 0; k < HAND_SIZE; k++) { players[j].cards[k] = deck[j * HAND_SIZE + k]; fprintf (f, "%i%c ", players[j].cards[k].rank + 1, suitSym[players[j].cards[k].suit]); } checkHand (&players[j]); fprintf (f, "(%s)", type[players[j].type]); if (j == 0) { winners[0] = j; numWinners = 1; } else if (players[j].type > players[winners[numWinners - 1]].type || (players[j].type == players[winners[numWinners - 1]].type && players[j].value > players [winners[numWinners - 1]].value)) { winners[0] = j; numWinners = 1; } else if (players[j].type == players [winners[numWinners - 1]].type && players[j].value == players [winners[numWinners - 1]].value) { winners [numWinners++] = j; } } fprintf (f, "\nThe %s ", (numWinners == 1)? "winner is" : "winners are"); for (int j = 0; j < numWinners; j++) { fprintf (f, "%splayer %i", j == 0? "" : " and ", winners[j] + 1); } fprintf (f, "!\n\n"); } }
DeckOfCards::DeckOfCards(void){ suit[0]="spades"; suit[1]="clubs"; suit[2]="hearts"; suit[3]="diamonds"; short handValue = 0; int pointerToDeck = 0; //inits card 0-51 with values 1-13 createDeck(); shuffleDeck(); }
int main(void) { srand(time(NULL)); char prog; int seed, end=0; //Prompts the user to seed the program. printf("Enter seed value, either:\n\t>= 0 to randomize rand( ) with u"); printf("ser-input seed value\n\t< 0 to randomize rand( ) with system"); printf(" time\n"); scanf("%i", &seed); if(seed>=0) srand(seed); if(seed<0) srand(time(NULL)); do { ct1=ct2=ct3=ct4=ct5=0; printf("Do you want to use the assigned function, play poker or end program(A/P/E)?"); prog=getchar(); prog=getchar(); printf("\n"); if (prog=='A' || prog=='a') { for(ct1=0; ct1<52; ct1++) createDeck(); assigned(); } else if(prog=='p' || prog=='P') { poker(); } else if(prog=='e' || prog=='E') { for(ct2=0; ct2<100000; ct2++) //Smilies! printf("%2c", 1); end++; } //Prints after invalid inputs. else printf("Would you like to try that again.....\n\n"); }while(end==0); return 0; } // end main
/* deal function which accepts the 2 arguments passed by the command-line, already converted to int, create a new deck, shuffle the deck, print the deck, then deal and display the cards that each player has. */ void deal(int numberOfCards, int numberOfPlayers) { int forPlayer, forCard, currentCard = 0; printf("\n\nReady to deal %d card(s) to %d player(s)...\n\n", numberOfCards, numberOfPlayers); struct deck cardDeck, *point = &cardDeck; cardDeck = createDeck(); /* Create the cardDeck with all cards */ shuffle(point); printDeck(point); struct card players[numberOfPlayers]; struct card *playersPoint; playersPoint = players; printf("\n"); for(forPlayer = 0; forPlayer < numberOfPlayers; ++forPlayer) { if (numberOfCards > 1) /* If numberOfCards is greater than 1 then we must display all of the cards the players have */ { for (forCard = 0; forCard < numberOfCards; ++forCard) { playersPoint[forCard] = cardDeck.deckOfCards[currentCard]; currentCard++; } } else { /* Otherwise, the number of cards is 1. */ playersPoint[forPlayer] = cardDeck.deckOfCards[currentCard]; currentCard++; } } printf("\n"); printHands(numberOfCards, numberOfPlayers, point); }
void Spider::setSuits(int suits) { if ( suits != m_suits ) { m_suits = suits; stopDemo(); clearHighlightedItems(); setKeyboardModeActive( false ); int cardWidth = deck()->cardWidth(); createDeck(); deck()->setCardWidth( cardWidth ); Settings::setSpiderSuitCount( m_suits ); if ( m_suits == 1 ) options->setCurrentItem( 0 ); else if ( m_suits == 2 ) options->setCurrentItem( 1 ); else options->setCurrentItem( 2 ); } }
void poker(void) { char again; int numShuf; do { ct1=ct2=ct3=ct4=ct5=0; for(ct1=0; ct1<52; ct1++) createDeck(); printf("A randomized deck has been created:\n"); displayOrder(); printf("\n\nHow many times would you like to shuffle: "); scanf("%i", &numShuf); //Shuffles bridges and displays the order for the number of times specified. for(ct5=0; ct5<numShuf; ct5++) { if(ct5==numShuf-1) //Prints above the final order to declare the final card order. printf("\n\nThe final order is:\n"); shuffle(); bridge(); displayOrder(); } deal(); //This program cannot determine a winner. printf("You figure out who won\n\nDo you want to play again (Y/N)? "); getchar(); //This getchar receives the new line character left by again=getchar(); //previous scanf. }while(again=='y'); printf("\n"); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { /* local variables used here */ int max, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers, i, j, cardsPtr = 0, *ptr = &cardsPtr; struct deck thedeck, *pointer = &thedeck; thedeck = createDeck(); struct player thePlayers[MAX_NUM_PLAYERS]; time_t t; srand((unsigned)time(&t)); // generate seed for random value /* validation of user input. No more than 3 args. */ if( argc == ARGNUM ){ /* parse the arguments to integer values and compute maximum legal values allowed for game */ numCardsPerHand = atoi(argv[CARD_INPUT]); numOfPlayers = atoi(argv[PLAYER_INPUT]); if(validateInput(numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers)) /* If the validateInput function returns a 1 then the inputs were correct and the game of cards can begin */ { /* create and display deck, shuffle the deck, deal and display hands */ thedeck = createDeck(); printf("\nThe standard deck:\n\n"); printDeck(pointer); printf("\nThe shuffled deck:\n\n"); shuffle(pointer); printDeck(pointer); //deal(pointer, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers); //sortHands(pointer, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers); //rankHands(gamer, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers); for (i = 0; i < numOfPlayers; i++) { thePlayers[i] = deal2(numCardsPerHand, pointer); } displayHands2(thePlayers, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers, numCardsPerHand); //deal(pointer, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers); //sortHands(pointer, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers); sortHands2(thePlayers, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers); displayHands2(thePlayers, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers, numCardsPerHand); printDeck(pointer); //hasHighCard(pointer, numCardsPerHand, numOfPlayers); findHighCard(thePlayers, numOfPlayers, numCardsPerHand); } }else{ /* here as specified, display error and terminate due to incorrect number of args entered by user */ printf("Sorry that is incorrect. You must enter the number of cards per hand\n"); printf("followed by the number of players separated by a space.\n\n"); } return 0; }
int main(void){ printf("WELCOME TO HENRYS BLACKJACK\n"); //player1 struct player player1; printf("Type name for player1: "); scanf("%s",; getchar(); player1.playerHand = NULL; player1.cardValue = 0; player1.startCards = 2; printf("utan ptr: %d\n", player1.startCards); //player2 struct player player2; printf("Type name for player2: "); scanf("%s",; getchar(); player2.playerHand = NULL; player2.cardValue = 0; player2.startCards = 2; //computer struct player comp; strcpy(, "the dealer"); comp.playerHand = NULL; comp.cardValue = 0; comp.startCards = 1; int cardCounter = 0; struct card *deck = NULL; deck = createDeck(deck); // deck created int i; for(i=0; i<20; i++) shuffleDeck(deck); // deck shuffled /* Name giving and first cards dealing */ printf("\n\nHand of %s:\n",; dealCards(&player1, deck, &cardCounter); printCards(player1.playerHand, player1.startCards); printf("\n\nHand of %s: \n",; dealCards(&player2, deck, &cardCounter); printCards(player2.playerHand, player2.startCards); printf("\n\nHand of %s: \n",; dealCards(&comp, deck, &cardCounter); printCards(comp.playerHand, comp.startCards); /* Hit or stay face */ printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); player1.cardValue = actDealer(player1,deck, &cardCounter,22); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); player2.cardValue = actDealer(player2,deck, &cardCounter,22); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); if(player1.cardValue == -1 && player2.cardValue == -1){ // if both loses dealer does not have to continue printf("Both players lost!\n"); printf("--------------------Game-finished---------------------\n"); goto masteJagKompletteraNufragetecken; } comp.cardValue = actDealer(comp,deck,&cardCounter,17); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); whoWon(player1, player2, comp); printf("--------------------Game-finished---------------------\n"); masteJagKompletteraNufragetecken: /* Freeing memory */ free(deck); free(player1.playerHand); free(player2.playerHand); free(comp.playerHand); return 0; }
/** * * @param argc * @param argv * @return */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Command line input int players; int cards; cards = atoi(argv[1]); players = atoi(argv[2]); cards = 5; //Force cards to 5 // players = 5; //Validate if (players < MINPLAYERS || players > MAXPLAYERS) { printf("Players too high or too low!!!\n"); return 0; } if (cards < MINCARDS || cards > MAXCARDS) { printf("Cards too high or too low!!!\n"); return 0; } //Create struct card deck[NUMCARDS]; //Create the deck createDeck(deck); //Fill the deck //Display printf("Unshuffled deck(suit, val):\n"); //printDeck(deck); printDeckColumned(deck); printf("\n"); //Shuffle shuffleDeck(deck); //Display printf("Shuffled deck(suit, val):\n"); //printDeck(deck); printDeckColumned(deck); printf("\n"); //Deal printf("Dealing.\n\n"); struct hand * hands = dealDeck(players, cards, deck); //Show Hands printf("Player's hands(unsorted):\n"); printHandsNamed(players, cards, hands); printf("\n"); //Sort Hands sortHands(players, cards, hands); //Show Hands printf("Player's hands(sorted):\n"); printHandsNamed(players, cards, hands); printf("\n"); // //Fixed cards for testing (suit, value) // struct card card1 = makeCard(4,3); // struct card card2 = makeCard(4,4); // struct card card3 = makeCard(4,5); // struct card card4 = makeCard(4,6); // struct card card5 = makeCard(4,7); // // //Fixed hand for testing // struct hand fixedHand; //[0] = card1; //[1] = card2; //[2] = card3; //[3] = card4; //[4] = card5; // // printHandsNamed(1,5,&fixedHand); // rankHand(&fixedHand); // printHandsNamed(1,5,&fixedHand); // printf("%i",fixedHand.rank); //Rank hands rankHands(players, hands); //Show hands with ranks printf("Players hands' ranks:\n"); printHandsRanked(players, hands); //Determine winner determineWinner(players, hands); return (0); }
void Spider::initialize() { m_leg = 0; m_redeal = 0; const qreal dist_x = 1.12; const qreal smallNeg = -1e-6; m_suits = Settings::spiderSuitCount(); m_stackFaceup = Settings::spiderStackFaceup(); createDeck(); // Dealing the cards out into 5 piles so the user can see how many // sets of 10 cards are left to be dealt out for( int column = 0; column < 5; ++column ) { redeals[column] = new InvisiblePile( this, column + 1, QStringLiteral( "redeals%1" ).arg( column ) ); redeals[column]->setPileRole(PatPile::Stock); redeals[column]->setLayoutPos( dist_x * (9 - (4.0 - column) / 3), smallNeg ); redeals[column]->setZValue(12 * ( 5-column )); redeals[column]->setSpread(0, 0); redeals[column]->setKeyboardSelectHint( KCardPile::NeverFocus ); redeals[column]->setKeyboardDropHint( KCardPile::NeverFocus ); connect( redeals[column], &KCardPile::clicked, this, &DealerScene::drawDealRowOrRedeal ); } // The 10 playing piles for( int column = 0; column < 10; ++column ) { stack[column] = new PatPile( this, column + 6, QStringLiteral( "stack%1" ).arg( column ) ); stack[column]->setPileRole(PatPile::Tableau); stack[column]->setLayoutPos(dist_x * column, 0); stack[column]->setZValue(20); stack[column]->setAutoTurnTop(true); stack[column]->setBottomPadding( 1.5 ); stack[column]->setHeightPolicy( KCardPile::GrowDown ); stack[column]->setKeyboardSelectHint( KCardPile::AutoFocusDeepestRemovable ); stack[column]->setKeyboardDropHint( KCardPile::AutoFocusTop ); } // The 8 'legs' so named by me because spiders have 8 legs - why // else the name Spider? for( int column = 0; column < 8; ++column ) { legs[column] = new InvisiblePile( this, column + 16, QStringLiteral( "legs%1" ).arg( column ) ); legs[column]->setPileRole(PatPile::Foundation); legs[column]->setLayoutPos(dist_x / 3 * column, smallNeg); legs[column]->setZValue(column+1); legs[column]->setSpread(0, 0); legs[column]->setZValue(14 * column); legs[column]->setVisible( false ); legs[column]->setKeyboardSelectHint( KCardPile::NeverFocus ); legs[column]->setKeyboardDropHint( KCardPile::NeverFocus ); } // Moving an A-K run to a leg is not really an autoDrop - the // user should have no choice. setAutoDropEnabled(false); setActions(DealerScene::Hint | DealerScene::Demo | DealerScene::Deal); setSolver( new SpiderSolver( this ) ); options = new KSelectAction(i18n("Spider &Options"), this ); options->addAction( i18n("1 Suit (Easy)") ); options->addAction( i18n("2 Suits (Medium)") ); options->addAction( i18n("4 Suits (Hard)") ); if ( m_suits == 1 ) options->setCurrentItem( 0 ); else if ( m_suits == 2 ) options->setCurrentItem( 1 ); else options->setCurrentItem( 2 ); connect(options, static_cast<void (KSelectAction::*)(int)>(&KSelectAction::triggered), this, &Spider::gameTypeChanged); m_stackFaceupOption = new KSelectAction(i18n("S&tack Options"), this ); m_stackFaceupOption->addAction( i18n("Face &Down (harder)") ); m_stackFaceupOption->addAction( i18n("Face &Up (easier)") ); m_stackFaceupOption->setCurrentItem( m_stackFaceup ); connect(m_stackFaceupOption, static_cast<void (KSelectAction::*)(int)>(&KSelectAction::triggered), this, &Spider::gameTypeChanged); }
Deck::Deck( QObject* parent ) : QObject( parent ) { createDeck(); shuffleDeck(); }
int main()//int argc, char **argv) { cardType *topDeck = NULL, *bottomDeck = NULL, *topTable = NULL; cardType *nextBottom = NULL; // the topDeck unsigned int rounds = 0; BOOL done = FALSE; unsigned short deckSize = 0; unsigned short *key; unsigned short *copy; /*if (argc != 2) return 0; sscanf_s(argv[1], "%d", &deckSize);*/ scanf("%d", &deckSize); key = (unsigned short*) malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * deckSize); copy = (unsigned short*) malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * deckSize); createDeck(&topDeck, &bottomDeck, deckSize); nextBottom = topDeck; // we know our current top will be the bottom of our next deck // keep removing and shifting until deck is empty do { removeTop(&topDeck, &topTable); if (topDeck) { if (topDeck != bottomDeck) // cannot shift if already bottom shiftDeck(&topDeck, &bottomDeck); } else { rounds++; // all cards on table topDeck = topTable; // table deck becomes our new deck topTable = NULL; bottomDeck = nextBottom; nextBottom = topDeck; done = TRUE; } } while (!done); // We only needed to analyze how cards moved around once to create a key // of indexes which lets us get the next position of a card in O(1). makeKey(topDeck, key, copy, deckSize); // Next we keep adjusting the deck following the key until cards are back in place. while (!checkDeck(topDeck, rounds)) { adjustDeck(topDeck, key, copy, deckSize); rounds++; } // find the lcm of all the r's rounds = lcmLoop(topDeck); destroyDeck(&topDeck); free(copy); free(key); printf("rounds for %d numbers = %d\n", deckSize, rounds); return 0; }